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New Media Labs Proposal for Filmbucks Studios LLC

Ground Floor, Upper Eastside

Pickwick Road


Prepared for: Filmbucks Studios LLC

Author: New Media Labs

Date issued: 3 September 2009

Version: 1.0 Trailer Portal Implementation

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New Media Labs Proposal for Filmbucks Studios LLC

Table of Contents
1 Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... 3
2 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 4
3 Functionality Discussion............................................................................................................. 5
3.1 Functional Element ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
4 Proposed Architecture ............................................................................................................... 7
5 Functional Specification ............................................................................................................. 8
6 Hosting and SLA ......................................................................................................................... 8
7 Costing ...................................................................................................................................... 8

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New Media Labs Proposal for Filmbucks Studios LLC

1 Executive Summary
Filmbuck Productions aims to create a social network to support the independent film community.
Through their network of independent production companies, they have the ability to assist
fledgling filmmakers in developing their proposal trailers into full films.

Filmbuck Productions would like to provide an online portal that will help showcase and support the
best that the community has to offer. Through a combination of online video editing tools, video
players and social network systems, individuals will be able to make their film ideas and trailers
visible to their peers in the film community. Voting systems (backed by the FILM BUCK) will assist
independent production companies in selecting the most popular trailers, allowing them to fund and
produce these films.

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New Media Labs Proposal for Filmbucks Studios LLC

2 Introduction
Today, many options exist for social networks. Increasingly, the trend is to target social networks to
support niche communities. These niche social networks provide a rich set of functionality designed
to allow these communities to explore their shared interests easily and effectively.

Filmbuck Productions has identified that the independent film community can benefit from a social
network focused on the production process. aims to grow from a
showcase for independent films and trailers into a full social networking site that allows
collaboration in the conceptualisation, scripting, production and marketing of independent films.
The goal is to allow motivated individuals and companies to connect and interact throughout this

A core business focus for New Media Labs is enterprise web 2.0, niche social networks and online
media. For this reason we have developed a specialised framework facilitating concepts such as
membership, media management, content management and communication mechanisms that
target these areas.

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New Media Labs Proposal for Filmbucks Studios LLC

3 Functionality Discussion
3.1 Video Trailer Showcase
At the heart of the experience is the display and viewing of trailers and
proposal films. Trailers, produced either offline or with the integrated video editing components on
the website, will be available for viewing by members and the public.

The trailers will categorised by genre, and the visitors to the website will be able to browse and view
these trailers at will. As they are watching a trailer, sections of the webpage will display other
popular trailers they might be interested in.

3.2 Trailer Voting

Once a visitor has viewed a trailer, they will have the opportunity to participate in the process of
converting it into a feature film. They do this by voting – with the distinction that their vote not only
signals interest in the film, but also assists in the funding of it’s production.

Votes are made with FilmBucks – a site credit nominally valued at $1. Each vote costs a FilmBuck,
and votes can only be made by members. Once a film has been produced, these votes allow the
filmmaker to reward supporters by inviting them to attend the premiere.

3.3 Trailer Editing

Some film producers, especially during the early stages of conceptualization, may not have the tools
or facilities to produce high-quality trailers or concept videos. Filmbuck Productions will provide
these resources on the website, allowing the users to directly edit footage, add effects / sounds and
images, and produce trailers.

Filmbuck Productions will provide a library of footage and short clips that can be mixed with the
users own material, or simply remixed in their entirety, to assist film makers in producing their
trailers. Along with text overlays and comments, these will allow the users to convey the full details
of their film concept in the trailer.

New Media Labs envisions that the tools for video editing will be provided by an existing package – a
number of which exist. We would assist in styling and integrating these tools into the wider
functionality of the website.

3.4 Supporting Social Network

Voting, uploading trailers and interacting with a social community would not be possible without a
full supporting suite of social network functionality. Social networks require profiles, login and
authentication tools, media uploaders, administrative interfaces, archival tools, voting systems,
comment engines as well as messaging and mail functionality. New Media Labs has existing
frameworks and expertise in providing these, and can build your website around proven systems
that provide for these requirements.

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New Media Labs Proposal for Filmbucks Studios LLC

3.5 Later Functionality

Over time, as expands the scope of its social network, we will be able to
assist in adding blog and forum elements to the website. Filmbuck Productions has several other
concepts they would like to explore – collaborative script development, designing of marketing
materials, selection of audio / visual components of films, etc.

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New Media Labs Proposal for Filmbucks Studios LLC

4 Proposed Architecture

Social Network Framework

Video Trailers
Comment Video Editing
Vote with Upload Effects
FilmBucks Cut Text
See full film Mix Music

The core of the website will consist of a social network customised to suit the needs and
requirements of Filmbuck Productions. It will need to track the normal details of a member’s profile,
as well as storing their FilmBucks and keeping track of their voting history.

Some members of the Filmbucks community will also be producers, and have listed trailers. For
these members, their profiles should reflect their videos.

We will build the core social network atop a proven stack of Microsoft technologies. Microsoft
Internet Information Services will serve the webpages that drive the site, and sit atop Microsoft
Server 2008. Profiles, workflows and voting information will be stored within Microsoft SQL Server
2008. These systems, together with New Media Labs social network frameworks, have been proven
repeatedly as powerful and scalable foundations for social network applications.

Video trailers will be made available through Flash video player components hosted in the website
pages. These will be integrated with the remaining site look and feel so as to provide a consistent
user experience throughout the site.

The social network will integrate with a video editing system to be decided upon. We envision that it
will operate as either an application stack that New Media Labs will integrate into the social
network, or that it will be provided as a set of services from a third party technology provider. In
either instance, New Media Labs has extensive experience in “mashing up” technology components
with social networks to provide fully featured online environments.

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New Media Labs Proposal for Filmbucks Studios LLC

5 Functional Specification
To be discussed.

6 Hosting and SLA

To be discussed.

7 Costing
All pricing is in ZAR and is exclusive of VAT.

Category Subcategory Hours Rate Cost Comment

CMS and DB
DB Design 40 450 18000

DB Development 32 450 14400

Workflow 24 450 10800

Membership and Login 16 450 7200

MVC Models (Web 24 450 10800


MVC Views 24 450 10800

MVC Controllers 32 450 14400

Data Exposing Web Services 24 450 10800

CMS Total 97200

Enterprise2.0 Framework/Niche Social Network/Application Front En

Video Uploader 24 450 10800

Video Rating 16 450 7200

Payment Processing 24 450 10800

Vote Aggregation 24 450 10800

Login Control 8 450 3600

HTML 40 450 18000

Jquery 24 450 10800

CSS 40 450 18000

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New Media Labs Proposal for Filmbucks Studios LLC

Design Splice to HTML 24 450 10800

Front End Total 100800

Unit Tests 16 450 7200

User Acceptance Testing 32 450 14400

Testing Total 21600

Total Cost 219600

(20 percent of project cost) 43920

Project Total Cost

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New Media Labs Proposal for Filmbucks Studios LLC

Appendix A

Standard Terms and Conditions

The following terms of business apply to engagements accepted by New Media Labs in relation to Product Sales, Professional
Services and Consultancy Assignments. The provision of all products, hardware and work carried are subject to these terms
except to the extent that changes are expressly agreed to in writing and adopted as official addendums to this agreement.

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

Upon carefully reading and understanding the terms and conditions as set out within this document a duly appointed authorised
representative from your organisation is required to initial each page and sign the appropriate pages.

1. Fees and Invoicing Arrangements

Unless agreement is reached to the contrary, our fees are based on the number and seniority of staff required, the
degree of skill and responsibility involved and the resources required to complete the engagement and the value of
Software and Hardware that we sell. Our fee arrangements, as shown in this document, are subject to all parties
meeting their obligations in terms of this agreement.

All Software and Hardware as supplied per the pricing schedule attached to this document is to be strictly paid on a
COD basis. Upon acceptance of this document / proposal no discussion will be entered into with regards to the
validity of costs and all costs as laid out within this document / proposal will become due or as per an attached
payment schedule.

Additional disbursements for travel and accommodation will be for the client account and will be invoiced separately.
The extent of travel will be minimised and will be done as required by the project, with the approval of the project

We will submit invoices for services provided on an interim basis as the work progresses. Invoices will be rendered
monthly. Invoices are payable within strictly 30 days from date of invoice for all Services rendered and COD (Cash
on Delivery) for all Hardware and Software delivered. Thereafter interest will be charged at prime rate plus 5% on a
monthly basis.

Unless otherwise stipulated we work on a payment structure of fifty percent in advance and fifty percent on
completion of the project.

All contracts signed are subject to New Media Labs Credit Application to be completed and authorised.

2. Scope Management

The scope of the assignment will be formalised and approved within the first phase of the assignment. A detailed
project charter will specify the work to be performed, timeframes standards and deliverables.
Thereafter, any scope changes will be documented in terms of work, cost and deadlines and should be approved by
both New Media Labs and the client and will be subject to official change control.
Unless expressly noted within this proposal, additional software modules will not be supplied under the proposal.

3. Your Obligations

In relation to all our work for you it is your responsibility to provide us with complete, accurate and timely information
and to carry out any obligations ascribed to you. We will not be responsible for any consequences which may arise
from any delay or failure by you to do so and these may also result in additional fees for which invoices will be raised
without your consent or approval.

4. Information and Confidentiality

The documents, reports, letters, information, presentations, demos, demo software, training and advice we provide to
you during this engagement are given in confidence and are provided on the condition that you undertake not to
disclose these or any other confidential information made available to you by us during the course of our work (other
than within your own organisation, if applicable).

Where it is envisaged that engagement information given by us to you will be provided to or used by a third party, we
reserve the right to stipulate terms regarding such provision or to require the third party to enter into a direct
relationship with us and entering into a Non-Disclosure Agreement.
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New Media Labs Proposal for Filmbucks Studios LLC

5. Intellectual Property Rights

We retain all copyright and other intellectual property rights in everything developed either before or during the
course of an engagement, including systems, methodologies, software and know-how. We also retain all copyright
and other intellectual property rights in all reports, written advice or other materials provided by us to you although
you will have the full right to use these materials within your own organisations. If you wish to make use of these
materials outside your own organisation this will require our written permission.

6. Client Documents

If we are provided with custody of any documents belonging to you those documents will be retained during the
course of our appointment (unless their return is requested), at the end of which they will be returned to you unless
separate arrangements have been made.

7. File Retention

It is our normal practice to retain documents relating to client engagements for six years after the end of the
engagement. Thereafter, unless separate arrangements have been made, the documents or papers may be
destroyed by us without reference to you.

8. Health and Safety

We acknowledge our statutory responsibility to co-operate with your health and safety requirements, provided we are
given notice of these. Whilst on your premises our partners and staff shall be afforded by you the same protection for
health and safety purposes as is due to your employees. If we are required by you to enter the premises of a third
party you will procure that the third party also affords such protection to our partners and staff as is due to its

9. Project Staff

New Media Labs shall endeavour not to change the staff on an assignment during the course of the assignment.
However, in circumstances beyond New Media Labs’ control, we will replace staff with equally qualified persons.

In order to draw on required expertise, New Media Labs may from time to time involve subject matter experts to
ensure quality delivery. The subject matter expert will be billed to the project at a standard New Media Labs’ rate.
Your company will be requested to approve the additional expense prior to the commencement of the specialist input.

10. Recruiting

Your company and New Media Labs shall refrain from offering employment on a permanent or contracting basis to
each other’s staff for a period of 12 months after the termination of this assignment.

11. Infrastructure

Your company will be responsible for providing adequate infrastructure such as printers, office space, office furniture,
telephones, faxes, photocopies, etc to New Media Labs staff for tasks at your site.

12. Limitation of Liability

The liability of our firm (including our partners, staff and associated entities) in respect of any breach of contract or
breach of duty or fault or negligence or otherwise whatsoever arising out of or in connection with this engagement
shall be limited in total to the extent of our professional fee to cover claims of any sort whatsoever (including interest
and costs) arising out of or in connection with this engagement. This provision shall have no application to any
liability for death or personal injury, or any other liability for which exclusion or restriction is prohibited by law or to any
liability arising as a result of fraud on our part.

13. Joint Responsibility

An assignment will be a joint responsibility between New Media Labs and your Company. You therefore, accept
responsibility for and undertake to perform tasks assigned to individual staff members as per the project schedule, to
ensure quality time from Key Client staff and to provide reliable and useful information relevant to the assignment.

Your company undertakes to do everything in your power to contribute to the management of project risks. The
management of risks attributed to factors outside the scope of the assignment or beyond the reasonable control of
New Media Labs, will be the sole responsibility of your Company.

14. Force Majeure

Neither we nor you shall be liable in any way for failure in performing our obligations under this agreement if the
failure is due to causes outside the reasonable control of the party in default.

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15. Termination

Services may be terminated on either side by notice in writing (a minimum of 30 days) to the regular correspondence
address of the other party marked for the attention of the appropriate contact. In the event of termination, fees and
expenses incurred to the date of termination are payable by you.

16. Severance of Terms

In the event that any of these terms of business are held to be invalid, the remainder of the terms shall continue in full
force and effect.

17. Settling of Disputes

Any dispute arising from the performance or terms or conditions of termination or cancellation of this agreement, and
which cannot be settled between the parties themselves, shall be settled by the way of arbitration.

18. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These terms of business shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the particular country
where the assignment is performed and any dispute arising out of this engagement or these terms shall be subject to
the exclusive jurisdiction of the local courts.

If at any time you would like to discuss with us how our service to you could be improved, or if you are dissatisfied
with the service you are receiving, you may take the issue up with the Project Manager in charge of this assignment.
Further to this you may also request that you are put in contact with a business unit manager or company director.

We undertake to look into any complaint carefully and promptly and to do all we can to explain the position to you.

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