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mars transit

strenth corage, one direction mind, ability to fight for what we believe in, mal
e siblings, opponents, cuts burns bruises, firefighter,
mars transiting over sun , I can b hero, can take challenge,
mas dignity n ruling house
jyotish vidya mandir
2h make u believe in, fight for ur family, circulation of money, energize the fl
ow of money, spending, speech will b more aggressive,
3, 2nd from 2, sudden courage, attaining information, grasp over skill, mars asp
4 all about conquering, 7 dominating 8 transformation, death of something, reen
ergizing, destroy n rebuilding, from itself, it will bring qualities of the h it
is ruling, engaging with male, brings shingles, like to play with hand,
4, debilitated in cancer, soldeir in kitchen, general in the kitchen, either try
to discipline n arrange things, thr which they run into power struggle with mot
her or in laws, can give u aquisition of land, can make u patriotic, mothers mal
e siblings can come to home, wanting to have relationship, focusing on health,
5, lot of fun sports, physical activities, mars with jup n sat pointing to this
house can actually give birth to ur child, more competitive in studies, motivate
ur children for compitition or fight on, take risks, for good or bad, invest mo
ney in stock, bet on game n make money,
6 clearning debt or gaining debt, destroying enemies, ppl try to hurt, very comp
etitive to get a job, competitive exams, good to try for government job, pets fo
r protections, get hurt physically, blood circulation problem, muscle weakness
7 getting into romantic relations, meeting lots of ppl, power struggle to spouse
or partner, going into higher position, specially with sat,
8 lot of interest towards sexual interest, inner strenght to fight for something
, some sergeory, sudden events,
9 power struggle to father guru challenging their authority, discipline towards
spiritual n religious activities, fight for higher casue
10 beautiful transit, most highest willpower, courage, feel like can take on any
11 energizes house of gain, risk taking is happening , encounter with elder brot
her, fighting for your gain with network circle or elder brother
12 discipline towards spiritpuality, meditation, yoga, dreams becomes energized
full of actions, activities related to affairs, specially when venus n mars secr
et affairs
mars over planets
mars sun two hot planet, more fire, soul giver of life n taker of life, ego is t
hat one thing burns everything, ego gets suddenly boosts, feel proud abt ur line
age, who u r, personality ,
mars moon become very stubborn, cut bruise to mother, mind full of activities, c
annot keep still, fixing something in home,
mars venus ignition of passion, love, sexual energy, need to go for dating, make
u drive fast, aggressive driving, aggressive towards opp sex, creative ideas, c
reative technical
mars mars, super soldier, fight for what ur belief,
mars merc speech is aggressive, say what u want, very assertive in ur ideas, dem
anding manager, mercury the manager wants to disciplin, what i want is need to b
e done, in debate with friends, siblings
mars sat whaterver sat is doing now speeds up, organize ur life, sat is now awak
ened, sat is started working quickly, it can trigger wars, arguments, so mars wi
th baton n slow workoholic sat is going to piss, in war zone, too much energy, a
rguments with ur uncle or old, hurt disabled, hurt by machine, injure ur feet or
leg, machine will require repair
mars rah explosive energy, activating emotion passion enemy ignite, break the sm
oke with sword, awakens rahu

mars ket become disciplined in ur spiritual activities, ketu headless, irrationa

l actions,
mars jup argument with teacher father, enterprenual enterprize
Ascension 2015/2022
sudden loss of interest in the work they r doing, do not feel like human race, f
eel anxiety, 40% r going to go into the health n healing, human have 72 light sp
ectrum, light traveling for last 7 to 8000 yrs hit earth on april 2015, it is sh
aking us, biggest portal near nepal mt everest, many other portals are opening u
scorpio hidden psychological fears, sat in scorpio brings these in front of u, l
oss of interests in technology,
ketan popat
4 for study
5 for gyan, convincing power or implanting u r own idea in other's mind,
between sun n earth planets do not have dristi except 7th
4th dristi of mars tries to find sukh, dump its emotions on 7th dristi or tries
to dominate, mars is highly emotional not ugra, 8th dristi nash or kasht creates
jup 5 tries to understand that significance, samnewale ki itchae, cooperate, res
pect, tries to give love only, 9 tries to behave like elderly ppl, give advice,
7 dristi tries to make relation but will not take responsibility, tries to convi
nce abt opp person responsibility
shani 3 dristi 3h abt our thinking, will think abt that much, like completely, 7
how much i wrk, hardwork doing tries to show, 10 only hard work,
11h is wishes
char 11 badhak for lagna of rashi 1 chalnahi kam, 11h friends h if listens to fr
iends will not be able to achieve things, 4 until they leave their family they w
ill not be able to succeed ex ram, 7 vyapari ho vyapar karo if tries to get satt
a it will not suit ex hitlor, anti example gandhiji, raja vyapari praja bhikhari
10 do not see what others are getting
fix 9 badhak 5 have leave ego as mesh in 9th h, as their ego draw away ppl away
better to leave than getting dominated, 8 9h has karka sukh ki rashi, as ashtam
sign which cannot enjoy sukh, shd not get jealous of others sukh, and will not a
ttain spiritual, 11 labh stan rashi, like to get what others r getting, will not
see what they have got, always sad or serious, 2
common 7 badhak 3 6 9 12
master class series dharmesh mehta
predictive technique
trikona bhava r more strong than square angles
draw first square ie kendra n than trikona
4h r in sq
8h in trikona
kendradhipati in kendrapati will not give good phal
malefic in kendra as kendradhipati will not give bad result
kendra is run by its own nature, if any planet will hinder the pleasure
when kendradhipati will give result, anytime, anytime u can revive u r body,
time 1,dasha fixed, 2, gochar variable, whenever any planet in gochar comes in u
r kendra than rising will be sure n pleasure will be sure no need to do any effo
rt for them,
kendras are double than other houses which r triangle,
all trikona shape h ruled by condition, ex if u want a good relations give up mo
ney, 11h if u feel friends , trikona h is running by dasha, exception for gochar
when sign is changed triangle h will get affected,
ek bhav se ek time per ek hi significance works

*lord of the house give u the things which u can touch n feel
karaka of the house give u the things which u can only feel or pleasure
1 kendra, what is kendra, from 1st going to 4th for pleasure, than to 7th n to
10th, center of the life
2 kendra bhava, 1 4 7 10, basic needs,
3 full or Total kendra bhava, 3 bhava only, 4 7 10,
kendra 1 4 7 10
panapha 2 5 8 11 fir aana, bad mein aana after basic things, all sthana is a dha
na sthana, 2 5 11 jup karaka except 8
2 wealth of family 5 wealth according to u r lottery speculation unexpected gain
, 8 wealth of parents, 11 expected gain, if 5 h lord is not placed well than go
for calculative risk
apokilam 3 6 9 12, apo means half n kilam means kill, half of the things u have
to sacrifice, vyaya sthana of the kendras, dont expect full results,
3 h 2 to 4 hrs of day time n continues, subconcious mind, if no planets in 3rd h
no younger sibling, 6 h of disease vyaya 9 h karma ka phala half to carry forwa
rd to next or next birth, 12 h is everything which u cant see,
diwasa story
vyayesh in 1st will not get nxt birth, sat going thr 4 8 than will not get nxt b
irth, vyayesh is bad,
water with dharmesh mehta
venus 4 h karaka for pleasure which u can feel not material possession, black mo
ney if in 1 7 10,
hero moon venus,
villain sat ven, rah n ven
jup is growth is the key
ven is pleasure is the key
asp will always increase impact of aspecting planet, like I am watching u,
ex ven in 5h, asp 7 is on 11 watch if u r getting pleasure from friend, 11 h is
neutral, so ven is not very good in 11, 6 h ven is marana karaka sthan for ven,
ven in 8 gives longetivity, ven is also called sanjivani,
ven is yogakaraka for sani lagna, sani is yogakaraka for ven lagna, ven n sat in
6 n 8, than first they will enjoy n than they become saint,
lagnesh in kendra or trikona is not very good,
ven bhagya varsha is 25, ven in 7th is not good spoil marriage, same is for 2n p
artner dies as 8th from 7th if other support, for female it gives multiple patne
r, and 12h first crush will not fructify,
venus is ghee, mars is fire always feel young,
ven mars conj is good except 7h,
shishir season of venus, transformation takes place, increase immunity
planet even if debilitated
exalted sun in asc, in d9 if sun is debilitated, so eventually u r gonna suffer
humiliation low self esteem low confidence, specially after marriage or after th
e age of 28, or if sun is debilitated in 7th h than u r mariage is going to suff
er, ego issues, which is generally stated but sometimes that might not be the ca
se, still it will not harm u
in divisional charts u have to see if debilitation cancellation occurs, most ast
rologers do not considers house placement aspects or cancellation of yoga or nic
ha bhanga rajyoga,
if the dispositor of the debilitated planet or the sign that p

How to time Malefic Events by saptarshi

Paresh Desai Guru of Sunil sir
transit using nakshatra for predictive astrology
sarvatobhadro chakra, mentioned in narpatijaycharya,
Rules for timing events
1 whenever janma Nak o lagna nak or its lord is adversely effected in transit or
Vedha via Sarvatobhadra Chakra by tow or more malefics sometimes even one malef
ic in a very adverse dasa is strong enogh to give result then malefic events hap
pen in ones life
2 Wheneve a house lord placed in a nakshatra is transited or having vedha by two
or more malefics adverse results to the significations of that house results
3 sometimes one planet will betransited (or vedha) by a malefic and another key
planet by another malefic
4 sometimes functional malefics (that is benefics) can be more harmful than natu
al malefic
5 Transit of key planets on nakshatas where Rahu or ketu is placed can trigger v
ery significantevents in ones life or transit of Rahu or ket on key planets
6 promise of the horoscope has to be taken and understood before coming to concl
usions when using Sarvatobhadra Chakra This is the mistake most make in not unde
rstanding the promise of the horoscope, combine promise of the horoscope (which
is yoga plus age of activation of the yoga) along with adverse dasas and then us
e SBC and one may not falter
7 Observe a significant house, see if it is crowded with planets, say with two o
r three and whenever its dasa sequence comes, see the transit movement of those
planets (involved in the dasa sequence) in SBC chart
Bhrigu Nadi secrets by Yuvraj Singh
1a sun implements its energy in 25th yr in the house it is posited,
1b sun impliments its energy in the 6th h from itself in the 10th yr

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