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Surah Ash-Shuraa, Verse 36

Translation: So whatever thing you have been given it is but [for] enjoyment of the worldly life. But
what is with Allah is better and more lasting for those who have believed and upon their Lord rely (36)
And those who avoid the major sins and immoralities, and when they are angry, they forgive (37)
Asalamu alaikum Quran Weekly.
This is now the 25th juz. Alhamdulellah we are in Surah al-Shura, surah number 42 and Im sharing with
you some things about ayah 36.
Allah says, Whatever youve been given is utilities of worldly life, temporary, things to enjoy and use,

( Fam ttum Min Shayin Famat`u Al-ayati Ad-Duny
Wa M `Inda Allhi Khayrun Wa Abq)- and whatever Allah has is better and lasts longer,
Lilladhna man Wa `Al RabbihimYatawakkalna)- and these are the people that put their
trust in Allah. They constantly trust that what Allah has is better and lasts longer. You have a ride, Allah
has a better ride and it will last longer. You have a house, Allah has and will give you a better house that
will last longer. You have a spouse, Allah has a better spouse for you and your relationship will last longer.
You have children, Allah will give you better children. In other words, theyll come back to you in Jannah
and theyll be better and last longer.
This is one of my favorite parts of this ayah, is that I want my children back. Because I tell my oldest
daughter, I miss you. She says, why do you miss me? I tell her, I miss you when you were 1. *Nouman
Ali Khan makes cuchee cuchee baby noises about her chubby cheeks+ whered her cheeks go? You got
skinny and tall and now you talk back too. I see the pictures of my children from their earlier years and
Im like, Wow! They were mine? They were so cute! They were so adorable! And what Allah will give
you in Jannah will be there forever; youll get to enjoy forever and it wont change. Change is painful. I
look back and I think, where did the last 10 years go? I dont even know. SubhanAllah. So quickly life
passes us by. Whatever Allah will give us will be better and its going to last longer.
( Wa `Al RabbihimYatawakkalna) And they completely trust what Allah will give them
in the khirah is better even if you have a good life here. Even if you have a good life and not just if you
have a bad life. Even if you have a good life what Allah will give you is better and lasts longer. That is the
faith with which you have to live.

Now, Allah describes these people that have trust in Allah and the first 2 things that they are able to
accomplish in life, thats the only thing I want to highlight before you guys.
(Wa Al-Ladhna Yajtanibna Kabira Al-Ithmi WaAl-Fawisha) -these are people that are able to avoid
major sins and theyre able to avoid shamelessness, all forms of shamelessness. So Allah mentions major
sins and shamelessness. You know there are small sins and there are big sins. There are sins like rushing
through the prayer, not doing the best wud, not lowering your eyes fast enough, there are sins like
maybe making fun of someone not realizing you crossed the line. There are sins like reciting the Quran
but not reciting it properly; small things. There are sins that you cannot even realize youre doing but
then there are major sins; the consumption of haram like drinking beer. The zin of the eyes, its pretty
major. Actual zin, killing somebody, consuming rib, earning rib, endorsing it, saying something that
Allah has made haram that is no big deal and making it halal and saying Allah will understand. These are
major sins. Allah says you want to be people of the afterlife, the number one thing that you give Me is
dont do major sins. ( Kabira Al-Ithmi) Stay away from the big stuff. You can refine yourself
and work on the smaller things over time and become better and better and better as a Muslim. But the
first order of priority is the major major sins. If youre dating a girl, youre in major sin. If youre dating a
guy, youre in major sin. You need to stop before you worry about anything else in Islam. If youre
addicted to pornography, youre in it deep.

This is a deep deep spiritual problem. You need to get away from it because the zin of the eyes
will lead to other kinds of zin. You need to stop. That is the first thing you have to address. If
youre addicted to alcohol, if youre taking drugs, if youre smoking weed, if youre doing pot or
worse, if youre doing this stuff you need to stop. If youre stealing money from your parents, if
youre stealing money from your job, you need to stop. If youre investing in what you know are
haram industries and youre making money in a way that you know is not permissible by our
deen. Even if youre like Im in an innocent business, Im in real-estate. OK thats innocent
enough, but I rent out my warehouse to a club. OK youre not clubbing, youre just renting it out
to them but you are perpetuating evil. You may not be the ( fsid) corrupt one but you are
the cause of corruption. Without you renting it out, it wouldnt exist. So you are complicit in
that. You need to be getting rid of the major stuff first and then the second line of defense was

( Fawisha) all forms of shamelessness you need to stop. And I particularly

highlighted shamelessness as I was talking about dating, pornography, why? Because Allah took
major sins and immediately after highlighted in particular shamelessness and all forms of it, any
act of it, any manifestation of it, anything that takes you close to it, avoid it all together.
Wa Idh M Ghaib Hum Yaghfirna(- And when they get angry
they are able to forgive. These are the things that we need to prioritize and these are the
goals that you need to set for yourself. How will you surround yourself with people thatll
help you avoid major sins? That will give you fresh, good company that keeps you on the
right track and when youre slipping theyre able to stop you and pull you right back in.
I pray all the best for you and I pray that inshAllah your life becomes better and better as
a Muslim and that you and I are able to stand in front of Allah successful on judgment
day and be able to congratulate each other because we helped each other make it.
(BarakAllahu Li Walakum)
(Wa Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahamatullahi Wa Barakatuhu)

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