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This paper consists of TWO (2) sections. Answer THREE (3) questions in SECTION A and
any ONE (1) question in SECTION B. All questions carry equal marks.

Question 1:
Consider the two-dimensional velocity distribution u By, v Bx, where B is a constant.
a) Determine that the flow field satisfies the incompressible continuity equation.
[10 marks]
b) Determine the stream function of the flow.
[10 marks]
c) Identify whether the flow has velocity potential or not.
[5 marks]
Question 2:
a) Engineers and scientists in the golf industry study the impact between a golf club and a golf
ball to determine the ball's so-called launch conditions. The impact typically lasts only 1/2000 of
a second, but it establishes the ball's velocity, launch angle and spin rate. After this brief impact
the ball's trajectory is controlled entirely by gravity and aerodynamics. As a result, aerodynamic
optimization--achieved through dimple pattern design--is a critical part of overall golf ball
development. Most golf balls have between 300 and 500 dimples, which have an average depth
of about 0.010 inch. Evaluate why does a golf ball have dimples on its surface? Justify your
answer based strictly upon your understanding of boundary layer theory plus adverse and
favorable pressure gradients, according to both cases of golf balls with dimples and golf balls
without dimples.
[10 marks]

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Figure Q2(a)
b) A smooth ceramic sphere is immersed in a flow of water at 25 cm/s. For water, take = 998
kg/m3 and = 0.001 kg/ms. Identify the sphere diameter if it is encountering
i. Creeping motion, Red = 1.
[10 marks]
ii. Transition to turbulence, Red = 250,000.
[5 marks]
Question 3:
a) SAE 10 oil at 20C flows in a vertical pipe of diameter 2.5 cm. It is found that the pressure is
constant throughout the fluid. For SAE 10 oil, take = 870 kg/m3 and = 0.104 kg/ms. Minor
losses are negligible.
[15 marks]
Determine what is the oil flow rate in m3/h?
Identify is the flow up or down?


b) Mercury at 20C flows through 77 meters of 7 mm diameter glass tubing at an average

velocity of 5 m/s. (For mercury at 20C, take =13550 kg/m3, g=9.81 m/s2 and =0.00156
kg/ms). Minor losses are negligible.
[5 marks]

Determine the head loss in meters.

Identify the pressure drop in Pa.

c) A pump delivers gasoline at 20C and 12 m3/h. At the inlet, p1 = 100 kPa, z1 = 1 m, and
V1=2m/s. At the exit p2 = 500 kPa, z2 = 4 m, and V2 = 3 m/s. Identify how much power is
required if the motor efficiency is 70%? (For gasoline at 20C, take =680 kg/m3, g=9.81 m/s2)
[5 marks]
Question 4:
A large tank at 300 kPa delivers air through a nozzle of 1-cm2 throat area and 2.2-cm2 exit area.
A normal shock wave stands in the exit plane. The temperature just downstream of this shock is
473 K. (R=287 J/kg K and k=1.4).
a) Determine the Mach number in the throat.

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[5 marks]
b) Determine the temperature in the large tank.
[5 marks]
c) Determine the receiver pressure.
[15 marks]
Question 5:
When a pitot tube such as in Figure Q5 is placed in a supersonic flow (R=287 J/kg K and k=1.4),
a normal shock will stand in front of the probe. Suppose the probe reads p0 = 190 kPa and p=150
kPa. If the stagnation temperature is 400 K,

Determine the (supersonic) Mach number.

[5 marks]


Determine temperature upstream of the shock.

[10 marks]


Determine velocity upstream of the shock.

[10 marks]

Figure Q5

- THE END MEE 3221/ MEE 4205 / AUGUEST 2015/ Dr. Mohammad Hossein Yazdi

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Pipe flow
Reynolds number in round pipe with diameter, d:

Re = Vd/= 4Q/(d)
The laminar head loss:

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total system loss equation:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Roughness Values for Commercial Ducts

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The Moody chart for pipe friction with smooth and rough walls.

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Compressible flow

For isentropic flow of a perfect gas, k=1.4, (Table B1)


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Critical value when Ma=1, for k=1.4

Mass-Flow Functions:
The Local Mass-Flow Function

The maximum mass flow when k=1.4

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Normal Shock equations (Table B2)

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Boundary Layer and Potential Flow

The friction and pressure drag:

Average friction coefficient over the entire plate

Velocity potential:

Stream function for plane incompressible flow in x-y coordinates:

Navier-Stokes equations for steady two-dimensional incompressible viscous flow with the x
direction along the wall and y normal to the wall:

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