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Digital Marketing Evaluation

Jessops Photo

Jessops’ initial business objective was to give the brand an overhaul by expanding into a new
area of online activity. Research showed that many people are retouching their photos, leaving them on
cameras or losing precious memories because they feel software is overly complicated for personal use.
Unhappy with their photos, there was a significant opportunity for Jessops to act in the area by offering
a simple photo editing service which allows customers to make basic edits and retouches before they
order prints and other materials from the website.

The marketing objective became promoting this new service to the wide audience in order to create
awareness and drive purchase using a combination of offline and online levers. Offline levers (ATL
advertising) drive the consumers onto the website while online levers help the customer reach Jessops
as they search for online photo printing.

The three digital marketing objectives relate to the three stages of customer acquisition, conversion
and retention:
• Acquiring 50% of people searching for photo printing and related terms via Google (1,410,000
of 2,820,000);
• Converting 10% of those that click through to purchase from Jessops (141,000 of 1,410,000);
• Retaining 70% of those that have purchased so they purchase again in the following 12 months
(98,700 of 141,000);
Three separate goals are being used in order to gain a better understanding of the analysis and to later
integrate the results with the business objectives.
1. Financial Evaluation

These measures relate to all of the three objectives. Sales are determined by the number of acquired and
retained customers who make a transaction, while revenue is overall dependent on the initial marketing
spend to acquire new customers in the first place. Jessops will have achieved its financial objectives
when overall revenue exceeds marketing spend in order to attract new customers.

Financial estimate: 141,000 customers placing orders of £15 on average: £2,115,000

98,700 returning to place another order of at least £15: £1,480,000
Total: £3,595,000
A lower figure would suggest that we have either not attracted enough customers or have not managed
to make existing customers return for a purchase, case in which the tools and approaches used need to
be readdressed.

2. Digital Customer-based Evaluation

For the purpose of this campaign, the default tracking and analysis tools used will be Google Analytics
and AdWords Campaign Reports.

A) Acquisition
• Average CPC: Data will be collected on ad groups, keywords that are gaining more
impressions, getting more clicks or producing more/less revenue compared to a prior relevant
time period. This will be measured in order to make any necessary changes to keyword bidding.
• Purchase value: Measured through orders placed on the website; average spend expected to be
around £15 per customer: £7-8 off-peak and £20+on special occasions (holidays, graduations,
weddings, anniversaries etc. where orders might also include canvas prints and other
memorabilia). The type of products ordered are not as important, although if a certain category
is dropping in popularity (i.e. mouse pads) then the problem will have to be addressed if it poses
a threat.
• Purchase size: Also measured via the website average order size; following incentive
programmes offering 40 free prints, the estimated purchase size is of 70-100 photos for one
print album but the desired one is of 110-130 photos on special occasions. However, due to the
possibility of ordering canvas prints or cups and tshirts, purchase size of 70-100 or more is only
relevant for regular prints.
• Cost of acquiring new customers:
o Free: Using twitter for special offers and promotions (Currently 760 followers) and
YouTube video tutorials and features;
o Google AdWords Traffic Estimator: Using the estimates provided as a guideline, the
average CPC for ‘photo printing’ is of £2.32 (at a maximum of £5.44) with almost 30-38
clicks expected per day, bringing the cost per day at £60-£100.
o Google AdWords Campaign Reports will be used in the full campaign roll out in
order to get an accurate indication of the relative number of impressions over 6 months.
The ad click-through rate will be periodically re-evaluated and monitored through
AdWords Change History tool should it not provide the desired results.

Keywords Max CPC Estimated Avg. CPC Estimated Ad Positions Estimated Clicks / Day E
lower upper upper lower lower upper lo
photo printing £5.44 £1.86 £2.58 1 3 30 38 £
Search Network Total £1.86 £2.58 1 3 30 38 £

• Search Engine Optimisation: Following a SEO consultancy scheme, the website’s

effectiveness will be tested in order to see keyword match and frequency in meta tags,
description and page title and how they match against competitors. Based on these keywords
and related searches the website will be optimised in order to dominate the search engine results

QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.

• Visitors: Absolute unique visitors are counted with the aid of a tracking tool, in this case
Google Analytics in order to get the number of true unique visitors across an arbitrary period of
12 months. Part of the integration with other levers, traffic is expected to increase following
both email campaigns and TV and print adverts. However, no exact correlation exists between
website traffic and a print ad. Behaviour on the website is also monitored in order to see
whether people are making use of the free trial offered on new signups, amount of new accounts
registered, views on tutorial videos and time spent on site as well as sections explored with the
aid of a clicking heatmap.
• Email campaigns will be monitored in order to see what people are clicking on (pictures vs.
text), what they respond better to (categories of products or discounts and testing response),
what the actual reach and how many people read or delete the emails.
• iPhone app success will be evaluated in terms of total number of downloads, usage frequency
and number of orders placed from within the application, also representing a successful

B) Conversion
• Optimal conversion rate: 10% of 1,410,000 traffic from SERP
• Website behaviour tracking: A low period of time on the website might suggest that it is hard
to use and the user experience is lacking and the customer has given up, while an extremely
long period of over 15 minutes suggests that the website is not user-friendly enough. Ideally this
needs to be around 8-10 minutes at most. The number of users who choose to connect with
other photo storage websites (Picasa, Flickr or Facebook) will be an indication of successful
customer conversion. If at least 50% of those who order photos have imported them from other
websites, the editing and uploading process has achieved its goal.
• Database marketing: The database will be routinely checked for lapsed customers who have
not returned or are nearing their 1-year between purchases period. Emails will be tracked in
order to see whether users have seen them and acted upon them or if not, what they were
looking at when they gave up.
• The online customer service that deals with customer queries in real-time will be used as
feedback for missing or desired features. If consumers voice any

C) Retention
• Retention goal: 98,700 of the 141,000 (70%) of those who have purchased will return for
another purchase within 12 months;
• Frequency and amount of repurchases: Data on the number of purchases made from the
same account over the course of 12 months will be collected based on last accessed date and
activity while logged in – a combination of time spent on site and activities undertaken.
Customers expected to return at least once in 12 months to print an entirely new photo album
(average of 70-100 photos as per purchase size mentioned above) but more often to view and
track orders or search for promotions. However, if customers return for more frequent but less
valuable orders, this is also deemed acceptable so long as their average spend in one year is a
minimum of £30
• Customer Lifetime value: Given the fact that photo prints are not essential products for
consumers, if the cost per new customer exceeds their expected lifetime value, they will be
deemed unprofitable. Lifetime value is expected to show an increase in correlation with the life
stage of customers and their disposable income. While the average initial order value is
expected to increase, an lifetime value of £60 over two years is deemed to be profitable. Data
will be collected from previous purchase history and website activity.

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