Exercise II Tutorial v10

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Geometry building and pressure wave propagation

General description
An experimental test carried out in Advantica Bangbox is simulated; the experimental setup is composed by the object Bangbox, containing a pattern of 40 pipes, and three
external targets. Geometry and worst case scenario are defined, FLACS job is created and solved.
Another geometry is then created, where a pattern of 20 pipes is described; another FLACS job is created and solved.
Results from the two analyses are compared, assessing the effect of the congestion degree within the process zone.

using CASD geometry

General description
The experimental setup is composed by the object Bangbox, containing a pattern of pipes, and three external targets.
Bangbox: size 9m x 4.5m x 4.5m, wall thickness 0.02m; 50 % vent centrally on front wall (vent opening 3.18m x 3.18m).
Ground object: pos (-10m, -10m, -0.1m) and size (55 m, 35 m, 0.1 m)

Targets: 3 boxes, (2 x 2.5 x 2 m3), 2 at axis of box 13 m & 26 m outside vent, one 13m perpendicular from front of Bangbox (position 8, 15.25, 0)
Pipe pattern #1: name PIPES40: 40 y-direction D=0.18 m pipes (x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 m, z=0.45, 1.35, 2.25, 3.15, 4.05 m)
Pipe pattern #2: name PIPES20: 20 y-direction D=0.18 m pipes (x = 1, 3, 5, 7 m, z=0.45, 1.35, 2.25, 3.15, 4.05 m)

Click the desktop shortcut FLACS Runmanager
Run Manager -> Tools -> CASD (or click the FLACS pre-processor icon
Geometry-> Database

starting the Runmanager (FLACS Run Manager window opens)
starting up the preprocessor CASD (CASD@_v10.0 window opens)
open the Database window


Create, browse to select/create the database working folder, type the name of
the desired FOLDER for the database as an example, FLACS COURSE DB: a
folder having this name is created, with a file CASD_DB and subfolders
Materials, Objects, Projects
in order to re-open the database in subsequent sessions, click Connect, browse
and select the CASD_DB file
in the Geometry Database: FLACS COURSE DB window select Geometry

New Project -> type the name of the project (as an example, EXERCISE_II),
click on the project record to select
New Geometry -> type the name of the new geometry (as an example,
SETUP_01), <OK>
click on the geometry record to select
in the Geometry Database: FLACS COURSE DB window select Materials

select/create the database folder; note: what you type in the file name is not the name of
the database file (this will always be CASD_DB), but the name of the folder in which the
database will be stored. Creating a new database results in that CASD is automatically
connected to the database.

open the subwindow Geometry

for the creation of
projects and
Note: a geometry
must be created
within a project; up
to 99 projects can
be created in a
database, each one
containing up to 99
a new project is created and listed (note: Not possible to have empty spaces in project or
geometry name)
a new geometry is created and listed
the geometry is shown in the CASD@_v10.0 window (empty at the moment)
open the sub-window Materials for the creation of materials (colors) for FLACS

New Material, RED, 0, <OK>

New Material, YELLOW, 60, <OK>
New Material, GREEN, 120, <OK>
New Material, CYAN, 180, <OK>
New Material, BLUE, 240, <OK>
New Material, MAGENTA, 300, <OK>

in the Geometry Database: FLACS COURSE DB window select Objects;

create RED,
MAGENTA colors
Note: materials in
CASD only refer to
object colors, they
have no effect on
FLACS calculations

open the sub-window Objects for the creation of objects (to be used as instances in CASD
Note: a list of 100 object classes appears: this is only a default structure which can be used
in order to group/order objects (class names can be renamed); just leave the Default one
selected: new objects will be created inside this group


Default, New Object, TARGET, <OK>

add -> box -> position 0, 0, 0, sizes 2, 2.5, 2
file -> exit <YES> <YES>

in the Object subwindow, select the object TARGET, ->change material -> RED
(if not already RED)

the object window TARGET opens in order to start the creation of the new object
a box 2 x 2.5 x 2 is created, origin 0, 0, 0
NOTE: origin is the local origin for object definition (real position will be defined later)
save object and exit;
the object TARGET is listed in the FLACS COURSE DB window
NOTE: this is a quite simple object, only composed of 1 primitive
change color to red


Default, New Object, GROUND, <OK>

add -> box (shortcut B) -> position -10m, -10m, -0.1m, sizes 55, 35, 0.1
Edit -> Material -> Green (shortcut M)
file -> exit <YES> <YES>

the object window GROUND opens in order to start the creation of the new object
a box 55 x 35 x 0.1 is created, origin -10, -10, -0.1
NOTE: origin is the local origin for object definition
change color to green
save object and exit;
the object GROUND is listed in the FLACS COURSE DB window
NOTE: this is a quite simple object, only composed by 1 primitive


Default, New Object, BANGBOX, <OK>

Add, Box, position 0, 0, 0, size 9,0.02,4.5
edit -> duplicate (tip: use shortcut d) -> 1,0,4.5, 0
Add, Box, position 0,0,0, size 9,4.5,0.02
Edit, duplicate (tip: use shortcut d) -> 1, 0,0,4.5
Add, Box, position 0,0,0, size 0.02,4.5,4.5
Edit, duplicate (tip: use shortcut d) -> 1, 9,0,0
create the vent hole: now a square hole must be created in the middle of the
front wall in order to obtain a 50% central vent opening, having size 3.18 m x
A suitable cutter/drill will be created: the intersection with this primitive with
the previous primitive should generate the desired hole.

the object window BANGBOX opens in order to start the creation of the new object
the first lateral wall is created, origin 0, 0, 0 and size 9 x 0.02 x 4.5 m
the second lateral wall is created as a copy of the first wall at Y distance 4.5 m
the bottom slab is created, origin 0, 0, 0 and size 9 x 4.5 x 0.02 m
the top slab is created as a copy of the bottom at Z distance 4.5 m
the back wall is created, origin 0, 0, 0 and size 0.02 x 4.5 x 4.5 m
the front wall is created as a copy of the back wall at X distance 9 m
the dimension of the cutter/drill should be:
X>expected grid size (also more than the front wall primitive thickness to be cut); i.e. X=2
Y=3.18, Z=3.18 (dimensions of the desired hole)
the position of the cutter/drill should be:
X<9 (less than the min alignment of the front wall primitive to be cut); i.e. X=8
Y=such that a central hole is obtained=(4.5-3.18)/2=0.66

Add, Box, position 8, 0.66, 0.66, size 2,3.18,3.18

add -> Left Difference (tip: use shortcut L)

File -> save

(5 unions are automatically created, denoted by u in list of primitives)
file -> exit

Change Material, CYAN


Default, New Object, PIPES40, <OK>

Add, Cylinder, position 1,0,0.45 diameter 0.18, length 4.5, direction Y
Edit, duplicate (tip: use shortcut d) -> number 7, delta dist 1,0,0
add -> union (shortcut u)
Edit, duplicate (tip: use shortcut d) -> number 4, delta dist 0,0,0.9

NOTE: the max surface of the cutter/drill will be at position 8+2=10>9.02 ->OK
Add the box corresponding to the cutter/drill in the usual way
a Left Difference operation will be executed: this means that the last primitive created will
be used as a cutter/drill for cutting/drilling the hole in the previous primitive (the left
primitive in the creation process logical string)
the primitives forming the Bangbox are glued together; in order to save an object, it should
be defined by one single thread in the creation process logical string
save object and exit;
the object BANGBOX is listed in the FLACS COURSE DB window
you can select it, rename, change material (color)
change color to cyan

the object window PIPES40 opens in order to start the creation of the new object
the first pipe (lower backside) is created
the remaining 7 pipes in the lowest row are created, with spacing 1 m in X direction
the first pipe is glued to the other 7; now all the 8 pipes are selected (showed in white
the remaining 4 rows are created, with spacing 0.9 m in Z direction

File -> save

file -> exit

Change Material, RED (if not already RED/Default material)


make active geometry SETUP_01 in Geometry Database : FLACS COURSE DB

window / Geometry subwindow
make active the CASD@_10.0 geometry window
Geometry -> Instance (or shortcut i)
BANGBOX, <OK>, 0,0,0
Geometry -> Instance -> PIPES40, <OK>, 0,0,0
Geometry -> Instance -> GROUND, <OK>, 0,0,0
create the targets: 3 instances of object TARGET, 2 at axis of box 13m & 26m
outside vent, one 13m perpendicular from front of Bangbox (position 8, 15, 0)

all the pipes are now glued

save object and exit;
the object PIPES40 is listed in the FLACS COURSE DB window
you can select it, rename, change material (color)
change color to red

CASD List window is open with the list of the available objects
an instance of the object BANGBOX is created in the geometry at absolute position 0,0,0
an instance of the object PIPES40 is created in the geometry at absolute position 0,0,0
an instance of the object GROUND is created in the geometry at absolute position 0,0,0
the position of target 1 is:

X=13m outside the vent=9+13=22

Y=on Bangbox axis=(Bangbox width-target width)/2=(4.5-2.5)/2=1
Z=ground level=0
the position of target 2 is:

X=26m outside the vent=9+26=35

Y and Z idem
Geometry -> Instance -> TARGET, <OK>, 22,1,0
an instance of the object TARGET is created in the geometry at absolute position 22,1,0
Geometry -> Instance -> TARGET, <OK>, 35,1,0
an instance of the object TARGET is created in the geometry at absolute position 35,1,0
Tip: as an alternative, you can use the Duplicate command once selected the
first TARGET instance
Geometry -> Instance -> TARGET, <OK>, 8,15,0
an instance of the object TARGET is created in the geometry at absolute position 8,15,0
Geometry SETUP_01 is now ready; it is already stored in the DB, no save command is needed. You can now exit from DB and CASD, or go on defining a scenario starting
from the currently selected geometry, or go on defining other objects/geometries in the DB: let us go on creating the second geometry
in the Geometry Database: FLACS COURSE DB window select
make active the
geometry in the
Geometry: all the
command buttons
are now enabled

Copy -> From_Name -> SETUP_01 To_Name -> SETUP_02, <OK>

double click on the project record to select

a new geometry SETUP_02 is created and listed

the new geometry SETUP_02 is shown in the CASD@_v9.1 window

Object, Default, New Object, PIPES20, <OK>

the object window PIPES20 opens in order to start the creation of the new object


Add, Cylinder, 1,0,0.45 0.18, 4.5, Y

Edit, duplicate (tip: use shortcut d) -> 3, 2,0,0
add -> union (shortcut u)
Edit, duplicate (tip: use shortcut d) -> 4, 0,0,0.9
add -> union (shortcut u)
file -> save, file -> exit <OK> <OK>


(substitute PIPES40 with PIPES20)
make active geometry SETUP_02 in Geometry Database : FLACS COURSE DB
window / Geometry subwindow; select the item PIPES40 -> Delete <OK>

the first pipe (lower backside) is created

the remaining 3 pipes in the lowest row are created, with spacing 1m in X direction
the first pipe is glued to the other 3; now all the 4 pipes are selected (showed in white
the remaining 4 rows are created, with spacing 0.9m in Z direction
all the pipes are now glued
save object and exit;
the object PIPES20 is listed is listed in the FLACS COURSE DB window
you can select it, rename, change material (color)

the instance
PIPES40 is deleted

Tip: selecting instances: as an alternative, you can select an instance by clicking on it with left button on CASD@_v9.1 window; press <esc> and rotate the model if the
clicking does not work on the current view;
you can also run through the list of instances using <Ctrl L>/<Ctrl R> commands
Geometry -> Instance -> PIPES20, <OK>, 0,0,0
an instance of the object PIPES20 is created in the geometry at absolute position 0,0,0
Geometry SETUP_02 is now ready; it is already stored in the DB, no save command is needed. You can now exit from DB and CASD, or go on defining a scenario starting
from the currently selected geometry, or go on defining other objects/geometries in the DB: let us go on creating a scenario from SETUP_01



General description
A computational domain spanning [min 0, -10, 0 max 40, 20, 15] in X, Y, Z respectively is defined. A regular 0.5m grid is defined; grid is stretched toward boundaries along
non relevant directions; in this case we want to investigate far field pressures up to targets: no grid stretching is allowed up to targets; as a consequence, stretching toward
boundaries in -Y and +Z directions are allowed.
A worst case gas cloud is defined, filling the entire module with natural gas at maximum reactivity concentration (1.05ER).
Monitor points are defined for post processing, as well as variables list to be stored for 1d and 2d/3d output plots.
Plane wave boundary conditions are set, suitable for blast scenarios.
Finally, parameters for simulation and output control are set.
in the Geometry Database: FLACS COURSE DB window double click on
make active the SETUP_01 geometry in the sub-window Geometry; the selected
geometry is shown in the CASD@_v9.1 window
file -> save as -> 010100 browse to the desired working directory and save
010100.caj and cg, cm, co, cs files are generated; co and cm files contain the geometry
(for PORCALC and FLOWVIS respectively); cg and cs contain the grid and scenario files
(default values are declared in this preliminary save action, when no grid nor scenario has
been defined yet).
Note: the Save command is not intended for saving the geometry into the DB (as the DB is updated in real time while working on it); it is intended to save the files defining


a FLACS job; in particular, it generates the co file containing the current geometry
simulation volume -> Minimum 0, -10, 0, Maximum 40,20,15
0.5 m grid in the core of the geometry

general commands for grid generation/control (not in the Quick Grid functionality)
Selecting grid lines: a grid interval along the current direction is permanently selected and reported in the status text window at the bottom of the window;
<CRTL>ArrowLeft/ArrowRight : move the (min) selection boundary
<CRTL>ArrowUp/ArrowDown : move the (max) selection boundary
Tip: Look at the status text window in the bottom of the window to check the current selection interval
Showing grid lines: choose among Grid/Display/Off-Working Direction-All Directions;
non selected lines are shown in red, selected lines are shown in white
Using the new Quick Grid functionality
grid --> quick grid (or CTRL+g) --> Keep Stretched domain enabled
uniform grid is defined in core of the geometry and where it is interesting to have
accurate results, e.g. at targets grid is stretched outside these areas
Core domain Minimum 0, -1, 0, Maximum 40, 20, 5
the simulation volume for the uniform grid is defined
Stretched domain -> Minimum 0, -10, 0, Maximum 40,20,15
the total simulation volume is defined
Change cell size (0.5 m) -> number of cells are automatically calculated
80 cells are created within the selected X interval
42 cells are created within the selected Y interval; 10 cells are created within the selected
Z interval
Stretched grid is automatically determined
Total 51 cells in Y and 19 cells in Z direction
Note the number of cells and memory requirement
grid -> display -> all directions
visualize the grid in all directions


grid -> information

the Grid status window is visualized, where relevant data for grid q.a. are reported; the
grid is composed by 77520 cells
save the job; new grid stored in cg file

file -> save <OK>

general comments on grid
0.5m constant grid size all inside the Bangbox as well as outside the venting: this allow having cubical grids in the process zone also in case of external explosion
cloud size is 9x4.5x4.5; nb# of grid in X direction (vent on one side) is 18; nb# of grid in Y and Z directions (confined cloud on both sides for both directions) is 9: the
gas cloud is suitably resolved by the grid
grid is not stretched along the directions where blast propagation is investigated (+X up to targets 1 and 2, +Y up to target 3)
grid guidelines are respected!
(look at the manual for porosity concept explanation)

Porisities -> Calculate

Porisities -> Verify

(right button) Plot Domain ->



the porosities are calculated and stored in cp file

FLOWIS is opened,
the geometry and
the porosities are

use the plot

domain window
to select the
visualized plane;
scan along Z using
the K cursor;
visualize vertical
sections selecting
IK plane.

Scenario Settings Simulation Type Gas Explosion

Enable scenario for explosion simulation

Scenario -> MONITOR_POINTS -> ADD -> EDIT 0.75, 2.25, 0.75
COPY and thereafter PASTE 8 times
edit the X coordinate of the other Monitor Points by setting it to 5.75, 14.75,
21.75, 23.25, 24.25, 34.75, 36.25 and 37.25 for points 2-9 (double click to edit)

Define first monitor point

Define points along the axis
Modify X-coordinate
Tip: look at the window while editing; Monitor points are shown when the command is
Put points at top of 1 and 2 target boxes

Select point at 23.25m, change 3rd position to 2.25m, do the same for the
point at 36.25m
ADD 3 more points [9.25, 14.75, 0.75]; [9.25, 16.25, 2.25]; [9.25, 17.75, 0.75]
Select all monitor points Edit
Select variables FUEL, P, PIMP, PROD, RHO, T, UVW, DRAG, MACH

Close monitor points tab



Put points at 3 target

Use all monitor points for variable outputs
Select Fuel concentration, Pressure, Pressure impulse, Combustion products (flame),
density, temperature, velocity, drag pressure and Mach number to be recorded at
monitor points
Monitor points are no longer shown
Select Fuel concentration, Pressure, Pressure envelope, Combustion products (flame) and
velocity vector for contour/volume plots
Define output frequency for contours; leave the other parameters default values
Recommended option for automatic time stepping control for blast propagation


Scenario -> SIMULATION_AND_OUTPUT_CONTROL -> Right Clock in Window > Show Advanced. Choose Timestep Code=KEEP_LOW
Scenario -> BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS -> select all boundary conditions -> Edit - Non-reflecting boundary conditions everywhere
> Type -> PLANE_WAVE
Scenario -> GAS_COMPOSITION_AND_VOLUME -> Fuel Region -> Size [9, 4.5,
Define natural gas in box
4.5], VOLUME FRACTIONS -> [meth 91, ethane 7, propane 2], <OK>,
Scenario -> Ignition Region -> Position [0.1, 2.25, 2.25]
Ignition at rear wall
File -> Save -> 010101
save the job 010101
Job 010100, relevant to worst case scenario on Geometry SETUP_01 is now ready. You can now exit from CASD, open RunManager and run the job, or go on defining the
scenario for SETUP_02 geometry: let us follow the latter option



General description
The second scenario is quickly created by saving co and cm files from CASD, and adopting the same cg and cs files of 010101 job.
in the Geometry Database: FLACS COURSE DB window double click on
file -> save as -> 010200 browse to the desired working directory and save.
Stop loading the file by clicking File New
from Windows File Manager, delete cs010200.dat3, and cg010200.dat3 files
from Windows File Manager, copy cg010100.dat3 into cg010200.dat3
from Windows File Manager, copy cs010100.dat3 into cs010200.dat3
file -> open -> 010102 browse to the desired working directory and open
Porosities -> Calculate
File -> Exit


make active the SETUP_02 geometry in the sub-window Geometry; the selected geometry
is shown in the CASD@_v9.1 window
010102.caj and cg, cm, co, cs files are generated;
delete the grid and the scenario
use the same grid defined for SETUP_01 job
use the same scenario defined for SETUP_01 job
open 010102.caj, grid and scenario should be already properly defined
the porosities are calculated and stored in cp file
exit from CASD



General description
Jobs 010100 and 010200 are run. Results are compared with FLOWVIS.


In Run Manager window press Add directory, browse to the working

select both the jobs 010100 and 010200 and press Batch Run
set Number of simultaneous jobs 1 or 2 (not recommended if non
multicore processor); press Simulate
Run Manager -> Tools -> FLOWVIS (or click the post-processor icon


Jobs in the working directory are listed in the Run Manager window
the Batch Run window opens
the two jobs are solved (in sequence if nb#job=1, in parallel if nb#job=2)
monitor the runs looking at the log file (text and graph versions) in the Run Manager

starting up the postprocessor FLOWVIS (a window with an empty page opens)

Page -> Add

Page -> Modify -> Number of Subdivision in X-direction <1> / Number of
Subdivision in Y-direction <2>, <OK>
click on upper-left area to make current
Plot (or R.B.) -> Plot type -> Scalar Time
Plot (or R.B.) -> Data Selection -> Job Numbers: <select 010100 & 010200>
/ Variables: <select P> / Monitors: <select 1 & 2 & 3>, <OK>
click on lower area to make current
Plot (or R.B.) -> Plot type -> Annotation ST
Repeat for monitor points 4,5,6
Repeat the above plots for monitor points 7,8,9 and then 10,11,12


Page -> Add

Page -> Modify -> Number of Subdivision in X-direction <2> / Number of
Subdivision in Y-direction <4>, <OK> (2x4 areas generated)
click on upper-left area (1;1) to make current
Plot (or R.B.) -> Plot type -> 2D Cut Plane
Plot (or R.B.) -> Data Selection -> Job Numbers: <select 010100> /
Variables: <select PMAX>
Plot (or R.B.) -> Plot Specification -> activate Monitor Points & Ignition
Plot (or R.B.) -> Plot Domain -> IK - > J Index <17> -> Max K Index <18>
Plot (or R.B.) -> Variable Appearance -> Value Range Setting <Fixed> / Min
Value Fixed <0.1> / Max Value Fixed <1.8> / Colour for Values < Min.:
<None> / <OK>
click on area (1;2) to make current
Plot (or R.B.) -> Data Selection -> Variables: <select P>
click on area (1;3) to make current
Plot (or R.B.) -> Data Selection -> Variables: <select FUEL>
Plot (or R.B.) -> Variable Appearance -> Value Range Setting <Fixed> / Min
Value Fixed <0.001> / Max Value Fixed <0.05> / Min Colour Index <1>
/ Max Colour Index <4> / Colour for Values < Min.: <None> / <OK>
click on area (1;4) to make current
Plot (or R.B.) -> Data Selection -> Variables: <select PROD>
Plot (or R.B.) -> Variable Appearance -> Value Range Setting <Fixed> / Min
Value Fixed <0.02> / Max Value Fixed <0.27> / Min Colour Index <8> /
Max Colour Index <11> / Colour for Values < Min.: <None> / <OK>
click on area (1;1), R.B. -> Copy -> click on area (2;1), R.B. -> Paste
R.B. -> Data Selection -> Job Numbers: <select 010200> <OK>
do the same for areas (1;2), (1;3), (1;4)
experiments by Shell Global Solutions /Advantica (Phase 3B), 40 pipes and 10.1m2 vent (50%) (geometry SETUP_01)


Pressure inside box


Pressure at first target 13m

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