The Trowel - April 2016

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Waukegan Lodge #78 AF&AM

April, 2016

News | Education | Schedule
Did you know?

James Hoban was the
architect who designed and
supervised the construction
of the White House. When
the British destroyed this
building during the War of
1812, he designed the one
replacing it.
James Hoban was a Mason.
He was probably present
when the cornerstone was
laid by Maryland Lodge No.
9 of Georgetown on October
13, 1792, with Masonic
ceremony. He was also a
devout Roman Catholic.
During President Trumans
term of oce it was
necessary to rebuild the
White House. In 1952, while
the work was in progress,
Brother Truman discovered
that some of the original
stones contained traditional
"Mason's marks".
(Continued on Pg. 2)

The Masters Message

Wow! This month has flown by! We have continued on with
the lodge facelift. It has gone very well. We have fresh
paint on walls and doors, new carpet throughout the entry
area, reworked both restrooms and more. We still have a
few things to finish up on the inside and as the weather turns
to spring we will start on a few outside projects. I again
want to thank all the brothers of our lodge for all the hours
of labor you have put in in order to make our lodge a very
nice, updated and clean place that welcomes not only our
brothers, but those of the other bodies that share the
temple. I believe having a nice updated lodge is important
to our visiting brethren, guests, and prospective members. I
think our facility is an extension of us, which shows the pride
we take in ourselves as a brotherhood of good men.
Your lodge officers attended a blue lightning at A.O. Fay
lodge in which Waukegan #78 raised five new brothers! I say
congratulations and welcome to your lodge! We look forward
to seeing you at the lodge.
Waukegan #78 won the traveling gavel at the Lake County
School of Instruction this past month!! Im happy so many
brothers showed up and are eager to learn more in Masonry.
These classes are a great opportunity for our brothers to
spend time together and get to know more about each other

Waukegan Lodge #78 AF&AM

Did You Know?

(continued from Pg. 1)
He directed that these stones
be preserved and delegated
the duty to Major General
Harry H. Vaughan, Brother
Renah F. Camalier, and the
Grand Lodge of the District
of Columbia.

These stones were

distributed to the Grand
Lodges of the United States
and to certain territories
and foreign governments.
On February 22, 1966, the
last stone was presented to
the George Washington
National Masonic
Memorial Association for
display in the Temple on
Shooter's Hill.

April, 2016

as well as gain knowledge. It is also a great way to meet and

get to know brothers from the area. An opportunity to share
experiences and expand the fraternal bond which is
something so special among masons. I hope we can keep up
the good work.
Our lodge,continuing in our commitment to brotherly love
and charity is honored to have supported the Midwest
Veterans Closet and Waukegan R.A.M.
I look forward to see our brothers come together for our
Open Annual Memorial Service as we honor our brethren
whom have passed to the Grand Lodge on High. We will be
gathering at the Waukegan Masonic Temple on Saturday April
16 at 12:30 p.m. for light refreshments and the service
begins at 1:00 P.M.
We will be hosting the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the
State of Illinois at a Town Hall meeting on Monday May 2nd at
6:00 pm. There will be more information to come on this
I look forward to seeing you at the stated on Monday April 18,
Dinner at 6:15 and Gavel at 7:15
Erik Solomon
Worshipful Master

Check out the all new

district website!
Great resources, a
district calendar and
more. Remember, its
your right and privilege
to visit other lodges!!!
Get out there and see
whats happening in your
Our newest Master Masons, raised at the Blue Lightning on
April 2nd, 2016. Bro. Miguel Estrada, Bro. Denis Murphy, Bro.
Miguel Benitez, Bro. Brian Yousef & Bro. Michael Karner.

Waukegan Lodge #78 AF&AM

April, 2016

From the Southeast Corner

With the new email service in eect, if you want to stay on the forefront of what is happening with
Waukegan 78, please make sure you get your email address and phone number to the Secretary. He can be
reached at

The Secretarys Cipher

Congratulations to all the brothers who played the last couple months. Notably; Bro. EJ Angelas, WB:.
Terry Behling, Bro. Cory Connor and Bro. Luis Albarracin for their quick work! This months cipher is
Answer to Februarys Cipher: This man is often said to have been a Freemason. He was not. He opened an
exclusive club called Club 33. Who was this man? Walt Disney
Rules - Open to any member of Waukegan 78 or Anchor and Ark 1027. Be the first person to email the
secretary with your answer. Include the subject line "Secretary Cipher Answer", your name and lodge number.
Good luck!
This Notable Freemason is best known for his work, which subsequently has saved Millions of lives world
wide. What is his name? and what did he discover/invent? BonusWhat was his lodge number?

Lodge Website Gets a Facelift

As your lodge secretary, I take great pride in taking over for WB Carl Donahue. In an eort to continue
to keep the lodge on the forefront of technology, we revamped the website. Its cleaner, nicer, and simple.
It oers the same benefits as before but with a much cleaner look and feel. Its also mobile friendly. I also
want to let you know that I upgraded the district website as well and I think you will find it just as, if not
more, useful than our own website, as it has a much wider scope of information available.
Please check these out and feel free to share them. Remember to follow your lodge on Facebook and
Twitter as well!
At your service,
R.H. Johnson - Secretary, Waukegan 78

Waukegan Lodge #78 AF&AM

April, 2016

Lodge Happenings
Waukegan No. 78
April 16th - Annual Funeral Service 12:30-2:30
April 18th - Stated Meeting
April 19th - R.A.M. Stated Meeting
April 22nd - Masters & Wardens Dinner (if you bought
April 25th - Maintenance & Prep for Town Hall w/ Grand
May 2nd - Town Hall Meeting with the Grand Master!
May 9th - Outside Maintenance or Practice
May 18th - Stated Meeting

*Just a note, the schedule is

dependent on the return of
catechisms. We will post updates
to the schedule as needed on
our website as well as weekly
announcements through our
call em all phone system and
Facebook page. Waukegan Lodge #78 - 1st NE
District Calendar Instruction Club

**Many maintenance projects will be taking place on the

nights we arent doing anything in order to prepare for
the Town Hall Meeting on May 2nd.

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