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Welcome to the Georgetown University Press Religion & Ethics catalog.

The character of our list is reflected in the mission statement of the Press, which references an
international group of authors representing a broad range of intellectual perspectives. The diversity and
sheer quality of these authors is astonishing, and the critical issues they addressfrom human rights to
virtues to interreligious dialogue to local and international politics to disabilityare evidence of the vital
role that religious thought and practice has in the world today. Here are just some of the highlights you
will find in these pages:
We have five new books in our long-running Moral Traditions series, including David Cloutiers
penetrating critique of the vice of luxury, Linda Hogans masterful study of religion and human rights,
and Jason Greigs poignant analysis of the LArche community and Christian friendship. In addition,
two of our authors directly address the role of the Catholic Church in American culture: Cathleen
Kaveny articulates a culture of engagement, while Julie Rubio clears space for common ground.
Three of our titles continue our tradition of exploring Muslim-Christian dialogue, featuring two
volumes in our Building Bridges series, edited by Lucinda Mosher and David Marshall, along with
Kenneth Craggs The Quran and the West.
Thomas Banchoff and Jos Casanova of Georgetown University have edited a brilliant and cohesive
collection titled The Jesuits and Globalization that identifies historical legacies and contemporary
challenges, while preeminent German theologian Wolfgang Huber offers Ethics: The Fundamental
Questions of Our Lives, a teachable introduction to how one can understand the most complex issues
of being human.
For the past thirty-seven years the Press has published the Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics,
which includes instrumental and provocative essays from leading lights and rising stars. Edited by
Mark Allman and Tobias Winright, this journal not only reflects the contours of the field, but is helping
to shape its future.
For a listing of our publications beyond this catalog, please visit our website, And
feel free to contact me with a book proposal that might fit our list; I would be happy to speak with you.
Thank you for your interest in our work.
Richard Brown, PhD

New Titles
Moral Traditions Series
Building Bridges Seminars



1, 3, 67
2, 89

Islam 11
Reference 11
Religion & Politics
Theology 13
World Religions

F ront cover: Copley Hall at Georgetown University,

photo courtesy of Phil Humnicky/Georgetown
University. 2011 Georgetown University.

Bioethics 13
Environmental Ethics
Ethics & International Affairs
Human Rights
Philosophical Ethics
Ordering Information


800.537.5487 | 1



Economic Excess in a Consumer Age

David Cloutier

The Vice of Luxury revives the ancient criticism of luxury as a moral vice
harmful to both the self and society. Engaging with ideas from business to
economics, David Cloutier proposes a new approach to economic ethics
that focuses attention on our everyday choices. In so doing, he develops
an ethic of consumption that is grounded in Christian moral convictions.
David Cloutiers insightful treatment of luxury is creative and prophetic,
without the oversimplifications prevalent in much prophetic discourse
today. Drawing on philosophy, economics, and theology, he traces the
history of ideas about luxury in a manner both scholarly and accessible
to a wide audience. A truly excellent volume that will challenge how most
of us think about our own lives.
Daniel Rush Finn, Professor of Theology and Clemens Professor
of Economics, St. Johns University

Drawing on history, economics, philosophy, and theology, Cloutier advances our understanding of
luxury as a vice and aptly shows just how far most of us are from virtue.
Julie Hanlon Rubio, Professor of Christian Ethics, St. Louis University

336 pp. December 2015

$32.95 / 23.00, paper, 978-1-62616-256-3
$59.95 / 42.00, cloth, 978-1-62616-270-9
$32.95 / 23.00, ebook, 978-1-62616-257-0
Moral Traditions series



Linda Hogan

One of modernitys great civilizing triumphs, human rights, still endures

sustained attempts at disenfranchisement. Linda Hogan defends human
rights language while simultaneously re-envisioning its future. Drawing
on the constructivist strand of political philosophy, she shows that it is
theoretically possible and politically necessary for theologians to keep
faith with human rights. Indeed, she argues, the Christian tradition as
the wellspring of many of the ethical commitments considered central to
human rights must embrace its vital role in the project.
Hogan makes a most valuable contribution to the cause of human
rights worldwide and across cultures. She mounts a persuasive case for
the universality of human rights, addressing postcolonial, feminist, and
postmodern critiques. An essential work.
David Hollenbach, SJ, University Chair in Human Rights and
International Justice, Boston College

A book as deep as it is clear, one that gets under the skin of what human rights mean today
thoroughly contemporary but in a way that never loses sight of the power of the past to mold the
present. A great achievement.
Conor Gearty, Director, Institute of Public Affairs, London School of Economics

248 pp. 2015

$29.95 / 21.00, paper, 978-1-62616-233-4
$54.95 / 38.50, cloth, 978-1-62616-232-7
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-62616-234-1
Moral Traditions series
See pages 6-7 for more books in this series.

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Christian and Muslim Perspectives

Lucinda Mosher and David Marshall, Editors

The Community of Believers offers the proceedings of the 2013 Building
Bridges seminar, a dialogue between leading Christian and Muslim
scholars under the stewardship of Georgetown University.
The Community of Believers is the twelfth volume in what is arguably
the most important extended series of scriptural and theological
interfaith conversations: the Building Bridges seminars, originated by the
Archbishop of Canterbury and now supported by Georgetown University.
Dr. Pim Valkenberg, The Catholic University of America

Understanding one another is key to building stronger Christian-Muslim bonds. This volume of
essays and associated religious texts provides a basis for dialogue in three timely areas of ChristianMuslim relations, all focusing on issues of community. The format of the book provides readers with a
strong source for developing new conversations between Christians and Muslims as well as bringing
new topics to bear on existing dialogue efforts.
Zeki Saritoprak, Director, Bedizzaman Said Nursi Chair in Islamic Studies, John Carroll University

186 pp. 2015

$24.95 / 17.50, paper, 978-1-62616-196-2
$24.95 / 17.50, ebook, 978-1-62616-195-5
See page 89 for more books from the Building Bridges seminars.




Confessional Culture and the Limits of Integration

Brent F. Nelsen and James L. Guth

In Religion and the Struggle for European Union, Brent F. Nelsen and
James L. Guth delve into the powerful role of religion in shaping European
attitudes on politics, political integration, and the national and continental
identities of its leaders and citizens. Catholicism for centuries promoted
the universality of the Church and the essential unity of Christendom.
Protestantism, by contrast, esteemed particularity and feared Catholic
dominance. Nelsen and Guth compare the Catholic view of Europe as a single cultural entity best
governed as a unified polity against traditional Protestant estrangement from continental culture and
its preference for pragmatic cooperation over the sacrifice of sovereignty. As the authors show, this
deep cultural divide, rooted in the struggles of the Reformation, resists the ongoing secularization of
the continent. Unless addressed, it threatens decades of hard-won gains in security and prosperity.
Two top American scholars join forces to explore European complexities in a both distanciated and
intimate way. This book is a striking illustration of the significance of religion as a whole and of the
resilience of diverse confessional cultures in the longue dure. A must-read for anybody willing to
understand contemporary politics in the European Union.
Francois Foret, Professor of Political Science/Jean Monnet Chair, Director of CEVIPOL,
CEVIPOL/Institute for European Studies, Universit Libre de Bruxelles

384 pp. 2015

$34.95 / 24.50, paper, 978-1-62616-070-5
$59.95 / 42.00, cloth, 978-1-62616-200-6
$34.95 / 24.50, ebook, 978-1-62616-071-2
Religion and Politics series

800.537.5487 | 3



An Introduction to Natural Law Bioethics

Alfonso Gmez-Lobo with John Keown

Bioethics and the Human Goods offers a clear, short, and expert
introduction to bioethics from a natural law perspective, a philosophical
tradition which traces its origins to classical antiquity and is currently
enjoying an exciting renaissance. With its emphasis on human goods
such as life, health, friendship, and knowledgeand the wrongness of
intentionally turning against them, the book provides a valuable approach
to controversial bioethical questions at the beginning and end of life.
Alfonso Gmez-Lobo was a thinker and writer of uncommon insight and wisdom. . . . Praise to John
Keown, therefore, for bringing us Professor Gmez-Lobos Bioethics and the Human Goods. It will be
a valuable resource in our efforts to shape law and public policy in line with central truths about right
and wrong.
Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence, Princeton University

Recommended for all libraries.

Library Journal

148 pp. 2015

$26.95 / 19.00, paper, 978-1-62616-163-4
$49.95 / 35.00, cloth, 978-1-62616-271-6
$26.95 / 19.00, ebook, 978-1-62616-164-1



LArche, Medical Ethics, and Christian Friendship

Jason Reimer Greig

Drawing on the controversial case of Ashley X, a girl with severe
developmental disabilities who received interventionist medical treatment
to limit her growth and keep her body forever smalla procedure now
known as the Ashley TreatmentReconsidering Intellectual Disability
explores important questions at the intersection of disability theory,
Christian moral theology, and bioethics.
Greig has given us in Reconsidering Intellectual Disability not only an extraordinary, erudite analysis
of the issues surrounding the people we call mentally disabled, but this is even more a profound
book whose humanity has implications far and beyond the books explicit subject. This is the book that
must be read by anyone concerned with care of the handicapped. I would rather say, however, that
this is a book that must be read by anyone seeking to know how to live well.
Stanley Hauerwas, Gilbert T. Rowe Professor Emeritus of Divinity and Law, Duke Divinity School, Duke University

304 pp. 2015

$32.95 / 23.00, paper, 978-1-62616-243-3
$59.95 / 42.00, cloth, 978-1-62616-242-6
$32.95 / 23.00, ebook, 978-1-62616-244-0
Moral Traditions series
See pages 8-9 for more books in this series.

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The Fundamental Questions of Our Lives

Wolfgang Huber
Brian McNeil, Translator
In the twenty-first century the basic questions of ethics are no longer
the abstract terms of ethical theory, but the concrete and burning issues
related to the influence of life sciences, the impact of a globalized economy,
and the consequences of present decisions for the future of humankind.
Ethics: The Fundamental Questions of Our Lives analyzes twenty ethical
issues that address education and culture, labor and economy, the
environment and sustainability, democracy and cosmopolitanism, peace
and war, and life and death.
Wolfgang Huber is a leading churchman and a brilliant public intellectuala rare combination indeed.
In his book on ethics he bridges the gap between abstract reasoning on fundamental questions and
the mere expression of normative convictions. Laymen and professional ethicists alike will learn from
his sensitive analyses and creative solutions of contemporary ethical problems.
Hans Joas, Professor of Sociology, Humboldt University, Berlin, and University of Chicago

264 pp. 2015

$32.95 / 23.00, paper, 978-1-62616-165-8
$64.95 / 45.50, cloth, 978-1-62616-227-3
$32.95 / 23.00, ebook, 978-1-62616-166-5


Mark P. Lagon and Anthony Clark Arend, Editors

What role should human dignity play in guiding the mission of international
institutions? Human dignity consists of the agency of individuals to apply
their gifts to thrive and requires social recognition of each persons
inherent value and claim to equal access to opportunity. Contributors
examine how traditional and emerging institutions are already advancing
human dignity and then identify strategies to make human dignity more
central to the work of global institutions.
The concept of human dignity is powerful, but the international
institutions and legal regimes charged with realizing it are not. Lagon and
Arend have assembled a wealth of new strategies for strengthening these
institutions to make human dignity a reality in the lives of more people.
Elisa Massimino, President and CEO, Human Rights First

384 pp. 2014

$32.95 / 23.00, paper, 978-1-62616-120-7
$64.95 / 45.50, cloth, 978-1-62616-119-1
$32.95 / 23.00, ebook, 978-1-62616-121-4

800.537.5487 | 5


My Report to the World

Jan Karski
Foreword by Madeleine Albright
Jan Karskis Story of a Secret State stands as one of the most poignant
and inspiring memoirs of World War II and the Holocaust. With elements
of a spy thriller, documenting his experiences in the Polish Underground,
and as one of the first eyewitness accounts of the systematic slaughter
of the Jews by the German Nazis, this volume is a remarkable testimony
of one mans courage, and a nations struggle for resistance against
overwhelming oppression. This definitive editionwhich includes a
foreword by Madeleine Albright, a biographical essay by Yale historian
Timothy Snyder, an afterword by Zbigniew Brzezinski, previously
unpublished photos, notes, further reading, and a glossaryis an apt legacy for this hero of conscience
during the most fraught and fragile moment in modern history.
A decade before Professor Karski began his remarkable tenure at Georgetowns School of Foreign
Service, he was already teaching by the power of examplewith lessons of heroism, resilience, and
uncompromising leadership. All freedom-seeking people around the world should know Karskis story.
President Bill Clinton

464 pp. 2013

$17.95 / 12.50, paper, 978-1-62616-031-6
$28.95 / 20.50, cloth, 978-1-58901-983-6
$17.95 / 12.50, ebook, 978-1-58901-984-3
Rights: Available in the USA, its dependencies, and selected countries in the Americas and worldwide



Mark Allman and Tobias Winright, Editors

The Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics continues to be an essential

resource for students and faculty pursuing the latest developments in
Christian and religious ethics. Publishing refereed scholarly articles it is
a preeminent source for further research. The Journal also contains book
reviews of the latest scholarship available.

Subscribe today and save!

$60.00 / 42.00 individual (2 issues), 1 year
$120.00 / 84.00 Institution (2 issues), 1 year
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The Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics is available on these digital platforms

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David Cloutier, Kristin Heyer, and Andrea Vicini, SJ, Series Editors
The Moral Traditions series explores the long-standing claims that fundamental moral theology and Christian social
ethics make on our lives. It publishes systematic scholarly accounts of major themes in Christian ethics as a way
of critically examining those insights that shape Christian lives and communities today
New titles in this series on pages 1 and 3. For more titles in the Moral Traditions series, please visit:

The Social Mission

of the U.S. Catholic

Theological Bioethics
Participation, Justice,
and Change
Lisa Sowle Cahill

A Theological Perspective

Winner of the 2006 First

Place Award for Outstanding
Theology Books from the
Catholic Press Association

Charles E. Curran

Cahill is to be commended for seeing the

critical need for theological bioethics. Her
argument, in its substance and its scope, makes
eminent sense.

Curran has given us a book to motivate and

guide us in this mission. Anyone who wants to
see how the social teaching of the church can
come to life ought to read it.

Third Place, Social Concerns,

Catholic Press Association
2012 Book Awards



320 pp. 2005

$29.95 / 21.00, paper, 978-1-58901-075-8
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-475-6

208 pp. 2010

$29.95 / 21.00, paper, 978-1-58901-743-6
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-764-1

Catholic Social
Teaching, 1891Present

Moral Evil

Charles E. Curran

In this very important and

penetrating study, Flescher . . .
offers a subtle and incisive analysis of evil that is compelling.

Andrew Michael Flescher

A Historical, Theological,
and Ethical Analysis

[Curran] is a master teacher

whose writing gives wonderfully
clear expression to the careful,
comprehensive, and yet critical approach he brings
to theological ethics.
Journal of the American Academy of Religion

272 pp. 2002

$29.95 / 21.00, paper, 978-0-87840-881-8
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-292-9

Louis E. Newman, John M. and

Elizabeth W. Musser Professor of
Religious Studies, Carleton College

288 pp. 2013

$32.95 / 23.00, paper, 978-1-62616-010-1
$32.95 / 23.00, ebook, 978-1-62616-011-8

Kinship Across Borders

A Christian Ethic of

The Development of
Moral Theology

Kristin E. Heyer

Five Strands

Charles E. Curran
Curran has been a vigorous
observer and courageous leader
in Catholic moral theology.
With this book, he shows how this theology
continues to develop the riches of the past and
respond to the signs of the times.

320 pp. 2013

$30.95 / 21.50, paper, 978-1-62616-019-4
$30.95 / 21.50, ebook, 978-1-62616-020-0

Third Place Catholic Social

Teaching, Catholic Association
2013 Book Awards
This extraordinary book
convincingly demonstrates how and why what
appear on the surface as fundamentally social
or economic issues are profoundly theological,
reflecting basic presuppositions about who God
is and who we are.
Roberto Goizueta, Margaret OBrien Flatley Professor of
Catholic Theology, Boston College

208 pp. 2012

$29.95 / 21.00, paper, 978-1-58901-930-0
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-931-7

800.537.5487 | 7


David Cloutier, Kristin Heyer, and Andrea Vicini, SJ, Series Editors

Sex, Violence,
and Justice

The Ethics of Aquinas

Stephen J. Pope, Editor

Contraception and the

Catholic Church
Aline H. Kalbian
An important glimpse into
the theoretical, historical, and
political factors that influence
Catholic teaching on sexuality.

224 pp. 2014

$29.95 / 21.00, paper, 978-1-62616-048-4
$54.95 / 38.50, cloth, 978-1-62616-104-7
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-62616-049-1

The most complete and

authoritative commentary on the
ethics of Thomas Aquinas. An
indispensable resource for moral
theologians and philosophers. A
landmark volume.
Theological Studies

512 pp. 2002

$39.95 / 28.00, paper, 978-087840-888-7
$39.95 / 28.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-992-8

Family Ethics

Practices for Christians

Laws Virtues

Fostering Autonomy and

Solidarity in American
Cathleen Kaveny
Cathleen Kaveny digs deep in
Laws Virtues to deliver a must
read for anyone who cares about
the relationship of law and
morality in our pluralistic society.

304 pp. 2012

$29.95 / 21.00, paper, 978-1-58901-932-4
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-933-1

Introduction to Jewish
and Catholic Bioethics
A Comparative Analysis
Aaron L. Mackler
The Roman Catholic and
Jewish traditions in medical
ethics are centuries old but
still influential with millions of
patients, health professionals,
and the public. Anyone hoping to understand the
spectrum of bioethical opinions today will want
to read this superb, well-written, and accurate
summary of the similarities and differences in
both traditions.
Edmund D. Pellegrino, MD

280 pp. 2003

$29.95 / 21.00, paper, 978-0-87840-146-8
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-348-3

Julie Hanlon Rubio

This book dives into the
tradition and situates itself
within academic discussions,
but it is written in accessible
prose that is always connected
to the practical and everyday
lives of families.
The Way

272 pp. 2010

$29.95 / 21.00, paper, 978-1-58901-639-2
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-667-5

The Sexual Person

Toward a Renewed
Catholic Anthropology
Todd A. Salzman and
Michael G. Lawler
First Place, Best Book in
Theology, Catholic Press
Association 2009 Book Awards
Salzman and Lawler have written an engaging,
well-researched book that handles extremely
complicated and controversial questions in a
nuanced and intellectually rigorous manner.
Theological Studies

352 pp. 2008

$29.95 / 21.00, paper, 978-1-58901-208-0
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-726-9

The Acting Person and

Christian Moral Life
Darlene Fozard Weaver

This excellent and important

book deserves a wide reading
in both academy and church.
Alistair McFadyen, University of
Leeds, UK, Studies in Christian Ethics

226 pp. 2011

$32.95 / 23.00, paper, 978-1-58901-772-6
$32.95 / 23.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-787-0

8 | order online at


Launched in 2002 by the office of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Building Bridges Seminar has
been under the stewardship of Georgetown University since 2012. The seminar gathers distinguished
scholar-practitioners of Islam and Christianity for deep study and discussion of selected texts
pertaining to an overarching theme. (For an additional title in this series, see page 2.)

Sin, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation
Christian and Muslim Perspectives

Lucinda Mosher and David Marshall, Editors

This volume offers both scholars and seekers alike a set of invaluable
insights into one of the most profound and intriguing paradoxes generated by
the human being made in the image of Godthe human propensity for sin
and the divine capacity to forgive.
Reza Shah-Kazemi, Managing Editor, Encyclopaedia Islamica, and research associate,
Institute of Ismaili Studies, London

176 pp.
March 2016
$26.95 / 19.00, paper, 978-1-62616-284-6
$26.95 / 19.00, ebook, 978-1-62616-285-3

Death, Resurrection, and Human Destiny

Christian and Muslim Perspectives

David Marshall and Lucinda Mosher, Editors

Afterword by Archbishop Rowan Williams

Contrary to popular opinion, the death of Christian-Muslim dialogue is greatly

exaggerated! This record of the eleventh Building Bridges seminar demonstrates
the vitality of serious Muslim and Christian engagement over matters of shared
interest and concern, particularly over matters of life and death.
David D. Grafton, Professor of Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations,
The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia

312 pp. 2014

$26.95 / 19.00, paper, 978-1-62616-030-9
$26.95 / 19.00, ebook, 978-1-62616-055-2


Christian and Muslim Perspectives

David Marshall and Lucinda Mosher, Editors
Afterword by Archbishop Rowan Williams

A scholarly assessment recommended for any interested in prayer and its

incarnation in different faiths.
Midwest Book Review

232 pp. 2013

$26.95 / 19.00, paper, 978-1-58901-677-4
$26.95 / 19.00, ebook, 978-1-62616-024-8

Tradition and Modernity

Christian and Muslim Perspectives

David Marshall, Editor
Afterword by Archbishop Rowan Williams

This book engages not only scholars, but also all believers who care about
the future of humanity and the role religion has in contributing to a better
coexistence and cooperation between different cultures and ideologies.

248 pp. 2013

$25.95 / 18.00, paper, 978-1-58901-949-2
$25.95 / 18.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-982-9

800.537.5487 | 9


Science and Religion

Christian and Muslim Perspectives

David Marshall, Editor
Afterword by Archbishop Rowan Williams

This volume offers a panoramic look at the problem of the relationship

between science and religion . . . with the firm intention of stimulating further

208 pp. 2012

$26.95 / 19.00, paper, 978-1-58901-914-0
$26.95 / 19.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-944-7

Communicating the Word

Revelation, Translation, and Interpretation in Christianity and Islam

David Marshall, Editor
Afterword by Archbishop Rowan Williams

There are very few people, specialist or otherwise, who will not learn much
from this rich and varied volume. It is rare for interreligious exchange to
take place at such a sustained level of quality, and much of the authors
contributions manage to feel both erudite and direct.
Caner K. Dagli, Assistant Professor, Department of Religious Studies,
College of the Holy Cross

208 pp. 2011

$26.95 / 19.00, paper, 978-1-58901-784-9
$26.95 / 19.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-803-7

Humanity: Texts and Contexts

Christian and Muslim Perspectives

Michael Ipgrave and David Marshall, Editors
Afterword by Archbishop Rowan Williams

The clear language, the precision of the quotations and the quality of the
contributors make the book an important tool for those who are involved in
scholarly research, as well as for those who are simply involved in daily life
dialogue and try to create bridges among peoples, cultures and religious
traditions in order to give to mankind new hopes for the furture of the world.

176 pp. 2011

$26.95 / 19.00, paper, 978-1-58901-716-0
$26.95 / 19.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-759-7

10 | order online at


The Jesuits and Globalization

Historical Legacies and Contemporary Challenges

Thomas Banchoff and Jos J. Casanova, Editors

A multidisciplinary group of leading experts explore what we can learn from
the historical and contemporary experience of the Society of Jesuswhat do
the Jesuits tell us about globalization, and what can globalization tell us about
the Jesuits?
304 pp. May 2016
$32.95 / 23.00, paper, 978-1-62616-286-0
$64.95 / 45.50, cloth, 978-1-62616-287-7
$32.95 / 23.00, ebook, 978-1-62616-288-4

A Culture of Engagement
Law, Religion, and Morality
Cathleen Kaveny
Cathy Kaveny is, simultaneously, one of our countrys most important
religious intellectuals and one of our most rigorous legal scholars. . . . A
Culture of Engagement is a superb introduction to her thought. No matter
where you stand, she will challenge you, and inspire you, too.
EJ Dionne Jr., Senior Fellow, Brookings Institute

264 pp. April 2016

$32.95 / 23.00, paper, 978-1-62616-302-7
$64.95 / 45.50, cloth, 978-1-62616-303-4
$32.95 / 23.00, ebook, 978-1-62616-304-1
Moral Traditions series

Hope for Common Ground

Mediating the Personal and the Political in a Divided Church

Julie Hanlon Rubio
Clearly written, richly researched, balanced, and eminently accessible, Hope
for Common Ground deftly exemplifies how Catholic social teaching can aid
us in addressing some of the most contested issues that confront us. Its a gift
for anyone concerned about the common good.
Paul J. Waddell, Professor of Theology & Religious Studies, St. Norbert College

288 pp. June 2016

$29.95 / 21.00, paper, 978-1-62616-306-5
$59.95 / 42.00, cloth, 978-1-62616-308-9
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-62616-307-2
Moral Traditions series
See pages 67 for more books in this series.

The Quran and the West
Kenneth Cragg

Few scholars possess the mastery of Arabic and in-depth knowledge of

Abrahamic faiths that Cragg exhibits in this stellar work.
Theology Today

244 pp. February 2016

$24.95, paper, 978-1-62616-310-2
$59.95, cloth, 978-1-58901-086-4
$24.95, ebook, 978-1-62616-317-1
Rights: North America only

800.537.5487 | 11


Place Me
With Your Son

Ignatian Spirituality in
Everyday Life
Third Edition
James W. Skehan, SJ
Arranged as a twentyfour week retreat in four
phases, this edition is a guide to The Spiritual
Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola.
176 pp. 1991
$22.95 / 16.00, paper, 978-0-87840-525-1
$22.95 / 16.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-907-2

Directors Guide to
Place Me with
Your Son
Ignatian Spirituality
in Everyday Life

Medieval Islamic

Peter E. Pormann
and Emilie Savage-Smith
Winner, 2007 Prize for Middle
Eastern Studies, the BritishKuwait Friendship Society
240 pp. 2007
$30.95, paper, 978-1-58901-161-8
Rights: US and Canada

Discovering the Quran

A Contemporary Approach
to a Veiled Text
Second Edition
Neal Robinson
360 pp. 2004
$29.95, paper,
Rights: US and Canada

James W. Skehan, SJ
provides assistance to those
organizing Ignatian retreats based on James
W. Skehans Place Me with Your Son and
those wishing to deepen the previous retreat
80 pp. 1994
$15.95 / 11.00, paper, 978-0-87840-569-5

Modern Catholic
Social Teaching
Commentaries and

Kenneth R. Himes, Editor

Lisa Sowle Cahill, Charles E.
Curran, David Hollenbach,
and Thomas Shannon,
Associate Editors
First Place, Reference Books, Catholic Press
Association 2006 Book Awards
564 pp. 2005
$45.95 / 32.00, paper, 978-1-58901-053-6
$45.95 / 32.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-375-9

Handbook of Roman
Catholic Moral Terms
James T. Bretzke, SJ

280 pp. 2013

$26.95 / 19.00, paper,
$26.95 / 19.00, ebook,

Decrees of the
Ecumenical Councils

From Nicaea I to Vatican II

Norman P. Tanner, SJ,
English Language Editor
Giuseppe Alberigo, et al.,
Original Language Editors
2528 pp. 1990
$189.95 / 133.00, cloth,
Rights: Not for sale in the British
Commonwealth, excepting Canada

Saints and Feasts

of the Liturgical Year
Joseph N. Tylenda, SJ

Aspects of Islam
Ron Geaves

272 pp. 2005

$28.95, paper,
Rights: US, its dependencies,
Canada, and the Philippine

336 pp. 2003

$22.95 / 16.00, paper,
$22.95 / 16.00, ebook,

12 | order online at

Key Words by Ron Geaves

Chosen as an Outstanding Title in 2007 by the
American Association of School Libraries and the
Public Library Association
Designed for both classroom
and general use, these handy
Key Words guidebooks are
essential resources for those
who want clear and concise
explanations of common terms
and unfamiliar concepts of major
world religions. Each pocketsized volume contains definitions
for over 400 terms from religious
principles and significant periods
to noteworthy figures.

Key Words in Islam

130 pp. 2006

$13.95, paper, 978-1-58901-124-3

Key Words in Religious


120 pp. 2006

$13.95, paper, 978-1-58901-125-0

Key Words in Christianity

152 pp. 2006

$13.95, paper, 978-1-58901-126-7

Rights: North America only

An Argument for
Same-Sex Marriage

Religious Freedom, Sexual

Freedom, and Public
Expressions of Civic
Emily R. Gill
288 pp. 2012
$29.95 / 21.00, paper, 978-1-58901-920-1
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-921-8
Religion and Politics series

Catholics and Politics

The Dynamic Tension

Between Faith and Power
Kristin E. Heyer, Mark J.
Rozell, and Michael A.
Genovese, Editors
248 pp. 2008
$29.95 / 21.00, paper,
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-653-8
Religion and Politics series

Bonds of Affection

Civic Charity and the

Making of America
Winthrop, Jefferson, and
Matthew S. Holland



Moral and Historical

James Turner Johnson
A well-conceived and strongly
of how the concept of
sovereignty has evolved
and changed from its inception until today.
Combining ease of language with mastery of
history, Johnson does his usual superb job
of contributing substantially to the history of
moral and political ideas.
Brian Orend, author of The Morality of War,
University of Waterloo, Department of Philosophy

192 pp. 2014

$29.95 / 21.00, paper, 978-1-62616-056-9
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-62616-057-6

Selected as an
Outstanding Academic Title
by Choice Magazine
336 pp. 2007
$29.95 / 21.00, paper, 978-1-58901-183-0
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-277-6
Religion and Politics series


God, Sex, and the U.S.

House of Representatives
Elizabeth Anne Oldmixon
262 pp. 2005
$22.95 / 16.00, paper,
$22.95 / 16.00, ebook,
Religion and Politics series

From Pews
to Polling Places

Faith and Politics in

the American Religious
J. Matthew Wilson, Editor
336 pp. 2007
$29.95 / 21.00, paper,
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-326-1
Religion and Politics series

800.537.5487 | 1 3


Beyond Compare

St. Francis de Sales and

Sri Vedanta Desika on
Loving Surrender to God
Francis X. Clooney, SJ
Second Place, Best Book in
Theology, Catholic Press
Association 2009 Book Awards
288 pp. 2008
$34.95 / 24.50, paper, 978-1-58901-211-0
$34.95 / 24.50, ebook, 978-1-58901-650-7

Where Is
Knowing Going?

The Horizons of the

Knowing Subject
John C. Haughey, SJ
First Place, Education, Catholic
Press Association 2010 Book
192 pp. 2009
$34.95 / 24.50, cloth, 978-1-58901-486-2
$34.95 / 24.50, ebook, 978-1-58901-621-7


Common Ground

Islam, Christianity, and

Religious Pluralism
Paul L. Heck
240 pp. 2009
$28.95 / 20.50, paper,
$28.95 / 20.50, ebook,

Indian Philosophy

An Introduction to Hindu
and Buddhist Thought
Richard King
280 pp. 1999
$29.95, paper,
Rights: U.S. and Canada

Altruism in
World Religions

Jacob Neusner and

Bruce Chilton, Editors

Jack Mahoney

216 pp. 2005

$21.95 / 15.50, paper,
$21.95 / 15.50, ebook,

Honorable Mention, Theology

& Religious Studies, 2011
PROSE Awards

Gods Rule

Third Place, Theology, Catholic

Press Association 2011 Book

Jacob Neusner, Editor

Christianity in Evolution
An Exploration

208 pp. 2011

$28.95 / 20.50, paper, 978-1-58901-769-6
$28.95 / 20.50, ebook, 978-1-58901-799-3

A World of Grace

An Introduction to the
Themes and Foundations
of Karl Rahners Theology

The Politics of
World Religions
288 pp. 2003
$34.95 / 24.50, cloth,
$34.95 / 24.50, ebook,


Leo ODonovan, SJ, Editor

214 pp. 1995
$26.95 / 19.00, paper,
$26.95 / 19.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-228-8

Sexual Ethics

A Theological Introduction
Todd A. Salzman and
Michael G. Lawler
280 pp. 2012
$27.95 / 19.50, paper,
$27.95 / 19.50, ebook,

Health Care as
a Social Good

Religious Values and

American Democracy
David M. Craig
Does a truly remarkable
job with a detailed and
comprehensible analysis of
the competing moral languages of the US
health care as a private benefit/choice, as a
public benefit, and as a social good.

280 pp. 2014

$29.95 / 21.00, paper, 978-1-62616-077-4
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-62616-098-9

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Health Care Ethics

A Catholic
Theological Analysis

Fifth Edition
Benedict M. Ashley, OP,
Jean deBlois, CSJ, and
Kevin D. ORourke, OP
352 pp. 2006
$39.95 / 28.00, paper,
$39.95 / 28.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-337-7

Contemporary Catholic
Health Care Ethics
Second Edition
David F. Kelly, Gerard Magill,
and Henk ten Have
448 pp. 2013
$39.95 / 28.00, paper,
$39.95 / 28.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-961-4

Medical Ethics

Sources of Catholic
Fourth Edition
Kevin D. ORourke and
Philip J. Boyle
352 pp. 2011
$39.95 / 28.00, paper,
$39.95 / 28.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-756-6

A Balm for Gilead

Meditations on Spirituality
and the Healing Arts
Daniel P. Sulmasy, OFM, MD
176 pp. 2006
$22.95 / 16.00, paper,
$22.95 / 16.00, ebook,

The Rebirth of the Clinic

An Introduction to
Spirituality in Health Care

Daniel P. Sulmasy, OFM, MD

262 pp. 2006
$29.95 / 21.00, paper,
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook,


The Future of Ethics

Sustainability, Social
Justice, and Religious
Willis Jenkins
Winner of the 2014 American
Academy of Religion Award
for Excellence, ConstructiveReflective Studies
This books strength is its scope, which
encompasses theology, international human
rights law, and innovative approaches to
ethical thinking about problems that cross
cultural and religious boundaries.

352 pp. 2013

$34.95 / 24.50, paper, 978-1-62616-017-0
$34.95 / 24.50, ebook, 978-1-62616-018-7


Asias New Battleground

Brahma Chellaney
Winner of the Asia Societys
Bernard Schwartz 2012 Book
400 pp. 2013
$22.95 / 16.00, paper,
$22.95 / 16.00, ebook, 978-1-62616-021-7
Rights: Not for sale in Bangladesh, Bhutan,
India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri


A Casebook in
Environmental Ethics
Second Edition
Christine E. Gudorf and
James E. Huchingson
328 pp. 2010
$31.95 / 22.50, paper,
$31.95 / 22.50, ebook, 978-1-58901-685-9

An Ethics of

Christianity, Ecology,
and the Variety of Life
Kevin J. OBrien
240 pp. 2010
$28.95 / 20.50, paper,
$28.95 / 20.50, ebook, 978-1-58901-664-4

800.537.5487 | 1 5

Foundations for
Environmental Ethics

The UN SecretaryGeneral and Moral


Jame Schaefer

Kent J. Kille, Editor

336 pp. 2009

$29.95 / 21.00, paper,
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook,

384 pp. 2007

$29.95 / 21.00, paper,
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-473-2

Reconstructing Patristic
and Medieval Concepts

Restored to Earth

Christianity, Environmental
Ethics, and Ecological
Gretel Van Wieren
224 pp. 2013
$29.95 / 21.00, paper,
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook,

Burying the Past

Making Peace and Doing

Justice After Civil Conflict
Expanded and Updated Edition
Nigel Biggar, Editor

Ethics and Religion in

International Leadership

Just War

Authority, Tradition,
and Practice
Anthony F. Lang Jr.,
Cian ODriscoll, and
John Williams, Editors
336 pp. 2013
$34.95 / 24.50, paper,
$34.95 / 24.50, ebook, 978-1-58901-681-1

Ethics Beyond
Wars End

Eric Patterson, Editor

256 pp 2012
$29.95 / 21.00, paper,
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook,

368 pp. 2003

$29.95 / 21.00, paper,
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-286-8

Ethics &
International Affairs

Reverse Mission

Third Edition
Joel H. Rosenthal and
Christian Barry, Editors

Transnational Religious
Communities and the
Making of US Foreign
Timothy A. Byrnes
216 pp. 2011
$26.95 / 19.00, paper,
$26.95 / 19.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-789-4
Religion and Politics series

The Sacred and

the Sovereign

Religion and
International Politics
John D. Carlson and
Erik C. Owens, Editors
312 pp. 2003
$28.95 / 20.50, paper,
$28.95 / 20.50, ebook, 978-1-58901-465-7

A Reader

368 pp. 2009

$34.95 / 24.50, paper,
$34.95 / 24.50, ebook, 978-1-58901-721-4

Between Terror
and Tolerance

Religious Leaders, Conflict,

and Peacemaking
Timothy D. Sisk, Editor
280 pp. 2011
$32.95 / 23.00, paper,
$32.95 / 23.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-797-9

16 | order online at


Wars Ends

Human Rights,
International Order, and
the Ethics of Peace
James G. Murphy
A rigorous moral compass
for war-making is needed,
now more than ever,
because war has become
anonymous. . . . This book restores the moral
compass for war that a century of technological
advance has taken away.
John Bruton, former European Union Ambassador
to the United States and Prime Minister
(Taoiseach) of Ireland

240 pp. 2014

$29.95 / 21.00, paper, 978-1-62616-027-9
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-62616-028-6

Refugee Rights

Ethics, Advocacy,
and Africa
David Hollenbach, SJ, Editor
272 pp. 2008
$31.95 / 22.50, paper,
$31.95 / 22.50, ebook,

Driven from Home

Protecting the Rights of

Forced Migrants
David Hollenbach, SJ, Editor
296 pp. 2010
$29.95 / 21.00, paper,
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook,

The Sacredness
of the Person

A New Genealogy of
Human Rights
Hans Joas
232 pp. 2013
$29.95 / 21.00, paper,
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-58901-970-6

Theology and the

Boundary Discourse
of Human Rights
Ethna Regan

256 pp. 2010

$44.95 / 31.50, paper,
$44.95 / 31.50, ebook,

The Rights of God

Islam, Human Rights,

and Comparative Ethics
Irene Oh
168 pp. 2007
$26.95 / 19.00, paper,
$26.95 / 19.00, ebook,

The Ethics of

Professional Responsibility
in an Age of Terror
Paul Lauritzen
Winner of the 2014 Alpha
Sigma Nu Book Award for
240 pp. 2013
$27.95 / 19.50, paper, 978-1-58901-972-0
$27.95 / 19.50, ebook, 978-1-58901-973-7

Civil Disagreement

Personal Integrity in a
Pluralistic Society
Edward Langerak
A worthy and timely
contribution, arguably most
laudable for its efforts to
offer an alternative to the
rash demonization and
apathetic polarization that typically define
contemporary political discourse in the
United States.
Theological Studies

184 pp. 2014

$29.95 / 21.00, paper, 978-1-62616-033-0
$29.95 / 21.00, ebook, 978-1-62616-034-7

to Virtue Ethics
Insights of the
Ancient Greeks

Raymond J. Devettere
208 pp. 2002
$26.95 / 19.00, paper,
$26.95 / 19.00, ebook,

Morality and
the Human Goods
An Introduction to
Natural Law Ethics

Alfonso Gmez-Lobo
168 pp. 2001
$26.95 / 19.00, paper,
$26.95 / 19.00, ebook,

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