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Communication Contract Proposa

For: Creative Minds Inc.

Produced By: Margaret Heinsohn


Source: Google



Communication Contract Proposal

Communication Contract

Table of Contents
Introduction 3
The Five Ground Clauses..5


Communication Contract Proposal

Communication Contract

With a continuously connecting world, people are becoming much more interested in understanding
organizational culture and communication. In any organization, effectiveness of communication holds a
crucial key to the success of that company. Effective organizational communication heavily relies on ethics.
There are numerous characteristics that define ethical communication, and there is an ongoing debate on
what is considered unethical in an organizational setting. This proposal is designed to present the concept of a
communication contract between stakeholders and their proxies. This contract will explain how to;
constructively manage unethical behavior; encourage a stronger corporate culture; lessen the chances of
potential conflicts; as well as help develop skills to become a better listener and communicator in this
environment. Ultimately, it will serve as a guide to gain awareness of both individual and mutual
responsibilities in an ethical organizational environment. Five clause have been carefully selected to reduced
conflict, improve communication, and promote a more productive work environment.
Communication is not always easy. As humans, we listen and respond to others based on our feelings,
beliefs, attitudes, and values. What we say verbally is only fraction of communication. Researchers have
found that the people receiving the message interpret about 65 percent of that message through nonverbal
communication. That signifies that the words you use and your tone of voice are just as significant as the

Communication Contract Proposal

Communication Contract

nonverbal signals you are sending when you convey a message. While we can choose our words and how to
say them, often lose sight on what is ethically right and how others are perceiving our messages. In any
situation we need to be aware that in situations where ethics are being questioned, we must be even more
diligent because the messages we send and receive affect the organization as a whole and carry vital
consequences to the organization.
Everyone has the potential to be an ethical leader in todays global society. However, there are a few
traits that are more commonly found in leaders who have been educated and trained in organizational ethics.
These traits include: 1) Conscientiousness, which means being thorough and/or cautious of how and what is
being communicated; 2) Moral identity, which how an individual defines themselves as a good person with
moral traits; and 3) Cognitive moral development, which concerns on the extent of ones thinking about
ethical issues (Mayer et al., 2012).
It is no secret that in order for an organization to be successful and grow, its operations, including
communications should be founded on strong ethical standards. In addition, sustainable profitability is most
promising when an organization has built its stakeholder relations using clear ethical practices. Trust is one of
the key roles in a good company climate and employee satisfaction. A study by Jeanette & Chaney (2012)
reported that organizations who were considered to be trustworthy and honest achieved long-term
relationships with their stakeholders. From these findings, it can be argued that ethical communication is an
essential element in the success of any company. Since organizational communication is also central to its
operations, then, ethics should be integrated to the organizational communication practice in order to

Communication Contract Proposal

Communication Contract

guarantee long term profitability and strong stakeholder relationships. This is the main reason that Creative
Minds Inc. needs and will benefit from a communication contract.

The five ethical clauses of the communication contract introduced here is set forth to offer universal
ground rules for ethical communication. . This communication contract stresses the significance of ethical
business communication in every level of the organization. The clauses will be defined in terms of general
guidelines for sincere, transparent, prompt verbal and non-verbal transactions between company employees
and all its stakeholders. Furthermore, the core ethical matters that will be taken into consideration do not
replace other policies and do not anticipate every situation.
The responsibility to uphold the five ground clauses lies within all communicating parties. However,
the organizational leaders have the added responsibility in order to exhibit, through their actions, the
importance of upholding this communication contract. Ethical communication is the product of clear and
sincere communication of ethical behavioral expectations which begins by example. In order to successfully
implement and follow through on the communication contract the organizational leaders must promptly
address ethical questions or concerns raised by any stakeholder. They are also responsible for taking the
appropriate steps to handle these questions and concerns. At Creative Minds Inc. we are striving to
incorporate ethical dialogue a part of the companys daily culture.


Communication Contract Proposal

Communication Contract

Creative Minds Inc.s integrity must begin with complying with the laws, and regulations of the
company. In order to do that, all management must be up to date with the corporate laws, company policies,
and regulations that apply to their specific roles. If there is any uncertainty of whether a contemplated action
is permitted by law or company policy, it is best to seek advice from the appropriate company resources.
The Five Ground Clauses
As mentioned earlier; the core ethical matters that will be taken into consideration include: honesty,
justice, transparency, respect, and prompt resolution. Figure 1 illustrates a model of structure of the proposed
The set forth communication contract applies to all
communication contract.

The Communication

company employees, officers, directors, and partners

who are subject to the communication contract. The
communication contract applies in all facilities as well as

Partners and expectations

Ethical Ground Clauses

1. Honesty
2. Justice

work related activities or any place the company is being

represented. In addition to the laws or policies that apply
to our workplace, each of us is responsible for the
following ethical ground clauses:

3. Transparency

The first clause is honesty which stipulates that

4. Respect

all who are subject to the communication contract are to

5. Prompt Resolution

sincerely communicate information to the best of their

knowledge, with accuracy and without omitting


information when communicating with any stakeholder

Policy Making,
Outcome and Long Term

of the company. Honesty forms our organization on the


foundation of trust which is imminent to our business.


Communication Contract Proposal

Communication Contract

Figure 1: The Communication contract reflects the

fundamental expectations expected of all
communicators and stakeholders in the organization.

Secondly, the justice clause refers to the level of fairness the stakeholders feel they are being treated
with. Greenberg (1987) introduced the idea of organizational justice with regard to how an employee judges the
behavior of the organization and their resulting attitude and behavior that comes from this. Justice in regards to
ethical communication includes the perceived fairness of distributed outcomes that are tangible, such as pay. As
well as intangible, such as praise. The transparency clause refers to all communicators, including those in
leadership roles, to keep all stakeholders informed with the correct information in a timely manner. If there is an
instance where one cannot answer a question or concern correctly, it is best to explain why and to find the
correct resource to best address the situation.
The respect clause is the fundamental of tolerance of all company employees and
stakeholders. The fundamentals of respect in ethical communication is considered when a
communicator practices active listening, patience, and consideration towards others. Ethical
communication in an organization also includes the tolerance of difference and beliefs of others
without prejudice. Lastly, the prompt resolution clause refers to the efficacy of the decision
making process in the company. Research shows that in order to deal with interpersonal conflicts
ethically and promptly, is to have increased awareness of individual partners and team leaders
who are best suit to deal with organizational conflicts.

Communication Contract Proposal

Communication Contract

Moreover, it is important to note that ethics also holds one responsible to communicate with out bias,
and with respect towards all stakeholders, violations of these principals can become legal implications. In any
case where one or more of the clauses have been breached, a plan of action needs to be established and
communicated universally in the communication contract. Ultimately, it is in the best interest of all
stakeholders to respect the organizations ethical communication clauses and those who it applies to.

Dresp-Langley, B. (2009). The communication contract and its ten ground clauses. Journal of
business ethics :
JOBE, 87(3), .
Folger. (2014). Working through conflict: Strategies for relationships, groups, and organizations.
PearsonEducation Inc.
Greenberg, Jerald. "A Taxonomy of Organizational Justice Theories." Academy off Management
Review 12.1
(1987): 9-22.
Jeanette, S., & Chaney, L. (2012). Global Business Etiquette: A Guide to International
Communication and Customs.
New York: ABC-CLIO.
J. L. Austin. How to do things with words. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, 1962.
Mayer, D. M., Aquino, K., Greenbaum, R. S., & Kuenzi, M. (2012). Who displays ethical leadership
and why does

Communication Contract Proposal

Communication Contract

it matter? An examination of antecedents and consequences of ethical leadership.

Academy of Management Journal, 55(1), 151-171.


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