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Poster Presentation


As technology advances it is important for people to be able to keep up with the
progress or the technology becomes obsolete. Once the computer became a
household item, companies began researching how to make it more user-friendly.
Manufacturers of personal devices like computers, phones, and tablets all compete
to create the most convenient product so they can stay on top of the market. This
means they have to stay one step ahead of new technologies. Once the touch
control system used for the iPhone became popular, it quickly spread to other
devices. Voice control is also becoming popular in phones and has already been
used on computers for disabled people to communicate. Companies are looking for
the next best, and easiest method of control for personal devices. Eye tracking
technology looks like the most promising new technology that can eventually be
used commercially for many personal purposes.
Our pupils are constantly in motion.
When the pupil is moving, its called a
saccade. During a saccade, visual
perception is unlikely or even
The pupil must focus on a point in
order to perceive
coloums,faces,writing etc.. This is
called a fixation. Eye tracking
measures the speed of the pupil and
can thus detect when a fixation is


Fixations are linked to attention.
Moving your eyes means moving
attention. A fixation does not mean
that the participant definitely
perceived an element.But it is fair to
say that elements that draw visual
attention have a higher chance of
being perceived (consciously or
There is a layer in our eyes that
reflects infrared light. This where the
red eye effect in photos comes from as
photo flashes use infrared light. The
eye tracking monitor makes use of this
The eye tracking monitor uses infrared
light to make the pupils of the person
sitting in front of it light up and so
become detectable. This is what it
looks like for the monitor.

which allows the user to see what

is happening in real time.

Eye control is the technology that
allows computers to know where a
user is looking. Eye tracking devices
detect and track the features of the
eyes and their movements. Gaze
tracking software then calculates the
eye gaze from the features in a
process called gaze estimation
(Research). There are four functions
that are key to most eye tracking
devices: connection, calibration,
synchronization, and data
streaming .Connection establishes a
link with the eye tracker device, then
calibration determines where the
users eyes are located and synchs the
computers display with eye
movement by displaying calibration
points. An example of calibration
would be a dot moving around the
screen and the users eye following it
to let the device know how the specific
eye moves. Synchronization informs
the application of the eye tracker
devices state, which is necessary for
the final function, data streaming,

Eye tracking data is collected using

either a remote or head-mounted
eye tracker connected to a
computer. While there are many
different types of non-intrusive eye
trackers, they generally include two
common components: a light source
and a camera. The light source
(usually infrared) is directed toward
the eye. The camera tracks the
reflection of the light source along
with visible ocular features such as the
pupil. This data is used to extrapolate
the rotation of the eye and ultimately
the direction of gaze. Additional
information such as blink frequency
and changes in pupil diameter are also
detected by the eye tracker. The
aggregated data is written to a file
that is compatible with eye-tracking
analysis software such as EyeWorks.
There are many different methods of
exploring eye data. The most common
is to analyze the visual path of one or
more participants across an interface
such as a computer screen. Each eye
data observation is translated into a
set of pixel coordinates. From there,

Based on these details

mathametical algorithsms cal
the eyes position and gaze
for instance on a computer m

the presence or absence of eye data

points in different screen areas can be
examined. This type of analysis is
used to determine which features are
seen, when a particular feature
captures attention, how quickly the
eye moves, what content is
overlooked and virtually any other
gaze-related question. Graphics such
as GazeSpots and GazeTraces are
often generated to visualize such
Beyond the analysis of visual
attention, eye data can be examined
to measure the cognitive state and
workload of a participant.
EyeTracking's patented Index of
Cognitive Activity (ICA) is among the
most widely used of these metrics. It
has been validated in multiple
contexts as a reliable indicator of
mental effort. Revolutionary tools such
as the ICA have effectively
demonstrated the wealth of
information attainable through careful
study of the eye

that even approach the levels that are

known to cause retinal thermal injury.
Currently, only short-wavelength blueviolet emitters clearly exceed the
more restrictive photochemical hazard
limits at wavelengths shorter than 550
nm. In other words, the infrared LEDs
would have to emit far more power to
pose a serious acute hazard to the
retina. This is theoretically impossible
for current LEDs. Although the LED
and lamp sources tested clearly pose
no hazard to the eye for brief periods
of viewing of some minutesor even
hourswhen applied against current
national and international ocular
exposure limits for infrared optical
radiation, there remains a question
that should be addressed by an
expertcommittee on whether the
limits are truly adequately
conservative for chronic daily
exposure of the eye for decades.There
are no cognizable hazards to the
cornea, lens or retina of the eye from
even lengthy, repeated exposures.

The prototype Infrared eyetracker
devices and the LED emitters
employed in these systems tested do
not pose a potential hazard to the eye
based upon current safety standards
when used under realistic viewing
conditions. Even when fixating on the
LED for many minutes, the exposure
would not exceed the applicable limits.
LEDs are radiance limited and cannot
produce exposure levels at the retina

One advantage of eye-tracking

technology is it records actual eye
movements .In consumer behavior
research, reactivity (when participants
change their behavior due to being
observed) is a major concern. Eyetracking technology reduces this
concern because real eye movements
are documented and consumers often
forget their eye movements are being
recorded. Eye-tracking recordings
accurately depict natural eye
movement and fixations.
An additional advantage of using eyetracking technology in research is the

quality and quantity of the data. Eyetracking cameras record actual, realtime eye movements. Eye movements
are typically recorded at 30 Hz
(meaning 30 gaze points are collected
per second). As a result, eye-tracking
technology collects large amounts of
accurate and precise data.
Eye-tracking technology also provides
flexibility in terms of research
locations. Depending on the study
objectives, intercept studies (where
data is collected from real customers
in retail centers) can be conducted in
retail outlets or participants can be
invited into a laboratory for the
One of the main disadvantages of eyetracking technology is not all eyes can
be tracked Contact lenses, glasses,
and pupil color can all impact the eyetracking camera's ability to record eye
movements .Consequently, not
everyone (typically 1020% of the
sample) can participate in an eyetracking study. As a result, the
representativeness of the sample will
be impacted.

Eye-tracking studies also require

considerable financial, time and labor
resources.Eye-tracking equipment
(i.e., camera, computer, software) and
training can be expensive.
Additionally, only one person can be
recorded at a time. Individual
participation instead of group
participation takes considerably more
time and labor. The use of multiple
eye tracking devices could help
reduce the total experiment time, but
could be more labor intensive.

A third challenge is that eye-tracking

technology only records eye
movements. Therefore, eye-tracking
technology needs to be paired with an
additional data collection method to
accurately interpret the recordings.
For example, Likert scales assessing
consumers' willingness-to-purchase
can be used to determine what
information consumers' visually
inspect and use while deciding
whether they are willing to purchase a
product. However, interpreting these
results can be challenging because
visual attention is not the only factor
impacting consumer behavior
You might drive a car. You might read a
magazine. You might surf the internet
or search the aisles of a grocery store
or play a video game or complete a
training exercise or watch a movie or
look at pictures on your mobile device.
These are the applications of eye
tracking. With very few exceptions,
anything with a visual component can
be eye tracked. We use our eyes

almost constantly, and understanding

how we use them has become an
extremely important consideration in
research and design.
The automotive, medical and defense
industries have applied eye tracking
technology to make us safer. The
fields of advertising, entertainment,
packaging and web design have all
benefited significantly from studying
the visual behavior of the consumer.
Research with special populations has
generated exciting breakthroughs in
psychology and physiology. Every day,
as eye tracking is used in creative new
ways, the list of applications grows
Eye tracking is a useful device for
many areas of study. We may
presume that if we can track
someones eye movements, we can
follow along the path of attention
deployed by the observer which will
provide insight into what the user was
drawn to and how the user perceived
and interpreted whatever he or she
saw. This kind of data can be useful for
web designers or advertisers because
they can place text or graphics in
certain places of the webpage where
the computer screen would be most
likely to be viewed. Not only does eyetracking assist in research, but it also
makes it possible for disabled people
to communicate if they cannot speak
or use a conventional keyboard. Eye
tracking typing interfaces use onscreen keyboards that track the
observers gaze to determine the
letter they are focusing on (Research).
Feedback can be given to the user
through highlighting the letter or
giving an audio response. Some

interfaces use predictive text to offer

likely word suggestions that the user
can choose.Swedish firm, Tobii, is the
world leader in eye tracking
technology. Tobii strives to provide
their technology to many industries
including hospitals, gaming, computer
manufacturing, diagnostics, and
vehicle safety.

Designed as
a peripheral
ye tracker
can be
added to a
screen for
an easy and
way to
in range of

Specially designed
I-Series+by Tobii D
and express them

Eye tracking
can be
ses or other
devices, such
Tobii Pro Glas
ses 2
a product
for studying
behavior in

Advances in eye tracking technology

enable communication for disabled
and open pathways to innovation.


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