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Skyrim Mod Notes

Leah Lillith Jewelry

The items cannot be found or crafted in game. You need to search in the console for "Leah Lilith" to
find the Jewelry box. Spawn it with "player placeatme ->item ID<- 1".
Smut Books
1 Book in Cragwallow Slope
1 Book at the Whiterun Guard Barracks
2 Books in the Lost Knife hideout
1 Book in the Embershard Mines
2 Books in White River Watch
1 Book at Valtheim Towers
1 Book at the Blue Palace in Solitude
1 Book in the "Bee and Barb"
1 Book in Candlehearth Hall
1 Book in Windpeak Inn in Dawnstar
Possibly more
Followers Can Relax
Talk to your companion and choose the topic "We'll stay here for a while." They will start interacting
with the environment (eat, drink, sit, ect). To get them to start following you again, just talk to them
and say "Let's go."
StrapOn by Aeon
You can find it at the forge [Glass]
- Or use '^' to open the console and type 'help "strapon" 4'. then 'player.additem ID Amount'
You can obtain the Erect and Dangly versions of the Penis by crafting it at a forge nothing is required to
forge them, or you can type "help Penis" In the console.
Unique Region Names
This mod adds overrides to the "Skyrim" display name on doors.
Must be loaded before Open Cities Skyrim.
Extensible Follower Framework
Instead of speaking to your followers through dialogue, a menu will popup with a number of available
features, this menu can be turned off and you can still access the same functions through the dialogue.
To turn off the menu simply open the configuration menu by typing
setstage FollowerMenu 0
In the console
--- Group (FollowerCount > 1)
------- Wait
------- Follow
------- Dismiss

------- Relax
------- More (See Plugins)
------- Back
------- Exit
--- Command
------- Wait
------- Follow
------- Relax
------- Dismiss
------- Trade
------- Stats
----------- General
----------- Combat
----------- Skills
----------- Magic
----------- Back
----------- Exit
------- More (See Plugins)
------- Back
------- Exit
Ultimate Follower Overhaul
1) Dialogue:
a) You know... (A dialogue branch containing various options depending on NPC you are interacting
--You are important./Everyone dies... (Set follower essential so that it takes damage, but only goes
down on one knee or mortal. Mortal = can be killed and does not regenerate hp)
--You could dress better. (Converts unmovable, invisible outfit follower has to regular gear that can be
removed so followers will wear whatever player places in their inventory)
--Relax for a while./Time to go. (Follower stays on the location doing various things. If set to mortal,
relaxing regenerates health as of 1.1b)
--In combat mistakes happen. Forgive and forget./Anyone hurts you, make them pay.(Set follower to
react/ignore friendly hits by player)
--You are naked... (Makes a naked follower dress)
--Speaking of magic... (a branch containing dialogue concerning magic)
----Study that book, you will find it useful. (Make follower use a spell tome from inventory to learn a
----Forget you ever knew magic. It is a vile art. (Make follower forget learned spells)
--I need your help./You are dismissed. (Recruit/dismiss guards from party. Requires you be a Thane and
have a houscarl with you)
--Nothing, sorry. (End conversation.)
b) So what are you good at? (Will display follower statistics with current equipment bonuses)
c) Train some, you are weak... (Will level up follower statistics to match current level)
2) Follower Limit -- Amount of followers you can have accompany you has been raised to 15 (not
including dogs or quest NPCs). This limit is shared with the number of followers you can have relaxing
at place of your choosing.
3) Riding for followers -- 8 follower horses can be found at major cities and stables around Skyrim for

followers to ride.
Gear for horses can be bought at Whiterun Stable.
From Skulvar at Whiterun stable you can buy:
-- [Horse Tack] Basic Gear -- When placed in UFO horse inventory: UFO Horse will follow you while
you are mounted, fast travel after you while you are mounted. Followers will port ahead and horses will
come after you wait for 1h. Price: 1000 gold
-- [Horse Tack] Martingale -- When placed in UFO horse Inventory: UFO Horse will wait in place
when dismounted. Used to leave horses at desired locations. Price: 200 gold
-- [Horse] Interact -- Also you can get training in horse handling. This will add "[Horse] Interact" item
to your inventory. Equip it in hand and use on UFO horse. This will open UFO horse Inventory. Price:
500 gold [As of 1.2g works on players horse too.]
UFO horses with no Horse Tackle will go back to location you found them once dismounted.
-- While mounted-Follower and horse will fast travel with player [with 1.6 followers will fast travel ahead of horses,
waiting 1h will port horses to your location. being worked on atm to restore old functionality.]
Follower horses will follow the lead horse when ridden by player (allows you to relocate horses)
Followers will not engage in combat unless player is attacked
Using Relax Voice Command 2x(twice) will command followers to dismount (should you not wish to
wait for them to dismount on their own)
--Not mounted-Follower horses will not fast travel
Follower Horses will stay on location where they were dismounted by follower
5) Group commands:
Book "Field Command" found in Breezehome will teach you voice commands. They are used as any
voice power pressing Z(voice cast button by default).
- Can be bought from Skulvar at Whiterun Stable. Requirements: 50 Speechcraft, 5000 gold (1.2f)
--Command Relax (All followers within range will enter sandbox behavior waiting on the location and
doing different things. Group relax does regenerate mortal followers. Use again for followers to stop
--Command Stop (All followers withing range will receive wait order. Use again for followers to start
following you.)
--Command Flee (If battle is going poorly command your followers to flee. They will disengage and
run after player. Use again to stop fleeing behavior. While fleeing followers will not use horses.)
--Command Stop Fighting (Should followers start fighting among themselves this will shout them to a
TIP: Commands can be hotkeyed to number buttons for faster use (in my case i bound them to 5,6,7, 8
buttons and i cast them by Q)
5) Misc.:
a) Houscarls --All houscarls will move to their towns player house when you purchase it
b) Level caps --Level limits have been removed on vanilla followers (some possibly require new game
for level limit to be gone depending on type of npc introduction to the world)
c) Dual wield -- All followers can dual wield if given appropriate weaponry
d) Gender animations -- All follower animations are gender appropriate (example of Lydia by default
using male animations)
e) Weapon drawing -- Followers draw weapons in combat and no longer each time a player does.
f) Sneaking -- Followers will not engage while sneaking, unless spotted or combat starts.
g) Marriage -- All followers have been marked with flag to be available for marriage.

h) Bow/arrows -- Endlessly spawning bow and arrows have been removed

Futa Equipable
lace accessory
bandaid (removes futa including lace accessory if equipped)
futa penis
futa penis bukkake
futa penis with balls
futa penis with balls bukkake
futa penis with balls 100 weight (no weight slider, just 100 - for small characters that want huge futa)
futa penis with balls 100 weight bukkake
All items enchantable as jewelry. To add, use help futa in console and player.additem command. Not
adding crafting or buying from merchant, and no penis from a barrel or chest either. Just use the
Works on all races. Might look a bit odd on argonian as the textures are all the same. Works fine on
khajiit as well, but it's not furry. I'm using otmotm's original textures from his futanarium mod, and the
khajiit textures are the exact same as the human penis texture.
Skeleton Staff
Find the chest in the Catacombs of Whiterun's Hall of the Dead. To the right as you enter. Sorry, I'm
Contains: Various staves enchanted from the school of Destruction to choose from at moderate damage;
Ice Spike
Lightning Bolt
also available;
Soul Trap
Hunting in Skyrim
Visit The Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun, or talk to the Hunters wandering the wilds of Skyrim to
learn more.
Inside the Drunken Huntsman Basement (temporary Guild Hall) you'll find a journal on a table. Read
it, take it, and you'll begin your journey to become the greatest hunter Tamriel has ever known.
In Your Shadow
adds an in-game option to play without dragonborn powers, and to stop the main quest right after
becoming thane of Whiterun, without any indication that the player is a dragonborn. The mod still lets
you choose to be a dragonborn, if you so desire. This means that you can switch between dragonborn
and common peasant characters, without having to change your mod load order.
When you start a new game, or load an existing game for the first time after installing this mod, you
will receive a lesser power called Dragonborn Awakening. Using this power brings up a simple
question, asking you whether you want to be a dragonborn. If you answer yes, you are granted an

invisible perk, and the menu disappears, never to be seen again (unless you use the Mod Configuration
Menu see below). If you answer no, you do not get the perk, and the menu also disappears.
If you are a dragonborn, all word walls are enabled as usual, you can absorb dragon souls, and the main
quest will proceed normally. If you are not the dragonborn, all word walls are simply there for
decoration, dragon corpses remain intact, and the main quest ends at Dragon Rising. Dragon Rising
itself will be a little more streamlined.
Enable Dragons
Allows you to toggle random dragons at any time. Dragons are not automatically enabled when youre
not a dragonborn, so use this option if you want them.
Re-add Menu Power
Lets you bring up the menu again, so you can choose once more, if youve changed your mind. I dont
recommend using this feature after youve slain Mirmulnir.
Disable/enable all word walls
For debugging reasons, mainly. You dont need these options during normal gameplay. Dont enable all
word walls if youve already learnt any words, because that will bug the walls in the manner described
above. You could try to fix it by disabling all word walls. If you chose not to be a dragonborn and you
want to uninstall the mod, its best to run Enable all word walls right before uninstalling.
Magicka Sabers
This modification is a lightsaber style weapons mod for Skyrim. Eventually it will be focused around
using magicka to wield them and a story/quest line to construct them.
All weapons can be crafted at a blacksmith forge and tempered at grindstone. Deadric smithing perk is
required to craft them. They are located under the Daedric section for now, otherwise they wouldn't be
able to be tempered past flawless. Here are the recipies until I can get new craft items quested. In order
to craft/temper the soulgem has to originally be empty. You can use and empty one that has been filled
using soul trap, but cannot use one that is sold or looted filled.
Mixed Unit Tactics
This plugin allows you to have follower squads, provides balanced salary system and context
dependent order mechanics. There are a lot of mods that simply increase the follower limit. The goal of
this plugin is to create balanced, less chaotic combat experience with focus on preparation.
Brief list of features:
- Create squads from followers.
- Use ONE single spell to give ALL types of orders. Precise control. No menus, no annoying pop-up
windows. Starcraft style: select the unit -> select the destination.
- Control your troops from the ground or from a Dragon.
- Bind any shout to the squad and use it as a signal.
- Pay salary.
- Stealth orders. Followers can perform stealth kills.
- Followers can ride any horse from the game, they can even steal horses.
- Select the combat formation for each squad.
- Write orders on paper.
You can have up to 120 followers in your party in any combinations. There are no limits for squad size

or squads count! Also, you don't have to take your troops with you (just define squads, send them to
their homes and call only when you need some support)
More Dynamic Injuries
Multiple new injury types
Aside from your basic cuts and bruises, you will now have to deal with burns, frostbite, blood loss, and
broken bones.
Health is now your damage tolerance, or how much immediate damage you can take before you die of
shock trauma. Healing spells, Drain and Fortify Health effects all improve (or decrease) this value as is
normal in the game. It also represents your bodys physical conditioning. More health (unmodified)
means you can take more punishment to a point.
Your Injury level is how much long-term damage was caused to your muscle tissue from cuts and
bruises. If not too severe, they will heal themselves over time. If they get particularly bad, though, then
you will be required to intervene and stitch up those deep wounds before you bleed out. Healing spells
dont close wounds, they help reduce pain and shock trauma and allow you to continue on in a fight for
longer. Bad injuries will have a negative effect on your Health, too, so keep them in check.
Being hit with particularly heavy weapons results in blunt force trauma, which is not too healthy for
your skeleton. Take too many blows on the arm from a warhammer, and youll find yourself unable to
use that arm, on account of it being broken and crippled. If you break an arm, you cannot equip
anything (not even spells) to that hand. Break both arms and that fights over (run or die, your choice).
Subsequently, breaking a leg will severely handicap your ability to move around; your overall speed
will drop significantly. Break both legs, and not only do you lose even more of your agility, but now
you are stuck walking, and in very big trouble.
Both if these wounds cause immediate blood loss (external and internal bleeding, respectively). If your
injuries get too severe, however, you will begin bleeding out. If you do nothing, you will find your
vision blurring, your Stamina falling, and your body weakening. Left untreated, you will die. When you
are not bleeding out, your blood will slowly replenish itself over time.
Play with fire, you get burned. Taking damage from flames will result in you receiving burns of
increasing severity. When they get too severe, you will be in indescribable pain, resulting in you losing
health progressively over time instead of regenerating it. Getting badly shocked by a lightning spell
will also burn you, so keep an eye out.
The extreme cold of Skyrim is just as much an enemy as those bandits you killed five minutes ago. Be
it a freezing spell, or taking a dive into the Sea of Ghosts, you will find the temperature of your
extremities dropping. Fast. Nip this in the bud and get your temperature back up by getting out of the
cold, else you will find yourself slogging about sluggishly in the snow unable to use your hands on
account of your fingers being frozen. Youll need outside help at this point. But dont worry; in this
world of Alchemy and potions, the need amputation is quite rare.
Its not just you who is in danger of a horrible, bloody, and painful death. Everyone is, be it your
grandmother, your adventuring companion, or that bandit you are now fighting.
You can find all this information in-game stored in a handy guide book called Surviving Skyrim: Field
Medicine. You will be prompted to pick up a copy when you load up the mod. It is from this guide you
can configure this mods many injuries. If you are feeling things are too easy, you can turn the damage
rates up all the way to five times the default. And if you are feeling overwhelmed, turn the rates down
all the way to one-fifth the default. This guide is available in any general store.
You can check on your injuries using your Treat Injuries power. Use your Check Follower
Injuriespower to check your Follower's injury level and give them medical supplies if they need them.
Minor wounds (50 and above, or anything greater than 0 for limbs) of any type will heal themselves

over time. If you find they are getting too severe, take a rest and let them heal up.
For severe wounds, you will need stitches to fix them. They are available from your local apothecary,
or craftable using sinew and a lockpick. Once stitched, your injuries will heal themselves, but be
careful you dont get into any strenuous activities. You dont want to tear your stitches or youll lose all
your hard work.
If you dont have stitches, you can bandage the wound to slow the bleeding. You can make them
yourself using some linen wraps and alcohol (nord mead or any wine) or buy them from your local
Apothecary. Once bandaged, your blood loss rate will be permanently slowed until you can get the
wounds treated.
And if all else fails, a leather strip tourniquet can slow the bleeding for a short time, perhaps long
enough for you to find help.
Broken bones will need a splint to help set the bone properly. You can buy them, again, from your local
apothecary, or you can make them yourself given you have the knowhow and the needed items
(firewood and 5 leather strips).
For severe burns, you will need burn cream, available at your local apothecary or craftable by mixing
together three of any ingredient containing a Resist Frost effect (or three of one and one batch of Frost
Salts). Once applied, your burns will be soothed, and will be healed over time.
For severe frostbite, warming cream is needed. Buy it from your local apothecary or make it yourself
using three of any ingredient containing a Resist Fire effect (or three of one and one batch of Fire
Salts). Once applied, you will feel immediate relief, and your frostbite will go away over time.
All medical supplies can be found for sale at your local apothecary, or you can make them yourself by
using your Craft Medical Supplies power. You will only be able to see the recipes you are currently
capable of making, so dont be surprised if this list is empty when you open it.
You can only fully treat your injuries while outside of combat. In combat, you may apply bandages and
tourniquets, but nothing else.
Your followers will automatically treat their own injuries so long as they have the appropriate medical
supplies. You need only keep them supplied.
1- Angelic Wings: Fully animated wings that can be equipped or unequipped.
2- Angelic Flight: With the wings out you can take to the skies and see the world through new eyes and
explore the worlds areas like never before.
3- Destructive Anxiety: Target your enemies and make them feel fear to a whole new level never seen
before, can their heart take that amount of fear?
4- Angelic Healing Factor: Thanks to the Angel blood coursing through your veins you can heal
damage at a faster rate.
5- Angelic Strength: Your Angelic blood gives you a strength that a human can never possibly reach.
6- Angelic Water Walking: Thanks to the Angelic blood coursing through your veins you have the
ability to walk on water.
7- Angelic Perception: Tap into your advanced sensory skills and see all entities in the area around you
be them alive, dead or machine.
8- Angel Blade: As you are part Angel you have the ability to call upon the Angel Blade when you take
on your Angelic Form, this blade is the only weapon that can kill an Angel.
9- Astral Projection: Travel to the Astral Plane and take in your surroundings without the pressure of
enemies hurting you, even on the Astral Plane; thanks to your angel blood; you can manipulate certain
objects in the physical world as well as Whisper to NPC's from beyond the veil.
Use these abilities and become a Nephilim (a lost race that are Half Human/Half Angel), what you do
in this new form is all up to you.

Ragna-Roks Thalmor Armor

"Thalmor Armor".... Helmets, Gauntlets, Cuirass, Boots, Shield, all for male and female characters,
customized for regular skyrim bodies. All things are craftable, temperable and enchantable, to be found
under the elven smithing section.
A simple immersion mod to add Thieves Guild shadowmarks to the vanilla player homes.
Shadowmarks are a tool for the Thieves Guild to identify the worth of a target home. Some are
protected, some are worthless, others have loot, and still others might even be dangerous. If you've ever
wondered why the five potential player homes in the major cities didn't have these markings, wonder
no more. Now, instead of being the only homes in a city missing them, they will be marked according
to their worth.
If the player does not yet own the property, it will be marked empty.
If the player owns the property, it will be marked as containing valuable loot.
If the player is a member of the Thieves Guild AND the city has been brought under the influence of
the Guild, then it will be marked accordingly as being owned by a guild member.
The marks should properly update themselves throughout the game as the player acquires the houses
and joins the guild.
Simple Slavery
This mod connects with Death Alternative - get defeated by bandits and you will be sent to an auction,
where you will be sold to the highest bidder. Once that has happened you have a random chance to be
placed in one of the many fantastic slavery (or slave-like) mods available.
Spears of Skyrim
Adds a spear to the world of Skyrim! Purchase it at the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun.
Ves Whore Outfit
This mod requires the user to have a UNPB body *and* a BBP/TBBP Skeleton installed. Without
these, miscellaneous weirdness will happen.
Multiple Marriage
The first step is go to riften, temple of mara. you should be able to see the Shrine of Dudestia right next
to the main table. You will also find two spell books at the table. If you fail to find them, that means
some other mod has modified the mara temple environment, either uninstall that mod and try again, or
uninstall this mod.
The Shrine of Dudestia takes care of data migration from vanilla marriage system to multiple marriage
system. Once you get marry with the vanilla system, you can use the Shrine to move your vanilla
spouse to one of the multiple marriage slots. You can also reset the vanilla quest using the shrine so that
you can have another wedding. The Shrine also provides the capacity information of the multiple
marriage system, i.e. how many slots have been occupied.
The Relocation Operator spell is used to relocate spouses. Every spouse has a unique marker which is
used to define they living locations. After casting the spell, a menu will pop up to ask you which
spouses you would like them to live around the place you are standing. Once selected, the spouses will

be teleported to you and start living there.

The NPC Operator spell is the main control spell for individuals. Cast it to a npc, a pop-up menu will
let you to choose one of the following functions:
1. Potential Marry: add faction that is required for vanilla marriage quests to the NPC.
2. Marry: Directly assign the NPC to one of the multiple marriage slots.
3. Divorce: Remove the NPC from the multiple marriage system.
4. Inventory: Open NPC's inventory. If you give weapons and armors to NPC that is maintained by the
multiple marriage system, the NPC will equip them. The mod system should be able to keep these
items equipped all the time (small time delay to regear up when the NPC or the cell is reloaded).
Turn spouses to vampires (fake version)
If you've gain Vampire Lord ability from Serana or her father, you can turn your spouses to a vampire
by talk to them. To cure your vampire spouses, you will need to cure yourself first, then talk to them
with at least 1 filled black soul gem in your inventory.
Differences between vampire spouses and normal spouses
Vampire spouses have typical red eyes, will thanks you for turning them to vampire. The most
significant difference is that, vampire spouses have a different set of daily routing. They will try to
sleep during daytime and become active at night. Please try to find a place with enough coffins for
them...such as the vampire castle. At the moment no special spell or ability is added for vampire spouse
because I have no plan to touch the follower part at least for now.
If you have problem getting the shrine and the spells because other mods change the temple of mara,
try the following method:
1. press ~ to enter the command console
2. type: help "Shrine of Dudestia", find the item id of the shrine, in my example, the id is 0B0012c5
3. type: player.placeatme 0B0012c5 1, the shrine should show up next to you (remember to replace the
item id).
4. type: help "NPC Operator" and "Relocation Operator" to get the item ids of two spell tomes,
5. type: player.additem([item id], 1) to get the spell tomes
NPC Clothes Changer and Maintainer
You will receive a "Ring of Fashion Designer" once enter the game. When you wear the ring, you can
press e to activate NPCs and dress them up. Choose "Release" to release the NPC from outfit control. If
some NPC keep switching from the clothes you gave and their default outfits, choose "Remove
Default" to remove their default outfit settings (be aware that this change is permanent).
This mod provides 200 control slots, but is easy to add more slots with simple CK skill. I will provide
an instruction later.
If you have problem getting the ring, hit ~ to enable command console and type
help "ring of fashion designer", find the item id (the Hex numbers) next the item name, assuming it is
then type player.additem(0A004312, 1), the ring should add to your inventory now.
How to add slots:
1. Open CK and load this mod
2. Search DudestiaOutfitChangerQuest in object window

3. In the quest, go to quest alias, duplicate subject (mouse right click on subject, choose duplicate)
4. Go to Scripts tab, double click DudestiaOutfitChangerScript to show the properties window
5. Choose Subjects array, the content of this array will show on the right
6. Choose the last element of the array, duplicate it and change its value to the new alias you've just
7. save the mod and you now get one more slot.
I've done two implementations with different methods.
For the first one (NPC Clothes Changer and Maintainer), it provides dialogues for friendly NPC so that
you can ask NPC to wear armors that you give them. The background outfit maintainer will keep
letting the NPC wear those armors unless you remove the NPC from the maintainer via dialogue, or
give the NPC another armor.
Advantage: NPCs will wear any armor you give them.
Limitation: At the moment, the maintainer can maintain outfits of up to 100 NPCs. So if you run out of
slot, remove some of them from the maintainer. And armor only (this will be fixed in the future).
For the second one (NPC Clothes Changer Method 2), two spells are placed at the desk of
dragonsreach's mage room, you can case the dress up spell on npc to open their inventory and change
clothes, the undress spell will remove the player team mate flag with the npc and open the inventory
again for you to pick up the gears.
Advantage: No number limit
Limitation: This method use the setplayerteammate function, the side effects of this function include:
1. NPC only wear the "best" gears, so lydia won't wear mage clothes
2. If you draw your weapon, the npc will do the same..

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