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This week we have just made a brief summary of what is NLP and its presuppositions. The
letters that forms the NLP represents a different part of NLP. Firstly N represents neuro part of NLP.
Neuro part is related how we understand the world with our five senses and ıts cognitive process.
Secondly, L for linguistic part and it refers to the how we use our language so as to tell ourselves,our
beliefs, our understanding of the world etc. Finally, P represents programming part. Programming
ourselves to see the positive aspects of life and trying to learn thinking positively.

1 The most important person in the classroom is the student: Each student in the class is a
different individual as a teacher I should keep in my mind and respect them individually.

2 The responsibility for learning lies with the teacher: In the learning students and the teacher
shared the responsibility of learning. However As a teacher I should not only teach English but also I
should teach my students different ways to learn. Furthermore I should tell the reason of why they
are learning English or else ıt will be useless to teach them. After I tell them the reasons and the
ways of learning I can mention effective learning.

3 There is no one right way to teach of learn anything: As the students are different
individuals their approach to the learning and problem solving will be different. There is not always
one way that takes us to the success or solution because students are different, their perceptions
and backgrounds are different. Furthermore, because of the personal differences one teaching way
that works for one student may not work for another student . So as a theacher I should take
personal and perceptual differences into consideration in order to facilitate my students’ learnings.

4 Learning is a serious business: Learning is a serious business but there should be laughter to
mention that there is learning. However there is an important point here I shoul keep in mind ıt is
that students shouldn’t laugh to each others they should laugh together or else “laughing at one “
may be humilitating.

5 Mistakes are good: In learning process making mistake is a sign of learning. As a teacher I
should be tolerant of mistakes and give the message to my students that “making mistake is not a
bad thing and while learning English ,you can make mistakes it is very normal”. Making mistake
shows the endavaour of my students to learn. 

6 The teacher’s job is to teach the subject: teacher can teach subject but as ıt is also human
being he can sometimes approach to his students by his beliefs or values.

7 You should leave your private life outside the classroom: of course we are human beings but
sometimes we can experience bad things. However as a teacher I should learn not to reflect these
things to my students.

8 It is essential to teach grammar to language learners: as a teacher I should teach grammar

in a communicative way. Or else It will be useless to give rules and make them memorize every rule.

9 “Chalk and talk” is still the most efficient way to teach: It is not of course. just telling is the
most time saving way to teach but ıt is not an effective way. We give what we will teach implicitly.
10 Teacher should know all the answers: It is a false statement again. Of course
we(mediators) we are expert at our fields. However the things we know are finite but the things we
don’t know are infinite. So when the students asked a question that I don’t know the answer of it I
can easily say that” I don’t know but I can search for it then I can tell you the correct answer.” My
motto must be “honesty is the best policy.” 


 Mind and the body are interconnected :If students don’t have any problem they can
learn better. As a teacher I should help my students for solving their problems and I
should decrease their worries about school and learning as much as I can. Most of
the students think that school is a boring place so I should show them school is not a
bad place they can entertain while learning.
 Map is not the territory: I should be aware or the personal differences. The way I see
the world might be different from my students.
 There is no failure, only feedback: Practice makes perfect. While making practice or
learning students can make mistakes. It is important to learn from our mistakes. As a
teacher I should help my students for an effective learning and benefiting from their
mistakes. Another important point is that I shouldn’t criticize for the sake of
criticizing. My feedbacks should be constructivist.
 The map becomes the territory: All the things depends on me. If I believe something
to be true, I can make it true. I should focus on positive aspects of life. Moreover I
should trust myself ın order to make my students trust to me.
 The sources we need are within us : I should focus on my strengths instead of my
weaknesses and do the things that will demonstrate my potential. Furthermore I
should use the same way for my students to make them believe themselves.
 Communication is non -verbal as well as verbal: The message we give to our students
is very important. Our verbal message should be the same as our non verbal
message. Or else we can’t have an effective communication. We can not convey our
message clearly to our students.
 All behavior has a positive intention: we should make this presumption my motto
because there might be some students that want to disrupt my lesson. If I can make
this student include in the lesson I will have approach him and his disruption with a
positive intention. What’s more it depens on me to convert my students bad
behaviors to good ones or benefit from them. For example: ıf there is a student who
is a chatterbox, I can make use of his talking too much in a group work. He can be the
group’s speaker. ın this way he cannot disturb my other learners.
 Meaning of my communication is the response I get: ıf my students doesn’t
understand the subject I shouldn’t tell them “you are brainless, stupid” etc. Instead
of accusing them I should change my teaching style. “mea culpa” should be my

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