Slotkin Jasonclip S&Aboard

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The Evergreen State College olympia, washington

Cooper Point Journal

Issue 17, Volume 38, March 5, 2009 A PDF copy is available online at FREE WEEKLY STUDENT NEWSPAPER

New pressures
on S&A
by Jason SLotkin proposal, SASS only intend to
seek funding temporarily–until it
The student-financed Services can secure other funding.
and Activities (S&A ) money However, according to Tom
serves as a pot that feeds the Mercado, Director of student
budgets of various extracur- Activities, historically, once a
ricular activities and services on group receives S&A money, it
campus. continues to receive it. Both
This weekend, the S&A board, KAOS and the Childcare Center
the students responsible for became S&A-funded groups
allocating that money will have after making initial requests.
to determine the size of that pot S&A must also decide if
for the next two years. They will they should continue funding
also have to decide if an increase programs from previous years in S tudents voiced their opinions for and against SIMONE FOWLER

in the fee that every student pays the same capacity. At least two of the rifle proposal at M onday ’ s forum .

Rifle forum separates

is necessary to keep this pot full. the returning groups–Childcare
The fund is already under Center and Athletics and Recre-
pressure from over $4.5 million ation–are seeking additional

attendees’ by opinion
in requests over the next two funding for new equipment and
years from groups that have staff positions.
received money from the S&A At the most recent S&A Board
pot before. meeting, Andy Corn, S&A by Brian Fullerton Andrea Seabert, campus Griev- proposed funding, specifically for
Now, both Student and Board advisor, told the student ance Officer and moderator of the the rifles, the 30 or so people who
Academic Support Services board that “salaries and wages” forum, said that the aim of this attended the forum were asked to
(SASS) and The Flaming comprise most of the returning Coinciding with the start of the forum was to “provide perspective group together in regards to how
Eggplant, groups who were budgets. campus-wide survey, the Police to the community review board.” they felt about the proposed fund-
previously financed elsewhere, The board must also make sure Services Community Review Board This open forum was structured ing. Those in complete favor of the
are now collectively seeking they have enough money to fund (PSCRB) conducted another open slightly differently from the previ- proposed funding were asked to
nourishment of no less than all approved requests and Shap- forum concerning the proposed ous PSCRB forums earlier this meet on the far side of A1105 and
$100,000 a year from S&A. iro feels that a raised S&A fee funding to give Police Services year. report back what they discussed on
The SASS proposal includes may be needed to achieve this. access to AR-15 rifles, body armor, After short introductions in see FORUM page 3
nearly over $30,000 for student He said they should avoid raising and active shooter training. support and opposed to the
positions in First People’s Advis- the fee more than “necessary”.
ing Services, Academic Advis- Mercado said that past S&A

Vote “yes or no”

ing, and Key Services. boards have often set aside the
Not only are two new groups amount of money which goes to
seeking money from this fund, fund the operation of all student
but student enrollment is groups and programs at the other
expected to drop by close to 300 campuses before reviewing
full time students over the next
two years: fewer students, fewer
budgets. At their planning meet-
ing, the S&A board decided to
Survey gauges students’ reactions to rifles
people to pay into the pot. continue this practice.
Each of these full-time students The S&A Board is allowed to
is currently estimated to pay proposed an increase in fees; by mark yates-white composed of students, faculty, pants a choice of two responses:
$499 in S&A fees. however, the percentage of any and staff, sent out the survey in either in support of or in opposi-
S&A Board member Lucas increase in fees cannot be greater The Police Services Community order to solicit responses from tion to the purchase of rifles,
Shapiro says that these new than the increase in tuition: If Review Board (PSCRB) released students who hadn’t made it to safety gear, and ongoing training.
requests, alone, may not require tuition is raised 7%, the S&A fee a very short survey on February the public forums held earlier in Respondents are also encouraged
increases in student fees, but cannot be raised more than 7%. 23 intended to further assess the year. to write a short explanation of
admits they will have an impact The S&A Board will come to a the opinions of students, staff, The survey, which will be avail-
on the process. tentative decision this weekend. and faculty on the recent rifle able for students to fill out until see SURVEY page 3
“Funding them may mean After that, all decisions will be proposal. The PSCRB, a group Monday, March 9, offers partici-
taking away enhancements from open for appeal before being
other groups,” said Shapiro. presented for the Board of Trust-
These requests are for money ees for approval. INSIDE THIS ISSUE:
that comes from the same pot
that also funds student groups at Jason Slotkin is a senior Outdoors&Recreation: An interview with Arts&Entertainment Will the Watchmen
Evergreen, and campus services enrolled in an independent learn- the Ultimate Frisbee captain. Page 5 work in another medium? Page 8
at the Tacoma and reservation ing contract.
campus. Calendar: Want to hang with a student Comics: Reinventing the wheel (and
According to the budget group? Find out when they meet. Page 10 making it shinier). Page 18

Contribute to the Cooper Point Journal. Call (360) 867-6213, email, or stop by CAB 316


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