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Department of Mathematics

MATHS 361: Partial Differential Equations

Study Guide: Semester 1 2016
MATHS 361 is an introductory course in Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). We cover
Fourier series, Fourier integrals, boundary value problems, separation of variables, Laplace
transform solutions, and Greens functions, with application to the solution of second order
PDEs in one, two and three dimensions.
This document contains important information about the course MATHS 361. Please read
it carefully. You should keep this document for future reference.

Lecturers & Contacts

The lecturers for this course are:
Oliver MacLaren: TBA, (course coordinator)
Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Friday 2-3pm
Philip Sharp: Room 522, Building 303,
Office hours: Monday and Thursday 10-11am, Friday 9-10am.
Your lecturers are here to help you. You are welcome to speak to them about any aspect
of the course. If you want to talk to your lecturer, you can either speak to them after a lecture
or in office hours, or you can make an appointment to meet at another time.

Lectures & tutorials

The lectures are at Monday 12-1, Tusday 12-1 and Friday 10-11. The room allocation is
available on Student Services Online. Check the room allocation before each lecture in the
first two weeks for up-to-date information.
You must also enrol in one of the tutorial streams, which are 10-11 and 4-5 on Thursday
and 9-10 on Friday. Check room allocations on Student Services Online. It is usually not
possible to attend a tutorial other than the one you are enrolled for. Tutorials start in the
second week of semester.

Pre-requisites & Restrictions

Before enrolling in this course, you should already have passed Maths 260 and 253, preferably
with at least B-, or have passed PHYSICS 211 or an equivalent course. The most important
prerequisite material assumed is methods for solving linear ordinary differential equations,
integration and differentiation. Speak to your lecturer if you have any concerns about your
mathematics background.

It is expected that students in this course will spend 10 hours per week working on this course.
Students are expected to attend all lectures and tutorials. After each lecture you should review
the material from the lecture and try any examples recommended in the lecture. Tutorials are
a chance for you to work through problems and get assistance with them, and to experiment
using the computers.

Topics covered in the course

The list below shows the topics that will be covered in the course and the approximate number
of lectures allocated to each topic.
1. Introduction [3 lectures]. PDEs and boundary conditions. Modelling the diffusion
(heat) equation. Introduction to separation of variables.
2. Fourier Series and separation of variables [4 lectures]. Orthogonality of functions and
sets of functions. Real trig series. Convergence and sketching Fourier series. Complex
Fourier series.
3. Sturm-Liouiville Problems [4 lectures]. Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Sturm-Liouville
eigenvalue problems, existence and orthogonality of solutions, eigenfunction expansions.
4. Separation of variables [3 lectures]. Separation of variables for the wave equation and
Laplaces equation, in several geometries.
5. Wave Equation [1 lectures]. DAlemberts solution.
6. Laplace Transforms [4 lectures]. Introduction to transform methods. Calculation and
properties of the transform. Solution of ODEs and PDEs
7. Fourier Transforms [4 lectures]. Fourier representation of delta function. Convolution
theorem. Application to PDEs.
8. Weak solutions [2 lectures]. Weak solutions
9. Distributions [2 lectures]. Basics of distributions
10. Greens functions [6 lectures]. Formal derivation of Greens representation.

The final grade for the course will be calculated as follows:
Final exam (2 hours)
Mid-semester test (50 minutes)
Three assignments


Due 23 March, 13 April, 18 May

The mid-semester test will be held April 15 during the lecture time. The room location
will be confirmed later. Assignments should be handed in to the assignment hand-in boxes in
building 303.
If illness or other problems prevent you from completing any of the assignments you should
contact your lecturer as soon as possible. A medical certificate will be required if you wish to
apply for exemption from an assignment. If you are ill at the time of the mid-semester test
or exam you should contact Student Health and Counselling (telephone 373-7599 extension
87681) immediately to obtain information on how to apply for an aegrotat or compassionate

Calculators are not allowed in the mid-semester test and final exam.

The textbook is Mathematical Methods for Engineers and Scientists, Volume 3, by K. T. Tang.

Use of Undergraduate Computer Laboratory

In order to complete assignment and tutorial problems and to understand lecture material,
students will be required to use the software package MuPad in the Undergraduate Computer
Laboratory. A brief guide to the labs can be found by following the links from the webpage

English Language Assistance

The main assistance offered to students who need help with English language is English
Language Enrichment (ELE), which has a webpage
This computer-laboratory based service is free and open five days a week. Tutors are
available to help. Alternatively, there are credit-bearing English language courses (ESOL

Impairment Related Requirements

Students are asked to discuss privately any impairment related requirements face-to-face
and/or in written form with the course coordinator.

Collaborating & Cheating

You are encouraged to discuss problems with one another and to work together on assignments,
but you must not copy another persons assignment. Assignment marks contribute to the final
mark you receive in this course. We view cheating on assignment work as seriously as cheating
in an examination.
Acceptable forms of collaboration include getting help in understanding from staff and
tutors, and discussing assignments and tutorial examples and methods of solution with other
students. Unacceptable forms of collaboration (cheating) include copying all or part of another
students assignment, allowing someone else to do all or part of your assignment for you,
allowing another student to copy all or part of your assignment, and doing all or part of an
assignment for somebody else.
If you are in any doubt about the permissible degree of collaboration, then please discuss
your situation with your lecturer.
Register of Deliberate Academic Misconduct
If a student deliberately cheats and receives a penalty, the case will be recorded in a Universitywide Register. The record of the offence will normally remain until one year after the student
graduates. The Register will help identify repeat offenders, with the risk that these students
will receive more severe penalties for repeat offences.

Harassment & Complaints

Complaints about marking should be taken to your lecturers who are in a position to do something immediately. More general complaints can be taken up by your class representative. You
may also approach the Head of Department or the Departmental Manager for Mathematics.
Harassment on any grounds, such as racial, sexual, religious and academic is totally unacceptable. Complaints about harassment are best taken to the University Mediator (extension
88905). For more information, see the webpage

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