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Jessie Johnson on Rosenthal

NCE =The National Counselor Examination Paden and Trade office

CPCE= Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination Paden and Trade office
NBCC =National Board for Certified Counselors
40-160 -200
Direct question incomplete when two answers are taken`11 question Psycho
1. Human Growth and Development
2. Social and Cultural foundations
3. Helping Relationships, includes Couples and marriage
4. Group Work
5. Career and Lifestyle Development
6. Appraisal
7. Research Evaluation Program
8. Professional Orientation and Ethics
Work behavioral areas which are five

Fundamental Counseling
Assessment and Career Counseling
Group Counseling
Problematic Clinical Interventions
Professional Practice Issues

We will receive overall 14 scores.

90- 110 passing scores
CPCE Shorter measure 160 questions or Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination
CCE is a corporate affiliation of the NBCC 20 questions 3 field questions 136 perfect
On The NCE 200 questions 8 areas will vary: More topics with helping relationships more
questions than

Research Evaluation Program

ACA ethics counselors has the responsibility enhance

Basic Research Is theory than Applied Research helps answer the questions, if theory really
answers the problems of the real world. If an experiment can be replicated is said to be reliable
*Kiss*Keep it simple stupid Psycho research is in agreement
Altirasine, 5htc , and St Johnsworth
IVs are manipulated controlled group. First blank
Dvs Dependant is the outcome Data human response second blank
Type 1 is the Alpha type 2 error is called the beta error the chance factor. Type 1 error we reject
Rebt helped the alcoholic
How it works
Random Sampling, keeps Bias researchers them honest, when a random sample is taken there is
a further step needed. Has to be in the controlled groups, this is called true randomness. You
need random in random assignment. Researchers get their sampling from a table from text books
or computer that select random numbers one study does not affect one from the other. Larry
loche Qusazie in tech sub are all experimental groups we have to be careful how we interpret the
research results. Stratified sample from sub groups strata or selective, the sample mimics the
general population Proportional stratified sampling, cluster group natural. Epp Sampling or
systematic sampling Kath Sampling pick 10 to 15 no matter which is pick the systematic is easier
This Practice is more common in the United Kingdom. These are all Probability sample
Non Probability Sample Not based on Probability Theory
Judgment Sampling Judgment of the researcher to choose Subjects thought to be representive of
the population
Convince sampling an in tech existing group is used with no random sample
Quota sample pre specified character sample will mimic the same kind of character you assume
that exist in the population.
Hypotheses, an idea or hunch

R. A. Fisher first conducted of hypotheses testing Null experimental each experiment has at least
two hypotheses, The Null sub0 hypotheses and the experimental hypotheses written with a H
with a small1 to the right of it. A second hypotheses with 8 sessions with REBT with 16 reality
session therapy with H2 H3 the hunch is the experimental hypotheses, The Null means nothing
no difference upper Case H tiny 0 is sub0
Modern form of Hypotheses Not mentioning specific measurement no difference with either

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