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What’s Happening?

Ellen Goldstein Pg 1 From Our Library Pg 5

Off The Bimah Pg 2 Men’s Club Pg 5
From Our Hazzan Pg 3 Yizkor Book Form Pg 6
From Samara Pg 4 “My Jewish Lens” Pg 7
Ellen Goldstein Sisterhood Pg 4 Softball? Pg 8
Page 1

The Three Doors Bulletin

Iyar - Sivan 5770 May 2010 Issue 2010 Volume 5

Jody Hirsh  May 7th & 8th

The Jew and the Arts

Jody Hirsh is the Director of Judaic Education at Milwaukee’s Harry and Rose Samson Jewish
Community Center and is the winner of the 2005 Covenant Award for Outstanding Jewish
Educator. For three years he served as Program Director of the Hong Kong Jewish Community Centre.
He has taught Jewish Studies at the University of California (both the Berkeley and Los Angeles
Campuses), Mills College, and the University of San Francisco as well as the Los Angeles University
of Judaism and Hebrew Union College. In the fall of 1990 through the winter of 1992, he was a
Jerusalem Fellow, concentrating on Museum Education at the Israel Museum, the Citadel Museum with post graduate work
at the Hebrew University.
In addition to his claim to fame as the world’s only speaker of “Judaeo Cantonese,” he is an OBIE award
winning playwright who has had productions of his plays all over the world. His plays include the award
winning “Seeing Double” written with the San Francisco Mime Troupe, “The Great King Herod Murder
Mystery,” Israel’s longest running play, “The Long Seder, “ first produced in Houston, Texas, in 1996,
and “The Case for Matthew Nathan,” performed in Hong Kong as part of the Handover festivities in June
1997. Among his publications is the award winning book and holiday guide, Tastes of Jewish Tradition.

Friday Night: Is there Jewish Theater?

Join us as we read scenes from 20th century Theater and consider what makes a Jewish play. This is your chance to be a star – you might
even get a starring role.
Shabbat: The Written Word – the Archetypical Jewish Art Form
The Jews have always been the people of the Book – the Torah being unquestionable the central book of Jewish life. However,
can we look at our seminal texts as artistic as well as halachic or historical? We will look at traditional texts and consider their
astonishing artistic merit.
Shabbat (during kiddish/lunch) : The Power of Jewish Art
We will examine a work of the Jewish artist Mauryci Gottleib, who, in spite of being the victim of anti-Semitism in 19th Century Poland,

Friday, May 7th - Shabbat Dinner

Adults: $15.00 Children (under 12) $7.00
(Childcare provided) Please add 3% for Mazon
Please call the office to RSVP ( no RSVP’s taken after May 4th)
Vegetarian Option - Available

In memory of Anna B. & I.C. Gellman and Milton Wertheimer

Our Condolences to Shabbat Schedule
All Services are led by
Rabbi Jacob Herber & Hazzan Jeremy Stein
Dr. Sheldon Burchman Please join us as we celebrate, pray and commemorate.
on the passing of his beloved brother, Leonard
Saturday, May 1
Kabbalat Shabbat 9:00 am
Gert Mollick & Aura Hirschman Family Service 10:30 am
on the passing of Leon, husband and father Study with Rabbi Herber, Minha, Maariv
and Havdallah 7:15 pm
Friday, May 7
Rodd Schneider Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm
on the passing of his beloved mother, Arlyne Saturday, May 8
Kabbalat Shabbat 9:00 am
Study with Rabbi Herber, Minha, Maariv
Pnina Schoenfeld and Havdallah 7:20 pm
on the passing of her beloved mother, Miriam Friday, May 14
Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm
Sharon Shapiro Saturday, May 15
Kabbalat Shabbat 9:00 am
on the passing of her father, Sheldon Schneider Kehilat Yeladim 10:30 am
Tot Shabbat 11:00 am
Study with Rabbi Herber, Minha, Maariv
and Havdallah 7:30 pm
Our CBI Family mourns the loss of long time
Friday, May 21
member, Rochel Mark Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm
Saturday, May 22
Kabbalat Shabbat 9:00 am
Study with Rabbi Herber, Minha, Maariv
R’fuah Shlemah - Speedy Recovery To... and Havdallah 7:30 pm
Friday, May 28
Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm
Jerry Bass  Grace Lechter Saturday, May 29
Miriam Siegel Kabbalat Shabbat 9:00 am
Study with Rabbi Herber, Minha, Maariv
and Havdallah 7:45 pm

Ellen Goldstein will be celebrating her Bat

Mitzvah on May 29. She is in the seventh
grade at Maple Dale School. She plays violin
in her school’s orchestra and in the
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra.
In her free time, Ellie enjoys music, reading, and Bunny & Joel Honigman on the engagement of their daughter
swimming. Jamie to Jason Klein
Ellie has been volunteering at Gilda’s Club, an organiza-
Elaine & Jim Sweet on the birth of their granddaughter
tion that provides free support for women, men and
Ida Jo Chauss
children living with cancer and their families. She has
enjoyed spending time in the Milwaukee club and getting
to know the club members, their families, other volunteers
and staff. 
Ellie’s parents are Stephanie and Mark Goldstein. She
also has two sisters, Abby (age 9) and Cara (age 6). Ellie’s We would like to thank our entire CBI family for
grandparents are Nancy & David Melnick of River Hills, the love and support given to us during the time
Herman Goldstein and Shulamit Elkayam of Madison and of tragedy in our family.
her great-grandparents are Phyllis and Carl Millman of
Weston, Florida. Your support has helped us immensely.
Mazal tov to the entire Goldstein Family! The Atinsky Family

Off The Bimah...

On November 18th 42 members of Women of the Wall, a group which has gathered at the Kotel for the last 21
years and is comprised of Conservative, Orthodox, Reconstructionist and Reform women assembled in the
women’s section at the Kotel for their monthly observance of Rosh Hodesh. It was a cold, Jerusalem morning.
Some were wearing tallitot hidden under their coats; a sefer Torah was in its regular bag. Surprisingly, there was
no booing, no pushing, and no shouting from within the women’s section or from the men’s section. On other
occasions, the Women of the Wall have been accosted both verbally and physically by
haredi worshippers.

Just moments after the women removed the sefer Torah from its bag, two men
entered the women’s section and began abusing them. The women simply wanted
to conclude their prayers peacefully so they decided to skip the Torah reading at the
Kotel and move as they’ve done on every other Rosh Hodesh to read the Torah at
Robinson’s Arch, their alternative site. As they exited Nofrat Frenkel, a medical
student whose family has been long time members of a Masorti (Conservative)
congregation, was carrying the Torah. A policeman met the group and began forcefully
pushing Nofrat toward the nearby police station. The women pleaded with the police and tried to explain that they
we were on their way to the alternative site. Their pleas fell on deaf ears. Nofrat was transferred for questioning
to a police station at David’s Citadel. Her tallit, siddur and a sefer Torah were all she had with her. Nofrat was
banned from visiting the Kotel for two weeks, and a criminal file was also opened against her; one which may
jeopardize her medical studies.
Nofrat’s arrest caused a firestorm in Israel. A mass rally was held in downtown Jerusalem protesting her treat-
ment by the police and calling for end of haredi domination of Jewish religious life in Israel. Many who support
the call for religious pluralism in Israel hoped that the arrest of Nofrat Frenkel was an anomaly, a tragic error
which would never be repeated. But then one short month later another member of the Women of the Wall was
detained by the Israeli police. This time it was the group’s leader, Anat Hoffman, who also serves as the Director
of the Israel Religious Action Center. Anat was questioned by police, fingerprinted, and told that she might be
charged with a felony for violating the rules of conduct at what is considered Judaism’s most sacred site. Anat’s
detention by the police and the threat of being charged with a felony for the crime has only demonstrated that
religious freedom and pluralism will not be easily attained. It will require a prolonged, concerted effort by those
living within Israel and in the Diaspora - most especially by those of us living here in North America – after all,
Israel is our Holy Land too.

I am delighted to announce that we will have the rare opportunity to hear about the Women of the Wall,
Nofrat Frankel and the fight for religious freedom in Israel from none other than Anat Hoffman. Anat will speak at
CBI during Shabbat morning services on May 1. Please join us and hear from one of the leaders on the
front-lines of the effort to enable all Jews to worship freely in the Jewish State.

-Rabbi Herber

Mark your calendar for CBI’s Annual Meeting

Monday, June 14  7:30pm

A From Our Hazzan!!!

When I first met my brother-in-law to be, Chris, we didn’t have much to talk about. We were born and raised
in different parts of the country, received appreciably different educations, and had lived much different lives.
One obvious quality we shared was our love for Amanda; but even that was a tenuous commonality as our
respective relationships with her were so vastly different that it barely constituted common ground.
Over dinner, we talked politely and exchanged pleasantries but never developed any meaningful conversa-
tion. Though discouraged with our lack of bonding, I remained hopeful of finding a connection.
Knowing that Chris was a guitarist, I had brought my flute on the off chance we would have a chance to play
together. As it happened, one of Chris’ band members, Flo—another guitarist—was there. After dinner, as we
all sat in the living room, the two of them took out their guitars and began playing through their repertoire of
old jazz standards.
As I listened, I assembled my flute, hoping to join in. I did not recognize the song
they were playing but was able to follow the chord progression well enough to
improvise a solo. When it came to the end of Chris’ solo, I motioned with a subtle
a nod of the head that I would take the next solo. Without any hesitation, Chris shifted
from soloist to accompanist as if we had been practicing regularly. As I completed my
solo, I cued Chris again with a subtle nod that I was finished and Chris finished the
number by returning to the melody. Throughout the night, we continued to play
through the band’s songbook—rarely speaking, yet intimately communicating.
How could two people, with so little in common, who just moments ago were unable
to develop a meaningful conversation, now play music together with the ease of a well
rehearsed ensemble?
Among jazz musicians, there is a longstanding tradition of ―standards,‖ a multitude of songs that everyone
knows. There are well-known chord progressions and melodic motifs musicians use to create improvised solos.
There is a culture with a language that those in the jazz world share, and use to express themselves and commu-
nicate with each other.
As a Jewish people, the Torah is one of the essential shared aspects of our tradition. Within a single syna-
gogue, there will be people with interests, hobbies and political perspectives that differ from one another. We
come from different ethnicities and socio-economic backgrounds. Yet the Torah belongs to all of us. As we
read from it each week, as Jews have done for centuries, we recount our people’s history and values. We see
ourselves in the narratives, finding joy in our ancestors’ exploits as well as sharing in their sadness and shame,
hoping that we can do better.
At CBI, it is our custom to have congregants read from the Torah each Shabbat. This gives us all not only an
added opportunity to take a leadership role in the service, but also a chance to take part in the telling of our peo-
ple’s history as we see it unfold.
I recently held two courses at CBI on Torah reading, one for beginners and one for advanced readers. It gives
me great pleasure to work with people of all levels ranging from those who have never read to our most experi-
enced readers looking to refine their skills. I plan on holding more such classes in the future. In the meantime,
my office is always open to those who would like to learn.

-Hazzan Stein

From Our Education Director

Shavuot was the first holiday that I celebrated in Milwaukee. Almost immediately upon coming into CBI, I saw flyers for
Tikkun HaIr’s Glean Machine, an effort to collect clothing for those in need. I remember being very impressed that the
congregation is involved in a community-wide effort to participate in one of the lessons learned from the story of Ruth.
I thought then, and still think today, that this is a great way to help celebrate the holiday of Shavuot. It continues to impress
me that CBI participates in this effort.
Shavuot has become one of my favorite holidays. I do not remember learning much about Shavuot as a child (although I am
sure that I did) since it often falls after Religious School ends for the year. As an adult, however, I have really come to love
the holiday.
Shavuot has some very fun customs, such as eating delicious dairy foods, decorating our homes and the Synagogue with the
signs of Spring in full bloom and staying up late on Erev Shavuot to learn. It is also a very serious holiday; just seven weeks
after reliving our freedom from Egyptian slavery, we relive receiving the Torah in Sinai. We remember the mitzvot, the com-
mandments and responsibilities we take on as Jews. I think one of the most important responsibilities we take on is caring for
others in our community.
On Shavuot we read the Book of Ruth, one of my favorite stories in the Tanah. This wonderful story tells of Ruth, a Moabite
woman who decides to embrace the faith of Israel and return there with Naomi, her mother-in-law, following the deaths of
their husbands. She supports herself and Naomi by gleaning barley from the fields of Boaz. The story of Ruth emphasizes
two of the main themes of Shavuot: the importance of embracing the Torah and the importance of helping those who are
in need during the harvest.
As we approach our celebration of Shavuot, I encourage you to enjoy the fun aspects of the holiday, to consider what mitzvot
you feel are most important and to do what you can to help the community.

Josh, Nadav and I wish you a Hag Shavuot Sameah!



Mazal Tov again to our Torah Fund Honoree, Marlene Deutsch for her years of dedication to CBI and
Sisterhood. Thank you to Debbie Alpert and her committee for their hard work and for another success-
ful Torah Fund campaign and luncheon! We would also like to thank Congregation Beth El for hosting
the luncheon this year. Next year CBI will host the luncheon.
Hannah Sattler and her kitchen committee have been busy doing inventory and cleaning the kitchen.
Our volunteers have been busy Friday mornings, one Thursday evening a month and Shabbat mornings
prepping our delicious and varied kiddushim. We would like to invite you (women, men, couples) to
join us in the fun. Call Judy Wolkenstein to volunteer at 414-352-5068.
The Sisterhood and Men’s Club are in the process of finalizing plans for the Sisterhood/Men’s Club
Lifetime Membership Plaques in conjunction with the Art Committee. Donations to help us complete
the project would be appreciated.

Merry & Bobbie

Paula Fine, Librarian


MAY 17 1:30 p.m

Don’t Cry for Me, Hot Pastrami

Sharon Kahn
Please join us for our last session of the season. Our selection is a delightful mystery
set on a cruise ship. At this meeting we’ll be selecting books for 2010-2011.


Not Becoming My Mother: and Other Things
She Taught Me Along the Way
Ruth Reichl
The well-known author, chef and former editor of
Gourmet Magazine writes about her troubled relationship with her mother.
Meeting place to be announced.
Please call Bobby Miller at 414.365.8581 for more information.
Are you a lover of trivia? The Purim Carnival numbers are in. Okay, I'm not going to talk about
dollars and cents. Each year, we actually count the tickets for each carnival game to track popularity.
The most popular attraction this year? The duck pond (where the little ones could turn over a duck to
see what number they got). The least popular? The ball toss. What else was popular this year? All the
delicious fruit-flavored hamentaschen!
This year's Men's Club Shabbat featured Tom Schneider, the executive director of COA Youth &
Family Centers. Feedback was extremely positive, and we certainly appreciated those comments.
Also that morning, we honored our Man of the Year, Jeff Peck. Due to a winter storm in March, and
after an hour of driving that got us as far as downtown Milwaukee on our way to Chicago, we couldn't make it to the award
banquet. So FJMC President Gerry Brin drove to Milwaukee and presented Jeff's plaque at our Shabbat event.
The Men's Club "L'Chaim Scotch Tasting" is set for Sunday, May 16 at 6:30. We are so excited to bring you this event,
which will feature a variety of unique scotches as well as delicious finger foods for only $15/Men's Club members and
$21/non-members. Bonus: This event doubles as a bachelor bash for the Hazzan! To RSVP, call Mike Spanjar at
414-791-6457 or visit the Men's Club page on the CBI website to register and pay online.
Lastly, "welcome back" to Sam Stein, Men's Club board member, who is enthusiastically heading up our membership
Mike Spanjar - President

These yahrzeits, taken from the CBI’s Memorial Tablets, will be
Want to Play Softball observed during the following weeks beginning on the evening of:
This Summer?
May 7 May 14 May 21 May 28
Grace Asman David Adashek Hy Barnes Muss Appel
Men needed for CBI's recreational Shirley Bamberger David Berg Eugene J. Barry Mary Atinsky
Freda Barash Marsha S. Bosley Joseph Berliant Esther Boriss
softball team which plays in the Sylvia Bensman Rose Cohen Clara Blumenthal Solomon Budney
JCC Softball League. The games Louis Berkoff Rose Cohen Rose Burstein C.F. Curtis
are Tuesday evenings starting in Anna Jacobson Blum Fannie Cooper Tillie Cohen Malke Epstein
May and continue thru mid Sam Boriss Arnold Dubin Dina Cooper Frank Feldman
August. You must be 18 years Albert Brizman Bess Epstein Samuel Feldschreiber Rose Garfinkel
Jennie Cohen R. Erlien Helen Fielkow Frank Golden
old or older. If you are interested, Louis Cohen Ronald Fishman Ruth Fink Sam Golper
call Jerry Deutsch 262-512-1360. Robert Cohen Ervin Fuchs Matus Fiser Fanny Hansher
Pauline Fefer Mildred L. Gerstein Fannie Gendelman Albert Hirschman
Sabina Fink Henry Glazer Renee Goldman Florence Honig
Paul Mitchell Forbes Lillian Groban Judith Molly Gorman Nate Irwin
Ruth Galatzer Ida Harris Joseph Gould Donald Jampole
Sam Gassman Harry Hersh Ruth Hirschberg Harry B. Kaiser
Zelda Gershon Isaac Himmelreich Frank Iny Jacob Kaplan
Abraham A. Gindlin Abraham Horwitz Harry Jakubowicz Julius N. Kohler
CBI Social Action Bernard I. Glicksman
Erwin Grossmann
Jeanette Horwitz
Esther Irwin
Berta Kahn
Fannie Klein
Rachel Kramer
Louis Mackman
Committee Louis Himmelreich
Hazel Jacobson
Jule Jacobs
Clarence C. Jacobson
Bernard La Kam
Frank Lane
Moonish Mackoff
Albert A. Mayer
Spring Shoe Drive Hilda Jacobson
Rose H. Kahn
Herbert W. Jacobson
William Kantrovitch
Jerome Lazarus
Fagel Levin
Jacob Mayer
Edward Merdinger
Anna Sarah Katz Mary Kaufman Adolph Liebenberg Minnie Miller
In the spring, we will be collecting Rachel Popuch Kelcz Bernard Kessler William Liebman Rose Nelson
shoes for Soles4Souls. This is a Alvin Kernis Irving Kulakow Jule Marachowsky Harry Panitch
Dina Kijner Mussey Lakam Faye K. Marokus Daniel Alan Pump
wonderful organization that takes Sigmund Kleiner Ann Lebin Albert Nankin Jacob Samson
shoes that are not in use and puts Jack Kohlenberg Harry Lensky Max Oxman Charles Sands
them on the feet of those in need. Charles Kramsky James Leshin Mildred Oxman Sarah G. Schaefer
This, in turn, also helps the envi- Leah Krasno William Levin Sylvia Petashnick Max Schulner
Anna Rymland Levin Carole Mazius Sam Plotkin Dr. David Shapiro
ronment by recycling shoes that
Jennie Lubow Leib H. Michelson Abe I. Poll David Schectman
may otherwise be sent to a landfill. Fannye Malkin Kalman Miller Irving Press Irwin Shimon
We encourage everyone to start Shirley Moskol Leah Miller Joseph Roitburd Frieda Spector
cleaning out their closets and sav- Seymour Perchonok Nathan Pelz Motel Rosenberg Sadye Temkin
ing adult and children’s gently used Gitta Pittelman Morris Polewsky Tamara Rubinshteyn Samuel Weiner
Bessie Polakow Sylvia Robins Louis Sable Ervin Wolkenstein
or new shoes. Simply cleaning out Martin Raffe Dorothy Rubin Herman Samosky Melvin Yanow
your closets can make a significant Abraham L. Reitman Albert Sadowsky Libby Sernovitz Earl Zechman
difference in the quality of life of Meyer Resnick Harry Saltzman Ada Shapiro Herman Zetley
someone in need. Rose Resnick Helen Schneider Munish Simkhovich Irving Zubatsky
Lucille Ruben Albert Schneiderman Sarah Skurek
Meyer D. Rubnitz William Schuckit Sidney Smith
Collection bin in front of Abraham Schuster Esther Selensky Gitta Aronson-Stein
the Glass Box Anna Shapiro Jacob Socol Leah Stein
Harry Shuger William Tonkens Lena Stein
Dorothy J. Shurman Fanny (Frank) Turner Fanny Tonkens
Jacob Siegel Hyman M. Welitzkin Earl V. Weiss
COLLECTION Lena Silverstein H. Wien Max Zuroff
TAKES PLACE FROM: Harry Turnansky Stanley Joseph Wiener
Sarah Volk Louis Yaillen
April 12 - May12 Irvin Wagner
Paula Zitron

We acknowledge with gratitude and appreciation the generous contributions made to various funds in March.

Carl S. Zetley Generation to

Generation Fund Kiddish Fund
In memory of: In memory of: School Fund
The Atinsky family The Atinsky family In memory of:
Ken and Adrienne Weber Howard and Shari Messerman The Atinsky family
Sandra Zetley and family Marvin and Marilyn Zetley Ralph and Maxine Gould
Werner and Carol Richheimer Milton and Karen Emold & family
General Synagogue Fund
Aaron and Marilyn Bodner Senior Activities Fund
In memory of:
Irv and Maureen Bard In memory of:
Joe Pick
Arnie Polisky Joe Pick
Mel and Jackie Askot
Beth Polisky Reisig Marshall and Yvonne Dunkleman
The Atinsky family
Miriam Kahn
The Winkelman family
Eric and Judy Bloch Solomon & Yetta Soloff Memorial Adult
Jerome and Paulynne Heller
Jeffrey and Terri Gingold & family Education Fund
Al and Joyce Altman
Larry and Esther Lauwasser In memory of:
Arleen Peltz
Harry and Edie Pump The Atinsky family
Dick and Yvette Lisberg
Howard and Evelyn Melton Milt and Miriam Rosenberg
Elaine Nelles
Leah Lever Rita Wohlfeiler
Harvey Altman
Al and Jean Saltzman Yvonne Pick
Mrs. Milton Wertheimer & family
Maureen Eichenbaum In honor of:
Norman Schneider
Marty and Ruby Carneol Steven and Judith Werlin
Gary and Linda Keller
Norman and Beverly Blankstein Yvonne Pick
Rita Wohlfeiler
Harvey and Gail Sherman
Marshall and Rita Dunkleman Youth Scholarship Endowment Fund
Allan and Sue Carneol & family
Kim Kazmierczak In memory of:
Rick and Sue Strait
Seymour Stein Joe Pick
Howard and Arlene Rubin
In honor of: Irv and Maureen Bard
Mark and Anita Nagurka
Scott and Rachel Steele Jay and Bobby Miller
Rick and Roberta London
Edwin and Molly Sanchick Yetta Kaufman
Joe Pick
Ed Blumenthal Mark and Toby Lukoff
Al and Jean Saltzman
Gary and Linda Keller Estie Ann Bomzer
Rita Wohlfeiler
Becca Guralnick Mark and Toby Lukoff
Connie Schwartz
Gary and Linda Keller Constance Hershey
Shel and Bobbie Fishman
Brad Fedderly Mark and Toby Lukoff
Rick and Roberta London
Jeffrey and Terri Gingold & family The Atinsky family
Shirley Raffe
Donald and Caren Bass Jay and Bobby Miller
Harry and Edie Pump
Ruthe Zubatsky Rita Wohlfeiler
Pearl Hansher
Esther (Tiny) Arnold Rick and Gayle Weber Rakita
Shel and Bobbie Fishman
Morris and Gertrude Shechtman Irv and Maureen Bard
Arnie and Shelly Snap
Beverly Sweet In honor of:
Marlene Friedman Prayer Book Fund Irv and Maureen Bard
In memory of: Sandy Zetley
Harold M. Kramer Beautification Fund
Joe Pick Miriam Horwitz
In memory of:
Shel and Bobbie Fishman Keith and Kathy Lindenbaum
The Atinsky family
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Brad and Sharon Fedderly
Delores Kramer
In memory of: Ralph and Marilyn Schapira
Jacobson Chapel Fund Rita Wohlfeiler Aura Hirschman
In memory of: Marvin & Marilyn Zetley
Joe Pick
Sam Cooper Capital Art Fund
Fred and Rena Safer
In memory of:
The Atinsky family
The Atinsky family
Chuck and Betty Wallens
Bud and Judy Margolis
Rita Wohlfeiler
Selma Zeiger
Chuck and Betty Wallens
Rita Wohlfeiler
Speedy recovery:
Werner and Carol Richheimer
Jerry Bass
Bud and Judy Margolis
Chuck and Betty Wallens

9’ve got something to kvell about?
Greetings From … An anniversary maybe? A birthday?
The Glass Box A new child or grandchild? A promotion?
A higher degree of education?
Need a quick gift?
Don’t know what to get? Has Sisterhood got a deal for you!
The Glass Box will have it For a $100 donation, you will help support the
So don’t be upset. Shabbat Kiddish, your news will be announced from the bima,
listed in the Shabbat Supplement, and there will be a lovely balloon
No matter what simha
bouquet or plant in honor of your occasion! Interested?
A new baby or home Minyan Services
Just stop at Beth Israel Please call Suzy 414-352-7310 or
Or pick up the phone. Monday - Friday
7:30am  6pm E-mail: to pick a date for your event.
We have platters & pitchers Jewel &
good books. Mezuzahs and candlesticks Sunday
How great it all looks. 9:00am  6:00pm
Our Judaica is superb as always, but we Please check the
have secular gifts as well and we love to Bulletin monthly for
holiday time
show them to you. Remember—it does
not have to be Yom Tov to celebrate
being a member of Beth Israel.

Shop Hours
Mon-Thurs: 10:00-4:00
Fri: 10:00-12:00
Sun: 10:00 - 12:00
Do all of your online shopping through the online shopping mall,
where you can shop at more than 700 top online retailers. Select Congregation Beth
Sunday (when school is in session)
Israel as your designated cause and a percentage of your purchases will come to
CBI. You pay the same price as you normally would, but your purchase will
Jacob Herber ..................................................................... Rabbi generate a donation to CBI!
Herbert G. Panitch ............................................... Rabbi Emeritus
Jeremy Stein….……….………………..…………………………………………….. Hazzan
Samara Sofian ................................................. Education Director Here are just a few of the many retailers who participate in
Gayle Weber Rakita………………………………………..Congregation President
Anita Nagurka……….………………………………………………..Executive Director Chico’s ♦ Ace Hardware ♦ Barnes & Noble ♦ eBay
Suzy Peltz .....................................................Executive Assistant
Debbie Friberg…………………………………………..…………Executive Secretary
Jane Cotton……..……………………………………………………………...Office Assistant
John Fields .............................................. Maintenance Supervisor
Merry Atinsky & Bobbie Fishman…………..…… Co-Sisterhood Presidents
Mike Spanjar………... ………………………………….……...…………..…..Men’s Club President
Paula Fine .................................................................... Librarian Congregation Beth Israel Presort Std
Delores Kramer………….………………...…Second Home Cemetery-Secretary
Marvin & Marilyn Zetley Family Campus U.S. Postage
Asman Fund…………………..……………………………………………… ……$10.00 min 6880 N. Green Bay Ave PAID
Balkansky Fund…………..………………………….……………………………$10.00 min
Beth Hearst Youth Fund…………………………………………………………………...$10.00 min Milwaukee, WI 53209 Milwaukee, WI
Bima Fund……………………………………………………………………….………………….$10.00 min Permit No. 3426
CBI Special Endowment Fund…………………………….….………………...$10.00 min
CBI Youth Scholarship Endowment Fund…………….…..……..…$10.00 min Return Service Requested
Carl S. Zetley Generation to Generation Fund…….. ………..$18.00 min
Dr. Ervin & Suzann Colton Education Endowment Fund…..……….$10.00 min
Gemilut Chasidim Fund (In Memory of Abraham & Rose Bass)… ….…..$10.00 min
General Synagogue Fund ............................................$10.00 min
Harold M. Kramer Beautification Fund………………… ………….$10.00 min
Hazzan’s Tzedakah Fund .............................................$10.00 min
Isadore & Sylvia Blankstein Library Fund ......................$10.00 min
Jacobson Chapel Fund ................................................$10.00 min
Kiddish Fund…………………….…………………………………………………$10.00 min
Landscape Fund .........................................................$10.00 min
Louis Rabinovitz Memorial Minyan Fund ........................$10.00 min
Marilyn Zetley Children’s Library Fund ..........................$10.00 min
Panitch “CBI Family Education Fund” ............................$10.00 min
Pentateuch/Humash Fund ...........................................$60.00 min
Prayer Book Fund.......................................................$35.00 min
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund ..........................................$10.00 min
Rabbi Panitch Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund……..…………..$10.00 min
Sam Cooper Capital Art Fund……….…………………………………..$10.00 min
School Fund ..............................................................$10.00 min
Senior Activities Fund………………………………………………………..$10.00 min
Shirley Bass Floral Fund………………….…………………………………$10.00 min
Sol & Esther Blankstein Scholarship Fund ......................$10.00 min
Solomon & Yetta Soloff Memorial Adult Education Fund ........$10.00 min
Stein Mendelson Scholarship Fund………………………… ……….$10.00 min
William & June Sherkow Scholarship Fund .....................$10.00 min
Youth & Education Endowment Fund ............................$10.00 min


Monday-Thursday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Friday 8:30 am - 2:00 pm

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