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NQ. 705,357.

Patented July 22, 2%2.




Application ?led Dec. 23 l901_\

(N0 Model.)

THE Nonws vmms co . wowuwo. ASNWGYGN. o

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SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 705,357, dated July 22, 1902.
Application ?led December 23,1901. Serial No. 86,937. (No model.)

To all whom, it may concern.

Be it known that 1, ROBERT M. KEATING,

residing at Middletown, in the county of Mid
dlesex and State of Connecticut, have invent
5 ed certain new and useful Improvements in

bolts 9, provided with nuts or connected in 50

other usual manner for connecting metallic

parts. A coupling-joint 10, which is a short

tube externally threaded, may be entered
into the nut 8 and advanced as far as is ad

Muf?es and Mud-Guards for Motor-Vehicles, judged necessary. A thread is formed in 55

of Which the following is a speci?cation, ref the exhaust-pipe 2, into which the joint 10
erence being had therein to the accompany

can be screwed. In assembling the parts

the engine and muiiier~section 4 are ?tted

This invention relates to mu?iers for the

exhaust of a gasolene-engine as attached to
a motor-bicycle.

approximately to position and then the joint

ing drawingsl

pipe 10 can be screwed either way to increase 60

or decrease the distance between the inuiiier
and engine. Thus it is not necessary to make
the neat and precise calculation as to sizes

The object of the invention is to construct

a muffle and mud-guard which can be easily
:5 and ?rmly attached to a motor-bicycle and and distances of parts heretofore needful in
which can be disconnected on occasion; and this class of machines.
the invention consists in the details of con
The cast-metal section 4 of the muffler is
struction and combination of parts herein strong and easily cast. A. long curved tube
after pointed out in the claims.
with baffle-plates could not easily be cast, as
Figure 1 is a side elevation of a part of a the core would be difficult to withdraw, and
gasolene-engine as attached to a motor-bicy~ a long casting would be objectionable on accle,showing the rear wheel and the mud-guard count of its weight. I therefore make the
lnu?iei Fig. 2 is a broken longitudinal sec extension 11 of the muitlie-guard of sheet
tion of the mud-guard muffle, showing the metal, as shown in Fig. 3, said section con
25 connection of cast and sheet metal parts. Fig. sisting of a curved sheet-metal tube provided
3 is a cross~section of the sheet-metal part of with baffle-plates.
the muffle. Fig. 1i is a plan or elevation of
An inside sheetmetal strip 12 is connected
one of the sheet-metal partition-plates. Fig. to an outside strip 13 by turning the edges 14
5 is a longitudinal section of the coupling be of the inside strip over the edges of the out
30 tween the muiiie and the engine-exhaust, and side strip, both strips being then in generally
Fig. 6 is a section of a modi?cation.
concave-convex form, but the outer strip or
The engine 1 is of any usual construction plate being more curved.
and held to the bicycle in usual manner. The
A number of sheet-metal partitions 16, hav
exhaust-pipe 2 of the engine is near the rear ing ears 17, are formed with a general outline
3 5 wheel 3 of the bicycle.
conforming to the form of the muffle. The
I make the muf?e and mud-guard in two cars 17 are bent down and soldered or othersections. The front section 4 of the muffle wise secured to the plate or sheet 13 of the
is a hollow casting nearly crescent shape in shell before the parts 12 13 are assembled.
cross-section and a segment of a ring in lon These partitions thus serve as formers or sup
4o gitudinal section. Bathe-plates 5 5 extend ports for the shell of the muffle and strengthen
part way across the tube on its inner surface, the same. The plates 16 have a number of
as is common in muiitles. The front end of perforations, and thus serve as baftle~plates
the casting 4 has a rib 6, through which a in the sheet-metal part of the muffle. The
screw 7 extends to connect that end of the two sections 4 and 11 are connected by a lap
45 muiile ?rmly to the frame and engine. The joint.
casting a is made with a socket or swell, pro
The muflie is attached in any suitable way
jecting at one side. This socket has its face to the bicycle~frame so as to serve as a mud
?nished for the attachment of a coupling-nut guard as well as a muf?e.
8, which nut maybe held to the socket by
6 a detail is shown wherein the nut








80 is held to the casting 4 by the thread of a screw-threaded joint-coupling tube extend~ 25

the joint 10 engaging a thread in the casting ing both into the mui'?e and the exhaust-pipe.
4E. The combination with the engine having
instead of by separate bolts.
a threaded exhaust-pipe, and the hollow mud
1. A combined mud-guard. and muffle for guard mu'll'le having a projecting socket, of a
motor-vehicles, composed of a front section nut attachable to such socket, and a threaded
consisting of a hollow cast-metal tube pro joint-coupling tube engaging with the exhaust
vided with means for attachment to the frame of the engine and the socket of the mu'll'le.
5. In a muffle and mud-guard, a sheet-metal
and for coupling to the engine-exhaust, and
What I claim is


a rear section consisting of a curved sheet

tube, crescent-shaped in cross-section, and

metal tube connected to the front tube by a having perforated internal baffle-plates ex 35
tending across the tube.
suitable joint, substantially as described.
6. The sheet-metal mud-guard and baffle
2. A combined mud-guard and muffle for
motor-vehicles, consisting of a front section plate, composed of perforated cross-parti
in form of a cast-metal tube with interior tions in outline substantially of the form of


baffle-plates extending from the sides, and a the completed tube, and the tube-plates sur
rear section in form of a sheet-metal tube, rounding such partitions and having a lap
substantially crescent-shaped in cross-sec joint at the edges.
In testimony whereof I allix my signature
tion, and having internal bathe-plates extend
ing across the tube and provided with perl'o in presence of two Witnesses.


3. The combination of the mud-guard muf

?e having a projecting socket, with the en

gine-exhaust having a threaded opening, and


G. H. Novas,
JOSEPH P. Quinn.


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