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Across the Realm Portal

Lady Adellandra

Chapter Index:
Prologue – Across the Realm Portal
Chapter One – The Chosen One Legacy
Chapter Two – Secrets of Illuminata
Chapter Three – A Wicked Twist of Fate
Chapter Four – Past Love, Present Evil
Chapter Five – The Elusive Dia
Chapter Six – Kidnapped and Made Mortal
Chapter Seven – A Change of Heart
Chapter Eight – A Love that Transcends Time
Chapter Nine – Kreskin: Abomination
Chapter Ten – Unknown Portal in the Fountain
Chapter Eleven – One Who No One Suspects
Chapter Twelve – Return of the Lost Prince
Chapter Thirteen – Pantheros’ Story
Chapter Fourteen – Trapped By a Madwoman
Chapter Fifteen – The Somber Night of Healing
Chapter Sixteen – Battle of the Gods
Chapter Seventeen – Love of the New Day
Chapter Eighteen – Portal to the Gates of Forever
Chapter Nineteen – The Trials of Aeon
Chapter Twenty – The Goddess of Time
Chapter Twenty-One – The Powerful Spell
Chapter Twenty-Two – Return to the Illunae
Chapter Twenty-Three -- The Ties that Bind
Chapter Twenty-Four – Surprise Visitor At Illuminata
Chapter Twenty-Five – The Chosen’s Training Begins
Chapter Twenty-Six – The Maze of Strength
Chapter Twenty-Seven – Family Reunion
Across the Realm Portal

Lady Adellandra and her friend, Alissa Monaco fought plenty of monsters together in
Eleron. The Lady was an Honorary-Elder of Eleron and Alissa one of its Fallen Angels.
The women knew little of each other, yet had a bond like old friends and comrades.
There was one being Alissa always brought with her when they battled, and that was her best
friend Corvus Foster.
The more the three battled side-by-side, the more Lady Adellandra wanted to bring them
to the Illunian Realm.
“How would you like to come to my realm and visit for awhile?” Lady Adellandra asked
Alissa and Corvus as they drank smoothies in The Dragon's Den Pub Inn. They were relaxing
after a good day of slaying monsters in the Frozen Northlands.
“That would be neat.” Alissa nodded, looking to Corvus. “What do you think?”
He shrugged, grinning. “Sure, why not? When do we leave?”
Lady Adellandra grinned back. “Would now be too soon?”
Corvus and Alissa only laughed.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
They traveled east until they found a portal near the Crossroads. The Lady shifted her
form to a mighty DragonWolf twice Alissa’s size and three times larger than Corvus’s shape.
Since the duo knew this about her, they weren’t afraid.
“Ready to go, guys?” Lady Adellandra growled lowly, showing her wolf’s fangs in her
version of a smile.
Alissa nodded, holding her pack on her shoulders while Corvus made a thumbs-up sign
with both hands.
The three passed through the portal, staying close as they entered a world known only to
the Lady.
The light was bright, much so, they couldn’t see past their noses. When it dimmed, they
could see numerous portals, each swirling different colors and bearing different markings above
“Welcome to the Crossroads of the Inner Realms.” Lady Adellandra gestured around her.
“Glance around and see many other portals, each urging you to enter and explore. Ignore those
and instead, follow me.”
“My, you’re bossy.” Corvus responded.
Alissa giggled under her breath.
The Lady ignored this, instead leading them to a portal with the figure of a “V” and a
silver-lined full moon over it.
“Is that the symbol of where you’re taking us?” Corvus asked. He was hooked, as Lady
Adellandra had known he would be.
“Realm of the Illunae; and yes, my friend; that is the portal.” Lady Adellandra nodded
seriously. “If you would be a dear and come along, we do not have a lot of time.”
Once they were through that portal, Alissa gasped. “It’s beautiful!”
There was a castle ahead that looked like King Favion's in Misty City.
“It’s also being fought over.” Lady Adellandra explained as they walked closer to the
castle ahead. “As I said, this is the Realm of the Illunae. I guess Eleron would call them
Necromancers, for lack of better explanation; not that they are evil or want to rule the world or
anything like that. Anyway, the rulers of the Illunae are called a High-Priest and a High-
Priestess. Depending on their station, whether they are a daughter of the Monarchs or their son,
their mate, once they finally decided to mate, would be their Consort.”
“Wait a minute.” Alissa asked. “High Priest? Consort? What are you talking about?”
“Yeah, hold on a second.” Corvus stopped them in their tracks. “Why did you bring us
“I’m suspicious of that, too.” Alissa and Corvus looked at each other.
“I cannot explain right now, guys.” The Lady told them, turning away and hurrying off.
Shrugging, they were again on their way.
Chapter One:
The Chosen One Legacy

They followed her to the Throne Room, where three Thrones stood tall side-by-side. The
one on the left was smaller than the other two, and yet it held a beautiful woman.
Corvus couldn’t look away from her. He could tell she was bored to death of just sitting
there, staring out the window, chin in her palm and fingers strumming her teeth.
The other two Thrones were occupied by the High-Priest and the High-Priestess-Consort,
Lord Xavier and Lady Myria.
Lord Xavier stood to greet Lady Adellandra with a hug. “Silver! How wonderful you’ve
“I am not home to stay, my Lord.” Adellandra replied, gesturing her friends. “I brought
the two candidates for you to meet.”
Alissa and Corvus just stared. Corvus ran a hand through his hair nervously.
“Wonderful!” Lord Xavier cried, patting her on the back. “You’ll join us for supper
later?” They nodded. “Introductions are in order.” He cried as he sat back on his Throne. He
waved a hand and said, “Go ahead.”
Alissa was shocked out of her reverie – she couldn’t stop staring at the Throne Room,
especially the Lady Myria herself: red hair just like hers, beautiful gown of brilliant purple and
as the trio moved closer to the Thrones, she saw Myria had golden eyes.
She cleared her throat. “I am Alissa Monaco.” Nervous, she curtseyed.
Corvus was more confident, bowing. “Majesties, my name is Corvus Foster.”
At the name, the girl was knocked out of her boredom. She stood and stomped toward
him as her parents, Alissa, and Lady Adellandra watched.
“You’re not from around here, are you?” She asked.
“No, My Lady,” Corvus reported. He saw the color of her eyes – silver – and couldn’t
stop staring. “Forgive me for saying so, but you have the most gorgeous silver eyes.”
The girl blushed. “Why, thank you, sir.”
Corvus took her hand and kissed it, keeping his eyes on hers. “Pleasure is all mine, my
“Hikari,” Lady Adellandra said softly.
The girl turned to her. “Sorry, Sita.” She turned back to Corvus and curtseyed.
“Meet Hikari Ikioi, my sister of Light and Spirit.” The Lady told him, smiling.
Corvus kissed her hand again. “Pleasure is definitely all mine; my Lady Hikari.”
“Likewise, Corvus sir.” Hikari curtseyed again.
Corvus and Hikari were staring at each other lovingly. Smiling at this, she addressed the
Lord High-Priest Xavier.
“My Lord, may we adjourn to a place that is a little more private?”
The High-Priest blinked, and then smiled. “Certainly, Silver. If you and Alissa would
like to come with me?”
Adellandra nodded.
Hikari turned to her father. “Yes, Pada?”
“Show the young Corvus around Illuminata. You are excused until your Sita has need for
the young man.”
Hikari smiled. “Thank you, Pada!” She grasped Corvus’s hand. “Come! Let me show
you sights you’ve never seen in your Realm!”
Corvus laughed as he was drug away by a very excited Hikari.
Alissa could swear of three things: one, something fishy was going on between the Lord
and his ‘daughter’, Lady Adellandra; two, the Lord’s Lady Myria looked like she was about to
burst at the DragonWolf Lady; and three: Corvus was finally feeling love for someone other than
her as a best friend. Could her best friend be in love with a woman he just met?
Before she knew it, Alissa was following the Lord Xavier, Lady Adellandra, and was
trailed by Lady Myria. While the Lord and his daughter spoke in a private room, the Lady Myria
took her aside.
“I bet you are wondering what is going on,” Myria sat beside her on a bench.
Alissa tucked hair behind her ear and stared at the woman, astonished at how much they
looked alike. Well, the Lady looked an elder version of her, that is. If she didn’t know any
better, she would say Myria looked exactly like her mother. Not wanting to think of such a
depressing topic, Alissa cleared her throat.
“Yes, my Lady.” She told her softly. Why was her voice shaking?
The Lady smiled and placed a hand on Alissa’s lap. “Call me Myria. I believe the reason
you’re here is to fulfill a Vision both Hikari and Silver have seen.”
Alissa’s thoughts turned to suspicion and her body relaxed. “Silver? Is that Lady
Adellandra’s real name?”
“In a way, yes.” Myria nodded. “It is not my place to tell the story, but in a nutshell, the
one you call Lady Adellandra truly is Xavier’s daughter, and Hikari his first wife.”
“Then who are you, if not his Lady? And why does Hikari look younger and act like a
kid?” Alissa was confused and wanted answers. “Why did the Lady Adellandra call Hikari her
Sister of Light and Spirit? Who’s her mother? Why have we been brought here? Just what is
going on?”
The Lady Myria laughed, “Do not worry about it right now, Eleronai.” She pat Alissa’s
back. “Just know that your male friend,”
“Yes, Corvus.” Myria nodded. “He is already weaved into the fine tapestry that is the
Realm of the Illunae. Should he so choose, he will remain here and become the new Lord High-
Priest Consort.”
Alissa blinked, thinking of the connotations of that. “What about our lives in Eleron?
Will we ever be able to go back?”
“Alissa, just concentrate on the now, and worry about that at another time.” Myria
supplied. The Lady looked deep into Alissa’s eyes. “There is something different about you as
well. You were not born in the Realm of Eleron, were you?” Alissa’s eyes widened, but she kept
silent. The Lady continued. “I sense you were once a great angel of the night, a kind of rogue
angel. The light within your eyes tells me your story, and I believe that you will be a part of the
Illunae one day.”
Alissa finally had the courage to look away, deep in her thoughts and embarrassed.
The Lady Myria closed her eyes, a knowing smile spread across her lips.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
“Are you sure that boy is the in your visions?” Lord Xavier asked Adellandra.
“Positive. Both Hikari and I had the same vision of him. Silver eyes, dark hair in
dreadlocks, tall and sarcastic, this Corvus is a dead ringer for the Chosen.”
“Nothing in the Chosen Legacy suggests sarcasm.” Xavier said. “How well do you
know him?”
“He is Alissa’s best friend, not even she knows much about him.”
“Interesting, the both of them,” Xavier said. “I could sense Alissa’s curiosity.”
“She is just doing what anyone new to this Realm would do.” Adellandra waved a hand.
“It’s perfectly natural, Pada.”
Xavier smiled. “It is good to have you back, Silver Moon.”
“I only wish it were for pleasure.” Adellandra sighed. “I heard from Hikari about the
revolt. I am not impressed, and can only hope Corvus and she will be able to turn it around for
the better.”
“I would hope as much, too.” Xavier sighed. “Why won’t you stay, dearest Dan'aa?”
“My station calls me to too many places in many forms.” Adellandra told him. “I may
be able to stay a few days but that may be all. Eleron and the Inner Realms need me to do my
“Have you become a liaison for Eleron then?” Xavier asked.
“In a way, aye.” Adellandra said. “King Favion and I have been working on a Treaty
between the Inner Realms and Eleron. Somehow, the Portal that brought us here from there has
stayed open. Not even Wizard Nero knows why or how, or even where it came from. He and I
are just glad it stayed open once I passed through it.”
Xavier sighed, sitting in a high-backed chair at the elongated table. “Very interesting
story, I must hear it sometime. In the meantime, what did Hikari tell you about the revolt?”
“She just told me it was nothing for me to worry about, which in turn caused me worry.”
Xavier grinned. “Ah yes. Maybe it’s not that much to worry about for you, but for us, it
“I still need to know about it,” Adellandra pointed out. “So, what is it?”
“Tax increase.”
“That’s it?”
“It’s just the usual increase, Silver.” Xavier nodded. “That’s it.”
Adellandra sighed, slumping in a chair across from him, rubbing her wolf-like muzzle,
her eyes closing. “Please stop calling me that. It’s not who I am anymore, my Lord.”
“You are to me.” Xavier told her gently. “Time was stolen from us, but you will always
be my daughter Silver Moon, no matter what you look like.”
“Fine,” Adellandra huffed. “What about the increase?”
“It would seem your Bad'ra Copper has seen to it every member of the population in our
general area needed to be taxed per population.” Xavier explained.
“That’s normal, right?”
“He also decreed that a higher percentage be taken from the Allunian people than the
Illunian.” Xavier supplied. “What has been done cannot be undone, but something must be
done about it, before we return to war.”
“I understand.” Adellandra stood. “Let us handle it, Pada. For now, there is a very
confused fallen angel out there who deserves answers.”
Xavier stood. “Indeed. Try not to confuse the poor girl.”
They hugged and she was out the door.
◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Hikari was interested in the newcomer from the first moment she laid eyes on him when
he walked in. He was tall, handsome, and quite charming once she started talking to him.
What had gotten into her? What made her grab his arm and yank him out of there for a
bit of alone-time? She just met him and she knew one thing: he was her Chosen.
Would he be willing to leave whatever world he left behind to stay in the Illunae with
“You’re quiet, madam.” Corvus announced quietly. They met eyes and she blushed.
“May I be so bold as to ask what’s on your mind?”
Hikari smiled. “You.”
Corvus bent his head to the side. “Me?”
Hikari nodded. “Hai. I Saw you in a vision.”
“A Vision?” Corvus was interested. He led them to a nearby bench and let her sit before
he sat beside her. “Dear lady, do tell me what this vision of me was, if you don’t mind.”
Hikari blushed. “It is not I that minds; I would tell you in an instant.” She said softly.
“But it is not my vision alone, so I cannot divulge it unless Silver deems it necessary.” She
looked at him and shrugged. “My apologies.”
Corvus looked around him, utterly confused. “You had a vision of me but you can’t tell
Hikari nodded.
“Not until the Lady says it’s necessary to tell me?”
“Hai.” Hikari nodded again, looking across the trail. “We shared it.”
“How can two separate people have the same vision?”
Hikari looked at him thoughtfully and said, “When those two separate people are sisters.”
“You’re not twins?”
Hikari shook her head. “Nay, and it’s all very complicated, to say the least.”
Corvus turned to the pond in front of him. “I guess so.”
Hikari looked up to see him staring at the pond. His silver eyes were deep in thought,
and she was sad she couldn’t tell him the vision. Not far in her sight, she saw a sentry coming
their way, and stood to greet them.
The man bowed before speaking. “My Lady, your mother wishes a word with you in her
“I’ll be right there; thank you Jessop.” Hikari bowed back.
Jessop turned on his heel and left.
She turned back to Corvus and said his name. He still stared at the pond in deep thought.
She frowned, as she was not used to being ignored. She said his name again; this time using her
power of compulsion to make him look at her.
Corvus finally looked up. “My apologies, Lady. I was just thinking.”
“What were you thinking about?”
He smiled. “You.”
Hikari giggled. “Liar.”
“I dare not lie to a lady, least of all to one as breathtaking as you.” Corvus stood and took
her hands. “Not even Alissa knows of this, but I have had visions of this place – nay, that pond –
for awhile now.”
Hikari looked into his silver eyes. “No joking?”
Corvus shook his head. “I speak only the truth, as I find myself unable to fib around
Hikari bent her head and squinted. “No lie?”
Corvus could not stand it anymore. If she were to believe he was telling the truth and in
fact couldn’t tell her a lie, he had to get forceful.
So he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her lips. At first, she was hesitant
and froze with her eyes wide open, staring into his. Once she relaxed against him, she closed her
eyes and pulled herself deeper in the kiss.
You are my Chosen One. Corvus heard in his mind before feeling her lips lift off of his
and her body disappearing with a wisp of wind.
He had to step forward to stop himself from falling flat on his face where he stood. His
eyes widened in shock as they surveyed the grounds around him.
Just as he feared, she was gone, and he was alone, left with a confused look on his face
and a feeling of completion in his heart.
“What is this place?” He whispered to himself, shaking his head.
Without missing a beat, he followed the trail back to the Castle’s Throne room in search
of Hikari. He needed answers, and in order to get them, he had to find her.
She and her ‘sister’, the Lady Adellandra, that is. They knew something about this place,
his involvement here, the entire idea of “Chosen”, whatever that was, and why he instantly fell
head-over-heels in love with Hikari the first moment he laid eyes on her.
Chapter Two:
Secrets of Illuminata

Hikari reformed from the mists in front of the Lady Myria, who was sitting at her tea-
table next to the open window.
Lady Myria gestured for her to sit once sensing her arrival.
“What do you wish, Lady Mame?”
“It is only us two; you need not announce our roles.” Lady Myria announced. She
turned and smiled at her. “Now then, how are you doing today, Hikari dear?”
Hikari relaxed, frowning. She folded her arms. “What do you really want?”
“Tell me about your Chosen.” Lady Myria asked her. “I can sense the change in
Illuminata already.”
“Of course there’s a change here.” Hikari supplied. “Sita has returned with two Eleronai
in tow. Corvus is indeed my Chosen, though I still don’t know why we had the vision or how.
He is different, and told me something very interesting.”
“He also had a vision, did he not?” Lady Myria lifted her tea-cup and sipped.
“Mame, you really need to keep out of my head.” Hikari sighed. “Yes, he had a vision
and yes, that’s what he told me. Now, do tell me what I am doing here, or I will return to Pada
and Sita.”
“The Red-haired girl Silver brought with her is also a part of our Chosen Prophesy.”
Hikari slumped, finally sitting in the offered chair. “You’re kidding.”
Lady Myria shook her head. “I have Seen it myself. She is Panther-kin.”
“Hai.” Hikari nodded. “Everyone in Eleron knows that.”
“The reason I called you here was to discuss what we should do about her until your
shared vision comes to fruition.”
Lady Myria looked up from her teacup. “Sorry, dear?”
“Her name is Alissa Monaco, and she is a personal friend of ours.”
“The only reason we allowed you to go through the portal to Eleron is to fetch your Sita.”
Lady Myria announced, placing her teacup on its saucer and looking straight at her. “We had no
choice. She was needed.”
“Isn’t she always?” Hikari asked and cleared her throat. “Now she is here, and so are her
two Eleronai friends. Each Eleronai doing whatever they desire here. What of my Bad'ras?
What are they doing about the Revolt?”
“Well, Copper and his mate are handling it the best they can without Silver’s help.”
“He must learn sometime, she is not always around to do his dirty work.” Hikari pointed
out. “What about Zinc?”
“As always, busy with his spells and rituals, searching for a magical way out of it.”
Myria announced. “Boring, really.”
“Magic isn’t boring, Mame.” Hikari told her.
“It will not help with a Revolt; unless there is some way to enchant our people into
behaving themselves, or take their memories of revolting in the first place.”
“Zinc is an honorable man; you know better than to ask him for such a terrible thing.
Lady Myria merely smiled. That smile told Hikari she’d been duped. “How easily you
jump to conclusions, dearheart.” She refilled her teacup with tea from a small ceramic pot on the
table. “I did not say Magic was boring, but the way your Bad'ra approaches it.”
“Not all of us are borne Necromancers.” Hikari teased. “It is no wonder you have bright
red hair in a Realm of those with raven’s wing black.”
Lady Myria shrugged and laughed.
There was a loud knock on the door.
“Enter!” They both called.
In entered a busty maid, with bouncing rings of curly black hair and big black eyes. Her
breasts bounced as she stood from her bowing.
“Speak, Saia.” Lady Myria rolled her eyes.
“Lady Hikari, Lady Myria, dinner is served.”
With a wink and another bow, she slightly bent her legs, turned and left the room,
“Where did we get her?” Hikari asked, standing and staring after the maid.
“She was your Pada’s idea; not mine.”
“Figures. She’s just his type.” Hikari told her. “Full of boobs and giggling hot air.”
Lady Myria giggled at that. She stood and followed her stepdaughter out of the room and
toward the dining hall.
◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
“Halt! You there!” A male voice yelled behind him.
Corvus stopped in his tracks to see a tall man running at him; blue-white-almost-silver
hair and long robes of silver and black.
Once the man stopped to catch his breath by his side, Corvus could see the sparkle of
silver-blue in his eyes. Could this be a relative of Adellandra’s and Hikari’s?
“May I help you?” Corvus stared at him in curiosity.
“Where are you going?” The man huffed.
“I’m trying to find Lady Hikari.” Corvus explained. “You see, she, uh, disappeared on
“What kind of disappear?” The man asked. “I’m her Bad'ra Zinc, by the way.”
“Corvus,” he introduced himself. “She just poofed out of sight.”
“Follow me to the Dining Hall.” Zinc told him. “I bet she’s there with our Parena and
“She was called there.” Corvus shrugged. Should he trust this strange-looking man?
“You should trust me, but that’s just a suggestion.” Zinc smiled when Corvus looked at
him with wide eyes. Zinc tapped his temple. “I’m a telepath, among other things. Anyway, if
Hikari poofed, as you said, she had to have been embarrassed. Did you do anything to embarrass
Corvus cleared his throat and nodded. “I kissed her.”
Zinc stopped them in their tracks. “Really?! You kissed Hikari?”
Corvus frowned, offended. “Something wrong with that?”
Zinc laughed, his hands up in surrender. “No, not really.” He shrugged. “Just that Hikari
has never been kissed before; she was saving herself for her Chosen.”
You are my Chosen One. Hikari’s voice echoed in Corvus’s mind.
Corvus shook his head. “Now I have to find her.”
“I bet.” Zinc kept his grin. “I’ll take you to the Dining Hall.”
“Silver’s back?” A copper-haired male asked as he wove his long hair into numerous
“That is the rumor, beloved.” His mate supplied, helping him braid where he couldn’t
reach. “If we don’t hurry, we will miss the main course.”
“Harrumph.” Lord-Priest Copper mumbled, frowning at their reflections. “It’s never fun
anymore when she visits. It’s always business.”
“You have to remember her station, Copper.” The Lady Eugenia said, braiding the final
clump of copper-colored locks and kissing his head. “She is the Lady Empress of the Inner
Realms, and beyond.”
“Why can she not come home for longer than a few days?” Copper stood and fixed his
dress blouse.
“Copper,” Lady Eugenia warned with a smile.
He turned and gave her a kiss. “I know, I know, stop complaining.” He crooked an arm
for her to take and they were on their way to the dining hall.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Alissa was dazed at the mere beauty of the dining Hall.
The table in front of her was shaped in a “U”; her guess was so the family could speak to
one another without having to yell across the table. The dishes placed at each of the many spaces
were sparkling in the light from overhead chandeliers.
“I’ll take you to your seat, Alissa.” Lady Adellandra whispered in her ear.
Alissa could only nod, speechless as she followed her strange DragonWolf friend to a
chair. A maid came up and pulled it out for her.
“Thank you.” Alissa nodded her thanks.
“Vel’ca’moon.” The maid curtly nodded and stepped back to her position behind her.
Alissa looked to Lady Adellandra, but she was already being seated a few chairs down by
another maid.
“Kresh’nae, La’u’ra?” The Lady was saying to her maid.
“Nato, Lady.” The maid replied back.
“Thank you anyway.” The Lady sighed and shifted form to a maiden with long silver
hair and a sparkling tiara atop her head. Her body had lost the dragon-like wings and tail, as well
as the wolf-like features.
The maid nodded tightly and walked toward Alissa, whispering in the other maid’s ear
shortly before both of them left the room.
“May I ask what that was about?” Alissa asked.
“Nothing much. I just asked her if my Illunian son had been seen.”
“Illunian son?”
Lady Adellandra shook her head. “It is nothing to worry about; I promise.”
Dazed and utterly confused by the many different languages she’d heard so far, Alissa
accepted the explanation.
“Silver!” They both heard a woman shriek. Looking up, Alissa saw it was a very-excited
Lady Hikari Ikioi.
Lady Myria caught Alissa’s eye and smiled, nodding.
Hikari raced to Lady Adellandra’s side to hug her. “I’m so glad you’ve decided to shift!
You’re so boorish as a DragonWolf, you know that?”
“Hai, Sita, but now is not the time.” Lady Adellandra’s tone was stern as she pulled
herself from the hug. “Where is your Chosen?”
Hikari stepped back and bit her lip, her body becoming transparent. “Courtyard.”
“You left him there?” The Lady laughed. Hikari's almost transparent head nodded, her
body following. “Oh, Hikari. It’s okay.”
The transparent Hikari became solid again and gave her sister another hug. “Thank you,
“You are welcome, Hikari.” The Lady pulled back again. “Why not take your seat; Zinc
is on his way with him right now.”
“He met with Zinc?” Lady Myria groaned. “What more could go wrong?”
“What’s wrong with Zinc?” Alissa asked, looking from one family member to the other.
“Nothing’s wrong with him.” Hikari said, frowning at Lady Myria. “Some of us won’t
accept a non-Necromantic Priest of the Moon, that’s all.”
“Oh really, Myria!” Lady Adellandra gasped. “Do you still hate him for that?
“My apologies, Dan’aa.” Lady Myria said. “Not all of us can adapt so easily to Illunian
Lady Adellandra sighed and looked to Alissa. “Short explanation; Myria is from the
Allunae, which is spelled with an ‘A’. Her people warred against the Illunae, which is spelled
with an ‘I’, for generations.”
“Once she mated with Pada, the two lands were combined to make the Illunian Realm.”
Hikari explained further. “Silver’s Bad'ra Copper is still paying for his parent’s mistakes.”
“Hikari!” Adellandra scolded. “Leave business away from the Dining table.”
Hikari stuck her tongue out at her and pouted, crossing her arms.
“Sorry you had to witness that, my Lord Xavier.” Lady Adellandra announced, looking
up behind Alissa.
Alissa turned to see the Lord-Priest Xavier standing behind her, his hands behind his back
and a frown aimed at Hikari.
“It’s quite all right, Silver.” Xavier nodded, heading over to his daughter’s side.
Lady Myria followed, with Xavier pulling a chair out for her before sitting beside her, in
between Myria and Hikari.
“Right this way, sir.” They heard another male voice behind Alissa and the entrance to
the Dining Hall.
When she turned this time, she caught the mischievous eyes of her best friend. Beside
him was a tall male with blue-silver eyes and long blue-white, almost-silver colored hair.
“Sorry we’re late, Pada.” Zinc greeted his father with a polite nod before taking his seat
on the other side of Lady Myria.
Alissa could almost feel the tension between Myria and Zinc.
“Zinc,” Lady Adellandra spoke up. “Dear Ba’dra, please behave yourself.”
“Sita, I’m not doing anything!” Zinc exclaimed.
“Behave.” His sister was firm.
“You’re never any fun anymore, Silver Moon.” Zinc remarked.
“That’s just what I was thinking!” A baritone laughed, coming in the room.
Alissa could see the family resemblance. Based on his copper-colored hair in numerous
braids and his royal attire, she guessed this man was “Copper?”
The man turned to her, then Lady Myria, and back to Alissa. “Lord-Priest Copper to be
exact. You would be?”
“The Eleronai I brought with me through the portal.” Adellandra supplied.
“So it’s true.” The Lady that followed behind Copper nodded her greetings as Copper
pulled out a chair for her.
Corvus and Alissa looked at each other, then back at the light-haired Lady as she
“The Chosen Prophesy has been Seen?”
“Yes, Ginny.” Adellandra supplied, and turned to the Eleronai. “Those two would be my
Bad'ra Copper and his Lady-Priestess-Consort Eugenia. As I told Hikari and Lord Pada, there
will be no business spoken at the Dining Table. Let us just have a pleasant meal, shall we?”
Alissa was confused; and could tell Corvus was, too. He was still standing.
Adellandra noticed this as well, and smiled as she stood. She walked around the table to
his side and whispered something in his ear that made him blush. Once gesturing toward Hikari,
he made his way to the empty seat beside her and sat down with a soft thump.
Adellandra and Alissa giggled.
“Can we eat yet?” Zinc asked, rubbing his hands together. “I’m drained!”
Lord Xavier smiled at his son, clapped his hands in the air and dinner was served.
Chapter Three
A Wicked Twist of Fate

The meal was full of chatter; though, the only ones silent were Corvus, Alissa and
Adellandra. After the meal was finished, and dishes were cleared, Adellandra excused herself
and raced out of the Dining Hall. Both Eleronai followed.
“Adellandra!” Corvus called, hoping to catch up with their strange friend.
Adellandra stopped in her tracks, abruptly turned and pasted on a smile. “Sorry, Cor.
Alissa.” She shook her head. “I should not have brought either of you here.”
She turned back around and started walking toward the courtyard.
“You can take us back, right?” Alissa asked, worried for her.
Something wasn’t right; she could sense it, and believed Adellandra could, too. Alissa
looked to her best friend. Corvus’s face was no longer smiling and she could tell he was worried
about Adellandra as well.
Adellandra shook her head. “According to the Chosen Legacy, which both my Lord Pada
– father – Xavier and I agree, both of you are involved.”
“Lady Myria did tell me I was ‘woven into the fine tapestry that is the Illunae.’” Alissa
shrugged, sitting next to Adellandra on the bench. “Whatever that means.”
“It means, somehow, you are a part of the Inner Realms.” Adellandra sighed. She looked
up to Corvus, who had grown quiet. He was standing, staring at the pond a few feet away from
“She called me her Chosen.” He whispered, touching his lips.
It was clear his mind was elsewhere, and the women looked at one another.
“Go to him, Alissa.” Adellandra told her quietly after a moment. She stood. “I will find
Hikari, and get this straightened out.”
Without another word, the Lady in all-silver form disappeared.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Adellandra found her sister in deep conversation with Copper and Zinc. The trio was in a
hidden alcove deep in the Castle’s towers.
“I knew you would be here.” Adellandra frowned, stopping in front of them and nodding
to her brothers. “But what are you two doing here with her?”
The trio looked at one another sheepishly before nervously looking to the floor.
Adellandra shook her head.
“Spit it out, or Spirit will –“
“No!” Hikari cried, putting her hands on her sister’s to stop Adellandra from drawing her
Spiritblade sword from Her sheath. She looked to the brothers. “We’ll tell you.”
“There’s something terribly wrong here.” Zinc was to the point. “My mother is now my
sister, somewhat, my niece is now my stepmother, and even you’re different.”
“Don’t you feel it, Silver?” Copper asked, bringing Adellandra into a hug. He released
her when, as they pulled back, she wasn’t smiling.
“Of course I feel it.” Adellandra stepped back. “I also feel your meager little tax
problem is out of place. I thought we figured that out the last time I was here?”
“That’s what first tipped me off.” Copper explained. “So, I asked Zinc if he felt the same
Adellandra looked to her youngest brother. “Well?”
“It’s like we woke up in another dimension and time.”
Hikari nodded, her eyes wide open.
“Shista.” Adellandra growled the Ancient Wolf-Speak curse. “There is no time for this.
Meet me in the morning, first thing after you break the fast. We will all talk then.”
“There’s something else you should know.” Copper responded, eyeing a saddened Zinc
and an anxious Hikari.
Adellandra quickly turned. “What?”
Copper held his breath. “Ichiane is dead, and Dia has turned evil.”
Adellandra froze in spot, her eyes clouding over, knees buckling and an exasperated
“no,” seeping out of her lips as she held her heart. She shook her head. “How?”
“Ichiane destroyed herself one night.” Zinc said softly, placing a hand on Adellandra’s
shoulder. “I’m…sorry, Sita.”
Copper cleared his throat. “Dia disappeared after the funeral and hasn’t been seen since.”
“I didn’t even know that!” Hikari whispered. She knelt down to Adellandra’s level and
hugged her. “Both were dear to us all.”
The sisters pulled back and Hikari noted the lack of tears on Adellandra’s cheeks or eyes.
“Are you okay?”
Adellandra nodded. “How many know about the shifting of time and space?”
“I’ve spoken with Pada, Myria, and Ginny.” Copper supplied. “It would seem it’s only
the Cobrianos’.”
“The Royal Family.” Adellandra breathed, standing. “Now I really should not have
brought the Eleronai.”
“Should we tell them?” Hikari asked.
“Sleep on it and speak about it in the morning.” Adellandra told her. “In the meantime,
you need to come with me to see Cor. Explanations are in order.”
Hikari’s breath caught in her throat as she nodded, following in Adellandra’s footsteps.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
While the siblings were talking in that hidden hallway, Alissa was staring at her best
friend. She hadn’t known him to be so quiet and sullen. He’d always been a fun, annoying,
sarcastic and playful man, yet a wicked mean fighter when given the chance.
She sat on the bench, thinking about the day’s adventurous, yet odd, events. The sun was
going down, and the sunset turned the bright blue sky into wondrous shades of red and purple. A
bright and full silver moon glittered upon the water in the pond. The brief wind made her close
her eyes and smile, for it felt so good against her cheek.
Still, the gentle breeze didn’t stop her from thinking of what could be wrong with Corvus.
“Alissa!” She heard a female voice yell her name.
When she looked, she saw it was Adellandra, still in her silver-clad form, with Hikari
beside her. The two looked like twins with one difference; crystals attached to the pommel of a
multicolored blade that hung at Adellandra’s side were shining all colors of the rainbow. Hikari’s
Moon-staff was safely tucked away in a pouch on her belt, ready for extension and use when she
needed it.
Alissa stood. “Hey, what’s up?”
“We need to talk.” Hikari eyed Corvus. “The time has come quicker than we anticipated,
Corvus. We need to tell you our Vision of you.”
Corvus frowned, but nodded after a moment. “I thought as much.” He supplied. “Do
your worst, my Lady.”
“Drop the honorific, please.” Hikari told him.
He bowed. “Certainly, Hikari.”
Hikari sighed and Adellandra rolled her eyes. “This is extremely serious, so we cannot
speak about it in the open.”
“Agreed.” Hikari nodded to her. “So, where to?”
“My room.” Adellandra supplied. “Follow me.”

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
“So, what was your vision, Adellandra?” Alissa was the first to break the silence after
they closed the door behind them. Hikari and Corvus held hands as they sat on Adellandra’s bed
and Adellandra herself was pacing.
“You are the First Monarch's Own of the Illunae.” Adellandra told Corvus, and turned to
Alissa, “and somehow, you are also part of something much different, but still of the Inner
Realms.” Adellandra shook her head, slumping in one of the big armchairs. “If only I had
access to the Chronicle Libraries.”
“They’re back in Mal’estar, aren’t they?” Alissa asked.
Adellandra nodded, and turned to Hikari. “Time to tell them what we learned.”
“Great.” Hikari sighed and stood. “Well, what to tell first? The Vision, or about the time
Corvus abruptly stood. “Time warp?”
Both girls nodded and Alissa was interested, yet confused.
“This place – and its time – is not right.” Adellandra tried to explain. “Our vision was of
you helping correct it; only, it does not show or tell how, when you know next to nothing about
the Inner Realms.”
“That’s reassuring.”
“That’s not all.” Hikari quipped after him. “We’re not the only ones that feel it. Our
Bad'ras, who in the right time are my sons, felt it, too.”
“According to them, and our own conclusions, the Cobrianos’ have been thrown in a
completely different warped time-line of the real Illunian Realm.” Adellandra continued. “I can
understand a little bit if it were different, but not now. It is unexplainable.”
“Like the time-line split somewhere, and was twisted.”
“Or someone’s playing a very cruel game.” Corvus spoke up seriously. All three girls
looked at him. He shrugged. “What? I’m not allowed to be smart, too?”
Hikari smiled, a small giggle escaped from her lips.
“’Kari,” Adellandra warned, sighing. “I admit it; he may be right.”
“Why don’t we get Copper and Zinc here, too, so we can discuss it?” Hikari suggested.
“In that case, why not have a meeting of all Cobrianos’?” Alissa asked, startling them all.
“If there’s a game being played here, and the family is deep in the middle of a time-warp thing,
shouldn’t we gather who knows about it and think of what to do?”
Corvus smiled, clapping her on the back. “I knew you were good for something.”
She ignored him, rolling her eyes. “I mean it, though. Do you know who knows about
the time warping?”
“Copper, Zinc, Pada, Myria, Ginny, and the four of us,” Hikari counted off her fingers.
“Is that everyone in the Cobrianos family of this time?” Corvus asked her.
Adellandra and Hikari shook their heads.
“There are two more, but one has died and the other turned evil.” Adellandra said softly.
“The real Hikari’s Allunian Handmaiden and my Bad'ras’ and my Nursemaiden Ichiane died and
her daughter of this time Dia turned against us.”
“We don’t know if this time’s Dia is our Dia.” Hikari replied. “I asked Zinc, since he
was closest to her, and he wasn’t able to answer me.”
“I am wondering why not?” Adellandra supplied under her breath.
“We can’t focus on that right now.” Hikari said. “We need to focus on getting out of this
time warp.”
“I agree,” Alissa announced. “Adellandra’s our friend, and needs our help. That’s what
friends do.”
“Usually, I’d agree wholeheartedly, but I’m not so sure about this.” Corvus replied.
“You are my Chosen.” Hikari took his hands and told him. “That’s not going to change.”
“What about when time is put right?” Corvus asked her. “Where will we be then?”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there, so please don’t worry about it.” Hikari kissed
him. “I do care for you, Corvus, and would hope you could help us in this matter.”
He stared into her silver eyes, transfixed by both their beauty and her spirit. She may
have acted like a giggly school-girl earlier, but once they kissed for the first time, she acted more
He smiled, nodding. “I’ll help.” He looked to Alissa and Adellandra. “What do we do
“As Alissa said, we gather those who know this time is wrong for them.” Adellandra
announced. “To the Library!”
Chapter Four
Past Love, Present Evil

Copper paced while Zinc looked through his libraries for clues as to what was going on,
and how to fix it.
“I still think we should find Dia.” Copper announced to his brother, arms folded.
Zinc’s bright smile turned serious. “Face it, she’s lost to us. This Dia is not ours.”
“How do we know?” Copper asked him, stopping in his tracks and facing his brother.
“How do we know she’s not ours, and is just as confused as the rest of us?”
Zinc closed the book in his hand and frowned. “Because I can’t sense her anymore.”
“She could have just shut you out.”
Zinc opened his eyes. “No. Our Dia would never do that!”
Copper studied him for a moment. He’d never seen his Druid High Priest brother act like
this before. It was as if he were defending the real Dia with his every breath.
“What?” Zinc caught him staring.
“You love her; don’t you?” Copper asked softly.
Zinc’s cheeks blanched and he walked away, his nose buried in the book he was reading.
After a few steps, he stopped. “Ridiculous! She’s my niece, it would be wrong.”
“She’s not our niece in blood, Z.” Copper reminded him. “Dia saw us as replacements
for her missing father, calling us uncles since she learned to speak.”
Zinc turned around, his blue-white, almost silver hair whipped over his shoulder. “For
Goddess’ sake, she is my student.”
“But you do love her.” Copper pressed, his features softening. He stepped to his brother
and placed a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll find her; I promise.”
Zinc sighed, pasting on a smile before returning to his bookshelves, searching for clues.
“Where should we start?”
Copper looked at the numerous large volumes on the shelf in front of him. “Let’s find the
Chronicles of this time. That should be our first clue.”
“Right.” Zinc agreed.
As the men searched through the library, they heard a loud bang from the doors. When
they looked, they saw four figures coming in their direction. Twin women dressed in silver; one
with a jeweled pommel attached to a worn hilt of a sword was the twin they recognized as Silver
while the other was Hikari. Behind them was the pair of Eleronai, Alissa Monaco and Corvus
“Hikari, Silver, what are you guys doing here?” Zinc asked, eyeing his brother, who
“Perhaps the same thing you are.” Hikari walked up to him. “Searching for answers as
to what’s going on.”
“We’re just here to help.” Corvus grinned. Alissa rolled her eyes.
“Ignore him.” Alissa caught the brothers’ shaking their heads. “We’re helping put right
what once went wrong, in hopes that one day we’ll return time and find the portal home.”
Corvus was the first to burst out laughing.
“Wow.” Hikari and Adellandra chorused, giggling.
“What’s so funny?” Alissa pouted.
“There used to be a television program in the Outer Realm some years back,” Adellandra
smiled. “What you just said sounded like its opening commentary.”
Alissa turned to Corvus, who was calming down and wiping a laughing tear from his eye.
“What about you? Why’d you laugh?”
Corvus shrugged. “You sounded so serious; I couldn’t help myself.”
“Let us just do what we came here for.” Adellandra announced, clearing her throat to
calm herself as they separated.
They hid themselves in different rows of shelves, still able to hear the group yet unable to
see them.
“What exactly are we looking for?” Corvus asked, following Hikari to the back rows of
bookshelves to the left. “There has to be at least a million books here.”
“I wouldn’t say that many, my dreadlocked friend.” Zinc spoke up. “At last count, our
personal libraries consisted of at least seven-hundred thousand books.”
“When was your last count?” Alissa asked, running a finger across the bindings of her
own row of bookshelves. The books themselves were of different ages, colors and sizes, each
covered in dust as if they had not been touched in decades.
“Not too long ago, when Silver added to it.” Zinc responded.
“I told you guys not to call me that anymore.” Adellandra sighed. After a moment, she
groaned. “I give up.”
Alissa could only imagine what made her say that. She giggled under her breath as she
picked out a book from the shelf and examined it. When she opened it to a random page, that’s
when she noticed how dark the room was getting, and fast. The tall window to her right showed
it was already evening.
“Can we get some light on the subject, ‘Kari?” Adellandra’s question from a few rows
back seemed to echo her thoughts.
“Sorry, guys.” Hikari giggled.
Instantly, the overhead chandeliers were lit, and Alissa could see the writing on the pages.
It looked like chicken scratch to her, for it wasn’t in Northern.
“I don’t know how much we can help, Adellandra.” Alissa told her. “We can’t even read
the language of this Realm.”
Adellandra went to her friend’s side, looking over Alissa’s shoulder. “That’s Ancient
Draconian!” She snatched the book out of Alissa’s hands.
“You can read that?”
Adellandra glared at her. “I am Draconian; of course I can read it.”
“What does it say?”
After watching her search through it, sometimes making funny faces or smiling at the
contents, she closed it and put the book back on the shelf.
“Well?” Alissa pressed.
Adellandra grinned. “It was a bedtime storybook.”
“So that’s why you were smiling!”
Adellandra nodded. “Not all the books in here are in other languages, my friends.” She
announced, leaving Alissa to her bookshelf. “If you find anything remotely pertaining to time
travel or whatnot, keep it in mind.”
“Right!” Alissa cried.
“You got it,” Corvus quipped. Everyone heard Hikari giggle.
Alissa smiled from her spot.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
After a few hours of searching, the group managed to find several volumes of peculiar
Chronicles. Alissa, Adellandra, and Zinc were sitting together at one table while Copper was
leaning against the nearest bookshelf with a frown on his lips.
“I have a funny feeling we’re the only ones doing any research.” Copper announced,
nodding in the direction of a certain giggling sound that was coming from the back of the library.
“Let them have their fun,” Zinc said, not looking up from the volume he was sifting
through. “It’s not every day the Chosen One flies through one of our Realm Portals.”
Alissa blinked. “There’s more than one?”
Adellandra nodded. “In each of the Inner Realms, there are many more Portals
connecting them.” She explained. “That is why it is so hard for me to understand how this
“It’s not that hard, really.” Copper shrugged his shoulders, sitting down across from his
brother. “That’s why I believe it’s an inside job.”
“It’s not a crime, you know, Cop.” Adellandra said. “Besides, it would not be that
simple.” She looked to Zinc. “Would it?”
Zinc finally looked up. “It may just be.” He shoved his book towards her. “Take a look
at this.”
Adellandra looked, read, and frowned. She stood and raced to the back of the library on
a mission.
Alissa looked at Zinc, who merely smiled in his sister’s direction. She returned to her
book, reading the intriguing tale of the Illunian Realm’s matron Goddess who bore the same
name as the one Adellandra rejected being called: Silver Moon.
After awhile, they heard a faint metallic sound Alissa recognized as a sword being
unsheathed from its scabbard. That was her cue to act like the Eleronai Hero and see what was
going on. The brothers followed behind her. Once the trio passed Hikari and Corvus, they too
were alerted.
Adellandra was stopped in the middle of two rows of shelving, grasping her special
sword. Alissa was confused, but watched Adellandra as she wielded an uncharged Spiritblade.
Only the elongated diamond-shaped blade itself showed, for Adellandra had yet to power it up
with her special multicolored energy.
A chilling breeze stretched a ribbon of wind to extinguish the light from the chandeliers.
After a moment of silence, an echoed voice came from nowhere and everywhere.
“I see you brought the cavalry, Lady.”
Alissa heard a trio of blades unsheathing behind her. That was another cue of hers to at
least place a wary hand on her sword’s hilt, just in case.
“Who are you?” Adellandra demanded in the air. “What do you want?”
The group saw the smoky-red glow of a woman appear in front of them. Her hair was
black as night, her eyes glowed red and fierce. Snakeskin covered her body, even the tiny
dragon’s wings at her back as they unfurled behind her.
Alert, Adellandra powered up her sword with energy and Alissa unsheathed hers, pointing
it at the strange woman. She looked beside her and saw Corvus with his oversized Heckler’s
Mace out, ready to fight. Hikari was behind him, her crescent-moon wand-staff glowing silver-
white with energy.
The woman laughed. “You know me.” She echoed, her eyes reaching over Adellandra’s
shoulder when she said, “You all know me.”
Alissa heard a gasp from behind her. Looking, she saw it came from Zinc, who dropped
his silver-glowing magical staff. Beside him, Copper tried to hold steady his copper-hilted long-
sword with both hands.
Who was this strange woman that made the strong Copper and the smart Zinc scared out
of their wits?
As if reading her mind, Adellandra answered the question in a low growl.
Chapter Five
The Elusive Dia

Are you guys alright? Adellandra kept her silver eyes on Dia’s floating form as she sent
the message to Hikari and her brothers.
I will be. Copper answered. It’s Z I’m worried about.
Don’t worry about me, Bad'ra dear. Zinc thought to them. After the initial shock wore
off, I could sense this isn’t our Dia.
That’s a good thing. Adellandra supplied back.
“Well?” Dia pressed, walking toward Adellandra’s blade-tip. “Isn’t anyone going to
welcome me home? It’s been such a long time.”
“You’re not our Dia.” Hikari spoke up.
“Of course I am, Hikari.” Dia’s voice was fake and syrupy. She looked to the group.
“Dearest uncles,” She sneered, sauntering over to Copper. She touched his cheek and grinned.
“Copper,” turned to Zinc and touched his cheek as well, “My beloved Zinc.”
Zinc’s hand slapped hers away as he growled. “You’re not our Dia.”
Dia merely laughed, stepping away from them. She saw Adellandra and placed a hand on
her shoulder. “Dearest Aunt, what name are you going by now? Silver? A’isha, Pillar of Light?
Spirit? MoonWolf? Silver Dragon? Adellandra? Or is it Ariana?”
Adellandra tried not to look excited or worried. “What do you want, Dia?”
Dia laughed again, flicking her wrist. All weapons flew out of their wielder’s hands,
except for Adellandra’s Spiritblade, Alissa’s charged Angelica Blade, and Corvus’s Heckler’s
“It would seem your weapons are immune to my powers.” Dia cocked her head to the
side and stared at Adellandra. “Sheathe them.”
“Yeah, right.” Corvus scoffed. “We’re not stupid.”
“Stop talking and start fighting,” Alissa gripped her Angelica Blade tighter, releasing the
angelic energy from her system to activate the silver blade’s special power, the Angelic Cradle.
Silver runes appeared on the blade, turning it a brilliant shade of purple. “We’re ready for you!”
Adellandra merely smiled at Dia, twisting the blade’s grip in her hand away from her
body to activate Spiritblade’s power using her own magic. A wind of multicolored light twisted
and surrounded the blade. “Try us.”
“I don’t want to fight you,” Dia remarked. “I only want to play with you.”
“We do not play, Dia.” Adellandra said seriously, staring into her glowing red eyes.
“Ah, that’s right.” Dia turned her back and returned to where she appeared before turning
around to face them. “You’re too busy being all serious and political now to play.”
Adellandra hopped, raising her sword in the air.
Dia smiled, watching.
“The books!” Zinc cried, trying to break her concentration. Silver, the Chronicles will be
lost if you attack!
Heeding her brother’s words, since they were right, she lowered Spiritblade and twisted
her grip toward her body to deactivate the magic before sheathing it.
“Sheathe your weapons for now, Eleronai.” Adellandra commanded.
“Awe, I wanted to have fun, too.” Alissa pouted.
“Way to ruin the party, Adellandra.”
Adellandra turned to frown at Corvus.
“So that’s what you’re going by now?” Dia asked, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
“Adellandra, as –in the first Realmborn incarnation of A’isha, the Pillar of Light; that
Adellandra turned back to Dia and frowned. “What of it?”
Dia shrugged and giggled. “This ought to be fun.”
She placed her hands on Adellandra’s shoulders and made them both disappear.
“Silver!” Zinc was freed from his frozen state, racing to where his sister used to stand.
“It’s no use, Z.” Copper relaxed, picking up his blade from across the room and
sheathing it. “She’s gone.”
“Great.” Corvus looked to Hikari. “Now what are we going to do?”
Hikari sighed, shaking her head. “I don’t know; I never expected this to happen.”
Zinc turned to the group and growled. “We have to get them back!”
“There’s nothing we can do,” Alissa told him, shaking her head.
“She’s right, Zinc.” Hikari told him. “All we can do is get some rest and tell the others
in the morning after breakfast.”
“Others?” Corvus asked, curious.
“We’re not the only ones captured in this wicked time-warp thing.” Copper told him.
“That’s right; the entire Royal family is.” Alissa stated.
“Which is why we need to gather them together and seek some answers,” Copper said,
“Isn’t Dia one of you?” Alissa asked Copper, walking toward Hikari and Corvus.
“Not this one.” Zinc answered for him with a sigh.
“How can you be sure?” Corvus asked him. “She could be and we not know it.”
Zinc faced him. “I can’t sense her. I don’t think either of us can.”
Corvus looked to both Hikari and Copper; they were shaking their heads.
“What do you mean by ‘sense’?” Alissa wondered.
“It’s one of our main abilities.” Hikari explained. “We’re Empathic.”
“We sense different feelings and emotions from people.” Zinc continued. “I couldn’t
sense anything from the Dia that was here.”
“It’s like she’s some kind of temporal spirit with no emotion.” Copper interjected.
Corvus’s roaring yawn reminded them of what time it was. “I don’t want to think about it
right now. I just want to find me a warm bed to sleep in.”
“Do they have rooms yet, ‘Kari?” Copper asked her. She shook her head so he replied.
“Come with me, Eleronai. I’ll show you to the guest rooms.”
“We have names, you know.” Corvus interjected with a frown as both he and Alissa
followed Copper out of the Library.
Hikari sighed. “Guess I’ll head to bed myself then, hai?”
Zinc hugged her, kissing her forehead. “Hai, Mame.”
Looking back for a final time, they left the library and went to their rooms to welcome
Chapter Six
Kidnapped and Made Mortal

Morning came, but Adellandra didn’t know it. She awoke in a dark, musty room with no
windows or lights, tied to a chair by her wrists and ankles and blindfolded. It surprised her she
wasn’t gagged as well.
This Dia probably does not know all that much about my training. Adellandra grinned to
herself. She centered her attention to her hands first; warming them with the Dragon magic’s fire
to burn the bindings. She tried moving her hands as the bindings cooled, but they were still
wrapped tightly. Ok, that was a bust. Maybe she does know about me?
“My deepest apologies, A’isha.” Dia’s syrupy voice echoed in the room.
“How do you know that name?” Adellandra asked her, trying to stretch her astral
projection power to see what her physical eyes could not. No matter how hard she tried, the
familiar tug of magic wouldn’t come, and she was stuck. “Why have you bound my magic?”
“Sorry about that, Lady.” Dia said. “I couldn’t have you escaping quite yet. You see, I
need you.”
“So does everyone,” Adellandra mumbled under her breath. “What do you need me
“You’re going to resurrect Mame for me.” Dia announced. “Then we will be a happy
family again!”
“I am no Necromancer.” Adellandra told her. “The dead are supposed to stay that way.”
“Dratianos’ are not supposed to die,” Dia scoffed. “Their Curse forbids it.”
“Ichiane was no Dratianos by blood, so she was not held by that Curse.” Adellandra
supplied. “Do you even know who you are to them?”
“I am a Dratianos, by Alexander’s blood.”
Alexander? Adellandra quickly thought to herself. Oh yeah, Dranus’ full name.
“Which would mean you are held by it; not Ichiane.” Adellandra told her. “How do you
know so much about us?”
“I found the Chronicles you left behind in the library.” Dia replied. “Let’s just say, I
know more about you than you do!”
“I highly doubt that,” Adellandra mumbled. I knew I left that somewhere, She thought,
but how could it have caused her to turn evil?
“Did you cause the time-warp, Dia?” She dared to ask quietly.
“I don’t know what caused it; only that I was pulled into it.” Dia responded. “That’s
why I need you as your Goddess form A’isha; maybe if we could bring Mame back, everything
would turn to normal?”
Adellandra was silent; her Mystic Magic numbed by whatever Dia had bound around her
hands. She didn’t even have the ever-reliable Empathy to sense Dia’s true intentions.
I have never been this vulnerable – or mortal – before. Take away the magic and what
does that leave the Lady Empress of the Nations and whatever else I call myself?
Wait, Adellandra blinked. “A’isha is the Pillar of Light; not Life, and certainly not
Rebirth.” She told Dia. “I apologize; I cannot resurrect the dead. I can only give Light to those
in need of it.”
“No!” Dia screamed. “You’re a Goddess! You can do anything!”
“I am not bound to the Havens, Dia!” Adellandra cried back. “I do not have that kind of
power. How many times do I have to say, ‘I am sorry’?”
There was no response from Dia, and Adellandra could tell she was alone.
Back to the darkness, I guess, where only my thoughts keep me company. She sighed
aloud and tried to send a telepathic message to whoever was listening.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
In his dream, Adellandra as A’isha – a form clad in silvery-white light – reached her
hand out.
“Someone, help me.”
Zinc was the first to answer, reaching his wand out as far as he could in an effort to
reach her. No matter how hard he tried or how far he reached, Adellandra’s form pulled further
“Silver!” He yelled. “Hold on! We’ll save you!”

Zinc Cobrianos woke up abruptly from the dream, sitting straight up in bed and panting.
“Prince Zinc?” A melodic voice entered his thoughts. “Are you all right?”
He turned to the speaker. It was a maid, but he didn’t recall her name. “I’m fine.”
The maid stood by his bed, patiently waiting.
He pasted on a smile. “Really, I’m okay.”
The maid smiled, curtseyed and left him to his morning routine.
Once he was ready for the day, he took a deep breath and headed for the Dining Hall.
The morning meal would hopefully prove to be very interesting.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Alissa Monaco had tossed and turned all night. She couldn’t stop thinking about
everything that had happened to her since arriving in the Illunian Realm.
“Time to rise, little Angel.” She heard a familiar male voice whisper.
She curled up further, hiding herself under the covers.
“Come on, Ali,” Corvus touched her shoulder, sighing. He sat himself on the bed behind
her hidden form. “We’ve a long day ahead of us.”
“Is she really gone?” Alissa managed to mumble, turning to meet his sad eyes.
“We’ll get her back.” Corvus pasted on a smile. “We have to.”
Alissa sat up and put her arms around her legs. Corvus saw the sad look on her face; it
was as if she were about to cry.
He knew just the thing to cheer her up. “Did you notice the balcony?” He tried,
pointing. “A great place to spread those wings, you know.”
Alissa looked where her friend was pointing. A large balcony was nearly-hidden by satin
curtains. She managed to pull the covers back and head to it.
Corvus watched quietly as she nudged the curtains to one side so she could open the
metal doorknob. Once out in the fresh air, he smiled, for she opened her arms, unfurling white
angel wings.
Corvus stood to lean against the door frame, just out of her wingspan’s reach. “Now that
you’re stretched, why don’t you join us for breakfast?”
Alissa sighed, folding her wings and turning to him. She stuck her tongue out at him
before leading him out the door.
Corvus just smiled.
◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Zinc caught up to the duet on their way to the Dining Hall.
“I want to apologize for last night.” Zinc told them.
“It’s okay.” Alissa grinned at him. “We’re used to this in Eleron.”
“Evil wanting attention for the sake of ruling the world,” Corvus laughed, shrugging.
“Nothin’ we can’t handle.”
“Are you sure?” Zinc asked, curious. “What about Silver?”
“We’ve had to rescue those in trouble before.” Alissa nodded. “It’s no big deal.”
“But this is my sister – and your only way back.” Zinc argued. “She’s your friend, isn’t
she? Aren’t you the least bit worried about her?”
“She can take care of herself.” Corvus told him. “I’m sure she’ll think of something. In
the meantime, let’s eat!”
They reached the Dining Hall. Alissa stood silent while Corvus found Hikari and sat next
to her.
She looked around the room, seeing the strange new people she met the day before.
Myria was sitting in between High-Priest Xavier and Zinc, Hikari was with Corvus, and Copper
was with his love…Ginny, was it?
Alissa shook her head, making her way to an empty place.
“Adellandra,” she whispered, glancing at the place setting left behind by their kidnapped
Hikari heard her and whispered, smiling. “It’ll be okay.”
“Cheer up, will you Alissa?” Corvus put his arm around Hikari and kissed her forehead.
He nodded in her direction. “Eat now, investigate later.”
With a sigh, Alissa turned to the plate in front of her and tried her best to enjoy it.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
We need to discuss this with Myria and Pada. Copper sent to Zinc and Hikari in his
mind. They must know what transpired last night.
I’m pretty sure they already know, Bad'ra. Zinc looked up from his plate to stare at
Copper. Look at them.
Copper quickly glanced. Their father the Lord Xavier picked at his plate while Lady
Myria stared at hers. He shook his head.
We still have to talk about it. Copper responded. We promised Silver.
The brothers glanced at each other once the meal was over.
Copper stood. “Lord Pada, Mame; there is something we need to discuss with you.”
Lord Xavier cleared his throat. “We’ll adjourn to the Conference Room once everyone is
Zinc stood. “Could we talk in the Library, Pada?”
Lord Xavier glanced at Lady Myria, who nodded when their eyes met. “Hai.”

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
After a very mournful breakfast, Alissa, Corvus and Hikari returned to the Library. Once
entering, they saw Lord Xavier standing at the bay window, hands behind his back in thought.
His Lady stood in front of the bookcase nearest to him, absently staring into space. Zinc was at
the table, his nose in a book. Copper was holding Ginny, both their pairs of eyes closed.
“We’ve had a great injustice happen to us.” Hikari spoke up, breaking the tense silence.
Once all eyes were on her, she continued. “Not only have we all been thrown into a time that
isn’t our own, but Silver was kidnapped.”
Lord Xavier turned to meet her eyes with a fierce glare. “Kidnapped?!”
“How could this have happened?” Ginny asked, crying into Copper’s embrace.
“Another version of Dia came to us last night; here, in the back of the library.” Zinc
answered for his brother.
“You should have let Silver attack,” Hikari commented.
“We don’t want to jeopardize the Chronicles, at any cost!” Zinc yelled back, standing
and facing her.
“Enough!” Lord Xavier yelled over them. “Zinc, calm yourself.”
Xavier was using his formal Priest-Lord tone, which his son took very seriously.
Zinc looked to his father and sighed. “Hai, Lord Pada.”
“You will stay with Hikari and the Eleronai.” Lord Xavier continued. “Copper.”
“Hai!” Copper stood at attention, clicking his heels.
“The country will be in your firm hands,” Lord Xavier announced. “We must remain
silent about the time warp until we know more about it.”
“Hai, sire.” Copper nodded.
“What about Adellandra?” Alissa managed to speak up, nervous.
“Silver is more than capable of taking care of herself.” Lord Xavier supplied.
“Apparently not if she got herself kidnapped by a psychotic ghost lady,” Corvus huffed,
crossing his arms.
Hikari and Alissa tag-teamed him with nudges and dirty looks as the Lord-Priest patiently
“Sorry, guys, and your Majesties, but I’m not going to just let it go.” Corvus announced.
“I’m a Hero of Eleron, and Adellandra is now one of our Elders. It doesn’t matter if she can take
care of herself or not, we need to get her back.”
“Cor,” Hikari relaxed and whispered. She turned to Lord Xavier. “He’s right, Pada. We
need to rescue her.”
“We need to get ourselves out of this time warp.” Alissa found her courage to speak up.
She was a Hero of Eleron, too, and wouldn’t let her best friend upstage her by hogging all the
attention. “I may not understand everything that happened yesterday, and especially last night,
but I do know one thing.”
Everyone stared at her. Sure, it made her even more nervous, being around the Royal
family, but, darnit, it needed to be said!
“Without Adellandra, none of us would be here.” Alissa stated.
The Royal family continued to stare in her direction.
Corvus wrapped his arm around her shoulders and laughed. “That’s my Alissa! What
courage? What insight?”
Alissa rewarded him with a stronger nudge to his ribs.
Hikari broke away, silently heading to the back of the Library. Confused and concerned,
Corvus and Alissa looked at each other before following.
“’Kari?” Zinc was interested as well. He closed the book he was reading, taking it with
him as he followed.
Hikari stopped at the place Adellandra had disappeared. She pulled her wand-staff from a
pouch in her belt, extending it with magic. She quickly waved it around the area before
announcing. “The Eleronai, Zinc, and I can investigate her disappearance, Pada. The rest of you
can concentrate on running the Realm.”
“Hikari,” Lord Xavier whispered. “If you think that is best?”
“Someone has to do it, right?” Hikari asked lightly. “Please leave it to us. We’ll get her
back so we can get out of this wicked time warp.”
Lord Xavier walked over to her, taking her hand and kissing her cheek. “Just be careful,
Hikari waited a moment in silence before squeezing his hand. “I promise, Ta’vo.”
Lord Xavier released her hand and turned to the group. “You heard her; Copper, Ginny,
Myria.” He addressed them. “Business as usual.”
On that, the four of them left.
Alissa had heard the strange word Hikari used under her breath to Lord Xavier. She was
curious at both their actions. “Hikari?”
As if reading her mind, Hikari didn’t move to answer. “’Ta’vo’ is the Illunian word for
‘Beloved One’.” She bent down in position, examining the area.
They heard Corvus and Alissa take quick breaths.
Do you think that was wise to call him that in front of your Chosen? Zinc asked Hikari as
he did the same. He noticed traces of metal flakes scattered on the stone floor. Mixed in were
small clumps of dirt.
I had to reassure your Pada somehow. Hikari sent to him.
In this time, isn’t he yours as well? Zinc asked in his mind, picking up a clump of dirt
and rolling it in between his fingers.
Rather than answer, she asked aloud, “Is that graveyard dirt?”
“Creepy.” Alissa gathered around them. “What is the metal doing there?”
Zinc picked that up as well, and brought it to his eye-level, frowning. “It’s Rose’s Alloy.”
Hikari blinked and Corvus bent to look. “Who is Rose?”
“Not who – what.” Zinc corrected. “Rose’s Alloy, also known as Rose’s Metal is a
fusible alloy we used to solder the Cemetery gates together.”
“What is it doing here?” Alissa repeated.
Zinc thought a moment. “Dia brought it in with her when she appeared, but why did she
have it on her boots?”
“She was wearing boots?” Corvus asked as he stood, scratching his head. “That’s funny;
I only noticed her eyes.”
“Couldn’t take yourself away from them, could you?” Hikari’s voice had no emotion.
“It’s not like that!” Corvus raised both his hands in surrender.
“You didn’t do anything wrong.” Hikari looked at him and smiled. “She hypnotized
Corvus hugged her, quickly kissing her lips.
“I still wonder what Adellandra saw in that book you showed her.” Alissa asked out of
the blue, not wanting to think about cemeteries anymore.
Zinc pocketed the handful of dirt and metal before standing. “If I can find the book, I’ll
show you.” He looked around the library until his eyes widened. “It happened to be one of the
Crusader Chronicles.” He continued, moving to one of the bookcases on his left. They
followed, watching.
“Crusader?” Alissa asked. “Why would she frown at that?”
“Maybe because they were against magic?” Corvus shrugged.
“Not Eleron’s Crusaders,” Zinc glanced up and shook his head. “I’m talking about the
Inner Realm Crusaders, those of the Inner and Outer Realms that literally Crusade through the
Realm Portals and fix whatever’s broken in any way possible.” He ran his fingers along the
spines, searching for the right one. “Yatta!” He cried, taking it out and handing it to Alissa.
“Methinks you can read the language in this, Alissa.” He gestured to her with a smile when she
took it. “Go ahead, read it.”
“You want me to read the whole thing?” Alissa was skeptical.
Zinc kept his grin, crossing his arms. She opened it to the first page and started reading
to herself.
“We don’t have time for this, Highness.” Corvus huffed with a frown.
“Please; call me Zinc.” Zinc announced. “I believe the passage you’re looking for is on
page seventy-two.”
Alissa turned to the page he suggested. Two words piqued her attention and she
whispered them, “Time Bandits.”
“What are they?” Corvus was confused.
“A long time ago in the Mortallan Realm, a detective agency simply named ‘The System’
had a very curious pair of inventors.” Zinc began. “The pair invented an object that literally
propelled them in the past or future, based on coordinates punched into their watches.”
“They called it the ‘Time Bandit Project’.” Hikari continued. “They helped a pair of
ghosts investigate their murders to bring them peace.”
“After that, and numerous warnings from the Goddess Ocarina about messing with the
space-time continuum, they nixed the project.” Zinc supplied. “Two years later, that very
project was resurrected to save the Inner Realms from destruction.”
“So, what does that have to do with what’s going on now?” Corvus asked. “Did
Adellandra think whoever did this time warp knew about that?”
Zinc shrugged. “I wouldn’t know.”
“Like I believe that for a second,” Corvus smirked.
“Me, neither,” Hikari crossed her arms. “Tell the truth, Zinc. Now.”
Zinc sighed. “It has to do with what my own investigation in this matter.”
“Laymen’s terms?” Alissa asked; closing the book and putting it back on the shelf.
Zinc walked away from them and sat at one of the four tables. “Do either of you
understand the laws of time and space?”
Hikari frowned, rolling her eyes. “Get on with it, as quick as possible.”
“Fine, ‘Kari.” Zinc glared back at her. “Other than going to the Goddess of Time, there’s
no way possible of messing with time and space. No amount of Necromancy or whatever
powers combined, minus those of the Five Pillars, are able to mess with time.”
The three of them blinked at each other, and Zinc groaned. “Everything is so wrong,
nothing is right anymore.”
Hikari placed a hand on his shoulder before wrapping her body around his from behind
his back. “It will be okay, baby boy.” She whispered, kissing his cheek. “Have faith.”
“I’ve tried, Mame, but every new piece of information I discover only brings me deeper
in confusion.” Zinc whimpered.
“I don’t mean to interrupt, but we have to find Adellandra.”
Both Zinc and Hikari looked up at Alissa’s serious statement.
“We have to find her, reverse time, and return to Eleron.” Alissa continued in a solemn
tone. “That is our quest. No matter how creepy it sounds, I believe we should start in the
They agreed; though secretly, Corvus was getting more confused as they went along.
Rather than dwell upon it, he put it in the back of his mind and focused on the quest.
It was time to be a Hero again, whether he liked it or not.
Chapter Seven
A Change of Heart

Thoughts rumbled in her head as she sat in the dark, blindfolded and bound. She tried
escaping from her prison but since she couldn’t use her powers – any of them – it was no use.
So she sat in the dark, deep in her own thoughts.
What was Dia thinking, kidnapping me in hopes I would resurrect the Ichiane of this
time? She claims she knows all my names and who I am, but just how much does she know?
Lady Adellandra, the One of Many Names, sighed.
I never should have listened to that Vision. Adellandra thought to herself. The Eleronai
do not need to be mixed in this. If only I had my powers!
Her mind was void of thought as she blankly stared.
It was hopeless. Without any of her powers, she was just a mortal. She’d never been so
helpless before! What was she going to do?
You are a trained detective, raised long ago in the System. Surely, some of Shannon
Ryan’s lessons stuck? I had to have learned something to get where I am today.
Think, Sister, think….She thought, calling herself by her old Codename from the System.
The First Crusaders only had one powerful member, and that was Shannon. How did the rest of
them win the Wars for Power?
Memories passed in her mind of the days long before she was ever an Inner Realm
Crusader, then called Dream Realm Crusader. Based on memories she happened to pick up from
her brother-in-love Shane Morehouse, who was now going by the name of Dran’a’vir Dratianos,
the Wars for Power was the same War, only in two separate time lines.
In the first, her predecessor, Lord Guardian O’Dell was destroyed by his own twin, the
Dominionite Master Orthos. Two years and plenty of research from then-Chief of Detectives,
Dixilynne Ryan, Shannon’s aunt, the Time Bandit Project was resurrected and used to keep that
from happening. It worked after awhile, but the First Generation Dream Realm Crusaders were
scolded by the Goddess of Time, Ocarina for messing with time. They were forced to destroy
the Time Bandit Computer so it would never be used again.
Thinking on that now, the Lady frowned.
“Why the frown, my Lady Goddess?”
Being she was stripped of her telepathy and empathy, the Lady hadn’t heard her captor
enter the room.
“You used the Time Bandit Program.” She tried blurting.
“I’m sorry? Time Bandit?” Dia asked.
Even without empathy, Adellandra heard nothing but sincerity and confusion in Dia’s
tone. She sighed. “Never mind. How were you able to bind every power I have?”
Dia giggled. “That is my secret, I am afraid.”
“Where are we?”
Dia giggled again. “Sorry! I cannot tell you that, either.” She announced. “Wouldn’t
want you telepathically telling someone, would I?”
“Without my powers, I cannot do that.” Lady Adellandra mumbled. “I know why you
need me, but I already told you; I cannot do it.”
“You’re one of the Mighty Pillars of Existence.” She heard nothing but contempt in
Dia’s voice. “Surely you can do something to resurrect her!”
Adellandra shook her head. “I am truly sorry, Dia. I cannot.”
“You won’t do it, you mean.” Dia huffed angrily.
Adellandra opened her mouth to tell her otherwise, yet again, but it was too late.
Dia was already gone.
Once again, Adellandra was left to her thoughts.
If she will not tell me where I am, I must act like a Mortal and figure it out for myself.
She smiled. Dia may have taken my powers away, but not my Mortal abilities. I still have their
five senses; touch, taste, sight, hearing, and smell. Why do I not use them?
First off, I cannot see; it is much too dark. I cannot touch anything; my hands and feet
are tied. Cannot taste…or can I?
She wasn’t gagged, so she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, focusing her full
attention on tasting the air around her.
Cold…wet…acrid, and strangely familiar.
Breathing it in, she caught the smell of rotting flesh.
Gross! Where am I?
Closing her mouth and focusing instead on her hearing, she heard the trickle of water
trailing its way from the ceiling to the cold hard stone floor below. Even without her eyes, she
followed the water trail to a tiny draft that led….
Think, Sister, Think!
She now focused her three useful senses of taste, smell, and hearing toward the origins of
the strange draft.
It has to lead outside. I have to get myself out of here before I join these rotting corpses!
Immediately, she snapped her eyes open and knew exactly where she was. She was in a
mausoleum, deep in a cemetery.
Dia really wanted me to resurrect her dead Mame! Adellandra thought to herself.
Maybe if I promise not to escape, she will let me have my powers back? I would be able to sense
her then, aye?
Throat parched from lack of food or water in hours, she croaked. “Dia! If you can hear
me, I promise to get your mother back some other way.”
A promise made by the Lady Guardian is a promise kept, after all.
“Please?” Adellandra continued. “You need my help, and I plan on helping you in any
way I can. I can do nothing without my powers; you should know that if you really know who
and what I am.”
She tried listening for Dia’s return. All she felt was a gentle gust of magical wind before
hearing Dia’s voice.
“I knew you’d see it my way.”

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Lady Myria stared out the window of her solar, the tea on the nearby table cold. She
knew things were desperate if Hikari was taking command.
To think; she was such a silly child. Myria managed a small grin at the memory of them,
racing together and playing in the fields just inside castle grounds.
There was a problem with the memory; it wasn’t right. Their roles were reversed, as
Hikari was the elder woman and Myria was only a young child herself.
No, that’s the right memory. Myria reasoned. I must remember; this is not our time. In
this time, there is still a war between our nations, if not a very silent one between the government
and the people.
“Myria?” A soft female voice brought her out of her thoughts. Turning, she saw
Eugenia, Copper’s mate standing by the door. There were tears in the Priestess-Consort’s eyes.
Myria smiled, knowing why. “Mame.”
Ginny rushed to her daughter’s open arms. “Dan'aa!”
“We’ll get through this Mame.” Myria supplied. “Trust in Hikari and Silver.”

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Meanwhile, Copper and his Lord Pada Xavier were in the Throne Room.
“Why did she have to bring those Eleronai with her?” Copper asked. “Didn’t she know
how dangerous it was?”
“Cop, she didn’t know until you told her.” Xavier explained. “Silver had no idea that
time was wrong here.”
“She’s anything but stupid, Pada.” Copper reacted. “She had to have sensed the
disturbance just as much as we did.”
Lord Xavier gave that thought. “Perhaps that’s why she was so quiet during dinner last
Copper nodded. “I’m sure of it.”
“Well, while Hikari is off with those Eleronai and Zinc investigating Silver’s
disappearance,” Xavier nodded, sighing. “The two of us and our mates must keep our
composure and act as Royals do.”
Copper shrugged. “I don’t know how much longer I can take this, though. It’s getting on
my nerves, being in charge of an entire Realm without Silver’s guidance.”
Xavier clapped his son on the shoulder. “Time you learn to stand on your own two feet,
“I was afraid you’d say that, Pada.” Copper groaned, heading to the set of Thrones
before him. He sat on the second-largest one on Xavier’s right. “Let’s get this audience over
with, shall we?”
Lord Xavier only smiled as he gestured to the soldier at the doors, silently telling him to
call the first attendant in.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Corvus hated cemeteries as much as the next Eleronai, all those undead monsters hiding
in every corner, just waiting to attack him at a moment’s notice. It was enough to make him sick.
“You don’t have to go in if you don’t want to, Cor.” Hikari told him, placing a hand on
his cheek and looking into his eyes.
“I have to protect you and Alissa, don’t I?” Corvus took the hand from his cheek to kiss
it. He thumbed Zinc, “Can’t rely on that guy, you know.”
“Hey!” Zinc cried, frowning.
Corvus shrugged. “In order to find Adellandra, we need to go in there.”
As much as I hate to admit it; I can’t stand cemeteries.
Alissa unsheathed her Angelica Blade and grinned. “Loser buys next meal at The
Dragon's Den.”
No way was she going to win this time! Corvus thought to himself. “You’re on, Angel.”
He said out loud as he retrieved his own Heckler’s Mace from his sack.
Hikari grinned, sharing a look with Zinc as the two of them took out their nearly-
matching wand-staves.
“Be ready for anything, guys.” Zinc warned them.
“Not to worry, with Heckler here, I’m all right.” Corvus swung it in front of him like a

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
“I knew you’d see it my way,” Dia’s voice echoed in the mausoleum.
Adellandra felt Dia touch her forehead with a cold hand moments before the rush of
magic returned to her system.
As soon as she felt the power fully return, Adellandra used it to break the bindings at her
hands and feet before removing the blindfold from her eyes.
Dia was smiling at her; not in a mean way, either, and her body was no longer floating,
resembling the wraith-like creature she was in the Library. Instead, she was physical.
“Dia,” Adellandra whispered, standing and staring into golden eyes. She used her
empathy to sense the dragon-scaled woman in front of her.
It felt different than before, and that difference comforted her. She touched Dia’s chest
for a brief moment, closing her eyes and searching for the magic to seek the reasons why the
woman now felt warm and comforting.
Adellandra smiled, hugging her. “It really is you!”
“Of course it’s me, Auntie.” Dia’s voice was sincere and gentle, just as Adellandra
remembered it. “I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused so far.”
“It will work out, I promise.” Adellandra pulled away from the hug. “Why did you shut
us out and kidnap me? Why not just come to the castle and greet us?”
“I found a few things when I woke one morning.” Dia said. “I tried to go to the castle,
but I heard rumors on the way.”
“That does not explain why you shut us out of your heart.” Adellandra told her. “Tell me
everything, from the moment you awoke.”
“Well, I sensed something wrong one morning.” Dia began. “For one, Mame was not in
her bed. Thinking she was at the castle helping Lady Hikari, I headed there to check.” Her voice
lowered and her tone sorrowful. “On my way, I overheard people talking about me. They were
saying I was to be feared, and stopped their children from coming near me. They called me
Bedlam’s Child.”
“Bedlam’s Child?” Adellandra thought for a moment. “Why does that sound familiar?”
“Bedlam is an evil entity not even the Goddess Silver Moon could get rid of. His name
means chaos.” Dia replied. “He once tried to destroy the Realm, but you and God Golden Wing
destroyed him first.”
Adellandra smiled, remembering the day. “Well, we are a very powerful pair of Gods.”
Dia grinned. “Anyway, once hearing those nasty rumors, I knew I couldn’t enter the
castle of my own volition. So, I sought a certain individual for help.”
Dia shook her head. “I could not face him yet, fearing he’d think the same thing.” She
explained. “I sought one of the guards and asked him several questions about the family. Turns
out, I was out of time, literally.”
“We knew there was a time warp from the moment I entered the Portal.” Adellandra
crossed her arms. “You still have not answered my question, Dia.”
The golden-eyed woman looked up. “I knew how empathically and telepathically
powerful the family was, so I shut myself off.”
“Quite a tiring feat, agree?” Adellandra asked. “It’s been generations since I attempted
to do so toward my loving families. By blocking them out of my mind, it hurt all who tried
talking to me using theirs.”
“That’s why I appeared the way I did.” Dia explained. “I was drained. Since I sensed
you there, I knew I had to take the chance. I’m just sorry I had to steal you away.”
“Let me guess, you used me to boost your own power so we could come here?”
Dia nodded. “Can you forgive me?”
Adellandra hugged her. “Of course I can, but it’s not me who needs your apologies.”
She explained, brushing a small braid of hair from Dia’s eyes. “Once you tell them what you
told me, the Family should understand and agree to help you.”
“You really think so?” Dia’s eyes lit and a genuine smile appeared.
Adellandra winked. “I know so.”
“What about Mame?” Dia asked. “She’s gone from this time.”
Adellandra blinked, feeling sorry for the girl and herself at the same time. She loved
Ichiane like a mother when she was here as Silver and upon her return to investigate her
mysterious past.
“I cannot help what has already been done.” Adellandra whispered, taking a deep breath.
She looked around her, finally realizing they were still in the mausoleum. “Can we get out of
here now? This place is creeping me out.”
Dia giggled. “Truthfully, me too.”
Adellandra took her hand and made them both disappear.
They reappeared in front of the very confused quartet of Hikari, Zinc, Alissa and Corvus.
Each was brandishing their weapons.
As soon as she saw them move to attack, Adellandra waved a hand in front of her to place
a magical barrier around herself and Dia.
“No!” The quartet froze in place and Adellandra commanded. “Sheathe your weapons,
all of you.”
“But!” Hikari frowned.
“Now!” Adellandra yelled the command, frowning at them. She could tell they were still
hesitant, so she relaxed her tone and smiled at them. “It’s okay; honest.”
Shrugging, but still alert, Hikari retracted her wand-staff and put it away. Confused, but
trusting Adellandra’s words, Corvus and Alissa put their weapons away as well.
Zinc stood, curiously staring at them both after he put his wand-staff away. He was still
alert, just in case.
Adellandra saw this and said, “Open your mind, Dia.”
Dia was afraid, shaking her head.
“Please?” Adellandra asked. “We can go no further until you do.”
Dia anxiously looked at her aunt, still fearing the worst.
Zinc stared at her eyes for a moment, studying her. “Something’s changed, hasn’t it?”
“Hai, Bad'ra; it has.” Adellandra nodded. “If she will only open her mind and heart, you
will see it for yourself.”
“That really is our Dia, isn’t it?” Hikari figured it out, nodding.
Adellandra nodded. “Hai.” She supplied, smiling at Zinc. She looked to Dia. “Will you
open yourself up now?”
Taking a deep breath, Dia closed her eyes.
A gentle breeze whisked around her, the color of grass and earth whipped around her
body. As the magic wind dissipated, Dia opened her eyes. The first pair she met were those of
bluish-silver belonging to Zinc.
Adellandra smiled, knowing what they wanted to do. She released the barrier and waited.
Chapter Eight
A Love that Transcends Time

After a moment of anxiously staring, Dia raced to Zinc’s open arms with her lips meeting
his with a fury neither of them could control.
It really was her! His Dia was caught in this crazy time warp, too!
I missed you so much, Ta’vo! Dia cried in his mind as they kissed.
Likewise. It was all he could send back to her, reveling in her presence.
They broke off when they heard snickers.
“What happened, Dia?” Zinc asked her, holding on for dear life. He wasn’t going to let
her go for anything now; not even death. “Why did you act like that?”
“It’s a very long story, and I’d rather tell it outside this cemetery.” Dia grinned.
“Finally!” Corvus quipped, grasping onto Hikari by the shoulders and turning around.
“Let’s get out of here.”
“We weren’t here but five minutes!” Alissa cried, laughing. “We’re glad you’re safe,
Adellandra nodded. “It was harsh for awhile there.” Her stomach rumbled, betraying her
hunger. “Could we go back to the castle for a bite to eat? I am starved!”
All looked to Dia.
Dia held her hands up. “I’m sorry! I wasn’t myself.”
“You’ll explain, right?” Zinc asked her, and she nodded.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
After they had lunch in the Dining Hall, the other four members of the family included,
Dia stood and bowed to her Uncles.
“I’m terribly sorry for the trouble I caused last night.” She kept her head lowered, not
meeting neither Xavier’s or Copper’s eyes. The Ladies were silent beside them. “I will take
whatever punishment my Lords give me.”
“Before you pass judgment, my Lord Pada,” Zinc bowed to them as well, taking her
hand. “Please listen to her story.”
Copper stared, waiting.
“Very well.” Xavier nodded to Dia. “Please, explain yourself.”
Dia kept her head down as she told the same story she told Adellandra. “I am extremely
sorry for any ill I’ve brought to the Family. I shut myself from you and turned into the one thing
everyone of this time thought me to be: a beast.”
“So you are not the one who mixed up time for your own benefits?” Copper asked.
Dia shook her head. “Nato, Lord Uncle. I know nothing of it. I thought to fix whatever
happened by bringing Mame back to life.”
“That was why she kidnapped me.” Adellandra said. “She thought I could use my
Goddess power and resurrect Ichiane.”
“You can’t do that, can you?” Xavier asked, interested.
“Nato.” She answered. “Even if I did, it would be a forbidden act, especially for me.”
“Great.” Alissa groaned, finally able to speak. “We’re back to square one.”
“Not exactly.” Zinc said. “We have a hunch how it happened, we just don’t know who
or how.”
“I at first thought it was Dia,” Adellandra supplied. “Once I asked her about the Time
Bandits, I found she did not know what I was talking about.” She thought for a moment then
frowned. “That reminds me, dear niece.” She began, crossing her arms in Dia’s direction.
“How were you able to bind every single power I have?”
“She what?!” Hikari jumped, quickly reaching for and extending her wand-staff.
Pointing it at Dia, she growled. “Explain yourself!”
Dia moved closer to Adellandra, who frowned in Hikari’s direction.
“Mame, stop.” Adellandra demanded. “Put that away.”
“I want to know!”
“She was just about to explain.” Adellandra countered, turning to Dia. “Aye?”
Dia nodded. “I used the Black-as-Night Crystal.”
Adellandra stared and smacked her forehead. “Shista!”
Alissa and Corvus were interested in the conversation. Alissa didn’t know about her best
friend, but everything she was learning in the Illunian Realm was actually making sense!
“More importantly, where is it now?” Adellandra demanded.
Dia cowered, covering her eyes. “I don’t know!”
“You lost it?” Adellandra asked her, incredulous. “If not one thing, it’s another.” She
murmured. “How could you lose the link crystal to the Inner Realms’ Sphere?”
“Silver!” They heard Copper and Xavier yell at the same time.
Adellandra blinked, looking to them. “Sorry.” She sighed, calming herself down and
looking to Dia. “Care to tell me?”
“I didn’t know what it was when it first appeared in my bed.” Dia supplied truthfully. “I
just thought it was pretty, despite the bad feeling I had about it.”
“What was it doing there?” Zinc asked her.
Dia shrugged. “I don’t know; I just found it there when I awoke one morning.”
“Was it the same day you thought Ichiane was at the castle with Lady Hikari?”
Adellandra asked, watching her reaction.
Dia nodded.
“The other you of this time-line must have retrieved it somehow.” Copper mused.
Dia nodded again. “Wanting to know what it was, I researched it in Mame’s small
library. I found a book on the shelf I’d not seen before.” She turned to Adellandra. “It was your
Chronicles on the War of the Realms.”
“Shista.” Adellandra cursed again. “So you had the information about the Black-as-
Night Crystal. What happened next?”
“I sensed you here and waited for the opportunity to use it on you.” Dia bowed her head.
“Another thing I am ashamed of.”
“Don’t be ashamed.” Zinc smiled. “I’m sure it’s fine.”
Adellandra shook her head. “No, Zinc; it’s not fine.” She told him. “Do you know what
the Black-as-Night Crystal is?”
“Link crystal to the Inner-Realms’ Sphere.” He supplied with a knowing grin.
“Yeah, and it has the power of mind control.” Adellandra rubbed her temples. “I will
quickly explain in terms everyone can understand. We all know of the four main elements, right:
Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire?” They nodded. “The light half is the crystals that represent them
and the magic they possess. For example: Green in the Inner Realms is the color of Unicorn
Magic, represented by the Earth element and the Emerald gemstone. Everyone understand me so
far?” They nodded again. “Good. There is also a dark half, known as the Dominionite Crystal
segments. Well, the Black-as-Night Crystal links the light and dark halves together, making the
Inner Realms’ Sphere. That Sphere balances all magic within the Inner Realms.”
“How was she able to use the black crystal to bind your powers?” Corvus asked.
“It didn’t exactly bind them; it just made them inaccessible for awhile.” Dia responded.
“And I made a wish.”
“A wish.” Corvus was skeptic. “Did a wish cause the time warp, too?”
Dia shook her head. “If so, it wasn’t from me.”
“This is all very interesting and educational, Dia,” Lord Xavier responded from his chair.
“But we have work to do.”
“Agreed, Pada.” Copper responded. “We still need to figure out how and why the time
warp happened. And since there’re no clues besides the Time Bandits you told me about, I
suggest we adjourn.”
“In the meantime,” Zinc spoke up. “I’ll take care of Dia; you will take care of the Realm,
Zinc smiled at his father, whose tight-lip and serious tone turned to a smile and laughter.
“Zinc, my boy?” Lord Xavier asked between laughs. “Kindly stay out of my head.”
Zinc nodded, keeping his grin. “I guess you are just too predictable, my Lord.”
On that, they were excused from the Dining Hall, leaving the very silent Myria and
Ginny staring at their mates in interest.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Later that afternoon, Adellandra was caught alone in the library by Zinc.
“All the research in the Realm isn’t going to tell you what’s going on, Silver.”
Adellandra looked up from her book. “I know.”
“You look tired.”
“I am.” Adellandra forced a grin.
“Why don’t you lie down in your quarters?” Zinc suggested, placing a hand on her back.
“You need rest.”
“There is no time to do anything but find out what is going on.” Adellandra announced,
“Without rest, you’re useless to the Realm anyway.” Zinc pushed. “Need I remind you
of that fact?”
Adellandra looked at him. “I can stay up for days; I am Immortal.”
“Immortality is overrated.” Zinc teased. He took a finger and touched her chin, making
her eyes meet his. “You haven’t slept yet, have you Sita?”
“Sadly, no.” Adellandra whispered, turning her face away.
“I can see it in your eyes.” Zinc told her gently. He tapped her on the shoulder, “Come
on, Silver Moon. Time for bed.”
“What?!” Adellandra looked back up at him in alarm. “For Havens’ sake, Z, I am not a
He pushed her out of the chair. “Go.”
She frowned at her brother, secretly knowing he was right. She stood, taking the book
with her.
He took the book away from her and set it back on the table. “I’ll escort you.”
“Fine,” she huffed.
After safely seeing his sister to bed, he ordered two armed guards to stand at her door.
He left, feeling bereft of emotion.
“Zinc!” He heard a woman’s voice call from behind him. He turned around to see Dia
racing up to him, her half-dragon wings trying to flap as she moved.
“Hail, Dia.” Zinc smiled, emotion coming back to him as he opened his arms to greet her
with a hug. “How you be, sweet pea?”
“We need to talk.” Dia’s tone was serious.
After a moment, he nodded. “In my Chambers?”
“Nay,” Dia shook her head, holding his hand. “The Shrine.”
The Shrine?
“Dia, you had better tell me what’s going on,” He tried sounding like her mentor instead
of her lover-friend. “What’s at the Shrine?”
She tugged his arm impatiently. “Please, Zinc? It’s important.”
He wondered what made her sound so desperate. “Sure, Dia.”
She pulled him, racing as fast as they could toward the Shrine.
Somehow, he had a bad feeling about this.
Chapter Nine
Kreskin: Abomination

Adellandra lay in her bed, left arm draped on her forehead and silver eyes staring at the
ceiling. She felt the exhaustion trying to pull her into dreamtime, but she wouldn’t let it.
There is just so much to do! My people are counting on me, and so are the Eleronai.
She turned on her side, facing the window as she thought of her beloved mate in
Mal’estar. Where is Draconis in this time, or does the time warp only affect this Realm?
Closing her eyes, she thought of Mal’estar, a place she hadn’t seen in at least a month.
Her heart longed to return to her beloved mate, but duty wouldn’t let her. In order to do her duty,
she had to solve the mystery. Then, she could return the Eleronai to Eleron and herself to the
Dragon Nations.
“There is no time for sleep!” Adellandra whispered, sitting up in bed and holding her
temple. She thought of different ways she could borrow enough energy so she could go on with
the investigation. “Tough choice: the Courtyard, the Practice Fields, and the Shrine.” She
continued to herself, knowing very well no one was there to listen.
It was an old habit she’d picked up sometime toward the end of her first incarnation as
Adellandra Dranna. Talking aloud helped her figure things out, between cases as a detective and
as Lady Guardian of the Realms.
She pulled the covers from her legs and stood, going to the adjoining bathroom to wash
Sitting in the hot water, she smiled, closing her eyes. “Yoshi! This feels so good!”
She quickly washed up in the bath before stepping out, drying herself off and dressing.
Adellandra chose a form that required very little energy from her to sustain – that of an Immortal
woman: long, reddish-blonde hair tied up in a tight bun, silver-blue eyes and dressed in what she
called her Fighter’s Gear; a pair of breeches made of surprisingly comfortable brown leather.
The tunic had plumy sleeves that made it easy to move, with a slit in the back for her wings,
should she wish to release them. She had a thick leather belt with two pouches. The first pouch
was long enough for the dragon-tail hilted dagger Countess Dracora of Monarch’s Glen in the
Dragon Nations used to bind them. The second pouch was the magical wand the Ancient Mystic
Sister Sibylline gave her so long ago, before she became the Ancient Mystic’s Goddess of Spirit.
She took it out now, examining it; the bamboo and clay now worn from handling, its seven
stones that stood for each of the seven chakras no longer shining. Across her back was the
enchanted leather sheath that belonged to her magical sword Spiritblade.
She surveyed the room, looking for the deactivated Spiritblade, which was just a simple,
elongated diamond-shape magical metal blade with three quartz crystal jewels on the pommel
and worn leather wrapping around the handle. She picked it up and sighed, remembering when
she earned it, and actually had the power to activate it.
Those days seem so long ago. She thought with a sigh, sheathing her sword. “No use
thinking on that now. Time for a quick rejuvenation before continuing the investigation!”
Remembering Zinc’s two armed bodyguards at the door, she looked to the window and
smiled. “Just like ol’ times.”
Once out the balcony, she found the wooden trestle where lush greenery snaked up the
building. “This is going to be easier than I thought.”
As her feet hit the ground, she headed to the first place that came to mind for borrowing
energy: the Shrines. Normally a place for honoring and worshiping the matron Moon Goddess,
Silver Moon, the Shrines also held the Temple School, a building built for learning their spiritual
and magical paths of the lands. Back in the days she was Silver, she’d often go there and find
her brother Zinc, deep in meditation or studies of the Druidic Path.
Not everyone in the Illunae are Necromancers; just those from the original Royal
lineage. Adellandra thought to herself as she walked, ignoring the stares she got from passersby.
I do wonder though; is only this Realm affected by a time warp, or are they all in some way?
Being a Portal Guardian, I usually would feel something should anything go wrong or come
through that should not. I do not feel anything warning me of ill-will with the Portals. Still, she
mused, never hurts to ask a second opinion, just in case.
She entered the Temple School, hoping to find Zinc knee-deep in studies. Using empathy
to find him, she also found Dia with him.
I wonder what she is doing here?
On second glance, Adellandra noticed Dia wasn’t smiling, and neither was Zinc. She
held something in her hand that glowed deep indigo and black.
“Sulheya,” She announced, using the Ancient Wolf-Speak greeting that identified her, just
in case they were confused by her current form.
“Heyo, Silver.” Zinc smiled.
Adellandra giggled. “That never gets old, does it?”
Dia was confused. “Am I missing something?”
“It’s an inside joke, Dia.” Zinc grinned. “Don’t worry about it. So Silver, I thought I put
you to bed?”
“You did, but I could not sleep.” Adellandra announced. “I was thinking way too much
on the investigation.”
“You keep calling it an investigation, like it was one of your cases from the Mortal
Realm.” Zinc teased her.
“Old habits never die.” Adellandra shrugged. “I originally came here to borrow some
energy so I can work on it, but find you here instead.”
“Borrow energy?” Dia asked.
“She is full of questions today.” Adellandra teased them. Dia blushed. “Being the
Goddess I am, I am allowed to borrow energy from sacred places in each of the Realms I visit.”
She explained. “It helps me focus.”
“So that’s why you’re taking that form!” Dia cried. Adellandra nodded. “Ariana Moon,
the Earthbound Mystic acting as Lady Guardian of the Realms. Am I right?”
“Hai. It takes little energy to shift or sustain the form.” Adellandra nodded again. “How
do you know so much about me?”
“I’ve read your written Chronicles, aunt.” Dia told her. “I’m fascinated by other
“I know not what to say about that.” Adellandra laughed nervously. “What are you
trying to hide from me?”
Dia and Zinc looked at each other. Dia gave him a look of desperation to keep whatever
it was secret while Zinc shook his head at her.
“She must know, Dia.” Zinc told her. “Show her.”
Adellandra cocked her head in curiosity, crossing her arms and frowning. “Show me
Dia took a deep breath and shared a look with Zinc, who nodded, before turning to
Adellandra and showing her the hidden trinket, which glowed an ominous indigo-black.
Adellandra, Lady Guardian of the Realms, stared in shock, unable to move or say
anything. The trinket was shaped like a diamond and was black as an Onyx stone. She grabbed
it from Dia’s hands and closed her eyes, using clairvoyance to sense the recent history. All that
Dia had told them about it, from appearing in her bed to using its power to make Adellandra’s
own magic inaccessible to her; it was all true.
Zinc watched, used to the look of a Seer and what this particular one was trying to See.
Dia glanced at one to the other in curiosity, keeping silent as Zinc placed a finger to his lips
before pointing to his eyes: Be quiet and Watch.
Adellandra let her clairvoyance take her further back in time, to see who put the onyx on
her bed to begin with, and when. She saw a hooded figure, petite and thin, but she couldn’t see
the face. She tried focusing on the figure’s face but was knocked out of the vision by a terrible
burst of pain. The only thing she was able to catch was the shadowy feline features.
“Kreskin!” Adellandra cursed the Ancient Wolf-Speak word for ‘One Who Is An
Abomination’ as she held her head.
“Are you okay, Sita?” Zinc asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.
She felt a gentle burst of warm silvery-blue light, opening her eyes after a moment. Once
she nodded, he released her shoulder. She continued to stare at the crystal in her hands.
“What did you See?” Zinc whispered, daring to ask the question.
She placed her hand around the crystal and told him.
“That could have been anyone!” Dia asked. “I’m a trained Healer, so it could have been
one of my clients.”
“I will be keeping this,” Adellandra showed her the crystal before shoving it in one of the
many mini-pouches on her belt.
“I shouldn’t have to tell you to shield yourself and be careful.” Zinc remarked. “What are
you going to do with it?”
“Not much I can do but keep it on hand, just in case.” Adellandra told him. She shook
her head. “Perhaps I ought to do what I came here for?”
Zinc and Dia both laughed.
“Kateea, you two.” Adellandra waved before heading to the Sacred Falls behind the

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Alissa, Corvus and Hikari were relaxing by the pond in the Courtyard. Alissa was
pacing while the couple was sitting on the bench.
“Will you sit and relax, Ali?” Corvus asked her, agitated. He was getting dizzy, just
watching her pace. “We can’t do anything until Adellandra wakes up, you know, so stop pacing
Alissa didn’t seem to hear him, continuing to pace back and forth in front of them.
He turned to Hikari. She was frowning at the ground, oblivious to her surroundings.
What’s with her, anyway? Corvus thought to himself, turning away. She calls me her
Chosen, which I don’t mind, and less than a day later, it turns out she’s already with someone.
Granted, it’s in the ‘right time,’ as they called it. Where did that leave me?
You are my Chosen, and nothing’s going to change that. He heard Hikari’s voice echo in
his mind, and felt her hand on his lap.
He looked back at her. She was staring at him with that adorable grin on her lips. It
almost made his heart melt.
“What about when this is all over?” He whispered, taking her hand that was on his lap
and holding it. “Time will return to whatever you call normal sometime, right? Where does that
leave us?”
Hikari kissed him. Don’t think about that now, Chosen. Please? Just know that we are
one, here and now.
Corvus was the first to break the kiss. “For now, I’ll drop it, but don’t expect me to
“I expect nothing.” Hikari whispered, snuggling closer to him. He wrapped an arm
around her shoulder and held her close. “We do what we can in the here and now, no matter
where or when that may be. It’s all we can do.”
“I agree with her.” Alissa remarked.
Startled by Alissa’s voice, Corvus quickly took his arm from around her shoulder and
paced to the edge of the pond, hands shoved in his pockets.
The girls smiled at each other.
He thinks he’s so macho, doesn’t he? Hikari grinned as she sent the message to Alissa,
who giggled.
Alissa and Corvus were used to hearing both sisters’ voices in their heads using telepathy,
so it didn’t bother her now. It only startled her for a moment.
“I agree with you, though.” Alissa sat in the seat Corvus abandoned. “We can only do
what we can for the moment.”
Hikari nodded. “Methinks you’ve been hanging around Silver too much.”
Alissa grinned. “Me too.” She looked over at Corvus. He was sitting at the edge of the
pond, his hands playing with a stick. “Mind if I ask you a few questions?”
“If it is about this world, go ahead.” Hikari announced. “Ask away.”
“Can you teach me your language?” Alissa asked. “It’s fascinating!”
“We seem to like it, hai.” Hikari laughed. She called to Corvus. “Cor, would you like to
learn as well?”
He shook his head out of his daze and stood. “Sure,” he told her, wiping his dirty hands
on his pant leg. He sat on the other side of Hikari.
“What have you heard so far?” Hikari asked them.
Alissa thought for a moment. Corvus stayed silent in thought.
“I notice you use a few words of Ancient Wolf-Speak, such as Sita.” Alissa began. “We
learned that from Adellandra.”
“Hai,” Hikari nodded. “It’s a long story, but our use of it comes from when she was first
born as my daughter Silver. She used to talk in her sleep, and claim she knew the language in
her waking hours, too. Soon, she had the family using Ancient Wolf-Speak as well. It was kind
of funny to hear it again when she returned as the Empress Adellandra.” Hikari grinned. “What
else have you heard?”
“I think I understand some of the words you used more than once.” Alissa remarked.
“’Pada’ means ‘father’?”
“Hai,” Hikari nodded. “’Mame’ means ‘mother,’ and ‘Parena’ means ‘parents’.”
“That’s an easy one.” Corvus grinned.
“What about ‘velcamoon’?” Alissa asked.
“You said it wrong.” Hikari said. “’Vel’ca’moon’ means ‘you are welcome’. The ‘v’
acts like a soft ‘f’, and there is an accent before and after the word ca.”
“Kind of like the name Viktor?” Alissa brightened.
“The accent is thicker than his.” Hikari supplied. “Anyway, what else have you heard?”
“Uh,” Alissa thought back to their dinner the night they arrived. “Adellandra said
something like ‘kresh-nay la-oo-rah.’”
“Was she talking to a maid with rich black hair in a bun and wearing a red dress with a
white apron?” Hikari asked and Alissa nodded. “La’u’ra, just as you pronounced it, was the
maid’s name, and Silver was asking her about the son she borne here back then, Prince Andros.”
“How do you get ‘Andros’ out of the word ‘kresh-nay’?” Corvus asked.
“You don’t.” Hikari told him. “It’s a form of one of the Prince’s nicknames, partially
from the word ‘Kreskin’ – note the ‘sh’ sound – and his Use Name from the Panther-kin Clans in
the Realm of Dreams.”
At the word ‘Panther-kin’, Alissa was alert, listening closer for any other clues.
“What’s his Use Name?” Corvus wondered.
“Skethn’rae,” Hikari supplied. “Neither forms of his name mean anything pretty.”
“What does ‘Kreskin’ mean?” Alissa asked in a whisper. Did she really want to know?
Hikari was quiet when she told them.
“It’s Ancient Wolf-Speak, and it means ‘One Who Is An Abomination.’”
Chapter Ten
Unknown Portal in the Fountain

Zinc stared at Dia after Adellandra had disappeared. “If I didn’t know any better, Ta’vo,
I’d say you were obsessed with our Lady.”
“She is the link to my past.” Dia grinned, shrugging.
Zinc chuckled. “She’s the link to a lot of people’s pasts.”
Dia giggled, taking his hand and leading him to the Sacred Fountain that was just outside
the School. They sat on the marble rock formations around the Fountain, and she was lost in
“Is something on your mind?” Zinc bent down to whisper in her ear, gently kissing it.
Dia shook her head and forced a smile. “I have a feeling the Lady came here for another
reason, other than borrowing energy.”
“What makes you say that?”
Dia stared at him. “Try to sense her mind.”
“That’s an invasion of privacy.” Zinc frowned, shaking his head. “You know I can’t do
“She has the Empathy.” Dia pressed.
“Hai,” Zinc stammered, nodding.
“Then she is used to it,” Dia supplied. “Since it’s you, I don’t think she’ll mind much.”
Zinc stared at her, wondering what she was thinking. Heaving a sigh, he closed his eyes
and searched his mind for the telepathic link that connected him to Silver. Once finding it – a
bright light made of pure silver-white energy – he used his empathy to sense her.
Just as he feared; it didn’t take long for her to sense him. That was one trait of hers that
he remembered and envied: No matter how far into meditation she was in, she was always
empathically aware of her surroundings, even those wishing to probe her mind. It was a gift he
was never able to fully understand.
Sorry for the intrusion, Sita, He apologized gently. Dia made me do it.
There was an empathic Feeling of curiosity and wonder. He was amazed she wasn’t
angry at him as well for the act. Explain.
Did you come here for more than borrowing energy?
She was silent and her mind-path to him blank. He was about to pull out of her mind and
sever the connection, but she returned.
On my way back to you; You are at the Sacred Fountain?
Zinc smiled, not even guessing how she knew. They severed the connection and he
opened his eyes.
“Well?” Dia was curious.
Zinc heard a faint crackle of crushed grass and looked up to see The Lady herself, still
clad in her Immortal “Ariana” form. She was smiling at them, her arms folded and eyes bright.
Dia noticed her as well and couldn’t help smiling back. “Feel better?”
Adellandra nodded. “You are right; I did come here for more than rejuvenating my
energies.” She confirmed. “Have either of you noticed if this time warp has gone past this
“Before I answer that, let me ask you this.” Zinc said. “Has anything like this happened
in Eleron, the Nations, or the Mortal Realm?”
Adellandra stroke her chin in thought. “Nothing in Eleron, to my knowledge; I would
have to ask Alissa or Corvus.” She mumbled, and Zinc knew she was in what she called her
“Detective Mode.” She paced. “I have not been home to the Nations in ages, so I would not
“Do you feel it?” Zinc asked her.
She stopped pacing to listen.
“You’re one of the Guardians; both of the Inner Realms and the Portals.” He continued
knowingly. “Use that and sense for yourself.”
After a moment, Adellandra nodded, grasping her necklace and staring into space.
Zinc and Dia watched as she craned her neck as if to listen to something only she could
hear. He grasped her hand and frowned at his sister.
Why don’t I like the look of this? He asked himself, but Dia heard.
Perhaps because I don’t like it, either? Dia countered.
Zinc watched as his sister reached into one of her belt pouches and withdrew the Black-
as-Night Crystal, holding it in her hand and frowning.
Now I really don’t like the look of this. Dia panicked. I know what that onyx is
responsible for, and so does she. It’ll eat her alive!
She’s learned from long ago, Ta’vo. Zinc squeezed her hand, keeping his eyes on
Adellandra. His sister was frozen in place, one hand grasping her necklace while the other held
onto the crystal. Our Silver is a very strong Goddess. Have faith in her.
Dia nodded, continuing to watch.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Deep in Adellandra’s mind, as she held fast to the crystal and her Amulet, she could
barely Feel the Portal link from her mind to that of her mate, Draconis. They were both bound to
the Portals, several-hundred per Realm to date, so it would be natural to find him through them,
should she be unable to sense him otherwise.
She focused on the link from her mind to that of the Illuminata’s Realm Portal near the
City gates, just to see if she could sense anything out of place.
Sure enough, there was an odd signature pulsing back at her from those Portal ties. It
was both curious and familiar at the same time, reminding her where, or who, it might lead to.
Oh, Darling, what have you done this time? She called out to him in her mind,
unknowing if he’d hear it.
After a moment, there was a powerful surge of black magical energy from the link that
knocked her out of the connection and caused her physical body to be thrown into the Sacred
Adellandra flailed in the water, trying to resurface, but her body wouldn’t obey her
mind’s orders. She was pulled deep underwater, unable to breathe or even move to resurface.
Her lungs ached as she held her breath.
What is going on? Why can I not move? She thought to herself, sending a message to
whomever was listening; mainly Zinc.
He was already there, fighting the whirlpool that had appeared and somehow engulfed
her. Neither he nor Dia could reach her; her body going further and further below the surface.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Hikari heard her sister-daughter’s voice in her mind and was instantly alert. Adellandra
had sent the Japanese saying for “Help me!” For her to actually say the phrase in a foreign
Mortal Realm language meant she was in her Immortal form of Ariana Moon and in danger.
Hikari sighed. The three of them were still sitting on the bench, talking when she got the
message. She followed the telepathic link until she found Adellandra’s mind; her body drowning
in the Sacred Fountain.
Hoping the Lady would receive it, she sent. On our way!
She grabbed both Alissa’s and Corvus’s wrists and sped off, dragging them behind her.
“What’s going on?” Alissa asked.
“Hikari!?” Corvus yelled.
She ignored them both, racing as fast as they would follow her to the Fountain.
The first she saw was Zinc, still trying to reach Adellandra’s flailing form. The whirlpool
engulfed her, dragging her further down until neither of them could see her anymore.
“We’re too late!” Alissa cried as she and Corvus leaned over the marble rock.
“Not again!” Corvus groaned, running a hand through his hair. “I swear; that woman
gets herself into more trouble than Ali.”
“Watch your tongue, Eleronai.” Zinc growled. He nodded to Dia, who raced inside the
School. She returned with a towel, handing it to him. “I bet you have no idea what ‘that woman’
goes through for the Realms.”
Dia put a hand on Zinc’s chest and one on Corvus’s to stop them from physically
fighting. “Knock it off, both of you!”
“Agreed.” Hikari spoke up. She was sitting on the marble rock, playing with the
Fountain as water cascaded from the marble bowl held by a Goddess statue. “We don’t have
time to bicker and fight.” She looked at Zinc. “Tell Copper and Xavier.”
Zinc nodded. “What about Myria and Ginny?”
“They’re too emotional to handle anything right now.” Hikari shook her head. “They’ve
not been right since we got in this mess. I feel sorry for them.”
“Who are they in Real Time?” Alissa asked quietly, watching Hikari and Zinc look at
each other; both had sad expressions on their faces.
Hikari nodded at Zinc and he explained.
“In real time, Ginny is Myria’s mother; only, it’s different.”
“How so?” Corvus asked.
“Myria is only an infant.” Hikari told him. “That’s why they can’t help us, yet. Zinc,
please go; tell the men what happened.”
“Hai, Mame.” Zinc quickly nodded, racing off.
Dia started to run after him, but Hikari stopped her. “Nato!”
Dia stopped and turned. “No?”
“We need you to stay here and keep an eye out for her.” Hikari told her, standing.
“Continue with your studies, tend the Shrine and the gardens, do what you must, but please,
don’t leave the Shrine. Do you understand?”
“Aye.” Dia sat on the Fountain’s rock formation. “What are you three going to do?”
“There’s nothing we can do, right?” Alissa asked.
“We can’t go in after her?” Corvus gestured to the Fountain.
“It’s too dangerous.” Hikari shook her head, turning to Dia. “First off, you’re going to
tell me what happened, and why she screamed in my mind for help.”
They sat down next to her as Dia explained.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Havens! What a rush? She thought in her mind as she awoke. She was in another dark
place; this one smelled of mud and wood.
Her eyes adjusted and she waited until her head stopped pounding. Once her vision and
mind was clear once again, she used her magic to produce a ball of yellow light in her hand. She
held the light up and surveyed her surroundings, being careful not to make a sound, just in case.
Is it not always ‘just in case’? She thought to herself with a grin, her eyes quickly
adjusting to the light. She sighed, moving the light around her. She was on the inside of a huge,
hollowed-out tree. Something sparkled in her eyesight. She quickly looked to find herself
chained by her ankle. The chain was attached to a hole in a root that was sticking up from the
Knowing it was futile for the moment; she closed her hand to extinguish the flame and sat
in place.
Adellandra was still in her Ariana-Lady Guardian Immortal form, complete with her
Fighter’s Gear, weapons and magic. Her kidnapper this time must not have thought to take them
She smiled. Amateur.
Which brought her thoughts back to her surroundings: where was she?
She expanded her empathy power, sensing an aura of peace around her. Does not feel
hostile. In fact; it feels familiar, kind of like the Province Wood in spring.
Am I in another world? Did the Shrine somehow hold another Realm Portal I could not
She thought back to what had happened to bring her here, wherever here was.
Immediately, the Black-as-Night Crystal came to mind. She reached into the pouch she’d
replaced it in when she found herself being pulled down the whirlpool. Sure enough, it was still
She took it out and saw it was glowing.
“What the?”
She sat in the dark, staring at it for a moment; her mind reeling with questions. Why was
it here? Why was it glowing? Who was dumb enough to take this to Dia, the purest soul in the
Illunae? Did they know what it would do to the poor girl, not to mention herself?
She closed her eyes once again, using her clairvoyance to try and see who last touched it,
besides herself and Dia. Her other hand grasped for the necklace at her throat, only to find it was
“The Royal Crest!” Her eyes snapped open in alarm.
That’s it. Now she was angry.
She stood up, shoved the Black-as-Night Crystal back into her pouch and reached to
unsheathe Spiritblade, twisting the handle to activate it in one fluid movement.
“Forget this – I have to get that Crest back!”
In one swoop, she broke the chain at her ankle and raced out of the tree.
Once she was out, she looked up. Trees surrounded her from the sky to her feet.
“Okay, I get I am in a forest.” She jibed to herself. “In the dark, no less; but where am I?
Which Realm? This is one mystery I have to solve quickly! People are counting on me!”
Are they not always?
She took a breath, frozen in place by the sound of a foreign voice in her mind. Wary, she
watched the darkness around her. She tried sensing whoever sent the message, but the path in
her mind was blank.
People always count on you, my Lady.
The smooth male voice sounded sexy in her mind, but it wasn’t Drake.
She frowned, sending back. Show yourself.
The male voice laughed in her mind. I do not believe I will; not yet, but do feel free to
search. You will not find me.
She started to walk, keeping her eyes and ears open for anything suspicious.
Why is he speaking without contractions like a Companion? It reminded her of herself;
she'd never gotten out of the habit of speaking like a Companion, and neither had her youngest
Mystic son Theodore. Can you at least tell me your name?
The voice was silent for a moment, but she could still sense his presence, so she knew he
was still around.
Like you, I am one who has many names. His voice was rough when he said. You know
me as Abomination, but you may call me Pantheros.
“Pantheros.” She whispered it under her breath, seeing if the name registered in her
memory. It didn’t.
Did you bring me here?
Pantheros’ voice chuckled.
To herself, she thought. What was with this guy and creepy chuckling?
You could say that, aye. Pantheros’ smooth voice remarked. Care of a great Onyx we all
know and love.
She reached into her pocket again and took it out as she walked on. It was no longer
glowing, and she didn’t understand. Where did you get it?
You know the answer, Lady Empress.
Lots of people know me by that name and title. Adellandra countered. Tell me; how do
I am the Abomination, called Skethn’rae, Kreskin, Hao-lin, Bedlam's Bane.
That’s when it clicked. The man in her mind was right; she did know him.
Stopped in her tracks and looking up to see a man in black Panther-kin Companion form
– half Panther, half man – just like her friends in the Realm of Dreams. His golden wings
fluttered closed as he gracefully landed in front of her.
The glint of his golden eyes shone in the dark and she knew.
“Sulheya, Mame.”
Chapter Eleven
One Who No One Suspects

Zinc ran as fast as he could to the Throne Room, but no one was there to greet him. He
tried searching for his father and brother in numerous places in the Castle, but still, couldn’t find
He caught the boisterous maid, Saia by the closed door to Hikari’s Solar. She looked
flustered, but put the thought out of his mind to ask her. “Have you seen Lord Xavier and Priest-
Lord Copper?”
Saia smiled and shook her head. “Sorry Prince, I have not.”
Prince? Zinc thought to himself, suspicious. She simply smiled at him, winking. His
mind was fuzzy and he forgot why she seemed suspicious. “Thank you anyway, Saia.”
She curtseyed as he left in a daze.
That was weird. He thought to himself, his mind clearing once she was out of his sight.
No time to think – must find Copper and Pada!
He asked every maid and manservant in the Castle, around the grounds and on each floor
of the building. No one had seen either Copper or Xavier. The strange part was, neither of them
had seen either Myria or Ginny for hours.
Zinc wasn’t stupid. He knew this House more than anyone outside the Family. He was
family, whether he’d like to admit it or not. For either of his brother, sister-in-love, father or
niece to vanish into thin air was suspicious.
He was silent as he walked back to the Shrine, thinking to himself.
Why did Saia call him “Prince”? He may have been, but he wouldn’t succeed Copper on
the Throne; he’d given it up for Druidry and studies. Everyone in the House knew that.
Zinc stopped. Saia’s the newest Maid. She wouldn’t know, would she? He shook his
head, continuing on his path. I don’t even remember Pada hiring her. What was that strange
behavior? She was flustered as she stood guard by Mame’s Solar door. Was she hiding
It was coming to him in bursts, and the answers were just as quick.
He saw Dia where he left her, the Eleronai play-fighting against each other with sticks
they must have found scattered on the ground. Hikari was staring into the water, deep in
She was the first to notice him stop in front of her, breathing heavily. “Z, what’s wrong?”
He sat next to her to catch his breath. The Eleronai looked at one another, tossed aside
their sticks and walked over to him. Dia sat on the other side of him, placing a hand on his back.
“I think we have our first suspect.” He told them.
Hikari’s eyes widened.
He continued. “The maid, Saia.”
“Hah!” Corvus burst. “The butler did it after all!”
Alissa frowned at him, nudging him in the ribs. “Forgive him. He lost his marbles years
Corvus shrugged. “I thought it was funny.”
“Cor.” Hikari closed her eyes and warned him.
He cleared his throat. “Sorry, go on.”
“Thank you.” Zinc explained what just happened with the boisterous maid.
“The Lady will not be happy to hear that.” Dia announced. “By the way, did you tell
Copper or Lord Xavier?”
Zinc shook his head. “They’re missing.” He told her. “No one in the Castle or on the
grounds has seen them in hours.”
“Brilliant.” Alissa groaned. “So we have three mini mysteries on our hands.” She ticked
each one on her fingers. “Adellandra’s missing, the other Royals are missing, and Saia may be
our first suspect, but to what crime?”
The five of them were silent for a moment, each staring into the Fountain.
“Maybe she’s connected to them all?” Corvus shrugged again. They stared at him. “I’m
trying to be serious here.”
“It’s okay, Cor,” Hikari grinned at him. “If we can prove that, we’ll be that much closer
to figuring out who messed with time and how.”
She glanced up at the marble sundial across the yard. “It’s almost the evening meal, so
we should get ready.” Hikari stood. “Dia, Zinc, will you stay here until then?”
They nodded.
“Good.” She instructed. “Should anything happen, you two know what to do, right?”
Zinc stood and kissed her on the cheek. “Hai, Mame. You can count on us.”
“Good ol’ Zinc.” Hikari tapped his cheek. “Don’t tell your Bad'ra, but you’re my
favorite son.”
Zinc laughed at her teasing tone. “I won’t.”
With a wink, Hikari gestured for the Eleronai to follow her out of the Shrine.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Impossible. Adellandra thought to herself, staring at the Panther-kin Companion form of
the man in front of her. “Andros?”
Pantheros nodded, “Although nowadays, I am called Abomination or Pantheros.”
“Impossible.” She whispered.
Pantheros stepped toward her. “Nothing is impossible for a demigod.”
“You are no demigod.” She argued.
“I am a son of two gods, am I not?” Pantheros asked. “Tristan is a demigod.”
“Tristan is a different story,” She huffed, thinking of her step-son, a dragoncat whose
origins were still unknown. “He is not my blood-son. He actually is a demigod because his
father is a God and his mother a Princess of her Kingdom.” She shook her head. “You are not a
demigod, Andros.”
He gave her a sly look, which made her think of recent events.
“Why do I have the feeling you’re behind all this?”
“All what, Mame?” Pantheros feigned innocence with a crooked smile.
“Time warping in the Illunae.” Adellandra told him.
“What evidence do you have to convict me of the crime?” Pantheros acted like a two-bit
criminal in an old-fashioned detective novel.
“The Black-as-Night Crystal.” Adellandra supplied, ignoring the behavior. “I used
clairvoyance to see who handled it last and saw a feline Companion-shaped face trying to hide
itself behind a cloak.”
“That could have been anyone.” Pantheros shrugged.
“In case you have not noticed, there are no felines in the Illunae.” Adellandra smiled.
“Now, kindly hand back the Crest and return to Illuminata with me. I am terribly busy and my
guests must not wait.”
Pantheros laughed at her. She just frowned.
“If you mean the Eleronai, they will be fine.”
She blinked. How did he know?
“The angel piqued my interest, so I had to learn more about her.” Pantheros shrugged.
“Enough games, Andros!” The Lady pointed Spiritblade at his chest. If he laid one furry
finger on her friends, she would destroy him. “Give back the Royal Crest and return us to the
He sighed, reaching into the air and conjuring a necklace. He threw it to her with a
frown. “There. Happy?”
Sure enough, it was the enchanted necklace Draconis had given to her when they first
mated. The Royal Crest of the Dragon Nations held magic unlike any other artifact in the
Nations’ History. Twining dragons: one white, one black, outlined by the tail of the letter “D”
curled to hold a multihued energy ball was outlined behind it. Behind the twining dragons was a
cross of weapons, a sword and a mage’s staff. Surrounding the entire thing were thirteen
different dazzling jewels, the universal symbol of the Dragon Nations. It was also the only thing
she never truly lost in the many years of patrolling the Inner Realms as Lady Guardian.
“Fun is over, I guess.” He sighed as he watched her put it around her neck.
“Yes; it is over.” Adellandra frowned. “I know not how I got here, but please, take us
Pantheros sighed, touching her shoulder and groaning. “Might as well.”
With that, they were whisked away. Not even the Lady knew how he did it.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Hikari held Corvus’s hand as they walked to Illuminata. Alissa was on the other side of
“Think we should confront Saia, to see what she says?” Alissa asked.
“I don’t think that would be wise at this point.” Hikari answered. “We have no solid
evidence against her.”
“Her acting weird isn’t enough?” Corvus countered.
“Have either of you met her yet?” Hikari asked them. They shook their heads. “There’s
your answer. The only ones who have met her are those in the Family and the Castle. Since the
time warp didn’t happen until she arrived, it’s safe to say she is one of those behind it.”
“Now to prove it,” Alissa groaned.
“Now you understand why we can’t confront her yet.” Hikari supplied. “In the
meantime, we keep our chins up and pretend nothing’s wrong. The people here have no idea
we’re in the wrong time, so we have to maintain any appearance of normalcy.”
“I’m just wondering how it was done.” Alissa remarked. “I mean, how can your sons
become your brothers?”
“Exactly.” Corvus agreed.
“I was curious about that, as well.” Hikari said. “However you twist time-lines, it would
never happen. Time-lines split when there’re choices to be made. If, for example, Silver had
chosen to stay so long ago, instead of leaving us, she would have been the High-Priestess in
Copper’s stead.”
“Copper’s a Priestess?” Corvus snickered. “Can you just imagine him in a dress?”
Even Hikari had to laugh at that, for the thought did sound absurd. “Based on the choice
she made by leaving us, Copper is now Lord-Priest of the Illunae.”
“It still doesn’t begin to explain the time-warp.” Alissa remarked once they calmed.
The three were silent, for what else could be said or done without Adellandra’s input on
the matter?
Chapter Twelve
Return of the Lost-Prince

Dia was pruning the flowerbeds around the Fountain while Zinc was in the Temple
School, studying when they each heard loud splashing noises coming from the Fountain.
Dia stood up and reached to help whoever was surfacing. At the sight of reddish-blond
hair and the triple-crystal pommel of a sword, she knew who it was.
“Silver!” Zinc raced to help Dia pull his sister’s form out of the water. There was
another form, that of a black panther-man. “Dia, take her to dry off. I’ll deal with the
“Let me handle him, Z.” Adellandra groaned, glaring in the panther-man’s direction.
“He is my son, after all.”
Zinc was surprised, and blinked, watching the half-panther man climb out of the Fountain
on his own. Her what?
Before she left with Dia, she instructed. “Shift to your Illunian form. You are making
your uncle very uncomfortable.”
The panther-man sighed. “If you insist.”
“I do.”
She left on that to dry herself off in the Temple School.
Zinc and the panther-man eyed one another.
“I’m sure you’ll both explain.” Zinc told him seriously, crossing his arms.
“Will we?” The panther-man smirked, shifting his form.
In front of Zinc’s eyes, he watched as the golden-eyed panther turned into an Immortal
that reminded him of a boy-Prince from long ago. Chocolate-brown hair grown down to his
waist, sparkling golden eyes stared at him devilishly, and golden peregrine falcon’s wings
adorned his back, stretching as the man himself stretched his body. His face was pale yet
beautiful, just as any of those in the Illunae.
Zinc could hardly believe his eyes. Was this the lost-Prince of the Illunae, Andros
“Oh, do stop staring at me like a lovesick eyas, Uncle.” Crooned the panther-man Zinc
now knew for a fact was Andros. “What would Dia think?”
Zinc took a short breath and held it. What would he say to the lost Prince? Should he
hug him and welcome him home?
“I wouldn’t if I were you, Bad'ra.” Adellandra returned, answering as if reading his
thoughts. “Andros – yes, Andros – is our enemy, somewhat.”
“Somewhat?” Zinc choked.
“She believes I am behind the time warp here.” Andros remarked. “As I am no longer
the male you knew as Andros, do not call me that name.”
Zinc was confused, so he used his empathy to sense his nephew’s aura. Sure enough, it
had become darker and more sinister. “Who are you, if not Prince Andros?”
“You may call me Pantheros.” Pantheros bowed, folding his wings across his back.
“You’re not in panther form,” Dia argued in a whisper.
“Not anymore, cousin.”
Dia gasped. “Cousin?”
“You are daughter to my father’s brother.” Pantheros shrugged. “You are my cousin.”
“Connections later, explanations now.” Adellandra folded her arms. “Are you, or are you
not responsible for the time warp?”
Pantheros shrugged. “That would be up to the infamous detective to figure out.” He
grinned. “Should you not be getting back to your friends, the Eleronai? As I do recall, you said
you were awfully busy and they could not wait.”
Adellandra glared at him, growling. “Stop toying with me, Pantheros.”
Pantheros merely laughed.
Adellandra stepped up to him and whipped Spiritblade from Her sheath fully-charged,
pointing it at him. Her silver-eyes changed to white with rage. “You will answer the question.”
Pantheros smiled, shrugging nonchalantly. “What if I am?”
“He confessed!” Dia cried.
Without taking her blade or eyes off Pantheros, Adellandra growled. “Silencia, Dia!”
“Even if I were, I would not know how to return it to whatever this realm calls normal.”
Pantheros held his hands up.
“How did you manage it?” Zinc wondered. “Do you realize just how twisted this time
has become?”
“Certainly, it is not that bad.” Pantheros remarked.
“It is, Andros.” Adellandra told him, lowering her blade and deactivating its energy. She
sheathed it and explained. “Hikari and Myria are out of sync. Hikari is now my sister instead of
my mother and Myria is Xavier’s Priestess in her stead.”
Pantheros relaxed, putting his hands down. “I was not the only one to do so.”
The picture of the maid Saia came to Zinc’s mind. “Saia.”
Pantheros nodded. “She is not of this Realm, and holds very dangerous magic unlike
anyone has ever seen.”
“That is assuring.” Adellandra quipped. “Where is she from?”
“She claims to be an Ancient from the days of Ishanar’s birth.”
“Where is she now?”
“That’s what we want to know.” Zinc remarked. “The last I saw her was by Mame’s
Solar door.”
“Let’s go then!” Adellandra moved to race off, but Pantheros grabbed her hand.
“Not even A’isha alone can beat her.” Pantheros was sincere. “She is extremely
“I am not alone, Andros.” Adellandra smiled and kissed his cheek. “I have very powerful
Pantheros released her but was silent.
“You are more than welcome to join us, son.” She offered.
Zinc could have sworn Pantheros’ aura changed, as did his demeanor. It didn’t take long
for Adellandra to change the lost-Prince’s mind and spirit. That was part of her powers as the
Goddess of Light A'isha.
Zinc smiled. “Let’s get on with this.”
“We can start after the evening meal, when we are all fed and energized.” Adellandra
replied. “I do not know about you, but I’m starved.”
Adellandra walked ahead with Pantheros beside her. Zinc followed behind them with
Dia, brandishing a wide grin.
Dia, on the other hand, was extremely confused at the turn of events.
Chapter Thirteen
Pantheros’ Story

Without realizing it, Hikari had led the duo to her Solar, nearly-hidden in a part of Castle
Illuminata no one dared venture. That was the way she liked it, or used to like it in this case.
Hikari sighed, staring at the door. She reached a hand out to open it and go inside, but
she was stopped.
All three turned to see the maid Saia, running up to them.
What’s her problem? Hikari asked in her mind. “I want to show them Lady Myria’s
“You mustn’t!” Saia was adamant, and unlike the boisterous maid she’d known before.
She may have been an airhead before, but this time? She was different.
“Why not? I’m a Princess and these are my guests.” Hikari fed her with the premise of
who she was in this time.
“It’s unsafe!” Saia covered the door with her body, arms out.
Hikari knew something was up, but kept it to herself. The maid was acting peculiar, as
Zinc had surmised before.
“How is it unsafe?” She demanded of the maid. Time to act like the Royal she was and
get answers, quickly. “Stand at attention, Maid Saia! You are in the presence of Royalty – Know
your station!”
Saia’s eyes widened in fear, but Hikari could sense it was faked. Calmly, she stood at
attention, her hands clasped over the knot at the waist of her apron. Saia bowed her head. “My
apologies, Lady Hikari, but it would seem the window was broken and everything in the Solar
was destroyed. The staff is cleaning it, even as we speak.”
Hikari studied her. If that were true instead of a ruse to push her away, she would believe
the maid. Fortunately for the Family, she was smarter than she looked.
“Can’t be helped, I guess.” Hikari sighed, eyeing Alissa and Corvus. “Let’s go to the
evening meal. I’m starved.”
“Yeah. Me too,” Corvus stammered.
“I can’t wait!” Alissa played along.
On that, they walked away from the still-standing Saia. Once they rounded the corner,
Hikari stopped them, placing a finger on her lips.
She poked her head from around the corner and watched; making sure the maid couldn’t
see her.
Saia looked left, then right, before sighing and pulling a key from her pocket. Using it,
she opened the door, entered, and closed it behind her with a soft click.
“That’s curious.” Hikari whispered. “I never once had a lock for that door.”
“No wonder she didn’t want you to open it – it was locked!”
Hikari nodded.
“I bet my Heckler’s Mace she’s hiding something in there.” Corvus responded.
“We can’t do anything about it now, she’s in there.” Hikari responded. “Now we can go
to the evening meal. Maybe Zinc has information for us?”
Both Corvus and Alissa nodded in agreement.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
How could I have let Saia take it this far? Pantheros thought to himself. She was only
supposed to take me back in time to see Mame and to convince my ten-summers-old self not to
run away from home. She was not supposed to alter time and reality itself!
He felt a hand take one of his own and looked to see Adellandra’s silver-blue eyes
looking ahead, worried.
Something on your mind, Andros?
It was the gentle, affectionate voice from long ago, that of his Mame, Silver Moon. The
whisper of love and concern resonated down the empathic link.
I apologize for my behavior, Mame. Pantheros responded. I was all set to help Saia
destroy this Realm for what it did to me, but you stopped me.
How did I manage that? Adellandra wondered, her inner-voice curious.
Despite kidnapping you to another realm and taking the Crest from you, Pantheros
Do not forget chaining me to the tree and leaving me alone in the dark.
Pantheros smiled. This was his Mame; playful, yet fierce and loving.
Yes, Mame, that too. He chuckled under his breath. Despite all that, you forgave me and
accepted me.
Adellandra stopped them in their tracks. She turned to him and placed a hand on his
cheek. “Of course I did. It is what mothers do for their sons.”
Pantheros was shocked. He could sense the bond between them tighten even tighter than
it had ever been before.
Zinc and Dia stayed silent behind them, also stopped in their tracks as they listened in.
“Even if you were the incarnate of Orthos and Thorn combined, you would still be my
son.” Adellandra went on passionately. “And I would still love you.”
That was good to hear.
“I love you, too, Mame.” He whispered in her ear, hugging her.
When they pulled back, he kissed her cheek and wrapped an arm around her shoulder,
walking further toward Illuminata.
He remembered it from his youth; though, at the time, it felt constricted. All those rules,
curfews, lessons, the Nursemaiden Ichiane down his back for studies. He was never allowed to
see the sun until his lessons and chores were done.
For the first time in several years, the Castle of Illuminata was a welcoming sight.
I have a lot to atone for. He thought to himself sadly, keeping the path closed from
Adellandra. I must tell the Family the truth, before it’s too late for everyone.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
The Dining Hall was once-again a meeting place for the Royal family to eat, drink and be
merry. The only differences in this time and the last were the absences of Lord Xavier, Lady
Myria, Priest-Lord Copper and Priestess-Consort Lady Eugenia, not to mention the addition of
Pantheros, who was known in the Illunae as the lost-Prince.
Alissa sat in her usual seat while Corvus and Hikari sat across from her in theirs. Zinc
and Dia sat together, and Adellandra sat in hers. The only one left standing was Pantheros. After
introductions, he was seated on Adellandra’s other side, and dinner was promptly served.
Hikari and Adellandra swapped stories; each noticing Pantheros was in deep thought.
They exchanged worried glances.
“Was there anything you wanted to discuss with us, Pantheros?” Hikari found it hard
calling her once-grandson by a foreign name.
Adellandra placed a hand on his, tapping it to give him courage.
“Hai, Gran Hikari.” Pantheros nodded respectfully. “Not here; perhaps somewhere more
“Shall we go back to the Library?” Adellandra suggested. “I guess I could use magic to
shield us from outside listeners.”
“You guess?” Zinc teased.
Adellandra shook her head and waved a hand at him. “You know I hate to use my magic
unless I have a great need.” She told him, and turned to a very silent Alissa and Corvus. “In my
last incarnation before returning to the Dragon Nations, I grew up in the Mortal Realm as an
Immortal orphan. I could not rely on magic, so I had to live by my wits alone. After so many
years, it is ingrained in my system, and I am used to not using magic.”
“Yet you used it to bring us here?” Corvus was skeptical at her explanation.
“You now know why.” She countered. “So, are we in agreement? We meet up in the
Library to privately discuss matters?”
Heads bobbed up and down as everyone agreed.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
The stone-cold hallways did not offer me solace as I followed my family to the Library. I
knew what I had done was wrong, yet I also knew I had to atone for it. I involved way too many
people in my plans, the worst being the elusive, destructive Saia. I am just sorry it took the pure
heart of my Mame to force me to see that.
Uncomfortable in the shell I lived in, especially now, I pulled my peregrine wings back
into my body and shifted back to my Panther-kin form as we walked. It was the only form I felt
I belonged in; even the one I was born wearing never felt right. Somehow, I was different from
my strange family, the Illunian-Draconians.
I held my breath as we entered, nervously standing by the door watching them. Gran
Hikari sat next to the devilish male with dreadlocks and a rough-from-too-much-fighting
complexion she introduced as Corvus Foster, one of Mame’s own Eleronai friends. Alissa
Monaco, the one my Draconian father called “Red Hair,” sat on Gran’s other side. Uncle Zinc
and Cousin Dia were hand-in-hand, with her leaning against the bookshelf as he faced it,
searching for a tome only he knew.
That left only Mame and me. I looked up at the Immortal “Ariana” form of my mother’s
last incarnation. Her usually-bright silver-blue eyes were sad and dark, her brows narrowed in
thought. Spirit of Mal’estar, her infamous blade’s true name, sat lifeless in the sheath upon her
back. Sunlight mirrored off the red rubies in her nearly-hidden Dragon's Claw Dagger at her hip.
She was still wearing what she called her “Lady Guardian’s Fighter’s Gear”; although still dirty
from our return from the Forgotten Realm.
Mame was the first to speak.
“The shield is up.” She remarked before looking at me. “It is safe to tell your story now,
I sighed. Why did she insist on calling me by my boyhood name? It was embarrassing.
I walked in and sat on a chair, gathering my thoughts. What would be the best way to
They were all staring at me, neither of them smiling, neither of them saying a word. The
aura in the room felt like a boulder pressing down on me. The stares, though patient in context,
were as daggers to my heart.
“I ran from home at nearly-ten summers for a feeling in my soul.” I began. “It tugged at
me, luring me away from Illuminata.” I looked to Mame. “I have always been confused, Mame.
Ever the doting mother I loved you for being, not even your words could bring me relief or
solace when I knew in my heart I did not belong.”
“You didn’t have to run, Kano.” Mame said gently, using the Draconian word for 'son'.
I nodded. “I know that now, but at the time, I was only a boy.” I continued. “I ran from
here with a purpose: to find my true home. Three days of searching, I was lost, hungry, and
alone. If not for Ni’enna, head of the Panther-kin Tribes in the Forgotten Realm, I would have
died from my own stupidity.”
“Fast-forward to when you met Saia.” Uncle Zinc spoke up. “And tell us why we still let
you in Illuminata for the mess you put us through.”
My uncle was harsh, yet I could not blame him for his anger.
“My apologies,” I stayed calm as I continued my story. “Not even within the Panther
Tribes could I feel at home. Long after I reunited with Mame in the Dragon Nations, and I was
learning to become a Prince of both my Realms, I was lured away. This time, it was by a song
that was sung by the one we know as Saia.”
I cleared my throat, for this part, I was ashamed. “She named herself Sai’brenn’a and
claimed to be from a time and place long before Ishanar was born.”
“That is impossible, of course.” Mame remarked. I eyed her and she nodded. “Sorry; go
“She lured me with a song in an ancient tongue I never learned, yet recognized the
moment I heard it.” I continued. “I fear she put me in a spell and forced me to do her bidding.
She showed me many things I had only dreamed about, from spells, incantations, ancient
artifacts, tomes and scrolls; things that baffled me, yet intrigued me at the same time.” I walked
over to Mame and held my hand out. “The Link Crystal, please.”
Mame nodded, reaching into her pocket and giving it to me.
It was glowing purple-black again, just as it had when I spied on her in the forest.
She noticed this as well, and stood. “Explain.”
I nodded. “One of the things she showed me was the Black-as-Night Crystal.” I held it
up. “It’s not normally this color; in fact, it has never glowed before in its entire existence.”
“Why is it now?” Mame asked.
Everyone else was silent around us. It was as if Mame and I were the only ones in the
room, and I was confessing to her.
“It is part of the spell.” I replied. “Saia told me it was an ancient artifact that was able to
grant my greatest wish. I had wished to go back in time and somehow convince my near-ten-
summers old self to stay, instead of running away. She took it from my hands and muttered an
incantation, making it glow.
“‘This is your lifeline now.’ She told me. ‘It is your link to the right time. I cannot bring
you back without it.’”
“So it glows whenever you’re around?” Alissa was brave enough to speak up and ask. I
looked at the Red Hair and nodded.
“Unfortunately, my story does not end there.” I said. “I went back in time to do just that,
only it was twisted.”
“The way we are now?” Zinc asked. “You mean; you didn’t do this on purpose?”
I shook my head. “Nato, Uncle. I only meant to do what I wanted to; only I never had
the chance. I landed here, but had the feeling it was not the right time or place. I found Saia in
the Market, an evil sneer upon her lips. That sneer widened as she met my eyes, disappearing
from her current position to meet me.
“’Sorry, kid.’ She whispered in my ear once she reappeared, taking us out of any guard’s
line of vision. “’I will not let you ruin my plans.’”
Mame gasped. I had to go on.
“It was at that moment I knew I had been used.” I bowed my head. “I took flight, not
knowing where I was going, or why. I knew she would chase after me, so I quickly hid myself in
the marsh and covered my body and face with a cloak.
“It was in that marsh I found Dia gardening.”
Dia looked up at the sound of her name.
“It had to be fate. I still had the crystal in my pocket, so I took it out and wished her to
sleep. She dropped to the ground, instantly asleep. Gently, I knelt to her and picked her up,
placing her, and the Crystal, on the bed. I whispered the truth of this time in her ear and left
quietly. Like a coward, I left this realm and time through a make-shift portal I made in the
Shrine’s Sacred Fountain.” I gave the crystal back to Mame and hugged Dia. “I am sorry for
everything, cousin.”
Dia smiled. Oh, how she smiled! I knew I was forgiven, for she was the purist being in
the Illunae. “I forgive you, cousin. Help us out of this mess and I believe you’ll earn your place
in the right time.”
Now I smiled for the first time. “Certainly.”
“Thank you, Andros.” Mame whispered. “There are still a few questions left
“I will do my best.” I told her. Why was I letting her call me by my boyhood name when
I told Zinc to call me Pantheros?
“When and how did you learn to make portals that led to other realms?” Mame asked
me. “Where did you take me and why? Why did you not come to the Castle as soon as you
knew, instead of leaving?”
“As I told you; I am a demigod.” I tried.
“As I told you, you are not.” Mame supplied. “Your father and I were Realmbound
when we had you and your sister Ravena.”
“Hold up.” Corvus held his head and shook it. “Let’s stay on-topic, shall we?”
“I have powers unlike either of my families.” I told Mame, ignoring the outburst. “The
Panther-kin taught me to hone those powers when you yourself could not.”
“When did they manifest?” Zinc asked. “When did you know you had these great
“I was thirteen summers when it happened.” I looked down. “According to the Elders, I
conjured a massive storm of magic, altering space and time for the Forgotten Realm. That is
when they named me ‘Skethn’rae’, their version of the Ancient Wolf-Speak word Kreskin.”
“Abomination?” Gran Hikari whispered. “So you say you have the powers over space
and time, able to produce Realm Portals wherever you wish, whenever you wish?”
“If that’s true, why did you say you’re not able to fix what happened?” Dia asked.
“Because it is not my spell.” I explained, shaking my head. “It was Saia’s. As I said
before, she is a very powerful woman who claims to be before Ishanar was born. While I can do
such things, I am unable to undo them if they are done through someone elses spell-casting.”
“How confusing?” Alissa asked, placing her folded arms on the table and resting her
head atop them.
How could I explain it to the Red Hair?
“Think of spell-casting as weaving.” I tried. “Each caster weaves energies around them
to achieve a spell’s desired effect. In my case, Saia weaved my wish into her spell and altered
space and time for her own deeds. Now, I do not know what she wishes to accomplish by doing
so, but I suggest we find her and stop her before it is too late.”
The room was silent, and even Mame did not know what to say. After a moment, she
turned to me, hugged me and kissed my cheek, taking my hands in her own. “I am proud of
Now I did not know what to say, so I choked. “Proud of me for my cowardice?”
She shook her head, keeping her smile. “I am proud of you for coming out and telling us
your story. I do not mind that some of my questions were left unanswered; they are unimportant
right now.”
“What is important is getting to Saia, finding the others, and returning time.” Zinc
clapped my back. A burst of warmth and family love went through my empathic sensors, and I
knew right then he forgave me as well.
Gran Hikari stood from her seat and hugged me from behind. “Help us get time back to
where it belongs.”
“Hai Gran.” I stammered.
My heart was racing and I smiled, closing my eyes. I finally felt at home.
Chapter Fourteen
Trapped By a Madwoman

He dreamed.
“You look tired, my Lord Priest.” Saia, the boisterous maid noted, standing above him.
Her voice was seductive, which was quite different from the usual childish and silly Saia he
knew. “Would you like me to fix you a cup of herbal tea?”
He looked up at her; even her expression had changed. It was no longer smiling. He
wanted to decline, and tell her tea would only put him to sleep. She winked at him, smiling. His
head felt fuzzy, and he could hear a buzzing sound. Forgetting he was going to refuse, he
stammered. “H-hai. Thank you.”
“I’ll fetch it for you.”
As soon as the study door closed behind him, the fuzzy feeling in his head disappeared.
Shaking his head and not wanting to think about it, he went back to work. He never noticed
when she came in, placed the teacup on his desk, and whispered in his ear “drink.”
That first sip was the last he remembered before passing out.

Copper took a deep breath, waking up. It took him a moment to recognize his
surroundings and how he got there.
“You’re awake!” Ginny knelt down to him, kissing his lips. “Are you okay, Ta’vo?”
His head was pounding, but he put on a smile and nodded.
She sat next to him. “Where are we?”
He was sitting up, leaning against a cold, hard wall. His father, Lord Xavier, stood by
him, leaning against it. Looking straight ahead, he could see iron bars, which only led him to
one conclusion. “We’re in a cell.”
“I see that, but where?”
“Deep in the catacombs of Old Illuminata, hidden from the world around us,” Lord
Xavier announced, turning to his son. “There is no way out.”
He gulped, surveying the small cell. Myria was there as well, curled up into a ball and
fast asleep.
So this is what she’s going to look like when she grows up. Copper couldn’t help thinking
with a smile. So sad, yet so beautiful.
She is only sad now because of Saia. Ginny thought to him, holding his hand and
watching Myria rest. “Be happy she hasn’t woken up yet.”
Copper nodded, squeezing her hand. “I am.” He turned to his father. “I don’t remember
a hidden jail in the castle, Pada. Did you want to tell me about it?”
“Looks as if I have no choice now,” Lord Xavier sighed. “Not much to tell, really. I only
kept it from you because we had no further need of it.”
“Is it from before the War between the sects?” Ginny asked.
“Long before,” Lord Xavier whispered. “Allunians were once kept prisoners for
rebelling against the State; the State being the Illunae in power at the time.”
He tried sending a telepathic message to Hikari or Silver, but his head felt it was going to
explode, so he stopped. “I take it our powers have been revoked?”
Lord Xavier saw little humor in the query. “You could say that.”
Ginny stood and felt the bars with her hands. “She drugged us, didn’t she?”
Copper stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing the nape of her
neck. She leaned into them, sighing. “It’ll be okay, Ta’vo.”
They heard the clicking of heels from down a dark hallway. Light in the shape of a
lantern appeared, illuminating a female face they all knew as Saia.
She smiled; a hint of malevolence in her eyes. “Do you like your new accommodations,
“How dare you!” Ginny cried.
Copper quickly squeezed her from behind to calm her before breaking away. “What do
you want with us, Saia?”
Saia laughed. “I already have what I want from you.”
“You stole our powers, didn’t you?” Ginny asked. “So we couldn’t use them to escape.”
“Bingo!” Saia giggled like a schoolgirl, winking.
“How did you do it?” Lord Xavier asked, frowning at her.
She shrugged. “Who do you think gave you those powers, Xavier?”
“The Goddess Silver Moon bestowed us with great power, in return for us taking care of
her Realm.” Copper told her.
Saia threw her head back and laughed again. “How naïve? I gave you those powers, so
naturally, I can take them away.”
“If that’s true, why give them if you’re only going to take them away?”
Saia shrugged. “I was in the mood for a little entertainment.”
“You were bored, so you gave an entire set of races powers, just to see what we’d do with
them?” Lord Xavier asked. “Where does Our Goddess come in?”
“I made her up.”
“You lie!” Ginny yelled defiantly. “Every word from your tongue has been a lie. I’ll
hear no more of it.”
Saia stared at the Priestess-Consort. Copper held her protectively.
“You’re right.” Saia smiled evilly, lowering your voice. “You won’t.”
Saia blew the Priestess-Consort a kiss and tittered, winking. With a wave of goodbye,
she disappeared back into the dark hallway, taking with her whatever light she’d brought.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Pantheros led the rather-large group to the Solar. Along the way, they had to fight Castle
guards who were under Saia’s control.
“We’ll handle these guys,” Alissa had told him confidently, gripping a large blade that
was glowing purple, the empowered Angelica Blade as she had called it. Corvus gripped an
over-sized mace with numerous pyramidal spikes up and down the base. “You take care of
“Yeah,” Corvus chuckled, using the mace on a few attacking guards. “I’m just itchin’ to
fight. GO!”
Pantheros had an urge to kiss Alissa on the cheek. “Careful, Red Hair.”
Alissa was astonished at the act, staring at him as he winked.
“Just go already!” Corvus huffed as he swung his Heckler’s Mace.
Pantheros shared a look with an equally-astonished Adellandra, who smiled and nodded
at him.
“You heard the man, let’s go!” Hikari laughed, racing up the stairs.
Pantheros raced ahead of her, quickly shifting to his full-panther form. He was nearly out
of breath when they finally reached the top. Who knew there were so many flights of stairs
leading up?
“What possessed,” Huffed Zinc, catching his breath, “you to build,” another breath, “a
Solar so,” another breath, “high up Mame?”
“It wasn’t me,” Hikari huffed. “Blame your great-grandparents for this.”
“Next time I’m in the Underworld,” Adellandra murmured, “Remind me to thank them.”
Dia laughed.
Pantheros had to smile at that. He knew Mica and Miko Ikioi personally from the
Forgotten Realm. Sure, they were lost souls, but he still knew them.
He shifted back to Panther-kin form, half-panther, half-man with Peregrine wings.
May I ask what possessed you to peck Alissa on the cheek? Adellandra teased in his
If I told you it was the spirit of camaraderie, you would not believe me. Pantheros
answered in his mind with a mischievous smile.
You like her. Adellandra grinned.
“Whatever you two are thinking, stop.” Hikari rolled her eyes. “We have no time for
They heard movement from inside the Solar. Adellandra tried the lock and shook her
head. “Gentlemen, if you please?”
“Hai!” Both Zinc and Pantheros cried, running and pushing against the door.
It opened with a bang, letting the five of them inside.
Each saw the same thing: Saia was moving a large tapestry of the Moon Goddess to cover
a rather large hole in the wall.
“Freeze, Saia!” Pantheros growled, pointing toward her.
He wasn’t fast enough. She placed a palm to him and shielded herself from the short
“Well, well, if it is not the puppets of Illuminata.” Saia’s voice was no longer syrupy and
sweet; rather, cold and malicious. “Come to play, have we?”
Pantheros saw Adellandra’s hand move to Spirit’s handle, holding it there in wait.
“We want whatever you’re doing to stop and desist.” Hikari stepped up, her wand in-
hand and ready to power up if she needed it.
Saia laughed. “I see the puppets have come to their senses.” She ticked. “Too bad. I so
wanted to play more.”
“No more games, Sai’brenn’a.” Pantheros used her use-name, a thing that was very
powerful. “Dispel time.”
“Is that an order, Skethn’rae?” Saia asked sarcastically, closing the shield hand into a fist
and flicking her wrist.
Pantheros could feel a magical cord wrap around his throat, reaching up with his hands
and hopefully stopping it from choking him.
“Let him go!” Adellandra unsheathed and empowered her Spiritblade in a single
movement, pointing it at Saia. “I care not what you call yourself; you will not hurt any member
of my family!”
Saia was not one to release her spell so easily. She smiled, and Pantheros knew she had a
new plan. “Give me your powers, Silver Moon – A’isha – whatever you call yourself
Adellandra growled, her eyes turning red and her form shifting from the Immortal named
Ariana to her true-Goddess Form, The Pillar of Light, A’isha. Reddish-blond hair turned bright
silver-almost white, her eyes shifting pure silver, and a gown of sparkling silver replaced the
Lady Guardian’s Fighter’s Gear.
Saia just laughed, clapping her hands. The magical cord dissipated and Hikari went to
comfort him.
Pantheros’ attention was to his Mame. He knew she was angry, for shifting to her
Havenbound form when she was still Realmbound took an immense amount of magic, power
and energy. Spiritblade dropped from her hands with a loud clang, losing Her power, the magic
reclaimed by A’isha so she could sustain the form.
“A’isha,” Dia whispered.
A quick glance and he saw she was holding onto Zinc with her life.
“I fear that is not possible, Sai’brenn’a, Trickster goddess.” A’isha’s tone combined the
voices of all her incarnations. The silver-white light surrounding her glowed bright, and her
body floated inches from the ground.
“So you know my name now, do you?” Saia folded her arms, keeping her evil grin and
glaring at A’isha’s form. “Or was it just a guess?”
Pantheros stood. “I told them.”
“Leave him be, Sai’brenn’a.” A’isha commanded, moving in front of him before Saia
had the chance to retaliate.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Creatrix, but we’re no longer in the Havens.” Saia
quipped. “Your days of pushing me around are over.”
A’isha stood strong, unrelenting. She tried a gentler tactic; one of patience and
understanding the Pillar of Light was well-known for.
“I can see into your heart, Sai.” A’isha’s voice was soothing. “One of Loh’kai’s spells
left your most-powerful in the dust. You wanted to win the game against your beloved brother,
so you staged the ultimate performance.”
Hikari held her breath, and Pantheros looked to the ground. How could he have not
known her true-self? She even gave him her true-name and it had not clicked until A’isha said it
when she protected him.
“None of that matters now, A’isha – None of it!” Saia cried, her body shifting form. In
moments, her own brand of magic, brilliant hues of purple, black, and red, swirled around her
body. Her maid’s dress shifted to Joker’s attire of colorful mismatching patchwork on clothes
with bells on toes and split-top hat. “I stole my powers back, fair and square.”
A’isha’s defiant hands twitched once at her side. It was just enough for Pantheros to
realize she was startled. Saia had hit a chord.
“We bound them from you.” A’isha’s voice was calm, despite the statement. She would
not let Saia know the words affected her. “You abused them. We did not take them away.”
Pantheros checked on Dia and Zinc, who just stood holding each other. Zinc was defiant,
as always, using his own magic to shield them should Saia attack. Dia was frightened.
“Or so you thought.” Saia cackled. “Did you know Draconai-as-Kaos took them from
me without my knowledge?”
A’isha twitched again. This time, Saia saw it.
“Struck a nerve, did I?” Saia quipped sarcastically, tilting her head. “What about this bit
of useful information? I stole powers of the Cobrianos.”
“Xavier!” Hikari was alert, her wand-staff extended and now glowing with magic.
“Let them go!” Pantheros cried after her. “I am your toy, not them.”
“Silly boy,” Saia’s tone was filled with malice. “You were never my toy; only, an all too
willing sacrifice.”
Pantheros stepped forward, ready to unleash his own brand of magic on her.
“Andros,” A’isha’s focus never left Saia’s form. “Ki'ash'ka te're'eina.”
He stopped, thinking of the statement. It was pronounced “key-ahsh-kah tay-rah-aena,”
and it was Ancient Draconian for “Remember your true self.”
Pantheros relaxed, yet his mind and body stayed alert.
“This is between us, Saia.” A’isha was serious and calm. “I know you have the others
lost in time. Release them and we will settle this like Gods.”
Saia was silent for a moment, and Pantheros studied the two of them. A’isha stayed
strong and glowing bright, a beacon of Light in the darkest hours. Saia’s aura was glowing
purple-black, a sign she was engulfed in darkness.
“A’isha, what are you thinking?” Hikari whispered to herself, staring at A’isha’s form as
she stood close to Pantheros.
Her question went unanswered as they all watched A’isha raise her hands in a sign of
welcome. “Take me, by my own will and magic. Let us settle this dispute once and for all.”
Hikari held onto Pantheros tighter, astonished the Goddess would do such a thing.
Saia grinned, her aura glowing darker. Purple magic disappeared as the black took over.
Her eyes glowed bright yellow, a cackle escaping from a devilish mouth. “If you insist.”
A’isha was unrelenting, floating closer to Saia until the two were standing face to face.
She reached her hands to take Saia’s shoulders, her magic glowing so bright; they had to cover
their eyes.
The light dimmed, and as soon as they could see, Hikari and Dia screamed.
Both Goddesses were gone.
Chapter Fifteen
The Somber Night of Healing

Alissa and Corvus heard screams coming from the other side of the Solar door. As soon
as they knocked out three attacking goons, they raced inside to find out.
Alissa couldn’t believe her eyes. Dia was shaking in Zinc’s arms and Pantheros hugged
Hikari, who was just staring across the room at the wall hanging of a Moon Goddess. Corvus
tried calming a shaky Hikari, but she pulled away from him to investigate it with shaky hands.
He followed.
“What happened?” Alissa asked, seeing to Pantheros.
Pantheros whispered without emotion. “Saia and A’isha.”
“They’re gone!” Dia cried, hiding her tears in Zinc’s chest.
Alissa looked to Pantheros. “A’isha?”
“Mame’s truest form.” Pantheros told her. “She is the Inner Realms’ Pillar of Light, the
Goddess A’isha. Saia is a lesser-goddess named Sai’brenn’a, the Trickster God Loh’kai’s twin
sister. How could I have not seen the connection before?”
“Wait -- Loki?” Alissa wanted to be sure she heard it right; although sounding slightly
different, and he could have been talking about another Trickster God.
“Hai,” Pantheros finally met her eyes. “They fought in their true forms, revealing a lot of
information I did not even know.”
“Such as?”
“She confirmed Corvus’s guess.” He began with a frown. “She not only had everything
to do with the time warp, but she was also behind the disappearances of Lord Xavier, Lord-Uncle
Copper, Lady-Aunt Eugenia and Lady-Cousin Myria.”
“That’s probably what Hikari’s looking for: a way to find them.” Zinc remarked,
releasing Dia to help investigate. “Mame, you move the tapestry aside and I’ll dispel the
“There’s an illusion here?” Hikari asked, feeling the wall behind the tapestry.
“Saia’s the Trickster Goddess, of course there’s an illusion.” Zinc nodded. “Everyone
else, stand back.”
Pantheros quickly wrapped himself around Alissa while Dia hid behind Corvus, each
safely away from the wall. Zinc reached into the air and conjured his crescent moon-tipped staff,
raising a palm to the wall. After a few choice, and ancient-sounding words, part of the wall
disappeared to reveal a hidden passageway.
Hikari rushed inside, the others following behind her. “Xavier! Xavier! Where are you?”
Everyone had to run in order to keep up with her. The passage was dark, but the energy
from both Zinc’s and Hikari’s staves were enough to light the way. While Hikari took the lead,
Zinc was behind everyone, so they had plenty light to see by.
“Wait! Hikari!” Corvus yelled as they ran. “Do you even know where you’re going?”
“Hai!” She cried. “Xavier! Copper? Where are you?”
As they ran, they could hear voices echoing from ahead.
“Hikari!” It was Xavier.
“Mame!” Copper cried. “Follow our voices!”
The group followed Copper’s and Xavier’s voices. When Hikari saw Xavier, she raced to
him and took his outstretched hands. “Ta’vo!”
Corvus froze in his spot, staring at them.
“Oh, Hikari,” Xavier breathed. “Get us out of here and we’ll explain.”
“What’s wrong with Lady Myria?” Alissa asked, noticing Myria was curled in a ball on
the prison floor, shaking.
“She hasn’t woken up yet.” Copper said, holding Ginny close to him. “What’s worse,
Saia made Ginny deaf.”
“How?” Zinc asked, searching for a key or something to help them escape.
“When Ginny said something like ‘I’ll not hear of it,’ Saia smiled, blew a kiss and left.”
Copper explained, kissing his mate’s lips. “Before we knew it, she was deaf.”
“We’ll get her hearing back,” Hikari told her. “I’m sure of it.”
“I hope so,” Copper sighed. Ginny snuggled into his arms.
“As much of a romantic sight this is,” Corvus quipped. “Shouldn’t we get them out of
“Hai,” Zinc said. “I found a weakness in the bars’ framework. Stand back while I use it
to destroy the bars.”
Zinc waved a glowing arm at the bars, muttering under his breath. No one could hear his
words; let alone understand them, even if they could hear them. Before their eyes, the bars
started to glow bluish-silver, a type of magical acid eating at them. Once the glow dissipated,
there was a hole big enough for the Royal prisoners to escape.
Corvus and Alissa both watched Hikari hold Xavier in a tight hug.
Zinc climbed through the bars to pick up a still-unconscious Myria. He noticed a strong
scent of bitter drugs in the air, looking to Myria’s lips. “Mame, I need a light over here.”
Hikari went over to her son and produced a ball of soft-yellow light in her hands.
“What’s wrong?”
As soon as he could see, he leaned his head closer to Myria’s lips and sniffed. He
frowned. “I knew I smelled Belladonna. I have a remedy for it in my chamber lab.”
“What’s Belladona?” Alissa asked.
“A medicinal root that can be beneficial to certain ailments,” Dia explained softly, eyeing
“Why would you need a remedy then?”
“If not used right, it could be fatal.” Dia told her.
Alissa’s eyes widened.
“Saia must have used it,” Copper explained. “Last I knew before waking up here, she
served me some hot tea. It must have had just enough belladonna in it to knock me out.”
“How about you, Pada?” Zinc turned to his father and asked.
Xavier sighed. “I admit; she did the same for me. I wanted to decline it, for I didn’t trust
her, but when she served it, I heard a small voice in my mind telling me to drink it.”
Copper gasped. “Wait until I get my hands on her!”
“You won’t be able to, Cop.” Hikari shook her head. “Silver already took care of her.”
“We hope,” muttered Zinc. “Let’s get out of here so we can treat Myria, before it’s too
They all headed out of the passageway on that statement. They took their time in the
narrow hallway, using Hikari’s crescent-moon staff as a beacon to light the way. They didn’t say
a word, each thinking their dire situation over.
The strong white light at the end of the tunnel blinded them. Since he was in the lead,
Pantheros, the ever-silent one who still had not said a word since entering the tunnels to find his
missing family members, ran ahead.
“Who is that?” Xavier asked.
“That would be your grandson Andros, in his Panther-kin form.” Hikari told him.
A loud thump preceded by the bright light ahead dimming attracted everyone’s attention.
“Nato!” Pantheros’ voice was strained.
When everyone gathered around, they saw the same thing. It was a mortal child, reddish-
blonde hair, about seven years old, and she was curled in a ball, her eyes closed and a strange
necklace glowing around her neck. She was dressed in a tattered nightgown.
“Hey, it’s Adellandra’s weapons!” Alissa raced to gather them up. “But who’s the girl?”
“She’s kind of sad, but cute.” Corvus bent down. “That necklace looks familiar though.
Is she Illunian, too?”
The group just gathered around the child, staring. Hikari’s eyes were wide, a hand
covering her mouth in shock.
Pantheros noticed that and spoke. “Zinc, take Myria, Copper and Ginny to your
Chambers. Dia, go along and assist him.”
“Are you sure you can handle this, Andros?” Zinc asked, worried.
Pantheros’ neck snapped up to meet Zinc’s quiet eyes with a glare. “Positive; now, go.”
Zinc nodded; the four following behind him as he left.
“The less people, the better should she awaken.” Pantheros said gently, looking down at
the girl and wiping a tear from a bruised eye.
“Pantheros, who is this?” Alissa was amazed.
He pecked the girl’s cheek and told her. “This is your Lady Adellandra in her Immortal
‘Ariana Moon’ form. The necklace is what the Mystic Realms called the Dream Locket.”
“By the looks of it, I’d say she’s only seven summers?” Xavier whispered. “The Dream
Locket looks new.”
“That is because it is, Grampere Xavier.” Pantheros supplied. “I just wonder what
happened between her as A’isha and Sai’brenn’a-as-Saia.”
Alissa could see the sadness in his eyes. She felt bad for him, touching his back, rubbing
it for assurance. He looked up at her and smiled, making her smile back with a blush.
“We can trust she will tell us once she awakens.” Xavier nodded, his hand holding
Hikari looked from Xavier to Corvus and unclasped her hand, moving to Corvus. “My
apologies Xavier. I made a promise to Corvus, and I intend to keep it.”
Lord Xavier just smiled. “I understand, Ta’vo.” He said. “For now, it is late. We have
all had a long day. Why don’t we get some rest and talk more in the morning?”
“What about the girl, and Myria?” Alissa asked him.
“I’ll take care of healing her,” Hikari told him. “As for Myria, let Zinc and Dia handle
her care.”
“I’ll go with you.” Corvus spoke up.
“So will I,” Alissa supplied.
Knowing his Mame had such good friends, even from another world, made Pantheros
smile. “Thank you, Eleronai.” He responded, gently picking Adellandra’s sleeping form up. “I
will explain myself more in the morning, Grampere Xavier. I promise. Try to get some rest,
please? You look as if you need it.”
Lord Xavier smiled. “I do, Andros. Good night.”
Hikari hugged him. “Sleep well, Xavier.”
A final kiss on the cheek and Xavier was gone.
Hikari grasped Corvus’s hand and squeezed. “Let’s see what we can do to heal our
Pantheros and Alissa looked at each other and smiled, following behind them.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
“Why do you not get some rest, Gran?” Pantheros asked after waking her from the bed.
She spent three hours trying to wake and heal the young version of his Mame, knocking herself
out in the process.
He looked around. Corvus fell asleep at the reading seat by the window. Alissa was
sleepily watching him from a nearby armchair.
“There is not much more we can do for her right now.” He continued. “The exhaustion
is beating at you, even one such as I can feel it.”
Hikari lifted her head, showing puffy eyes moments before she yawned.
“If you wish, I could take you to your quarters.” He suggested.
Hikari stood. “What about her?”
“The Red Hair will look after her until I return.”
Hikari nodded and then looked to the sleeping Corvus. “I feel so bad for him, you
“Hai, Gran. I know.” Pantheros said, leading her out of the room and to her own
Alissa may have been sleepy, but she was still aware of her surroundings. She glanced up
at the sleeping girl.
She looks so frail now. She thought to herself. What happened between her and Saia to
make her this young? Did Saia put her under a spell?
Alissa placed a hand on the girl’s chest. The heartbeat was weak, but still there, which
was a good thing. She closed her eyes and focused on her secret healing magic, a gift from her
former life as an Angel not even Corvus knew about. Within moments, she was completely lost
in healing the girl.
She didn’t feel the hand on her shoulder until she was out of the healing trance. When
she looked up, she saw Pantheros smiling down at her.
“Time for bed, Red Hair,” He told her, placing a hand on her back. “I sent your friend to
his chambers as you were in a trance.” He saw her looking to the girl. “I will look after her, for
I need no rest.”
It was Alissa’s turn to smile at him. “Thank you, Pantheros.”
“Allow me to escort you, my lady.” He grinned back.
As she snuggled into her bed sheets ten minutes later, she could have sworn he gently
kissed her lips.
Pantheros sighed when he returned to his young Mame’s room, closed the door behind
him, and sat down in the chair Hikari had abandoned.
Please return to us safely, Mame. He thought to her, kissing her cheek. We need you.
He continued to watch over her, and before long, his mind began to wander.

The little boy with golden eyes, dark brown hair, and tiny peregrine wings stood in the
doorway, watching his parents. His Illunian Mame, Silver Moon, was in bed, holding something
while his Draconian Pada Draconis hovered over her with a smile.
“Come along, Andros, and meet your new Sita.” Silver noticed his presence.
He was cautious as he made his way to her bedside. He was only three summers old, so
the sight of anything new scared him. “Mame?”
“It’s okay, Kano,” Draconis beckoned him over, using the Draconian word for ‘son.’
“She is too young to bite.”
He climbed on the bed, careful of the little bundle of blankets he saw in Silver’s arms.
The baby girl had a fuzz of black hair, golden eyes, and the pale-as-death skin she shared with
her Allunian kin.
“Her name is Ravena,” Silver told him, using her free arm to wrap around his shoulders.
She kissed his forehead.
“Ra-vee-nah,” He pronounced the name slowly. “Pretty Ra-vee-na.”
“Yes, she is pretty, isn’t she, son?” Draconis laughed lightly. He bent down to kiss
Silver’s lips. “Not half as pretty as her mother.”
“Oh Draconis!” Silver’s giggle was interrupted by a yawn.
Draconis looked up and motioned for the Nursemaid Ichiane to take the baby from
Silver’s arms and place her in a crib on the other side of the bed. He then went over to Andros
and grasped a tiny hand. “Come now, your Mame needs her rest. Let’s go see what your uncles
are up to?”

Pantheros was gently jolted out of the warm memory. He looked over to the bed. While
he was daydreaming about the past, she had curled up in a ball as she slept. There were tears in
her eyes and she was grasping the necklace so tightly, her hand was turning white.
She whispered in her sleep and Pantheros felt bad for her.
Just what had happened between her and Saia?
“It will be all right,” he whispered, touching her hair and trying to sound soothing.
“Hush little one and dream; for in dreams, peace will come.”
He kissed her forehead, tucked her in and shifted to his feline form. Being careful not to
wake her, he hopped on the bed, laid his head on her hand and wished himself to sleep.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Zinc diligently worked his healing magic on the still-unconscious Myria.
“How is she?” Copper asked his brother.
“I managed to get the cure down her throat, so she might wake up soon.” Zinc supplied,
yawning. “Did you want me to stay here with the women?”
“No, Bad'ra,” Copper sighed. “Take Dia and go to sleep; I’ll look after them tonight.”
“You need to rest, too, you know.” Zinc interjected.
Copper forced a small smile. “Don’t worry about me, little Bad'ra. I’ll be fine.”
Zinc stretched his arms and yawned. “Okay, if you insist.”
Copper stared out the window and said softly. “I do.”
Zinc woke Dia from the other side of Myria’s bed. She had been his energy boost when
he needed it most; wearing herself out to the point of magical exhaustion.
As they exited the room, Copper spoke up again. “Thank you, Bad'ra.”
“You’re welcome,” Zinc whispered, looking to both Myria’s sleeping form on the bed
and Ginny’s on her bed. “I’m just sorry I couldn’t get her hearing back.”
“It’ll probably come back by morning; just watch.” Copper sat on the bed next to his
He had a feeling not even Copper believed his own words.
Zinc escorted Dia out of the room.
“Can we check up on Silver?” Dia whispered. “Maybe she’s back to normal?”
“I doubt it, but we’ll see.” Zinc remarked.
The hallways were dark and quiet, but both knew the way to Silver’s room by memory.
The door was slightly ajar when they arrived, and they peeked inside. Lying on the still-young
form of his sister was the panther cub form of Andros.
He looks so sad in his sleep, doesn’t he?
You would be, too, if you’d been through what that man has. Zinc answered in Dia’s
mind. We can trust he’ll take care of her while they rest. Let’s check on the others.
Dia nodded.
The next room they went to was Hikari’s. They were greeted by a very interesting sight.
Asleep in the bed next to her was Corvus, who had his arm wrapped protectively around her
waist. Hikari looked drained, which was to be expected from one of the greatest healers working
on one of the most powerful beings. Corvus looked as if he were comforting her.
What are we going to do with those two? Zinc asked himself.
Trust that she will figure it out. Either way, Lady Hikari is very lucky, for she is loved.
Zinc smiled, kissing Dia’s forehead. As are you, Ta’vo.
Dia turned away, quietly walking to one last room before heading to bed for the
remainder of the night. When they reached Lord Xavier’s chambers, the door was wide open,
but he was not in his bed.
“Where could he be?” Dia asked.
“My first guess; his Study.” Zinc supplied.
He was right. Lord Xavier was in his Study, a stack of papers on the desk on both his left
and his right.
“Pada, you should rest.” Zinc whispered.
Lord Xavier placed the quill on the desk and looked up at him. His eyes were bloodshot,
evidence he had not slept well in days. “I am fine, Zinc. You two should head to bed.”
“Not until we know everyone is in their beds, sleeping peacefully.” Dia announced.
“There is much work to be done yet before I rest for the night.” Lord Xavier mumbled,
quill to paper again. “We’re so far behind. Copper should be doing this, too; not just me.”
“Pada, please!” Zinc insisted, going to the older man and attempting to move him. “It’s
been a long day, and you need your rest.”
“Hogwash!” Lord Xavier shoved him away. “I’m just fine, thank you.”
“No, you’re not.” Dia said softly. She slowly made her way to the desk, meeting Lord
Xavier’s impatient glare. “You’re grieving; if not for the dead, but that which you cannot
“Dia,” Zinc whispered.
Lord Xavier’s quill dropped to the desk, his impatient glare softened.
She continued. “I apologize, my Lord, but it is the truth. Neither of us can control this
time, or any time for that matter. We can only control our own reactions. There is nothing we
can do for now but rest, and reclaim the energy we lost the past several hours.”
“We will all talk in the morning.” Zinc continued, “Hikari, Corvus, Alissa, Copper, Dia,
Ginny, Myria and even Silver. We will find out what happened between Silver’s form of A’isha
and Saia then. For now, you need to sleep.”
“If you need it, we can give you a mild sedative.” Dia suggested. Lord Xavier glared at
her, and she raised her hands in surrender, smiling. “One that’s not fatal.”
“The paperwork can wait.” Zinc said. “Sleep cannot.”
“Bah!” Lord Xavier cried, slamming down the quill and standing. “Enough! You two are
“We do try our best, my Lord.” Dia giggled.
They personally escorted Lord Xavier to bed, making sure he actually went there before
they headed to Zinc’s quarters to welcome sleep.
Chapter Sixteen
Battle of the Gods

Instead of sleep, Pantheros found himself pulled into something different.

There was a thick fog all around him as he walked in his full-panther form. He tried
shifting, but the magic would not obey his commands.
Just what is going on here? Where am I?
He could see nothing but a pair of bright lights up ahead. One was glittering white; the
other, black. They twisted and turned like a spinning top, and he had a feeling he knew what
they were.
A’isha in white, Saia in black.
As fast as his feline legs could carry him, he raced to the scene. He stopped in front of
them, scared into frigidity.
“Stop this, Sai’brenn’a!” A’isha’s voice yelled. “If I were Draconai, I would destroy you
for this act of treason!”
“Treason!?” Sai’brenna’s voice laughed. “You call independence from your oppressors
“You will never gain independence from the Pillars.” A’isha remarked. “We created you;
we can destroy you.”
“I will not go without a fight!”
“So be it!” A’isha’s light glowed brighter before pulling away from the ball of energy
and taking form as her Immortal Realmbound self. “Even your dear brother has had it with you,
Sai’brenn’a! It must be stopped. You have caused way too much chaos and discord among the
Sai’brenn’a took her Maid Saia form just paces from A’isha.
Saia cannot see you, my son; but I can. A’isha took the chance to say in his mind. Stay
still and the fog will disguise your presence.
Yes, Goddess.
“Someone has to do it, now that Draconai defeated Kaos.” Saia shrugged, returning their
attentions to the battle.
“We are balanced now, as we always have been.” A’isha responded proudly. “Kaos is no
longer a part of him; rather, he has been vanquished to the Oblivion.”
Saia laughed. “Or so you thought.”
After a moment of silence and watching Saia’s sneer widen, A’isha growled. “You
resurrected him. Why?”
“So I could further my plan.” Saia bragged.
“Was it in your plan to twist time for the Illunian Realm?” A’isha asked.
Saia’s eyes glowed red. She put a finger up and shook it. “Tisk, tisk. I’ll never tell.”
She threw her hands out in front of her; sparks of flame and lighting shooting in A’isha’s
direction. A’isha was quick enough to cross her arms in front of her, erecting a magical shield
that surrounded both her and Pantheros.
Are you hit?
Good. Time to end this.
“Return the correct time to the Illunian Realm or I will return you to the Underworld.”
Saia quipped. “That threat doesn’t scare me anymore, nor can you boss me around like
some slave.”
“You know I do not do that.”
“Stop lying to yourself.” Saia continued. “The Four Creator Gods are all the same. You
believe yourselves the highest of us, just because you Created the Inner Realms with the Five
“You would not be here without us, Saia.” A’isha pointed out. “You are stalling.”
“I’m not finished yet,” Saia cackled. “In fact, I’ve only just begun.”
She conjured a black-bladed scythe to her hands and jumped in the air to attack.
Without missing a beat, A’isha conjured a longer, brighter version of her Spiritblade to
counter. The two slashed and swung, bashed and thrust, dancing in a circle.
“Saia!” A’isha forced, trying to keep her footing so she wouldn’t fall to Saia’s scythe.
“Stop all this! We are on the same side!”
Saia pulled the scythe over her shoulder and swung, “Not anymore, for Kaos is in me!”
“No!” A’isha was startled, but kept fighting using both magic and blade. The situation
was getting out of control, Pantheros could sense it. He had no choice but to move out of the
way, or he would be destroyed by either blade in a matter of moments.
“Yes! Oh, yes!” Saia cried, forcing the staff of her scythe against A’isha’s blade and
holding it there. “How else could I have done such a marvelous job of messing up the time-
“For Realms’ sake, please, return it.” A’isha strained. “Myria and Hikari are way out of
place. You must return it the way it was.”
Saia pushed harder, forcing A’isha to her knees. “Never.”
“Then, I have no choice.” A’isha gently placed her left hand on Saia’s chest, closing her
eyes and body glowing silvery-white.
“No! You can’t do this to me!” The scythe dropped from Saia’s hands.
“I am sorry.” A’isha whispered. Her hand glowed yellow against Saia’s chest, and
Pantheros could hear her chanting.

“I call upon the Powers of Light

“To take this lone Goddess of Night
“In a cloud of dust to the Unknown,
“I Exile you, Saia, all alone.
“Return thee now from whence thee came,
“From time and space away from pain,
“Fall into dust with bounded power
“Returning time and space to its rightful hour!”

The yellow glow completely engulfed Saia’s body and weapon. Soon, with a scream to
the air, she was gone.
Pantheros was broken from his spell in time for him to shift to Panther-kin form to catch
A’isha before she fell to the ground.
“It will all work out in the end, my son.” A’isha whispered after a moment, shifting to his
Mame, Silver. “She is gone, and we can finally go home.”
Pantheros hugged her tight, tears of joy reaching his eyes. “Hai, Mame. Let’s go home.”
They both awoke; Pantheros in his Panther-kin form and Adellandra in her Silver Moon.
“Was that a memory?” Pantheros asked, taking her hand and holding it.
Adellandra shook her head. “You are witness to a real-time battle of Gods.”
“Is she gone for good?”
Adellandra smiled. “She will not be returning anytime soon; I bound her powers and sent
her to the Unknown.”
“What about time?”
“We just bought ourselves more of it, that’s all.” Adellandra whispered. “For now, I will
be okay with rest. You can go to your quarters now.”
Pantheros stood. “In case you forgot, I do not have one here.”
“Sure you do; right across from mine.” Adellandra pulled him into a hug. “I did miss
you so, Andros. When time returns, I want you to come home; to Mal'estar.”
Pantheros pulled out of the hug, nervous. Even knowing his past, she still accepted him.
“Hai, Mame.”
He tucked her back into bed, kissed her cheek and left the room, reliving the sight of the
battle in his mind as he fell to sleep.
Chapter Seventeen
Love of the New Day

“Morning, Red Hair.” Alissa heard the purr of Pantheros’ voice over her shoulder.
She rolled on her side and opened her eyes, sitting up to stretch. She saw him smiling at
her from the doorway, arms crossed and tail moving playfully behind him.
“Morning, Pantheros.” She smiled back. “Please call me Alissa.”
“You have such gorgeous red hair.” Pantheros teased, walking into the room and sitting
on the bed next to her. He ran his fingers through it, making her blush. “I can sense you are
Panther-kin as well. May I ask which tribe?”
“I am not from the Inner Realms, even though Adellandra and Hikari insisted I was.”
Alissa said nervously. “Um, can you excuse me while I get ready for breakfast?”
Pantheros stood, quickly kissing her on the cheek and winking. “I will be waiting outside
the door, Red Hair.”
He closed the door behind him, leaving her with a pair of heated cheeks and an urge to
shift to her own Panther form.
“What’s gotten into him?” She asked herself, climbing out of bed and heading to the
balcony to give her wings their first-morning stretch. “Can’t help being intrigued, I guess.”
With a sigh, she went into the adjoining bathroom and readied herself for the morning
meal. When she opened the door, he was standing there waiting for her, true to his word. It
made her smile.
“Shall we head to breakfast?” He asked, holding his elbow out for her to take. She
stared at it for a moment. “Alissa.”
She looked up at his golden eyes and could not help smiling at him as she took his arm.
They entered the Dining Hall hand-in-hand, much to her chagrin. When they sat together,
the family was shocked into silence. She felt the playful grins of Dia, Adellandra, Hikari, and
even Ginny.
Congratulations, you two. She heard Adellandra’s gentle voice in her head. He needs
someone to play with.
I’m his new toy? Alissa thought with a grin, knowing exactly what she was talking about.
Pantheros was too serious, and needed help to relax. She wondered if the constant contact with
the Lady was the reason why she could send the telepathic message. I think I’m gonna enjoy
Adellandra giggled.
Alissa saw Hikari and Corvus leaning their heads close, and was glad they were working
out their relationship. Her thoughts went to the Lord Xavier. Rather than feeling down, he was
smiling, teasing his son Zinc about his closeness to Dia. Copper and Ginny were chatting
together as well. That left one party member missing.
“Where’s Lady Myria?” Alissa asked.
“She’s still resting.” Copper told her simply, clearing his throat and glancing at
Adellandra. “I’m glad you’re back to your usual self, Silver.”
“So am I.” Adellandra supplied. “We will talk about it after the meal, okay? I do not
want to ruin the good mood.”
“Here! Here!” Lord Xavier raised his glass of orange juice.
Alissa was able to relax around the U-shaped table, as she was used to it by now. The
atmosphere was no longer tense, and she could tell everyone was trying to relax as well. They
almost felt like a family, and she was part of it.
“What is on your mind, Alissa?” Pantheros whispered in her ear.
She promptly turned red. “Uh, nothing,” She shoved a forkful of omelet in her mouth to
mask her embarrassment.
Pantheros chuckled under his breath. Thinking of me, were you?
Alissa was surprised his mind-voice sounded so different from his speaking one. She
swallowed and whispered. “No, so stay out of my head, you sick feline.”
Pantheros stabbed a piece of steak on his plate with a fork, raising it to eye-level. “I have
never been ill a day in my life.”
Alissa rolled her eyes as he bit into it and chewed. “I didn’t mean it that way, Pantheros.”
“Oh?” Pantheros asked after swallowing. “But you were thinking of me.”
He was teasing her; she knew it. Why didn’t she object? Did she actually like being
teased by him?
“I was not, so hush and eat.” Alissa set her attention back to her plate, quickly cutting up
a piece of steak and shoving it in her mouth.
Pantheros chuckled, returning to his meal.
She returned to her room after the meal so she could wash up and think. Almost as soon
as she closed the door behind her, someone barged through it. She jumped back in a fighting
stance, wings twitching and ready to fight.
“Woah, Alissa.” It was Corvus held his hands up in surrender. Hikari and Adellandra
were behind him. “Relax; it’s just us.”
She sighed in relief and closed her out-stretched wings, slumping on the bed. “Sorry; I
thought it was Pantheros.”
“I saw you two sitting together.” Hikari teased, sitting on one side of her.
“He is so stubborn,” Adellandra sat on the other side.
“About time, too.” Corvus chuckled.
“You hush.” Hikari giggled. “I still don’t know how you got into my room last night.”
“Easy,” Corvus shrugged. “I let myself in.”
“In case you were wondering,” Adellandra spoke, raising her voice. “I already told
everyone what happened between me and Saia.”
“That was quick.” Alissa supplied.
“When’d you do that?” Corvus asked, curious.
“How long have you known me?” Adellandra asked them, smiling. “We’re a family of
empaths and telepaths. I merely shared the memory with them.”
“Since neither of you are either except when we’re around,” Hikari began, “We thought it
would be nice to tell you.”
“I would think so, yeah.” Corvus quipped, crossing his arms. “Out with it.”
Adellandra and Hikari took turns explaining. Neither Eleronai interrupted, engrossed in
the story. When they were finished, Corvus was sitting on the armchair across from them.
Alissa was in shock. She’d never heard of a battle between the Gods like that; not even
in Eleron, of all places. It sounded too…outrageous.
“Alissa?” Hikari placed a hand on her back to get her out of the trance. “Are you okay?”
She nodded.
“Good, because we still have work to do.” Adellandra stood.
That’s when Alissa was able to get a good look at her friend. She was in her silver-
haired, silver-eyed form of Silver Moon, which was identical to Hikari. She had Spiritblade
strapped across her back as well as a dragon-hilted dagger in its sheath on her belt. Around her
neck wasn’t the crescent-moon shaped necklace they had named the Dream Locket, but the one
she called the Royal Crest.
“Where did the Dream Locket go?” Alissa asked her, pointing to the Royal Crest.
“In my pouch, see?” Adellandra took it from one of the pouches on her belt to show her.
As she pulled it out, the onyx stone known as the “Black-as-Night Crystal” dropped to the floor.
She raced to pick it up and shove both trinkets back in the pouch, firmly clasping it
“Why do you still have that?” Hikari asked, suspicious. She stood. “I thought Saia took
it from you?”
“She never got the chance, Mame.” Adellandra answered. “Between the Locket and the
link crystal, I had enough power in reserves to let Andros witness the battle.”
“But why do you still have it?” Hikari pushed, frowning.
“Because we are going to need it,” Adellandra frowned back. “I bought us enough time
to do what we need to do to get real time back to the Illunae.”
“Why would we need that wretched thing?” Hikari asked. “Won’t it corrupt us?”
“Only if we let it,” Adellandra sighed. “Now, not all of us need to go, but we do need to
do it.”
“Go?” Alissa spoke up, standing in the middle of the two women to stop them from
arguing. “Where are we going?”
“Not ‘where’; rather, ‘when’.” Adellandra said. “We will need Andros’ power as well to
help us get there.”
“Stop talking in riddles.” Corvus was impatient. “Just tell us!”
Adellandra faced Corvus and frowned. “Fine. We’re going to see the Goddess of Time.”
Hikari gasped, sitting back on the bed and whispered. “How?”
“That is what we need Andros and the two trinkets for.” Adellandra told them. “Even
with a night’s sleep, my magic for Realm travel is still weak from battle.”
“You don’t automatically rejuvenate?” Alissa wondered. “You always do in Eleron.”
“I know, but no, I do not automatically rejuvenate.” Adellandra explained. “We do not
have much time for explanations. All I can tell you is that energy works differently in each
Realm. If I were Havenbound, meaning still as a Goddess in the Havens, my magic and energy
would never diminish.”
“What are you now?” Corvus eyed her.
“Realmbound,” Adellandra told him seriously. “I am bound to the Inner Realms. For
now, we must go to the Realm of the Ancients and seek the Goddess of Time, Ocarina.”
Chapter Eighteen
Portal to the Gates of Forever

Within a few hours, they were ready to go. Pantheros in his Panther-kin form, Adellandra
in her DragonWolf, Corvus and Alissa in their own forms and Hikari in her Allunian.
“Are you sure you can’t join us, ‘Kari?” Corvus held her close, kissing her.
Hikari nodded sadly. “After much thought, I’m sure.”
“I agree, Cor.” Adellandra told him. “She is out of place and time here, so for her to
come along would further mess up the time sequence.”
“So, just us and the panther dude?” Corvus pulled back from the embrace to thumb
“I have a name, wicked one.”
“Wicked? That’s rich, coming from the one who stole his own mother away.” Corvus
“Stop it!” Hikari punched Corvus’s arm. “We don’t have time for this.”
“You’re right,” Alissa remarked seriously, green eyes blazing. “We have to fix time for
this realm.”
Corvus rubbed his arm, frowning at Pantheros, who was edging closer to Alissa.
“I do not mean to interrupt, Red Hair, but I have a question about your Panther-kin side.”
Pantheros took her hand in his, silently defying the ‘protective best friend glare’.
Alissa turned away, trying to hide her blushing cheeks. “Uh, what about it?”
“Can you shift?” Pantheros grinned. “It would make our journey a lot easier.”
“On you, I take it?”
“Corvus, knock it off.” Adellandra growled at him. She turned back to Alissa for her
answer. “Can you?”
Alissa looked from Adellandra to Corvus to Pantheros. Each was waiting patiently for
her to speak. Did she want to risk shifting to that form here? She couldn’t in Eleron, because of
the silly way energy worked there. That didn’t mean it worked the same way.
She nodded. If they wanted a Panther-kin out of her, they would get it.
She unclasped her hand from Pantheros and closed her eyes. She felt the magic within
shifting her body, her angel’s wings disappearing. In moments, she was a black panther-kin with
long bright-red hair and green eyes. She opened her eyes nervously.
Hikari whistled. “Wowzers.”
“Mame!” Adellandra laughed.
Hikari shrugged. “I can’t help it; I love watching people shift.”
“Which makes me wonder why you do not?” Adellandra teased, clearing her throat.
“Honestly, Alissa, you look awesome.”
“Thanks, I guess.” Alissa grinned.
“I would not say that,” Pantheros stated.
Alissa’s eyes widened and she crossed her arms. “Why not?”
Pantheros chuckled playfully under his breath, taking her chin and telling her. “You are
beautiful, my Red Hair.”
Before she could say another word, he kissed her lips. She barely heard the low growl
coming from Corvus’s throat. It was choked off by the sound of a thump.
Alissa could picture Hikari hitting him for the growl, and giggled, breaking the kiss.
Adellandra was on the verge of laughter herself at the scene. “If we are ready to go, let’s
Alissa backed away. Good thing black fur doesn’t show blushing cheeks. “Yes! Let’s go.
Time’s a-wastin!”
All four of them laughed at the statement.
Adellandra led them back to the Realm Portal they’d come through.
“We’re going through that?” Corvus asked.
“It is the closest, for one,” Adellandra told him, “and two, it does not sap all our energy as
we use it.”
“What are they, light bulbs?” Corvus quipped.
Hikari looked at him seriously when she asked, “What’s a light bulb?”
Adellandra caught another laugh in her throat before it could escape. Alissa shared a
smile with Pantheros.
Corvus was shocked. “You’re kidding me, right? You don’t know what a light bulb is?”
Hikari grinned, tapping his nose. “Gotcha, didn’t I?” She turned to the others. “I’ll keep
a look-out on this side of the Portal for you.”
“Thank you, Mame.” Adellandra hugged her.
Hikari hugged each of them, with Corvus the longest, before watching them go through
the open portal. Waving goodbye, she whispered, “Pleasant journeys and good luck.”

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Alissa, Adellandra, Pantheros, and Corvus were through the Realm Portal once again,
taken to the place between the realms. It was darker and colder than it had been before, even
with fur.
“Is it just me, or is it cold in here?” Corvus rubbed his hands on his arms.
“It’s the Abyss,” Adellandra looked around, whispering something under her breath.
“Mame?” Pantheros asked quietly, moving closer to her and slowly extending his claws.
“Do you feel that?”
“The eerie sensation of someone watching us?” Adellandra asked, hand on each her
blade and the dragon dagger. “Yeah son, I feel it.”
She abruptly turned, squinting to see a black shadow in the distance, its aura glowing red.
“Wait here.” Adellandra spread her wings and was about to take flight when a hand
grabbed at her arm. “What?”
“We’re going with you.” It was Corvus and he was frowning. “No more of this leaving
us Eleronai behind crap.”
Adellandra shrugged from his grasp and frowned. “Andros; watch him.”
“Hai!” Pantheros moved between them. “Return swiftly.”
“I will.”
On that, she took flight.
“Get away from me, panther boy.” Corvus growled, pushing him away.
“Stop it!” Alissa cried, getting in front of him. “What has gotten into you?”
“His anger is sorely in need of release, and he is taking it out on us.” Pantheros remarked
Alissa turned on him. “Let him speak for himself!” She whipped her head back to
Corvus, and pushed on his chest with her paws. “Well? Is it true? You’ve kept your anger bottled
up again?”
Corvus blinked, astonished by her behavior. “What do you expect, Ali? There’s nothing
for us to fight.”
Alissa relaxed, backing away. “Don’t take it out on innocent people.” She shoved him,
one last time for effect. “What have I told you about doing that?”
Corvus rubbed his chest where she shoved him. “Not to do it? Yeah, I know.”
“Don’t let it happen again.” Alissa was final on that statement, her green eyes serious.
She turned to Pantheros. “You okay?”
Pantheros nodded, smiling at her. “Hai, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Alissa smiled back.
Pantheros took her paw and kissed it. “The reason Mame wanted us to stay here is
because she knows that red-aura beast.”
“Beast?” Corvus asked. “Will she be okay?”
“Hai, she will be fine.” Pantheros told him. “You see, that is the being called ‘The
“The Gatekeeper.” Alissa repeated. “She’s mentioned him a few times, saying how some
of Eleron’s monsters look like those locked up by him.”
“It.” Pantheros corrected. “The Gatekeeper is neither male nor female, though many
voices echo from its mouth. It takes a shadow-form most times, and exists only as a caretaker
here in the Abyss.”
“Why didn’t we meet it when we came through here before?” Corvus was suspicious.
Pantheros shrugged. “Mame had already secured its permission for your entry, so it was
already alerted of your presence.”
“Right.” Corvus crossed his arms. “What about the monsters locked up by it looking
like some of Eleron’s?”
“That is quite possible.” Pantheros stated, watching the distance for Adellandra’s return.
“One of The Gatekeeper’s duties is to capture demons and monsters that do not belong here,
either sending them where they do belong, or holding them in high-security cells in the alcoves if
they are seen as hostile to either realm.”
“As crazy as that sounds,” Alissa began, “I’m beginning to understand.”
Pantheros glanced over at her and smiled. “I knew you would, for you are one of us.”
That triggered something in her mind, which only became clearer when he kissed her
again. Lady Myria was right by telling her she belonged within the Realms somehow, and she
was starting to feel it.
“I hate to break up the love-fest between you two, but we are clear for travel.”
Adellandra’s voice interrupted the kiss.
Alissa tried to ignore the rage in Corvus’s eyes as they burned in Pantheros’ direction.
Instead, she watched as Adellandra took out a wand made of bamboo and laden with
several colored stones. She held it lengthwise in front of her, and Alissa could see a clear quartz
crystal point at each end. A few words whispered under her breath and both crystals illuminated.
She pointed it ahead of her and drew a door in the air, which appeared when she was finished.
“You really should conserve your energy,” Pantheros spoke up, sharing a smile with
“You know very well this is the only way to the Realm of the Ancients.” Adellandra
winked at her son. “Come on, before it closes.”
Alissa followed behind them, still awed by the very magic her friend used.
“Thought you didn’t like using magic that much?” Corvus asked sarcastically.
“Stow it, Dreadman.” Adellandra teased. “Now then,” She said once they were through
the portal and the door closed behind them. “We find Ocarina.”
“Should we take flight?” Pantheros asked.
“I would rather not alert the Spirit Guards, thank you very much.” Adellandra walked
Pantheros chuckled. “I forgot about those.”
“What are the Spirit Guards?” Alissa asked, walking alongside Pantheros.
“The Spirit Guards are those posted in numerous areas and commanded by the Goddess
of Spirit herself.” Pantheros pointed to Adellandra.
“Yet another title to add to your list, eh?” Corvus quipped.
“I have been the Ancient Mystic’s Goddess of Spirit for a long time; not nearly as long as
I have been Adellandra Dranna.” Adellandra responded. She stopped and turned. “Believe me;
if we run into the Spirit Guards, with me in this form, they will not hesitate to lop my wings off.”
“Yipes,” Alissa gasped and Pantheros laughed. “It’s not funny.”
“Maybe not, but your reaction was priceless, Red Hair.” Pantheros laughed louder.
“Andros,” Adellandra warned, but smiled. She turned back around and continued
Pantheros caught Alissa admiring him and winked, making her blush away.
The road stretched ahead of them. The walk was a silent one and soon, they lost all track
of time.
Alissa could hear murmuring from nearby, perking her ears to listen.
“Of all the rotten luck.” The familiar female voice complained. “I come through one of
the Lady’s strange portals searching for my missing friends and where does it lead me? Into
oblivion! Gah! How’d I get roped into this solo search party, anyway?”
“Is that who I think it is?” Corvus stopped in his tracks, sharing an amazed glance with
Alissa and Adellandra.
“Sure sounds like her,” Alissa surmised, looking around. “Where is she?”
“Who is it?” Pantheros asked, curious. “I can sense a female vampire nearby. Could
that be who you hear?”
“I’d know that cynical attitude anywhere.” Adellandra smiled mischievously at both
Alissa and Corvus. As if on cue, all three cried, “Victoria!”
Now Pantheros was interested. “Is she friend or foe?”
“Definitely friend,” Adellandra assured. “She may be cynical at times, but she is an
awesome fighter.”
“Don’t forget great friend.” Alissa smiled.
“That, too.” Adellandra grinned. “Where do you sense her?”
Panther surveyed the area around him, pointing when he actually saw her. “Would that
be her now?”
Alissa looked. Sure enough, the black haired vampire-girl was their friend Victoria.
“Vicki!” She yelled, waving her arms to get their friend’s attention.
Victoria waved back, running toward them at lightning speed.
“Show off.” Adellandra joked when the girls hugged.
“I’m surprised I can run so fast.” Victoria laughed, hugging Alissa and Corvus as well.
She noticed Pantheros and whistled. “Who’s the piece of Panther-kin eye candy?”
Pantheros frowned, growling lowly under his breath.
“Relax,” Adellandra told him, putting a hand on his arm. “She is joking.”
“I would not believe a vampire has the capacity for humor.” Pantheros stated.
“This one does.” Adellandra assured him. “She is a friend from Eleron.”
Pantheros sighed and nodded his head regally. “I am called by many names. You may
call me Pantheros.”
“My son.” Adellandra supplied. “So, Vicki, what brings you to the Realm of the
“I went through your portal looking for you guys.” Victoria explained and laughed under
her breath. “Well, I found you. Why are you here?”
“We are here for the Goddess of Time, Ocarina.” Alissa told her.
“Long story short,” Adellandra spoke up. “We need her help to fix time in the Illunian
Victoria stared. “Ah.” She shook her head. “Whatever floats your boat, I guess.”
“This is a serious matter!” Pantheros roared.
“Down, kitty.” Victoria put her hands up in surrender. “I know her, of course it’s serious.
I’m not stupid.”
“No one said you were.” Adellandra said, frowning at her son and smiling at Victoria.
“We are in a hurry, Vicki. We do not have much time left.”
Victoria thread her arm in Corvus’s. “You don’t mind my tagging along, do you?”
“Doesn’t look like we have a choice in the matter, does it?” Corvus joked, shrugging her
Victoria pouted, sticking her tongue out. “Brat.”
Corvus just shook his head and chuckled.
“Of course we don’t mind, Vicki,” Alissa grinned. “The more, the merrier, right?”
“Hai!” Adellandra smiled. Corvus rolled his eyes and Vicki giggled.
Pantheros turned on his heel and stayed silent.
Chapter Nineteen
The Trials of Aeon

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Victoria moaned. “We must have traveled miles by
now! Aren’t we there yet?”
“Stop your whining, vampire.” Pantheros growled.
“Knock it off; both of you.” Adellandra supplied as they walked. “We are almost to the
Gates of Forever.”
“You have the weirdest names for things, you know that?” Corvus quipped from behind
Victoria and Alissa. “Next thing you know, there’ll be a River of Regret or a Trail of Broken
“There is a River of Regret in the Realm of Dreams’ Grey Area.” Pantheros told him.
“It runs from Lava Falls into Lava Lake and leads to the Forest of NeverYesterYear,
where hidden deep is a dangerous place called Witches Grove.” Adellandra explained. “Now
hush.” A few minutes later, she spoke up again. “See that huge golden gate up ahead?”
“The one with all the numbers on it and the huge clock tower?” Alissa asked. “I see it.”
“Those are the Gates of Forever.”
“How cliché?” Victoria smirked. “A clock tower beyond the gates?”
“It’s not cliché, Vicki.” Alissa smiled. “I think it’s kind of clever.”
“You go for clever, I’ll go for cliché.” Victoria quipped back.
“Will you two please, stop!” Pantheros roared, stopping them in their tracks.
“Andros?” Adellandra frowned, worried. “Are you okay? You are not yourself.”
“Why would I be with a vampire around?” Pantheros growled, turning and facing
Victoria, whose eyes were turning red with anger. “Evil, good for nothing blood-sucker.”
“Of course I’m evil, you over-grown housecat!” Victoria growled back, her eyes
pulsating, nails lengthening and ready to attack.
“That is enough!” Adellandra cried, getting in between them. She looked at each pair of
eyes, from Pantheros golden, which were turning a dark shade of yellow, to Victoria’s. After a
moment, she placed a hand on each of their chests. “Wait.”
She closed her eyes and frowned; her hands glowing from dark red, to yellow, and finally
to white.
“What is it?” Alissa asked, eyeing a very confused Corvus. “What’s wrong?”
“You do not feel that?” Adellandra whispered. “Something is definitely not right in the
air, and it is changing them.” She opened her eyes and stepped away from them. Both were in
frozen trances, staring with now-hollow black eyes. “I hate to say it, but I think it started when
Vicki arrived.”
“You’re right.” Corvus shook his head. “Mr. Panther boy was all lovey-dovey to Alissa
before she arrived. Do you think something in this Realm took over her or something?”
Alissa glared at him, but he ignored it.
Adellandra shrugged. “I do not know.” After a moment of thought, she gasped. “Wait --
I do know!”
Alissa watched as she took the Black-as-Night Crystal from her pouch and looked at it.
“I thought as much!” Adellandra cried. The onyx crystal was glowing. “We cannot let
this control us.”
“How is it controlling us?” Corvus asked, staring at it.
“Didn’t you tell us it was just the link crystal for the Inner Realms' Sphere?” Alissa
asked after him.
They gathered around Adellandra, keeping an eye on Pantheros and Victoria as well as
the crystal in her hands.
Adellandra sighed, closing her eyes and wrapping her hand around the crystal. “There’s
something I neglected to tell you about this particular onyx.” She began softly, opening her eyes
and glancing at Pantheros. “The main use for it is as the link crystal, but it is much, much more
than that. It is a very powerful artifact that evil beings strive to get their hands on.” She was
somber when she met Alissa’s worried eyes. “If you are not shielded properly or aware of its
pull on your soul, it can force you to act out your hidden fears and desires.”
“That’s not good.” Corvus gulped. “Are we affected?”
Adellandra looked into his eyes, tightly nodding her head as she put it back in her pouch.
“You are afraid of never seeing Alissa or Hikari again, so you are easily angered and fiercely
protective. Am I right?”
Corvus frowned, turning his face away from her silver eyes. “What about her?” He
nodded to Alissa.
Adellandra turned her head to meet Alissa’s green eyes. “Strangely enough, Alissa, you
are not affected at all. Maybe it has something to do with the Angelic powers you carry?” Alissa
bit her lip and Adellandra continued. “After all, you used them to help heal me.”
Alissa’s eyes widened, and they quickly glanced from Corvus to Adellandra.
“You still have your Angel powers?” Corvus asked. “Thought you lost them?”
Alissa waved her paws. “Don’t worry about me right now.” She nervously laughed.
“What about them? Isn’t there some spell or chant or shield that can help them?”
Adellandra walked over to them. “I suppose so, but I am kind of surprised Andros was
affected the way he was.” She said. “As far as I can remember, he never had an aversion to
vampires; being part-Allunian, he is one. I do not understand it.”
“Perhaps now is not the time to think about it, but to act.” Alissa said softly.
Adellandra nodded. “I agree. I only hope the Goddess can forgive me for the magic I do
She stood back and held her necklace in one hand, closing her eyes. Her aura glowed
bright silvery-white as she shifted from a DragonWolf to her Lady Guardian form. Instead of the
usual Fighter’s Gear, she wore a long, silvery-white gown with a hooded leather cloak which was
clasped at her neck by the silver crescent-moon symbol of the Realm of Dreams.
“The Dream Locket.” They whispered at the same time.
Adellandra opened her silver eyes, grasping her wand again and pointing it lengthwise at
the four of them. Alissa couldn’t understand the words that whispered from her mouth, but she
could see the way Adellandra’s aura glowed silvery-white with each repetition of the short spell.
Alissa knew not to interrupt any mage in the middle of casting a spell, especially if that
spell happened to be a very powerful one. She stood silent, watching the scene. A burst of
silver-white magic branched into three before each lightning-bolted to Corvus, Victoria and
Pantheros. As soon as it hit them, they all screamed. She could see their separate auras radiating
the same color as the black-white of the Black-as-Night Crystal. Alissa could see the crystal also
glowed from inside the pouch on Adellandra’s belt.
Adellandra’s voice rose over the screams, repeating the spell over and over again until the
three of her charges were silenced, their auras turning solid colors; silver for Pantheros and white
for Corvus and Victoria. Slowly, the magic from her wand faded, as did the glow of her eyes and
She blinked, looking to see their reactions as she put her wand away. “Well?”
Adellandra whispered. “Are you guys okay now?”
Pantheros blinked, examining his paws. “Uh, hai, Mame.” He stammered. That’s when
he saw Victoria, who was also blinking and examining herself. “How are you, vampire?”
“Peachy.” Victoria frowned, her eyes searching those of the people around her.
Adellandra placed a hand on her back and smiled. “What happened, anyway?”
“All three of you were affected by the Black-as-Night Crystal.” Adellandra explained.
“Three?” Victoria met Corvus’s ashamed eyes. “Him, too?”
“Aye.” Adellandra said. “I should have listened to your Gramere, Andros.”
“You were shielded.” Pantheros shook his head. “I am ashamed my guard was down.”
Alissa went to him, taking his hand and smiling at him. It made him smile, but only a
“Why was it down?”
“I thought I would be safe here; after all, not many roam the Realm of the Ancients. I
believed I had no need for magical protection.” Pantheros explained. “I am in reign of my
emotions once again. Thank you, Mame.”
“As always, you are welcome.” Adellandra supplied, turning to Corvus. “Maybe you
should have listened to Hikari as well?”
“Yeah, you shouldn’t fear losing any of us.” Alissa hugged him. “We’re not going
“That’s good to know,” Corvus quipped. “Somehow the thought of you creeping over my
shoulder all the time gives me the willies.”
Adellandra giggled. “Now that we are back to whatever we call normal for the moment,
we should be on our way through the Gates of Forever!”

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
They were at the Gates of Forever, staring up at the gold bars with etched numerals in
every language and form peppering them. At the Gate’s highest point was a golden clock that
had its hands rotating in opposite directions. Around its face were eight points, almost like a
wheel’s spokes. Each spoke had a different symbol.
“That’s odd.” Alissa remarked, staring up at it.
“Nay, that is the Wheel of Time.” Pantheros whispered in her ear, taking the chance to
gently kiss it.
“Oh, cut it out, you two.” Victoria teased them.
There was no giggle in her voice this time, which told all but Pantheros she was back to
her old self. Alissa and Pantheros stepped away from each other.
Adellandra grinned, placing her palm to the handprint panel that acted as a lock. “I am
the One of Many Names.” She announced loudly. “I am the Mystic’s Goddess of Spirit, A’isha
the Pillar of Light, and Creatrix of the Inner Realms, just to name a few. You will allow me entry
so my party and I may seek Ocarina.”
“Why do you seek audience with the Goddess of Time?” They heard a pair of voices
boom above them.
“The Trickster Goddess, Sai’brenn’a, has woven a thread of magic in the Illunian
“The Place and Time that Should Not Be?” The voices were astonished.
“Oh, so you know of it?” Adellandra asked into the air. “Mind letting us through so we
can discuss it with Ocarina, or should we just wait here while you twiddle your timely thumbs
and think about it?”
Pantheros smiled while the Eleronai gave each other looks of astonishment at their
friend’s actions.
“Proceed.” The voices echoed after a moment.
Adellandra stepped back so the gates could open.
“Who, or what, were they?” Alissa ran up to Adellandra to ask her.
“Those were two of Ocarina’s many Guardians of Time.” The Lady told her, rolling her
eyes. “The palace is just ahead.”
“What? No name?” Corvus quipped, lagging behind with Victoria. “Everything else
does, why not this palace?”
“You are right, Cor.” Adellandra turned to grin, continuing to walk. She turned back. “It
does have a name. Do you really want to know it?”
After a moment, he shook his head. “We’ll just call it the Palace.”
Adellandra laughed.
“This place looks awesome!” Victoria cried, doing her best to keep up with their speedy
Adellandra and Pantheros rushed to the majestic golden doors of the Palace only to find
they were closed.
“What?!” Adellandra cried into the air, trying the doors to find they were locked. “Aeon,
we do not have time for this!”
After a moment of staring at the doors, the group heard a rough voice chuckle.
“Funny, the idea of time.” An elder man appeared beside Adellandra. He had long white
hair grown past his ankles, a long full-white beard and half-moon spectacles near-hanging off his
nose. He held a long-staff with a rotating hourglass trapped in a clear crystal at the top. He
leaned against the door, smirking at them.
Pantheros growled, racing to cover Adellandra from the strange man.
“I would never hurt our Spirit, so you may back away, Andros the Forgotten.” The man
smiled at him, standing straight.
“Andros the Forgotten?” Adellandra whispered.
“Later.” Pantheros relaxed, but stood close to her. “Now, we need to see the Goddess of
“Please Aeon, will you let us through?” Adellandra asked of the man. Even Pantheros
could see she was trying to remain calm.
“Not until you pass the test.” The God of Time Aeon remarked, nodding his head.
Adellandra shoved Pantheros aside and cried. “We do not have time for tests, and you
know it!” Pantheros put a paw on her arm in an effort to calm her. She closed her eyes and took
a breath before continuing. “The Illunian Realm’s time-line has been warped by Sai’brenn’a. I
banished her, taking her powers away so she could not do it again. Now we need to see Ocarina
so we can return the Illunian Realm to the correct time.”
“Is it not true the Royal Family were those lost in time?” Aeon wondered, smiling.
“You know very well what happened, Aeon.” Adellandra spat. “I am just surprised the
two of you allowed it.”
“We did it for the great of good.” Aeon closed his eyes and nodded.
“The great of good!?” Pantheros shouted. “You call twisting time in the Illunian Realm
‘the Great of Good’? For Realm’s sake, my Gran is now my Aunt, and Cousin Myria is
supposed to be my Gran? What about allowing the Trickster Goddess Realmbound long enough
to hurt every member of Illuminata, starting with me? How is any of that for the great of good,
may I ask?”
Aeon put his palms up and silenced him. He opened his eyes and studied them.
Alissa, Corvus and Victoria stayed silent in awe of this grand man in front of them. He
was a God, and it would do them no good to disrespect him.
“You have crossed the Realm Portals again; have you not, Guardian?” Aeon asked,
frowning at the three Eleronai.
Adellandra followed his gaze. “They are my friends from Eleron. The girl in black is
Victoria the vampire, the Panther-kin is Alissa Monaco the Angel, and the guy in dreadlocks is
her best friend, Corvus Foster.”
“That is all very well and good, but they do not belong here.” Aeon shook his head.
“I was only looking for them!” Victoria cried. “How was I supposed to know where the
portal would lead me?”
“While it is admirable to think of their safety, they were never in danger.” Aeon supplied.
“As long as Spirit remained with them, they would have been fine.”
“Never in danger?” Alissa spoke up, unable to keep silent. “Spirit, as you call her, was
in constant danger, and so was the Illunian Realm.”
“Silencia!” Adellandra cried, her eyes closed and fists shaking at her sides. “I am in no
mood for your tests, Aeon. We need to fix time, and fast.”
“What is wrong with it as it is?” Aeon asked. “Did your friends not find love within that
“That is beside the point. It is not right!” Adellandra cried. “Aeon--!”
Aeon placed a hand up to silence her as well, but it only made her frown.
“Aeon, we need to see Ocarina. Time is not to be played with; you know that as well as I
do.” She pointed out. “My family is out of time in their own Realm, thanks to Sai’brenn’a. I
just want to fix it. That is all.”
Aeon glared at her. “I will respect your wishes and see you to the Chambers. I am afraid
your friends will have to wait here.”
“What?!” Alissa and Victoria cried together.
“Why can’t we go in, too?” Corvus demanded.
Adellandra sighed. “I agree with him, Cor.” She turned to Aeon. “What about Andros?”
The God of Time nodded, “I will allow it.”
“How does he get to go but we have to stay?” Corvus argued.
Adellandra turned on him. “Aeon already told you; you do not belong here.”
“What are we supposed to do here while we wait?” Alissa asked, crossing her arms.
“Whatever you do, do not go beyond the Gates.” Aeon frowned, turning to both
Adellandra and Pantheros. “Spirit?”
Adellandra nodded. “I will try not to make you wait too long, okay?” She smiled in
assurance as she and Pantheros disappeared inside, the huge golden doors closing behind them.
Chapter Twenty
The Goddess of Time

The trio was silent as they walked to Ocarina’s personal Chambers. When they stopped
in front of the door, Aeon said, “Through here. She is waiting for you.”
Adellandra nodded. “Thank you, Aeon.”
He nodded back and disappeared.
“I never liked that man.” Pantheros mumbled.
“Buck it up for now; we have business.” Adellandra told him.
He nodded and they went through the doors.
“Goddess?” She called out.
A maiden with long, flowing white hair and silver eyes was hovering in mid-air with her
legs crossed and arms folded. “Spirit! It’s a pleasure to see you again, and you brought Andros!
Adellandra sighed at the Goddess’s enthusiasm and waited until Ocarina’s feet touched
the ground below her. Before she could say anything, the Goddess ran up and gave Pantheros a
hug first before her.
“I wish it were for pleasure, Ocarina.” Adellandra mumbled somberly.
Ocarina pulled back from the hug, her smile turning into a frown. “Oh, yes. I know what
you are here for.”
“I would hope so.” Adellandra supplied.
“Yes, yes.” Ocarina clapped her hands. “The twisting of time in the Illunae.”
“Can we fix it?” Pantheros asked.
“It will take a lot of our combined power, but I do not see why not.”
“Wait.” Pantheros paused, sensing something out of place. Usually, the Goddess would
hate anyone messing with Time and scolded those who did, no matter what the reason. “How do
we know this is our Goddess Ocarina? She is acting out of character.”
“Of course I am the Goddess of Time! Why would I not be?” Ocarina’s innocent grin
was suspicious.
Adellandra frowned, watching her. “Why do I not believe you?”
The Goddess giggled. “You are imagining things, Spirit.”
Adellandra used her empathy on the Goddess, expecting to receive the blank answer in
return. Instead, she received the Feeling of a Dream Realm Companion.
“Who are you and why are you disguising yourself as Ocarina?” Adellandra crossed her
Pantheros took a breath in shock. “What?”
The Goddess sighed, raising her arms and glowing silver. When the glow faded, both
could see the white-furred Siamese Feline Companion form of their cousin, Laurynne Silver-
Hawk. Laurynne’s height was accentuated by the flowing white gown she wore, and the silver-
blue eyes stared back at them, filled with sorrow.
Laurynne bowed her head. “I apologize for deceiving you, Lady Guardian.”
Adellandra took Laurynne’s paws. “Want to tell me what is going on?”
Laurynne looked into her eyes. They were gentle, as always. “I am Ocarina’s successor.”
“Why would she need one?” Pantheros asked.
“Since the portals reopened,” Laurynne snuck a teasing look at Adellandra, “there have
been rifts in time. So much work had to be done in order to correct it. Ocarina could not handle
it all by herself; even with Aeon here. Brianna called on me one day from the Forest of
Neveryesteryear. The Mystic Goddess of Waters was actually serious, instead of bubbly and
not-so-bright. It worried me.”
Adellandra giggled. “Do not let Brigid hear you call her that.”
Laurynne was curious. “I am sorry, but Brigid?”
“You did not know?” Adellandra asked. “My Sister-Pillar has been incarnated as the
Mystic Goddess of Waters.”
“I did not know that, but please, let me continue.” Laurynne supplied. “Brianna told me
what you two did with Ishanar, returning its physical form to the present from the past. Not only
did that open the portals to every realm to those with half the minds to see and use them, but it
also messed with Space and Time. I was needed to take over for Ocarina while she worked her
magic on the effects of Ishanar’s return.”
“Are you able to help the Illunae?” Adellandra wondered. “Has your own Magic grown
through the years to that extent?”
Laurynne nodded tightly. “Aye, cousin, it has. I still need you and Andros, though.”
“Anything to fix what I helped to break,” Pantheros said softly.
“In that case, we have no time to lose.” Adellandra announced. “When shall we begin?”

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
“I wonder what’s beyond the Gates?” Alissa asked, looking in that direction. “We didn’t
get much of a chance to see it on our way here, so why don’t we take a look?”
“Maybe because the old man of Time told us not to?” Corvus quipped. “I’d rather not
anger the gods right now.”
“I don’t care what some old man says.” Victoria stood beside Alissa. “We’re Eleronai;
we can handle anything. Right?”
Alissa threaded an arm through one of Victoria’s. “Right!”
“I give up.” Corvus rolled his eyes. “If the old man comes back to scold us, I’m blaming
He trailed behind the women as they raced toward the gates.
What’s with me lately? Corvus asked himself, following them. Alissa was laughing at
whatever Victoria was telling her, making him feel left out of the conversation. I’m happy for
Ali, aren’t I? She’s been lonesome for a long time. I’m glad someone attracted her attention
besides me.
What about Hikari? I’m her Chosen, or so she says, yet she wanted to remain behind
with Xavier. I don’t get it. Shouldn’t she want to be with me instead?
“Oh look, he’s moping.” Victoria teased him out of his depressing thoughts. “What’s
wrong, Hot Shot? Usually we can’t get you to shut up.”
“Leave him alone, Vicki.” Alissa gave him a look of worry.
“Oh, you’re no fun.” Victoria raced ahead.
Soon outside the gates, they explored the Realm of the Ancients. They tried turning
around to go back to the Palace, but it was already out of sight.
“Perfect, genius.” Victoria glared at him. “We’re lost.”
“Don’t look at me!” Corvus argued. “I’m not the ones who wanted to wander beyond
the Gates.”
“You know, not all who wander are lost.” A male voice purred from behind the trio.
They turned to see a tall Balinese feline-man with silver-blue eyes. Around his neck was the
same necklace Adellandra had called “The Dream Locket.”
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Victoria demanded.
“Be nice!” Alissa cried and introduced herself, Victoria and Corvus. “What’s your
“I am called Braken Joel Hawk.” The Balinese introduced, bowing. “I sensed Lady
Guardian’s presence near and wished to greet her. Do you know where she is?”
“She went to see Ocarina.” Corvus told him.
“That is impossible.” Braken Joel shook his head. “The Goddess is away from the
Gates, seeing to the Realm Portals. I escorted her myself.”
“Then who did the old man take her to see?” Victoria asked.
“That would be her replacement, my elder sister Laurynne.” Braken Joel responded. “I
fear Ishanar’s Return was not one of the most brilliant of ideas from the Pillars.” He paused,
watching them. “I do not recognize you; how do you know my cousin?”
“Uh, we don’t?” Victoria responded. “They came here with Lady Adellandra, and I
passed through one of her Realm Portals from Eleron, looking for them.”
Braken Joel chuckled under his breath. “Silly vampire. Lady Adellandra is my cousin.
One of her many titles is Lady Guardian of the Inner Realms. Although, I knew her first as
Ariana Moon.”
“Her Mystic form, right?” Alissa asked.
Braken Joel nodded. “Aye. Why did she need to see Ocarina?”
Alissa and Corvus explained the best they could. As he listened, Braken Joel’s smile
disappeared, turning into a frown.
“That is not good; not good at all.” Braken Joel shook his head. “She and Laurynne
alone will not be able to perform such a feat.”
“Not even with Pantheros?” Alissa asked. “After all, he is Adellandra’s son. Isn’t he
powerful in his own right?”
“Pantheros? Adellandra’s son?” Braken Joel repeated, half in-thought. “You would not
be speaking of Lost-Prince of the Illunae Andros Cobrianos, would you?”
“His first name is Andros, but he told us to call him Pantheros.” Alissa explained.
“That is the one.” Braken Joel supplied, turning around and walking. “Even with
Andros, it is not even close to the power needed for fixing time.”
“Hey! Where are you going?” Victoria cried after him.
“To the Gates of Time.” He supplied. “If you are smart, you would follow.”
“But we’re not allowed inside the Palace.” Corvus announced.
“Who told you that?” Braken Joel asked him. “Was it Aeon? Ignore him for now. Your
power is needed to fix time for the Illunae.”
“Power? What power?” Alissa asked, watching him shift to a full tiger form.
No time to explain. Follow!
On that, he raced away.
“What’s with him?” Corvus wondered under his breath, following behind Alissa and
As with all strange occurrences and vague commands from strange beings, he’d leave it
as it is and just go with the flow.
When they reached the Gate Guards, Braken Joel shifted back to his half-man, half-feline
form. Rather than asking questions of them, the Guards saluted and led them pass without a
Just who is Braken Joel, anyway? Corvus thought to himself, watching the feline-man.
Aeon was waiting for them at the Palace doors, and he did not look happy.
“Let us through, Aeon.” Braken Joel hissed through clenched teeth.
“The Eleronai do not belong here, Joel.” Aeon shook his head.
“They know about Laurynne.” Braken Joel smiled with an evil gleam to his eyes. He
thrust a hand out and conjured an opalescent energy ball. “Unless you wish your own
destruction, I suggest you let us through.”
“You cannot destroy me, Realm Chronicler.” Aeon stared back with a glare that rivaled
Braken Joel’s.
“I don’t mean to interrupt, but I thought Adellandra was the Realm Chronicler?” Alissa
asked. “She does write the Chronicles of the Inner Realms, doesn’t she?”
“There are four of us total; one for each corner of the Inner Realms.” Braken Joel
hurried. He turned back to Aeon. “Let us through – now!”
The yowl was enough to make all three Eleronai jump back.
Aeon frowned, crossed his arms and harrumphed. After a moment of thought, he stepped
aside, letting them through the doors.
Chapter Twenty-One
The Powerful Spell

The quartet found Pantheros, Adellandra and Laurynne holding hands in a circle, eyes
closed and auras glowing. They decided to stay silent and watch. It wasn’t long before the trio’s
auras dimmed and they unclasped each other’s hands.
“It is not working,” Adellandra’s voice was solemn. “No matter how much energy we
put into it, it is not working.”
“Perhaps if you allowed us to help?” Braken Joel stepped to Adellandra, grasping one of
her hands while the other took his sister’s.
“Are you sure about this, Braken Joel?” Alissa asked quietly.
“Please, call me Joel.” Braken Joel grinned. “Braken is my father’s name.”
Adellandra shared his smile as if knowing a secret about him no one else in the room did.
“Yes, Alissa, I am certain of it.” Joel chuckled. “Combined with our powers, the three of
you should be able to help us fix time in the Illunae.”
Alissa smiled, walking over to Pantheros and taking his free hand, squeezing. “Cor? You
“How?” Corvus asked. “I know vampires have their own powers, as does she, but I’m
just a regular Eleronai hero. How will we help the Illunae?”
Adellandra gasped. “That’s It! That’s what both Hikari and I could not See in the
“Visions can only tell us so much; it is we who have to interpret them.” Joel told her.
“I know that, silly,” Adellandra nudged him. “Before we came here, my mind ran
through solutions to Sai’brenn’a’s spell. I ran it over and over in my head, but I could not see
until now that we needed another element.”
“What are you talking about?” Alissa and Victoria laughed.
Adellandra looked to Victoria. “You are the link, Vicki. Your personal brand of magic is
the final key to breaking Sai’brenn’a’s Spell.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Victoria folded her arms. “I don’t have
magic, just the gifts that come with being a vampire.”
“Do not tell me we need her stealth and coercion in this?” Pantheros frowned.
Adellandra nodded. “So, will you two join us for a little magic in time?”
Corvus smiled, thinking of Hikari. “I’m game.”
He went on the other side of Alissa and took her hand.
All looked to Victoria who scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Might as well.”
She took Corvus’s and Laurynne’s hands, completing the circle.
“Thank you ahead of time, Victoria.” Laurynne smiled.
Victoria’s eyes widened and she whispered. “How did you know my name?”
“She knows more than you think, my friend.” Adellandra smiled. “Now that we are all
here, may we begin?”
Everyone closed their eyes, seeing the same Goddess-like figure of Laurynne in their
minds. They felt their mind-selves forming, each one connected by the hands to the one next to
them. Laurynne’s mind broke off and went to the middle of their circle.
“Deep within each of you is a core of magic.” Laurynne told them, mostly for the
Eleronai benefits. “We are going to tap that core of magic, reaching it out to this ball of energy,
combining them.”
This was a white-hot energy ball in the middle of their inner-mind’s circle. It was
glowing different colors, twisting, whirling, and meshing together numerous sources of magical
Neither Eleronai could look away. For that, those connected to them were glad. They
needed all their friends’ concentrations, whether they liked it or not.
“While you tap into your magical core from within you, stay focused on the sphere of
magic.” Laurynne instructed. “When you have it firmly in your grasp, reach it out to the Sphere
and connect it. A’isha, Andros, Joel and I will do the rest.”
“All you need to do is stay focused.” A’isha’s voice echoed in each of their minds.
On that, A’isha, Andros, Joel and Laurynne began chanting in a different language. It
sounded Ancient and its words hard to pronounce, but the quartet was able to do it. After a few
moments of chanting, it was repeated. With each repetition, Alissa noticed the sphere in front of
them glowing brighter.
She felt the Angelic magic returning to her, stretching itself to the sphere in front of them.
She wondered what her best friend’s magic entailed, and why Victoria’s was needed, too.
“Focus Angel!” Pantheros cried, breaking away from the chant just long enough to say it.
Staring at the glowing sphere, she nodded, refocusing her attention on the Angelic magic.
From the corner of her eyesight, she saw the burgundy-colored magic that came from Victoria,
and an indigo came from her best friend Corvus. Her own was a bright golden-white and
flowed so easily from within.
The Sphere pulsated brighter as the voices grew louder. She swore the sphere in front of
her was growing each time they repeated the chant!
Pretty soon, it filled the space inside the circle, and engulfed them all in a myriad of
colors, each color pulsating a different sound and frequency. She squeezed both Pantheros’ and
Corvus’s hands tightly, bracing herself for anything. She dare not let go of her special magic, no
matter what.
A lot of people were counting on her, Corvus, and even Victoria.
Rather than scream in fear of her life, Alissa simply closed her eyes and held her breath.
The sounds in her ears were like music, so beautiful and enchanting. They made her feel at
She could just make out the song; it was a lullaby, a melody from long before she arrived
in Eleron as an Angel. It was gentle and reassuring, helping her relax her body as her mind and
magic worked automatically.
In her mind, she was free. There was nothing here but her and the Angelic magic.
You can release now, Angel. She heard Pantheros’ mind-voice whisper after a few
moments. It is finished.
She gently pulled her magic back into herself, suddenly feeling weak in the knees. She
could do nothing but collapse where she stood, her hands unclasping from those who held them.
When she next opened her eyes, Alissa did not know where she was. As her sight
focused, she saw Pantheros sitting on the cot beside her, holding one of her hands and leaning
over her.
“Rise and shine, Alissa.” Pantheros smiled, bending down to gently kiss her lips. That’s
when she noticed neither of them was in Panther-kin form. She was back to her Angel form
while he was in what he called his Illunian form. “How do you feel?”
A small groan erupted from her throat. As she sat up, the blood rushed to her head,
making it hurt. “Ow.”
Pantheros chuckled. “Careful.”
“What happened?” Alissa croaked. “Where are we?”
“We are in a separate healing chamber, away from the others.” Pantheros stated. “You
nearly used up your energy. While we are most grateful, we are also very astonished you would
allow yourself to do such a thing. I thought Angels knew better?”
Alissa felt her throat. “It’s been a long time since I used my magic.”
“I see.” He rose. “I will get you something to drink. Just rest here.”
Alissa nodded her head. She lay back down and closed her eyes, letting her mind carry
her away once again.
She awoke this time to sounds of Corvus and Pantheros arguing.
“I just wanna know if she’s okay.” Corvus pushed, whispering.
“She will be fine if you leave her to rest.” Pantheros supplied. “In fact, you need your
rest, too. As I recall, your type of magic is still unstable, and took more energy out of you than
you could control.”
“I never knew I had a type.”
“Believe me, you do.” Pantheros assured. “For now, please, leave her to rest. It will do
her no good for you to agitate her.”
Corvus huffed. “I guess I can trust you. If you say she’ll be fine, she’ll be fine.”
After a moment of silence, Pantheros stated. “I thank you for that. Now then, off to bed
with you. Regain that which was lost, so we can work on controlling it.”
“Fine then.” Corvus remarked, yawning. “If you hurt her, I’ll hurt you. Got it?”
“Hai, Hai.” Pantheros chuckled.
A door closed, and Alissa opened her eyes. Pantheros sat on the cot beside her again,
holding a glass of water. “He cares about you, Angel.”
“I know he does.” She croaked, sitting up. She took it from his hand and drank. It felt
warm going down her achy throat. “We’ve been best friends for as long as I can remember.”
“Were you his Guardian Angel?” Pantheros asked.
She shook her head. “No, I just know him from when I awoke in Eleron.”
“That is as far back as you remember, aye?” He asked and she nodded. “How do you
feel now?”
“Much better, thanks.”
“You are welcome, Angel.” Pantheros kissed her lips. She was beginning to love it when
he did that. “Do you think you are stable enough to join us?”
She hung her feet off the side of the cot and stood, testing her balance. She was still a
little lightheaded, falling into his arms when she abruptly sat down.
“I will take that as a no.” Pantheros looked down at her. She had landed in his lap. After
helping her back to a laying position, he placed a hand on her cheek. “Give yourself time, dear
one. Rest, heal and regain your lost energy.”
A passionate kiss on the lips and a gentle push to her mind telling her to sleep was the last
thing she felt as she disappeared into oblivion.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Return to the Illunae

It took them two days to recover. In that time, Adellandra and Pantheros, as well as their
Mystic cousins, Joel and Laurynne, caught up with each others’ lives.
It had been a long time since Adellandra heard from members of her Mystic family,
especially the Companion cousins. She missed being in the Realm of Dreams for more than just
duty and work. Her best friend Katherine Hawk-Stargazer was the younger, half-Draconian
sister of Joel and Laurynne.
“Why do you pace, Cousin?” Joel caught her in front of the Goddess’ Anti-chamber.
Adellandra stopped, meeting his eyes. “I am anxious.”
“Of course you are.” Joel supplied, smiling. “The All-Powerful Pillar-Goddess of the
Light is used to instantly knowing everything.”
Adellandra chuckled. “That is not what I meant.”
“I know you worry for your Eleronai friends.” Joel told her gently. “All three surprised
me, especially that vampire woman.”
“Victoria surprised you?” Adellandra giggled. “There is something I do not hear every
day. Something surprised the all-mighty Braken Joel Hawk.” She calmed, and knew he was still
listening. “I do worry for them, but I know they’ll be fine. Maybe that is why the Goddess
decided to give both Hikari and myself the same Vision?”
“Why do you say that?” Joel wondered.
“They are brave, loyal fighters.” Adellandra told him. “Maybe not as strong as the
“You do remember when the Crusaders were just a twinkle in Lord Father’s eyes?” Joel
asked her. “Each generation of them has to learn their own paths. It is the same with the
Eleronai. I, too, felt the power within each of them, especially Lord Foster. They must learn to
harness that power before it destroys them.”
Adellandra stared at him, thinking his words over. “You are right. Once this is over, and
we are back to our own lands, I will teach them.”
“You might not be enough.” Joel told her truthfully.
“Drake?” Adellandra asked, using her mate's Earthbound name.
Joel shook his head. “I fear he will be no help at all. That Bratton of mine is too hot-
“That Bratton of yours just so happens to be my mate.” Adellandra grinned. “Speaking
of mates, where are Nikita and Strath?”
“My darling Nikita is with the kits.” Joel smiled. “She had a litter of four this time.”
“This time?!” Adellandra was amazed. “The things I miss when I am on duty.”
Joel laughed. “It is okay. The first were a pair of twins; son Mateo, daughter Mataya.
They were born four summers ago. Now we have quadruplets: one female and three males.”
“Sounds like a houseful.” Adellandra remarked.
“We are still training Starfire to take the Epsilonian Throne.” Joel explained. “I swear,
that boy is as hard-headed as Lord Father!”
“If you mean Brakkon that time, I agree with you.” Adellandra remarked. “What about
Strath? Where is he?”
“Taking care of their kits,” Joel said. “All three of them.”
“That must be really hard on Laurynne, being away from her children and mate.”
“As much as it is on you.” Joel tapped her nose playfully. “You are delaying the
inevitable, cousin.”
Adellandra’s smile returned to a frown. “Yeah, I know.”
“Stop worrying and start acting.” Joel told her, giving her a hug. “Have faith in your
instincts, no matter what form you take or what you call yourself.”
“Thanks a lot, Joel.” Adellandra pulled back, kissing his cheek. “How I do miss your
Joel laughed, wrapped an arm around her and responded. “Let us see if our hard work
paid off, shall we?”
Adellandra nodded.
It felt great to be with Joel again. The first male Companion born of the Dream Realm
was the Originator O’Dell’s true-son, and always her competition for Guardianship over the
Mystic Realms. Since the War of the Realms some-odd years ago – too long for her to count –
they grew as friends and cousins, even if she was a Draconian blooded into the Mystic lines. He
confessed he never wanted the position, rather leaving it to her and O’Dell. When the War
ended, her past as the Lady Empress of the Dragon Nations returned to her in bits and pieces. He
helped her follow her heart when it came to the tough decision between her then-Earthly
Protector husband Derrick Reading and her true-mate of Lord Draconis.
“While you were daydreaming, I gathered the Eleronai.” Joel was teasing her.
“Everything is ready for them, and yourself, to return to the Illunae, as you promised Lady-
Priestess Hikari.”
Adellandra blinked, looking around her.
Sure enough, Joel had led them back to the front doors, where Pantheros, Corvus, Alissa
and Victoria awaited. The vampire didn’t look impressed, Pantheros was eyeing Corvus, who
was eyeing him for putting his arm around Alissa’s waist. She also noticed Alissa was back to
her Eleronai form, somewhat-Mortal with Angel’s wings folded on her back, her Angelica Blade
hanging at her side. Victoria had her various weapons hidden in places on her outfit. Corvus’s
Heckler’s Mace was strapped in his sack across his shoulders and back.
“Are we ready to go, or what?” Corvus rubbed his hands together.
She turned to Victoria, who was scowling, her arms crossed. “Yeah, thanks to you, I have
to readjust my personal clock.”
“Sorry, Vicki.” Adellandra grinned. Good to know she’s feeling better, at least. “Did you
want to join us there?”
“This chick is going back to Eleron.” Victoria shook her head. “I’ll just have to trust
they’ll return, unharmed.”
Somehow, the look in the vampire’s eyes was a lighter threat than she intended. It
showed she had emotions, and a soul under that rough, blood-sucker attitude.
“We need assure that our spell worked, Mame.” Pantheros interrupted, frowning in
Victoria’s direction. “Time is running out.”
Before Adellandra could ask, Joel answered. “Laurynne opened a special Portal, just
outside the Gates. It is only open long enough for you to return to the Illunae. From there, it will
close, and the original Portals will be reopened.”
“First Andros, now Laurynne.” Adellandra remarked. “This making-Portals-where-you-
wish power came from nowhere.”
“You have it too, you know.” Pantheros assured. “Otherwise, how would I have it?”
“Your Draconian father, who loves messing with time,” Adellandra rolled her eyes.
“Remind me to tell you about it sometime. For now, we need to go.”
After hugging both Laurynne and Joel, they waved goodbye and were on their way.
Once they saw the emanating crescent-shaped slit in the sky, Pantheros spoke up. “Do you
remember where to find the Portal to Eleron from here, or shall I help you?”
“I’ll be fine, slick,” Victoria winked, blowing him a kiss.
Pantheros’ eyes widened.
Adellandra and Alissa giggled.
“I fail to see the humor in her statement.” Pantheros remarked with a frown.
“She’s not effected by anything, if that’s what you’re thinking, Furball.” Corvus teased
him, clapping him on the back. “She’s joking. Learn to lighten up.”
“That would be my job.” Alissa wrapped her arm around one of Pantheros’ and winking
at him. The act made him blush. “Have a safe trip, Vicki. I’ll be back before you know it.”
Victoria and Alissa hugged, and Adellandra could just hear, “I hope so.”
With a wave, Victoria raced away.
“Right!” Adellandra nodded, taking Pantheros’ free hand and looking to the open portal
in front of them. “It is our turn, troops!”
Confidently, Adellandra and her Eleronai friends stepped through the Portal, bracing
themselves for anything that awaited them on the other side.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Lady Hikari Ikioi, the High Priestess-Consort to Lord-Priest Xavier in the Realm of the
Illunae, hiked up the skirts of her silver-white gown and fled the Throne Room as soon as Court
Audiences were over for the afternoon break. Something was tugging at her soul, urging her to
the Realm Portal that connected the Illunae to the Abyss, which connected every Realm in the
Inner Realms.
When she arrived, she saw she wasn’t the only one. Waiting for her were her sons, Zinc
and Copper, as well as Copper’s mate Lady Priestess-Consort Eugenia and Zinc’s seventeen-
summers-old student, Dianus “Dia”. Copper looked bright and happy as he held onto his mate’s
They’ve had it rough the past several years. Hikari thought to herself. I’m happy the
infant Myria came out healthy last year.
“You were pulled here, too?” Zinc asked her, smiling. He had his crescent-moon staff in
one hand. Dia stood by his side, hands clasped and resting on her dress.
Hikari nodded. “Hai.”
“Were we all pulled here for the same thing?” Dia asked.
“We’ll just have to wait and see, Dia dear.” They heard a voice behind Hikari. All turned
to see Lord-High Priest Xavier and Dia’s mother Ichiane.
“Would you believe I had the strangest dream?” Ichiane shook her head as she
continued. “I was dead, time had twisted to an extent, and no one could figure out how to fix it.”
“That was no dream, Mame.” Dia hugged her mother with happy tears in her eyes.
“Dia.” Zinc warned, closing his eyes and shaking his head.
She stepped away from Ichiane. “Sorry, Uncle Zinc.”
He ruffled her hair, which made her blush.
Hikari stared at the Portal, watching its energies whirl in osculating circles. The thought
of a tall, dark-haired man came to mind: his hair in dreadlocks, tied back into a makeshift
ponytail, his bright silver eyes that matched hers and a wicked smile she could not resist.
Her heart thumped in her chest, and she held it. Could she have fallen for a man she
never even met?
Wait though, she thought to herself. I did meet him; his name is Corvus Foster and he
was my “Chosen.”
She felt Xavier beside her. “Ta’vo, are you all right?” He whispered in her ear.
She turned to meet his worried golden eyes. Absently, she nodded; her attention back to
the Portal.
I promised Corvus we would figure it out when time, and he, returned. Hikari sighed.
That doesn’t make it any less confusing.
“What’s taking them so long?” Dia asked, staring at the Portal as well.
Hikari noted everyone’s attentions were to the Realm Portal.
“You’d think they’d be back by now.” Zinc scratched his head. “I did uncloak the right
one, didn’t I?”
“Hai.” Hikari spoke up quietly.
“It has been two days since time returned.” Copper whispered. “Where could they be?”
“Maybe they’re on their way, Cop?” Ginny placed a hand on his arm.
“Maybe.” Copper said. “Ichaine, why don’t you tend to Myria?”
“Hai, Me-Lord.”
Neither saw bow her head and leave.
Just then, as they all watched, the Realm Portal opened, and the brightest of light flashed.
The light faded a moment later as the portal closed, disappearing once again from view.
When they could see, they noticed the newcomers.
“Silver!” Hikari was the first to hug the Illunian-form of her daughter. She pulled back
and hugged Alissa and Corvus, who was more than a little shocked at her appearance. “You’ve
“Huzzah!” Lord Xavier hugged Adellandra as well. “And in one piece.”
“Hai, Pada.” Adellandra laughed.
Behind Corvus stood the Illunian form of someone Hikari had not seen in ages. She
stepped back and took the male’s hands examining him from head to toe before fiercely hugging
him as well. “Andros!”
“Gramere Hikari?” Pantheros asked. When they pulled back and he could see her better.
“The spell worked. You actually look more like my Gramere and less like my Mame.”
Hikari chuckled.
“Hikari?” Corvus’s voice could barely be heard over the reunion.
Hikari first looked to Xavier for his approval before going back to the Eleronai. His face
was filled with confusion, and only she was able to explain. “Come with me, Mr. Foster.”
“I suppose they have a lot to talk about.” They heard Alissa’s voice comment as they left.
“So, what happened?” Zinc hugged on his elder sister. “Obviously time returned to
normal, but how were you able to do it?”
“We had a little help,” Adellandra nodded to Alissa, “She along with another of our
friends from Eleron, Victoria, my Mystic Companion cousins, Joel and Laurynne, Andros, and of
course Corvus.”
“We were all needed for the Spell.” Pantheros explained. “I was surprised by the amount
of magic Corvus had untapped until now.”
“He has power?” Dia’s eyes widened as she listened in interest.
“You couldn’t sense it?” Zinc asked Dia. “I wondered why he didn’t use it. Did he
know about it?”
Alissa and Adellandra shook their heads.
“Why are we in our Illunian forms?” Pantheros asked, looking at his Immortal hands that
replaced his Panther-kin paws.
“Try shifting.” Adellandra instructed, closing her eyes and grasping the necklace at her
throat. After a few moments, when she couldn’t feel anything changing, she gave up. She
looked at Pantheros, who was still in his Illunian form: golden reptilian eyes, chocolate-brown
hair braided down to his waist and golden peregrine falcon’s wings adorning his back. “That is
what I thought. The Guardians' Portal Spell is back.”
“The what?” Alissa was confused.
“I am one of the Portal Guardians, obviously since it is partially my fault they are open to
everyone now, even those without magic.” Adellandra groaned. “Draconis and I put a spell on
the linking Realm Portals; Shapeshifters would be forced to look like the people of whatever
realm they entered.”
“Whose idea was that?” Alissa asked with a grin.
“That would be mine; since our many forms tend to confuse or frighten strangers.”
“You are in the Illunae,” Zinc explained after Adellandra. “The energies of this place are
much different than that of the Dragon Nations or wherever you disappeared to.”
“I was in the Realm of the Forgotten,” Pantheros told him.
“Shall we announce your return?” Copper asked the group.
Pantheros whipped his head, shaking it at his Uncle and Lord Xavier. “Pleska, nato.”
“I’d rather not draw unneeded attention.” Lord Xavier responded, noting Pantheros'
Adellandra took her son’s arm and reassured him.
“I meant Silver’s return.” Copper told his father.
“Nato!” Adellandra’s eyes widened and she stepped to Copper. “Pada’s right; we do not
need any unwanted attention. I mean, what will they think of the Eleronai?”
“Since when do you care about appearances?” Alissa asked, crossing her arms.
“Perhaps we should focus on the lost-Prince?” Zinc suggested, nodding to Pantheros.
“I will not allow myself to endure such foolery.” Pantheros frowned. “How dare you
suggest such a thing, Uncle?”
“I dare because we need a distraction from current events.” Zinc supplied. “In this time,
Sita, it's been a year since yours and Ravena’s return with Andros.”
Adellandra giggled. “What about Draconis? Anyone hear from him lately?”
“He sent a falcon with the news of his arrival soon.” Zinc shrugged. “It would seem
even he felt the disturbance and wanted to see what it was all about.”
“He should be all the distraction we need then, aye?” Adellandra crossed her arms.
Hikari could sense her daughter was anxious to see her beloved Lord Emperor again.
“We can hold a celebration once he arrives!” Dia clapped her hands. “I’ve heard so
much about him, I cannot wait to meet him!”
“You will have to, dear child.” Lord Xavier supplied, shaking his head. “He is busy with
affairs in the Demon Realm and will not arrive for another fortnight. Until then, I propose we go
about our business, as usual.”
“What about Corvus?” Alissa spoke up. “I mean, he’s supposed to be Hikari’s Chosen,
“True.” Lord Xavier cleared his throat. “Let Hikari handle Mr. Foster.”
A bell tolled in the distance, making Alissa jump.
“What was that?”
Adellandra looked to Lord Xavier and her brothers. “The Shrine’s Bell Tower is working
“It tolls for the afternoon meal and again for meditation.” Zinc told Alissa with a smile.
“Everything is back to normal.”
“When has anything with us involved ever been considered normal?” Adellandra teased.
“I do not know about you guys, but I am famished! Traveling through the Portal took a lot out of
“I cannot wait for Greta’s scrumptious cooking!” Pantheros cried.
Adellandra looked at him and laughed. Time returned to the Realm of the Illunae and she
was glad.
It just left her with one worry: what about Corvus and Hikari?
Why did her Pada approve of the pairing when he is Hikari’s mate? Was a dual-pairing
possible in a Realm where being fey was taboo? What would the People think, when the Second
Revolt was still underway?
She sighed, smiling again when she felt a peregrine wing wrap around her shoulders.
Everything will work out as it should; even the Chosen Legacy. Pantheros’ gentle voice
assured her in her mind. Think now of relaxing and letting time take care of the details.
“Kateea Kano.” Adellandra whispered aloud, using the Draconian words to thank him.
He kissed the top of her head as they walked to Castle Illuminata.
“Anytime, Mame.”
Chapter Twenty-Three
The Ties that Bind

Lady Hikari knew she had to do it. She had to tell Corvus how she felt about him, and
where he stood now that time returned to its natural flow. She led him to the same place she took
him when they first met: the Courtyard and the pond.
“I honestly don’t know what to say.” Corvus stood in front of the pond, hands in his
She sat on the bench, watching him. She had to explain the situation delicately, and tell
him the truth.
“Say whatever is in your heart.” Hikari told him gently. “I will not be offended.”
He turned to meet her awaiting eyes, which she knew were different from before. She
was older now, and taller as an elder adult, instead of being the spitting image of Silver. She
knew it had to be hard on him to see her this way.
“It’s different now.” Corvus stammered. “You’re the Lady Priestess-Consort of the
Illunae, or whatever you call it. For all I know, I’m nothing more to you than one of
Adellandra’s friends.”
Hikari was afraid of this. She stood, walking over to him and wrapping her arms around
his neck. Sure, he was shorter than her now, but it still felt the right thing to do. “I am the same
Hikari you fell in love with, once trapped in time.” She explained. “I have thought of nothing
but you for the two days since time’s return.”
“What about Lord Xavier?” He asked. “How does he feel about me intruding on your
“You’re not intruding.” Hikari grinned. “He understands, and has come to accept you as
my second mate.”
“Second mate?” Corvus asked her, pulling away. “Does that mean he and I,” he paused,
Hikari giggled. “I see you have heard of dual-matings from Silver.”
He nodded. “She told us she was in one, mated to both a male and female.”
“Being fey is unacceptable here.” Hikari explained. “You need not worry, for Xavier
will not fall for you as I have.”
Corvus breathed a sigh of relief, relaxing enough to wrap his arms around her waist.
Even if she was older now, it still felt right. “Good. I was afraid of that.”
“Now that I think about it, ours would be the first dual-mating here in over a century.”
Hikari kissed his lips. “The last known was before the Realms’ Border War; when the
Draconians thought to claim the land as their own.”
“I’m confused. How will this work?” He asked.
“We will figure it out, I am sure.” Hikari told him.
He nodded, and the look in his eyes told her something else was on his mind besides her.
“Is there something else bothering you, Cor?” Hikari was worried. “You know you can
trust me with anything.”
He squeezed her waist. “While we were in the Palace at the Gates of Time, I learned I
had a type of wild magic inside me. I used it to help repair time, but I didn’t know how to
control it.”
“You did not know about it until then?” Hikari was shocked. How could he not know he
had magic, when nearly everyone around her did?
“You did?” He accused.
“I trusted you would tell me in your own time, using it when you felt the need.” Hikari
stammered. “We felt it within you; it was one reason why the two of us connected so well.”
“We?” Corvus broke away again, this time sitting on the bench.
“Hai.” She sat next to him as he gathered his words, watching him hold his shaking head.
“The entire Realm could feel the power within you.”
“Nobody told me?” Corvus shook his head.
“It is our beliefs that the Magical Gifts are bestowed upon us by the Goddess Silver
Moon herself.” Hikari tried gently. “Through Her, we are all connected.”
“How was I supposed to tell you what I didn’t know?” Corvus asked her. He hid his face
in his hands. “This is all too much. My head is spinning.”
“I am sure it is and I do apologize for not asking about it sooner.” Hikari told him,
placing a hand on his back. “We have a special place here where you can learn your magnificent
gifts, and I know just the man to teach you.”
He looked up, showing the fear in his eyes. “Don’t tell me.”
Hikari smiled. “Zinc is our resident Druidic Priest.”
“You’re kidding me.” Corvus groaned. “I have to learn from him?”
Hikari laughed, placing her palms on his cheeks, forcing him to face her. “Relax,
Chosen.” She whispered. “I love you.”
Corvus relaxed, unable to stay mad at her smile. He smiled back, the connection between
them tightening. She could feel it from the bottom of her very soul. It warmed her heart. “I love
you too, Hikari.”
He took the chance to kiss her, pulling her close.
She lost herself in the kiss, where there was no space or time, only them. All feelings of
confusion, bewilderment, loss and despair evaporated as the link between them was forever
forged. No one would be able to separate them again, not even The Goddess Herself. Hikari
would not allow it.
The tolling bell in the tower nearby startled them apart. His shocked expression made her
“That would be the bell for the afternoon meal.” She explained, rising. “Why do we not
join the others in the Dining Hall?”
“Sounds like a plan, my Lady.” He stood and held his arm out for her to take.
By the time they entered the Dining Hall, the meal was being served, and the family
gathered at the table. The couple smiled at each other as the conversation stopped, focusing on
“Sorry we are late, everyone.” Lady Hikari sat next to a smiling Lord Xavier, with
Corvus sitting next to her.
“Quite understandable, my love,” Lord Xavier took her hand and kissed it. “I trust
everything is in order, Mr. Foster?”
“Yes, Lord Xavier.” Corvus nodded, taking Hikari’s other hand and kissing it.
Hikari laughed, as did the rest of the family. “How am I supposed to enjoy my supper if
you both are holding my hands?”
Lord Xavier and Corvus exchanged smiles, releasing her hands.
“I am glad everything is working out the way it should, Mame.” Adellandra smiled. “I
am happy for you three.”
“So am I.” Alissa smiled at him, sharing a grin of her own with Pantheros.
“Good, daughter-love.” Adellandra teased, nudging her.
Alissa was startled by the name. “Daughter-love?”
“You are Andros' mate.” Adellandra teased. “It is only a formal title, but that makes you
my daughter, in a weird way.”
“We haven’t gone that far yet,” Alissa stammered, looking to Pantheros’ still-smiling
“If Mame believes you are my mate, then that is what you are.” He said simply. “We
will just have to make it official before our departure to Eleron.”
Alissa pulled her hand and eyes from his, her face red.
“What’s wrong, Ali?” Adellandra giggled. “You do love him?”
“Can we talk about this later?” Alissa shoved a forkful of meat in her mouth to disguise
her discomfort.
Copper and his mate Eugenia sat together, as did Zinc and Dia. Despite the cheerful
atmosphere, Hikari sensed Adellandra’s smiles and laughter was forced.
What is on your mind, Silver darling? She asked in her mind once the meal was served
and all had eaten.
I am just thinking of home. Adellandra’s voice echoed sadly.
How long has it been since you last saw Draconis?
Adellandra was silent for a moment as she chewed and swallowed. Far too long for my
tastes. I deserve a nice vacation from my duties.
Hai. You work far too hard; it shows.
Adellandra shot her a glare from across the table. Gee, thanks Mame.
You know I worry for you, Silver.
Adellandra’s glare softened, and she looked down at her plate. I know; I apologize for
my blatant disrespect.
Come now, Silver Moon. Since when are you formal to me? Hikari sent with a teasing
smile. Darling, I’m your Mame. I’m allowed to worry.
Adellandra nodded. Not even this mutton stew made the Draconian way is enough to
satisfy me right now. It reminds me too much of home.
Hikari shook her head.
“’Kari? What’s wrong?” Lord Xavier asked, placing a hand on hers and interrupting their
mental conversation.
“I worry for her as well.” Lord Xavier glanced up at their daughter. “She works too hard
with no rest between magical workings.” He confided, opening their mind path so Hikari could
listen in. Have you rested at all since returning?
Nay, Lord Pada.
The response sounded weary, and made him worry for her even more. Usually, she
would scold him or protest that she needed no rest.
I suggest you do so after the meal.
After a few moments of silence, Adellandra stood and addressed the family. “Pada,
please give my compliments to Greta for her delicious meal. I will be in my quarters should
anyone need me.”
“Did you need an escort?” Hikari asked.
“Nato Mame, thank you anyway.” Adellandra curtly nodded, pushed her chair in and left.
Alissa stared after her, confused. “What’s wrong with her, Lord Xavier?”
“She is still weary and drained from the magical working.” Hikari answered for him.
“She is just going to rest for awhile.”
“How can you tell?”
Zinc was the one to answer without looking at her. “We’re a family of Empaths and
telepaths. We felt it.”
Alissa shared a look of worry with Corvus as she went back to what was left of the
mutton stew on her plate.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Adellandra was weary, depression hitting harder than ever before. She had not been this
careless since before reuniting with her beloved Draconis. How could she work herself so hard,
she wore her body, mind and magic down to the ultimate limits?
No Elspeth or Draconis around to keep me in line; that is how. She thought to herself,
walking to her room in a daze. She could hardly keep her eyes open, her vision blurred. She
stopped in her tracks and leaned against the nearest wall. The deep Dweller-kin slumber should
heal me, but for how long?
She thought of the red-haired Alissa and her best friend, Mame Hikari’s “Chosen”
Corvus. Each of their smiling faces went through her mind, making her feel awful.
What am I going to do with them? She shook her head. I should not have brought them
here. They should not have been involved in my affairs; for all Ali's Angel magic and whatever
Corvus has, they are still not strong enough. Why did I not take them home to the Nations? At
least there, I could have introduced them to Drake, Ellie, and the children.
That’s when the vision of Mal’estar went through her mind, giving her a dragon’s eye
view of the area. The Empire Herself now sat on the borderline of the Mystic Realms and the
Dragon Nations, the Gates taller and stronger than they were in the Dragon’s Fall. The
Marketplace was just outside of the Castle Gates; the Cobra-Draconian Sebastian’s Jewelry
nestled between two much-bigger buildings with his smithy just outside the door.
She missed her beloved Dragon Nations, not to mention her mates and children.
Normally, she would take Draconis or Elspeth with her or it would be a short trip and she would
return just in time to greet them. Involving the Eleronai changed her routine.
I did not mean to be gone so long. She interjected to herself. It was only supposed to
last a few days at the most. How was I supposed to know we would be knee-deep in the middle
of a time warp mystery? How could even I have foreseen the trouble caused by Sai’brenn’a?
Between her, Andros’ return and the Black-as-Night Crystal, I do not think I can handle much
more! I want, no need, to go home; to Draconis, to Elspeth, the children and my beloved
A dragon maiden in half-dragon, half-woman form went through her mind. The ember
eyes of her maiden form were gentle and understanding; the smile on her lips told Adellandra
just how much she empathized. Just the thought of the woman’s ringlets of raven-black hair
raking though her fingers was enough to make Adellandra’s heart ache.
Oh, Ellie, She thought to her Fey-bound mate Elspeth with a depressive sigh. How I miss
your insight keeping me from reaching my breaking point?
To her surprise, a gentle voice entered her thoughts. Rest lanta. We will be there when
you awaken.
Adellandra could feel the gentle push of her fey-bound’s compulsion in her mind, telling
her to sleep.
I will rest, fridishda sit'ca; just let me get to my quarters. Adellandra sent.
It was too late.
Adellandra’s eyes closed, her mind shut down and her body dropped to the floor.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Ichiane heard a thump from outside the embroidery room. She and her daughter both
investigated to find the very woman she had not seen in years; the Lady Silver Moon herself.
“Find a strong manservant to take her to her quarters.” Ichiane instructed to Dia. “These
old muscles are not what they used to be, dearheart.”
“Hai, Mame. I will return.” Dia nodded and raced off.
Ichiane simply stared at the silver-clad form of her old charge. Back in the day, Silver
was the Lady-High Priestess of the Illunae with her mate and Lord-High Priest-Consort, Lord
Draconis of the Dragon Nations. The one memory that came to mind was of a long time ago,
when Silver was no more than a waif with empty gray eyes and dull graying hair. Plagued by
bad dreams and visions of her past as Draconis’ lost Empress, Silver soon became lethargic and
the opposite of her usual cheerful, bubbly self.
Some say it was Draconis’ fault for her sad turnaround; others thought it was the ten-
summers-old Andros’ running away that made Silver leave her beloved home. Ichiane believed
the Goddess Silver Moon, the very Lady from whom Silver was named, had Called her Home.
For the longest time, the entire Realm was saddened by Silver’s abrupt departure, unknowing
how to handle her younger brother Copper’s reign.
We were belated when she returned last year with both of her children in tow. Ichiane
thought to herself when she saw the Royal Crest of the Dragon Nations around her neck. She
was no longer just our Silver Moon, but Draconis’ lost DragonWolf Empress searching for
information about her enshrouded past.
Question remains: why is she here now, and in the form of our Silver Moon?
“Mame!” Dia’s yell broke into her thoughts. When Ichiane looked up at her daughter,
she saw Silver’s brother Copper, the current Lord High-Priest of the Illunae running after her.
Copper caught up to her. “Ichiane, what happened to her?”
Ichiane shrugged, shaking her head. “I know not, Lord Copper.” She lowered her eyes in
respect. “Dia and I heard a noise and investigated. Perhaps once you carry her to her quarters,
we can heal her and find out?”
Copper and Dia looked at each other, as if keeping a secret from her.
“I mean no disrespect, my Lord, but please, if you know something, do share.” Ichiane
frowned at each of them. “Both of you.”
“I promise, we will explain later, Mame.” Dia nodded. “Let us get her to her bed and
heal her.”
“I agree.” Copper bent down and gently lifted Adellandra’s Illunian form from the hard
Ichiane and Dia followed, though her daughter and Copper stayed silent.
She would find out soon what they were hiding, as well as the answers to her internal
questions. She just had to wait until Adellandra-as-Silver woke and explained herself.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Lord Draconis Dratianos, Emperor of the Dragon Nations and Guardian of the Inner
Realms, could feel his beloved Empress fading away even as he and his soul-brother Demarian
spoke in council.
The Demon Lord eyed Draconis, curious as to why he stopped in the middle of a
sentence to frown.
“Draconis?” Demarian wondered, waving a hand in front of his face to get his attention.
Draconis’ hand was quick to grasp his soul-brother’s wrist, pinching it with thick, sharp
dragon’s claws as he stood. “I fear we must leave earlier than expected, Soul-brother. We are
needed in the Illunae.”
“Uh-huh.” It was Demarian’s turn to frown. “I heard what happened there recently. Did
you know time was rippled here for a while as well?”
A gasp escaped from the dragon-man standing behind Draconis. He shared a look with
his Branno when he demanded. “Do tell.”
“Well, Destria and I have experienced little skips in time, if you want to call them that.”
Demarian yanked his hand away, rubbing his wrist. Destria was Soul-sister to Draconis’ mate
Adellandra, as Demarian was Draconis’ Soul-brother. “For instance; one moment I am bathing,
the next, I am wet and naked in the Throne Room.”
Dranus chuckled, but cleared his throat when Draconis scowled. “My apologies, my
“Now then,” Draconis turned back to Demarian. “We traveled the Inner Realms, and
noticed the same time anomaly happening everywhere we go. I only visited to see if had
happened here as well.”
“What about the Mortal Realm?” Demarian asked, sitting once again. Draconis
continued to stand. “Have your Mystics experienced it there?”
“For one, they are not ‘my’ Mystics.” Draconis stated. “For another, I have spoken with
O’Dell and the remaining Originators. It would seem they, too, have experienced the same
“Everything is fine now, aye?” Demarian asked. “I haven’t felt anything for a couple
days at least. Could it have been something your beloved Empress did when she was on duty
Draconis growled, leaning on the table and glaring at his Soul-brother. “How dare you
insinuate Adellandra had anything to do with it?”
Demarian raised his hands in surrender. “Chill; it was just a thought.”
“One that did not need voicing,” Draconis growled, showing the Demon Lord his teeth.
Dranus had to grab his brother from behind as he lurched so he would not kill the man.
“Adellandra is incapable of malice of that caliber, if at all.”
The three men heard a female voice from behind them. When they looked, they saw two
women; both clad in black from head to toe. The taller of the two was Demarian’s blood-sister
Destria. It was the shorter Elspeth, who yelled.
Elspeth, with her long ringlets of black hair and glowing yellow eyes that showed she
was angry, walked up to them. “We will get to the bottom of it; we promise you that, Demarian.”
Her eyes softened once she got their attention. “My Lord, the Lady and I will figure out what
happened to cause the time anomalies. For now, even I can feel our Lady is in need of us, so we
must be going.”
Elspeth eyed her Lord Draconis, tightly nodding her head. “I Felt her need for rest, and
used compulsion to put her to sleep.”
“Waste no time,” Destria spoke up. “I can Feel her waning, even as we speak.”
Draconis stood straight, his hard face softened at the mention of his Empress in trouble.
“Kateea, Demarian, Destria. Come Branno and Elspeth; we’re needed in the Realm of the
Once they gathered their weapons, the three Draconians shifted form and flew to the
Chapter Twenty-Four
Surprise Visitor At Illuminata

“Is Adellandra going to be okay?” Alissa asked Zinc for the millionth time. “I haven’t
seen her since the afternoon meal, and that was three hours ago.”
She was really worried about her friend; just the look on the Lady’s face was enough for
Alissa to take notice. It was unlike Adellandra to act like anything but Lady of the Inner Realms
or a diplomat. She was always strong, powerful, and wise; it worried Alissa now to see her so
sad and depressed, as if recent events weakened her.
“Alissa, please stop asking.” Zinc groaned. The five of them: Alissa, Pantheros, Corvus,
Zinc and Hikari were heading from the castle to The Shrine so they could begin Corvus’s
magical training. “Relax, okay? I’m sure she’s fine; she’s probably just resting.”
“I sense more than that,” Hikari announced.
“As do I, Gran.” Pantheros agreed. “I have Felt it since A’isha’s last appearance.”
“Appearance?” Corvus asked. “Do you mean in the Chamber of Time, or wherever we
Pantheros shook his head. “Her battle with Sai’brenn’a drained her considerably.” He
explained. “She needed me there as an anchor so we could return from it.”
“Did she use you again in the Chamber?” Alissa asked, stopping the group in their tracks.
“No need; she had Braken Joel and Laurynne, two of her Mystic Companion cousins.”
Pantheros replied. “Not to mention, the boost you three gave her. That is why we were all
needed, the power was much too intense for her to handle after battling with Sai’brenn’a.”
“I worry about her, especially since then.” Hikari sighed. Corvus wrapped his arms
around her and kissed her forehead.
“Everything will be as it should soon, I am certain of it.” Pantheros supplied. He grinned
at Corvus. “For now, let us concentrate on your wild power, Mr. Foster.”
Corvus shuddered. “Ugh. I hate being called Mr. Foster. It reminds me of my father.”
Alissa giggled, looking around and finding a spot to sit around the Fountain. “Will Dia
be joining us?”
Zinc shook his head. “She and Ichiane are seeing to Adellandra.” He told them.
“They’re trying their best to heal her while she sleeps.”
“Ichiane saw Silver fall on the way to her room.” Hikari replied. She cleared her throat.
“Alissa, if you do not mind, Zinc and I will be working some potent magic as we train your
friend. Andros, would you do the honors of seeing to your mate’s safety?”
“Hai, Gramere.” Pantheros looked to Alissa and took her hand. “Come with me. This
could be dangerous.”
“I want to stay with him.” Alissa argued.
“I’m sorry, but Mame is right.” Zinc shook his head. “I don’t want to see you get hurt
should anything go wrong in his training.”
“Hello!” Corvus cried loudly. “Don’t talk about me as if I’m not right here, listening. If
she wants to stay, let her. It’s her funeral.”
“Cor!” Alissa cried, shoving her hands on her hips and frowning. “Fine, I’ll leave, but
you’d better be nice to him. Wouldn’t want him crying like a little baby, would we?”
“Very funny, angel.” Corvus spat back playfully. “Seriously though, leave. You’re
cramping my style.”
Alissa knew that was his way of saying he’d be fine. “You just want some time to
impress Hikari.”
“Not as much as you want time alone with the mystical wonder kitten.” Corvus teased
“In case you could not tell, I have not been a kitten for quite some time, Mr. Foster.”
Pantheros teased with a straight face. He pulled Alissa into a hug so he could kiss her lips. The
act made her blush, hiding her face in his chest.
Corvus laughed at Alissa’s embarrassment. Maybe the feline-man was not so bad after
“Come along, Angel. Let me show you some secret places I used to visit when I was a
child.” Pantheros pulled her around and winked before a mist engulfed them, making them
disappear from view.
“Did he just teleport?” Zinc laughed, shaking his head.
“May the wonders of Andros never cease to amaze.” Hikari grinned at her son. “It has
been far too long since he returned home for more than a few days. It’s a welcoming change to
our routine.”
“What routine?” Zinc asked with a grin. “I agree. Let’s just hope he stays for awhile.”
“I agree.” Corvus nodded. “If he stays, Alissa and I can stay as your Chosen.”
“You are already my Chosen, Corvus.” Hikari wrapped her arms around his waist and
kissed him.
“I hate to interrupt, but it’s not official yet.” Zinc said. “According to the Chosen Legacy,
he must prove himself worthy of the Illunian Peoples’ trust.”
“How are we going to do that?” Corvus asked, eyes wide.
“Not to worry; we’ll help you.” Zinc winked.
“I was afraid of that.” Corvus groaned, and Hikari chuckled.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Pantheros took Alissa to one of his secret places deep in the forest and high in the trees.
Once he spread his wings, she spread hers and followed wherever he led. They landed in the
tallest tree they could see from above; one that looked as if it were designed for falcon-people
like him.
“What is this place?” Alissa asked, looking around.
It was made up like a child’s tree house, complete with branches and leaves that were
shaped to make furniture and makeshift curtains on the window. In the corner was a large nest
that she believed served as a bed, for there were blankets and pillows piled around and inside it.
“This used to be my home away from home.” Pantheros whispered, closing his wings
and pulling her close. “I am quite surprised no one has disturbed it in so long.”
“So this is where you’d run away from home?” Alissa surmised. He nodded. “Did you
run away often?”
“Sadly enough, whenever I was punished.” Pantheros kissed her forehead. “I brought
you here to show you a piece of myself hardly anyone knows about.”
“Thank you, Pantheros.” Alissa looked up into his golden eyes with her own emerald. “It
shows me just how much you trust me.”
“Aye, I do.” Pantheros nodded with a smile. “Ever since I lay my feline eyes on you,
Alissa, you have intrigued me. You have a style and sophistication unlike any other female I
have ever encountered, yet you can still remain a playful kitten.”
“So I’m unlike anyone you’ve ever met?” Alissa smiled. “I guess I can take that as a
“Please do, because from me, it is.” Pantheros kissed her lips and she was in heaven.
She did not want the kiss to end, but it did. She took his hands in hers. “I’ve never felt
like this with anyone else before.”
“What do you feel, angel?” He asked.
“I’ve barely known you for a few days, but you’ve made me feel so loved.”
“That is because you are loved.” Pantheros grinned. “Not only by your sarcastic,
overactive friend and my Mame, but by me.”
“Do you believe me your mate?” Alissa asked seriously.
“I told you, if Mame believes it so, it must be true.” Pantheros supplied. “Let us take
this day by day and see where it goes, would you not agree?”
Alissa smiled. “Aye.” She then thought of all her friends in Eleron. “What about when I
go back to Eleron? I can’t stay in the Inner Realms forever, you know.”
“I have traveled many realms, love.” He told her, kissing her lips. “One more is not
going to hurt me.”
“You would leave the Inner Realms and all you know, just to be with me?”
Pantheros led her to his nest, where he laid both of them down and wrapped his arms
around her protectively. Oddly enough, it felt right to be in his arms.
“I would travel through time if it meant we would have more of it to spend together.”
Pantheros whispered. “I will go anywhere with you, darling one.”
They laid there in silence, just reveling in each other’s embrace. After awhile, Alissa
realized just how exhausted she really was when she yawned. The day’s events and the flight
here had taken a lot out of her.
Pantheros kissed her forehead, which provoked her to snuggle closer to him. “Sleep my
fallen angel, and dream. For when you wake, I will be here to love you.”
On that, he closed his eyes and slept content for the first time in a long time.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Back in the Shrine’s Temple School, Corvus was getting frustrated. His head hurt, his
body ached, and he was pissed at his own lack of progress in learning his special type of magic,
whatever it was.
“I’m never gonna get it!” He cried, throwing a violet-black ball of energy at Zinc.
It never touched him, for the teacher was smarter than the student. The raised protective
shield was always in place, and Zinc was glad of it.
“Calm down or you never will.” Zinc scowled, lowering the shield. “If you wish to
control your magic, you must first control yourself.”
Zinc knelt on the floor with his legs under him and hands placed firmly on each of his
Corvus took a deep breath before he did the same.
Zinc continued in his best teacher’s tone. “Close your eyes and clear your mind of
“Kinda hard to do since I’m always thinking,” Corvus mumbled. Zinc frowned at him.
He is a tough one, is he not, Zinc? Hikari asked in her son’s mind. She was watching
from the sidelines.
That he is, Zinc sighed back. Mame, you’re distracting him. Will you please check on
Hikari stood, knowing she was the main reason Corvus was no longer concentrating on
taming his magic. She shared a nod with them and left.
So many things have changed in the past couple of days, Hikari thought to herself as she
casually walked back to Castle Illuminata and her mate, Xavier. After Silver, her friends, and
Andros disappeared through the portal, it closed. We had no choice but to go on with our lives,
hoping of all hopes they would fix time. Myria was still resting in her bed, unknowing of what
was going on in the world around her.
Hikari nodded and smiled at the people as she passed by them.
Xavier and the children worried they would not succeed, thus dooming us to this time
warp for all eternity. Of course, their worry was for naught, as Silver and her friends did, in
fact, fix time. We found that out the next morning.
“My Lady Hikari, the Young Priestess Ravena awaits you in your Solar.” A maiden
caught her as she passed through the doors. “She insists you speak with her as soon as you
received the message.”
Hikari sighed, nodding. “Thank you, Karin.”
With another nod and a curtsy, the maiden Karin was gone. Instead of heading to the
Throne Room to greet Xavier, Hikari heaved a sigh and marched to the stairway and up to her
What could that girl want this time? Hikari asked as she climbed. Andros’ sister has
always been a little irritable. I still find it oddly suspicious that she was standing in front of the
portal the morning we awoke from this nightmare in time.
She stood in front of the Solar door, reminding herself this was the right time.
Sai’brenn’a was defeated, banished to the Unknown without her powers. The imposter-maid
was no longer a threat to their precious home.
Holding her breath, she reached for the knob and turned. It turned easily, the lock no
longer there.
Hikari pushed the door open and found a woman with raven’s black hair and small
dragon’s wings folded at her back. A furry dragon’s tail twitched as she stared out the window.
“You wished to see me, granddaughter?” Hikari announced her own arrival, closing the
door behind her.
The woman turned, her curtain of hair whipping around her. She raced to Hikari with
open arms, wrapping them around her in a tight hug. “Gran!” She pulled back and Hikari saw
the worry in the woman’s golden eyes. Her pale-as-death skin was dull, the life from it gone. “I
was so worried about you!”
“Calm yourself Ravena, before those beautiful wings molt.” Hikari took her hand and led
her to the small table by the window. “Now, sit, and tell me what is on your mind. You appeared
two days ago in front of the Realm Portal, silent until now. Why have you come after all this
“It has only been a year since we helped Lady-Aunt Eugenia deliver her babe.” Ravena
grinned. “It has not been that long.”
Hikari crossed her arms and frowned. “Explain yourself, Ravena Dratianos.”
“Fine; you want explanations, here they are.” Ravena huffed. “I felt a disturbance in the
time rift and had to investigate, especially when I found out Dratyr left Mal’estar with Uncle
Dranus and Lady Elspeth. Being the offspring of an investigator and Draconians, I knew
something was suspicious when Matéré did not return to the Nations after her quick trip to
“She has her duties, as you well know.” Hikari told her. “I ask again, why have you
come? Why now?”
Ravena played with the ringed jewelry on her tail. “I had an unsettling vision on my way
here. Matéré was in need of me and a strong healer.”
Hikari looked out the window. “Did that vision happen to tell you why?”
“Gran?” The query was a soft one.
I will take that as a ‘no’. Hikari thought sadly to herself. “Your Matéré,” she began,
pronouncing it as ‘May-tear’ instead of the Ancient Wolf-Speak ‘Ma-tare-ay’, “was caught knee-
deep in the middle of our time warp with two Eleronai. One is now your Bad'ra’s mate Alissa
Monaco and the other is my Chosen.”
“Your Chosen One is from another Realm?” Ravena blinked. “How does Granpere feel
about that?”
“Xavier was tentative at first, until he saw the love we had for one another.” Hikari
continued by explaining everything that had happened before Ravena’s arrival.
Hearing about Sai’brenn’a did not shock the girl; neither did the fact they were in a weird
time-warp where Hikari was her Matéré’s Sita and her cousin Myria was a woman grown as her
own Grandfather’s Priestess-Consort. Not even the fact two Eleronai were mixed up in it, drug
from their comfortable world to one they knew nothing about.
What shocked Ravena the most, besides knowing her Matéré ran herself ragged, mind,
body and soul was the knowledge her brother Andros had something to do with it.
“Where are they now?” Ravena demanded with a frown. “Matéré and Andros?”
“Your Mame is in her quarters, resting.” Hikari explained. “As for Pantheros, he is with
the other Panther-kin from Eleron, Alissa.”
After a moment, Ravena nodded her head and her face was serious. “Lead me to Matéré.
Maybe I can help?”
“If you are certain?” Hikari asked. She knew little of the girl’s healing powers, but knew
that she had helped her Mame revive her brother from what was now being called a Storm-
wrought state.
“Positive.” Ravena nodded tightly and passed her, giving Hikari no other choice but to

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Ravena followed her memories of Illuminata as she searched the castle for her mother.
She heard Gran Hikari’s footsteps behind her, hurrying to catch up.
There was a feeling – a tug, rather – in her gut telling her if she did not hurry, her Matéré
would be lost to all, and that included her Dratyr, Draconis. The last time Adellandra
disappeared, it was the Dragon’s Fall, a war brought on by the combination of Draconis’ form as
the God Kaos and his Dratyr Brakkon’s form as his Chaotic Thorn. What started as a battle
between the two ended in near-destruction of the entire Dragon Nations by both Kaos and Thorn.
Years later, the Draconian Armies fought another war, against Dominionite Master Orthos, an
enemy of the Mystic Realms. Hoping she would see her father again, Ravena fought alongside
her friends in the demon wolf tribes. When it was over, Ravena followed the Armies to
Mal’estar and found nothing had survived. Though she was the daughter of Silver Moon, the
High Priestess of the Illunae, she felt she lost the home of her heritage.
Ravena shook her head as she ran up the stairwell to Adellandra’s quarters. When both
women threw open the door, they found Ichiane and Dia already looking after her.
“Mama Ichiane!” Ravena huffed. “How is she?”
Ichiane and Dia both bowed their heads as Ravena walked over to the bedside. Dia
stepped aside to let her see. Her Matéré’s form looked so frail; skin pale as death itself, no color
in her cheeks. She lay there motionless but the movement of her chest as she breathed.
“She is unchanged, Miss.” Ichiane answered quietly.
Dia looked over Ravena’s shoulder to Hikari’s eyes. Did you tell her everything?
Hikari nodded.
They watched Ravena placed a hand on Adellandra’s chest and closed her eyes.
“I have matters to attend ladies, so I will leave this to you.” Hikari told them regally.
“Do keep me informed.”
Dia and Ichiane curtseyed. “Aye, my Lady.”
“Thank you.” Hikari nodded curtly and left.
After a few minutes of walking and thinking about the past few days’ events, she sighed.
She worried for her daughter, even though she knew very well just who Silver really was. Hikari
had read all the Chronicles of A’isha’s many forms, from A’isha to Adellandra, Silver and Ariana
and back to Adellandra. She truly was the Goddess of many names.
She must pull through. Hikari thought to herself. So many people depend on her.
Correction. Dia’s voice echoed in her mind. She will pull through.
I sense Dratyr, Uncle and Matéré Elspeth are on their way. Ravena stated after her. I
will call them, and Bad'ra to us.
Do it quickly. Hikari sent to Ravena as she walked down the hallway.
The memory of hers and Draconis’ first meeting was fresh in her mind. She was aloof
and rude, unknowing the one she spoke out to was Lord Emperor of Mal’estar, and from the
Royal Family that controlled most of the Inner Realms.
To herself, she thought. I should apologize to him.
Not to worry, Gran. Ravena’s voice echoed, interrupting her thoughts. I am certain he
has already forgotten it.
Oh, I do hope so, dear. Hikari sighed, stepping in the Throne Room.
Pasting on a smile and a psychological mask that told her people she was all-Priestess,
she headed to the dual-set of Thrones. Xavier took her hand and kissed it in greeting as she sat.
No time for reminiscing and losing herself in memories of times long gone. As a High-
Priestess of the Illunae, there was work to do.
Chapter Twenty-Five
The Chosen’s Training Begins

Zinc sighed, reopening his eyes and glancing at his student. They had been meditating
for the past hour and he could tell Corvus was no closer to learning control than he was four
hours ago.
After some initial tests to see what kind of magic the Eleronai held, it was determined he
was his best friend Alissa’s opposite. While she was the Angel, he was the Demon.
That was the trouble with wild and unpredictable magic like that; Zinc never knew how
to teach people to use it. In the end, the bearers of Demon Magic always had to learn on their
own, the hard way.
Not to mention he was sarcastic, stubborn and pig-headed to boot. Zinc thought to
himself, frowning. How can I teach him when he is like that?
That’s when Zinc came up with an idea, and smiled.
“Uh oh,” Corvus mumbled. “I don’t like that smile, Zinc. What’s on your mind?”
Zinc stood and bowed. Let’s see what he can do so far.
Confused, Corvus stood and bowed, keeping his eye on Zinc.
Zinc waved a hand and placed a protective shield around himself, invisible to his
opponent’s eyes. With another smile, he said simply. “Show me.”
“Uh, show you what?” Corvus was still confused, automatically going into a fighting
He thinks we’re going to physically battle. Zinc surmised. This should be interesting.
“Show me what you’ve learned, Eleronai.” Zinc grinned, a certain twinkle in his eyes
scared Corvus.
The Eleronai gulped. “Uh, how?”
Zinc used a hand to almost-effortlessly produce a sphere of silver-white energy in his
palm. He nodded for Corvus to do the same.
Zinc watched as his student raised a hand to his eye level and squinted. A moment later,
a flash of purplish-black energy pulsed above his palm.
“Good.” Zinc told him. “Now use it.” He pointed to the sky and stated as if reading
Corvus’s mind. “Don’t ask how; just do it.”
Corvus closed his mouth and frowned. “Stay out of my head, Illunian.”
“Then do as your instructor tells you, Eleronai.” Zinc supplied. “Attack me.”
“Isn’t that a little foolish, even for you?” Corvus eyed him curiously.
“Pay attention, or you’ll fade out.” Zinc nodded to the ball of energy in Corvus’s palm.
The light was growing dimmer.
Corvus gasped and frowned as he squinted, making the ball grow once more. “Are you
sure about this?”
Zinc only nodded. “Go for it.”
Wincing, Corvus threw the ball of energy at Zinc, watching as it dissipated when it hit an
invisible shield.
Zinc held his smile, apparently unharmed from the magical attack. “Very good, Corvus.
Now, can you shield yourself?”
Without giving the other man a chance to respond, Zinc threw his sphere of magic at him.
Corvus reacted by crossing his arms in front of himself to shield his head and stop it from hitting
him. Zinc noticed the purplish sphere around him that showed the other man had a shield up,
just as suspected.
“That’s what I thought.” Zinc whispered. To Corvus, he said. “Lower your shield and
come with me. We’re going to do some research.”
“Great.” Corvus complained. “I hate reading.”
Zinc ignored his attitude and headed to the Library inside the Temple School.
Ten minutes later, the men were in the Library; Zinc looking through the collection of
arcane tomes as Corvus leaned against a wall, playing with a sphere of purple-black energy in his
hand, bored.
How am I supposed to train him? Zinc asked himself, glancing at Corvus. The Eleronai
was throwing the sphere of energy in the air as if it were a baseball. Zinc rolled his eyes and
returned to the bookcase in front of him.
He fingered the spines, silently reading the names on them until he came upon one that
struck his interest. It was labeled: “Demonology and the Demon’s Magic.” He could hear
Corvus tapping his toes on the granite floor, irritated as Zinc fingered through the Index.
The most he knew about Demonic Magic, besides it was the opposite of Angelic, was that
it ran wild and uncontrollable in one from the Inner Realms. That’s where it became very
interesting, for Corvus Foster was from somewhere else entirely. It made it that much harder to
teach and the situation surrounding it even more confusing.
Zinc clapped the book closed with a huff and shoved it back in place on the shelf.
What to do with him now? He thought with a frown, staring ahead. Just how much did
we know about the sarcastic male Mame named her “Chosen”? He could be a cold-blooded
killer with that oversized mace of his, and we not even know it.
“Zinc?” Corvus was curious. “What’s up?”
“I’m unsure, really.” Zinc scratched his head, facing the Eleronai. “Based on what little
we know about your personality, and what I have seen for myself, I’d be willing to bet your type
of Demon’s Magic is based on your emotions.”
“I figured that out on my own, Sherlock.” Corvus quipped.
Zinc blinked. “How?”
Corvus shrugged, “I noticed Alissa wasn’t paying attention at one point during the ritual.”
He explained. “It threw off the rhythm of the chant. I got mad at her for it, which threw it off
even more. To get it back, I calmed down.”
“I see.” Zinc smirked. “Have you told her about it?”
Corvus shook his head. “Never got the chance; Pantheros knocked both of us out for
some much-needed sleep.”
“So the boy’s learned a trick or two after all,” Zinc chuckled to himself.
“Sorry,” Zinc smiled, shaking his head. “Andros was smart when he did that, though he
was a little unorthodox about it.”
Corvus raised an eyebrow. “Okay.”
“Magic is energy from within you.” Zinc tried to explain. “Once it’s diminished, it must
be replenished. To do that, you must rest, or meditate, or eat. Andros did what he thought best
for the both of you.”
“Heh.” Corvus commented. “I never knew he cared.”
“Not about you, he doesn’t.” Zinc pointed out. “For some reason, he loves Alissa and
knew, to get on your good side, he had to treat you with care and respect.”
“Well, I am his grandmother’s second mate.” Corvus shook his head and chuckled.
“However awkward that sounds.”
“Don’t expect me to call you Pada anytime soon.” Zinc chuckled.
Corvus gave him a look that said “You’re crazy,” so Zinc cleared his throat and returned
to the bookshelves. “Now then, about your training.”
Corvus couldn’t help smiling.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Pantheros watched his new mate sleep, her dark round spots of fur moving with the
rhythm of her breaths. Bright red hair was tousled on his arm as he held her protectively. He
knew he did not deserve her, and feared losing her once she found out his tainted past.
What was it about her that intrigued him the most? Was it her inner-strength against odds
she knew nothing about? The way she looked at him with kind green eyes and smiled with that
gentle yet mischievous look on her face?
What surprised him the most was the amount of magic she still held. It may not have
been as much as those still in the Havens, but she was still able to access its healing properties.
She was a very powerful Angel; she’d shown that plenty of times, mainly when she soothed
Adellandra’s soul with her Angel’s Magic.
For that, Pantheros was grateful, and very lucky.
If you are finished fawning over your new mate, you are needed back at Illuminata.
Pantheros sighed, recognizing the condescending tone of his younger sister. When did
you return, sister dearest?
The day you returned from the Gates of Time. Ravena told him. I am giving you an
order, Bad'ra. Matéré needs us.
Pantheros was aware then. What happened with Mame?
She overexerted herself again, Ravena explained somberly. Dratyr and Matéré Elspeth
Felt it from Mal’estar. They are on their way.
If his Pada felt it from across the Realms, the situation could not have been good. Have
you tried healing her?
Aye. Ravena sighed. She is not responding.
What is her form?
Ravena’s mind-voice was silent for a moment, and the connection between them
weakened. After a few moments, she whispered back. She is in the form of our Mame; why
Pantheros briefly explained what happened between Adellandra-as-A’isha and
Sai’brenn’a, and how their mother returned from it as a seven-year-old Ariana Moon, complete
with new Dream Locket shining around her neck.
Do you believe that will happen again? Ravena asked in his mind as he rose and woke
Alissa, telling her to ready herself for the trip back to Illuminata.
Without saying a word, the duet was on their way.
If we are unable to heal her, I fear it will. Pantheros continued his telepathic
“Why do you look so sad?” Alissa asked him, flying close.
He kept his eyes on the sky ahead as they flew, unable to meet hers.
“Mame is in dire need of healing.” Pantheros told her simply. “My younger sister
Ravena called to me in my mind, demanding our return to Illuminata.”
Please hurry, Bratton. Ravena begged, her mind-voice sounding as if she were going to
The Red Hair and I are on our way now. Pantheros’ empathic tone went to her, soothing
his sister’s worry. It will be okay, I promise.
Thank you, Andros. Ravena purred-whined in his head.
The telepathic connection between them quieted and he was again left with his thoughts.
He felt a squeeze to his hand and looked over to a very worried, yet patient Alissa Monaco.
“She’s my friend; I’ll do what I can to help her.” Alissa was determined, her words
ringing true. It showed him she really cared about those she called friends.
Pantheros squeezed her hand back, nodding. “Right now, let’s fly to Illuminata and
assess the damage.”
Alissa nodded, her attention returned to the sky ahead.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
As Pantheros held Alissa’s hand on their way to Illuminata, so did the Lord Draconis and
his Second-Lady, Elspeth. Dranus flew close behind them, following wherever they led.
The last time Dranus visited the Illunae, it was a year ago, and he found out he was father
to a lovely cobra-Draconian daughter named Dianus. He missed his beloved Ichiane, Dianus’
mother and nursemaid to the Royal Cobrianos family of Castle Illuminata. The memories
flooded his mind, a little over a century since he was first stationed there as Draconis’ Branno.
The first time he sensed something out of place within the Realms, he felt a part of
himself die, once again becoming hollow and empty. Draconis felt something as well for three
days. At first, the brothers ignored it, but Elspeth knew better. She told her beloved Draconis
she could no longer sense Adellandra, her fey-bound mate and his Empress.
When the three were able to leave Mal’estar, they set Draconis’ son Prince Kronin on the
Throne temporarily and told him they would not return until they solved the mystery. Though
worried for his Matéré’s health, Kronin stood strong and saluted, with a fist on his heart and a
tight nod of his DragonWolf head.
They flew to each Capital City of the Inner Realms, questioning those at Mek’anar,
Mal’estar’s sister city first. Draconis’ twin brother Drakkar and Adellandra’s twin sister
Adarramena Felt the disturbance as well, and so did their people. Drakkar’s fey-bound mate of
Dran’a’vir sensed it as well, and wished he could have joined the trio on their investigation.
“You are needed here, Dran.” Draconis told him, nodding. “I expect a full report on your
investigation by the time we return.”
Dran’a’vir, who was born in the Outer Realm and raised a detective named Shane “The
Shadow”, saluted with a smile and agreed.
The next place they visited was Lord O’Dell’s Castle in the Mystic Realms. The Uni-peg
Wizard reported the same disturbance, calling it a ‘Time Anomaly”, and telling them to hurry and
track it to its source, before something else happened.
Dranus smiled at the memory. O’Dell was Adellandra’s predecessor and blooded-
Ancient Mystic ancestor, always worried ‘something bad would happen’. Since relinquishing his
Guardianship to Adellandra, O’Dell was growing older and insane.
Good thing O’Dell has the Mystic Sister Enchantra to keep him upbeat. Dranus thought
to himself. Otherwise, neither of the Mystic Realms would be safe from the paranoid delusions
he claimed were “visions.”
Well, the man is getting up there in years. Draconis caught his brother remembering their
trip to the Mystic Realms.
Dranus had to hold back a laugh. We are older than he is by centuries; do not give me
that bunk!
Worry about O’Dell later; we need to hurry. Draconis’ mind-voice was serious. I can
sense Adellandra fading, even with Ravena’s healing.
I only hope we are not too late. Dranus sent back, the smile disappearing, and memories
of his dear Brattonata – sister-in-love – returning to his mind. It saddened him to think the strong
DragonWolf mate of his oldest brother was so weak.
Have faith, my Lords. Elspeth’s gentle tone, always the voice of reason, broke into the
brothers’ thoughts. Before you know it, you will both be scolding her for her foolishness.
Dranus smiled, knowing in his heart the Monarch’s Own of the Nations was right. In the
back of his mind, he thought of ways he would teach the Empress a lesson.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Back at Castle Illuminata, Ravena opened her eyes and promptly fainted.
Dia gasped, and Ichiane helped her move the woman from the floor to a makeshift cot by
Silver’s bed.
“I am not enough,” Ravena whispered in her sleep. “Bad'ra is on his way.”
Dia shook her head, placing compress to Ravena’s forehead and covering her in a
blanket; her pale skin was ice-cold.
“Just what has Silver done with herself, daughter?” Ichiane stared at her former charge.
Dia took a deep breath and thought of her next words. “I apologize, Mame, but without
permission from the Lords or Ladies, I cannot explain.”
“You will tell me when you are ready?” Ichiane placed a hand to her daughter’s cheek.
“Hai, Mame.” Dia looked over to the sleeping Adellandra in her Silver Moon form. “I
promise, we will.”
They heard a flapping of wings out the window, looking to see a pair of snow white
wings Dia knew belonged to Alissa Monaco coming at them at ferocious speed. Beside Alissa
was the golden pair belonging to the Lord-Prince Andros. As they flew closer, Dia could see
they were both in their Black Panther forms and neither looked happy.
“Who are they?” Ichiane whispered.
“Lord-Prince Andros and his mate, the Angel, Alissa Monaco,” Dia explained
automatically, watching the two descend and race inside.
“Since when is Andros a Panther-kin?”
“That question would be best left for him to answer.” Dia told her.
Ichiane stared at her daughter. Something happened all right, I am certain of it. She
thought to herself. My daughter has become a woman, almost overnight.
Ichiane sighed, reaching for the nearby ceramic jug of water, helping herself to a glass to
calm her nerves.
“I hope we are not too late, Lady Ichiane, Miss Dia.” Pantheros called from the doorway,
the red-headed Alissa behind him. Upon entering the room, he was shifted to his Illunian form:
the long braid of chocolate-brown hair, golden reptilian eyes, and golden peregrine falcon’s
wings, with skin as white as death.
“Your Lady Sister just fainted from healing, and is resting, Lord Pantheros.” Dia told
them as they came in the room.
“Make no mistake, Miss Dia,” Pantheros smiled. “I am no lord.”
Dia nodded, bowing.
“She rests quietly, my Prince.” Ichiane bowed her eyes, as if meeting his would destroy
her on the spot.
“Silence can be either good or bad.” Pantheros said softly, nodding to Alissa.
As if knowing exactly what to do, Alissa moved to one side of Adellandra’s bed, reaching
white-glowing hands over her friend’s chest, closing her eyes. Pantheros took that as his cue and
placed his own hands over hers, closing his eyes as well.
In place of wings, Dia noticed the woman had her Angelica blade strapped to her back.
The red-head was in her Eleronai form, no longer a Panther-kin. Both she and her best friend
Corvus would never cease to amaze her. There was just so much their Illunian counterparts
knew about them.
For a split second, Dia feared for the Realm’s safety.
Dia shook her head of the anxious thoughts, turning to Ravena’s sleeping form when the
girl moaned. Ichiane was there, tending to the girl, so Dia’s attentions returned to watching
Pantheros and Alissa.
She could faintly see a golden-white glow of magic surrounding their hands, reaching out
and covering Adellandra’s still form. Dia could sense the magic in the air; it was as powerful as
that of the Gods. She hoped it would be enough to save her.
“My Lady Ravena, do rest.” Ichiane broke into Dia’s thoughts with the command.
“I must help them.” Ravena argued; standing and placing herself at her brother’s side.
Without opening his eyes, Pantheros’ hand moved to cover his sister’s, joining them in the
healing trance.
Dia had to do something besides stand there. She was a healer, too, but was she strong
enough to help, even a little?
Determined, she walked over to Alissa’s side and joined in.
I apologize, Mame, She sent to Ichiane, who was in shock. I must do this.
She is your blood-kin; by all means, help her.
Before closing her eyes, Dia looked over to her mother.
Ichiane was smiling in approval.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Zinc tried not to think of his beloved Dia using her special healing power on his sister
Silver. He knew she would not be enough, even with Andros, Alissa and Ravena’s aide.
He sighed, exhausting of the constant drills he was forcing Corvus to repeat. There was
no more Zinc could teach the Eleronai without testing his mettle. Once he figured how to do
that, he’d be set.
“What’s your problem?” Corvus gibed.
Another thing Zinc was tiring of: the Eleronai’s sarcastic attitude. He sighed. There had
to be a way to teach the boy a lesson without killing him in the process.
“Hello!” Corvus waved a hand in front of his face to get his attention.
Zinc only frowned. “We’ve been at this all day; I say we take a break.”
Corvus’s eyes widened, surprised. “Really?”
Zinc nodded. “Hai. Find Hikari, whatever you want, just be back here first thing in the
morning; I’m not finished with you, yet.”
Corvus whooped and raced toward the castle.
Zinc laughed, rolling his eyes and leaving the Temple School to find his brother.
At the evening meal, Dia and her mother were permitted to join the family at the Royal
Table. Dia sat next to Zinc, looking worse for wear, and needing a good meal to rejuvenate her
energies. Zinc could tell the same for his niece Ravena, nephew Pantheros and Pantheros’ new
mate Alissa.
Hikari was at the head of the table with his father Xavier; Corvus was on Hikari’s other
side, trying to cheer her up by telling her about his day. By the look on his Mame’s face, it
wasn’t working.
Again, there was an empty place where Adellandra would have been. No one wanted to
admit it, but without Silver, no matter what form she took or name she called herself, Illuminata
was a very solemn place.
Chapter Twenty-Six
The Maze of Strength

That night, Hikari slept in Corvus’s quarters with him. For all, she was still the same
woman he met when he arrived at Illuminata, only older. He was proud of her, really, and how
she handled the time warp crisis. She really took her duties as Lady-Priestess of the Illunae very
seriously, even though it was supposed to be those of her son Copper’s mate Ginny.
In the little time he’d known her, he could tell Ginny was not a very good Priestess of the
Realm. Running it was stressful for Copper, even with help from his parents.
Corvus slept hard that night, his arms protectively wrapped around Hikari’s waist. In the
morning, she was gone and a note was left on his door. It was from Zinc, and it told him to
dress, gather his best fighting gear – which included his Heckler’s Mace – go to breakfast and
meet him behind the Temple School building.
His bath was ready for him when he headed to it. Only one servant was there to hand
him a towel when he was ready. That same servant, who resembled an Undead from Eleron,
only better dressed, followed him around his room as he dressed in a metallic silver armor with
the symbol of Illuminata on the shoulders. The servant helped him with the breastplate, kneecap
shields and hard metal boots whose tops clanged when they met the floor.
After an hour of dressing, making sure the hard-leather backed bag that held his
Heckler’s Mace was secure across his back, he was followed by the servant to the near-empty
Dining Hall.
A place was already set for him when he entered. Nobody else was around save for the
two maidens that normally worked there. The servant stood across the table above the empty
chairs, hands behind his back. The two maidens stood behind him, watching silently as he ate,
filling his plate or glass when either was in need of it.
It was creepy, having people watch him eat.
When he was finished, the maidens cleared the table, bowed at him and left the Dining
Hall. He almost expected to be accosted by either of the Royal Family on his way out of the
castle, but Illuminata was strangely silent. Not thinking it important, he headed to the Shrine’s
Temple School.
Corvus stopped in front of the gate that led to the Shrine. He turned to see the servant
followed behind him, as he suspected.
Taking a chance, he asked the servant. “Can you talk?”
“Hai.” It was a short, raspy reply.
“Good.” Corvus said. Looking around him, he saw the Shrine was deserted, as were the
grounds, marketplace in the distance, and many homes along the Castle’s grounds. “Where is
The servant craned his head. “I do not know what you mean, sir.”
“Don’t play dumb with me, servant.” Corvus spat. “You can’t tell me we’re the only
ones in the Realm.”
The servant kept silent.
Corvus shook his head of it all and turned, pushing the gate to enter the Shrine.
When he turned around again, the servant was gone, and so was the rest of the Realm.
“That’s…odd.” He whispered to himself on his way to the Temple School.
The door was open and he pushed his way inside. Usually, he’d run into either Dia or
Zinc studying at one of the tables lined against the back wall.
As he suspected, the school was deserted. He went through to the back door where he
would hopefully run into Zinc and demand answers.
Once outside, he saw the tall opening in the hedges in front of him.
“Zinc!” He yelled into the air. “Where are you, man? Aren’t I supposed to meet you
There was a paper tied to one of the hedge-limbs. He snatched it off and read it.

Corvus smiled. He liked this kind of adventure. “Now this is more like it! A rescue
mission and I get to battle a monster or two!”
Unsheathing his Heckler’s Mace, he tossed it on his shoulder like a bat and headed
through the maze.
Left, right, straight until it hit a dead end, and turning left, he paced forward with
expectations of meeting the Illunae’s version of monsters. His hands itched to battle since he
arrived in the Illunae four days ago – or was it five? With all the time-warping madness, he’d lost
It didn’t matter. All that did right now was rescuing Zinc and the girls.
Wait. Corvus thought to himself, whispering aloud. “What girls?”
That’s when he heard screams from afar. Where were they coming from?
He looked left, then right before deciding to move down the right-hand path.
He turned a corner to meet eyes with a large bat-like creature.
“Where do you think you’re going, Eleronai?” The bat-like creature screeched, flapping
its wings.
Answering was a waste of breath, Corvus thought to himself with a smile. Instead, he
swung Heckler at it, hitting its body and knocking it out cold.
He carried on, fighting more creatures, some were bat-like, others wyverns, but mostly
oversized ravens and crows.
“I must be getting close,” he said aloud. “They’re multiplying.”
“Help us!” Corvus heard female screams.
Now he was certain he was getting close. The screams sounded as if they were coming
from across the hedge.
Corvus could feel magic bubbling in his system, urging him to use it. He looked at his
free hand and saw the familiar indigo-glow of his Demon Magic. Raising his hand toward the
hedge, he focused the energy, blasting a hole through the hedges big enough for him to climb
He could see a hydra defending its prize: a huge pole with Adellandra, Dia, Alissa, Hikari
and Zinc tied to it. It was hissing, its three heads swinging in separate directions.
“Great.” He grumbled to himself. “And me without a Medusa head. Whatever shall I
“Cor! Help!” Hikari's and Adellandra's voices echoed.
“How do you suppose I do that?” Corvus shouted up at them.
One of the hydra heads swung at him. He jumped out of the way just in time.
“What's its weakness?” Zinc yelled down.
The second hydra head was watching its captives, licking its lips and showing its teeth.
“Hurry – it's hungry!” Alissa cried, shrieking when the second hydra head drooled on
her. “Ew!”
Weakness, he thought to himself. What is a hydra's weakness? Can't be the head; chop it
off and it has a habit of growing back three-fold.
The third hydra head was laughing at him as it and the second head swung at him from
two different sides. He swung Heckler at each, managing to knock it senseless.
“Go Cor!” Adellandra cheered. “There's not much time – hurry and finish it off!”
“Lucky shot.” Corvus remarked, shrugging.
The middle head was wrapped around its captives' pole, still licking its lips and smiling.
“That was not luck, my friend.” Adellandra supplied. “That was skill.”
“Now hurry and go for the kill!” Hikari yelled, eyeing the middle head.
“How?” He asked again, hands raised.
“Use your magic!” They all cried at once.
Corvus looked to his hands. Heckler was glowing in his right hand as his left hand
pulsed with his Demon Magic. He smiled, suddenly knowing what to do.
Charging up his Demon energies, he swung Heckler in the air, releasing it just in time to
plunge into the hydra's heart.
It screamed so loud it vibrated.
Everything around Corvus fizzled, the effects making him dizzy. Unable to stand, he was
forced to his knees. He forced a weak smile as his eyes fought to stay open. Corvus could only
watch as his friends' bindings were loosened.
“I did it.” He whispered, finally allowing himself to faint.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
“Are you sure this is going to work, Z?” Copper asked his brother, watching him over
Corvus's sleeping form.
Zinc shrugged. “I only hope so, Cop.” He waved his arms over Corvus, his blue-silver
magic fighting to control the Eleronai's indigo aura. “It was the only thing I could think of on
such short notice.”
Copper nodded, clapping Zinc on his back. “Should you need anything, you know where
to find me.”
Zinc's gaze never wavered from his work. “You'll be a thought away. I get it. Now, go.
This is delicate work, and I cannot be disturbed.”
“Right.” Copper stated, slowly shutting the Altar Room door behind him.
Zinc sighed, focusing once again on his task. Corvus's Rights of Consort.
Shrouded in mystery like a long-ago tale, the Chosen Legacy was confusing, even to
Zinc's educated mind. It was found during the first few days of the mysterious time-warp.
Wrapped in a protective magical coating, the book was found by Zinc in the main Library.
When he brought it to his father's attention, he was silent in thought. His mother, Hikari
was in a daze for a week, thinking about it. Neither High-Priest or Priestess knew what to think
about it. Zinc and Copper could feel a wedge of uncertainty and confusion coming between their
parents. Until the Chosen One was announced; that is, until Corvus Foster happened to pass
through the Realm Portal from Eleron, there was nothing anyone in the Family could do.
Between the strange time-warp, the Chosen Legacy, and the many events that followed,
Zinc knew the entire Realm of the Illunae would change.
He shook his head of such thoughts, sighing as he focused more of his special brand of
magic on his main task. He only hoped the Eleronai would pass the test. If not, they would all
be doomed.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Family Reunion

Lord Draconis Dratianos, his brother Dranus and Monarch's Own Lady Elspeth passed
through the Realm Portal into the Illunian Realm. Their forms changed from Draconian to
Illunian, their dragon-like features shifting to those of Immortals. Elspeth had long black hair
fastened in a sophisticated bun against her neck, her small dragon's horns peeking through her
forehead. Dranus and Draconis looked more like brothers than ever; Draconis' darkened features
resembled his Outer Realm Immortal form, his eyes and wings changing color to gold and the
deepest of blacks. He and Elspeth were both dressed in Royal Attire as Dranus was in full Guard
They rushed through Castle Illuminata, nearly-colliding into a very surprised and
confused Copper Cobrianos.
“Where is she?” Draconis demanded in a growl.
“In her Quarters, Lord Draconis.” Copper stuttered. “Your Illunian children are already
there, helping.”
“I know.” Draconis marched ahead, Elspeth and Dranus directly behind him. “Ravena
already told me.”
“Good.” Copper announced, following beside him. “I would say welcome back, but that
wouldn't be appropriate, would it?”
Draconis stopped for a moment, frowning at the current High-Priest Lord of the Illunae
before going on.
Copper hung back with Dranus and Elspeth as they hurried to Adellandra's quarters. “Do
you know what's happened here?”
“We know all about your warp through time.” Elspeth stated.
“Silver's wondered if it effected the other realms.” Copper explained, watching them.
“It has; we have investigated it thoroughly.” Dranus grumbled.
“Shista.” Copper cursed. “We were afraid of that.”
Before either of them could say another word, Draconis stopped them in front of Silver's
open door.
He saw an interesting sight. A red-haired woman he'd met only once before was helping
his son Andros, daughter Ravena and the young Dia heal the Illunian form of his beloved mate.
Ichiane was standing by, head bowed and waiting for instructions.
“Dia,” Dranus breathed from behind him.
Not now, Bratton. Draconis mind-spoke.
I agree; now is the time to wake her. Elspeth remarked, making her way to Silver's
bedside. She touched the red-head's shoulder. “Rest, Red-Hair. We will take it from here.”
Alissa shirked back, barely noticing Elspeth's touch. Without speaking, she nodded and
headed to the cot to lay down.
Dranus went over and touched Dia's shoulder. Dia blinked out of the Healing Trance, her
eyes sorrowful. She wrapped her arms around Dranus' waist, allowing him to lead her away.
Draconis met his brother's eyes once he and Dia were out of the way. Dranus nodded as
he held an exhausted Dia. Draconis took Dia's place, met Elspeth's smile, closed his eyes and
A'isha, my beloved. Draconis' mind-voice was that of his God-form Draconai. Time to
come home.
After several moments of silence, and plenty of God's Magic mixing with those of his
and Silver's offspring, Draconis could feel her returning to consciousness.
Draconai...her mind-voice was that of her Goddess-form A'isha. Let me Rest.
He Felt Elspeth's gentle push reaching out to her. You have Rested long enough. Awaken
now, and greet us.
To everyone's amazement, Adellandra's eyes fluttered open. A smile spread across her
face as her hands reached to touch those of Andros and Ravena.
Draconis opened his eyes and smiled into hers as they met. “Welcome home, darling.”
He gently touched her lips with his.
Andros and Ravena were awoken from their Healing Trance. Ravena was the first of
them to speak.
“You're okay now, Matéré?”
Adellandra nodded. “I am now that I have you with me.”
Dranus spoke up. “You know what to do, Ichiane.”
“Hai, Dranus.” Ichiane pronounced his name as 'Dray-noose,' leaving the room.
“Let us leave them alone.” Dranus instructed his niece and Dia, who was still silenced.
“Aye, Uncle.” Ravena sighed, kissing her mother's cheek and squeezing her hand before
Andros was still staring at his mother's Illunian form.
Adellandra reached up with a hand to touch one of his cheeks. “Pantheros, tend to your
mate. Your Pada, Elspeth and I will be fine.”
Andros hesitated. “Are you sure, Mame?”
Adellandra nodded with a smile. “I promise.” She whispered. “Besides, Alissa needs
you more than I do.”
Andros looked over to Alissa, who was sleepily gazing at him from the cot. After he
went to her side, he used what little energy he had left to teleport them out of the room.
Draconis was curious. “Pantheros? Mated?”
Adellandra only grinned at her own mates. “Allow me to explain.”
“That would be a wise choice, my Lady, if I may be so bold.” Ichiane's voice piped up
from the doorway. She was holding a tray of food and drink, setting it on Adellandra's lap.
“One query first, Ichiane.” Adellandra supplied. “How long have I been out this time?”
“'Since the afternoon I believe.” Ichiane replied, hands clasped at her waist. “Lord
Copper brought you here when you fainted. It would seem you worked yourself to exhaustion
again, Silver Moon.”
Adellandra sighed, biting her lip when she felt her mates glaring at her. “It was not as if I
had a choice in the matter! There was work to be done, and I was the only one knowledgeable
enough to do it.”
“You know very well either of your Bad'ras or parents would have been more than
willing to help, no matter what it was.” Ichiane pointed out.
“She has a point, lover.” Elspeth squeezed one of Adellandra's hands.
“Tell us what happened here, and why you've resorted to this form.” Draconis gently
commanded with a frown.
Adellandra looked to her tray, taking a half-sandwich and biting into it. She chewed
slowly, gathering her thoughts.
He had to know, being who and what he was. He was the Lord Emperor of the Dragon
Nations, and the Realm of the Illunae was technically under his – and her – rule. Her beloved
Emperor mate listened patiently to her story. When she was finished, she could practically feel
the growl rumbling in his chest.
“I knew he was up to something; I could smell it.” Draconis growled.
“Who, Drake?” She used his Earthbound name to ask the question. “Kaos?”
“Who else but Kaos would allow their Creations loose to do severe damage?” Draconis
“You believe Kaos was behind Sai'brenn'a's attack?” Came the voice of Pantheros.
“Why would he care, after you exiled him to Oblivion?”
Adellandra looked up. “For revenge, no doubt.” She shook her head. “I am just sorry
you were used by her, Andros.”
“I am more sorry than you, Mame.” Pantheros purred quietly, standing beside his father
Draconis. “I allowed myself to be used.”
“So this Kaos character, whoever he may be, is behind everything.” It was another voice,
that of Pantheros' mate and Adellandra's Eleronai friend Alissa. “Sounds familiar.”
“He goes from Realm to Realm causing havoc and bringing destruction, leaving chaos in
his wake.” Draconis explained. “There's no way to permanently stop him, so we, as his
Creators, must clean up whatever mess he leaves behind.”
“You created him?!” Alissa faced Draconis. “Whyever for? If you knew he was like
this, why let him loose?”
“It's a very complicated story; one that does not need retelling now.” Elspeth spoke up
before either of her mates could say anything. “If you three do not mind, the Lord Emperor and I
wish to have some private time with the Lady.”
Alissa's face turned red, and her hands flew to her mouth. “Oh!”
Pantheros laughed, wrapping an arm around her waist and whispering in her ear as he
transported them out of the room.
Ichiane, though not happy knowing what had happened while she was away, smiled at the
trio, bowing as she quietly made her way out the door.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Dranus knew his brother and their Monarch's Own wanted personal time together once
Adellandra awoke from her slumber. He wanted the same with his own beloved, Ichiane.
For the moment, he was watching over Dia's sleeping form in her bed, thinking of the day
they first met.
It was a year ago, in true-time, when Adellandra was told of yet another incarnation that
needed her attention. Draconis told her little about the High Priestess of the Illunae named Silver
Moon Cobrianos. He instructed her to take her stepdaughter Ravena along so she could learn
more. The women left the next morning with Elspeth in tow, just for good measure.
Along the way, they'd met up with Adellandra's Mystic Dweller-kin cousin Simone
Martiya and her bondmate, the Apprentice-kin Daniel in the Outer Realm. The Dwellers had
found something more pressing that needed her personal attention. That something pressing was
the Peregrine Falcon-Immortal form of Ravena's older true-brother Andros.
Adellandra wrote in her Chronicles later how, as soon as her Healing hands reached to
touch the Falcon's wounded head, memories resurfaced. She knew everything about her
previous incarnation as Silver Moon, including her two children and the Draconian mate.
Since the Dwellers had to return to Romania to Rest for the day, and Adellandra knew
she, Elspeth and Ravena alone couldn't carry him, she called on her mate Draconis to help.
Dranus, of course, being Draconis' Branno, was drug along for the ride. Once through
Scotland's Realm Portal, Dranus alone was instructed to carry the male once Draconis forced him
to shift to Immortal form, one without wings. They made it through the Realm Portal to the
Illunae in silence.
That's when Dranus met Dia for the first time.
She was right outside the Portal, tending to the garden when it opened. She rose from her
gardening and stared. Unknowing of what to say, the Cobra-Draconian girl could only listen
when Draconis ordered her to notify the Priest and Priestess of their arrival.
“Dranus.” A gentle voice of an elder woman interrupted his thoughts, pronouncing his
name “Dray-noose.”
His heart beat for only a moment before he turned to meet Ichiane's eyes. She smiled,
tightly nodding as if giving him permission to move. He smiled back, wrapping his arms around
her and greedily taking her mouth.
I missed you so much, Iche! Dranus growled lustfully in her mind.
As I missed you, Dranus. Ichiane purred back. They parted. “Let's take this somewhere
Dranus couldn't agree more.
Ichiane took him to the garden behind her home, where they reminisced about the old
days, when he was in the Illunae as the Lord Emperor's Branno.
Draconis had been searching for his beloved “Lost Empress,” finally finding her there in
Castle Illuminata, disguised as her second incarnation of Silver Moon Cobrianos. Ichiane was
introduced as Silver's handmaiden and nursemaid. As Silver and Draconis spent time together,
Ichiane and he were stuck in the background. It wasn't long before Draconis and Silver had no
need for their services, thus leaving Ichiane and him to fall in love.
Soon after the young Priestess Ravena's seventh birthday, Silver walked away from
everything she knew and loved, including a heartbroken Draconis. The Illunae was left in the
hands of her younger brother Copper and his mate Ginny. Draconis and Dranus had to leave,
which left Ichiane alone.
Dranus hated to leave her, but he had no choice.
Years later, on a mission from Draconis, he'd found himself back in Ichiane's arms.
Ichiane had a secret; her charge, Dianus, was his daughter. He was belated, honored and
overjoyed to hear he was a father. While Draconis was spending time with his long-lost Illunian
son Andros, Dranus was free to spend time getting to know his small, but happy family.
“Get your head out of the clouds, Ta'vo.” Ichiane laughed, nudging his side. “Whatever
were you thinking about?”
“Besides how happy I am just to have you by my side again?” Dranus teased her lips
with a kiss. “Absolutely nothing.”
Ichiane laughed again, hugging him. “Good. That's what you should be thinking about.”
Dranus grinned.

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