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Green charcoal & Biochar

By guy.reinaud

Published: 11/03/2008 - 21:12

Focus Themes:
Technology and value addition

To which sector/s of agribusiness does the solution apply? :

Cold Chain
Please name:
Green charcoal & Biochar
Please describe the solution /project. :

Two billion people must face the problem of domestic energy needs that pushes them to deforestation, adding to
the problems of drought and desertification. To fight this, Pro-Natura invented and developed the innovative
technology of “green charcoal”. This technology is adding value to agricultural residues, it proves to be very
competitive in relation to wood charcoal, has a positive effect in terms of climate change and in recognition of this,
received the 1st place prize for technological innovation from the Altran Foundation in 2002.

What problem or market opportunity did it address? :

It adds value to unused biomass providing an efficient household energy and when applied in the soil as biochar it
increases agricultural productivity in a significant way.

How was the solution developed? :

It is a totally innovative technology invented and developped by the NGO Pro-Natura International

What were the implementing stages of the solution?:

The first research programme started in 1994 and the technology has been prouved with the installation of the first
commercial machine that started operating in Senegal in December 2007.

What challenges had to be overcome?:

The main challenge has been to design a continuous carbonisation process operating on the main agricultural
residues unused for annimal feed of soil fertility.

What are the main outputs / outcomes of the solution?:

The Pyro-6 and Pyro-7 machines are now available to add value to unused biomass

What are the lessons learned in implementing the solution? What factors were critical for its success? :

The main lesson is that you need a lot of persistance to find and optimize an innovative technological process.

If there are other solutions to a similar problem what makes this one different?:

The is so far no other process of this type.

How long was the duration of the project / how long was required for the solution?:

The whole programme took 14 years to reach the commercial stage.

Which institutions / organizations are supporting the implementation of the solution? :

Local / national government agencies
Private sector associations
International organizations

What are the key areas of impact?:

Food security/availability
How is the impact evaluated?:

The social impact is evaluated in terms of numerous job creations. It improuves soil productivity when used as
Biochar. It provides safe household energy. It generates added value from unused material. It generates carbon
credits because it avoids methane emissions together with deforestation.

What was/is the budget allocated to design/implement your solution?:

5,00 USD
How was the solution financed?:
Local/national government
Private sector
Were alternative sources of finance considered?:
Please Specify:

Carbon Funds

How can the sustainability of the solution be ensured?:

The solution is sustainable because it uses sustainably produced biomass. It has a vertuous effect in terms of
mitigating climate change and improuving agricultural productivity.

Is there a cost recovery scheme in place?:


Are beneficiaries able / willing to pay for services?:

Yes because it provides a cheaper household fuel compared to charcoal.

What are the future plans for the implementing institution?:

Development of the technology is taking place with the following priorities: 1. Africa, 2.China, 3. India.

How will the implementing institution continue to provide services to beneficiaries?:

Pro-Natura International is supplying turn key machines, it is training staff and providing the dossier to generate
carbon credits.

Are there expansion plans for new services – new potential beneficiaries?:

There are plans to produce electricity in a decentralised way by gasifying green charcoal.

Can the solution be replicated/scaled up to cover other areas/regions/countries/groups/products? :

See above

In which way can this be achieved and what resources would be needed in order to replicate/scale up the
solution? :

See above

What should be considered in the implementation?:

Before supplying any machine, Pro-Natura International is involved in a feasibility study leading to a business plan.

Is a business plan or project document available?:

Project Document
Please Upload Documents:
Green charcoal Article in Energy.pdf

Does the solution model offer opportunities for South-South cooperation? :

Is there cooperation already ongoing with initiatives or projects in other places? :
What are the tools and elements needed for South-South cooperation?:

Pro-Natura International provides the South-South networking service in this field.

How could South-South cooperation be implemented? :

Through Pro-Natura International.

Reports, brochures, newspaper clippings etc. (PDF format preferred) :

Youtube Videos:


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