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C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org

Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

MasterFrame Data File

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!

Loading Cases and Load Combination

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!

Load Group Labels

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Load Group UT Unity Load Factor (All Cases)
Load Group D1 Dead Load
Load Group L1 Live Load
Load Group W1 Wind Load from side

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!

Load Case 001 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Load Combination + 1.00 UT + 1.25 D1 + 1.50 L1
Second Order Analysis P-Delta Analysis using the Newton-Raphson Method

Load Case 002 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Ultimate)
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Load Combination + 1.00 UT + 1.25 D1 + 1.50 L1 + 0.75 W1
Notional Loads Apply horizontal notional loads at 0.0 degrees from X axis equal
to 0.5% of the factored vertical loads in case 2

Level @ (m) F (kN) Level @ (m) F (kN) Level @ (m) F (kN)

0 0.000 0.324 1 3.325 16.513 2 7.000 0.859
3 8.228 0.062 4 8.318 0.120 5 9.455 0.279
6 9.636 0.487 7 11.000 0.603

Node F (kN) Node F (kN) Node F (kN) Node F (kN)

1 0.031 2 0.031 3 0.040 4 0.040
5 0.217 6 0.303 7 1.080 8 0.674
9 0.143 10 0.075 11 0.109 12 0.178
13 0.098 14 0.031 15 0.031 16 0.040
17 0.040 18 0.420 19 0.733 20 0.778
21 0.760 22 1.787 23 1.187 24 0.078
25 0.043 26 0.062 27 0.120 28 0.070
29 0.125 30 0.116 31 0.006 32 0.003
33 0.005 34 0.006 35 0.419 36 0.952
37 0.915 38 0.885 39 1.328 40 1.013
41 0.203 42 0.111 43 0.278 44 0.006
45 0.499 46 0.071 47 0.004 48 0.747
49 0.099 50 0.497 51 0.111 52 0.004
53 0.512 54 0.184 55 0.562 56 0.006
57 0.245 58 0.134
Second Order Analysis P-Delta Analysis using the Newton-Raphson Method

Load Case 003 : Dead Plus Wind On Side (Ultimate)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Load Combination + 1.00 UT + 1.00 D1 + 1.50 W1
Notional Loads Apply horizontal notional loads at 0.0 degrees from X axis equal
to 0.5% of the factored vertical loads in case 3

Level @ (m) F (kN) Level @ (m) F (kN) Level @ (m) F (kN)

0 0.000 0.259 1 3.325 6.516 2 7.000 -0.256
3 8.228 -0.079 4 8.318 0.023 5 9.455 -0.360
6 9.636 0.097 7 11.000 -0.222

Node F (kN) Node F (kN) Node F (kN) Node F (kN)

1 0.025 2 0.025 3 0.032 4 0.032
5 0.173 6 0.242 7 0.501 8 0.308
9 0.030 10 -0.091 11 -0.144 12 0.035

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

13 -0.027 14 0.025 15 0.025 16 0.032

17 0.032 18 0.230 19 0.333 20 0.368
21 0.353 22 0.698 23 0.486 24 0.019
25 -0.042 26 -0.079 27 0.023 28 -0.092
29 0.024 30 -0.043 31 0.004 32 0.002
33 0.004 34 0.004 35 0.133 36 0.291
37 0.276 38 0.270 39 0.397 40 0.349
41 0.040 42 -0.143 43 -0.104 44 0.004
45 0.169 46 -0.095 47 0.003 48 0.243
49 -0.124 50 0.196 51 -0.048 52 0.003
53 0.193 54 0.038 55 0.215 56 0.004
57 0.093 58 0.026
Second Order Analysis P-Delta Analysis using the Newton-Raphson Method

Load Case 004 : Live Only (Serviceability)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Load Combination + 1.00 UT + 1.00 L1
Second Order Analysis P-Delta Analysis using the Newton-Raphson Method

Load Case 005 : Sway Stability @ 0°

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Load Combination + 1.00 UT
Second Order Analysis P-Delta Analysis using the Newton-Raphson Method

Load Case 006 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate) + Notional @ 0°

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Load Combination + 1.00 UT + 1.25 D1 + 1.50 L1
Notional Loads Apply horizontal notional loads at 0.0 degrees from X axis equal
to 0.5% of the factored vertical loads in case 6

Level @ (m) F (kN) Level @ (m) F (kN) Level @ (m) F (kN)

0 0.000 0.324 1 3.325 16.513 2 7.000 1.187
3 8.228 0.121 4 8.318 0.130 5 9.455 0.548
6 9.636 0.526 7 11.000 0.848

Node F (kN) Node F (kN) Node F (kN) Node F (kN)

1 0.031 2 0.031 3 0.040 4 0.040
5 0.217 6 0.303 7 1.080 8 0.674
9 0.155 10 0.145 11 0.217 12 0.192
13 0.132 14 0.031 15 0.031 16 0.040
17 0.040 18 0.420 19 0.733 20 0.778
21 0.760 22 1.787 23 1.187 24 0.084
25 0.079 26 0.121 27 0.130 28 0.139
29 0.135 30 0.164 31 0.006 32 0.003
33 0.005 34 0.006 35 0.419 36 0.952
37 0.915 38 0.885 39 1.328 40 1.013
41 0.219 42 0.219 43 0.391 44 0.006
45 0.499 46 0.141 47 0.004 48 0.747
49 0.193 50 0.497 51 0.160 52 0.004
53 0.512 54 0.199 55 0.562 56 0.006
57 0.245 58 0.145
Second Order Analysis P-Delta Analysis using the Newton-Raphson Method

The Nodal Co-ordinates

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Node X (m) Y (m) Z (m) Node X (m) Y (m) Z (m)
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 2 7.250 0.000 0.000
3 15.250 0.000 0.000 4 22.000 0.000 0.000
5 0.000 3.325 0.000 6 7.250 3.325 0.000
7 15.250 3.325 0.000 8 22.000 3.325 0.000
9 0.000 7.000 0.000 10 22.000 7.000 0.000
11 15.250 9.455 0.000 12 7.250 9.636 0.000
13 11.000 11.000 0.000 14 0.000 0.000 5.000
15 7.250 0.000 5.000 16 15.250 0.000 5.000
17 22.000 0.000 5.000 18 0.000 3.325 5.000
19 3.625 3.325 5.000 20 7.250 3.325 5.000

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

21 11.250 3.325 5.000 22 15.250 3.325 5.000

23 22.000 3.325 5.000 24 0.000 7.000 5.000
25 22.000 7.000 5.000 26 18.625 8.228 5.000
27 3.625 8.318 5.000 28 15.250 9.455 5.000
29 7.249 9.636 5.000 30 11.000 11.000 5.000
31 0.000 0.000 10.000 32 7.250 0.000 10.000
33 15.250 0.000 10.000 34 22.000 0.000 10.000
35 0.000 3.325 10.000 36 3.625 3.325 10.000
37 7.250 3.325 10.000 38 11.250 3.325 10.000
39 15.250 3.325 10.000 40 22.000 3.325 10.000
41 0.000 7.000 10.000 42 22.000 7.000 10.000
43 11.000 11.000 10.000 44 22.000 0.000 13.075
45 22.000 3.325 13.075 46 22.000 7.000 13.075
47 15.250 0.000 13.666 48 15.250 3.325 13.666
49 15.250 9.455 13.666 50 11.250 3.325 14.016
51 11.000 11.000 14.038 52 7.250 0.000 14.366
53 7.250 3.325 14.366 54 7.250 9.636 14.366
55 3.625 3.325 14.683 56 0.000 0.000 15.000
57 0.000 3.325 15.000 58 0.000 7.000 15.000

Member Properties
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!

Members 1-8
M ... ... 350x550 E 26.00E6 G 10.0E6
A 1925E-4 Ix 485261E-8 Iy 196510E-8 J 786042E-8

Members 9-13
M ... ... 406x178 UB 74 [S 275]
A 94.5E-4 Ix 27313E-8 Iy 1548E-8 J 62.77E-8
E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Member 14
M ... ... 356x171 UB 51 [S 275]
A 64.9E-4 Ix 14139E-8 Iy 971.2E-8 J 23.81E-8
E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Members 15-16 and 39

M ... ... 356x171 UB 67 [S 275]
A 85.48E-4 Ix 19466E-8 Iy 1365E-8 J 55.68E-8
E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Members 17-18
M ... ... 356x171 UB 57 [S 275]
A 72.55E-4 Ix 16041E-8 Iy 1111E-8 J 33.38E-8
E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Members 19 and 21
M ... ... 250x400 E 26.00E6 G 10.0E6
A 1000.0E-4 Ix 133333E-8 Iy 52083E-8 J 208333E-8

Member 20
M ... ... 450x550 E 26.00E6 G 10.0E6
A 2475E-4 Ix 623906E-8 Iy 417656E-8 J 1670625E-8

Members 22-26, 33-37, 44-46, 48-49, 51-52, 54-55 and 57-58

M ... ... 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 [S 275]
A 12.52E-4 Ix 192.0E-8 Iy 192.0E-8 J 384.0E-8
E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Members 27, 38 and 42

M ... ... 203x133 UB 25 [S 275]
A 31.96E-4 Ix 2341E-8 Iy 308.5E-8 J 5.96E-8
E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Members 28-30 and 92

M ... ... 305x127 UB 42 [S 275]

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

A 53.4E-4 Ix 8198E-8 Iy 390.4E-8 J 21.13E-8

E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Member 31
M ... ... 254x146 UB 31 (150@185) Cellular D 324 [S 275]
A 44.05E-4 Ix 7827E-8 Iy 447.7E-8 J 9.08E-8
E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Member 32
M ... ... 200x15 T + 120x20 B + 665x10 W Plates 94.59 [S 275]
A 120.5E-4 Ix 87028E-8 Iy 1294E-8 J 76.67E-8
E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Members 40 and 94
M ... ... 254x146 UB 31 [S 275]
A 39.67E-4 Ix 4414E-8 Iy 448.4E-8 J 8.55E-8
E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Members 41, 75, 78 and 96

M ... ... 254x146 UB 43 [S 275]
A 54.77E-4 Ix 6545E-8 Iy 678.3E-8 J 23.88E-8
E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Members 43 and 76-77

M ... ... 178x102 UB 19 [S 275]
A 24.26E-4 Ix 1357E-8 Iy 137.6E-8 J 4.41E-8
E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Members 47, 50, 53, 56 and 67-70 (2.000m Haunch End1 (545.2), 1.000m Haunch End2 (454.3))
MD ... ... 254x146 UB 43 [S 275]
A 54.77E-4 Ix 6545E-8 Iy 678.3E-8 J 23.88E-8
E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Members 59-66 (2.000m Haunch End1 (653.1), 1.000m Haunch End2 (544.3))
MD ... ... 305x127 UB 48 [S 275]
A 61.23E-4 Ix 9577E-8 Iy 462.7E-8 J 31.78E-8
E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Members 71-72 and 79-80

M ... ... 400 mm Circular Section E 026.0E6 G 10.0E6
A 1257E-4 Ix 125664E-8 Iy 125664E-8 J 251327E-8

Members 73-74 and 81-82

M ... ... 400x400 E 26.00E6 G 10.0E6
A 1600E-4 Ix 213333E-8 Iy 213333E-8 J 853333E-8

Members 83-84 and 90

M ... ... 305x165 UB 54 [S 275]
A 68.76E-4 Ix 11698E-8 Iy 1065E-8 J 34.78E-8
E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Members 85, 88, 91 and 97

M ... ... 406x178 UB 54 [S 275]
A 68.95E-4 Ix 18725E-8 Iy 1024E-8 J 23.12E-8
E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Member 86
M ... ... 152x152 UC 30 [S 275]
A 38.26E-4 Ix 1749E-8 Iy 561.4E-8 J 10.52E-8
E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Member 87
M ... ... 203x203 UC 46 [S 275]
A 58.73E-4 Ix 4571E-8 Iy 1551E-8 J 22.15E-8
E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Members 89 and 98

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

M ... ... 305x127 UB 48 [S 275]

A 61.23E-4 Ix 9577E-8 Iy 462.7E-8 J 31.78E-8
E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Members 93 and 95
M ... ... 305x165 UB 40 [S 275]
A 51.31E-4 Ix 8504E-8 Iy 766.0E-8 J 14.73E-8
E 210.0E6 G 80.77E6

Member Loading
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!

Member Self Weight Density Load Included in Load Group D1, defined by Modulus of Elasticity
E kN/mm2 Density kN/m3
>= 200.00 78.50
>= 20.00 24.00
>= 2.00 10.00

Members 1-2 and 19

UT Spacing 01.000 [Multiply AllLoads] D1 UDLY -001.000 [ kN/m ]

Members 3 and 14
UT Spacing 02.500 [Multiply AllLoads] D1 UDLY -003.000 [ kN/m ]
L1 UDLY -004.500 [ kN/m ]

Members 4-7
UT Spacing 01.000 [Multiply AllLoads] D1 UDLY -006.000 [ kN/m ]
L1 UDLY -000.500 [ kN/m ]

Members 8 and 13
UT Spacing 05.000 [Multiply AllLoads] D1 UDLY -003.000 [ kN/m ]
L1 UDLY -004.500 [ kN/m ]

Members 15-18, 21, 32 and 43

UT Spacing 00.500 [Multiply AllLoads] D1 UDLY -006.000 [ kN/m ]
L1 UDLY -000.500 [ kN/m ]

Members 20, 31 and 42

UT Spacing 02.000 [Multiply AllLoads] D1 UDLY -003.000 [ kN/m ]
L1 UDLY -004.500 [ kN/m ]

Members 27 and 38
UT Spacing 01.500 [Multiply AllLoads] D1 UDLY -003.000 [ kN/m ]
L1 UDLY -004.500 [ kN/m ]

Members 28-30 and 39-41

UT Spacing 03.600 [Multiply AllLoads] D1 UDLY -003.000 [ kN/m ]
L1 UDLY -004.500 [ kN/m ]

Members 47, 56, 59, 62, 64-65 and 69-70

UT Spacing 05.000 [Multiply AllLoads] D1 UDLY -000.350 [ kN/m ]
L1 UDLY -000.600 [ kN/m ] W1 UDLN +000.150 [ kN/m ]
W2 UDLN +000.450 [ kN/m ]

Members 50, 53, 60-61, 63 and 66-68

UT Spacing 05.000 [Multiply AllLoads] D1 UDLY -000.350 [ kN/m ]
L1 UDLY -000.600 [ kN/m ] W1 UDLN +001.000 [ kN/m ]
W2 UDLN +000.450 [ kN/m ]

Member 71
UT Spacing 03.000 [Multiply AllLoads] W1 UDLX -000.300 [ kN/m ]
W2 UDLX -000.450 [ kN/m ] W1 UDLZ -000.450 [ kN/m ]
W2 UDLZ +000.300 [ kN/m ]

Members 72-73 and 76-77

UT Spacing 05.000 [Multiply AllLoads] W1 UDLZ -000.450 [ kN/m ]

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

W2 UDLZ +000.300 [ kN/m ]

Member 74
UT Spacing 03.000 [Multiply AllLoads] W1 UDLX -000.900 [ kN/m ]
W2 UDLX +000.450 [ kN/m ] W1 UDLZ -000.450 [ kN/m ]
W2 UDLZ +000.300 [ kN/m ]

Member 75
UT Spacing 03.000 [Multiply AllLoads] UT PartFix 20.00 +++ --- (Mt My Mz)
W1 UDLX -000.300 [ kN/m ] W2 UDLX -000.450 [ kN/m ]
W1 UDLZ -000.450 [ kN/m ] W2 UDLZ +000.300 [ kN/m ]

Member 78
UT Spacing 03.000 [Multiply AllLoads] UT PartFix 20.00 +++ --- (Mt My Mz)
W1 UDLX -000.900 [ kN/m ] W2 UDLX +000.450 [ kN/m ]
W1 UDLZ -000.450 [ kN/m ] W2 UDLZ +000.300 [ kN/m ]

Member 79
UT Spacing 05.000 [Multiply AllLoads] W1 UDLX -000.300 [ kN/m ]
W2 UDLX -000.450 [ kN/m ]

Member 82
UT Spacing 05.000 [Multiply AllLoads] W1 UDLX -000.900 [ kN/m ]
W2 UDLX +000.450 [ kN/m ]

Members 83, 85 and 89

UT Spacing 05.000 [Multiply AllLoads] UT PartFix 20.00 +++ --- (Mt My Mz)
W1 UDLX -000.300 [ kN/m ] W2 UDLX -000.450 [ kN/m ]

Members 84, 88 and 90

UT Spacing 05.000 [Multiply AllLoads] UT PartFix 20.00 +++ --- (Mt My Mz)
W1 UDLX -000.900 [ kN/m ] W2 UDLX +000.450 [ kN/m ]

Members 91-92
UT Spacing 03.000 [Multiply AllLoads] UT PartFix 20.00 +++ --- (Mt My Mz)
W1 UDLX -000.900 [ kN/m ] W2 UDLX +000.450 [ kN/m ]
W1 UDLZ +000.450 [ kN/m ] W2 UDLZ -001.300 [ kN/m ]

Members 93-96
UT Spacing 05.000 [Multiply AllLoads] W1 UDLZ +000.450 [ kN/m ]
W2 UDLZ -001.300 [ kN/m ]

Members 97-98
UT Spacing 03.000 [Multiply AllLoads] UT PartFix 20.00 +++ --- (Mt My Mz)
W1 UDLX -000.300 [ kN/m ] W2 UDLX -000.450 [ kN/m ]
W1 UDLZ +000.450 [ kN/m ] W2 UDLZ -001.300 [ kN/m ]

Member Orientation
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!

Members 1-46, 48-55, 57-58, 60-61, 63, 66-70, 74, 78, 80-82, 84, 86-88 and 90 ß

Members 72-73, 76-77, 94 and 96 ß -090.00

Members 91-92 ß -175.00

Members 93 and 95 ß -085.00

Members 97-98 ß +005.00

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member End Releases

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Symbols End 1 torsion-minor-major End 2 torsion-minor-major O Released ® Fixed
9 ®OO ®®® 10 ®®® ®OO 12 ®®® ®OO 13 ®OO ®OO
14 ®OO ®OO 15 ®OO ®®® 17 ®OO ®®® 18 ®®® ®OO
22 ®OO ®OO 23 ®OO ®OO 24 ®OO ®OO 25 ®OO ®OO
26 ®OO ®OO 28 ®OO ®OO 29 ®OO ®OO 30 ®OO ®OO
31 ®OO ®OO 32 ®OO ®OO 33 ®OO ®OO 34 ®OO ®OO
35 ®OO ®OO 36 ®OO ®OO 37 ®OO ®OO 42 ®OO ®®®
43 ®OO ®OO 44 ®OO ®OO 45 ®OO ®OO 46 ®OO ®OO
49 ®OO ®OO 51 ®OO ®OO 52 ®OO ®OO 53 ®®® ®OO
54 ®OO ®OO 55 ®OO ®OO 57 ®OO ®OO 58 ®OO ®OO
75 ®OO ®®® 76 ®OO ®OO 77 ®OO ®OO 78 ®OO ®®®
83 ®OO ®®® 84 ®OO ®®® 94 ®®® ®OO 96 ®®® ®OO

Nodal Loading and Support Conditions

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
NODES 1, 4, 14, 17, 31, 34, 44 and 56
UT Rs 1 1 1 0 0 0 (Pinned)
NODES 2-3, 15-16, 32-33, 47 and 52
UT Rs 1 1 1 0 1 0

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Nodal Deflections Serviceability (004 : Live Only (Serviceability))

Nodal Displacements (mm) Nodal Rotations (Degrees)
1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01
2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.02 0.02
4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 -0.01 0.01
5 -0.23 -0.01 -0.52 0.56 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01
6 -0.22 -0.02 -0.13 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 -0.22 -0.07 -0.09 0.25 0.01 0.00 -0.02 0.02
8 -0.22 -0.04 -0.26 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03
9 -5.18 -0.06 -0.58 5.21 0.00 -0.04 0.02 0.04
10 5.15 -0.08 -0.31 5.16 0.00 0.07 -0.02 0.07
11 5.07 -0.36 8.38 9.80 0.36 -0.06 0.10 0.38
12 -5.10 -0.34 8.92 10.28 0.39 0.06 -0.11 0.41
13 -0.01 -14.54 13.98 20.18 0.39 0.07 -0.25 0.47
14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.03
15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01
16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02
17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.02
18 -0.30 -0.07 -0.52 0.60 0.01 0.00 -0.02 0.02
19 -0.28 -1.24 -0.55 1.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
20 -0.27 -0.09 -0.44 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01
21 -0.26 -0.48 -0.21 0.58 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01
22 -0.24 -0.12 -0.09 0.29 -0.01 0.00 -0.02 0.02
23 -0.23 -0.08 -0.26 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05
24 -11.68 -0.18 -0.59 11.70 0.00 -0.07 -0.05 0.09
25 11.53 -0.20 -0.32 11.54 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.08
26 8.27 -9.47 4.02 13.20 0.22 -0.01 0.28 0.36
27 -7.91 -10.89 4.15 14.09 0.23 0.01 -0.29 0.37
28 2.42 -26.08 8.22 27.45 0.22 -0.01 0.22 0.31
29 -1.87 -28.03 8.71 29.42 0.22 0.01 -0.19 0.29
30 -0.07 -33.23 13.91 36.02 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.23
31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.03 0.07 -0.15 0.17
32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.10 0.00 -0.06 0.12
33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.13 0.13
34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 -0.12 0.16
35 7.36 -0.27 -0.54 7.39 0.03 0.07 -0.09 0.12
36 7.39 -11.27 -0.58 13.49 0.08 -0.01 0.00 0.08
37 7.41 -0.62 -0.45 7.45 0.18 -0.01 -0.27 0.32
38 7.43 -13.49 -0.26 15.41 0.12 -0.01 0.00 0.12
39 7.45 -0.41 -0.10 7.46 0.00 0.00 -0.13 0.13
40 7.55 -0.27 -0.27 7.56 0.00 0.10 -0.15 0.18
41 -0.92 -0.38 -0.61 1.17 0.00 -0.07 -0.07 0.10
42 20.40 -0.40 -0.34 20.41 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.07
43 9.75 -30.78 13.90 35.15 0.21 0.00 0.02 0.21
44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 -0.10 0.12
45 5.88 -0.13 -0.27 5.88 0.00 0.07 -0.10 0.12
46 9.43 -0.17 -0.38 9.44 0.01 0.07 0.01 0.07
47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 -0.10 0.10
48 5.87 -0.30 -0.11 5.88 -0.02 -0.03 -0.10 0.11
49 10.10 -0.46 8.10 12.96 0.05 0.06 0.01 0.08
50 5.87 -8.98 -0.26 10.73 -0.25 -0.01 0.02 0.25
51 10.11 -1.89 13.69 17.12 0.21 0.00 -0.04 0.22
52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 -0.06 0.07
53 5.86 -0.32 -0.46 5.89 -0.06 -0.01 -0.18 0.19
54 9.16 -0.46 8.53 12.53 0.22 0.00 -0.01 0.22
55 5.86 -9.53 -0.58 11.20 -0.12 -0.01 0.01 0.12
56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 -0.06 -0.11 0.15
57 5.88 -0.12 -0.55 5.90 -0.15 -0.06 -0.08 0.18
58 8.29 -0.15 -0.63 8.31 0.02 -0.06 -0.06 0.09

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Nodal Deflections Serviceability (005 : Sway Stability @ 0°)

Nodal Displacements (mm) Nodal Rotations (Degrees)
1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Nodal Deflections Serviceability (Maximum Values)

Nodal Displacements (mm) Nodal Rotations (Degrees)
1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01
2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.02 0.02
4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 -0.01 0.01
5 -0.23 -0.01 -0.52 0.56 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01
6 -0.22 -0.02 -0.13 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 -0.22 -0.07 -0.09 0.25 0.01 0.00 -0.02 0.02
8 -0.22 -0.04 -0.26 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03
9 -5.18 -0.06 -0.58 5.21 0.00 -0.04 0.02 0.04
10 5.15 -0.08 -0.31 5.16 0.00 0.07 -0.02 0.07
11 5.07 -0.36 8.38 9.80 0.36 -0.06 0.10 0.38
12 -5.10 -0.34 8.92 10.28 0.39 0.06 -0.11 0.41
13 -0.01 -14.54 13.98 20.18 0.39 0.07 -0.25 0.47
14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.03
15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01
16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02
17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.02
18 -0.30 -0.07 -0.52 0.60 0.01 0.00 -0.02 0.02
19 -0.28 -1.24 -0.55 1.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
20 -0.27 -0.09 -0.44 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01
21 -0.26 -0.48 -0.21 0.58 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01
22 -0.24 -0.12 -0.09 0.29 -0.01 0.00 -0.02 0.02
23 -0.23 -0.08 -0.26 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05
24 -11.68 -0.18 -0.59 11.70 0.00 -0.07 -0.05 0.09
25 11.53 -0.20 -0.32 11.54 0.00 0.07 0.04 0.08
26 8.27 -9.47 4.02 13.20 0.22 -0.01 0.28 0.36
27 -7.91 -10.89 4.15 14.09 0.23 0.01 -0.29 0.37
28 2.42 -26.08 8.22 27.45 0.22 -0.01 0.22 0.31
29 -1.87 -28.03 8.71 29.42 0.22 0.01 -0.19 0.29
30 -0.07 -33.23 13.91 36.02 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.23
31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.03 0.07 -0.15 0.17
32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.10 0.00 -0.06 0.12
33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.13 0.13
34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 -0.12 0.16
35 7.36 -0.27 -0.54 7.39 0.03 0.07 -0.09 0.12
36 7.39 -11.27 -0.58 13.49 0.08 -0.01 0.00 0.08
37 7.41 -0.62 -0.45 7.45 0.18 -0.01 -0.27 0.32
38 7.43 -13.49 -0.26 15.41 0.12 -0.01 0.00 0.12
39 7.45 -0.41 -0.10 7.46 0.00 0.00 -0.13 0.13
40 7.55 -0.27 -0.27 7.56 0.00 0.10 -0.15 0.18
41 -0.92 -0.38 -0.61 1.17 0.00 -0.07 -0.07 0.10
42 20.40 -0.40 -0.34 20.41 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.07
43 9.75 -30.78 13.90 35.15 0.21 0.00 0.02 0.21
44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 -0.10 0.12
45 5.88 -0.13 -0.27 5.88 0.00 0.07 -0.10 0.12
46 9.43 -0.17 -0.38 9.44 0.01 0.07 0.01 0.07
47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 -0.10 0.10
48 5.87 -0.30 -0.11 5.88 -0.02 -0.03 -0.10 0.11
49 10.10 -0.46 8.10 12.96 0.05 0.06 0.01 0.08
50 5.87 -8.98 -0.26 10.73 -0.25 -0.01 0.02 0.25
51 10.11 -1.89 13.69 17.12 0.21 0.00 -0.04 0.22
52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 -0.06 0.07
53 5.86 -0.32 -0.46 5.89 -0.06 -0.01 -0.18 0.19
54 9.16 -0.46 8.53 12.53 0.22 0.00 -0.01 0.22
55 5.86 -9.53 -0.58 11.20 -0.12 -0.01 0.01 0.12
56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 -0.06 -0.11 0.15
57 5.88 -0.12 -0.55 5.90 -0.15 -0.06 -0.08 0.18
58 8.29 -0.15 -0.63 8.31 0.02 -0.06 -0.06 0.09

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (001 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate))

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
5 2.86T -1.02 -22.94 0.36 11.62 -0.59 -25.84 0.93
6 2.86T 1.02 27.99 0.36 29.91 2.05 @ 3.263 @ 3.408

6 2.96T -3.92 -22.58 -0.26 29.28 1.58 -7.01 0.51

7 2.96T 3.92 33.62 -0.26 73.42 -0.46 @ 3.200 @ 6.160

7 9.52C 3.33 -117.55 -0.36 116.61 1.50 -99.12 3.05

8 9.52C -3.33 98.62 -0.36 52.71 -0.91 @ 3.645 @ 3.577

18 38.15T 4.53 -82.14 0.46 55.77 -3.50 -149.82 4.04

19 38.09T -4.53 -31.29 0.46 -149.82 -1.85 @ 3.625 @ 3.371

19 38.13T 4.51 64.43 0.14 -149.82 -1.84 -149.82 4.04

20 38.18T -4.51 115.27 0.14 175.88 -1.33 @ 3.625 @ 3.371

20 39.60T 2.02 -100.10 0.94 171.13 -2.27 -117.07 2.20

21 39.56T -2.02 -44.00 0.94 -117.07 1.49 @ 4.000 @ 3.920

21 39.56T 2.03 51.76 0.21 -117.07 1.49 -117.07 2.20

22 39.59T -2.03 107.86 0.21 202.18 2.33 @ 4.000 @ 3.920

22 26.66T -1.32 -218.43 -0.45 244.09 2.19 -165.26 4.82

23 26.67T 1.32 174.93 -0.45 97.26 -0.87 @ 3.780 @ 3.645

35 80.67T -0.04 -95.93 -0.28 0.00 0.00 -341.64 -1.00 26.46

36 80.64T 0.04 -92.57 -0.28 -341.65 -1.01 @ 3.625 @ 3.589 @ 3.625

36 81.31T -0.04 92.56 -0.18 -341.64 0.64 -341.64 -1.00 26.46

37 81.33T 0.04 95.92 -0.18 0.00 0.00 @ 3.625 @ 3.589 @ 3.625

37 76.60T 0.02 -90.05 -0.34 4.67 0.63 -348.10 -0.71 32.72

38 76.57T -0.02 -86.34 -0.34 -348.10 -0.72 @ 4.000 @ 3.960 @ 4.000

38 77.24T 0.08 85.17 -0.15 -348.10 0.60 -348.10 -0.71 32.72

39 77.27T -0.08 88.88 -0.15 0.00 0.00 @ 4.000 @ 3.960 @ 4.000

39 72.72T 0.00 -180.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 -304.31 25.18

40 72.74T 0.00 180.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.375 @ 3.375

45 9.49T 0.00 91.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 154.31 0.00 24.85

48 9.48T 0.00 -91.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.388 @ 0.000 @ 3.388

48 10.86T -0.10 58.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 192.87 -1.09 26.78

50 10.73T 0.10 38.07 0.06 192.88 0.25 @ 4.015 @ 4.015 @ 3.975

50 11.44T 0.08 -38.80 0.55 192.87 -1.09 192.87 -1.09 26.78

53 11.57T -0.08 -58.72 0.55 -2.92 1.10 @ 4.015 @ 4.015 @ 3.975

53 13.04T -0.02 62.73 0.15 0.00 0.00 196.24 -1.01 26.99

55 12.91T 0.02 45.13 0.15 196.24 0.54 @ 3.639 @ 3.639 @ 3.602

55 13.61T -0.01 -45.13 0.28 196.24 -1.01 196.24 -1.01 26.99

57 13.74T 0.01 -62.73 0.28 0.00 0.00 @ 3.639 @ 3.639 @ 3.602

5 3.04C 4.74 -9.97 0.14 8.44 0.59 -3.26 0.23

18 3.04C -4.74 11.28 0.14 11.71 1.27 @ 2.350 @ 2.500

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (001 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate))

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
7 7.44C -0.26 -72.80 0.26 33.10 -1.31 -60.13 0.87
22 7.44C 0.26 69.32 0.26 24.40 -0.01 @ 2.550 @ 2.550

8 5.96C -3.08 -19.54 0.38 15.43 -0.90 -11.38 0.68

23 5.96C 3.08 16.08 0.38 6.77 0.99 @ 2.750 @ 2.650

9 0.18C 0.17 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

24 0.18C -0.17 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

10 0.07T -0.17 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

25 0.07T 0.17 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

11 3.15C -0.37 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

28 3.16C 0.37 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

12 6.24C 0.26 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.00 2.48

29 6.25C -0.26 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

13 0.08C -0.66 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

30 0.08C 0.66 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

18 2.95C 0.01 -38.92 -1.30 31.37 3.99 -15.78 6.25

35 2.96C -0.01 41.39 -1.30 37.55 -2.51 @ 2.400 @ 2.000

19 0.99T 0.00 -95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 -119.75 0.00 18.11

36 0.10T 0.00 95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

20 1.18C 0.04 -95.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 -119.76 0.00 18.11

37 1.24C -0.04 95.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

21 1.59T 0.00 -95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 -119.75 0.00 18.11

38 0.38T 0.00 95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

22 0.21C 0.01 -53.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 -66.97 0.00 10.61

39 0.23C -0.01 53.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

23 0.22T 0.17 -13.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 -16.58 0.00 0.24

40 0.21T -0.17 13.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

24 0.12C 0.15 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

41 0.12C -0.15 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

25 0.12T 0.20 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

42 0.12T -0.20 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

28 3.08C 0.35 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.15 0.00 22.37

49 3.07C -0.35 0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 4.246 @ 0.000 @ 4.333

29 6.19C -0.29 -0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.35 0.00 30.52

54 6.18C 0.29 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 4.683 @ 0.000 @ 4.683

30 0.66T -0.11 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

43 0.67T 0.11 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

35 3.33C 0.00 -45.89 0.48 40.67 -2.51 -24.88 11.72

57 3.32C 0.00 34.43 0.48 12.01 -0.10 @ 2.850 @ 2.600

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (001 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate))

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
36 0.19T 0.00 -90.49 0.68 0.06 -1.65 -105.90 5.92
55 0.19T 0.00 90.45 0.68 -0.02 1.54 @ 2.342 @ 2.342

37 3.58C 0.00 -68.66 0.32 8.15 -0.72 -53.57 9.28

53 3.56C 0.00 98.07 0.32 72.36 0.69 @ 1.790 @ 1.965

38 0.43T 0.00 -76.95 0.66 0.07 -1.32 -77.16 9.43

50 0.67T 0.00 77.01 0.66 0.19 1.34 @ 2.008 @ 2.008

39 0.52C 0.00 -30.15 -0.05 0.00 0.00 -21.32 4.74

48 0.52C 0.00 47.99 -0.05 32.70 -0.18 @ 1.430 @ 1.576

40 0.02C 0.00 -6.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5.16 0.00 1.78

45 0.02C 0.00 6.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 1.537 @ 0.000 @ 1.537

41 0.26C -0.05 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

58 0.26C 0.05 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

42 0.05T -0.06 -0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.14 0.35

46 0.05T 0.06 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 1.476 @ 1.537

43 0.09T 0.27 -0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.25 0.00 1.05

51 0.10T -0.27 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 1.938 @ 0.000 @ 2.019

9 12.57C -0.05 20.96 -0.17 -28.60 1.01 -57.94 -0.27 23.94

12 5.47T 0.05 -28.66 -0.17 -58.30 -0.27 @ 7.714 @ 7.714 @ 7.329

9 5.81T 0.15 -0.27 -0.35 0.18 1.11 -0.18 2.02

18 5.36T -0.15 0.35 -0.35 0.42 -1.06 @ 2.730 @ 1.551

9 5.91C 0.23 -0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.60 0.00 6.17

27 5.75C -0.23 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.094 @ 0.000 @ 3.157

10 12.85C 0.05 19.73 0.01 -27.95 -0.10 -50.30 22.14

11 3.95T -0.05 -26.48 0.01 -52.19 -0.02 @ 7.111 @ 6.823

10 4.45T -0.22 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.48 0.00 4.74

23 4.00T 0.22 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.041 @ 0.000 @ 3.103

10 4.34C -0.26 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 0.00 5.59

26 4.19C 0.26 -0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.016 @ 0.000 @ 3.078

11 11.88C 0.00 25.51 0.01 -49.32 -0.03 -50.30 22.14

13 1.53C 0.00 -3.69 0.01 0.00 0.00 @ 7.111 @ 6.823

11 4.28T -0.12 -0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.57 0.00 5.58

26 4.12T 0.12 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.016 @ 0.000 @ 3.078

11 0.74C -0.03 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.68 8.00

30 0.56C 0.03 -0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.303 @ 3.371

12 12.40C 0.00 27.58 0.07 -57.94 -0.27 -57.94 -0.27 23.94

13 3.28C 0.00 1.79 0.07 0.66 0.01 @ 7.714 @ 7.714 @ 7.329

12 5.83T 0.09 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.00 6.16

27 5.66T -0.09 -0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.094 @ 0.000 @ 3.157

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (001 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate))

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
12 2.08T 0.03 -0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.62 0.00 6.51
30 2.23T -0.03 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.134 @ 0.000 @ 3.198

24 78.39C -0.07 58.65 -0.04 -201.88 0.04 56.32 -0.10 16.87

27 69.40C 0.07 33.29 -0.04 -24.58 -0.11 @ 8.670 @ 3.818 @ 8.112

25 78.82C 0.07 58.80 0.03 -203.36 -0.03 55.75 0.09 16.43

26 70.42C -0.07 35.19 0.03 -34.59 0.09 @ 8.719 @ 3.555 @ 8.131

26 74.90C 0.00 34.96 -0.03 -34.90 0.09 55.75 0.09 16.43

28 66.73C 0.00 11.54 -0.03 48.59 -0.03 @ 8.719 @ 3.555 @ 8.131

27 76.06C 0.01 32.97 0.05 -24.84 -0.10 56.32 -0.10 16.87

29 67.27C -0.01 7.83 0.05 53.83 0.08 @ 8.670 @ 3.818 @ 8.112

28 66.53C 0.01 10.13 -0.06 47.87 -0.04 55.75 0.09 16.43

30 55.98C -0.01 -19.30 -0.06 27.15 -0.32 @ 8.719 @ 3.555 @ 8.131

29 66.96C -0.01 6.30 0.06 53.27 0.09 56.32 -0.10 16.87

30 57.63C 0.01 -19.67 0.06 26.59 0.31 @ 8.670 @ 3.818 @ 8.112

41 85.42C -0.02 54.08 0.01 -168.53 0.04 55.44 21.41

43 58.23C 0.02 -22.33 0.01 17.26 0.12 @ 8.310 @ 7.607

42 86.62C 0.02 57.45 -0.01 -207.66 -0.01 45.14 11.87

43 59.43C -0.02 -18.95 -0.01 17.63 -0.11 @ 8.778 @ 2.458

46 20.77C 0.01 26.43 0.00 -46.93 0.01 17.33 2.16

49 3.97C -0.01 -19.97 0.00 -23.64 0.00 @ 10.746 @ 6.918

49 18.86C 0.03 22.86 -0.02 -23.30 -0.01 17.33 2.16

51 8.32C -0.03 -6.32 -0.02 14.22 -0.09 @ 10.746 @ 6.918

51 10.52C 0.00 0.22 0.00 14.49 -0.07 -36.74 -0.08 7.59

54 19.87C 0.00 -25.66 0.00 -36.45 -0.06 @ 4.004 @ 4.004 @ 8.338

54 0.56T -0.02 27.95 0.01 -36.74 -0.08 -36.74 -0.08 7.59

58 17.43C 0.02 -21.76 0.01 -12.79 -0.01 @ 4.004 @ 4.004 @ 8.338

1 76.96C 0.00 -4.92 2.85 0.00 0.00 0.41

5 64.42C 0.00 -4.92 2.84 -16.36 9.46 @ 1.928

2 125.34C 0.47 -0.87 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.06

6 112.80C -0.47 -0.87 0.19 -2.89 0.63 @ 1.928

3 298.18C -0.64 -7.77 -12.91 0.00 0.00 0.64

7 282.22C 0.64 -7.77 -12.91 -25.84 -42.93 @ 1.928

4 163.44C 0.00 -16.78 -5.64 0.00 0.00 0.75

8 147.48C 0.00 -16.78 -5.64 -55.78 -18.76 @ 1.928

5 31.49C 0.00 -7.73 0.15 0.00 0.00 1.82

9 29.51C 0.00 -7.73 0.15 -28.41 0.54 @ 2.131

6 62.23C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03

12 60.73C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 0.000 @ 0.000 @ 3.155

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (001 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate))

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
7 58.25C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03
11 56.79C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 0.000 @ 0.000 @ 3.065

8 29.29C 0.00 -7.76 -0.01 0.00 0.00 1.80

10 27.31C 0.00 -7.76 -0.01 -28.51 -0.04 @ 2.131

14 226.60C 0.00 -15.20 4.42 0.00 0.00 1.14

18 214.06C 0.00 -15.19 4.42 -50.52 14.70 @ 1.928

15 323.77C 0.94 -1.41 -0.76 0.00 0.00 0.12

20 311.24C -0.94 -1.42 -0.75 -4.70 -2.50 @ 1.928

16 465.18C 0.13 12.69 6.34 0.00 0.00 0.60

22 449.22C -0.13 12.68 6.34 42.17 21.08 @ 1.928

17 303.04C 0.00 -28.22 2.43 0.00 0.00 1.20

23 287.08C 0.00 -28.23 2.43 -93.84 8.09 @ 1.928

18 84.15C 0.01 -54.94 0.22 0.00 0.00 7.13

24 81.67C -0.01 -54.92 0.22 -201.86 0.81 @ 2.131

23 84.47C -0.01 -55.25 -0.22 0.00 0.00 7.17

25 81.99C 0.01 -55.23 -0.22 -202.99 -0.81 @ 2.131

31 267.60C 0.00 18.70 0.87 0.00 0.00 1.47

35 265.35C 0.00 18.68 0.87 62.13 2.88 @ 1.928

32 352.54C 0.00 1.38 -2.44 0.00 0.00 4.95

37 351.29C 0.00 1.40 -2.44 4.62 -8.10 @ 1.928

33 354.92C 0.00 -0.02 -0.02 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.02

39 353.01C 0.00 0.00 -0.02 -0.02 -0.08 @ 2.426 @ 1.928

34 288.12C 0.00 7.33 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.44

40 285.87C 0.00 7.35 0.01 24.39 0.03 @ 1.928

35 82.27C 0.01 -62.63 0.25 61.83 -0.28 4.96

41 80.06C -0.01 -62.63 0.25 -168.32 0.65 @ 2.352

40 85.16C 0.00 -63.28 -0.22 24.56 0.03 6.57

42 82.68C 0.00 -63.25 -0.22 -207.91 -0.77 @ 2.168

44 133.50C 0.00 -2.30 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.14

45 131.25C 0.00 -2.28 0.02 -7.62 0.07 @ 1.928

45 33.92C 0.00 -10.68 -0.06 -7.62 0.06 2.71

46 31.99C 0.00 -10.68 -0.06 -46.87 -0.17 @ 2.058

47 246.63C 0.00 3.82 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.79

48 244.96C 0.00 3.82 0.41 12.70 1.38 @ 1.928

48 48.19C 0.00 3.31 -0.41 -20.26 2.51 8.32

49 45.81C 0.00 3.30 -0.41 0.00 0.00 @ 2.574

52 282.23C 0.00 9.50 -0.21 0.00 0.00 1.29

53 280.55C 0.00 9.50 -0.23 31.56 -0.74 @ 1.928

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (001 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate))

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
53 61.22C 0.00 6.54 -0.78 -41.20 4.98 11.77
54 57.83C 0.00 6.52 -0.79 0.00 0.00 @ 2.650

56 127.78C 0.00 5.68 -3.34 0.00 0.00 3.67

57 125.53C 0.00 5.66 -3.34 18.85 -11.09 @ 1.928

57 28.87C 0.00 -8.91 -0.21 19.91 0.86 0.91

58 26.66C 0.00 -8.92 -0.21 -12.84 0.07 @ 1.470

Member Forces Ultimate (002 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Ultimate))
Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
5 1.40C 4.17 -22.74 -2.04 10.58 4.72 -26.22 1.00
6 1.40C -4.17 28.19 -2.04 30.35 -10.05 @ 3.262 @ 3.552

6 1.21C -8.97 -22.55 2.42 29.03 -10.43 -7.15 0.51

7 1.21C 8.97 33.65 2.42 73.47 8.95 @ 3.200 @ 6.240

7 12.53C 3.13 -117.21 -1.37 116.21 6.44 -98.28 3.02

8 12.53C -3.13 98.96 -1.37 54.60 -2.84 @ 3.645 @ 3.577

18 22.74T 1.78 -82.68 1.30 57.59 -3.59 -149.96 4.03

19 22.68T -1.78 -31.83 1.30 -149.96 1.12 @ 3.625 @ 3.371

19 21.98T 1.79 63.92 1.30 -149.96 1.13 -149.96 4.03

20 22.04T -1.79 114.76 1.30 173.90 5.85 @ 3.625 @ 3.371

20 21.38T 5.12 -100.75 -1.25 173.46 5.57 -117.34 2.21

21 21.35T -5.12 -44.65 -1.25 -117.34 0.57 @ 4.000 @ 3.920

21 20.59T 5.12 51.13 -1.63 -117.34 0.58 -117.34 2.21

22 20.62T -5.12 107.23 -1.63 199.38 -5.95 @ 4.000 @ 3.920

22 1.98T -0.86 -219.33 -0.73 247.27 2.59 -165.46 4.82

23 1.99T 0.86 174.03 -0.73 94.39 -2.33 @ 3.780 @ 3.645

35 58.33T -0.04 -96.08 0.12 0.00 0.00 -342.20 0.43 26.59

36 58.31T 0.04 -92.72 0.12 -342.21 0.43 @ 3.625 @ 3.589 @ 3.625

36 57.05T -0.04 92.72 0.07 -342.20 -0.25 -342.20 0.43 26.59

37 57.07T 0.04 96.08 0.07 0.00 0.00 @ 3.625 @ 3.589 @ 3.625

37 52.93T 0.02 -88.98 0.02 -5.43 -0.10 -353.92 0.07 33.60

38 52.90T -0.02 -85.27 0.02 -353.92 0.00 @ 4.000 @ 4.000 @ 4.000

38 52.09T 0.08 86.63 -0.02 -353.92 0.07 -353.92 0.07 33.60

39 52.12T -0.08 90.33 -0.02 0.00 0.00 @ 4.000 @ 4.000 @ 4.000

39 45.02T 0.00 -180.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 -304.30 0.00 25.18

40 45.04T 0.00 180.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.375 @ 0.000 @ 3.375

45 5.09T 0.00 91.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 154.30 0.00 24.85

48 5.08T 0.00 -91.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.388 @ 0.000 @ 3.388

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (002 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Ultimate))
Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
48 7.53T -0.10 59.02 -0.09 0.00 0.00 196.96 -0.47 27.69
50 7.40T 0.10 39.09 -0.09 196.98 -0.36 @ 4.015 @ 4.015 @ 3.975

50 7.96T 0.09 -37.81 0.28 196.96 -0.47 196.96 -0.47 27.69

53 8.10T -0.09 -57.74 0.28 5.15 0.65 @ 4.015 @ 4.015 @ 3.975

53 9.03T -0.02 62.77 -0.10 0.00 0.00 196.39 -0.36 27.12

55 8.90T 0.02 45.17 -0.10 196.40 -0.37 @ 3.639 @ 3.602 @ 3.602

55 9.20T -0.01 -45.17 -0.07 196.39 0.26 196.39 -0.36 27.12

57 9.33T 0.01 -62.77 -0.07 0.00 0.00 @ 3.639 @ 3.602 @ 3.602

5 3.98T 4.61 -9.97 1.32 9.45 -4.73 -2.24 0.37

18 3.98T -4.61 11.28 1.32 12.73 1.89 @ 2.350 @ 1.750

7 3.98T -1.23 -74.29 2.09 38.32 -1.74 -58.75 0.85

22 3.97T 1.23 67.84 2.09 22.19 8.69 @ 2.600 @ 2.550

8 3.59C -3.33 -19.87 1.06 16.18 -2.82 -11.53 0.68

23 3.59C 3.33 15.75 1.06 5.88 2.49 @ 2.800 @ 2.700

9 1.50T 0.30 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

24 1.50T -0.30 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

10 1.45T -0.03 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

25 1.45T 0.03 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

11 1.75T -0.23 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

28 1.75T 0.23 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

12 0.18T 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 2.48

29 0.17T 0.00 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 2.500

13 0.03T -1.02 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

30 0.03T 1.02 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

18 1.79T 0.01 -38.83 -1.72 31.18 5.43 -15.75 7.93

35 1.77T -0.01 41.48 -1.72 37.81 -3.18 @ 2.400 @ 1.850

19 0.61T 0.00 -95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 -119.75 0.00 18.11

36 0.30C 0.00 95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

20 3.70T 0.04 -95.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 -119.75 0.00 18.11

37 3.63T -0.04 95.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

21 1.16T 0.00 -95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 -119.74 0.00 18.11

38 0.08C 0.00 95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

22 8.14T 0.02 -53.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 -66.97 0.00 10.61

39 8.11T -0.02 53.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

23 3.42T 0.21 -13.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 -16.58 0.00 0.24

40 3.41T -0.21 13.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

24 1.52T 0.16 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 2.48

41 1.52T -0.16 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 2.500

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (002 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Ultimate))
Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
25 1.50T 0.20 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48
42 1.50T -0.20 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

28 1.82T 0.26 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.15 0.00 22.37

49 1.82T -0.26 0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 4.246 @ 0.000 @ 4.333

29 0.18T -0.16 -0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.35 0.00 30.52

54 0.19T 0.16 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 4.683 @ 0.000 @ 4.683

30 0.21T -0.11 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

43 0.21T 0.11 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

35 0.89T 0.00 -46.07 0.61 40.90 -3.19 -25.16 12.83

57 0.90T 0.00 34.25 0.61 11.35 -0.14 @ 2.850 @ 2.550

36 0.05T 0.00 -90.47 -0.28 0.00 0.68 -105.92 5.92

55 0.05T 0.00 90.48 -0.28 0.01 -0.63 @ 2.342 @ 2.342

37 1.27T 0.00 -68.23 -0.01 7.64 0.00 -53.32 9.18

53 1.30T 0.00 98.50 -0.01 73.71 -0.07 @ 1.790 @ 1.965

38 0.30T 0.00 -76.96 0.05 0.10 -0.07 -77.15 9.43

50 0.54T 0.00 77.00 0.05 0.18 0.12 @ 2.008 @ 2.008

39 8.05T 0.00 -30.28 -0.07 0.00 0.00 -21.50 4.82

48 8.05T 0.00 47.86 -0.07 32.23 -0.27 @ 1.430 @ 1.613

40 3.22T 0.00 -6.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5.16 0.00 1.78

45 3.22T 0.00 6.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 1.538 @ 0.000 @ 1.538

41 1.41T -0.21 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

58 1.41T 0.21 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

42 1.48T -0.38 -0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.14 0.00 0.35

46 1.48T 0.38 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 1.476 @ 0.000 @ 1.537

43 0.01C 0.67 -0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.25 0.00 1.05

51 0.00C -0.67 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 1.938 @ 0.000 @ 2.019

9 1.09C -0.04 14.09 -0.02 1.62 0.14 -64.34 23.58

12 16.95T 0.04 -31.19 -0.02 -64.36 0.02 @ 7.714 @ 7.560

9 4.74T 0.01 -0.20 -0.04 -0.08 0.18 -0.29 2.14

18 4.29T -0.01 0.41 -0.04 0.56 -0.05 @ 1.986 @ 2.482

9 4.28C 0.18 -0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.60 6.18

27 4.12C -0.18 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.094 @ 3.157

10 18.02C 0.02 12.00 0.02 -45.88 -0.16 0.01 24.33

11 1.21C -0.02 -7.27 0.02 -28.90 0.01 @ 7.183 @ 5.746

10 6.69T -0.30 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.48 0.00 4.74

23 6.24T 0.30 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.041 @ 0.000 @ 3.103

10 5.99C -0.19 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 0.00 5.58

26 5.84C 0.19 -0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.016 @ 0.000 @ 3.078

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (002 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Ultimate))
Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
11 3.29C 0.02 12.23 0.00 -27.60 0.01 0.01 24.33
13 7.06T -0.02 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 7.183 @ 5.746

11 6.00T -0.05 -0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.57 0.00 5.58

26 5.85T 0.05 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.016 @ 0.000 @ 3.078

11 2.00C -0.05 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.68 0.00 7.99

30 1.81C 0.05 -0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.303 @ 0.000 @ 3.371

12 3.51C 0.01 28.15 0.00 -64.34 0.01 -64.34 23.58

13 5.61T -0.01 4.61 0.00 1.02 -0.01 @ 7.714 @ 7.560

12 4.20T 0.06 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 6.16

27 4.03T -0.06 -0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.094 @ 3.157

12 2.14T -0.03 -0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.61 0.00 6.50

30 2.30T 0.03 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.134 @ 0.000 @ 3.198

24 55.91C -0.06 49.94 -0.02 -140.26 0.02 63.29 -0.07 30.03

27 46.96C 0.06 26.71 -0.02 7.55 -0.07 @ 7.992 @ 3.857 @ 7.173

25 59.18C 0.07 31.16 0.01 -145.01 -0.03 24.58 0.02 19.80

26 50.64C -0.07 21.13 0.01 -51.12 -0.01 @ 10.890 @ 7.182 @ 3.484

26 57.05C -0.01 20.93 0.01 -51.32 -0.01 24.58 0.02 19.80

28 48.78C 0.01 11.05 0.01 6.09 0.02 @ 10.890 @ 7.182 @ 3.484

27 51.93C 0.02 25.94 0.04 7.36 -0.07 63.29 -0.07 30.03

29 43.06C -0.02 3.03 0.04 63.20 0.10 @ 7.992 @ 3.857 @ 7.173

28 48.44C -0.01 10.25 -0.04 5.61 0.02 24.58 0.02 19.80

30 37.97C 0.01 -2.27 -0.04 23.65 -0.16 @ 10.890 @ 7.182 @ 3.484

29 42.90C 0.00 1.70 0.02 63.05 0.11 63.29 -0.07 30.03

30 33.45C 0.00 -21.93 0.02 22.68 0.17 @ 7.992 @ 3.857 @ 7.173

41 59.08C -0.01 45.79 0.00 -110.33 0.03 65.65 36.07

43 31.76C 0.01 -23.93 0.00 17.57 0.07 @ 7.725 @ 6.788

42 67.51C 0.01 31.18 0.00 -156.86 -0.01 18.63 27.27

43 40.19C -0.01 -1.24 0.00 18.35 -0.06 @ 11.236 @ 3.862

46 23.84C 0.00 17.41 0.01 -58.01 0.04 15.59 0.09 7.46

49 7.03C 0.00 -1.97 0.01 -2.39 0.09 @ 10.837 @ 7.135 @ 3.099

49 10.50C 0.02 9.75 -0.01 -2.13 0.08 15.59 0.09 7.46

51 0.04T -0.02 -2.42 -0.01 14.50 0.02 @ 10.837 @ 7.135 @ 3.099

51 1.49C 0.00 -2.16 -0.03 15.17 0.04 -40.93 -0.08 11.09

54 10.84C 0.00 -25.78 -0.03 -40.77 -0.07 @ 4.004 @ 4.004 @ 8.493

54 10.24T -0.02 29.29 0.01 -40.93 -0.08 -40.93 -0.08 11.09

58 7.76C 0.02 -16.06 0.01 10.26 -0.01 @ 4.004 @ 4.004 @ 8.493

1 65.35C 0.00 -5.69 3.27 0.00 0.00 5.29 0.40

5 52.82C 0.00 -3.44 -0.10 -15.18 5.28 @ 3.225 @ 1.895

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (002 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Ultimate))
Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
2 129.11C 0.38 -6.77 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.37
6 116.58C -0.38 -1.14 0.40 -13.15 1.32 @ 1.862

3 264.53C 4.26 -10.68 -12.49 0.00 0.00 0.65

7 248.57C -4.26 -5.07 -12.48 -26.19 -41.51 @ 1.895

4 160.28C 0.00 -14.06 -7.49 0.00 0.00 0.74

8 144.32C 0.00 -20.79 -4.12 -57.93 -19.30 @ 1.928

5 20.11C 0.00 -0.90 1.84 0.00 0.00 -0.60 1.67 1.64

9 18.13C 0.00 1.58 -1.88 1.25 -0.08 @ 1.323 @ 1.801 @ 1.837

6 65.85C 0.00 -5.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 -8.40 0.00 12.22

12 64.33C 0.00 5.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.155 @ 0.000 @ 3.155

7 23.43C 0.00 -5.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 -7.92 0.01 10.88

11 21.95C 0.00 5.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.065 @ 2.697 @ 3.065

8 25.41C 0.00 -8.88 -1.88 0.00 0.00 -1.75 3.08

10 23.38C 0.00 -16.30 1.84 -46.26 -0.08 @ 1.837 @ 2.058

14 211.90C 0.00 -17.89 4.85 0.00 0.00 1.26

18 199.37C 0.00 -14.15 4.85 -53.26 16.12 @ 1.895

15 323.89C 0.27 -0.12 1.02 0.00 0.00 0.07

20 311.35C -0.27 -0.12 1.01 -0.39 3.37 @ 1.928

16 463.94C 0.14 14.78 4.87 0.00 0.00 0.66

22 447.98C -0.14 14.78 4.87 49.14 16.20 @ 1.928

17 268.17C 0.00 -21.64 2.02 0.00 0.00 1.07

23 252.22C 0.00 -32.86 2.03 -90.60 6.74 @ 1.928

18 68.76C 0.00 -40.20 0.08 0.00 0.00 5.05

24 66.28C 0.00 -36.07 0.08 -140.15 0.31 @ 2.131

23 52.24C 0.00 -33.19 -0.09 0.00 0.00 4.79

25 49.62C 0.00 -45.56 -0.09 -144.69 -0.34 @ 2.131

31 251.59C 0.00 11.39 0.88 0.00 0.00 1.22

35 249.29C 0.00 15.10 0.88 44.03 2.91 @ 1.928

32 350.96C 0.00 -1.66 -2.28 0.00 0.00 4.68

37 349.71C 0.00 -1.64 -2.28 -5.47 -7.58 @ 1.927

33 356.53C 0.00 -0.02 -0.02 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.02

39 354.61C 0.00 0.01 -0.02 -0.02 -0.08 @ 2.160 @ 1.928

34 257.39C 0.00 10.90 -0.02 0.00 0.00 17.66 0.45

40 254.98C 0.00 -0.28 -0.02 17.65 -0.05 @ 3.224 @ 1.828

35 65.98C 0.01 -43.87 0.13 43.66 -0.23 3.24

41 63.76C -0.01 -39.74 0.12 -109.97 0.23 @ 2.352

40 54.30C 0.00 -41.53 -0.07 17.86 -0.05 4.68

42 51.64C 0.00 -53.89 -0.07 -157.44 -0.31 @ 2.205

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (002 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Ultimate))
Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
44 126.26C 0.00 0.56 1.28 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.98 0.51
45 123.91C 0.00 -6.41 -1.49 -9.73 -0.34 @ 0.266 @ 1.529 @ 1.629

45 26.46C 0.00 -9.17 1.59 -9.73 -0.35 1.16 3.60

46 24.47C 0.00 -16.90 -1.47 -57.63 -0.14 @ 1.874 @ 2.021

47 214.52C 0.00 6.25 0.50 0.00 0.00 1.12

48 212.84C 0.00 0.66 0.97 11.49 2.44 @ 1.928

48 15.08C 0.00 8.62 -0.55 -21.10 3.42 0.89 9.07

49 12.72C 0.00 -1.73 -0.56 0.00 0.00 @ 5.088 @ 2.575

52 283.41C 0.00 14.83 1.46 0.00 0.00 2.91

53 281.74C 0.00 9.24 1.92 40.00 5.61 @ 1.928

53 62.89C 0.00 10.72 -0.62 -34.02 3.94 8.08

54 59.52C 0.00 0.06 -0.63 0.00 0.00 @ 2.587

56 119.13C 0.00 4.61 -4.59 0.00 0.00 4.00

57 116.85C 0.00 7.10 -1.43 19.46 -10.01 @ 1.862

57 20.22C 0.00 -4.22 -2.09 20.45 1.29 -1.01 1.68

58 17.99C 0.00 -1.44 1.40 10.05 0.02 @ 2.205 @ 1.911

Member Forces Ultimate (003 : Dead Plus Wind On Side (Ultimate))

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
5 9.12C 10.58 -17.88 -4.58 9.66 10.08 -18.79 1.10
6 9.12C -10.58 22.86 -4.58 27.72 -23.15 @ 3.190 @ 4.350

6 10.18C -11.64 -21.97 5.11 30.86 -23.12 -12.09 0.74

7 10.18C 11.64 22.99 5.11 34.93 17.77 @ 3.920 @ 2.320

7 10.62C -0.19 -46.48 -2.24 54.49 10.72 -34.65 1.05

8 10.62C 0.19 35.33 -2.24 16.84 -4.40 @ 3.847 @ 3.577

18 18.43C -5.88 -46.09 1.73 34.80 0.77 -62.50 2.02

19 18.45C 5.88 -7.59 1.73 -62.50 7.06 @ 3.625 @ 3.516

19 18.78C -5.85 20.47 2.47 -62.50 7.05 -62.50 2.02

20 18.76C 5.85 58.97 2.47 81.50 16.02 @ 3.625 @ 3.516

20 23.33C 8.08 -58.77 -4.85 95.77 17.36 -54.33 1.39

21 23.35C -8.08 -16.29 -4.85 -54.33 -2.05 @ 4.000 @ 4.240

21 23.70C 8.07 11.78 -4.09 -54.33 -2.05 -54.33 1.39

22 23.69C -8.07 54.26 -4.09 77.73 -18.42 @ 4.000 @ 4.240

22 38.54C 0.67 -79.24 -0.71 104.38 1.42 -55.63 1.53

23 38.54C -0.67 53.19 -0.71 16.48 -3.39 @ 4.050 @ 3.847

35 21.85C -0.02 -30.19 0.83 0.00 0.00 -104.55 2.96 8.13

36 21.86C 0.02 -27.50 0.83 -104.56 2.99 @ 3.625 @ 3.589 @ 3.589

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (003 : Dead Plus Wind On Side (Ultimate))

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
36 24.06C -0.01 27.50 0.45 -104.55 -1.64 -104.55 2.96 8.13
37 24.06C 0.01 30.19 0.45 0.00 0.00 @ 3.625 @ 3.589 @ 3.589

37 28.50C 0.00 -29.85 0.60 12.13 -1.20 -101.35 1.19 9.28

38 28.50C 0.00 -26.89 0.60 -101.35 1.22 @ 4.000 @ 3.960 @ 3.960

38 29.87C 0.03 23.85 0.25 -101.35 -0.99 -101.35 1.19 9.28

39 29.87C -0.03 26.82 0.25 0.00 0.00 @ 4.000 @ 3.960 @ 3.960

39 30.32C 0.00 -53.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 -89.65 0.00 7.42

40 30.32C 0.00 53.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.375 @ 0.000 @ 3.375

45 5.65C 0.00 27.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.97 0.00 7.40

48 5.65C 0.00 -27.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.388 @ 0.000 @ 3.388

48 5.12C -0.02 25.78 -0.26 0.00 0.00 73.92 1.15 10.65

50 5.16C 0.02 11.04 -0.26 73.92 -1.03 @ 4.015 @ 4.015 @ 3.975

50 6.09C 0.02 -11.53 -0.57 73.92 1.15 73.92 1.15 10.65

53 6.05C -0.02 -26.27 -0.57 -1.98 -1.14 @ 4.015 @ 4.015 @ 3.975

53 6.13C 0.00 26.45 -0.47 0.00 0.00 72.60 2.60 10.33

55 6.17C 0.00 13.46 -0.47 72.60 -1.72 @ 3.639 @ 3.639 @ 3.602

55 7.89C -0.01 -13.46 -0.71 72.60 2.60 72.60 2.60 10.33

57 7.86C 0.01 -26.45 -0.71 0.00 0.00 @ 3.639 @ 3.639 @ 3.602

5 12.20T 1.53 -8.42 2.03 8.15 -10.08 -2.27 1.19

18 12.20T -1.53 8.58 2.03 8.55 0.06 @ 2.450 @ 2.100

7 20.00T -4.70 -33.02 4.82 22.83 -3.60 -22.82 0.40

22 20.00T 4.70 26.68 4.82 7.00 20.50 @ 2.750 @ 2.800

8 1.81T -1.41 -14.16 1.58 10.26 -4.39 -8.31 0.50

23 1.81T 1.41 12.84 1.58 6.95 3.53 @ 2.600 @ 2.500

9 3.15T 0.29 -0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.31 0.00 1.98

24 3.15T -0.29 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.400 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

10 2.89T 0.21 -0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.31 0.00 1.98

25 2.89T -0.21 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.400 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

11 9.19T 0.12 -0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.31 1.98

28 9.19T -0.12 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.400 @ 2.500

12 10.26T -0.38 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.00 1.98

29 10.26T 0.38 -0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.400 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

13 0.09T -0.85 -0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.31 0.00 1.98

30 0.09T 0.85 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.400 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

18 8.35T 0.00 -11.32 -0.03 8.78 0.33 -4.71 1.87

35 8.35T 0.00 12.43 -0.03 11.56 0.18 @ 2.400 @ 2.400

19 0.71C 0.00 -28.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 -35.06 0.00 5.30

36 0.79C 0.00 28.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (003 : Dead Plus Wind On Side (Ultimate))

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
20 11.35T 0.01 -28.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 -35.06 0.00 5.30
37 11.35T -0.01 28.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

21 0.71C 0.00 -28.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 -35.06 0.00 5.30

38 0.80C 0.00 28.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

22 16.54T 0.00 -15.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 -19.83 0.00 3.14

39 16.54T 0.00 15.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

23 6.34T 0.01 -9.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12.33 0.00 0.18

40 6.34T -0.01 9.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

24 3.17T -0.07 -0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.31 0.00 1.98

41 3.17T 0.07 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.400 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

25 2.86T -0.06 -0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.31 0.00 1.98

42 2.86T 0.06 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.400 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

28 9.15T -0.03 -0.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.92 0.00 17.90

49 9.14T 0.03 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 4.246 @ 0.000 @ 4.333

29 10.30T 0.16 -0.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.08 0.00 24.43

54 10.30T -0.16 0.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 4.590 @ 0.000 @ 4.683

30 0.09T 0.03 -0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.31 0.00 1.98

43 0.09T -0.03 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.400 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

35 7.32T 0.00 -13.88 -0.04 12.47 0.18 -7.81 3.20

57 7.32T 0.00 9.88 -0.04 2.45 -0.01 @ 2.900 @ 2.750

36 0.37C 0.00 -26.85 -1.91 -0.04 4.64 -31.45 1.77

55 0.39C 0.00 26.87 -1.91 0.03 -4.32 @ 2.341 @ 2.248

37 10.72T 0.00 -19.37 -0.55 1.13 1.21 -15.76 2.70

53 10.72T 0.00 29.14 -0.55 22.44 -1.19 @ 1.746 @ 1.921

38 0.39C 0.00 -22.56 -1.09 0.05 2.21 -22.60 2.76

50 0.40C 0.00 22.54 -1.09 0.02 -2.18 @ 2.008 @ 2.008

39 16.80T 0.00 -9.07 -0.01 0.00 0.00 -6.58 1.52

48 16.81T 0.00 13.85 -0.01 8.76 -0.03 @ 1.466 @ 1.613

40 6.36T 0.00 -4.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3.77 0.00 1.30

45 6.36T 0.00 4.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 1.538 @ 0.000 @ 1.538

41 3.18T -0.28 -0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.31 0.00 1.98

58 3.18T 0.28 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.400 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

42 2.84T -0.53 -0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.12 0.00 0.28

46 2.84T 0.53 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 1.445 @ 0.000 @ 1.538

43 0.02C 0.73 -0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.20 0.00 0.84

51 0.02C -0.73 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 1.979 @ 0.000 @ 2.019

9 17.30T -0.01 -6.18 0.22 45.98 -1.28 -27.17 0.45 6.27

12 22.81T 0.01 -12.66 0.22 -26.69 0.45 @ 7.714 @ 7.714 @ 8.233

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (003 : Dead Plus Wind On Side (Ultimate))

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
9 0.56C -0.20 -0.08 0.45 -0.40 -1.34 -0.44 3.03
18 0.92C 0.20 0.41 0.45 0.61 1.44 @ 1.055 @ 1.800

9 1.87T -0.01 -0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.48 0.00 4.94

27 2.00T 0.01 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.094 @ 0.000 @ 3.157

10 13.44C -0.04 -10.38 0.02 -38.03 -0.14 -47.76 0.03 17.80

11 8.30C 0.04 29.36 0.02 30.16 0.03 @ 1.867 @ 7.111 @ 3.519

10 4.31T -0.23 -0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 3.79

23 3.94T 0.23 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.103 @ 0.000 @ 3.103

10 3.17C 0.04 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.00 4.46

26 3.05C -0.04 -0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.016 @ 0.000 @ 3.078

11 12.00T 0.04 -18.70 -0.01 27.94 0.03 -47.76 0.03 17.80

13 15.20T -0.04 6.35 -0.01 0.00 0.00 @ 1.867 @ 7.111 @ 3.519

11 3.17T 0.10 -0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.46 0.00 4.47

26 3.06T -0.10 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.016 @ 0.000 @ 3.078

11 2.00C -0.03 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.00 6.38

30 1.85C 0.03 -0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.303 @ 0.000 @ 3.371

12 12.55T 0.03 8.69 -0.12 -27.17 0.45 -27.17 0.45 6.27

13 15.37T -0.03 5.35 -0.12 0.85 -0.03 @ 7.714 @ 7.714 @ 8.233

12 1.80C -0.04 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.00 4.93

27 1.93C 0.04 -0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.094 @ 0.000 @ 3.157

12 1.92T -0.09 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.49 0.00 5.19

30 2.06T 0.09 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.135 @ 0.000 @ 3.199

24 17.83T 0.00 1.99 0.02 48.48 0.00 50.60 0.07 34.35

27 20.66T 0.00 -1.62 0.02 49.21 0.06 @ 2.121 @ 3.857 @ 5.438

25 13.20T 0.02 -34.70 -0.01 47.28 0.00 -64.73 -0.06 42.41

26 15.95T -0.02 -15.10 -0.01 -42.14 -0.02 @ 6.464 @ 7.147 @ 6.141

26 12.31T -0.02 -15.82 -0.01 -42.03 -0.02 -64.73 -0.06 42.41

28 14.94T 0.02 3.98 -0.01 -63.29 -0.06 @ 6.464 @ 7.147 @ 6.141

27 23.20T 0.01 -2.02 -0.03 49.25 0.07 50.60 0.07 34.35

29 26.01T -0.01 -5.35 -0.03 35.03 -0.04 @ 2.121 @ 3.857 @ 5.438

28 15.10T -0.03 3.00 0.02 -63.14 -0.05 -64.73 -0.06 42.41

30 18.34T 0.03 27.79 0.02 6.48 0.04 @ 6.464 @ 7.147 @ 6.141

29 26.35T 0.02 -5.79 0.01 35.57 -0.04 50.60 0.07 34.35

30 29.33T -0.02 -9.28 0.01 5.50 -0.01 @ 2.121 @ 3.857 @ 5.438

41 24.78T 0.01 2.43 0.00 40.96 0.00 44.26 31.32

43 33.40T -0.01 -8.01 0.00 8.28 -0.02 @ 2.692 @ 5.501

42 11.70T -0.01 -36.09 0.00 55.76 0.01 -62.99 0.01 40.22

43 20.32T 0.01 28.10 0.00 8.98 0.01 @ 6.555 @ 0.000 @ 6.204

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (003 : Dead Plus Wind On Side (Ultimate))

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
46 9.44C -0.01 -13.88 -0.01 -14.79 0.01 -32.20 -0.08 10.67
49 4.30C 0.01 25.99 -0.01 28.83 -0.08 @ 2.522 @ 7.135 @ 3.315

49 11.20T 0.00 -17.54 0.05 28.80 -0.08 -32.20 -0.08 10.67

51 14.42T 0.00 7.60 0.05 6.24 0.14 @ 2.522 @ 7.135 @ 3.315

51 15.83T 0.00 -3.54 -0.03 6.97 0.13 -13.95 5.81

54 12.95T 0.00 -6.99 -0.03 -14.11 0.02 @ 4.004 @ 8.803

54 18.71T 0.01 8.14 0.00 -13.95 0.03 -13.95 5.81

58 13.23T -0.01 1.72 0.00 24.24 -0.01 @ 4.004 @ 8.803

1 26.10C 0.00 -5.61 2.63 0.00 0.00 1.71 0.31

5 16.07C 0.00 -1.11 -4.10 -11.17 -2.44 @ 1.297 @ 1.862

2 79.74C -0.03 -12.32 -0.94 0.00 0.00 0.65

6 69.74C 0.03 -1.08 -0.94 -22.26 -3.14 @ 1.862

3 65.76C 10.64 -9.03 -4.47 0.00 0.00 -12.07 0.31

7 52.99C -10.64 2.19 -4.47 -11.36 -14.86 @ 2.660 @ 1.862

4 62.61C 0.00 1.24 -6.39 0.00 0.00 0.19 -10.09 0.22

8 49.85C 0.00 -12.22 0.34 -18.25 -10.06 @ 0.299 @ 3.159 @ 1.928

5 10.25T 0.00 9.78 3.54 0.00 0.00 3.09 3.92

9 11.87T 0.00 14.73 -3.91 45.03 -0.68 @ 1.727 @ 1.948

6 24.90C 0.00 -10.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 -16.80 0.00 24.46

12 23.72C 0.00 10.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.155 @ 0.000 @ 3.155

7 49.55T 0.00 -10.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 -15.86 0.01 21.78

11 50.67T 0.00 10.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.065 @ 2.575 @ 3.065

8 0.20C 0.00 -2.87 -3.72 0.00 0.00 -3.42 3.76

10 1.52T 0.00 -17.74 3.72 -37.86 -0.01 @ 1.837 @ 1.911

14 75.24C 0.00 -14.06 1.67 0.00 0.00 0.86

18 65.22C 0.00 -6.57 1.66 -34.29 5.54 @ 1.895

15 155.79C -1.33 4.30 4.22 0.00 0.00 0.43

20 145.76C 1.33 4.29 4.20 14.29 14.00 @ 1.928

16 188.80C 0.65 9.43 -0.13 0.00 0.00 0.40

22 176.03C -0.65 9.42 -0.13 31.35 -0.44 @ 1.928

17 51.90C 0.00 6.76 1.89 0.00 0.00 3.38 0.08

23 39.15C 0.00 -15.70 1.89 -14.86 6.28 @ 0.997 @ 1.928

18 1.79T 0.00 9.15 0.03 0.00 0.00 1.51

24 3.87T 0.00 17.40 0.03 48.79 0.09 @ 2.168

23 34.47T 0.00 25.23 -0.03 0.00 0.00 2.30

25 36.64T 0.00 0.44 -0.03 47.18 -0.11 @ 2.021

31 54.29C 0.00 -13.41 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.73

35 52.49C 0.00 -5.93 0.26 -32.15 0.87 @ 1.895

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (003 : Dead Plus Wind On Side (Ultimate))

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
32 108.34C 0.00 3.65 -0.33 0.00 0.00 2.43
37 107.35C 0.00 3.65 -0.34 12.12 -1.11 @ 1.928

33 106.35C 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00

39 104.82C 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 -0.03 @ 0.000

34 34.17C 0.00 15.31 -0.01 0.00 0.00 17.36 0.51

40 32.38C 0.00 -7.14 0.00 13.58 -0.02 @ 2.261 @ 1.762

35 4.12T 0.00 15.82 0.03 -32.14 -0.06 0.48

41 5.96T 0.00 24.08 0.03 41.18 0.07 @ 2.830

40 35.40T 0.00 23.74 -0.02 13.59 -0.02 55.37 3.04

42 37.53T 0.00 -1.05 -0.02 55.29 -0.09 @ 3.528 @ 1.985

44 25.70C 0.00 9.31 2.51 0.00 0.00 10.30 1.89 1.00

45 23.88C 0.00 -4.68 -3.02 7.70 -0.86 @ 2.194 @ 1.496 @ 1.629

45 8.14T 0.00 1.76 3.29 7.70 -0.86 8.07 2.39 3.94

46 9.75T 0.00 -13.71 -2.83 -14.26 -0.01 @ 0.404 @ 1.984 @ 1.874

47 24.17C -0.01 5.75 -0.57 0.00 0.00 4.92 -0.56 0.52

48 22.83C 0.01 -5.42 0.40 0.55 -0.28 @ 1.696 @ 1.895 @ 1.696

48 43.89T 0.00 11.68 0.04 -8.21 -0.26 12.01 4.67

49 45.85T 0.00 -9.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 @ 3.433 @ 3.249

52 102.52C 0.00 11.70 -1.31 0.00 0.00 1.85

53 101.19C 0.00 0.52 -0.33 20.31 -2.73 @ 1.862

53 19.38C 0.00 10.99 -0.15 -2.18 0.97 15.72 4.98

54 16.61C 0.00 -10.30 -0.16 0.00 0.00 @ 3.282 @ 3.155

56 33.98C 0.00 -5.69 -3.54 0.00 0.00 -3.30 1.83

57 32.17C 0.00 -0.64 2.78 -10.52 -1.26 @ 1.862 @ 1.729

57 4.15T 0.00 6.53 -3.79 -10.31 1.17 -2.61 3.60

58 5.94T 0.00 12.12 3.19 23.96 0.06 @ 1.984 @ 1.911

Member Forces Ultimate (006 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate) + Notional @ 0°)
Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
5 3.08T -1.10 -22.35 0.35 9.10 -0.50 -26.46 0.95
6 3.08T 1.10 28.58 0.35 31.67 2.02 @ 3.190 @ 3.408

6 3.81T -3.74 -22.19 -0.20 27.93 1.54 -7.12 0.53

7 3.80T 3.74 34.01 -0.20 75.18 -0.02 @ 3.120 @ 6.160

7 9.27C 3.44 -116.51 -0.19 113.43 0.80 -98.51 3.03

8 9.27C -3.44 99.66 -0.19 56.55 -0.48 @ 3.645 @ 3.510

18 37.45T 5.22 -81.19 0.64 51.76 -5.32 -150.41 4.08

19 37.39T -5.22 -30.35 0.64 -150.41 -3.00 @ 3.625 @ 3.371

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (006 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate) + Notional @ 0°)
Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
19 36.69T 5.19 65.37 0.13 -150.41 -2.98 -150.41 4.08
20 36.74T -5.19 116.21 0.13 178.71 -2.51 @ 3.625 @ 3.371

20 38.79T 1.49 -99.54 1.42 169.12 -3.67 -116.83 2.19

21 38.76T -1.49 -43.44 1.42 -116.83 2.02 @ 4.000 @ 3.920

21 38.00T 1.51 52.33 0.47 -116.83 2.03 -116.83 2.19

22 38.03T -1.51 108.43 0.47 204.68 3.91 @ 4.000 @ 3.920

22 26.35T -1.26 -216.88 -0.34 239.43 1.79 -164.13 4.79

23 26.35T 1.26 176.48 -0.34 103.10 -0.47 @ 3.713 @ 3.578

35 82.34T -0.04 -95.92 -0.38 0.00 0.00 -341.61 -1.38 26.66

36 82.32T 0.04 -92.56 -0.38 -341.62 -1.40 @ 3.625 @ 3.589 @ 3.625

36 82.25T -0.04 92.56 -0.22 -341.61 0.78 -341.61 -1.38 26.66

37 82.27T 0.04 95.92 -0.22 0.00 0.00 @ 3.625 @ 3.589 @ 3.625

37 80.86T 0.02 -87.06 -0.39 -18.64 0.71 -359.47 -0.84 34.56

38 80.83T -0.02 -83.35 -0.39 -359.48 -0.86 @ 4.000 @ 3.960 @ 4.000

38 80.81T 0.08 88.01 -0.19 -359.47 0.74 -359.47 -0.84 34.56

39 80.84T -0.08 91.72 -0.19 0.00 0.00 @ 4.000 @ 3.960 @ 4.000

39 71.96T 0.00 -180.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 -304.31 0.00 25.18

40 71.98T 0.00 180.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.375 @ 0.000 @ 3.375

45 9.15T 0.00 91.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 154.30 0.00 24.85

48 9.14T 0.00 -91.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.388 @ 0.000 @ 3.388

48 12.10T -0.11 59.39 0.08 0.00 0.00 198.43 -1.33 28.06

50 11.97T 0.11 39.46 0.08 198.45 0.30 @ 4.015 @ 4.015 @ 3.975

50 13.32T 0.09 -37.39 0.71 198.43 -1.33 198.43 -1.33 28.06

53 13.45T -0.09 -57.32 0.71 8.30 1.52 @ 4.015 @ 4.015 @ 3.975

53 14.56T -0.02 62.71 0.19 0.00 0.00 196.17 -1.34 27.17

55 14.44T 0.02 45.11 0.19 196.17 0.69 @ 3.639 @ 3.639 @ 3.602

55 15.92T -0.01 -45.11 0.37 196.17 -1.34 196.17 -1.34 27.17

57 16.06T 0.01 -62.71 0.37 0.00 0.00 @ 3.639 @ 3.639 @ 3.602

5 2.90C 4.81 -9.79 0.35 7.95 0.49 -3.33 0.33

18 2.91C -4.81 11.46 0.35 12.11 2.25 @ 2.300 @ 2.650

7 7.48C 0.03 -72.76 -0.63 32.81 0.64 -60.32 0.88

22 7.48C -0.03 69.36 -0.63 24.31 -2.49 @ 2.550 @ 2.550

8 5.91C -2.98 -19.66 0.21 15.71 -0.47 -11.41 0.68

23 5.91C 2.98 15.97 0.21 6.48 0.59 @ 2.750 @ 2.650

9 0.17C 0.17 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

24 0.17C -0.17 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

10 0.13T -0.17 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

25 0.13T 0.17 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (006 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate) + Notional @ 0°)
Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
11 3.17C -0.38 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 2.48
28 3.17C 0.38 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 2.500

12 6.09C 0.27 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.00 2.48

29 6.10C -0.27 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

13 0.08C -0.66 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 2.48

30 0.08C 0.66 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 2.500

18 3.01C 0.01 -39.05 -2.22 31.86 6.85 -15.60 9.00

35 3.04C -0.01 41.26 -2.22 37.40 -4.26 @ 2.450 @ 1.700

19 1.12T 0.00 -95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 -119.74 0.00 18.11

36 0.20T 0.00 95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

20 2.08C 0.05 -95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 -119.74 0.00 18.11

37 2.17C -0.05 95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

21 1.77T 0.00 -95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 -119.73 0.00 18.11

38 0.48T 0.00 95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

22 0.01C 0.03 -53.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 -66.97 0.00 10.61

39 0.05C -0.03 53.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

23 0.04T 0.26 -13.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 -16.58 0.00 0.24

40 0.03T -0.26 13.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

24 0.15C 0.27 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

41 0.15C -0.27 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

25 0.15T 0.33 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

42 0.15T -0.33 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

28 3.10C 0.34 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.15 0.00 22.37

49 3.09C -0.34 0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 4.246 @ 0.000 @ 4.333

29 6.04C -0.31 -0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.35 0.00 30.52

54 6.03C 0.31 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 4.683 @ 0.000 @ 4.683

30 0.66T -0.18 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

43 0.66T 0.18 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

35 3.26C 0.00 -45.93 0.82 40.62 -4.28 -25.03 14.61

57 3.25C 0.00 34.39 0.82 11.78 -0.17 @ 2.850 @ 2.500

36 0.31T 0.00 -90.50 0.90 0.09 -2.18 -105.89 5.92

55 0.31T 0.00 90.45 0.90 -0.03 2.03 @ 2.342 @ 2.342

37 4.36C 0.00 -68.36 0.37 8.27 -0.85 -52.91 9.09

53 4.33C 0.00 98.37 0.37 73.79 0.76 @ 1.790 @ 1.965

38 0.62T 0.00 -76.94 0.81 0.06 -1.60 -77.16 9.43

50 0.89T 0.00 77.02 0.81 0.21 1.64 @ 2.008 @ 2.008

39 0.26C -0.01 -30.16 -0.09 0.00 0.00 -21.34 4.76

48 0.25C 0.01 47.97 -0.09 32.65 -0.32 @ 1.430 @ 1.576

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (006 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate) + Notional @ 0°)
Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
40 0.03T 0.00 -6.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5.16 0.00 1.78
45 0.04T 0.00 6.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 1.537 @ 0.000 @ 1.537

41 0.22C -0.08 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

58 0.22C 0.08 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

42 0.10T -0.15 -0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.14 0.35

46 0.10T 0.15 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 1.476 @ 1.537

43 0.12T 0.39 -0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.25 0.00 1.05

51 0.13T -0.39 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 1.938 @ 0.000 @ 2.019

9 12.18C -0.05 20.66 -0.16 -26.64 0.98 -58.26 -0.26 23.69

12 5.85T 0.05 -28.96 -0.16 -58.62 -0.26 @ 7.714 @ 7.714 @ 7.329

9 5.60T 0.15 -0.27 -0.33 0.18 1.07 -0.18 2.09

18 5.15T -0.15 0.35 -0.33 0.42 -0.99 @ 2.730 @ 1.613

9 5.71C 0.23 -0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.60 0.00 6.18

27 5.55C -0.23 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.094 @ 0.000 @ 3.157

10 13.40C 0.05 20.11 0.01 -29.91 -0.11 -49.56 21.99

11 3.40T -0.05 -26.10 0.01 -51.42 -0.02 @ 7.111 @ 6.823

10 4.35T -0.22 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.48 4.74

23 3.90T 0.22 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.041 @ 3.103

10 4.32C -0.26 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 0.00 5.59

26 4.17C 0.26 -0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.016 @ 0.000 @ 3.078

11 12.03C 0.00 25.33 0.01 -48.54 -0.03 -49.56 21.99

13 1.67C 0.00 -3.86 0.01 0.00 0.00 @ 7.111 @ 6.823

11 4.26T -0.12 -0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.57 0.00 5.58

26 4.11T 0.12 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.016 @ 0.000 @ 3.078

11 0.69C -0.03 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.68 0.00 8.00

30 0.51C 0.03 -0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.303 @ 0.000 @ 3.371

12 12.50C 0.00 27.66 0.07 -58.26 -0.26 -58.26 -0.26 23.69

13 3.38C 0.00 1.87 0.07 0.66 0.01 @ 7.714 @ 7.714 @ 7.329

12 5.62T 0.09 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.00 6.16

27 5.46T -0.09 -0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.094 @ 0.000 @ 3.157

12 2.08T 0.03 -0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.62 0.00 6.51

30 2.23T -0.03 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.134 @ 0.000 @ 3.198

24 78.17C -0.07 58.62 -0.04 -200.69 0.04 56.92 -0.10 17.46

27 69.18C 0.07 33.27 -0.04 -23.50 -0.11 @ 8.670 @ 3.818 @ 7.674

25 79.18C 0.07 58.89 0.03 -204.94 -0.03 55.32 0.08 15.88

26 70.77C -0.07 35.28 0.03 -35.86 0.08 @ 8.764 @ 3.555 @ 8.177

26 75.10C 0.00 35.11 -0.03 -36.17 0.08 55.32 0.08 15.88

28 66.93C 0.00 11.69 -0.03 47.85 -0.03 @ 8.764 @ 3.555 @ 8.177

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (006 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate) + Notional @ 0°)
Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
27 75.72C 0.01 32.88 0.05 -23.76 -0.11 56.92 -0.10 17.46
29 66.93C -0.01 7.74 0.05 54.57 0.08 @ 8.670 @ 3.818 @ 7.674

28 66.62C 0.01 10.32 -0.06 47.13 -0.03 55.32 0.08 15.88

30 56.07C -0.01 -19.10 -0.06 27.28 -0.33 @ 8.764 @ 3.555 @ 8.177

29 66.73C -0.01 6.17 0.06 53.99 0.09 56.92 -0.10 17.46

30 57.39C 0.01 -19.80 0.06 26.80 0.32 @ 8.670 @ 3.818 @ 7.674

41 84.55C -0.03 52.81 0.00 -153.55 0.08 60.06 26.71

43 57.36C 0.03 -23.60 0.00 17.42 0.12 @ 8.076 @ 7.256

42 87.11C 0.03 58.85 -0.01 -223.71 -0.05 41.58 16.94

43 59.92C -0.03 -17.55 -0.01 17.99 -0.11 @ 9.012 @ 2.692

46 22.99C 0.00 29.27 0.00 -62.80 0.04 17.80 0.07 3.18

49 6.19C 0.00 -17.14 0.00 -19.07 0.07 @ 10.564 @ 7.063 @ 2.450

49 18.97C 0.03 21.68 -0.02 -18.74 0.06 17.80 0.07 3.18

51 8.43C -0.03 -7.50 -0.02 13.43 -0.05 @ 10.564 @ 7.063 @ 2.450

51 11.20C 0.00 -0.67 0.01 13.82 -0.03 -40.99 10.17

54 20.55C 0.00 -26.55 0.01 -40.69 0.00 @ 4.004 @ 8.416

54 1.26T -0.02 30.22 0.00 -40.99 -0.01 -40.99 10.17

58 16.73C 0.02 -19.49 0.00 0.52 0.00 @ 4.004 @ 8.416

1 75.61C 0.00 -4.18 2.72 0.00 0.00 0.36

5 63.08C 0.00 -4.18 2.72 -13.91 9.05 @ 1.928

2 126.02C 0.47 -0.79 1.12 0.00 0.00 0.10

6 113.48C -0.47 -0.79 1.12 -2.63 3.73 @ 1.928

3 296.81C -1.46 -7.71 -11.52 0.00 0.00 0.59

7 280.86C 1.46 -7.71 -11.52 -25.62 -38.29 @ 1.928

4 165.07C 0.00 -17.90 -5.76 0.00 0.00 0.80

8 149.11C 0.00 -17.91 -5.76 -59.53 -19.15 @ 1.928

5 30.91C 0.00 -7.21 0.14 0.00 0.00 1.70

9 28.94C 0.00 -7.20 0.14 -26.47 0.53 @ 2.131

6 62.71C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03

12 61.21C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 0.000 @ 0.000 @ 3.155

7 57.58C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03

11 56.12C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 0.000 @ 0.000 @ 3.065

8 29.76C 0.00 -8.29 -0.01 0.00 0.00 1.92

10 27.79C 0.00 -8.29 -0.01 -30.47 -0.05 @ 2.131

14 225.98C 0.00 -14.03 4.24 0.00 0.00 1.06

18 213.44C 0.00 -14.03 4.24 -46.66 14.10 @ 1.928

15 324.14C 1.16 -2.87 -1.12 0.00 0.00 0.22

20 311.61C -1.16 -2.87 -1.12 -9.54 -3.72 @ 1.928

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (006 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate) + Notional @ 0°)
Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
16 464.22C -0.37 10.45 6.49 0.00 0.00 0.52
22 448.26C 0.37 10.45 6.49 34.75 21.59 @ 1.928

17 304.74C 0.00 -29.98 2.33 0.00 0.00 1.28

23 288.78C 0.00 -29.98 2.33 -99.68 7.74 @ 1.928

18 84.06C 0.01 -54.65 0.22 0.00 0.00 7.09

24 81.58C -0.01 -54.63 0.22 -200.79 0.81 @ 2.131

23 84.65C -0.01 -55.65 -0.22 0.00 0.00 7.22

25 82.17C 0.01 -55.63 -0.22 -204.45 -0.82 @ 2.131

31 266.05C 0.00 22.32 0.89 0.00 0.00 1.66

35 263.80C 0.00 22.28 0.89 74.13 2.96 @ 1.928

32 349.35C 0.00 -5.64 -2.47 0.00 0.00 6.12

37 348.11C 0.00 -5.62 -2.47 -18.70 -8.22 @ 1.927

33 358.06C 0.00 -0.03 -0.02 0.00 0.00 -0.03 0.02

39 356.14C 0.00 0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.08 @ 2.260 @ 1.928

34 289.83C 0.00 2.98 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.18

40 287.59C 0.00 3.02 0.01 9.96 0.03 @ 1.928

35 80.93C 0.02 -61.72 0.25 73.61 -0.31 3.92

41 78.72C -0.02 -61.72 0.25 -153.19 0.62 @ 2.425

40 86.55C 0.00 -63.81 -0.24 10.22 0.03 7.59

42 84.07C 0.00 -63.78 -0.24 -224.18 -0.85 @ 2.131

44 137.04C 0.00 -5.52 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.33

45 134.79C 0.00 -5.48 0.04 -18.29 0.14 @ 1.928

45 37.33C 0.01 -12.08 -0.10 -18.29 0.14 4.00

46 35.40C -0.01 -12.06 -0.10 -62.64 -0.24 @ 1.984

47 243.65C 0.01 3.78 1.06 0.00 0.00 1.62

48 241.98C -0.01 3.78 1.04 12.57 3.49 @ 1.928

48 43.71C -0.01 3.36 -0.75 -20.54 4.61 12.98

49 41.32C 0.01 3.35 -0.76 0.00 0.00 @ 2.574

52 284.67C 0.00 10.16 2.89 0.00 0.00 4.43

53 283.00C 0.00 10.16 2.86 33.77 9.56 @ 1.928

53 64.68C 0.00 6.40 -0.67 -40.36 4.28 10.75

54 61.29C 0.00 6.39 -0.69 0.00 0.00 @ 2.650

56 125.45C 0.00 9.58 -3.29 0.00 0.00 3.65

57 123.20C 0.00 9.54 -3.29 31.78 -10.94 @ 1.928

57 26.54C -0.01 -8.80 -0.21 32.81 0.79 1.61

58 24.34C 0.01 -8.82 -0.21 0.44 0.03 @ 1.543

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (Maximum Values)

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
5 9.12C 10.58 -22.94 -4.58 11.62 10.08 -26.46 1.10
6 9.12C -10.58 28.58 -4.58 31.67 -23.15 @ 3.190 @ 4.350

6 10.18C -11.64 -22.58 5.11 30.86 -23.12 -12.09 0.74

7 10.18C 11.64 34.01 5.11 75.18 17.77 @ 3.920 @ 2.320

7 12.53C 3.44 -117.55 -2.24 116.61 10.72 -99.12 3.05

8 12.53C -3.44 99.66 -2.24 56.55 -4.40 @ 3.645 @ 3.577

18 38.15T -5.88 -82.68 1.73 57.59 -5.32 -150.41 4.08

19 38.09T 5.88 -31.83 1.73 -150.41 7.06 @ 3.625 @ 3.371

19 38.13T -5.85 65.37 2.47 -150.41 7.05 -150.41 4.08

20 38.18T 5.85 116.21 2.47 178.71 16.02 @ 3.625 @ 3.371

20 39.60T 8.08 -100.75 -4.85 173.46 17.36 -117.34 2.21

21 39.56T -8.08 -44.65 -4.85 -117.34 -2.05 @ 4.000 @ 3.920

21 39.56T 8.07 52.33 -4.09 -117.34 -2.05 -117.34 2.21

22 39.59T -8.07 108.43 -4.09 204.68 -18.42 @ 4.000 @ 3.920

22 38.54C -1.32 -219.33 -0.73 247.27 2.59 -165.46 4.82

23 38.54C 1.32 176.48 -0.73 103.10 -3.39 @ 3.780 @ 3.645

35 82.34T -0.04 -96.08 0.83 0.00 0.00 -342.20 2.96 26.66

36 82.32T 0.04 -92.72 0.83 -342.21 2.99 @ 3.625 @ 3.589 @ 3.625

36 82.25T -0.04 92.72 0.45 -342.20 -1.64 -342.20 2.96 26.66

37 82.27T 0.04 96.08 0.45 0.00 0.00 @ 3.625 @ 3.589 @ 3.625

37 80.86T 0.02 -90.05 0.60 -18.64 -1.20 -359.47 1.19 34.56

38 80.83T -0.02 -86.34 0.60 -359.48 1.22 @ 4.000 @ 3.960 @ 4.000

38 80.81T 0.08 88.01 0.25 -359.47 -0.99 -359.47 1.19 34.56

39 80.84T -0.08 91.72 0.25 0.00 0.00 @ 4.000 @ 3.960 @ 4.000

39 72.72T 0.00 -180.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 -304.31 0.00 25.18

40 72.74T 0.00 180.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.375 @ 0.000 @ 3.375

45 9.49T 0.00 91.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 154.31 0.00 24.85

48 9.48T 0.00 -91.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.388 @ 0.000 @ 3.388

48 12.10T -0.11 59.39 -0.26 0.00 0.00 198.43 -1.33 28.06

50 11.97T 0.11 39.46 -0.26 198.45 -1.03 @ 4.015 @ 4.015 @ 3.975

50 13.32T 0.09 -38.80 0.71 198.43 -1.33 198.43 -1.33 28.06

53 13.45T -0.09 -58.72 0.71 8.30 1.52 @ 4.015 @ 4.015 @ 3.975

53 14.56T -0.02 62.77 -0.47 0.00 0.00 196.39 2.60 27.17

55 14.44T 0.02 45.17 -0.47 196.40 -1.72 @ 3.639 @ 3.639 @ 3.602

55 15.92T -0.01 -45.17 -0.71 196.39 2.60 196.39 2.60 27.17

57 16.06T 0.01 -62.77 -0.71 0.00 0.00 @ 3.639 @ 3.639 @ 3.602

5 12.20T 4.81 -9.97 2.03 9.45 -10.08 -3.33 1.19

18 12.20T -4.81 11.46 2.03 12.73 2.25 @ 2.300 @ 2.100

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (Maximum Values)

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
7 20.00T -4.70 -74.29 4.82 38.32 -3.60 -60.32 0.88
22 20.00T 4.70 69.36 4.82 24.40 20.50 @ 2.550 @ 2.550

8 5.96C -3.33 -19.87 1.58 16.18 -4.39 -11.53 0.68

23 5.96C 3.33 16.08 1.58 6.95 3.53 @ 2.800 @ 2.700

9 3.15T 0.30 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

24 3.15T -0.30 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

10 2.89T 0.21 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

25 2.89T -0.21 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

11 9.19T -0.38 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

28 9.19T 0.38 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

12 10.26T -0.38 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.00 2.48

29 10.26T 0.38 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

13 0.09T -1.02 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

30 0.09T 1.02 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

18 8.35T 0.01 -39.05 -2.22 31.86 6.85 -15.78 9.00

35 8.35T -0.01 41.48 -2.22 37.81 -4.26 @ 2.400 @ 1.700

19 1.12T 0.00 -95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 -119.75 0.00 18.11

36 0.79C 0.00 95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

20 11.35T 0.05 -95.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 -119.76 0.00 18.11

37 11.35T -0.05 95.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

21 1.77T 0.00 -95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 -119.75 0.00 18.11

38 0.80C 0.00 95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

22 16.54T 0.03 -53.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 -66.97 0.00 10.61

39 16.54T -0.03 53.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

23 6.34T 0.26 -13.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 -16.58 0.00 0.24

40 6.34T -0.26 13.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

24 3.17T 0.27 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

41 3.17T -0.27 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

25 2.86T 0.33 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

42 2.86T -0.33 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

28 9.15T 0.35 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.15 0.00 22.37

49 9.14T -0.35 0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 4.246 @ 0.000 @ 4.333

29 10.30T -0.31 -0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.35 0.00 30.52

54 10.30T 0.31 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 4.683 @ 0.000 @ 4.683

30 0.66T -0.18 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

43 0.67T 0.18 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

35 7.32T 0.00 -46.07 0.82 40.90 -4.28 -25.16 14.61

57 7.32T 0.00 34.43 0.82 12.01 -0.17 @ 2.850 @ 2.500

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (Maximum Values)

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
36 0.37C 0.00 -90.50 -1.91 0.09 4.64 -105.92 5.92
55 0.39C 0.00 90.48 -1.91 -0.03 -4.32 @ 2.342 @ 2.342

37 10.72T 0.00 -68.66 -0.55 8.27 1.21 -53.57 9.28

53 10.72T 0.00 98.50 -0.55 73.79 -1.19 @ 1.790 @ 1.965

38 0.62T 0.00 -76.96 -1.09 0.10 2.21 -77.16 9.43

50 0.89T 0.00 77.02 -1.09 0.21 -2.18 @ 2.008 @ 2.008

39 16.80T -0.01 -30.28 -0.09 0.00 0.00 -21.50 4.82

48 16.81T 0.01 47.99 -0.09 32.70 -0.32 @ 1.430 @ 1.613

40 6.36T 0.00 -6.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5.16 0.00 1.78

45 6.36T 0.00 6.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 1.538 @ 0.000 @ 1.538

41 3.18T -0.28 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.38 0.00 2.48

58 3.18T 0.28 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

42 2.84T -0.53 -0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.14 0.00 0.35

46 2.84T 0.53 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 1.476 @ 0.000 @ 1.537

43 0.12T 0.73 -0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.25 0.00 1.05

51 0.13T -0.73 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 1.938 @ 0.000 @ 2.019

9 17.30T -0.05 20.96 0.22 45.98 -1.28 -64.34 0.45 23.94

12 22.81T 0.05 -31.19 0.22 -64.36 0.45 @ 7.714 @ 7.714 @ 7.329

9 5.81T -0.20 -0.27 0.45 -0.40 -1.34 -0.44 3.03

18 5.36T 0.20 0.41 0.45 0.61 1.44 @ 1.055 @ 1.800

9 5.91C 0.23 -0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.60 0.00 6.18

27 5.75C -0.23 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.094 @ 0.000 @ 3.157

10 18.02C 0.05 20.11 0.02 -45.88 -0.16 -50.30 0.03 24.33

11 8.30C -0.05 29.36 0.02 -52.19 0.03 @ 7.111 @ 7.111 @ 5.746

10 6.69T -0.30 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.48 0.00 4.74

23 6.24T 0.30 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.041 @ 0.000 @ 3.103

10 5.99C -0.26 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 0.00 5.59

26 5.84C 0.26 -0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.016 @ 0.000 @ 3.078

11 12.03C 0.04 25.51 0.01 -49.32 -0.03 -50.30 0.03 24.33

13 15.20T -0.04 6.35 0.01 0.00 0.00 @ 7.111 @ 7.111 @ 5.746

11 6.00T -0.12 -0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.57 0.00 5.58

26 5.85T 0.12 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.016 @ 0.000 @ 3.078

11 2.00C -0.05 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.68 0.00 8.00

30 1.85C 0.05 -0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.303 @ 0.000 @ 3.371

12 12.55T 0.03 28.15 -0.12 -64.34 0.45 -64.34 0.45 23.94

13 15.37T -0.03 5.35 -0.12 1.02 -0.03 @ 7.714 @ 7.714 @ 7.329

12 5.83T 0.09 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.00 6.16

27 5.66T -0.09 -0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.094 @ 0.000 @ 3.157

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (Maximum Values)

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
12 2.14T -0.09 -0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.62 0.00 6.51
30 2.30T 0.09 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.134 @ 0.000 @ 3.198

24 78.39C -0.07 58.65 -0.04 -201.88 0.04 63.29 -0.10 34.35

27 69.40C 0.07 33.29 -0.04 49.21 -0.11 @ 7.992 @ 3.818 @ 5.438

25 79.18C 0.07 58.89 0.03 -204.94 -0.03 -64.73 0.09 42.41

26 70.77C -0.07 35.28 0.03 -51.12 0.09 @ 6.464 @ 3.555 @ 6.141

26 75.10C -0.02 35.11 -0.03 -51.32 0.09 -64.73 0.09 42.41

28 66.93C 0.02 11.69 -0.03 -63.29 -0.06 @ 6.464 @ 3.555 @ 6.141

27 76.06C 0.02 32.97 0.05 49.25 -0.11 63.29 -0.10 34.35

29 67.27C -0.02 7.83 0.05 63.20 0.10 @ 7.992 @ 3.818 @ 5.438

28 66.62C -0.03 10.32 -0.06 -63.14 -0.05 -64.73 0.09 42.41

30 56.07C 0.03 27.79 -0.06 27.28 -0.33 @ 6.464 @ 3.555 @ 6.141

29 66.96C 0.02 6.30 0.06 63.05 0.11 63.29 -0.10 34.35

30 57.63C -0.02 -21.93 0.06 26.80 0.32 @ 7.992 @ 3.818 @ 5.438

41 85.42C -0.03 54.08 0.01 -168.53 0.08 65.65 36.07

43 58.23C 0.03 -23.93 0.01 17.57 0.12 @ 7.725 @ 6.788

42 87.11C 0.03 58.85 -0.01 -223.71 -0.05 -62.99 0.01 40.22

43 59.92C -0.03 28.10 -0.01 18.35 -0.11 @ 6.555 @ 0.000 @ 6.204

46 23.84C 0.01 29.27 -0.01 -62.80 0.04 -32.20 0.09 10.67

49 7.03C -0.01 25.99 -0.01 28.83 0.09 @ 2.522 @ 7.135 @ 3.315

49 18.97C 0.03 22.86 0.05 28.80 0.08 -32.20 0.09 10.67

51 14.42T -0.03 7.60 0.05 14.50 0.14 @ 2.522 @ 7.135 @ 3.315

51 15.83T 0.00 -3.54 -0.03 15.17 0.13 -40.99 -0.08 11.09

54 20.55C 0.00 -26.55 -0.03 -40.77 -0.07 @ 4.004 @ 4.004 @ 8.493

54 18.71T -0.02 30.22 0.01 -40.99 -0.08 -40.99 -0.08 11.09

58 17.43C 0.02 -21.76 0.01 24.24 -0.01 @ 4.004 @ 4.004 @ 8.493

1 76.96C 0.00 -5.69 3.27 0.00 0.00 5.29 0.41

5 64.42C 0.00 -4.92 -4.10 -16.36 9.46 @ 3.225 @ 1.928

2 129.11C 0.47 -12.32 1.12 0.00 0.00 0.65

6 116.58C -0.47 -1.14 1.12 -22.26 3.73 @ 1.862

3 298.18C 10.64 -10.68 -12.91 0.00 0.00 -12.07 0.65

7 282.22C -10.64 -7.77 -12.91 -26.19 -42.93 @ 2.660 @ 1.895

4 165.07C 0.00 -17.90 -7.49 0.00 0.00 0.19 -10.09 0.80

8 149.11C 0.00 -20.79 -5.76 -59.53 -19.30 @ 0.299 @ 3.159 @ 1.928

5 31.49C 0.00 9.78 3.54 0.00 0.00 -0.60 3.09 3.92

9 29.51C 0.00 14.73 -3.91 45.03 -0.68 @ 1.323 @ 1.727 @ 1.948

6 65.85C 0.00 -10.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 -16.80 0.00 24.46

12 64.33C 0.00 10.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.155 @ 0.000 @ 3.155

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (Maximum Values)

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
7 58.25C 0.00 -10.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 -15.86 0.01 21.78
11 56.79C 0.00 10.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.065 @ 2.697 @ 3.065

8 29.76C 0.00 -8.88 -3.72 0.00 0.00 -3.42 3.76

10 27.79C 0.00 -17.74 3.72 -46.26 -0.08 @ 1.837 @ 1.911

14 226.60C 0.00 -17.89 4.85 0.00 0.00 1.26

18 214.06C 0.00 -15.19 4.85 -53.26 16.12 @ 1.895

15 324.14C -1.33 4.30 4.22 0.00 0.00 0.43

20 311.61C 1.33 4.29 4.20 14.29 14.00 @ 1.928

16 465.18C 0.65 14.78 6.49 0.00 0.00 0.66

22 449.22C -0.65 14.78 6.49 49.14 21.59 @ 1.928

17 304.74C 0.00 -29.98 2.43 0.00 0.00 3.38 1.28

23 288.78C 0.00 -32.86 2.43 -99.68 8.09 @ 0.997 @ 1.928

18 84.15C 0.01 -54.94 0.22 0.00 0.00 7.13

24 81.67C -0.01 -54.92 0.22 -201.86 0.81 @ 2.131

23 84.65C -0.01 -55.65 -0.22 0.00 0.00 7.22

25 82.17C 0.01 -55.63 -0.22 -204.45 -0.82 @ 2.131

31 267.60C 0.00 22.32 0.89 0.00 0.00 1.66

35 265.35C 0.00 22.28 0.89 74.13 2.96 @ 1.928

32 352.54C 0.00 -5.64 -2.47 0.00 0.00 6.12

37 351.29C 0.00 -5.62 -2.47 -18.70 -8.22 @ 1.927

33 358.06C 0.00 -0.03 -0.02 0.00 0.00 -0.03 0.02

39 356.14C 0.00 0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.08 @ 2.260 @ 1.928

34 289.83C 0.00 15.31 -0.02 0.00 0.00 17.66 0.51

40 287.59C 0.00 7.35 -0.02 24.39 -0.05 @ 3.224 @ 1.762

35 82.27C 0.02 -62.63 0.25 73.61 -0.31 4.96

41 80.06C -0.02 -62.63 0.25 -168.32 0.65 @ 2.352

40 86.55C 0.00 -63.81 -0.24 24.56 -0.05 55.37 7.59

42 84.07C 0.00 -63.78 -0.24 -224.18 -0.85 @ 3.528 @ 2.131

44 137.04C 0.00 9.31 2.51 0.00 0.00 10.30 1.89 1.00

45 134.79C 0.00 -6.41 -3.02 -18.29 -0.86 @ 2.194 @ 1.496 @ 1.629

45 37.33C 0.01 -12.08 3.29 -18.29 -0.86 8.07 2.39 4.00

46 35.40C -0.01 -16.90 -2.83 -62.64 -0.24 @ 0.404 @ 1.984 @ 1.984

47 246.63C -0.01 6.25 1.06 0.00 0.00 4.92 -0.56 1.62

48 244.96C 0.01 -5.42 1.04 12.70 3.49 @ 1.696 @ 1.895 @ 1.928

48 48.19C -0.01 11.68 -0.75 -21.10 4.61 12.01 12.98

49 45.85T 0.01 -9.00 -0.76 0.00 0.00 @ 3.433 @ 2.574

52 284.67C 0.00 14.83 2.89 0.00 0.00 4.43

53 283.00C 0.00 10.16 2.86 40.00 9.56 @ 1.928

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member Forces Ultimate (Maximum Values)

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)
53 64.68C 0.00 10.99 -0.78 -41.20 4.98 15.72 11.77
54 61.29C 0.00 -10.30 -0.79 0.00 0.00 @ 3.282 @ 2.650

56 127.78C 0.00 9.58 -4.59 0.00 0.00 -3.30 4.00

57 125.53C 0.00 9.54 -3.34 31.78 -11.09 @ 1.862 @ 1.862

57 28.87C -0.01 -8.91 -3.79 32.81 1.29 -2.61 3.60

58 26.66C 0.01 12.12 3.19 23.96 0.07 @ 1.984 @ 1.911

Support Reactions Serviceability (004 : Live Only (Serviceability))

Directional Reactions (kN) Moment Reactions (kN.m)
Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kN.m) My (kN.m) Mz (kN.m)
1 0.816 12.540 0.571 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 -0.085 21.006 0.218 0.000 0.205 0.000
3 5.934 89.569 2.527 0.000 -0.080 0.000
4 -6.263 47.877 1.086 0.000 0.000 0.000
14 4.339 65.449 2.556 0.000 0.000 0.000
15 -0.561 85.723 0.478 0.000 0.336 0.000
16 6.844 152.116 -1.749 0.000 0.135 0.000
17 -11.304 100.420 0.218 0.000 0.000 0.000
31 -6.285 108.561 0.339 0.000 0.000 0.000
32 2.763 146.430 1.009 0.000 0.000 0.000
33 0.328 146.645 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
34 4.285 110.289 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
44 -0.016 50.610 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
47 0.022 95.152 -1.754 0.000 0.000 0.000
52 0.427 101.658 -4.196 0.000 0.000 0.000
56 -1.228 45.744 -1.303 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total 0.016 1379.788 0.000 0.000 0.596 0.000

Support Reactions Serviceability (005 : Sway Stability @ 0°)

Directional Reactions (kN) Moment Reactions (kN.m)
Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kN.m) My (kN.m) Mz (kN.m)
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
14 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
15 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
16 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
17 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
31 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
32 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
33 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
34 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
44 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
47 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
52 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
56 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Support Reactions Serviceability (Maximum Values)

Directional Reactions (kN) Moment Reactions (kN.m)
Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Rz (kN) Mx (kN.m) My (kN.m) Mz (kN.m)
1 0.816 12.540 0.571 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 -0.085 21.006 0.218 0.000 0.205 0.000
3 5.934 89.569 2.527 0.000 -0.080 0.000
4 -6.263 47.877 1.086 0.000 0.000 0.000
14 4.339 65.449 2.556 0.000 0.000 0.000
15 -0.561 85.723 0.478 0.000 0.336 0.000
16 6.844 152.116 -1.749 0.000 0.135 0.000
17 -11.304 100.420 0.218 0.000 0.000 0.000
31 -6.285 108.561 0.339 0.000 0.000 0.000
32 2.763 146.430 1.009 0.000 0.000 0.000
33 0.328 146.645 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
34 4.285 110.289 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
44 -0.016 50.610 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
47 0.022 95.152 -1.754 0.000 0.000 0.000
52 0.427 101.658 -4.196 0.000 0.000 0.000
56 -1.228 45.744 -1.303 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total 0.016 1379.788 0.000 0.000 0.596 0.000

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Maximum and Minimum Elastic Member Stresses (Compression +)

001 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate)

M Section F Mx My fa fx fy fmax fmin Length

(Case) Size kN kN.m kN.m N/mm² N/mm² N/mm² N/mm² N/mm² m
1(1) 350x550 -2.9 29.9 2.1 -0.01 1.70 0.18 1.86 -1.89 7.250
2(1) 350x550 -3.0 73.4 1.6 -0.02 4.16 0.14 4.29 -4.32 8.000
3(1) 350x550 9.5 116.6 1.5 0.05 6.61 0.13 6.79 -6.69 6.750
4(1) 350x550 -38.2 149.8 3.5 -0.20 8.49 0.31 8.60 -9.00 3.625
5(1) 350x550 -38.2 175.9 1.8 -0.20 9.97 0.16 9.93 -10.33 3.625
6(1) 350x550 -39.6 171.1 2.3 -0.21 9.70 0.20 9.69 -10.11 4.000
7(1) 350x550 -39.6 202.2 2.3 -0.21 11.46 0.21 11.46 -11.87 4.000
8(1) 350x550 -26.7 244.1 2.2 -0.14 13.83 0.19 13.89 -14.17 6.750
9(1) 406x178 UB 74 -80.7 341.6 1.0 -8.5 258.2 5.9 255.5 -272.6 3.625
10(1) 406x178 UB 74 -81.3 341.6 1.0 -8.6 258.2 5.8 255.4 -272.6 3.625
11(1) 406x178 UB 74 -76.6 348.1 0.7 -8.1 263.1 4.2 259.1 -275.3 4.000
12(1) 406x178 UB 74 -77.3 348.1 0.7 -8.2 263.1 4.1 259.0 -275.3 4.000
13(1) 406x178 UB 74 -72.7 304.3 0.0 -7.7 230.0 0.0 222.3 -237.7 6.750
14(1) 356x171 UB 51 -9.5 154.3 0.0 -1.5 193.7 0.0 192.3 -195.2 6.776
15(1) 356x171 UB 67 -10.9 192.9 1.1 -1.3 180.0 6.9 185.7 -188.2 4.015
16(1) 356x171 UB 67 -11.6 192.9 1.1 -1.4 180.0 7.0 185.7 -188.4 4.015
17(1) 356x171 UB 57 -13.0 196.2 1.0 -1.8 219.0 7.8 225.0 -228.6 3.639
18(1) 356x171 UB 57 -13.7 196.2 1.0 -1.9 219.0 7.8 224.9 -228.7 3.639
19(1) 250x400 3.0 11.7 1.3 0.03 1.76 0.31 2.09 -2.03 5.000
20(1) 450x550 7.4 60.1 1.3 0.03 2.65 0.07 2.75 -2.69 5.000
21(1) 250x400 6.0 15.4 1.0 0.06 2.31 0.24 2.61 -2.49 5.000
22(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.1 11.4 0.0 11.6 -11.3 5.000
23(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 -0.1 0.4 0.0 -0.1 11.4 0.0 11.4 -11.5 5.000
24(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 3.2 0.4 0.0 2.5 11.4 0.0 13.9 -8.9 5.000
25(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 6.3 0.4 0.0 5.0 11.4 0.0 16.4 -6.4 5.000
26(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.1 11.4 0.0 11.5 -11.4 5.000
27(1) 203x133 UB 25 3.0 37.6 4.0 0.9 163.0 86.1 250.0 -248.2 5.000
28(1) 305x127 UB 42 -1.0 119.8 0.0 -0.2 224.4 0.0 224.2 -224.6 5.000
29(1) 305x127 UB 42 1.2 119.8 0.0 0.2 224.4 0.0 224.6 -224.2 5.000
30(1) 305x127 UB 42 -1.6 119.7 0.0 -0.3 224.4 0.0 224.1 -224.7 5.000
31(1)254x146 UB 31 (150@185) Cellular D 324 0.2 67.0 0.0 0.1 138.8 0.0 138.8 -138.7 5.000
32(1) 200x15 T + 120x20 B + 665x10 W Plates 94.59 -0.2 16.6 0.0 0.0 7.0 0.0 7.0 -7.0 5.000
33(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.1 11.4 0.0 11.5 -11.3 5.000
34(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 -0.1 0.4 0.0 -0.1 11.4 0.0 11.3 -11.5 5.000
35(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 3.1 1.2 0.0 2.5 34.3 0.0 36.8 -31.9 8.666
36(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 6.2 1.3 0.0 4.9 40.1 0.0 45.0 -35.2 9.366
37(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 -0.7 0.4 0.0 -0.5 11.4 0.0 10.9 -12.0 5.000
38(1) 203x133 UB 25 3.3 40.7 2.5 1.0 176.5 54.2 231.8 -229.7 5.000
39(1) 356x171 UB 67 -0.2 105.9 1.7 0.0 98.9 10.5 109.3 -109.4 4.683
40(1) 254x146 UB 31 3.6 72.4 0.7 0.9 206.1 11.7 218.7 -216.9 4.366
41(1) 254x146 UB 43 -0.7 77.2 1.3 -0.1 153.0 14.5 167.4 -167.7 4.016
42(1) 203x133 UB 25 0.5 32.7 0.2 0.2 141.9 3.8 145.9 -145.6 3.666
43(1) 178x102 UB 19 0.0 5.2 0.0 0.0 33.8 0.0 33.8 -33.8 3.075
44(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.2 11.4 0.0 11.6 -11.2 5.000
45(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 4.3 0.0 4.3 -4.4 3.075
46(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 -0.1 0.2 0.0 -0.1 7.4 0.0 7.4 -7.5 4.038
47(1) 254x146 UB 43 12.6 58.3 1.0 2.3 115.6 10.9 128.9 -124.3 7.714
48(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 -5.8 0.4 1.1 -4.6 35.3 0.0 30.6 -39.9 6.205
49(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 5.9 0.6 0.0 4.7 17.8 0.0 22.6 -13.1 6.315
50(1) 254x146 UB 43 12.9 52.2 0.1 2.3 103.5 1.1 107.0 -102.3 7.183
51(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 -4.5 0.5 0.0 -3.6 14.2 0.0 10.6 -17.7 6.205
52(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 4.3 0.6 0.0 3.5 17.0 0.0 20.4 -13.5 6.156

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Maximum and Minimum Elastic Member Stresses (Compression +)

001 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate)

M Section F Mx My fa fx fy fmax fmin Length

(Case) Size kN kN.m kN.m N/mm² N/mm² N/mm² N/mm² N/mm² m
53(1) 254x146 UB 43 11.9 50.3 0.0 2.2 99.8 0.3 102.2 -97.9 4.522
54(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 -4.3 0.6 0.0 -3.4 17.0 0.0 13.5 -20.4 6.156
55(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.6 20.3 0.0 20.9 -19.7 6.742
56(1) 254x146 UB 43 12.4 57.9 0.3 2.3 114.9 2.9 120.1 -115.5 3.990
57(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 -5.8 0.6 0.0 -4.7 17.8 0.0 13.1 -22.5 6.315
58(1) 114.3x3.6 CHS 9.83 -2.2 0.6 0.0 -1.8 18.3 0.0 16.5 -20.1 6.397
59(1) 305x127 UB 48 78.4 201.9 0.1 12.8 327.8 1.4 342.0 -316.4 3.857
60(1) 305x127 UB 48 78.8 203.4 0.1 12.9 330.2 1.2 344.3 -318.5 3.591
61(1) 305x127 UB 48 74.9 55.8 0.1 12.2 90.5 1.2 103.9 -79.5 3.591
62(1) 305x127 UB 48 76.1 56.3 0.1 12.4 91.5 1.4 105.3 -80.4 3.856
63(1) 305x127 UB 48 66.5 55.8 0.3 10.9 90.5 4.3 105.7 -84.0 4.522
64(1) 305x127 UB 48 67.0 56.3 0.3 10.9 91.5 4.2 106.6 -84.7 3.991
65(1) 305x127 UB 48 85.4 168.5 0.1 14.0 273.6 1.6 289.2 -261.3 11.705
66(1) 305x127 UB 48 86.6 207.7 0.1 14.1 337.2 1.5 352.9 -324.6 11.705
67(1) 254x146 UB 43 20.8 46.9 0.0 3.8 93.1 0.1 97.0 -89.4 7.207
68(1) 254x146 UB 43 18.9 23.3 0.1 3.4 46.2 0.9 50.6 -43.7 4.537
69(1) 254x146 UB 43 19.9 36.7 0.1 3.6 72.9 0.8 77.3 -70.1 4.004
70(1) 254x146 UB 43 17.4 36.7 0.1 3.2 72.9 0.8 76.9 -70.5 7.740
71(1) 400 mm Circular Section 77.0 16.4 9.5 0.61 3.01 0.00 3.62 -2.39 3.325
72(1) 400 mm Circular Section 125.3 2.9 0.6 1.00 0.47 0.00 1.47 0.53 3.325
73(1) 400x400 298.2 25.8 42.9 1.86 2.42 4.02 8.31 -4.58 3.325
74(1) 400x400 163.4 55.8 18.8 1.02 5.23 1.76 8.01 -5.97 3.325
75(1) 254x146 UB 43 31.5 28.4 0.5 5.7 56.3 5.9 67.9 -56.4 3.675
76(1) 178x102 UB 19 62.2 0.0 0.0 25.7 0.0 0.0 25.7 25.6 6.311
77(1) 178x102 UB 19 58.2 0.0 0.0 24.0 0.0 0.1 24.1 23.9 6.130
78(1) 254x146 UB 43 29.3 28.5 0.0 5.3 56.6 0.4 62.3 -51.6 3.675
79(1) 400 mm Circular Section 226.6 50.5 14.7 1.80 8.37 0.00 10.18 -6.57 3.325
80(1) 400 mm Circular Section 323.8 4.7 2.5 2.58 0.85 0.00 3.42 1.73 3.325
81(1) 400x400 465.2 42.2 21.1 2.91 3.95 1.98 8.84 -3.02 3.325
82(1) 400x400 303.0 93.8 8.1 1.89 8.80 0.76 11.45 -7.66 3.325
83(1) 305x165 UB 54 84.1 201.9 0.8 12.2 267.8 6.4 286.4 -261.9 3.675
84(1) 305x165 UB 54 84.5 203.0 0.8 12.3 269.3 6.3 287.9 -263.4 3.675
85(1) 406x178 UB 54 267.6 62.1 2.9 38.8 66.8 25.0 130.6 -53.0 3.325
86(1) 152x152 UC 30 352.5 4.6 8.1 92.1 20.8 110.3 223.2 -39.0 3.325
87(1) 203x203 UC 46 354.9 0.0 0.1 60.4 0.0 0.5 61.0 59.9 3.325
88(1) 406x178 UB 54 288.1 24.4 0.0 41.8 26.2 0.2 68.2 15.3 3.325
89(1) 305x127 UB 48 82.3 168.3 0.6 13.4 273.3 8.8 295.6 -268.7 3.675
90(1) 305x165 UB 54 85.2 207.9 0.8 12.4 275.8 6.0 294.3 -269.5 3.675
91(1) 406x178 UB 54 133.5 7.6 0.1 19.4 8.2 0.6 28.1 10.6 3.325
92(1) 305x127 UB 42 33.9 46.9 0.2 6.4 87.8 2.7 96.9 -84.2 3.675
93(1) 305x165 UB 40 246.6 12.7 1.4 48.1 22.7 14.9 85.6 10.5 3.325
94(1) 254x146 UB 31 48.2 20.3 2.5 12.1 57.7 40.9 110.7 -86.4 6.130
95(1) 305x165 UB 40 282.2 31.6 0.7 55.0 56.3 8.0 119.3 -9.3 3.325
96(1) 254x146 UB 43 61.2 41.2 5.0 11.2 81.7 54.0 146.9 -124.6 6.311
97(1) 406x178 UB 54 127.8 18.9 11.1 18.5 20.3 96.2 135.0 -98.0 3.325
98(1) 305x127 UB 48 28.9 19.9 0.9 4.7 32.3 11.7 48.7 -39.3 3.675

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

List of Checks - Results Summary

M 47 and 56 (N.9-N.13) 00.000 to 01.800 m, in Case 003 0.276 A+M Pass
01.800 to 03.600 m, in Case 003 0.273 A+M Pass
03.600 to 05.400 m, in Case 002 0.213 A+M Pass
05.400 to 07.200 m, in Case 002 0.323 A+M Pass
07.200 to 09.000 m, in Case 002 0.526 A+M Pass
09.000 to 10.800 m, in Case 002 0.249 A+M Pass
10.800 to 11.705 m, in Case 002 0.213 A+M Pass
M 59, 62 and 64 (N.24-N.30) 00.000 to 01.800 m, in Case 001 0.742 A+M Pass
01.800 to 03.600 m, in Case 001 0.742 A+M Pass
03.600 to 05.400 m, in Case 003 0.379 A+M Pass
05.400 to 07.200 m, in Case 002 0.465 A+M Pass
07.200 to 09.000 m, in Case 002 0.540 A+M Pass
09.000 to 10.800 m, in Case 002 0.508 A+M Pass
10.800 to 11.705 m, in Case 006 0.220 A+M Pass
M 65 (N.41-N.43) 00.000 to 01.800 m, in Case 001 0.582 A+M Pass
01.800 to 03.600 m, in Case 001 0.566 A+M Pass
03.600 to 05.400 m, in Case 002 0.350 A+M Pass
05.400 to 07.200 m, in Case 002 0.515 A+M Pass
07.200 to 09.000 m, in Case 002 0.549 A+M Pass
09.000 to 10.800 m, in Case 002 0.503 A+M Pass
10.800 to 11.705 m, in Case 006 0.228 A+M Pass
M 69-70 (N.51-N.58) 00.000 to 01.800 m, in Case 001 0.077 A+M Pass
01.800 to 03.600 m, in Case 006 0.236 A+M Pass
03.600 to 05.400 m, in Case 006 0.317 A+M Pass
05.400 to 07.200 m, in Case 001 0.171 A+M Pass
07.200 to 09.000 m, in Case 002 0.255 A+M Pass
09.000 to 10.800 m, in Case 002 0.271 A+M Pass
10.800 to 11.744 m, in Case 002 0.147 A+M Pass
M 66 (N.42-N.43) 00.000 to 01.800 m, in Case 006 0.895 A+M Pass
01.800 to 03.600 m, in Case 006 0.919 A+M Pass
03.600 to 05.400 m, in Case 002 0.452 A+M Pass
05.400 to 07.200 m, in Case 003 0.488 A+M Pass
07.200 to 09.000 m, in Case 003 0.446 A+M Pass
09.000 to 10.800 m, in Case 001 0.418 A+M Pass
10.800 to 11.705 m, in Case 001 0.167 A+M Pass
M 67-68 (N.46-N.51) 00.000 to 01.800 m, in Case 002 0.247 A+M Pass
01.800 to 03.600 m, in Case 003 0.281 A+M Pass
03.600 to 05.400 m, in Case 003 0.204 A+M Pass
05.400 to 07.200 m, in Case 006 0.148 A+M Pass
07.200 to 09.000 m, in Case 003 0.199 A+M Pass
09.000 to 10.800 m, in Case 006 0.167 A+M Pass
10.800 to 11.744 m, in Case 006 0.115 A+M Pass
M 60-61 and 63 (N.25-N.30) 00.000 to 01.800 m, in Case 006 0.760 A+M Pass
01.800 to 03.600 m, in Case 006 0.763 A+M Pass
03.600 to 05.400 m, in Case 003 0.432 A+M Pass
05.400 to 07.200 m, in Case 003 0.506 A+M Pass
07.200 to 09.000 m, in Case 001 0.479 A+M Pass
09.000 to 10.800 m, in Case 001 0.500 A+M Pass
10.800 to 11.705 m, in Case 006 0.220 A+M Pass
M 50 and 53 (N.10-N.13) 00.000 to 01.800 m, in Case 003 0.372 A+M Pass
01.800 to 03.600 m, in Case 003 0.409 A+M Pass
03.600 to 05.400 m, in Case 003 0.284 A+M Pass
05.400 to 07.200 m, in Case 001 0.366 A+M Pass
07.200 to 09.000 m, in Case 001 0.339 A+M Pass
09.000 to 10.800 m, in Case 001 0.284 A+M Pass
10.800 to 11.705 m, in Case 002 0.284 A+M Pass
M 65 (N.41-N.43) 00.000 to 01.800 m, in Case 001 0.604 App-G Pass
01.800 to 03.600 m, in Case 001 0.610 App-G Pass
03.600 to 07.200 m, in Case 001 0.133 App-G Pass
M 59, 62 and 64 (N.24-N.30) 00.000 to 01.800 m, in Case 001 0.757 App-G Pass
01.800 to 03.600 m, in Case 001 0.778 App-G Pass
03.600 to 07.200 m, in Case 001 0.179 App-G Pass
M 47 and 56 (N.9-N.13) 00.000 to 01.800 m, in Case 001 0.098 App-G Pass
01.800 to 03.600 m, in Case 001 0.025 App-G Pass

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

03.600 to 07.200 m, in Case 001 0.337 App-G Pass

M 69-70 (N.51-N.58) 00.000 to 01.800 m, in Case 003 0.030 App-G Pass
01.800 to 03.600 m, in Case 006 0.247 App-G Pass
03.600 to 07.200 m, in Case 006 0.323 App-G Pass
M 67-68 (N.46-N.51) 00.000 to 01.800 m, in Case 002 0.235 App-G Pass
01.800 to 03.600 m, in Case 003 0.254 App-G Pass
03.600 to 07.200 m, in Case 003 0.227 App-G Pass
M 66 (N.42-N.43) 00.000 to 01.800 m, in Case 006 0.902 App-G Pass
01.800 to 03.600 m, in Case 006 0.939 App-G Pass
03.600 to 07.200 m, in Case 003 0.396 App-G Pass
M 60-61 and 63 (N.25-N.30) 00.000 to 01.800 m, in Case 006 0.775 App-G Pass
01.800 to 03.600 m, in Case 006 0.797 App-G Pass
03.600 to 07.200 m, in Case 003 0.404 App-G Pass
M 50 and 53 (N.10-N.13) 00.000 to 01.800 m, in Case 003 0.334 App-G Pass
01.800 to 03.600 m, in Case 003 0.368 App-G Pass
03.600 to 07.200 m, in Case 001 0.393 App-G Pass
M 75 (N.5-N.9) 00.000 to 01.500 m, in Case 003 0.104 A+M Pass
01.500 to 03.000 m, in Case 003 0.274 A+M Pass
03.000 to 03.675 m, in Case 003 0.289 A+M Pass
M 78 (N.8-N.10) 00.000 to 01.500 m, in Case 002 0.100 A+M Pass
01.500 to 03.000 m, in Case 002 0.297 A+M Pass
03.000 to 03.675 m, in Case 002 0.297 A+M Pass
M 83 (N.18-N.24) 00.000 to 01.500 m, in Case 001 0.354 A+M Pass
01.500 to 03.000 m, in Case 001 0.767 A+M Pass
03.000 to 03.675 m, in Case 001 0.868 A+M Pass
M 84 (N.23-N.25) 00.000 to 01.500 m, in Case 006 0.359 A+M Pass
01.500 to 03.000 m, in Case 006 0.776 A+M Pass
03.000 to 03.675 m, in Case 006 0.879 A+M Pass
M 89 (N.35-N.41) 00.000 to 01.500 m, in Case 006 0.416 A+M Pass
01.500 to 03.000 m, in Case 001 0.742 A+M Pass
03.000 to 03.675 m, in Case 001 0.861 A+M Pass
M 90 (N.40-N.42) 00.000 to 01.500 m, in Case 006 0.325 A+M Pass
01.500 to 03.000 m, in Case 006 0.765 A+M Pass
03.000 to 03.675 m, in Case 006 0.964 A+M Pass
M 98 (N.57-N.58) 00.000 to 01.500 m, in Case 006 0.267 A+M Pass
01.500 to 03.000 m, in Case 003 0.140 A+M Pass
03.000 to 03.675 m, in Case 003 0.097 A+M Pass
M 92 (N.45-N.46) 00.000 to 01.500 m, in Case 006 0.252 A+M Pass
01.500 to 03.000 m, in Case 006 0.425 A+M Pass
03.000 to 03.675 m, in Case 006 0.371 A+M Pass
M 51 (N.10-N.23) 00.000 to 01.500 m, in Case 006 0.028 A+M Pass
01.500 to 03.000 m, in Case 006 0.039 A+M Pass
03.000 to 04.500 m, in Case 006 0.039 A+M Pass
04.500 to 06.000 m, in Case 006 0.031 A+M Pass
06.000 to 06.205 m, in Case 002 0.019 A+M Pass
M 48 (N.9-N.18) 00.000 to 01.500 m, in Case 003 0.110 A+M Pass
01.500 to 03.000 m, in Case 003 0.055 A+M Pass
03.000 to 04.500 m, in Case 003 0.056 A+M Pass
04.500 to 06.000 m, in Case 003 0.111 A+M Pass
06.000 to 06.205 m, in Case 003 0.135 A+M Pass
M 77 (N.7-N.11) 00.000 to 01.500 m, in Case 003 0.280 A+M Pass
01.500 to 03.000 m, in Case 003 0.531 A+M Pass
03.000 to 04.500 m, in Case 003 0.542 A+M Pass
04.500 to 06.000 m, in Case 003 0.309 A+M Pass
06.000 to 06.130 m, in Case 001 0.124 A+M Pass
M 76 (N.6-N.12) 00.000 to 01.500 m, in Case 003 0.357 A+M Pass
01.500 to 03.000 m, in Case 003 0.636 A+M Pass
03.000 to 04.500 m, in Case 003 0.663 A+M Pass
04.500 to 06.000 m, in Case 003 0.433 A+M Pass
06.000 to 06.311 m, in Case 002 0.181 A+M Pass
M 94 (N.48-N.49) 00.000 to 01.500 m, in Case 006 0.456 A+M Pass
01.500 to 03.000 m, in Case 006 0.347 A+M Pass
03.000 to 04.500 m, in Case 006 0.238 A+M Pass
04.500 to 06.000 m, in Case 006 0.141 A+M Pass
06.000 to 06.130 m, in Case 001 0.141 A+M Pass
M 96 (N.53-N.54) 00.000 to 01.500 m, in Case 006 0.435 A+M Pass

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

01.500 to 03.000 m, in Case 006 0.336 A+M Pass

03.000 to 04.500 m, in Case 006 0.250 A+M Pass
04.500 to 06.000 m, in Case 006 0.250 A+M Pass
06.000 to 06.311 m, in Case 006 0.250 A+M Pass
M 95 (N.52-N.53) 00.000 to 03.325 m, in Case 001 0.250 App-G Pass
M 27 (N.18-N.35) 00.000 to 05.000 m, in Case 006 0.553 A+M Pass
M 38 (N.35-N.57) 00.000 to 05.000 m, in Case 006 0.573 A+M Pass
M 39 (N.36-N.55) 00.000 to 04.683 m, in Case 006 0.318 A+M Pass
M 28 (N.19-N.36) 00.000 to 05.000 m, in Case 002 0.710 A+M Pass
M 29 (N.20-N.37) 00.000 to 05.000 m, in Case 006 0.710 A+M Pass
M 40 (N.37-N.53) 00.000 to 04.366 m, in Case 006 0.683 A+M Pass
M 30 (N.21-N.38) 00.000 to 05.000 m, in Case 002 0.710 A+M Pass
M 41 (N.38-N.50) 00.000 to 04.016 m, in Case 002 0.495 A+M Pass
M 31 (N.22-N.39) 00.000 to 05.000 m, in Case 001 0.446 A+M Pass
M 42 (N.39-N.48) 00.000 to 03.666 m, in Case 002 0.455 A+M Pass
M 43 (N.40-N.45) 00.000 to 03.075 m, in Case 001 0.109 A+M Pass
M 32 (N.23-N.40) 00.000 to 05.000 m, in Case 002 0.022 A+M Pass
M 13 (N.39-N.40) 00.000 to 06.750 m, in Case 006 0.737 A+M Pass
M 11-12 (N.37-N.39) 00.000 to 08.000 m, in Case 006 0.871 A+M Pass
M 9-10 (N.35-N.37) 00.000 to 07.250 m, in Case 006 0.828 A+M Pass
M 17-18 (N.53-N.57) 00.000 to 07.278 m, in Case 006 0.706 A+M Pass
M 15-16 (N.48-N.53) 00.000 to 08.031 m, in Case 006 0.596 A+M Pass
M 14 (N.45-N.48) 00.000 to 06.776 m, in Case 006 0.626 A+M Pass
M 86 (N.32-N.37) 00.000 to 03.325 m, in Case 006 0.777 Col Pass
M 44 (N.41-N.58) 00.000 to 05.000 m, in Case 001 0.009 S-T Pass
M 33 (N.24-N.41) 00.000 to 05.000 m, in Case 006 0.009 S-T Pass
M 22 (N.9-N.24) 00.000 to 05.000 m, in Case 001 0.009 S-T Pass
M 49 (N.9-N.27) 00.000 to 06.315 m, in Case 001 0.067 S-T Pass
M 57 (N.12-N.27) 00.000 to 06.315 m, in Case 003 0.022 S-T Pass
M 25 (N.12-N.29) 00.000 to 05.000 m, in Case 001 0.047 S-T Pass
M 58 (N.12-N.30) 00.000 to 06.397 m, in Case 006 0.007 S-T Pass
M 26 (N.13-N.30) 00.000 to 05.000 m, in Case 001 0.001 S-T Pass
M 55 (N.11-N.30) 00.000 to 06.742 m, in Case 002 0.026 S-T Pass
M 24 (N.11-N.28) 00.000 to 05.000 m, in Case 006 0.027 S-T Pass
M 54 (N.11-N.26) 00.000 to 06.156 m, in Case 006 0.017 S-T Pass
M 52 (N.10-N.26) 00.000 to 06.156 m, in Case 002 0.065 S-T Pass
M 23 (N.10-N.25) 00.000 to 05.000 m, in Case 006 0.008 S-T Pass
M 34 (N.25-N.42) 00.000 to 05.000 m, in Case 006 0.008 S-T Pass
M 45 (N.42-N.46) 00.000 to 03.075 m, in Case 006 0.008 S-T Pass
M 46 (N.43-N.51) 00.000 to 04.038 m, in Case 002 0.000 S-T Pass
M 37 (N.30-N.43) 00.000 to 05.000 m, in Case 006 0.002 S-T Pass

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Axial with Moments (Member)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Member 66 (N.42-N.43) @ Level 5
Between 1.800 and 3.600 m, in Load Case 6
Member Loading and Member Forces Bending Moment and Member Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Loading Combination : 1 UT + 1.25 D1 + 1.5 L1
UT Spacing 05.000 [Multiply AllLoads]
D1 UDLY -000.350 [ kN/m ]
L1 UDLY -000.600 [ kN/m ]

Member Forces in Load Case 6 and Maximum Deflection from Load Case 4

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)

66 42 87.11C 0.03 58.85 -0.01 -223.71 -0.05 41.58 4.89

43 59.92C -0.03 -17.55 -0.01 17.99 -0.11 @ 9.012 @ 8.310

Classification and Effective Area (EN 1993: 2006)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Section (48.07 kg/m) 305x127 UB 48 [S 275]
Class = Fn(b/T,d/t,fy,N,My,Mz) 4.48, 29.47, 275, 87.11, 223.71, 0.11 (Axial: Non-Slender) Class 1
Auto Design Load Cases 1-3 and 6

Local Capacity Check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Vy.Ed/Vpl.y.Rd 45.798 / 474.695 = 0.096 Low Shear
Mc.y.Rd = fy.Wpl.y/ M0 275 x 710.7/1 195.443 kN.m
Vz.Ed/Vpl.z.Rd 0.006 / 557.033 = 0 Low Shear
Mc.z.Rd = fy.Wpl.z/ M0 275 x 116.1/1 31.928 kN.m
Npl.Rd = Ag.fy/ M0 61.23 x 275/1 = 1683.825 kN
n = NEd/Npl.Rd 59.917 / 1683.825 = 0.036 OK
Wpl.N.y = Fn(Wpl.y, Avy, n) 710.7, 29.898, 0.036 710.7 cm³
MN.y.Rd = Wpl.N.y.fy/ M0 710.7 x 275/1 195.443 kN.m
Wpl.N.z = Fn(Wpl.z, Avz, n) 116.1, 35.084, 0.036 116.1 cm³
MN.z.Rd = Wpl.N.z.fy/ M0 116.1 x 275/1 31.928 kN.m
(My.Ed/MN.y.Rd) +(Mz.Ed/MN.z.Rd) (119.066/195.443)2+(0.057/31.928)1= 0.373 OK

Compression Resistance N.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
y = A.fy/Ncr 61.23x275/1448.53 1.078
Nb.y.Rd = Area. .fy/ M1 61.23x0.611x275/10/1 = 1028.883 kN Curve a
z = A.fy/Ncrz 61.23x275/2949 0.756
Nb.z.Rd = Area. .fy/ M1 61.23x0.751x275/10/1 = 1265.209 kN Curve b
Let = Kt.Lx 1x11.705 = 11.705
T = A.fy/NcrT 61.23x275/1659.3 1.007
Nb.T.Rd= Area. .fy/ M1 61.23x0.592x275/10/1 = 997.426 kN Curve b

Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors C1, C3

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
C1= fn(M1, M2, ) 128.3, 54.2, 0.422 1.360 Not Loaded
C3, Zj(bottom flange compression) 0.934, -188.64
CmLT =Max(0.6+0.4 , 0.4) M = 128.31, = 0.422 1 Table B.3
Cmz=Max(0.6+0.4 , 0.4) M = -0.07, = 0.862 1 Table B.3
Cmy=Max(0.1(1- ) -0.8 s, 0.4) Mh= 223.71, Ms= -8.92, = -0.080, s= -0.040 0.4 Table B.3

Lateral Buckling Check M.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Le = 1.00 L 1 x 1.8 = 1.8 m
Mcr= Fn(C1,Le,Iz,It,Iw,E) 1.360, 1.800, 461.0, 31.78, 0.1012, 210000 289.734 kN.m
Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

LT= W.fy/Mcr 710.7 x 275 / 289.734 0.821

LT= Fn( LT, LT5950 ) 0.821, 0.608 0.711 Curve b
LT.mod = Fn( LT, LT,kc,f) 0.711, 0.821, 1.000, 1.000 0.711
Mb.Rd = Wpl.y.fy Mc.y.Rd 0.711 x 710.7 x 275 195.443 = 139.001 kN.m

Buckling Resistance
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
UN.y = NEd/( y.NRk/ M1) 87.107 / 1028.883 0.085 OK
UN.z = NEd/( z.NRk/ M1) 87.107 / 1265.209 0.069 OK
UM.y = My.Ed/( LT.My.Rk/ M1) 119.066 / 139.001 0.857 OK
UM.z = Mz.Ed/(Mz.Rk/ M1) 0.057 / 31.928 0.002 OK
kyy=Cmy{1+0.8UN.y} 0.427
kzz=Cmz{1+(2 z-0.6)UN.z} 1.063
kyz=0.6 kzz 0.638
kzy= 1- {0.1/(CmLT-0.25)}UN.z 0.991
UNy+kyy.UM.y+kyz.UM.z 0.085+0.427x0.857+0.638x0.002 0.452 OK
UNz+kzy.UM.y+kzz.UM.z 0.069+0.991x0.857+1.063x0.002 0.919 OK

Deflection Check - Load Case 4

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Span/360 4.89 11705 / 360 4.89 mm OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Axial with Moments (Member)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Members 60-61 and 63 (N.25-N.30) @ Level 2
Between 1.800 and 3.600 m, in Load Case 6
Member Loading and Member Forces Bending Moment and Member Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Loading Combination : 1 UT + 1.25 D1 + 1.5 L1
UT Spacing 05.000 [Multiply AllLoads]
D1 UDLY -000.350 [ kN/m ]
L1 UDLY -000.600 [ kN/m ]

Member Forces in Load Case 6 and Maximum Deflection from Load Case 4

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)

25 79.18C 0.07 58.89 0.03 -204.94 -0.03 55.32 0.08 6.39

30 56.07C -0.01 -19.10 -0.06 27.28 -0.33 @ 8.764 @ 3.555 @ 8.087

Classification and Effective Area (EN 1993: 2006)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Section (48.07 kg/m) 305x127 UB 48 [S 275]
Class = Fn(b/T,d/t,fy,N,My,Mz) 4.48, 29.47, 275, 79.18, 204.94, 0.33 (Axial: Non-Slender) Class 1
Auto Design Load Cases 1-3 and 6

Local Capacity Check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Vy.Ed/Vpl.y.Rd 45.74 / 474.695 = 0.096 Low Shear
Mc.y.Rd = fy.Wpl.y/ M0 275 x 710.7/1 195.443 kN.m
Vz.Ed/Vpl.z.Rd 0.033 / 557.033 = 0 Low Shear
Mc.z.Rd = fy.Wpl.z/ M0 275 x 116.1/1 31.928 kN.m
Npl.Rd = Ag.fy/ M0 61.23 x 275/1 = 1683.825 kN
n = NEd/Npl.Rd 56.074 / 1683.825 = 0.033 OK
Wpl.N.y = Fn(Wpl.y, Avy, n) 710.7, 29.898, 0.033 710.7 cm³
MN.y.Rd = Wpl.N.y.fy/ M0 710.7 x 275/1 195.443 kN.m
Wpl.N.z = Fn(Wpl.z, Avz, n) 116.1, 35.084, 0.033 116.1 cm³
MN.z.Rd = Wpl.N.z.fy/ M0 116.1 x 275/1 31.928 kN.m
(My.Ed/MN.y.Rd) +(Mz.Ed/MN.z.Rd) (100.322/195.443)2+(0.033/31.928)1= 0.265 OK

Compression Resistance N.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
y = A.fy/Ncr 61.23x275/1448.53 1.078
Nb.y.Rd = Area. .fy/ M1 61.23x0.611x275/10/1 = 1028.883 kN Curve a
z = A.fy/Ncrz 61.23x275/2949 0.756
Nb.z.Rd = Area. .fy/ M1 61.23x0.751x275/10/1 = 1265.209 kN Curve b
Let = Kt.Lx 1x11.705 = 11.705
T = A.fy/NcrT 61.23x275/1659.3 1.007
Nb.T.Rd= Area. .fy/ M1 61.23x0.592x275/10/1 = 997.426 kN Curve b

Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors C1, C3

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
C1= fn(M1, M2, ) 109.6, 35.9, 0.328 1.438 Not Loaded
C3, Zj(bottom flange compression) 0.919, -188.64
CmLT =Max(0.6+0.4 , 0.4) M = 109.55, = 0.328 1 Table B.3
Cmz=Max(0.6+0.4 , 0.4) M = 0.08, = 0.313 1 Table B.3
Cmy=Max(0.1(1- ) -0.8 s, 0.4) Mh= 204.94, Ms= -26.56, = -0.133, s= -0.130 0.4 Table B.3

Lateral Buckling Check M.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Le = 1.00 L 1 x 1.8 = 1.8 m

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Mcr= Fn(C1,Le,Iz,It,Iw,E) 1.438, 1.800, 461.0, 31.78, 0.1012, 210000 309.751 kN.m
LT= W.fy/Mcr 710.7 x 275 / 309.751 0.794
LT= Fn( LT, LT5950 ) 0.794, 0.608 0.728 Curve b
LT.mod = Fn( LT, LT,kc,f) 0.728, 0.794, 1.000, 1.000 0.728
Mb.Rd = Wpl.y.fy Mc.y.Rd 0.728 x 710.7 x 275 195.443 = 142.271 kN.m

Buckling Resistance
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
UN.y = NEd/( y.NRk/ M1) 79.175 / 1028.883 0.077 OK
UN.z = NEd/( z.NRk/ M1) 79.175 / 1265.209 0.063 OK
UM.y = My.Ed/( LT.My.Rk/ M1) 100.322 / 142.271 0.705 OK
UM.z = Mz.Ed/(Mz.Rk/ M1) 0.033 / 31.928 0.001 OK
kyy=Cmy{1+0.8UN.y} 0.425
kzz=Cmz{1+(2 z-0.6)UN.z} 1.057
kyz=0.6 kzz 0.634
kzy= 1- {0.1/(CmLT-0.25)}UN.z 0.992
UNy+kyy.UM.y+kyz.UM.z 0.077+0.425x0.705+0.634x0.001 0.377 OK
UNz+kzy.UM.y+kzz.UM.z 0.063+0.992x0.705+1.057x0.001 0.763 OK

Deflection Check - Load Case 4

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Span/360 6.39 11705 / 360 6.39 mm OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Appendix-BB Stability (Member) :

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Members 59, 62 and 64 (N.24-N.30) @ Level 2
Between 1.800 and 3.600 m, in Load Case 1
Member Loading and Member Forces Bending Moment and Member Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Loading Combination : 1 UT + 1.25 D1 + 1.5 L1
UT Spacing 05.000 [Multiply AllLoads]
D1 UDLY -000.350 [ kN/m ]
L1 UDLY -000.600 [ kN/m ]

Member Forces in Load Case 1

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)

24 78.39C -0.07 58.65 -0.04 -201.88 0.04 56.32 -0.10 0.00

30 57.63C 0.01 -19.67 0.06 26.59 0.31 @ 8.670 @ 3.818 @ 8.087

Classification and Effective Area (EN 1993: 2006)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Section (48.07 kg/m) 305x127 UB 48 [S 275]
Class = Fn(b/T,d/t,fy,N,My,Mz) 4.48, 29.47, 275, 78.39, 201.88, 0.31 (Axial: Non-Slender) Class 1
Auto Design Load Cases 1-3 and 6

Compression Resistance Pc
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
z= L/iz 100x1.8/2.28 = 78.9 OK
y = Fn(a,hs,x, y) 186.6, 604.89, 22.214, 78.9 0.947 G.2.3
TC = y. 0.947x78.9 = 74.71 OK
Pcy = Area.pcy 61.23x188.77/10 = 1155.844 kN Curve b

Modification Factore for Linear Moment Gradients Cm BB.3.3.1

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
is= Fn(iy, iz, a) 125.0, 27.4, 186.6 226.3 mm
NcrE= Fn(E, Iz, Lt) 210, 461, 1800 2949.0 kN
NcrT= Fn(E, Iz, It, Iw, Lt, a, is) 210, 461, 32, 0, 1800, 187, 226 3770.8 kN
= NcrE/ NcrT 2949.0 / 3770.8 0.782
t=Fn(M1,M2) 107.0, 33.4 0.312
Cm=Fn( , t,B0,B1,B2) 0.782, 0.312, 0.530, 0.369, 0.102 1.527 BB.13

Lateral Buckling Resistance Moment Mb

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mp = py.Sxx 1.2 py.Zxx 275 x 710.7 1.2 x 275 x 615.85 = 195.443 kN.m
z= L/iz 100x1.8/2.28 = 78.9 OK
vt = Fn(a,x,hs, ) 186.6, 22.214, 604.89, 78.9 0.895 G.2.4.2
c=Fn(R,q,x) 1.11, 0.111, 22.214 1.007 G.2.5
TB = c.nt.vt. y 1.007 x 1 x 0.895 x 78.9 71.088 G.2.4.2
pb = Fn (py, TB) 275, 71.09 196.01 N/mm² Table 16
Mb = Sxx.pb Mp py.Zxx 710.7 x 196.01 195.443 275 x 615.74 = 139.302 kN.m

Elastic Stability of Tapered Members : G.2.2

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Presented according to BS 5950-1:2000 Appendix G.2.2 formulation
F/Pc+M/Mb 78.394 / 1029.39 + 97.74 / 139.3 0.778 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Appendix-BB Stability (Member) :

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Member 66 (N.42-N.43) @ Level 5
Between 1.800 and 3.600 m, in Load Case 6
Member Loading and Member Forces Bending Moment and Member Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Loading Combination : 1 UT + 1.25 D1 + 1.5 L1
UT Spacing 05.000 [Multiply AllLoads]
D1 UDLY -000.350 [ kN/m ]
L1 UDLY -000.600 [ kN/m ]

Member Forces in Load Case 6

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)

66 42 87.11C 0.03 58.85 -0.01 -223.71 -0.05 41.58 0.00

43 59.92C -0.03 -17.55 -0.01 17.99 -0.11 @ 9.012 @ 8.087

Classification and Effective Area (EN 1993: 2006)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Section (48.07 kg/m) 305x127 UB 48 [S 275]
Class = Fn(b/T,d/t,fy,N,My,Mz) 4.48, 29.47, 275, 87.11, 223.71, 0.11 (Axial: Non-Slender) Class 1
Auto Design Load Cases 1-3 and 6

Compression Resistance Pc
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
z= L/iz 100x1.8/2.28 = 78.9 OK
y = Fn(a,hs,x, y) 186.6, 604.89, 22.214, 78.9 0.947 G.2.3
TC = y. 0.947x78.9 = 74.71 OK
Pcy = Area.pcy 61.23x188.77/10 = 1155.844 kN Curve b

Modification Factore for Linear Moment Gradients Cm BB.3.3.1

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
is= Fn(iy, iz, a) 125.0, 27.4, 186.6 226.3 mm
NcrE= Fn(E, Iz, Lt) 210, 461, 1800 2949.0 kN
NcrT= Fn(E, Iz, It, Iw, Lt, a, is) 210, 461, 32, 0, 1800, 187, 226 3770.8 kN
= NcrE/ NcrT 2949.0 / 3770.8 0.782
t=Fn(M1,M2) 128.4, 54.1 0.422
Cm=Fn( , t,B0,B1,B2) 0.782, 0.422, 0.530, 0.369, 0.102 1.421 BB.13

Lateral Buckling Resistance Moment Mb

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mp = py.Sxx 1.2 py.Zxx 275 x 710.7 1.2 x 275 x 615.85 = 195.443 kN.m
z= L/iz 100x1.8/2.28 = 78.9 OK
vt = Fn(a,x,hs, ) 186.6, 22.214, 604.89, 78.9 0.895 G.2.4.2
c=Fn(R,q,x) 1.11, 0.111, 22.214 1.007 G.2.5
TB = c.nt.vt. y 1.007 x 1 x 0.895 x 78.9 71.088 G.2.4.2
pb = Fn (py, TB) 275, 71.09 196.01 N/mm² Table 16
Mb = Sxx.pb Mp py.Zxx 710.7 x 196.01 195.443 275 x 615.74 = 139.302 kN.m

Elastic Stability of Tapered Members : G.2.2

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Presented according to BS 5950-1:2000 Appendix G.2.2 formulation
F/Pc+M/Mb 87.107 / 1029.39 + 119.066 / 139.3 0.939 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Appendix-BB Stability (Member) :

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Members 60-61 and 63 (N.25-N.30) @ Level 2
Between 1.800 and 3.600 m, in Load Case 6
Member Loading and Member Forces Bending Moment and Member Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Loading Combination : 1 UT + 1.25 D1 + 1.5 L1
UT Spacing 05.000 [Multiply AllLoads]
D1 UDLY -000.350 [ kN/m ]
L1 UDLY -000.600 [ kN/m ]

Member Forces in Load Case 6

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)

25 79.18C 0.07 58.89 0.03 -204.94 -0.03 55.32 0.08 0.00

30 56.07C -0.01 -19.10 -0.06 27.28 -0.33 @ 8.764 @ 3.555 @ 8.087

Classification and Effective Area (EN 1993: 2006)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Section (48.07 kg/m) 305x127 UB 48 [S 275]
Class = Fn(b/T,d/t,fy,N,My,Mz) 4.48, 29.47, 275, 79.18, 204.94, 0.33 (Axial: Non-Slender) Class 1
Auto Design Load Cases 1-3 and 6

Compression Resistance Pc
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
z= L/iz 100x1.8/2.28 = 78.9 OK
y = Fn(a,hs,x, y) 186.6, 604.89, 22.214, 78.9 0.947 G.2.3
TC = y. 0.947x78.9 = 74.71 OK
Pcy = Area.pcy 61.23x188.77/10 = 1155.844 kN Curve b

Modification Factore for Linear Moment Gradients Cm BB.3.3.1

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
is= Fn(iy, iz, a) 125.0, 27.4, 186.6 226.3 mm
NcrE= Fn(E, Iz, Lt) 210, 461, 1800 2949.0 kN
NcrT= Fn(E, Iz, It, Iw, Lt, a, is) 210, 461, 32, 0, 1800, 187, 226 3770.8 kN
= NcrE/ NcrT 2949.0 / 3770.8 0.782
t=Fn(M1,M2) 109.6, 35.9 0.327
Cm=Fn( , t,B0,B1,B2) 0.782, 0.327, 0.530, 0.369, 0.102 1.511 BB.13

Lateral Buckling Resistance Moment Mb

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mp = py.Sxx 1.2 py.Zxx 275 x 710.7 1.2 x 275 x 615.85 = 195.443 kN.m
z= L/iz 100x1.8/2.28 = 78.9 OK
vt = Fn(a,x,hs, ) 186.6, 22.214, 604.89, 78.9 0.895 G.2.4.2
c=Fn(R,q,x) 1.11, 0.111, 22.214 1.007 G.2.5
TB = c.nt.vt. y 1.007 x 1 x 0.895 x 78.9 71.088 G.2.4.2
pb = Fn (py, TB) 275, 71.09 196.01 N/mm² Table 16
Mb = Sxx.pb Mp py.Zxx 710.7 x 196.01 195.443 275 x 615.74 = 139.302 kN.m

Elastic Stability of Tapered Members : G.2.2

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Presented according to BS 5950-1:2000 Appendix G.2.2 formulation
F/Pc+M/Mb 79.175 / 1029.39 + 100.322 / 139.3 0.797 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Axial with Moments (Member)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Member 83 (N.18-N.24) @ Level 2
Between 3.000 and 3.675 m, in Load Case 1
Member Loading and Member Forces Bending Moment and Member Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Loading Combination : 1 UT + 1.25 D1 + 1.5 L1
UT Spacing 05.000 [Multiply AllLoads]
UT PartFix 20.00 +++ --- (Mt My Mz)

Member Forces in Load Case 1 and Maximum Deflection from Load Case 4

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)

83 18 84.15C 0.01 -54.94 0.22 0.00 0.00 2.75

24 81.67C -0.01 -54.92 0.22 -201.86 0.81 @ 2.131

Classification and Effective Area (EN 1993: 2006)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Section (53.98 kg/m) 305x165 UB 54 [S 275]
Class = Fn(b/T,d/t,fy,N,My,Mz) 6.09, 33.57, 275, 84.15, 201.86, 0.81 (Axial: Non-Slender) Class 1
Auto Design Load Cases 1-3 and 6

Local Capacity Check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Vy.Ed/Vpl.y.Rd 54.922 / 421.543 = 0.13 Low Shear
Mc.y.Rd = fy.Wpl.y/ M0 275 x 846.1/1 232.678 kN.m
Vz.Ed/Vpl.z.Rd 0.22 / 726.071 = 0 Low Shear
Mc.z.Rd = fy.Wpl.z/ M0 275 x 195.6/1 53.79 kN.m
Npl.Rd = Ag.fy/ M0 68.76 x 275/1 = 1890.9 kN
n = NEd/Npl.Rd 81.666 / 1890.9 = 0.043 OK
Wpl.N.y = Fn(Wpl.y, Avy, n) 846.1, 26.55, 0.043 846.1 cm³
MN.y.Rd = Wpl.N.y.fy/ M0 846.1 x 275/1 232.678 kN.m
Wpl.N.z = Fn(Wpl.z, Avz, n) 195.6, 45.731, 0.043 195.6 cm³
MN.z.Rd = Wpl.N.z.fy/ M0 195.6 x 275/1 53.79 kN.m
(My.Ed/MN.y.Rd) +(Mz.Ed/MN.z.Rd) (201.857/232.678)2+(0.81/53.79)1= 0.768 OK

Compression Resistance N.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
y = A.fy/Ncr 68.76x275/17951.51 0.325
Nb.y.Rd = Area. .fy/ M1 68.76x0.972x275/10/1 = 1837.328 kN Curve a
z = A.fy/Ncrz 68.76x275/48428.16 0.198
Nb.z.Rd = Area. .fy/ M1 68.76x1x275/10/1 = 1890.900 kN Curve b
Let = Kt.Lx 1x3.675 = 3.675
T = A.fy/NcrT 68.76x275/3447.55 0.741
Nb.T.Rd= Area. .fy/ M1 68.76x0.76x275/10/1 = 1437.650 kN Curve b

Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors C1, C3

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
C1= fn(M1, M2, ) -164.8, -201.8, 0.817 1.092 Not Loaded
C3, Zj(bottom flange compression) 0.980, -188.64
CmLT =Max(0.6+0.4 , 0.4) M = -201.8, = 0.817 0.927 Table B.3
Cmz=Max(0.6+0.4 , 0.4) M = 0.81, = 0.817 0.927 Table B.3
Cmy=Max(0.6+0.4 , 0.4) M = -201.86, = 0.000 0.6 Table B.3

Lateral Buckling Check M.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Le = 1.00 L 1 x 0.675 = 0.675 m
Mcr= Fn(C1,Le,Iz,It,Iw,E) 1.092, 0.675, 1065, 34.78, 0.2336, 210000 2818.484 kN.m
Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

LT= W.fy/Mcr 846.1 x 275 / 2818.484 0.287

LT= Fn( LT, LT5950 ) 0.287, 0.175 1.000 Curve d
LT.mod = Fn( LT, LT,kc,f) 1.000, 0.287, 1.000, 1.000 1.000
Mb.Rd = Wpl.y.fy Mc.y.Rd 1.000 x 846.1 x 275 232.678 = 232.678 kN.m

Buckling Resistance
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
UN.y = NEd/( y.NRk/ M1) 84.145 / 1837.328 0.046 OK
UN.z = NEd/( z.NRk/ M1) 84.145 / 1890.9 0.045 OK
UM.y = My.Ed/( LT.My.Rk/ M1) 201.857 / 232.678 0.868 OK
UM.z = Mz.Ed/(Mz.Rk/ M1) 0.81 / 53.79 0.015 OK
kyy=Cmy{1+( y-0.2)UN.y} 0.603
kzz=Cmz{1+(2 z-0.6)UN.z} 0.918
kyz=0.6 kzz 0.551
kzy=0.6 kyy 0.362
UNy+kyy.UM.y+kyz.UM.z 0.046+0.603x0.868+0.551x0.015 0.578 OK
UNz+kzy.UM.y+kzz.UM.z 0.045+0.362x0.868+0.918x0.015 0.372 OK

Deflection Check - Load Case 4

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Span/360 2.75 3675 / 360 2.75 mm OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Axial with Moments (Member)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Member 84 (N.23-N.25) @ Level 2
Between 3.000 and 3.675 m, in Load Case 6
Member Loading and Member Forces Bending Moment and Member Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Loading Combination : 1 UT + 1.25 D1 + 1.5 L1
UT Spacing 05.000 [Multiply AllLoads]
UT PartFix 20.00 +++ --- (Mt My Mz)

Member Forces in Load Case 6 and Maximum Deflection from Load Case 4

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)

84 23 84.65C -0.01 -55.65 -0.22 0.00 0.00 2.77

25 82.17C 0.01 -55.63 -0.22 -204.45 -0.82 @ 2.131

Classification and Effective Area (EN 1993: 2006)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Section (53.98 kg/m) 305x165 UB 54 [S 275]
Class = Fn(b/T,d/t,fy,N,My,Mz) 6.09, 33.57, 275, 84.65, 204.45, 0.82 (Axial: Non-Slender) Class 1
Auto Design Load Cases 1-3 and 6

Local Capacity Check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Vy.Ed/Vpl.y.Rd 55.626 / 421.543 = 0.132 Low Shear
Mc.y.Rd = fy.Wpl.y/ M0 275 x 846.1/1 232.678 kN.m
Vz.Ed/Vpl.z.Rd 0.222 / 726.071 = 0 Low Shear
Mc.z.Rd = fy.Wpl.z/ M0 275 x 195.6/1 53.79 kN.m
Npl.Rd = Ag.fy/ M0 68.76 x 275/1 = 1890.9 kN
n = NEd/Npl.Rd 82.171 / 1890.9 = 0.043 OK
Wpl.N.y = Fn(Wpl.y, Avy, n) 846.1, 26.55, 0.043 846.1 cm³
MN.y.Rd = Wpl.N.y.fy/ M0 846.1 x 275/1 232.678 kN.m
Wpl.N.z = Fn(Wpl.z, Avz, n) 195.6, 45.731, 0.043 195.6 cm³
MN.z.Rd = Wpl.N.z.fy/ M0 195.6 x 275/1 53.79 kN.m
(My.Ed/MN.y.Rd) +(Mz.Ed/MN.z.Rd) (204.446/232.678)2+(0.816/53.79)1= 0.787 OK

Compression Resistance N.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
y = A.fy/Ncr 68.76x275/17951.51 0.325
Nb.y.Rd = Area. .fy/ M1 68.76x0.972x275/10/1 = 1837.328 kN Curve a
z = A.fy/Ncrz 68.76x275/48428.16 0.198
Nb.z.Rd = Area. .fy/ M1 68.76x1x275/10/1 = 1890.900 kN Curve b
Let = Kt.Lx 1x3.675 = 3.675
T = A.fy/NcrT 68.76x275/3447.55 0.741
Nb.T.Rd= Area. .fy/ M1 68.76x0.76x275/10/1 = 1437.650 kN Curve b

Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors C1, C3

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
C1= fn(M1, M2, ) -167.0, -204.4, 0.817 1.092 Not Loaded
C3, Zj(bottom flange compression) 0.980, -188.64
CmLT =Max(0.6+0.4 , 0.4) M = -204.39, = 0.817 0.927 Table B.3
Cmz=Max(0.6+0.4 , 0.4) M = -0.82, = 0.817 0.927 Table B.3
Cmy=Max(0.6+0.4 , 0.4) M = -204.45, = 0.000 0.6 Table B.3

Lateral Buckling Check M.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Le = 1.00 L 1 x 0.675 = 0.675 m
Mcr= Fn(C1,Le,Iz,It,Iw,E) 1.092, 0.675, 1065, 34.78, 0.2336, 210000 2818.482 kN.m
Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

LT= W.fy/Mcr 846.1 x 275 / 2818.482 0.287

LT= Fn( LT, LT5950 ) 0.287, 0.175 1.000 Curve d
LT.mod = Fn( LT, LT,kc,f) 1.000, 0.287, 1.000, 1.000 1.000
Mb.Rd = Wpl.y.fy Mc.y.Rd 1.000 x 846.1 x 275 232.678 = 232.678 kN.m

Buckling Resistance
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
UN.y = NEd/( y.NRk/ M1) 84.65 / 1837.328 0.046 OK
UN.z = NEd/( z.NRk/ M1) 84.65 / 1890.9 0.045 OK
UM.y = My.Ed/( LT.My.Rk/ M1) 204.446 / 232.678 0.879 OK
UM.z = Mz.Ed/(Mz.Rk/ M1) 0.816 / 53.79 0.015 OK
kyy=Cmy{1+( y-0.2)UN.y} 0.603
kzz=Cmz{1+(2 z-0.6)UN.z} 0.918
kyz=0.6 kzz 0.551
kzy=0.6 kyy 0.362
UNy+kyy.UM.y+kyz.UM.z 0.046+0.603x0.879+0.551x0.015 0.585 OK
UNz+kzy.UM.y+kzz.UM.z 0.045+0.362x0.879+0.918x0.015 0.377 OK

Deflection Check - Load Case 4

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Span/360 2.77 3675 / 360 2.77 mm OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Axial with Moments (Member)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Member 89 (N.35-N.41) @ Level 2
Between 3.000 and 3.675 m, in Load Case 1
Member Loading and Member Forces Bending Moment and Member Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Loading Combination : 1 UT + 1.25 D1 + 1.5 L1
UT Spacing 05.000 [Multiply AllLoads]
UT PartFix 20.00 +++ --- (Mt My Mz)

Member Forces in Load Case 1 and Maximum Deflection from Load Case 4

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)

89 35 82.27C 0.01 -62.63 0.25 61.83 -0.28 2.26

41 80.06C -0.01 -62.63 0.25 -168.32 0.65 @ 2.315

Additional Nominal Moments

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
MyLo 7.753 kN.m

Classification and Effective Area (EN 1993: 2006)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Section (48.07 kg/m) 305x127 UB 48 [S 275]
Class = Fn(b/T,d/t,fy,N,My,Mz) 4.48, 29.47, 275, 82.27, 168.33, 0.65 (Axial: Non-Slender) Class 1
Auto Design Load Cases 1-3 and 6

Local Capacity Check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Vy.Ed/Vpl.y.Rd 62.627 / 474.695 = 0.132 Low Shear
Mc.y.Rd = fy.Wpl.y/ M0 275 x 710.7/1 195.443 kN.m
Vz.Ed/Vpl.z.Rd 0.254 / 557.033 = 0 Low Shear
Mc.z.Rd = fy.Wpl.z/ M0 275 x 116.1/1 31.928 kN.m
Npl.Rd = Ag.fy/ M0 61.23 x 275/1 = 1683.825 kN
n = NEd/Npl.Rd 80.065 / 1683.825 = 0.048 OK
Wpl.N.y = Fn(Wpl.y, Avy, n) 710.7, 29.898, 0.048 710.7 cm³
MN.y.Rd = Wpl.N.y.fy/ M0 710.7 x 275/1 195.443 kN.m
Wpl.N.z = Fn(Wpl.z, Avz, n) 116.1, 35.084, 0.048 116.1 cm³
MN.z.Rd = Wpl.N.z.fy/ M0 116.1 x 275/1 31.928 kN.m
(My.Ed/MN.y.Rd) +(Mz.Ed/MN.z.Rd) (168.325/195.443)2+(0.65/31.928)1= 0.762 OK

Compression Resistance N.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
y = A.fy/Ncr 61.23x275/14696.4 0.338
Nb.y.Rd = Area. .fy/ M1 61.23x0.968x275/10/1 = 1630.533 kN Curve a
z = A.fy/Ncrz 61.23x275/21048.01 0.283
Nb.z.Rd = Area. .fy/ M1 61.23x0.97x275/10/1 = 1633.996 kN Curve b
Let = Kt.Lx 1x3.675 = 3.675
T = A.fy/NcrT 61.23x275/2511.19 0.819
Nb.T.Rd= Area. .fy/ M1 61.23x0.713x275/10/1 = 1200.141 kN Curve b

Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors C1, C3

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
C1= fn(M1, M2, ) -124.7, -168.3, 0.741 1.137 Not Loaded
C3, Zj(bottom flange compression) 0.972, -188.64
CmLT =Max(0.6+0.4 , 0.4) M = -168.26, = 0.741 0.896 Table B.3
Cmz=Max(0.6+0.4 , 0.4) M = 0.65, = 0.737 0.895 Table B.3
Cmy=Max(0.6+0.4 , 0.4) M = -168.33, = -0.413 0.435 Table B.3

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Lateral Buckling Check M.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Le = 1.00 L 1 x 0.675 = 0.675 m
Mcr= Fn(C1,Le,Iz,It,Iw,E) 1.137, 0.675, 462.7, 31.78, 0.1012, 210000 1311.132 kN.m
LT= W.fy/Mcr 710.7 x 275 / 1311.132 0.386
LT= Fn( LT, LT5950 ) 0.386, 0.244 1.000 Curve d
LT.mod = Fn( LT, LT,kc,f) 1.000, 0.386, 1.000, 1.000 1.000
Mb.Rd = Wpl.y.fy Mc.y.Rd 1.000 x 710.7 x 275 195.443 = 195.443 kN.m

Buckling Resistance
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
UN.y = NEd/( y.NRk/ M1) 82.272 / 1630.533 0.050 OK
UN.z = NEd/( z.NRk/ M1) 82.272 / 1633.996 0.050 OK
UM.y = My.Ed/( LT.My.Rk/ M1) 168.325 / 195.443 0.861 OK
UM.z = Mz.Ed/(Mz.Rk/ M1) 0.65 / 31.928 0.020 OK
kyy=Cmy{1+( y-0.2)UN.y} 0.438
kzz=Cmz{1+(2 z-0.6)UN.z} 0.893
kyz=0.6 kzz 0.536
kzy=0.6 kyy 0.263
UNy+kyy.UM.y+kyz.UM.z 0.050+0.438x0.861+0.536x0.020 0.438 OK
UNz+kzy.UM.y+kzz.UM.z 0.050+0.263x0.861+0.893x0.020 0.295 OK

Deflection Check - Load Case 4

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Span/360 2.26 3675 / 360 2.26 mm OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Axial with Moments (Member)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Member 90 (N.40-N.42) @ Level 2
Between 3.000 and 3.675 m, in Load Case 6
Member Loading and Member Forces Bending Moment and Member Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Loading Combination : 1 UT + 1.25 D1 + 1.5 L1
UT Spacing 05.000 [Multiply AllLoads]
UT PartFix 20.00 +++ --- (Mt My Mz)

Member Forces in Load Case 6 and Maximum Deflection from Load Case 4

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)

90 40 86.55C 0.00 -63.81 -0.24 10.22 0.03 2.39

42 84.07C 0.00 -63.78 -0.24 -224.18 -0.85 @ 2.205

Additional Nominal Moments

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
MyLo , MzLo, MzUp 16.618 kN.m, -0.33 kN.m, 0.012 kN.m

Classification and Effective Area (EN 1993: 2006)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Section (53.98 kg/m) 305x165 UB 54 [S 275]
Class = Fn(b/T,d/t,fy,N,My,Mz) 6.09, 33.57, 275, 86.55, 224.19, 0.84 (Axial: Non-Slender) Class 1
Auto Design Load Cases 1-3 and 6

Local Capacity Check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Vy.Ed/Vpl.y.Rd 63.777 / 421.543 = 0.151 Low Shear
Mc.y.Rd = fy.Wpl.y/ M0 275 x 846.1/1 232.678 kN.m
Vz.Ed/Vpl.z.Rd 0.238 / 726.071 = 0 Low Shear
Mc.z.Rd = fy.Wpl.z/ M0 275 x 195.6/1 53.79 kN.m
Npl.Rd = Ag.fy/ M0 68.76 x 275/1 = 1890.9 kN
n = NEd/Npl.Rd 84.069 / 1890.9 = 0.044 OK
Wpl.N.y = Fn(Wpl.y, Avy, n) 846.1, 26.55, 0.044 846.1 cm³
MN.y.Rd = Wpl.N.y.fy/ M0 846.1 x 275/1 232.678 kN.m
Wpl.N.z = Fn(Wpl.z, Avz, n) 195.6, 45.731, 0.044 195.6 cm³
MN.z.Rd = Wpl.N.z.fy/ M0 195.6 x 275/1 53.79 kN.m
(My.Ed/MN.y.Rd) +(Mz.Ed/MN.z.Rd) (224.185/232.678)2+(0.835/53.79)1= 0.944 OK

Compression Resistance N.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
y = A.fy/Ncr 68.76x275/17951.51 0.325
Nb.y.Rd = Area. .fy/ M1 68.76x0.972x275/10/1 = 1837.328 kN Curve a
z = A.fy/Ncrz 68.76x275/48428.16 0.198
Nb.z.Rd = Area. .fy/ M1 68.76x1x275/10/1 = 1890.900 kN Curve b
Let = Kt.Lx 1x3.675 = 3.675
T = A.fy/NcrT 68.76x275/3447.55 0.741
Nb.T.Rd= Area. .fy/ M1 68.76x0.76x275/10/1 = 1437.650 kN Curve b

Equivalent Uniform Moment Factors C1, C3

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
C1= fn(M1, M2, ) -178.2, -224.1, 0.795 1.105 Not Loaded
C3, Zj(bottom flange compression) 0.977, -188.64
CmLT =Max(0.6+0.4 , 0.4) M = -224.12, = 0.795 0.918 Table B.3
Cmz=Max(0.6+0.4 , 0.4) M = -0.84, = 0.884 0.954 Table B.3
Cmy=Max(0.6+0.4 , 0.4) M = -224.19, = -0.120 0.552 Table B.3

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Lateral Buckling Check M.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Le = 1.00 L 1 x 0.675 = 0.675 m
Mcr= Fn(C1,Le,Iz,It,Iw,E) 1.105, 0.675, 1065, 34.78, 0.2336, 210000 2855.554 kN.m
LT= W.fy/Mcr 846.1 x 275 / 2855.554 0.285
LT= Fn( LT, LT5950 ) 0.285, 0.175 1.000 Curve d
LT.mod = Fn( LT, LT,kc,f) 1.000, 0.285, 1.000, 1.000 1.000
Mb.Rd = Wpl.y.fy Mc.y.Rd 1.000 x 846.1 x 275 232.678 = 232.678 kN.m

Buckling Resistance
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
UN.y = NEd/( y.NRk/ M1) 86.548 / 1837.328 0.047 OK
UN.z = NEd/( z.NRk/ M1) 86.548 / 1890.9 0.046 OK
UM.y = My.Ed/( LT.My.Rk/ M1) 224.185 / 232.678 0.964 OK
UM.z = Mz.Ed/(Mz.Rk/ M1) 0.835 / 53.79 0.016 OK
kyy=Cmy{1+( y-0.2)UN.y} 0.555
kzz=Cmz{1+(2 z-0.6)UN.z} 0.945
kyz=0.6 kzz 0.567
kzy=0.6 kyy 0.333
UNy+kyy.UM.y+kyz.UM.z 0.047+0.555x0.964+0.567x0.016 0.591 OK
UNz+kzy.UM.y+kzz.UM.z 0.046+0.333x0.964+0.945x0.016 0.381 OK

Deflection Check - Load Case 4

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Span/360 2.39 3675 / 360 2.39 mm OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Axial with Moments (Member)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Member 28 (N.19-N.36) @ Level 1 in Load Case 2
Member Loading and Member Forces Bending Moment and Member Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Loading Combination : 1 UT + 1.25 D1 + 1.5 L1 + 0.75 W1
UT Spacing 03.600 [Multiply AllLoads]
D1 UDLY -003.000 [ kN/m ]
L1 UDLY -004.500 [ kN/m ]

Member Forces in Load Case 2 and Maximum Deflection from Load Case 4

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)

28 19 0.61T 0.00 -95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 -119.75 0.00 7.66

36 0.30C 0.00 95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

Classification and Effective Area (EN 1993: 2006)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Section (41.92 kg/m) 305x127 UB 42 [S 275]
Class = Fn(b/T,d/t,fy,N,My,Mz) 5.14, 33.15, 275, 0.3, 119.75, 0 (Axial: Non-Slender) Class 1
Auto Design Load Cases 1-3 and 6

Local Capacity Check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Vy.Ed/Vpl.y.Rd 0.005 / 419.81 = 0 Low Shear
Mc.y.Rd = fy.Wpl.y/ M0 275 x 613.5/1 168.713 kN.m
Npl.Rd = Ag.fy/ M0 53.4x275/1 1468.5 kN
n = NEd/Npl.Rd -0.606 / 1468.5 = 0.000 OK
Wpl.N.y = Fn(Wpl.y, Avy, n) 613.5, 26.441, 0 613.5 cm³
MN.y.Rd = Wpl.N.y.fy/ M0 613.5 x 275/1 168.713 kN.m
(My.Ed/MN.y.Rd) +(Mz.Ed/MN.z.Rd) (119.746/168.713)2+(0)1= 0.504 OK

Compression Resistance N.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
y = A.fy/Ncr 53.4x275/6796.19 0.465
Nb.y.Rd = Area. .fy/ M1 53.4x0.935x275/10/1 = 1372.821 kN Curve a

Lateral Buckling Check M.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mb.Rd = Mc.y.Rd Fully Restrained 168.713 kN.m

Buckling Resistance
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
UN.y = NEd/( y.NRk/ M1) 0.301 / 1372.821 0.000 OK
UN.z = NEd/( z.NRk/ M1) 0.301 / 1468.5 0.000 OK
UM.y = My.Ed/( LT.My.Rk/ M1) 119.746 / 168.713 0.710 OK
UM.z = Mz.Ed/(Mz.Rk/ M1) 0 / 27.06 0.000 OK
kyy=Cmy{1+( y-0.2)UN.y} 0.950
kzz=Cmz{1+(2 z-0.6)UN.z} 1.000
kyz=0.6 kzz 0.600
kzy=0.6 kyy 0.570
UNy+kyy.UM.y+kyz.UM.z 0.000+0.950x0.710+0.600x0.000 0.675 OK
UNz+kzy.UM.y+kzz.UM.z 0.000+0.570x0.710+1.000x0.000 0.405 OK

Deflection Check - Load Case 4

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Span/360 7.66 5000 / 360 7.66 mm OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Axial with Moments (Member)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Member 29 (N.20-N.37) @ Level 1 in Load Case 6
Member Loading and Member Forces Bending Moment and Member Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Loading Combination : 1 UT + 1.25 D1 + 1.5 L1
UT Spacing 03.600 [Multiply AllLoads]
D1 UDLY -003.000 [ kN/m ]
L1 UDLY -004.500 [ kN/m ]

Member Forces in Load Case 6 and Maximum Deflection from Load Case 4

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)

29 20 2.08C 0.05 -95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 -119.74 0.00 7.66

37 2.17C -0.05 95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

Classification and Effective Area (EN 1993: 2006)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Section (41.92 kg/m) 305x127 UB 42 [S 275]
Class = Fn(b/T,d/t,fy,N,My,Mz) 5.14, 33.15, 275, 2.17, 119.75, 0 (Axial: Non-Slender) Class 1
Auto Design Load Cases 1-3 and 6

Local Capacity Check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Vy.Ed/Vpl.y.Rd 0.005 / 419.81 = 0 Low Shear
Mc.y.Rd = fy.Wpl.y/ M0 275 x 613.5/1 168.713 kN.m
Npl.Rd = Ag.fy/ M0 53.4 x 275/1 = 1468.5 kN
n = NEd/Npl.Rd 2.079 / 1468.5 = 0.001 OK
Wpl.N.y = Fn(Wpl.y, Avy, n) 613.5, 26.441, 0.001 613.5 cm³
MN.y.Rd = Wpl.N.y.fy/ M0 613.5 x 275/1 168.713 kN.m
(My.Ed/MN.y.Rd) +(Mz.Ed/MN.z.Rd) (119.746/168.713)2+(0)1= 0.504 OK

Compression Resistance N.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
y = A.fy/Ncr 53.4x275/6796.19 0.465
Nb.y.Rd = Area. .fy/ M1 53.4x0.935x275/10/1 = 1372.821 kN Curve a

Lateral Buckling Check M.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mb.Rd = Mc.y.Rd Fully Restrained 168.713 kN.m

Buckling Resistance
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
UN.y = NEd/( y.NRk/ M1) 2.166 / 1372.821 0.002 OK
UN.z = NEd/( z.NRk/ M1) 2.166 / 1468.5 0.001 OK
UM.y = My.Ed/( LT.My.Rk/ M1) 119.746 / 168.713 0.710 OK
UM.z = Mz.Ed/(Mz.Rk/ M1) 0 / 27.06 0.000 OK
kyy=Cmy{1+( y-0.2)UN.y} 0.950
kzz=Cmz{1+(2 z-0.6)UN.z} 0.999
kyz=0.6 kzz 0.599
kzy=0.6 kyy 0.570
UNy+kyy.UM.y+kyz.UM.z 0.002+0.950x0.710+0.599x0.000 0.676 OK
UNz+kzy.UM.y+kzz.UM.z 0.001+0.570x0.710+0.999x0.000 0.406 OK

Deflection Check - Load Case 4

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Span/360 7.66 5000 / 360 7.66 mm OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Axial with Moments (Member)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Member 30 (N.21-N.38) @ Level 1 in Load Case 2
Member Loading and Member Forces Bending Moment and Member Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Loading Combination : 1 UT + 1.25 D1 + 1.5 L1 + 0.75 W1
UT Spacing 03.600 [Multiply AllLoads]
D1 UDLY -003.000 [ kN/m ]
L1 UDLY -004.500 [ kN/m ]

Member Forces in Load Case 2 and Maximum Deflection from Load Case 4

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)

30 21 1.16T 0.00 -95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 -119.74 0.00 7.66

38 0.08C 0.00 95.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 2.500 @ 0.000 @ 2.500

Classification and Effective Area (EN 1993: 2006)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Section (41.92 kg/m) 305x127 UB 42 [S 275]
Class = Fn(b/T,d/t,fy,N,My,Mz) 5.14, 33.15, 275, 0.08, 119.74, 0 (Axial: Non-Slender) Class 1
Auto Design Load Cases 1-3 and 6

Local Capacity Check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Vy.Ed/Vpl.y.Rd 0.005 / 419.81 = 0 Low Shear
Mc.y.Rd = fy.Wpl.y/ M0 275 x 613.5/1 168.713 kN.m
Npl.Rd = Ag.fy/ M0 53.4x275/1 1468.5 kN
n = NEd/Npl.Rd -1.165 / 1468.5 = 0.001 OK
Wpl.N.y = Fn(Wpl.y, Avy, n) 613.5, 26.441, 0.001 613.5 cm³
MN.y.Rd = Wpl.N.y.fy/ M0 613.5 x 275/1 168.713 kN.m
(My.Ed/MN.y.Rd) +(Mz.Ed/MN.z.Rd) (119.743/168.713)2+(0)1= 0.504 OK

Compression Resistance N.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
y = A.fy/Ncr 53.4x275/6796.19 0.465
Nb.y.Rd = Area. .fy/ M1 53.4x0.935x275/10/1 = 1372.821 kN Curve a

Lateral Buckling Check M.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mb.Rd = Mc.y.Rd Fully Restrained 168.713 kN.m

Buckling Resistance
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
UN.y = NEd/( y.NRk/ M1) 0.082 / 1372.821 0.000 OK
UN.z = NEd/( z.NRk/ M1) 0.082 / 1468.5 0.000 OK
UM.y = My.Ed/( LT.My.Rk/ M1) 119.743 / 168.713 0.710 OK
UM.z = Mz.Ed/(Mz.Rk/ M1) 0 / 27.06 0.000 OK
kyy=Cmy{1+( y-0.2)UN.y} 0.950
kzz=Cmz{1+(2 z-0.6)UN.z} 1.000
kyz=0.6 kzz 0.600
kzy=0.6 kyy 0.570
UNy+kyy.UM.y+kyz.UM.z 0.000+0.950x0.710+0.600x0.000 0.674 OK
UNz+kzy.UM.y+kzz.UM.z 0.000+0.570x0.710+1.000x0.000 0.405 OK

Deflection Check - Load Case 4

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Span/360 7.66 5000 / 360 7.66 mm OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Axial with Moments (Member)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Member 13 (N.39-N.40) @ Level 1 in Load Case 6
Member Loading and Member Forces Bending Moment and Member Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Loading Combination : 1 UT + 1.25 D1 + 1.5 L1
UT Spacing 05.000 [Multiply AllLoads]
D1 UDLY -003.000 [ kN/m ]
L1 UDLY -004.500 [ kN/m ]

Member Forces in Load Case 6 and Maximum Deflection from Load Case 4

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)

13 39 71.96T 0.00 -180.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 -304.31 0.00 10.60

40 71.98T 0.00 180.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ 3.375 @ 0.000 @ 3.375

Classification and Effective Area (EN 1993: 2006)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Section (74.18 kg/m) 406x178 UB 74 [S 275]
Class = Fn(b/T,d/t,fy,N,My,Mz) 5.61, 37.94, 275, 0, 304.29, 0 (Axial: Non-Slender) Class 1
Auto Design Load Cases 1-3 and 6

Local Capacity Check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Vy.Ed/Vpl.y.Rd 0.006 / 664.363 = 0 Low Shear
Mc.y.Rd = fy.Wpl.y/ M0 275 x 1500.8/1 412.72 kN.m
Npl.Rd = Ag.fy/ M0 94.5x275/1 2598.75 kN
n = NEd/Npl.Rd -71.98 / 2598.75 = 0.028 OK
Wpl.N.y = Fn(Wpl.y, Avy, n) 1500.8, 41.844, 0.028 1500.8 cm³
MN.y.Rd = Wpl.N.y.fy/ M0 1500.8 x 275/1 412.72 kN.m
(My.Ed/MN.y.Rd) +(Mz.Ed/MN.z.Rd) (304.289/412.72)2+(0)1= 0.544 OK

Lateral Buckling Check M.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mb.Rd = Mc.y.Rd Fully Restrained 412.72 kN.m

Buckling Resistance
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
UN.y = NEd/( y.NRk/ M1) 0 / 2435.06 0.000 OK
UN.z = NEd/( z.NRk/ M1) 0 / 2598.75 0.000 OK
UM.y = My.Ed/( LT.My.Rk/ M1) 304.289 / 412.72 0.737 OK
UM.z = Mz.Ed/(Mz.Rk/ M1) 0 / 73.425 0.000 OK
kyy=Cmy{1+( y-0.2)UN.y} 0.950
kzz=Cmz{1+(2 z-0.6)UN.z} 1.000
kyz=0.6 kzz 0.600
kzy=0.6 kyy 0.570
UNy+kyy.UM.y+kyz.UM.z 0.000+0.950x0.737+0.600x0.000 0.700 OK
UNz+kzy.UM.y+kzz.UM.z 0.000+0.570x0.737+1.000x0.000 0.420 OK

Deflection Check - Load Case 4

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Span/360 10.6 6750 / 360 10.6 mm OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Axial with Moments (Member)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Members 11-12 (N.37-N.39) @ Level 1 in Load Case 6
Member Loading and Member Forces Bending Moment and Member Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Loading Combination : 1 UT + 1.25 D1 + 1.5 L1

Member Forces in Load Case 6 and Maximum Deflection from Load Case 4

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)

37 80.86T 0.02 -87.06 -0.39 -18.64 0.71 -359.47 -0.84 13.00

39 80.84T -0.08 91.72 -0.19 0.00 0.00 @ 4.000 @ 3.960 @ 4.000

Classification and Effective Area (EN 1993: 2006)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Section (74.18 kg/m) 406x178 UB 74 [S 275]
Class = Fn(b/T,d/t,fy,N,My,Mz) 5.61, 37.94, 275, 0, 359.49, 0.86 (Axial: Non-Slender) Class 1
Auto Design Load Cases 1-3 and 6

Local Capacity Check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Vy.Ed/Vpl.y.Rd 88.013 / 664.363 = 0.132 Low Shear
Mc.y.Rd = fy.Wpl.y/ M0 275 x 1500.8/1 412.72 kN.m
Vz.Ed/Vpl.z.Rd 0.393 / 911.982 = 0 Low Shear
Mc.z.Rd = fy.Wpl.z/ M0 275 x 267/1 73.425 kN.m
Npl.Rd = Ag.fy/ M0 94.5x275/1 2598.75 kN
n = NEd/Npl.Rd -80.858 / 2598.75 = 0.031 OK
Wpl.N.y = Fn(Wpl.y, Avy, n) 1500.8, 41.844, 0.031 1500.8 cm³
MN.y.Rd = Wpl.N.y.fy/ M0 1500.8 x 275/1 412.72 kN.m
Wpl.N.z = Fn(Wpl.z, Avz, n) 267, 57.44, 0.031 267 cm³
MN.z.Rd = Wpl.N.z.fy/ M0 267 x 275/1 73.425 kN.m
(My.Ed/MN.y.Rd) +(Mz.Ed/MN.z.Rd) (359.488/412.72)2+(0.858/73.425)1= 0.77 OK

Lateral Buckling Check M.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mb.Rd = Mc.y.Rd Fully Restrained 412.72 kN.m

Buckling Resistance
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
UN.y = NEd/( y.NRk/ M1) 0 / 2366.638 0.000 OK
UN.z = NEd/( z.NRk/ M1) 0 / 2598.75 0.000 OK
UM.y = My.Ed/( LT.My.Rk/ M1) 359.488 / 412.72 0.871 OK
UM.z = Mz.Ed/(Mz.Rk/ M1) 0.858 / 73.425 0.012 OK
kyy=Cmy{1+( y-0.2)UN.y} 0.905
kzz=Cmz{1+(2 z-0.6)UN.z} 0.817
kyz=0.6 kzz 0.490
kzy=0.6 kyy 0.543
UNy+kyy.UM.y+kyz.UM.z 0.000+0.905x0.871+0.490x0.012 0.794 OK
UNz+kzy.UM.y+kzz.UM.z 0.000+0.543x0.871+0.817x0.012 0.483 OK

Deflection Check - Load Case 4

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Span/360 13 8000 / 360 13 mm OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Axial with Moments (Member)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Members 9-10 (N.35-N.37) @ Level 1 in Load Case 6
Member Loading and Member Forces Bending Moment and Member Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Loading Combination : 1 UT + 1.25 D1 + 1.5 L1

Member Forces in Load Case 6 and Maximum Deflection from Load Case 4

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)

35 82.34T -0.04 -95.92 -0.38 0.00 0.00 -341.61 -1.38 10.85

37 82.27T 0.04 95.92 -0.22 0.00 0.00 @ 3.625 @ 3.589 @ 3.625

Classification and Effective Area (EN 1993: 2006)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Section (74.18 kg/m) 406x178 UB 74 [S 275]
Class = Fn(b/T,d/t,fy,N,My,Mz) 5.61, 37.94, 275, 0, 341.63, 1.4 (Axial: Non-Slender) Class 1
Auto Design Load Cases 1-3 and 6

Local Capacity Check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Vy.Ed/Vpl.y.Rd 92.557 / 664.363 = 0.139 Low Shear
Mc.y.Rd = fy.Wpl.y/ M0 275 x 1500.8/1 412.72 kN.m
Vz.Ed/Vpl.z.Rd 0.385 / 911.982 = 0 Low Shear
Mc.z.Rd = fy.Wpl.z/ M0 275 x 267/1 73.425 kN.m
Npl.Rd = Ag.fy/ M0 94.5x275/1 2598.75 kN
n = NEd/Npl.Rd -82.344 / 2598.75 = 0.032 OK
Wpl.N.y = Fn(Wpl.y, Avy, n) 1500.8, 41.844, 0.032 1500.8 cm³
MN.y.Rd = Wpl.N.y.fy/ M0 1500.8 x 275/1 412.72 kN.m
Wpl.N.z = Fn(Wpl.z, Avz, n) 267, 57.44, 0.032 267 cm³
MN.z.Rd = Wpl.N.z.fy/ M0 267 x 275/1 73.425 kN.m
(My.Ed/MN.y.Rd) +(Mz.Ed/MN.z.Rd) (341.628/412.72)2+(1.393/73.425)1= 0.704 OK

Lateral Buckling Check M.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mb.Rd = Mc.y.Rd Fully Restrained 412.72 kN.m

Buckling Resistance
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
UN.y = NEd/( y.NRk/ M1) 0 / 2408.961 0.000 OK
UN.z = NEd/( z.NRk/ M1) 0 / 2598.75 0.000 OK
UM.y = My.Ed/( LT.My.Rk/ M1) 341.628 / 412.72 0.828 OK
UM.z = Mz.Ed/(Mz.Rk/ M1) 1.393 / 73.425 0.019 OK
kyy=Cmy{1+( y-0.2)UN.y} 0.900
kzz=Cmz{1+(2 z-0.6)UN.z} 0.900
kyz=0.6 kzz 0.540
kzy=0.6 kyy 0.540
UNy+kyy.UM.y+kyz.UM.z 0.000+0.900x0.828+0.540x0.019 0.755 OK
UNz+kzy.UM.y+kzz.UM.z 0.000+0.540x0.828+0.900x0.019 0.464 OK

Deflection Check - Load Case 4

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Span/360 10.85 7250 / 360 10.85 mm OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Axial with Moments (Member)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Members 17-18 (N.53-N.57) @ Level 1 in Load Case 6
Member Loading and Member Forces Bending Moment and Member Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Loading Combination : 1 UT + 1.25 D1 + 1.5 L1
UT Spacing 00.500 [Multiply AllLoads]
D1 UDLY -006.000 [ kN/m ]
L1 UDLY -000.500 [ kN/m ]

Member Forces in Load Case 6 and Maximum Deflection from Load Case 4

Mem Node Axial Torque Shear Force Bending Moment Maximum Moment Maximum
ber End1 Force Moment (kN) (kN.m) (kN.m @ m) Deflection
No. End2 (kN) (kN.m) y-y z-z y-y z-z y-y z-z (mm @ m)

53 14.56T -0.02 62.71 0.19 0.00 0.00 196.17 -1.34 9.32

57 16.06T 0.01 -62.71 0.37 0.00 0.00 @ 3.639 @ 3.639 @ 3.602

Classification and Effective Area (EN 1993: 2006)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Section (56.95 kg/m) 356x171 UB 57 [S 275]
Class = Fn(b/T,d/t,fy,N,My,Mz) 6.62, 38.47, 275, 0, 196.19, 1.34 (Axial: Non-Slender) Class 1
Auto Design Load Cases 1-3 and 6

Local Capacity Check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Vy.Ed/Vpl.y.Rd 45.117 / 499.86 = 0.09 Low Shear
Mc.y.Rd = fy.Wpl.y/ M0 275 x 1010.1/1 277.778 kN.m
Vz.Ed/Vpl.z.Rd 0.367 / 710.851 = 0.001 Low Shear
Mc.z.Rd = fy.Wpl.z/ M0 275 x 198.8/1 54.67 kN.m
Npl.Rd = Ag.fy/ M0 72.55x275/1 1995.125 kN
n = NEd/Npl.Rd -16.055 / 1995.125 = 0.008 OK
Wpl.N.y = Fn(Wpl.y, Avy, n) 1010.1, 31.483, 0.008 1010.1 cm³
MN.y.Rd = Wpl.N.y.fy/ M0 1010.1 x 275/1 277.778 kN.m
Wpl.N.z = Fn(Wpl.z, Avz, n) 198.8, 44.772, 0.008 198.8 cm³
MN.z.Rd = Wpl.N.z.fy/ M0 198.8 x 275/1 54.67 kN.m
(My.Ed/MN.y.Rd) +(Mz.Ed/MN.z.Rd) (196.174/277.778)2+(1.336/54.67)1= 0.523 OK

Lateral Buckling Check M.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mb.Rd = Mc.y.Rd Fully Restrained 277.778 kN.m

Buckling Resistance
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
UN.y = NEd/( y.NRk/ M1) 0 / 1802.045 0.000 OK
UN.z = NEd/( z.NRk/ M1) 0 / 1995.125 0.000 OK
UM.y = My.Ed/( LT.My.Rk/ M1) 196.174 / 277.778 0.706 OK
UM.z = Mz.Ed/(Mz.Rk/ M1) 1.336 / 54.67 0.024 OK
kyy=Cmy{1+( y-0.2)UN.y} 0.900
kzz=Cmz{1+(2 z-0.6)UN.z} 0.900
kyz=0.6 kzz 0.540
kzy=0.6 kyy 0.540
UNy+kyy.UM.y+kyz.UM.z 0.000+0.900x0.706+0.540x0.024 0.649 OK
UNz+kzy.UM.y+kzz.UM.z 0.000+0.540x0.706+0.900x0.024 0.403 OK

Deflection Check - Load Case 4

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Span/360 9.32 7278 / 360 9.32 mm OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey EC3 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Columns in Simple Construction

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Applied Major and Minor Axes Bending Moments have been ignored
Member 86 (N.32-N.37) @ Level 1 in Load Case 6

Column in Simple Construction check not support by EN 1993:2006. Capacities and components
calcualted in accoradance with EN 1993 and design check presented according to BS 5950. Caution

Classification and Effective Area (EN 1993: 2006)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Section (30.03 kg/m) 152x152 UC 30 [S 275]
Class = Fn(b/T,d/t,fy,N,My,Mz) 8.13, 19.02, 275, 348.11, 18.7, 8.22 (Axial: Non-Slender) Class 1
Auto Design Load Cases 1-3 and 6

Applied Factored Loads

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Fc=F+Fy1+Fy2+Fz1+Fz2+Fa 0.963+95.917+87.063+95.802+68.36+0 348.105 kN
My=Fy1.ey1-Fy2.ey2 96x179-87x179 1.583 kN.m
Mz=Fz1.ez1-Fz2.ez2 96x103-68x103 2.833 kN.m

Compression Resistance N.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
y = A.fy/Ncr 38.26x275/3278.69 0.567
Nb.y.Rd = Area. .fy/ M1 38.26x0.853x275/10/1 = 897.997 kN Curve b
z = A.fy/Ncrz 38.26x275/1052.47 1
Nb.z.Rd = Area. .fy/ M1 38.26x0.54x275/10/1 = 568.097 kN Curve c
Let = Kt.Lx 0.96x3.325 = 3.203
T = A.fy/NcrT 38.26x275/2436.67 0.657
Nb.T.Rd= Area. .fy/ M1 38.26x0.751x275/10/1 = 790.207 kN Curve c

Buckling Resistance Moment M.b.Rd

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
LT = 0.5 L / (iz. . E/fy) 0.5x100x3.325/ (3.83x x 210000/275) 0.5
LT= Fn( LT) 0.500 0.960 Curve b
Mb.Rd = Wpl.y.fy Mc.y.Rd 0.960 x 247.7 x 275 68.118 = 65.405 kN.m

Columns in Simple Construction

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Fc/Nb.Rd+My/Mb.Rd+Mz/fy.Wel.z 348.105/568.097+1.583/65.405+2.833/(275x73.43) 0.777 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey Joints - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Educational Version - for Student use only.

19.98 deg
90 75 75

8 fw + 4 dp
90 6 fw
6 fw
6 fw

20 10 tk 7 fw
8 fw


End-Plate 734 x 165 x 20 mm (19 kg)

6 No. M20 Grade 8.8 Bolts in 22 mm holes
Welds grd E 35 Plates S 275
Beam 305x127 UB 48 [S275]
Haunch 305x127 UB 48 [S275]
Column 305x165 UB 54 [S275]
Top 20 above top flange

Educational Version - for Student use only.

Eaves joint at : N.25 - Level 2 : Members 60-61 and 63 (N.25-N.30)
Beam to Column Flange End-Plated Connection to EC 3 (UK NAD)
Loading Case 001 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate)
Basic Data
Integrated Applied Forces at Column/Left Rafter Interface
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Left Rafter Forces M, Fvr, Fr 193.7 kNm, 57.7 kN, 78.8 kN
Resultant Forces M, Fv, F 193.7 kNm, 81.2 kN, 54.3 kN
Load directions Top of Joint in Tension, Rafter moving Down and in Compression.
Design to EC 3: Part 1-8: 2005 Design of Joints
Euro Code Version Not available Yet Caution
Designing to BS 5950 and Magnifying loads by 1.25
Magnified Forces M, Fv, F 242.1 kNm, 101.4 kN, 67.9 kN

Basic Dimensions
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Column-305x165UB54 [28] D=310.4, B=166.9, T=13.7, t=7.9, r=8.9, py=275
Rafter-305x127UB48 [28] D=311.0, B=125.3, T=14.0, t=9.0, r=8.9, py=275
Haunch-305x127UB48 [28] D=311.0, B=125.3, T=14.0, t=9.0, r=8.9, py=275
Bolts 20 mm Ø in 22 mm holes Grade 8.8 Bolts
Plates S 275, Welds E 35
Rafter Capacities Mc, Fvc, Fc 603.5 kN.m, 1270.7 kN, 2631.8 kN Mc = 603.5 kN.m OK
Column Forces M, Fv, F 0.9 x 242 = 218 kN.m, 68 kN, 101 kN
Column Capacities Mc, Fvc, Fc 232.7 kN.m, 404.6 kN, 1890.9 kN Mc = 232.7 kN.m OK

Summary of Results (Unity Ratios)

Moment Capacity 224.1 kNm (for 2 rows of bolts) (Modified Applied Moment Mm=206.7 kNm) 0.92 OK
Shear Capacity 0.31 OK
Flange Welds 0.70 0.70 OK
Web Welds 0.60, 0.12 0.60 OK
Haunch Welds 0.03, 0.38, 0.10 0.38 OK
Column Compression stiff Web Weld 0.37 0.37 OK
End of Haunch Compression Zone 0.05, 0.04 0.05 OK

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© MasterKey Joints - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
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Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Step 1: Tension Zone

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Beam bp, g, t, Sww, m, e, n 165.0, 90, 9.0, 6, 35.7, 37.5, 37.5
Column B, g, t, r, m, e, n 166.9, 90, 7.9, 8.9, 33.9, 38.5, 37.5
Bolt Capacity Pt' Table 2.1 and Appendix IV 137.2 kN
Prmode3=Nb•Pt' 2•137.2 274.4 kN Eq 2.3
Plastic distribution Limit
Tc< Ø/1.9• (Uf/Pyc) 13.7 < 20/1.9• (785.0/275) 13.7 <= 18.0 Plastic
Tp< Ø/1.9• (Uf/P yp) 20.0 < 20/1.9• (785.0/265) 20.0>18.3 Elastic
Classification Plastic Deformation occurs. Use Plastic distribution Eq 2.5; 2.6

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Column Flange row 1 only
m, e, ex 33.9, 38.5, 80.0
Le modes i, ii, v 213.2, 183.8, 171.9 171.9 mm T2.5: 6
Mp=Leff •tk•tk •p y/4 171.9•13.7•13.7•275.0/4 2218.0
Prmode1=4•Mp/m 4•2218.0/33.93 261.5 kN Eq 2.1
Prmode2=(2•Mp+n•Nb•P t')/(m+n) (2•2218.0 + 37.50•2•137.2)/(33.93 + 37.50) 206.2 kN Eq 2.2
Pr=min(Prmode1,2,3) min(261.5, 206.2, 274.4) 206.2 kN
Column Web Tension row 1 only
Lt=2•0.87 g 2 •0.87•90 155.9 mm fig 2.17
Pt=Lt•tc•Pyc 155.9•7.9•275 338.7 kN Eq 2.4
End Plate row 1 only
m, e, m2U, m2L, 35.7, 37.5, 39.2, 0.0, 5.8
Le modes i, ii, iii 224.3, 189.7, 206.5 198.1 mm T2.5: 3
Mp=Leff •tk•tk •p y/4 198.1•20.0•20.0•265.0/4 5248.7
Prmode1=4•Mp/m 4•5248.7/35.70 588.1 kN Eq 2.1
Prmode2=(2•Mp+n•Nb•P t')/(m+n) (2•5248.7 + 37.50•2•137.2)/(35.70 + 37.50) 284.0 kN Eq 2.2
Pr=min(Prmode1,2,3) min(588.1, 284.0, 274.4) 274.4 kN
Beam Web Tension row 1 only
Lt=min(0.87•g,L1)+min(0.87•g,L2) min(0.87•90, 45.6) + min(0.87•90, 77.9) 123.5 mm fig 2.17
Ltenhanced= (Lt•Lt+Ls•Ls) (123.5•123.5 + 187.0•187.0) 224.1 mm fig 2.33
Pt=Lt•tb•Pyb 224.1•9.0•275 554.6 kN Eq 2.4
Potential resistance of Bolt Row 1 Pr1 206.2 kN Mode 2

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Column Flange row 2 only
m, e 33.9, 38.5
Le modes i, ii 213.2, 183.8 183.8 mm T2.5: 1
Mp=Leff •tk•tk •p y/4 183.8•13.7•13.7•275.0/4 2371.5
Prmode1=4•Mp/m 4•2371.5/33.93 279.6 kN Eq 2.1
Prmode2=(2•Mp+n•Nb•P t')/(m+n) (2•2371.5 + 37.50•2•137.2)/(33.93 + 37.50) 210.5 kN Eq 2.2
Pr=min(Prmode1,2,3) min(279.6, 210.5, 274.4) 210.5 kN
Column Web Tension row 2 only
Lt=2•0.87 g 2 •0.87•90 155.9 mm fig 2.17
Pt=Lt•tc•Pyc 155.9•7.9•275 338.7 kN Eq 2.4
End Plate row 2 only
m, e 35.7, 37.5
Le modes i, ii 224.3, 189.7 189.7 mm T2.5: 1
Mp=Leff •tk•tk •p y/4 189.7•20.0•20.0•265.0/4 5026.4
Prmode1=4•Mp/m 4•5026.4/35.70 563.2 kN Eq 2.1
Prmode2=(2•Mp+n•Nb•P t')/(m+n) (2•5026.4 + 37.50•2•137.2)/(35.70 + 37.50) 277.9 kN Eq 2.2
Pr=min(Prmode1,2,3) min(563.2, 277.9, 274.4) 274.4 kN
Beam Web Tension row 2 only
Lt=2•0.87 g 2 •0.87•90 155.9 mm fig 2.17
Pt=Lt•tb•Pyb 155.9•9.0•275 385.8 kN Eq 2.4
Column Flange rows 1 to 2 combined
Leff (Row 1)=Min(ex, ii/2) Min(80, 183.8/2) 80 mm
Leff (Row 2)=(ii / 2) 183.8/2 91.9 mm

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© MasterKey Joints - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Leff =Leff(Row 1)+P+Leff(Row 2) 80.0 + 90.0 + 91.9 261.9 mm

Mp=Leff •tk•tk •p y/4 261.9•13.7•13.7•275.0/4 3379.4 T2.6: 5 & 1
Prmode1=4•Mp/m 4•3379.4/33.93 398.4 kN Eq 2.1
Prmode2=(2•Mp+n•Nb•P t')/(m+n) (2•3379.4 + 37.50•4•137.2)/(33.93 + 37.50) 382.7 kN Eq 2.2
Pr=min(Prmode1,2,3) min(398.4, 382.7, 548.8) 382.7 kN
Pr net=Pr-Pr1,1 382.7 - 206.2 176.6 kN
Column Web Tension rows 1 to 2 combined
Lt=1.73•g+P 1.73•90 + 90 245.9 mm
Pt=Lt•tc•Pyc 245.9•7.9•275 534.2 kN Eq 2.4
Pt net=Pt-Pr1,1 534.2 - 206.2 328.0 kN
End-Plate rows 1 to 2 combined
Leff (Row 1)=Max(ii/2, iii/2) Max(189.7/2, 206.5/2) 103.2 mm
Leff (Row 2)=(ii / 2) 189.7/2 94.8 mm
Leff =Leff(Row 1)+P+Leff(Row 2) 103.2 + 90.0 + 94.8 288.1 mm
Mp=Leff •tk•tk •p y/4 288.1•20.0•20.0•265.0/4 7633.7 T2.6: 3 & 1
Prmode1=4•Mp/m 4•7633.7/35.70 855.3 kN Eq 2.1
Prmode2=(2•Mp+n•Nb•P t')/(m+n) (2•7633.7 + 37.50•4•137.2)/(35.70 + 37.50) 489.7 kN Eq 2.2
Pr=min(Prmode1,2,3) min(855.3, 489.7, 548.8) 489.7 kN
Pr net=Pr-Pr1,1 489.7 - 206.2 283.6 kN
Beam Web Tension rows 1 to 2 combined
Lt=min(.87•g,l1)+min(.87•g,l2)+P min(0.87•90, 45.6) + min(0.87•90, 77.9) + 90 213.5 mm
Ltenhanced= (Lt•Lt+Ls•Ls) (213.5•213.5 + 187.0•187.0) 283.8 mm fig 2.33
Pt=Lt•tb•Pyb 283.8•9.0•275 702.4 kN Eq 2.4
Pt net=Pt-Pr1,1 702.4 - 206.2 496.3 kN
Potential resistance of Bolt Row 2 Pr2 176.6 kN Mode 2

Potential Tension Capacity

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Sigma Pri 206.2 + 176.6 kN 382.7 kN
Step 2 & 6A: Compression Zone
Web Bearing
n =min(5,2+0.6•Be/K) min(5, 2 + 0.6•280.0/22.6) 5.000
Web Bearing Pbw =(b1+n•k)•t•P yb (62.5 + 5.0•22.6)•7.9•275 381.3 kN
Stiff Bearing Ps =2(L-snipe)•ts•P yb 2(75.0 - 10)•10•275 357.5 kN
Bearing Cap=Pbw+Ps 381.3 + 357.5 738.8 kN
Web Buckling
Px mod=min(1,(ae+0.7•d)/(1.4•d)) min(1,(308.1 + 0.7•283.0)/(1.4•283.0)) 1.000
Px =Pbw•mod•25 •t/ ((b1+n•k)d) 381.3•1.00x25x0.92•7.9/ ((62.5+5•22.6)x283.0) 312.3 kN
As =2•Ls•ts+Lw•tw 2•75•10 + 237•7.9 3372 mm²
Iyyweb =(Lw-ts)•tw³/12 (237 - 10)•7.93 /12 9327 mm4
Iyy=Iyyweb+ts(2•Ls+tw)³/12 9327 + 10(2•75 + 7.9)³/12 3290016 mm4
Ryy= (Iyy/As) (3290016/3372) 31.23 mm
=0.7(D-2•T)/Ryy 0.7(310.4 - 2•13.7)/31.23 6.34
Px =Pc•As 275•3372.3(table 24 c) 927.4 kN
Beam Compression
Beam Compression Zone Flange in Compression Utilising 40% OverStressing
Total Area Flange 125.3•14.0 17.5 cm²
Pcbeam 17.5•275•1.40 675.4 kN Eq 2.9
Step 3: Column Web Shear
Pvweb=0.6•pyc•Av 0.6•275(7.9•310.4) 404.6 kN Eq 2.10

Potential Compression Capacity

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Pcmin Min(738.8, 927.4, 675.4) 675.4 kN OK
Step 4: Moment Capacity
Fc=Min(Pri+N, Pc) min(382.7 + 67.9,675.4) 450.7 kN
Fri=Fc-Axial 450.7 - 67.9 382.7 kN
Shear Limit Fri=Min(Fri, Fq) min(382.7,404.6) 382.7 kN
P =Pri -Fri 382.7 - 382.7 0.0 kN
Final Bolt Forces and Moment Capacities
Bolt row 2 Mc2=Pr2•h2 176.6•537.0 94.8 kN.m
Bolt row 1 Mc1=Pr1•h1 206.2•627.0 129.3 kN.m
Mc 224.1 kN.m

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© MasterKey Joints - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Mm=M-N•Hn 242.1 - 67.9•521.5 206.7 kN.m OK

Ft for 2 rows 206.2, 176.6 382.7 kN
Ftdesign=Ft •Mapp/Mc' 382.7•206.7/224.1 353.0 kN
Step 5: Shear Bolts
Bolt Shear Capacity BSC=91.875, tg=33.7 91.9 kN
Bearing Capacity-End Plate pb=460, edge=79.0, Ø=20, tk=20, kbs=1.00 184.0 kN
Bearing Capacity-Column Flange pb=460, edge=79.0, Ø=20, tk=13.7, kbs=1.00 126.0 kN
Bearing Capacity-Bolts pb=1000, Ø=20, tk=13.7 274.0 kN
Pss=Min(bearing...,shear) Min(184.0, 126.0, 274.0, 91.9) 91.9 kN
Pts Min(bearing...,0.4•shear) Min(184.0, 126.0, 274.0, 36.8) 36.8 kN
V=Ns•Pss+Nt•Pts 2•91.9 + 4•36.8 331 kN OK
Steps 7&8: Welds
Flange Tension Weld
Fapp=min(B•T•P y, Ftdesign) Min(125.3•14.0•275, 353.0) 353.0 kN
FwCap=2•0.7•ts•L•P yw 2•0.7•12•(125.3 - 2•8)•275 505.0 kN OK
Flange Compression Weld
Direct Bearing assumed. No check required
Web Welds in Tension Zone
Lwt=L-proj-T-root+1.73•g/2 170 - 20 - 14.9 - 8.9 + 1.73 90/2 204.1 mm
Load per row
Row1=K1•Fr1 (39/(36 + 39))•206 107.8 kN
Row2=K2•Fr2 1•177 176.6 kN
Total Load Ft 107.8, 176.6 284.4 kN
FwCap=2•0.7•ts•Lwt•P yw 2•0.7•6•204.1•275 471.4 kN OK
Web Welds in Shear Zone
Lws=D-(T t+Tb )-rt-rb-Lwt 694.0 - 31.0 - 8.9 - 8.9 - 204 441.2 mm
FwCap=2•0.7•ts•Lws•P yw 2•0.7•6•441.2•220 815.2 kN OK
Haunch Welds
Method Force is resisted by both the Web Weld and the End Weld
Each area must resist at least 1/4 of total load
Applied Force Fh=Mh/(D-T) 100.3/(311.0 - 14.0) 337.7 kN
Fhcomp=(Ft+N)/Cos( ) 353.0 + 67.9 / Cos(20.0) 447.9 kN
Fh=min(Fh,Fhcomp) min(337.7 , 447.9) 337.7 kN
Haunch Web Weld
Lw =(Hl-Dc/2-Tep)/Cos( heta) (1933 - 310.4/2 - 20)/Cos(20.0) 1787.4 mm
Lw=Lw -tw-(T+tw1)/Sin(Theta1) 1787.4 - 6 -(14.0 + 6)/Sin(9.7)= 1787.4-6-118.6 1662.8 mm
WebCap=2•0.7•t(Lw-2•t)•Pyw 2•0.7•6(1662.8 - 2•6)•220 3050.6 kN
t=tw•Cos((90-ThetaH1)/2) 10•Cos((90-9.7)/2) 7.6 mm
WebCap>= Fh/4 3050.6 >= 337.7/4 84.4 kN OK
Haunch End Weld
EndCap=t(B-2•w)•P yw 8(125.3 - 2•10)•275 221.4 kN
EndCap>= Fh/4 221.4 >= 337.7/4 84.4 kN OK
Total Capacity=Web Cap+EndCap 3050.6 + 221.4 3272.0 kN OK
Compression Stiffener Web Weld
Fapp=Ft+N 353.0 + 67.9 421.0 kN
FwCap=2•2•0.7•ts(D-2(T+r))•P yw 2•2•0.7•7(310.4 - 2(13.7 + 8.9))•220 1143.5 kN OK
Step 8: End of Haunch Compression Zone
Force Applied
From Haunch Weld design Proportioning applied load Fh between haunch Web and End welds
Fend=Fh•Endcap/(Endcap +Webcap) 337.7•221.4/(221.4 + 3050.6) 22.8 kN
Fend=Max(Fend,Fh/4) max(22.8, 337.7/4) 84.4 kN
FCapp=Fend•Tan(ThetaH1) 84.4•Tan(9.7) 14.4 kN
Web Bearing
n =min(5,2+0.6•Be/K) min(5, 2 + 0.6•311.0/22.9) 5.000
Web Bearing Pbw =(b1+n•k)•t•P yb (10.0 + 5.0•22.9)•9.0•275 308.1 kN OK
Web Buckling
Px mod=min(1,(ae+0.7•d)/(1.4•d)) min(1,(311.0 + 0.7•283.0)/(1.4•283.0)) 1.000
Px =Pbw•mod•25 •t/ ((b1+n•k)d) 308.1•1.00x25x0.92•9.0/ ((10.0+5•22.9)x283.0) 341.4 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey Joints - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

887 Version - for Student use only. 70

6 fw

6 fw

19.98 deg 280 540

6 fw

6 fw

6 fw

Welds grd E 35 Plates S 275

Beam 305x127 UB 48 [S275] End-Plate 580 x 140 x 12 mm (8 kg)
Haunch 305x127 UB 48 [S275] 8 No. M20 Grade 8.8 Bolts in 22 mm holes

Educational Version - for Student use only.

Apex joint at : N.43 - Level 5 : Member 66 (N.42-N.43)
Beam to Beam End-Plated Connection to EC 3 (UK NAD)
Loading Case 001 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate)
Basic Data
Integrated Applied Forces at End-plate Interface
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Right Rafter Forces M, Fvr, Fr -17.6 kNm, 19.0 kN, 59.4 kN
Resultant Forces M, Fv, F -17.6 kNm, -2.4 kN, 62.3 kN
Load directions Bottom of Joint in Tension, Rafter moving Up and in Compression.
Design to EC 3: Part 1-8: 2005 Design of Joints
Euro Code Version Not available Yet Caution
Designing to BS 5950 and Magnifying loads by 1.25
Magnified Forces M, Fv, F -22.0 kNm, -3.1 kN, 77.9 kN

Basic Dimensions
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Rafter-305x127UB48 [28] D=311.0, B=125.3, T=14.0, t=9.0, r=8.9, py=275
Haunch-305x127UB48 [28] D=311.0, B=125.3, T=14.0, t=9.0, r=8.9, py=275
Bolts 20 mm Ø in 22 mm holes Grade 8.8 Bolts
Plates S 275, Welds E 35
Rafter Capacities Mc, Fvc, Fc 420.7 kN.m, 1050.7 kN, 2250.6 kN Mc = 420.7 kN.m OK

Summary of Results (Unity Ratios)

Moment Capacity 184.6 kNm (for 3 rows of bolts) (Modified Applied Moment Mm=9.7 kNm) 0.05 OK
Moment Capacity 99.8 kNm (for the 1 rows of bolts required in the tension zone) 0.10 OK
Shear Capacity 0.00 OK
Flange Welds 0.08 0.08 OK
Web Welds 0.56, 0.00 0.56 OK
Haunch Welds 1.00 1.00 OK

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© MasterKey Joints - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Step 1: Tension Zone

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Beam bp, g, t, Sww, m, e, n 140.0, 70, 9.0, 6, 25.7, 35.0, 32.1
Bolt Capacity Pt' Table 2.1 and Appendix IV 137.2 kN
Prmode3=Nb•Pt' 2•137.2 274.4 kN Eq 2.3
Plastic distribution Limit
Tp< Ø/1.9• (Uf/P yp) 12.0 < 20/1.9• (785.0/275) 12.0 <= 18.0 Plastic
Classification Plastic Deformation occurs. Use Plastic distribution Eq 2.5; 2.6

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End Plate row 1 only
m, e, m2U, m2L, 25.7, 35.0, 31.1, 0.0, 6.2
Le modes i, ii, iii 161.5, 146.6, 158.1 158.1 mm T2.5: 3
Mp=Leff •tk•tk •p y/4 158.1•12.0•12.0•275.0/4 1564.8
Prmode1=4•Mp/m 4•1564.8/25.70 243.5 kN Eq 2.1
Prmode2=(2•Mp+n•Nb•P t')/(m+n) (2•1564.8 + 32.13•2•137.2)/(25.70 + 32.13) 206.6 kN Eq 2.2
Pr=min(Prmode1,2,3) min(243.5, 206.6, 274.4) 206.6 kN
Beam Web Tension row 1 only
Lt=min(0.87•g,L1)+min(0.87•g,L2) min(0.87•70, 35.9) + min(0.87•70, 60.6) 96.6 mm fig 2.17
Ltenhanced= (Lt•Lt+Ls•Ls) (96.6•96.6 + 187.0•187.0) 210.5 mm fig 2.33
Pt=Lt•tb•Pyb 210.5•9.0•275 520.9 kN Eq 2.4
Potential resistance of Bolt Row 1 Pr1 206.6 kN Mode 2

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End-Plate rows 1 to 2 combined
Leff (Row 1)=Max(ii/2, iii/2) Max(146.6/2, 158.1/2) 79 mm
Leff (Row 2)=Max(ii/2, iii-ii/2) Max(146.6/2, 148.1-146.6/2) 74.9 mm
Leff =Leff(Row 1)+P+Leff(Row 2) 79.0 + 70.0 + 74.9 223.9 mm
Mp=Leff •tk•tk •p y/4 223.9•12.0•12.0•275.0/4 2216.4 T2.6: 3 & 4
Prmode1=4•Mp/m 4•2216.4/25.70 345.0 kN Eq 2.1
Prmode2=(2•Mp+n•Nb•P t')/(m+n) (2•2216.4 + 32.13•4•137.2)/(25.70 + 32.13) 381.5 kN Eq 2.2
Pr=min(Prmode1,2,3) min(345.0, 381.5, 548.8) 345.0 kN
Pr net=Pr-Pr1,1 345.0 - 206.6 138.4 kN

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End Plate row 3 only
Mp=Leff •tk•tk •p y/4 161.5•12.0•12.0•275.0/4 1598.6 T2.5: 2
Prmode1=4•Mp/m 4•1598.6/25.70 248.8 kN Eq 2.1
Prmode2=(2•Mp+n•Nb•P t')/(m+n) (2•1598.6 + 32.13•2•137.2)/(25.70 + 32.13) 207.7 kN Eq 2.2
Pr=min(Prmode1,2,3) min(248.8, 207.7, 274.4) 207.7 kN

Potential Tension Capacity

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Sigma Pri 206.6 + 138.4 + 207.7 kN 552.7 kN
Step 2: Compression Zone
Beam Compression
Beam Compression Zone Flange in Compression Utilising 40% OverStressing
Total Area Flange 125.3•14.0 17.5 cm²
Pcbeam 17.5•275•1.40 675.4 kN Eq 2.9

Potential Compression Capacity

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Pcmin 675.4 675.4 kN OK

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© MasterKey Joints - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Step 4: Moment Capacity

Fc=Min(Pri+N, Pc) min(552.7 + 77.9,675.4) 630.6 kN
Fri=Fc-Axial 630.6 - 77.9 552.7 kN
P =Pri -Fri 552.7 - 552.7 0.0 kN
Final Bolt Forces and Moment Capacities
Bolt row 3 Mc3=Pr3•h3 207.7•133.0 27.6 kN.m
Bolt row 2 Mc2=Pr2•h2 138.4•413.0 57.2 kN.m
Bolt row 1 Mc1=Pr1•h1 206.6•483.0 99.8 kN.m
Mc 184.6 kN.m
Mm=M-N•Hn 22.0 - 77.9•158.5 9.7 kN.m OK
Tension Bolts Only the first 1 rows are required to resist the applied moment
The remaining rows shall be considered to be part of the shear zone.
Mc' for 1 rows 99.8 99.8 kN.m
Ft for 1 rows 206.6 206.6 kN
Ftdesign=Ft •Mapp/Mc' 206.6•9.7/99.8 20.0 kN
Step 5: Shear Bolts
Bolt Shear Capacity BSC=91.875, tg=24 91.9 kN
Bearing Capacity-End Plate pb=460, edge=59.0, Ø=20, tk=12, kbs=1.00 110.4 kN
Bearing Capacity-Bolts pb=1000, Ø=20, tk=12 240.0 kN
Pss=Min(bearing...,shear) Min(110.4, 240.0, 91.9) 91.9 kN
Pts Min(bearing...,0.4•shear) Min(110.4, 240.0, 36.8) 36.8 kN
V=Ns•Pss+Nt•Pts 6•91.9 + 2•36.8 625 kN OK
Steps 7&8: Welds
Flange Tension Weld
Fapp=min(B•T•P y, Ftdesign) Min(125.3•14.0•275, 20.0) 20.0 kN
FwCap=2•0.7•ts•L•P yw 2•0.7•6•(125.3 - 2•6)•275 261.7 kN OK
Flange Compression Weld
Direct Bearing assumed. No check required
Web Welds in Tension Zone
Lwt=L-proj-T-root+1.73•g/2 70 - 20 - 14.0 - 8.9 + 1.73 70/2 87.7 mm
Load per row
Row1=K1•Fr1 (31/(26 + 31))•207 113.2 kN
Total Load Ft 113.2 113.2 kN
FwCap=2•0.7•ts•Lwt•P yw 2•0.7•6•87.7•275 202.5 kN OK
Web Welds in Shear Zone
Lws=D-(T t+Tb )-rt-rb-Lwt 540.0 - 28.9 - 8.9 - 8.9 - 88 405.7 mm
FwCap=2•0.7•ts•Lws•P yw 2•0.7•6•405.7•220 749.6 kN OK
Haunch Welds
Haunch End Weld OK if >= Th 14 >= 14.0 >= 14.0 mm OK

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MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
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Made by : A.T. White
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John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
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Educational Version - for Student use only.

70 70
406x178 UB 54 [S275]
6 fw 6 fw

120 120 300 20 grout


Base-Plate 450 x 300 x 25 mm (26 kg) Washers 100 x 100 x 15 mm thick with 50 mm Void
With 4 No. 24 mm holes All Plates S 275. All Welds Grade 35 (direct bearing assumed.)
For 20 mm Grade 8.8 Bolts.

Educational Version - for Student use only.

Base Plate at : N.34 - Level 0
Base-Plate Connection to EC 3 (UK NAD)
Loading Case 001 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate)
Basic Data
Integrated Applied Forces at Interface
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Forces M, Fv, F Moment +0.0 kNm, Shear +10.4 kN, Axial +288.0 kN
Forces taken from Support Reaction
(Axial Compression)

Basic Dimensions
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Column: 406x178UB54 [28] D=402.6, B=177.7, T=10.9, t=7.7, r=10.2, py=275
Bolts 20 mm Ø in 24 mm holes Grade 8.8 Bolts
Plates S 275, Welds E 35
Data grout, Fcu, Fcv, py, slope 25 N/mm², 40 N/mm², 0.35 N/mm², 265 N/mm², 30 deg to vertical
Design to EC 3: Part 1-8: 2005 Design of Joints
SCI Green Book P358: Joints in steel construction: Simple joints to Eurocode 3
Column Capacities Mc, Fvc, Fc 290.0 kN.m, 528.3 kN, 1896.1 kN Fc = 1896.1 kN OK

Summary of Results (Unity Ratios)

Concrete Pressure 1.00 OK
Base-Plate thickness in Compression 0.09 OK
Horizontal Shear 0.06 OK
Flange & Web Welds 0.02 0.02 OK
Step 1: Base-Plate Pressure
Pad Diffusion Ratio Using SCI default Value 1.50
Grout Ratio J 0.67
Fcd= cc•Fck / c 1.00 • 32.00 / 1.50 21.33 N/mm²
Note: cc is for bearing only as per N.A.D.
Bearing Stress Fjd= J• • Fcd 0.67 • 1.50 • 21.33 21.33 N/mm²
Base ecc=M/F 0.0/288.0 0.0 mm
Pressure Configuration Compression Only with Optimised Compression Area
Proj C, Xcc 4.4, 225.0
L Zones X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 19.3, 19.7, 372.0, 19.7, 0.0
W Zones Wstiff, Wflange, Wweb 0.0, 186.5, 16.5
Ac=x2•wf+x3•ww+x4•wf 19.74•186.54 + 371.96•16.54 + 19.74•186.54 135.2 cm²
Conc Cap Fc=•Fjd•Ac 21.3•13517.8 288.4 kN OK
Pressure=P•1000/Ac 288.0•1000/13518 21.31 N/mm² OK

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MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
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Made by : A.T. White
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John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
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Step 2a: Plate Compression Bending

e=C 4.4 4.4 mm
Mapp=p•e²/2 21.3•4.4²/2 208 Nmm/mm
tp= (6•Mapp• M0/py) (6•208•1.00/265) 2.2 mm OK
Step 4: Shear
Base Friction
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Friction Fr=0.30•Fc 0.30•+288.0 kN 86.4 kN

Check 8a: Bolt Shear

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Fv,Rd= v•fub•A / M2 0.6 • 800 • 245.0 / 1.25 94.1 kN
VRd1=0.8•Fv,Rd 0.8 • 94.1 75.3 kN

Check 8b: Base-Plate Bearing

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
P1, e1, P2, e2, b, k1 310.0, 70.0, 300.0, 90.0, 0.972, 2.500
Fb =k1• b•fub•d•tp/ M2 2.5 • 0.97 • 410 • 20 • 25.0 / 1.25 398.6 kN
Concrete Bearing Cb=3•Ø²•1.0•Fjd/ M2 3•20²•1.0•21/1.25 (No Shear Reinf.) 20.5 kN
Pss=Min(FVrd1, Cb, Pb, Bb)•nbs Min(75.3, 20.5, 398.6, 500.0) = 20.5•2 41.0 kN
Pts=Min(FVrd1, Cb, Pb, Bb)•nbt Min(75.3, 20.5, 398.6, 500.0) = 20.5•2, (no tension) 41.0 kN

Total Shear Capacity

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Total Cap=Fr+Pss+Pts 86.4 + 41.0 + 41.0 168.3 kN OK
Step 5: Flange & Web Welds
Load dispersal Flanges resist Moment and Axial, Web resists Axial and Shear.
Direct Bearing therefore design for tensile forces only.
Areas A, Af, Aw 69.0, 2 x 19.4, 29.3 cm²

Flange Welds
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Fapp=F•Af/A 288.0•19.4/69.0 0.0 kN
No Resultant Tensile Force

Web Welds
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Web weld load=Fv/(D-2(fw+T)) 10.4/(402.6 - 2(6 +10.9)) 0.03 kN/mm
Weld fvw.d=fu / 1.73 / ( w • M2) 410/ 1.73 / 0.85 / 1.25 223 N/mm²
Fcap w=2•0.7•fw•fvw.d 2•0.7•6•223 1.87 kN/mm OK
No Shear or Resultant Axial Force in Web.

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Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
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Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
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Educational Version - for Student use only.

35 2@50 70 2@50 35

Splice Plates
35 2@70 70 2@70 35 80
Top Flange
2 No 420 x 50 x 10 mm (2x2 kg)
25 2 No 340 x 250 x 8 mm (2x5 kg)
Bottom Flange
50 1 No 560 x 125 x 10 mm (5 kg)
HSFG - Pt 1 Bolts (non-slip at service)
50 44 No. 16 mm Ø Bolts
25 In 18 mm Holes
Beams 305x127 UB 48 [S275]
All Plates S 275
Beam gap 5 mm
35 3@70 70 3@70 35

Educational Version - for Student use only.

Beam Splice at 5.000 m from : N.42 - Level 2 : Member 66 (N.42-N.43)
Non Bearing - Beam to Beam Moment Splice Connection to EC 3 (UK NAD)
Loading Case 001 : Dead plus Live (Ultimate)
Basic Data
Integrated Applied Forces at Interface
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Forces M, Fv, F -2.0 kNm, +24.8 kN, +75.0 kN
(Top in tension, Axial Compression)
Beam Gap= 5 mm Therefore No direct bearing.
HSFG Bolts Non-slip at service)
Design to EC 3: Part 1-8: 2005 Design of Joints
SCI Green Book. P358: Joints in steel construction: Simple joints to Eurocode 3

Basic Dimensions
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Beam-305x127UB48 [28] D=311.0, B=125.3, T=14.0, t=9.0, r=8.9, py=275
Bolts 16 mm Ø in 18 mm holes HSFG - Pt 1 Bolts, Non-slip at Service
Plates S 275, Welds E 35
Beam Capacities Mc, Fvc, Fc 195.4 kN.m, 474.7 kN, 1683.8 kN Fvc = 474.7 kN OK

Summary of Results (Unity Ratios)

Top Flange in Compression Axial Capacity 0.18 OK
Bottom Flange in Compression Axial Capacity 0.14 OK
Web Plate Moment Capacity 0.05 OK
Web Axial Capacity 0.00 OK
Web Shear & Bending 0.02 0.02 OK
Resultant Forces
Flange forces
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Min Flange Force=10% • Af • py 10% • 1754 • 275 48.2 kN
Top Flange Force=Ff / 2-Mf / d -75.0 / 2 - -2.0 / 0.297 -30.8 kN
Less than min. Use -48.2 kN
Bot Flange Force=Ff / 2+Mf / d -75.0 / 2 + -2.0 / 0.297 -44.2 kN
Less than min. Use -48.2 kN

Web Forces
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
M res Fn(Fv, ecc, Mecc, Mweb) 24.8, 85.0, 2.1, 0.0 2.1 kN.m
Lever Arms Lv, Lh, Ld 100.0, 50.0, 111.8
Moment Forces Fmv, Fmh, Fmd 3.5, 1.8, 3.9

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MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
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Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
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Shear Component fv=Fv / bolts 24.8 / 8 3.1 kN

Axial Component fp=Fw / bolts 0.0 / 8 0 kN

Resultant Web Bolt Forces

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Fvx= ((fmh+ fv)²+fp²) ((1.8 + 3.1)² + 0²) 4.9 kN
Fvy= ((fmv+ fp)²+fv²) ((3.5 + 0)² + 3.1²) 4.7 kN
Fvxy=Fn(fmd, fv, fp, Ld, Lh, Lv) 3.9, 3.1, 0, 111.8, 50.0, 100.0 6.0 kN
Bolts Staggered

Top Flange in Compression

Bolt Shear Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Flange: P 1, e1, P2, e2, b, k1 70.0, 999.0, 80.0, 22.7, 1.000, 1.823
Fb =k1• b•fub•d•tp/ M2 1.8 • 1.00 • 410 • 16 • 14.0 / 1.25 134.0 kN
Inner Plate: P1, e1, P2, e2, b, k1 70.0, 70.0, 40.0, 25.0, 1.000, 1.411
Fb =k1• b•fub•d•tp/ M2 1.4 • 1.00 • 410 • 16 • 10.0 / 1.25 74.1 kN
Fp,c=0.7 •fub•A 0.7 • 800 • 157.0 87.9 kN
Fv,Rd=ks• •Fp,c/ M3ser 1.00 • 0.45 • 87.9 / 1.1 36.0 kN
Fv,Rd < Fb,Rd
FRd= n•fv,Rd•rows 3 • 36.0 • 2 215.8 kN OK

Plate and Flange Capacity

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Axial Cap Flange =T•B•P y/ M0 14.0•125.3•275 / 1.0 482.4 kN
Resultant Axial load -48.2 kN
Axial Capacity Min(275.0, 482.4) 275.0 kN OK

Bottom Flange in Compression

Bolt Shear Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Outer Plate: P1, e1, P2, e2, b, k1 70.0, 70.0, 70.0, 27.5, 1.000, 2.500
Fb =k1• b•fub•d•tp/ M2 2.5 • 1.00 • 410 • 16 • 10.0 / 1.25 131.2 kN
Flange: P 1, e1, P2, e2, b, k1 70.0, 999.0, 70.0, 27.7, 1.000, 2.500
Fb =k1• b•fub•d•tp/ M2 2.5 • 1.00 • 410 • 16 • 14.0 / 1.25 183.7 kN
Fp,c=0.7 •fub•A 0.7 • 800 • 157.0 87.9 kN
Fv,Rd=ks• •Fp,c/ M3ser 1.00 • 0.45 • 87.9 / 1.1 36.0 kN
Fv,Rd < Fb,Rd
FRd= n•fv,Rd•rows 4 • 36.0 • 2 287.7 kN OK

Plate and Flange Capacity

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Axial Cap Outer Plate =T•B•Py/ M0 10.0•125.0•275 / 1.0 343.8 kN
Axial Cap Flange =T•B•P y/ M0 14.0•125.3•275 / 1.0 482.4 kN
Resultant Axial load -48.2 kN
Axial Capacity Min(343.8, 482.4) 343.8 kN OK

Web Zone
Bolt Shear Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Plate: P 1, e1, P2, e2, b, k1 50.0, 35.0, 50.0, 25.0, 0.648, 2.189
Fb =k1• b•fub•d•tp/ M2 2.2 • 0.65 • 410 • 16 • 16.0 / 1.25 119.1 kN
Web: P1, e1, P2, e2, b, k1 50.0, 32.5, 50.0, 55.5, 0.602, 2.189
Fb =k1• b•fub•d•tp/ M2 2.2 • 0.60 • 410 • 16 • 9.0 / 1.25 62.2 kN
Fp,c=0.7 •fub•A 0.7 • 800 • 157.0 87.9 kN
Fv,Rd=ks• •Fp,c/ M3ser 1.00 • 0.45 • 87.9 / 1.1 36.0 kN
Fb,Rd.min <= Fv,Rd <= Fb,Rd.max
fRd= fb,Min 62.2 62.2 kN OK

Plate Capacity per plate

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Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
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Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
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Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!

App. Moment=(Mweb+V • ecc)/2 (0.0 + 24.8 • 85.0)/2 1.1 kN.m
Mc= Wel•F / M0 83333 • 275 / 1.0) 22.9 kN OK
App. Shear V/2 24.8/2 12.4 kN
VRd.g=(Hp•Tp/ 1.27)•(Fyp/ 3/γM0) (250•8/1.27 ) • (275/ 3/1.0) 250.0 kN OK
VRd.n=Av.Net •Fup/ 3/γM2net 1280 • 410/ 3/1.1 275.4 kN OK
VRd.b=(0.5•Fup•Ant /γM2net) (0.5 • 410 • 720 / 1.1)
+(Fyp•Anv / 3/γM0) + (275 • 1152 / 3/1.0) 317.1 kN OK

Web Axial Capacity

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Fcap=T•B•P y/ M0 9.0•283.0•275 / 1.0 700.4 kN
Fnet=0.9•(T•Bnet)•Fult/ M2 0.9•(9.0 • 193.0) • 410 / 1.1 582.7 kN
Fblk =T•lt•pu/ m²+2•T•l v•py/ m0/1.73 9.0•128.0•410/1.1 + 2•9.0 • 87.5 • 275/1.0/1.73 679.4 kN OK
data VAB.Rd, VBC.Rd, VBC.Ed 189, 285.79, 15.95
Mc.BC.Rd=fy•tw/6/γM0•((n1-1)•p1)² (275.00 • 9.00 / 6 / 1.0) •(5-1) • 50)² 16.5 kN.m
Mc.Ed=Ved•Zp 24.80 • 50.00 1.24 kN.m
Mc.Rd=Mc.BC.Rd+VAB.Rd•(n1-1)•p1 16.50 + 189.33 •( 5-1)•50 54.37 kN.m OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey Concrete : EC 2: 2004 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
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For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
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Member 1
25 800 5600 800 25

2-T12-01* 3-T12-04* 2-T12-06*

5 6
1-T12-02* 1-T12-07*
04 02
01 07
06 04

5 5
37x2 A10 legs@190 (torsional)

05 03 08 05

200 200

1-T16-10* 3-T12-03* 2-T16-09*-225 1EF 3-T12-05* 3-T12-08*

250 575 5600 575 250
4 4 4


5 5 5
30 30

135.7 135.7 135.7



135.7 135.7 135.7

Tension Force Envelope (EC2 Fig 9.2)

298.1 298.1

298.1 298.1
Shear Force Envelope
* Bar mark numbers are local and for guidence only. Do Not use with Bar Schedule
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Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 1
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Basic Data
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
fck, fyk, c, s, , C25/30, 460, 1.5, 1.15, 1.0, 0.8
fykv, $v crit 460, 0.1

Minor Axis Moments

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
LHS My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 10.1<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 11.6 x 350 / 550) 10.1>0.1 kN.m Warning
Mid My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 23.1<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 26.5 x 350 / 550 23.1>0.2 kN.m Warning
RHS My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 23.2<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 31.7 x 350 / 550 23.2>0.2 kN.m Warning

Torsional Design
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Main Rectangular Section assumed to resist Torsion
Ak = Fn(A, u, B, H, Cvrmax, t) 192500, 1800, 350, 550, 46, 92.00 118164 mm²
TRd.c= fctd• t • 2 • Ak 1.20 • 92.00 • 2 • 118164 26.0 kN.m
TRd.max= 2•v• cw•fcd•Ak•t•Sin •Cos 2•0.54•1.00•14.17•118164•92.0•0.89•0.45 66.5 kN.m
Unity TEd/ TRd.c + VEd/ VRd.c 10.58/26.03 + 28.58/64.24 0.85 Ignore
. Torsion
Asl= TEd/ Ak /2 • Cot • uk / (Fywk/ s) 10.58 / 118164 / 2 • 2.00 • 1432/(460 / 1.15) 320.5 mm²
As Per = Asl/ (No.Horz+ No.Vert) /2 320.5/ ( 2 + 1) /2 53.4 mm²
Asr deduction T+B = As• No.Horz 53.4 • 2 106.8 mm²
q = T / Ak / 2 10.6 / 118164/2 44.8 N/mm
As/Svreduction = (q • s)/( Cot •Fywk) • 2 (44.8 • 1.15) / (2.00 • 460) • 2 0.112 mm
Asprov min(339, 339, 339, 339, 339, 339) 339 OK
Asv/Sv prov (2 external legs only) min(0.83) 0.83 OK

Bending Moments
Left Support Steel Hogging
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 232, 460, 14, 350, 350, 504.0 0.05
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 350.0 • 0.8 • 23.4 93.0 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 232.5 ( s= 0.072) 93.0 kN
Mu = z • Fc 478.8 • 93.0 44.5 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 31.7 / 44.5 0.711 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 499, d' = 51 top 268, bottom 107 mm²

In-Span Steel @ 3171 mm. Sagging

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 232, 460, 14, 350, 350, 504.0 0.05
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 350.0 • 0.8 • 23.4 93.0 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 232.5 ( s= 0.072) 93.0 kN
Mu = z • Fc 478.8 • 93.0 44.5 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 26.5 / 44.5 0.594 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 499, d' = 51 top 107, bottom 241 mm²

Max Shear
VRd,max = 0.5 • Bw• d • v • fcd 0.5•350•504.0•0.54•14 674.7 kN
VEd,max 27 kN OK

Nominal Shear Zone at 201 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.63, 392, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 350, 504.0 61.1 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.36 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 350.0 • 504.0 ) 64.2 kN (6.2.b)
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 21.5 / Max(61.1, 64.2) 0.335 no Links req
VRd,s = Asw/ S • Z • 0.8 • fywk• Cot 136 • 190.0 • 453.6 • 0.8 • 460.0 • 2.5 298.1 kN (6.8)
VRd,max = cw• bw•z•v 1•fcd/(cot +tan ) 1 • 350 • 453.6 • 0.54 • 14.2 / (2.5 + 0.4) 418.8 kN (6.9)
Vapp/ max(VRd,s, VRd,max) 21.5 / Min(298.1, 418.8) 0.072 OK

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Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
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Nominal Shear Zone at 7049 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.63, 392, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 350, 504.0 61.1 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.36 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 350.0 • 504.0 ) 64.2 kN (6.2.b)
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 27.2 / Max(61.1, 64.2) 0.423 no Links req
VRd,s = Asw/ S • Z • 0.8 • fywk• Cot 136 • 190.0 • 453.6 • 0.8 • 460.0 • 2.5 298.1 kN (6.8)
VRd,max = cw• bw•z•v 1•fcd/(cot +tan ) 1 • 350 • 453.6 • 0.54 • 14.2 / (2.5 + 0.4) 418.8 kN (6.9)
Vapp/ max(VRd,s, VRd,max) 27.2 / Min(298.1, 418.8) 0.091 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey Concrete : EC 2: 2004 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 19
25 800 3350 800 25

2-T12-01* 3-T12-04* 2-T12-06*

5 1-T12-02* 1-T12-07*

04 02
01 07
06 04

60 60
36x2 A10 legs@128 (torsional)

05 03 08 05

200 200

3-T12-03* 3-T12-05* 3-T12-08*

250 575 3350 575 250
4 4 4


5 5 5
30 30

135.72 135.72 135.72




135.72 135.72 135.72

Tension Force Envelope (EC2 Fig 9.2)

210.11 210.11

210.11 210.11
Shear Force Envelope
* Bar mark numbers are local and for guidence only. Do Not use with Bar Schedule
Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 19
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Basic Data
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
fck, fyk, c, s, , C25/30, 460, 1.5, 1.15, 1.0, 0.8
fykv, $v crit 460, 0.1

Minor Axis Moments

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
LHS My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 10.1<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 9.5 x 250 / 400) 10.1>0.1 kN.m Warning
Mid My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 10.1<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 3.3 x 250 / 400 10.1>0.0 kN.m Warning
RHS My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 2.3<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 12.7 x 250 / 400 2.3>0.1 kN.m Warning

Torsional Design
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Main Rectangular Section assumed to resist Torsion
Ak = Fn(A, u, B, H, Cvrmax, t) 100000, 1300, 250, 400, 46, 76.92 55917 mm²
TRd.c= fctd• t • 2 • Ak 1.20 • 76.92 • 2 • 55917 10.3 kN.m
TRd.max= 2•v• cw•fcd•Ak•t•Sin •Cos 2•0.54•1.00•14.17•55917•76.9•0.89•0.45 26.3 kN.m
Unity TEd/ TRd.c + VEd/ VRd.c 4.81/10.30 + 11.46/35.90 0.79 Ignore
. Torsion
Asl= TEd/ Ak /2 • Cot • uk / (Fywk/ s) 4.81 / 55917 / 2 • 2.00 • 992/(460 / 1.15) 213.5 mm²
As Per = Asl/ (No.Horz+ No.Vert) /2 213.5/ ( 2 + 0) /2 53.4 mm²
Asr deduction T+B = As• No.Horz 53.4 • 2 106.7 mm²
q = T / Ak / 2 4.8 / 55917/2 43.0 N/mm
As/Svreduction = (q • s)/( Cot •Fywk) • 2 (43.0 • 1.15) / (2.00 • 460) • 2 0.108 mm
Asprov min(339, 339, 339, 339, 339, 339) 339 OK
Asv/Sv prov (2 external legs only) min(1.23) 1.23 OK

Bending Moments
Left Support Steel Hogging
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 233, 460, 14, 250, 250, 354.0 0.09
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 250.0 • 0.8 • 32.8 93.0 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 232.6 ( s= 0.034) 93.0 kN
Mu = z • Fc 336.3 • 93.0 31.3 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 12.7 / 31.3 0.407 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 349, d' = 51 top 199, bottom 107 mm²

In-Span Steel @ 2265 mm. Sagging

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 233, 460, 14, 250, 250, 354.0 0.09
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 250.0 • 0.8 • 32.8 93.0 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 232.6 ( s= 0.034) 93.0 kN
Mu = z • Fc 336.3 • 93.0 31.3 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 3.3 / 31.3 0.106 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 349, d' = 51 top 107, bottom 131 mm²

Max Shear
VRd,max = 0.5 • Bw• d • v • fcd 0.5•250•354.0•0.54•14 338.5 kN
VEd,max 10.5 kN OK

Nominal Shear Zone at 201 mm (Right nominal at 4800 mm Similar)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.752, 392, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 250, 354.0 41.5 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.41 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 250.0 • 354.0 ) 35.9 kN (6.2.b)
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 9.1 / Max(41.5, 35.9) 0.22 no Links req
VRd,s = Asw/ S • Z • 0.8 • fywk• Cot 143 • 128.0 • 318.6 • 0.8 • 460.0 • 2.5 328.0 kN (6.8)
VRd,max = cw• bw•z•v 1•fcd/(cot +tan ) 1 • 250 • 318.6 • 0.54 • 14.2 / (2.5 + 0.4) 210.1 kN (6.9)
Vapp/ max(VRd,s, VRd,max) 9.1 / Min(328.0, 210.1) 0.043 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey Concrete : EC 2: 2004 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 2
25 800 5300 800 250 825

2-T12-01* 3-T12-04* 2-T20-06*

6 7
1-T12-02* 1-T20-07*
04 02
01 06 04 07

41x2 A10 legs@190 (torsional)

05 03 08 05

200 200

3-T12-03* 2-T16-09*-225 1EF 3-T12-05* 3-T16-08*

250 575 6100 825 250
4 4 4


5 5 5
30 30



135.7 135.7



135.7 135.7 241.3

Tension Force Envelope (EC2 Fig 9.2)

290.9 288.6

290.9 288.6
Shear Force Envelope
* Bar mark numbers are local and for guidence only. Do Not use with Bar Schedule
Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 2
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Basic Data
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
fck, fyk, c, s, , C25/30, 460, 1.5, 1.15, 1.0, 0.8
fykv, $v crit 460, 0.1

Minor Axis Moments

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
LHS My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 23.1<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 30.9 x 350 / 550) 23.1>0.2 kN.m Warning
Mid My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 23.1<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 12.1 x 350 / 550 23.1>0.1 kN.m Warning
RHS My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 17.8<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 75.2 x 350 / 550 17.8>0.5 kN.m Warning

Torsional Design
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Main Rectangular Section assumed to resist Torsion
Ak = Fn(A, u, B, H, Cvrmax, t) 192500, 1800, 350, 550, 50, 100.00 112500 mm²
TRd.c= fctd• t • 2 • Ak 1.20 • 100.00 • 2 • 112500 26.9 kN.m
TRd.max= 2•v• cw•fcd•Ak•t•Sin •Cos 2•0.54•1.00•14.17•112500•100.0•0.89•0.45 68.9 kN.m
Unity TEd/ TRd.c + VEd/ VRd.c 11.64/26.93 + 34.01/64.24 0.96 Ignore
. Torsion
Asl= TEd/ Ak /2 • Cot • uk / (Fywk/ s) 11.64 / 112500 / 2 • 2.00 • 1400/(460 / 1.15) 362.1 mm²
As Per = Asl/ (No.Horz+ No.Vert) /2 362.1/ ( 2 + 1) /2 60.3 mm²
Asr deduction T+B = As• No.Horz 60.3 • 2 120.7 mm²
q = T / Ak / 2 11.6 / 112500/2 51.7 N/mm
As/Svreduction = (q • s)/( Cot •Fywk) • 2 (51.7 • 1.15) / (2.00 • 460) • 2 0.129 mm
Asprov min(339, 339, 339, 339, 942, 603) 339 OK
Asv/Sv prov (2 external legs only) min(0.83) 0.83 OK

Bending Moments
Left Support Steel Hogging
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 219, 460, 14, 350, 350, 504.0 0.04
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 350.0 • 0.8 • 22.0 87.4 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 218.6 ( s= 0.077) 87.4 kN
Mu = z • Fc 478.8 • 87.4 41.9 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 30.9 / 41.9 0.737 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 499, d' = 51 top 277, bottom 121 mm²

In-Span Steel @ 3875 mm. Sagging

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 219, 460, 14, 350, 350, 504.0 0.04
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 350.0 • 0.8 • 22.0 87.4 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 218.6 ( s= 0.077) 87.4 kN
Mu = z • Fc 478.8 • 87.4 41.9 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 12.1 / 41.9 0.289 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 499, d' = 51 top 121, bottom 182 mm²

Right Support Steel Hogging

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 822, 460, 14, 350, 350, 500.0 0.17
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 350.0 • 0.8 • 82.9 328.7 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 821.8 ( s= 0.018) 328.7 kN
Mu = z • Fc 466.85 • 328.7 153.5 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 75.2 / 153.5 0.490 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 499, d' = 51 top 510, bottom 121 mm²

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Max Shear
VRd,max = 0.5 • Bw• d • v • fcd 0.5•350•500.0•0.54•14 669.4 kN
VEd,max 32.3 kN OK

Nominal Shear Zone at 201 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.63, 378, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 350, 504.0 60.4 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.36 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 350.0 • 504.0 ) 64.2 kN (6.2.b)
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 21.2 / Max(60.4, 64.2) 0.33 no Links req
VRd,s = Asw/ S • Z • 0.8 • fywk• Cot 132 • 190.0 • 453.6 • 0.8 • 460.0 • 2.5 290.9 kN (6.8)
VRd,max = cw• bw•z•v 1•fcd/(cot +tan ) 1 • 350 • 453.6 • 0.54 • 14.2 / (2.5 + 0.4) 418.8 kN (6.9)
Vapp/ max(VRd,s, VRd,max) 21.2 / Min(290.9, 418.8) 0.073 OK

Nominal Shear Zone at 7799 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.632, 782, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 350, 500.0 76.6 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.37 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 350.0 • 500.0 ) 63.9 kN (6.2.b)
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 32.6 / Max(76.6, 63.9) 0.425 no Links req
VRd,s = Asw/ S • Z • 0.8 • fywk• Cot 132 • 190.0 • 450.0 • 0.8 • 460.0 • 2.5 288.6 kN (6.8)
VRd,max = cw• bw•z•v 1•fcd/(cot +tan ) 1 • 350 • 450.0 • 0.54 • 14.2 / (2.5 + 0.4) 415.5 kN (6.9)
Vapp/ max(VRd,s, VRd,max) 32.6 / Min(288.6, 415.5) 0.113 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey Concrete : EC 2: 2004 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 20
25 800 3350 800 25

2-T20-01* 3-T12-04* 2-T20-06*

7 22
1-T20-02* 1-T20-07*
04 02
01 07
06 04

42.5 42.5
22x3 A10 legs@215

05 03 08 05

200 200

1-T16-10* 3-T16-03* 2-T16-09*-225 1EF 3-T20-05* 3-T16-08* 1-T16-11*

250 825 2850 825 250
4 4 4


5 5 5
30 30

377.0 135.7 377.0



241.3 377.0 241.3

Tension Force Envelope (EC2 Fig 9.2)

439.0 439.0

439.0 439.0
Shear Force Envelope
* Bar mark numbers are local and for guidence only. Do Not use with Bar Schedule
Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 20
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Basic Data
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
fck, fyk, c, s, , C25/30, 460, 1.5, 1.15, 1.0, 0.8
fykv, $v crit 460, 0.1

Minor Axis Moments

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
LHS My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 3.6<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 38.3 x 450 / 550) 3.6>0.3 kN.m Warning
Mid My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 3.6<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 60.3 x 450 / 550 3.6>0.5 kN.m Warning
RHS My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 20.5<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 24.4 x 450 / 550 20.5>0.2 kN.m Warning

Torsional Design
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Main Rectangular Section assumed to resist Torsion
Ak = Fn(A, u, B, H, Cvrmax, t) 247500, 2000, 450, 550, 50, 100.00 157500 mm²
TRd.c= fctd• t • 2 • Ak 1.20 • 100.00 • 2 • 157500 37.7 kN.m
TRd.max= 2•v• cw•fcd•Ak•t•Sin •Cos 2•0.54•1.00•14.17•157500•100.0•0.89•0.45 96.4 kN.m
Unity TEd/ TRd.c + VEd/ VRd.c 4.70/37.70 + 74.29/95.05 0.91 Ignore
. Torsion
Asl= TEd/ Ak /2 • Cot • uk / (Fywk/ s) 4.70 / 157500 / 2 • 2.00 • 1600/(460 / 1.15) 119.4 mm²
As Per = Asl/ (No.Horz+ No.Vert) /2 119.4/ ( 2 + 1) /2 19.9 mm²
Asr deduction T+B = As• No.Horz 19.9 • 2 39.8 mm²
q = T / Ak / 2 4.7 / 157500/2 14.9 N/mm
As/Svreduction = (q • s)/( Cot •Fywk) • 2 (14.9 • 1.15) / (2.00 • 460) • 2 0.037 mm
Asprov min(942, 603, 339, 942, 942, 603) 339 OK

Bending Moments
Left Support Steel Hogging
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 903, 460, 14, 450, 450, 500.0 0.14
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 450.0 • 0.8 • 70.8 361.1 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 902.7 ( s= 0.021) 361.1 kN
Mu = z • Fc 471.68 • 361.1 170.3 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 38.3 / 170.3 0.225 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 499, d' = 51 top 234, bottom 40 mm²

In-Span Steel @ 2578 mm. Sagging

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 903, 460, 14, 450, 450, 500.0 0.14
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 450.0 • 0.8 • 70.8 361.1 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 902.7 ( s= 0.021) 361.1 kN
Mu = z • Fc 471.68 • 361.1 170.3 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 60.3 / 170.3 0.354 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 499, d' = 51 top 40, bottom 348 mm²

Max Shear
VRd,max = 0.5 • Bw• d • v • fcd 0.5•450•500.6•0.54•14 861.7 kN
VEd,max 67.6 kN OK

Nominal Shear Zone at 201 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.632, 942, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 450, 500.6 96.5 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.36 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 450.0 • 500.65 ) 82.1 kN (6.2.b)
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 68.6 / Max(96.5, 82.1) 0.711 no Links req
VRd,s = Asw/ S • Z • 0.8 • fywk• Cot 228 • 215.0 • 450.58 • 0.8 • 460.0 • 2.5 439.6 kN (6.8)
VRd,max = cw• bw•z•v 1•fcd/(cot +tan ) 1 • 450 • 450.58 • 0.54 • 14.2 / (2.5 + 0.4) 534.9 kN (6.9)
Vapp/ max(VRd,s, VRd,max) 68.6 / Min(439.6, 534.9) 0.156 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Nominal Shear Zone at 4799 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.632, 942, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 450, 500.6 96.5 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.36 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 450.0 • 500.65 ) 82.2 kN (6.2.b)
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 63.7 / Max(96.5, 82.2) 0.66 no Links req
VRd,s = Asw/ S • Z • 0.8 • fywk• Cot 228 • 215.0 • 450.58 • 0.8 • 460.0 • 2.5 439.6 kN (6.8)
VRd,max = cw• bw•z•v 1•fcd/(cot +tan ) 1 • 450 • 450.58 • 0.54 • 14.2 / (2.5 + 0.4) 534.9 kN (6.9)
Vapp/ max(VRd,s, VRd,max) 63.7 / Min(439.6, 534.9) 0.145 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey Concrete : EC 2: 2004 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 21
25 800 3350 800 25

2-T12-01* 3-T12-04* 2-T12-06*

8 1-T12-02* 1-T12-07*

04 02
01 07
06 04

60 60
36x2 A10 legs@128

05 03 08 05

200 200

3-T12-03* 3-T12-05* 3-T12-08*

250 575 3350 575 250
4 4 4


5 5 5
30 30

135.7 135.7 135.7



135.7 135.7 135.7

Tension Force Envelope (EC2 Fig 9.2)

210.1 210.1

210.1 210.1
Shear Force Envelope
* Bar mark numbers are local and for guidence only. Do Not use with Bar Schedule
Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 21
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Basic Data
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
fck, fyk, c, s, , C25/30, 460, 1.5, 1.15, 1.0, 0.8
fykv, $v crit 460, 0.1

Minor Axis Moments

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
LHS My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 4.4<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 16.2 x 250 / 400) 4.4>0.1 kN.m Warning
Mid My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 4.4<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 11.5 x 250 / 400 4.4>0.1 kN.m Warning
RHS My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 3.5<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 7.0 x 250 / 400 3.5>0.0 kN.m Warning

Torsional Design
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Main Rectangular Section assumed to resist Torsion
Ak = Fn(A, u, B, H, Cvrmax, t) 100000, 1300, 250, 400, 46, 76.92 55917 mm²
TRd.c= fctd• t • 2 • Ak 1.20 • 76.92 • 2 • 55917 10.3 kN.m
TRd.max= 2•v• cw•fcd•Ak•t•Sin •Cos 2•0.54•1.00•14.17•55917•76.9•0.89•0.45 26.3 kN.m
Unity TEd/ TRd.c + VEd/ VRd.c 3.33/10.30 + 19.87/36.41 0.87 Ignore
. Torsion
Asl= TEd/ Ak /2 • Cot • uk / (Fywk/ s) 3.33 / 55917 / 2 • 2.00 • 992/(460 / 1.15) 147.7 mm²
As Per = Asl/ (No.Horz+ No.Vert) /2 147.7/ ( 2 + 0) /2 36.9 mm²
Asr deduction T+B = As• No.Horz 36.9 • 2 73.8 mm²
q = T / Ak / 2 3.3 / 55917/2 29.8 N/mm
As/Svreduction = (q • s)/( Cot •Fywk) • 2 (29.8 • 1.15) / (2.00 • 460) • 2 0.074 mm
Asprov min(339, 339, 339, 339, 339, 339) 339 OK

Bending Moments
Left Support Steel Hogging
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 265, 460, 14, 250, 250, 354.0 0.11
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 250.0 • 0.8 • 37.5 106.2 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 265.4 ( s= 0.03) 106.2 kN
Mu = z • Fc 336.3 • 106.2 35.7 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 16.2 / 35.7 0.453 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 349, d' = 51 top 192, bottom 74 mm²

In-Span Steel @ 2812 mm. Sagging

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 265, 460, 14, 250, 250, 354.0 0.11
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 250.0 • 0.8 • 37.5 106.2 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 265.4 ( s= 0.03) 106.2 kN
Mu = z • Fc 336.3 • 106.2 35.7 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 11.5 / 35.7 0.323 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 349, d' = 51 top 74, bottom 158 mm²

Max Shear
VRd,max = 0.5 • Bw• d • v • fcd 0.5•250•354.0•0.54•14 338.5 kN
VEd,max 18.2 kN OK

Nominal Shear Zone at 201 mm (Right nominal at 4800 mm Similar)

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.752, 425, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 250, 354.0 42.6 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.41 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 250.0 • 354.0 ) 35.9 kN (6.2.b)
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 18.4 / Max(42.6, 35.9) 0.433 no Links req
VRd,s = Asw/ S • Z • 0.8 • fywk• Cot 147 • 128.0 • 318.6 • 0.8 • 460.0 • 2.5 337.7 kN (6.8)
VRd,max = cw• bw•z•v 1•fcd/(cot +tan ) 1 • 250 • 318.6 • 0.54 • 14.2 / (2.5 + 0.4) 210.1 kN (6.9)
Vapp/ max(VRd,s, VRd,max) 18.4 / Min(337.7, 210.1) 0.088 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey Concrete : EC 2: 2004 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 3
475 800 25 4625 800 25

2-T20-01* 3-T12-04* 2-T12-06*

7 8
1-T20-02* 1-T12-07*
04 01
02 07
06 04

40 40
34x2 A10 legs@190

05 03 08 05

200 200

3-T16-03* 2-T16-09*-225 1EF 3-T16-05* 3-T16-08* 1-T16-10*

250 825 4600 825 250
4 4 4


5 5 5
30 30


136 136

241 219
241 241

Tension Force Envelope (EC2 Fig 9.2)

326.3 327.6

326.3 327.6
Shear Force Envelope
* Bar mark numbers are local and for guidence only. Do Not use with Bar Schedule
Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 3
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Basic Data
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
fck, fyk, c, s, , C25/30, 460, 1.5, 1.15, 1.0, 0.8
fykv, $v crit 460, 0.1

Minor Axis Moments

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
LHS My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 10.7<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 116.6 x 350 / 550) 10.7>0.7 kN.m Warning
Mid My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 4.4<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 99.1 x 350 / 550 4.4>0.6 kN.m Warning
RHS My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 4.4<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 56.6 x 350 / 550 4.4>0.4 kN.m Warning

Torsional Design
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Main Rectangular Section assumed to resist Torsion
Ak = Fn(A, u, B, H, Cvrmax, t) 192500, 1800, 350, 550, 50, 100.00 112500 mm²
TRd.c= fctd• t • 2 • Ak 1.20 • 100.00 • 2 • 112500 26.9 kN.m
TRd.max= 2•v• cw•fcd•Ak•t•Sin •Cos 2•0.54•1.00•14.17•112500•100.0•0.89•0.45 68.9 kN.m
Unity TEd/ TRd.c + VEd/ VRd.c 3.44/26.93 + 117.55/69.00 1.83 Design
. Torsion
Asl= TEd/ Ak /2 • Cot • uk / (Fywk/ s) 3.44 / 112500 / 2 • 2.00 • 1400/(460 / 1.15) 107.1 mm²
As Per = Asl/ (No.Horz+ No.Vert) /2 107.1/ ( 2 + 1) /2 17.8 mm²
Asr deduction T+B = As• No.Horz 17.8 • 2 35.7 mm²
q = T / Ak / 2 3.4 / 112500/2 15.3 N/mm
As/Svreduction = (q • s)/( Cot •Fywk) • 2 (15.3 • 1.15) / (2.00 • 460) • 2 0.038 mm
Asprov min(942, 603, 339, 603, 339, 603) 339 OK

Bending Moments
Left Support Steel Hogging
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 907, 460, 14, 350, 350, 500.0 0.18
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 350.0 • 0.8 • 91.4 362.7 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 906.8 ( s= 0.016) 362.7 kN
Mu = z • Fc 463.42 • 362.7 168.1 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 116.6 / 168.1 0.694 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 499, d' = 51 top 650, bottom 36 mm²

In-Span Steel @ 3691 mm. Sagging

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 567, 460, 14, 350, 350, 502.0 0.11
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 350.0 • 0.8 • 57.2 227.0 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 567.5 ( s= 0.027) 227.0 kN
Mu = z • Fc 476.9 • 227.0 108.3 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 99.1 / 108.3 0.916 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 499, d' = 51 top 36, bottom 554 mm²

Right Support Steel Hogging

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 304, 460, 14, 350, 350, 504.0 0.06
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 350.0 • 0.8 • 30.6 121.4 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 303.6 ( s= 0.054) 121.4 kN
Mu = z • Fc 478.8 • 121.4 58.1 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 56.6 / 58.1 0.973 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 499, d' = 51 top 326, bottom 36 mm²

Max Shear
VRd,max = 0.5 • Bw• d • v • fcd 0.5•350•502.0•0.54•14 672.1 kN
VEd,max 110.8 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Nominal Shear Zone at 201 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.632, 907, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 350, 500.0 80.5 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.36 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 350.0 • 500.0 ) 63.8 kN (6.2.b)
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 111.1 / Max(80.5, 63.8) 1.38 Links Req
VRd,s = Asw/ S • Z • 0.8 • fywk• Cot 150 • 190.0 • 450.0 • 0.8 • 460.0 • 2.5 326.3 kN (6.8)
VRd,max = cw• bw•z•v 1•fcd/(cot +tan ) 1 • 350 • 450.0 • 0.54 • 14.2 / (2.5 + 0.4) 415.5 kN (6.9)
Vapp/ max(VRd,s, VRd,max) 111.1 / Min(326.3, 415.5) 0.34 OK

Nominal Shear Zone at 6549 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.631, 567, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 350, 502.0 69.0 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.36 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 350.0 • 502.0 ) 64.0 kN (6.2.b)
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 93.2 / Max(69.0, 64.0) 1.351 Links Req
VRd,s = Asw/ S • Z • 0.8 • fywk• Cot 150 • 190.0 • 451.8 • 0.8 • 460.0 • 2.5 327.6 kN (6.8)
VRd,max = cw• bw•z•v 1•fcd/(cot +tan ) 1 • 350 • 451.8 • 0.54 • 14.2 / (2.5 + 0.4) 417.1 kN (6.9)
Vapp/ max(VRd,s, VRd,max) 93.2 / Min(327.6, 417.1) 0.285 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey Concrete : EC 2: 2004 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 4
25 800 4600 800 1025

2-T16-01*TT 3-T12-04*TT 3-T16-06*TT

18 20
1-T16-02*TT 3-T16-07*T
04 02
01 06 04

5 5
37x2 A10 legs@190

05 03 08 05

200 200

1-T16-10* 3-T16-03* 2-T16-09*-225 1EF 3-T20-05* 3-T12-08*

250 825 5350 575 250
4 4 4


5 5 5
30 30




Tension Force Envelope (EC2 Fig 9.2)

316.3 306.2


316.3 306.2
Shear Force Envelope
* Bar mark numbers are local and for guidence only. Do Not use with Bar Schedule
Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Members 4-5
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Basic Data
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
fck, fyk, c, s, , C25/30, 460, 1.5, 1.15, 1.0, 0.8
fykv, $v crit 460, 0.1

Minor Axis Moments

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
LHS My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 5.3<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 57.6 x 350 / 550) 5.3>0.4 kN.m Warning
Mid My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 5.3<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 150.4 x 350 / 550 5.3>1.0 kN.m Warning
RHS My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 16.0<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 178.7 x 350 / 550 16.0>1.1 kN.m Warning

Torsional Design
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Main Rectangular Section assumed to resist Torsion
Ak = Fn(A, u, B, H, Cvrmax, t) 192500, 1800, 350, 550, 50, 100.00 112500 mm²
TRd.c= fctd• t • 2 • Ak 1.20 • 100.00 • 2 • 112500 26.9 kN.m
TRd.max= 2•v• cw•fcd•Ak•t•Sin •Cos 2•0.54•1.00•14.17•112500•100.0•0.89•0.45 68.9 kN.m
Unity TEd/ TRd.c + VEd/ VRd.c 5.88/26.93 + 116.21/79.76 1.68 Design
. Torsion
Asl= TEd/ Ak /2 • Cot • uk / (Fywk/ s) 5.88 / 112500 / 2 • 2.00 • 1400/(460 / 1.15) 182.9 mm²
As Per = Asl/ (No.Horz+ No.Vert) /2 182.9/ ( 2 + 1) /2 30.5 mm²
Asr deduction T+B = As• No.Horz 30.5 • 2 61.0 mm²
q = T / Ak / 2 5.9 / 112500/2 26.1 N/mm
As/Svreduction = (q • s)/( Cot •Fywk) • 2 (26.1 • 1.15) / (2.00 • 460) • 2 0.065 mm
Asprov min(603, 603, 339, 942, 1206, 339) 339 OK

Bending Moments
Left Support Steel Hogging
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 542, 460, 14, 350, 350, 502.0 0.11
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 350.0 • 0.8 • 54.7 216.9 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 542.2 ( s= 0.029) 216.9 kN
Mu = z • Fc 476.9 • 216.9 103.4 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 57.6 / 103.4 0.557 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 499, d' = 51 top 357, bottom 61 mm²

In-Span Steel @ 3625 mm. Sagging

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 882, 460, 14, 350, 350, 500.0 0.18
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 350.0 • 0.8 • 88.9 352.6 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 881.5 ( s= 0.016) 352.6 kN
Mu = z • Fc 464.44 • 352.6 163.8 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 150.4 / 163.8 0.918 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 499, d' = 51 top 61, bottom 867 mm²

Right Support Steel Hogging

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1145, 460, 14, 350, 350, 486.0 0.24
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 350.0 • 0.8 • 115.5 458.2 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1145.4 ( s= 0.011) 458.2 kN
Mu = z • Fc 439.8 • 458.2 201.5 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 178.7 / 201.5 0.887 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 499, d' = 51 top 1033, bottom 61 mm²

Max Shear
VRd,max = 0.5 • Bw• d • v • fcd 0.5•350•486.0•0.54•14 650.6 kN
VEd,max 113 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Nominal Shear Zone at 201 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.631, 701, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 350, 502.4 74.1 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.36 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 350.0 • 502.42 ) 64.1 kN (6.2.b)
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 79.8 / Max(74.1, 64.1) 1.078 Links Req
VRd,s = Asw/ S • Z • 0.8 • fywk• Cot 145 • 190.0 • 452.18 • 0.8 • 460.0 • 2.5 316.6 kN (6.8)
VRd,max = cw• bw•z•v 1•fcd/(cot +tan ) 1 • 350 • 452.18 • 0.54 • 14.2 / (2.5 + 0.4) 417.5 kN (6.9)
Vapp/ max(VRd,s, VRd,max) 79.8 / Min(316.6, 417.5) 0.252 OK

Nominal Shear Zone at 7049 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.642, 1145, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 350, 486.0 85.9 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.37 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 350.0 • 486.0 ) 62.6 kN (6.2.b)
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 113.4 / Max(85.9, 62.6) 1.32 Links Req
VRd,s = Asw/ S • Z • 0.8 • fywk• Cot 145 • 190.0 • 437.4 • 0.8 • 460.0 • 2.5 306.2 kN (6.8)
VRd,max = cw• bw•z•v 1•fcd/(cot +tan ) 1 • 350 • 437.4 • 0.54 • 14.2 / (2.5 + 0.4) 403.8 kN (6.9)
Vapp/ max(VRd,s, VRd,max) 113.4 / Min(306.2, 403.8) 0.37 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey Concrete : EC 2: 2004 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 6
1200 800 3750 800 1450

3-T16-01*TT 3-T12-04*TT 3-T20-06*TT

20 22
3-T16-02*T 3-T16-07*T
04 01 06 04

02 07

41x2 A10 legs@190

05 03 08 05

200 200

3-T12-03* 2-T16-09*-225 1EF 3-T20-05* 3-T12-08*

250 575 6350 575 250
4 4 4


5 5 5
30 30


136 136


Tension Force Envelope (EC2 Fig 9.2)

295.2 296.9


295.2 296.9
Shear Force Envelope
* Bar mark numbers are local and for guidence only. Do Not use with Bar Schedule
Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Members 6-7
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Basic Data
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
fck, fyk, c, s, , C25/30, 460, 1.5, 1.15, 1.0, 0.8
fykv, $v crit 460, 0.1

Minor Axis Moments

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
LHS My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 17.4<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 173.5 x 350 / 550) 17.4>1.1 kN.m Warning
Mid My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 18.4<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 117.3 x 350 / 550 18.4>0.7 kN.m Warning
RHS My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 18.4<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 204.7 x 350 / 550 18.4>1.3 kN.m Warning

Torsional Design
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Main Rectangular Section assumed to resist Torsion
Ak = Fn(A, u, B, H, Cvrmax, t) 192500, 1800, 350, 550, 50, 100.00 112500 mm²
TRd.c= fctd• t • 2 • Ak 1.20 • 100.00 • 2 • 112500 26.9 kN.m
TRd.max= 2•v• cw•fcd•Ak•t•Sin •Cos 2•0.54•1.00•14.17•112500•100.0•0.89•0.45 68.9 kN.m
Unity TEd/ TRd.c + VEd/ VRd.c 8.08/26.93 + 108.43/79.06 1.67 Design
. Torsion
Asl= TEd/ Ak /2 • Cot • uk / (Fywk/ s) 8.08 / 112500 / 2 • 2.00 • 1400/(460 / 1.15) 251.3 mm²
As Per = Asl/ (No.Horz+ No.Vert) /2 251.3/ ( 2 + 1) /2 41.9 mm²
Asr deduction T+B = As• No.Horz 41.9 • 2 83.8 mm²
q = T / Ak / 2 8.1 / 112500/2 35.9 N/mm
As/Svreduction = (q • s)/( Cot •Fywk) • 2 (35.9 • 1.15) / (2.00 • 460) • 2 0.090 mm
Asprov min(1206, 339, 339, 942, 1546, 339) 339 OK

Bending Moments
Left Support Steel Hogging
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1123, 460, 14, 350, 350, 484.0 0.23
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 350.0 • 0.8 • 113.2 449.0 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1122.6 ( s= 0.011) 449.0 kN
Mu = z • Fc 438.72 • 449.0 197.0 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 173.5 / 197.0 0.881 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 499, d' = 51 top 1024, bottom 84 mm²

In-Span Steel @ 4000 mm. Sagging

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 859, 460, 14, 350, 350, 500.0 0.17
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 350.0 • 0.8 • 86.6 343.5 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 858.7 ( s= 0.017) 343.5 kN
Mu = z • Fc 465.36 • 343.5 159.8 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 117.3 / 159.8 0.734 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 499, d' = 51 top 84, bottom 703 mm²

Right Support Steel Hogging

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1462, 460, 14, 350, 350, 486.7 0.3
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 350.0 • 0.8 • 147.4 584.8 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1461.9 ( s= 0.008) 584.8 kN
Mu = z • Fc 427.76 • 584.8 250.1 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 204.7 / 250.1 0.818 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 499, d' = 51 top 1212, bottom 84 mm²

Max Shear
VRd,max = 0.5 • Bw• d • v • fcd 0.5•350•486.7•0.54•14 651.6 kN
VEd,max 104.9 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Nominal Shear Zone at 201 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.643, 1123, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 350, 484.0 85.1 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.36 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 350.0 • 484.0 ) 61.7 kN (6.2.b)
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 97.9 / Max(85.1, 61.7) 1.15 Links Req
VRd,s = Asw/ S • Z • 0.8 • fywk• Cot 140 • 190.0 • 435.6 • 0.8 • 460.0 • 2.5 295.2 kN (6.8)
VRd,max = cw• bw•z•v 1•fcd/(cot +tan ) 1 • 350 • 435.6 • 0.54 • 14.2 / (2.5 + 0.4) 402.2 kN (6.9)
Vapp/ max(VRd,s, VRd,max) 97.9 / Min(295.2, 402.2) 0.332 OK

Nominal Shear Zone at 7799 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.641, 1462, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 350, 486.7 93.2 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.37 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 350.0 • 486.73 ) 62.7 kN (6.2.b)
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 105.6 / Max(93.2, 62.7) 1.133 Links Req
VRd,s = Asw/ S • Z • 0.8 • fywk• Cot 140 • 190.0 • 438.06 • 0.8 • 460.0 • 2.5 296.9 kN (6.8)
VRd,max = cw• bw•z•v 1•fcd/(cot +tan ) 1 • 350 • 438.06 • 0.54 • 14.2 / (2.5 + 0.4) 404.4 kN (6.9)
Vapp/ max(VRd,s, VRd,max) 105.6 / Min(296.9, 404.4) 0.356 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 71 : (Level 1)
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!

Grade C40

Bars : 6-T12 equally spaced

Links: A12 x 100 c/c


Basic Data
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Grades fck, fyk, c, s, , C32/40, 460, 1.5, 1.15, 1.0, 0.8
fykv, vcrit 460, 0.1
Loading Case 1 : Dead plus Live
Loading N Mx,Mx,My,My 77.0 kN, 0.0 kN.m, 18.9 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m
Slenderness Classification
X-X Slenderness: l, l0 , lim , 3.325m, 7.532m, 151.3, 75.3 <= lim Short
Y-Y Slenderness: l, l0 , lim , 3.325m, 6.925m, 62.3, 69.2 > lim Slender
Equ. 5.38a xx/ yy 75.3 / 69.2 >> Limit 0.5 to 2 1.088 OK

Axial Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Nuz= Fav•( /4 • H² -Asc) + Asc • f yk/ s 16.3•( /4•400/4 - 679) + 679 • 460 / 1.15 2311.2 kN OK
Design Moments x-x
Med0= Max(M, M) 0.0, 18.9 (no nominal moments) 18.9 kN.m
Med = Fn(M, M, Ned, eo, ei) 0.0, 18.9, 77.0, 20.0, 18.8 20.3 kN.m
Design Moments y-y
e2= Fn(Kr, K , eff , n, nu, nbal, d, ....) 1.00, 1.10, 2.0, 0.034, 1.119, 0.421, 0.119, 364 64.21 mm
Med0 = Fn(M, M, M2, M0ed, Ned, e2) 0, 0, 4.9, 0, 77, 64.2 (no nominal moments) 4.9 kN.m
Med = Fn(M, M, M2, M0ed, Ned, e0, ei, e2) 0, 0, 4.9, 1.5, 77, 20, 17.3, 64.2 6.5 kN.m
Resultant Design Moment
Med=max( (My²+Mz0²), ( Mz²+My0²)) Max( (20.3²+4.9²) , (6.5²+18.9²) ) 20.9 kN.m

Moment Capacity - Resultant Uni Axial

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design Loads Ned = 77.0 kN.m, Med = 20.9 kN.m
Design Data X/h, Dia, X, Ac, Ybar 0.211, 400 mm, 84.21 mm, 13976 mm², 40.0 mm
Bar group1:M1 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 68.4, 0.066, 132, 131.6, 29.8 3.9 kNm
Bar group2:M2 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 200.0, -0.481, -400, 0.0, -90.5 0.0 kNm
Bar group3:M3 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 331.6, -1.028, -400, -131.6, -90.5 11.9 kNm
Concrete Fc=(Acnet• •fcd) (13976 x 0.90 x 18.1) 228.1 kN
F Equlibrum (Ft) + FC - Fapp= 0 30 - 90 - 90 + 228 - 77.0 0.0 kN OK
Concrete Mc=Fc•(H/2-Ybar) 228.1 x (400 / 2 - 40.0) 36.5 kNm
Mu =Mc + (M1+...+M3) 36.5 + (3.9+0.0+11.9) 52.3kNm OK
Max Moment/Mu 20.9 / 52.3 0.400 OK

Shear Check
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 5.7 / Max(51.9, 60.0) 0.095 no Links req

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Column tie check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Maximum floor load in lift BS 8110 Pt 1: CL &
No Tie Force case found (1.05D+0.35/1.05L). Using ULS reduced by 1.28=1.35/1.05 conservative
Capacity = 0.87 • fy• Asc 0.87 • 460 • 679 271.4 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 72 : (Level 1)
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!

Grade C40

Bars : 6-T12 equally spaced

Links: A12 x 100 c/c


Basic Data
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Grades fck, fyk, c, s, , C32/40, 460, 1.5, 1.15, 1.0, 0.8
fykv, vcrit 460, 0.1
Loading Case 2 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side
Loading N Mx,Mx,My,My 129.1 kN, 0.0 kN.m, -13.2 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m
Slenderness Classification
X-X Slenderness: l, l0 , lim , 3.325m, 8.013m, 116.8, 80.1 <= lim Short
Y-Y Slenderness: l, l0 , lim , 3.325m, 12.213m, 48.1, 122.1 > lim Slender
Equ. 5.38a xx/ yy 80.1 / 122.1 >> Limit 0.5 to 2 0.656 OK

Axial Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Nuz= Fav•( /4 • H² -Asc) + Asc • f yk/ s 16.3•( /4•400/4 - 679) + 679 • 460 / 1.15 2311.2 kN OK
Design Moments x-x
Med0= Max(M, M) 0.0, -13.2 (no nominal moments) 13.2 kN.m
Med = Fn(M, M, Ned, eo, ei) 0.0, -13.2, 129.1, 20.0, 20.0 15.8 kN.m
Design Moments y-y
e2= Fn(Kr, K , eff , n, nu, nbal, d, ....) 1.00, 1.00, 2.0, 0.057, 1.119, 0.421, 0.119, 364 182.13 mm
Med0 = Fn(M, M, M2, M0ed, Ned, e2) 0, 0, 23.5, 0, 129.1, 182.1 (no nominal moments) 23.5 kN.m
Med = Fn(M, M, M2, M0ed, Ned, e0, ei, e2) 0, 0, 23.5, 3.9, 129.1, 20, 30.5, 182.1 27.5 kN.m
Resultant Design Moment
Med=max( (My²+Mz0²), ( Mz²+My0²)) Max( (15.8²+23.5²) , (27.5²+13.2²) ) 30.5 kN.m

Moment Capacity - Resultant Uni Axial

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design Loads Ned = 129.1 kN.m, Med = 30.5 kN.m
Design Data X/h, Dia, X, Ac, Ybar 0.235, 400 mm, 93.94 mm, 16358 mm², 44.5 mm
Bar group1:M1 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 68.4, 0.095, 191, 131.6, 43.1 5.7 kNm
Bar group2:M2 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 200.0, -0.395, -400, 0.0, -90.5 0.0 kNm
Bar group3:M3 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 331.6, -0.886, -400, -131.6, -90.5 11.9 kNm
Concrete Fc=(Acnet• •fcd) (16358 x 0.90 x 18.1) 267.0 kN
F Equlibrum (Ft) + FC - Fapp= 0 43 - 90 - 90 + 267 - 129.1 0.0 kN OK
Concrete Mc=Fc•(H/2-Ybar) 267.0 x (400 / 2 - 44.5) 41.5 kNm
Mu =Mc + (M1+...+M3) 41.5 + (5.7+0.0+11.9) 59.1kNm OK
Max Moment/Mu 30.5 / 59.1 0.516 OK

Shear Check
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 6.8 / Max(51.9, 60.0) 0.113 no Links req

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Column tie check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Maximum floor load in lift BS 8110 Pt 1: CL &
No Tie Force case found (1.05D+0.35/1.05L). Using ULS reduced by 1.28=1.35/1.05 conservative
Capacity = 0.87 • fy• Asc 0.87 • 460 • 679 271.4 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 73 : (Level 1)
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X 400

Grade C40

Corners : 4-T12
Internal xx: 4-T12 2 EF

Internal yy: 4-T12 2 EF

Links : A12 x 100 c/c

X 30

Basic Data
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Grades fck, fyk, c, s, , C32/40, 460, 1.5, 1.15, 1.0, 0.8
fykv, vcrit 460, 0.1
Loading Case 1 : Dead plus Live
Loading N Mx,Mx,My,My 298.2 kN, 0.0 kN.m, 25.8 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m, 42.9 kN.m
Slenderness Classification
X-X Slenderness: l, l0 , lim , 3.325m, 7.835m, 88.8, 67.9 <= lim Short
Y-Y Slenderness: l, l0 , lim , 3.325m, 7.686m, 88.8, 66.6 <= lim Short
Equ. 5.38a xx/ yy 67.9 / 66.6 >> Limit 0.5 to 2 1.019 OK

Axial Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Nuz= Fav•(B • H - Asc) + Asc • f yk/ s 18.1•(400•400-1357) + 1357.2 • 460 / 1.15 3419.6 kN OK
Design Moments x-x
Med0= Max(M, M) 0.0, 25.8 (no nominal moments) 25.8 kN.m
Med = Fn(M, M, Ned, eo, ei) 0.0, 25.8, 298.2, 20.0, 19.6 31.7 kN.m
Design Moments y-y
Med0= Max(M, M) 0.0, 42.9 (no nominal moments) 42.9 kN.m
Med = Fn(M, M, Ned, eo, ei) 0.0, 42.9, 298.2, 20.0, 19.2 48.7 kN.m
Data N, Mz, Mz0, My, My0, Beq, heq 298.2, 31.7, 25.8, 48.7, 42.9, 400, 400
Equ. 5.38b (ey0/ Heq) / (ez / Beq) (86.7/400) / (163.2/400) 0.531
Equ. 5.38b (ez0/ Beq) / (ey / Heq) (144.0/400) / (106.3/400) 1.355

Uni-Axial Moment Capacity: X-X

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design Loads
Ned, Med x-x, Med y-y, Med res, Ang 298.2 kN, 31.7 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m, 31.7 kN.m, 0.0 deg
Design Data X/h, h, b, X, Ac, Ybar 0.222, 400 mm, 400 mm, 88.71 mm, 28389 mm², 35.5 mm
Bar group1:M1 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 4 x 12, 352.0, -1.039, -400, -152.0, -181.0 27.5 kNm
Bar group2:M2 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 250.7, -0.639, -400, -50.7, -90.5 4.6 kNm
Bar group3:M3 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 149.3, -0.239, -400, 50.7, -90.5 -4.6 kNm
Bar group4:M4 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 4 x 12, 48.0, 0.161, 321, 152.0, 145.3 22.1 kNm
Concrete Fc=(Acnet• •fcd) (28389 x 1.00 x 18.1) 514.8 kN
F Equlibrum (Ft) + FC - Fapp= 0 -181 - 90 - 90 + 145 + 515 - 298.2 0.0 kN OK
Concrete Mc=Fc•(H/2-Ybar) 514.8 x (400 / 2 - 35.5) 84.7 kNm
Mu =Mc + (M1+...+M4) 84.7 + (27.5+4.6+-4.6+22.1) 134.3kNm OK
Max Moment/Mu 31.7 / 134.3 0.236 OK

Uni-Axial Moment Capacity: Y-Y

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design Loads
Ned, Med y-y, Med x-x, Med res, Ang 298.2 kN, 48.7 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m, 48.7 kN.m, 0.0 deg
Design Data X/h, h, b, X, Ac, Ybar 0.222, 400 mm, 400 mm, 88.71 mm, 28389 mm², 35.5 mm

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Bar group1:M1 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 4 x 12, 352.0, -1.039, -400, -152.0, -181.0 27.5 kNm
Bar group2:M2 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 250.7, -0.639, -400, -50.7, -90.5 4.6 kNm
Bar group3:M3 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 149.3, -0.239, -400, 50.7, -90.5 -4.6 kNm
Bar group4:M4 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 4 x 12, 48.0, 0.161, 321, 152.0, 145.3 22.1 kNm
Concrete Fc=(Acnet• •fcd) (28389 x 1.00 x 18.1) 514.8 kN
F Equlibrum (Ft) + FC - Fapp= 0 -181 - 90 - 90 + 145 + 515 - 298.2 0.0 kN OK
Concrete Mc=Fc•(H/2-Ybar) 514.8 x (400 / 2 - 35.5) 84.7 kNm
Mu =Mc + (M1+...+M4) 84.7 + (27.5+4.6+-4.6+22.1) 134.3kNm OK
Max Moment/Mu 48.7 / 134.3 0.362 OK

Bi-Axial Moment Capacity: X-X Axis Dominant

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design Loads
Ned, Med x-x, Med y-y, Med res, Ang 298.2 kN, 31.7 kN.m, 42.9 kN.m, 53.4 kN.m, 53.6 deg
Design Data X/h, h, b, X, Ac, Ybar 0.374, 559 mm, 400 mm, 209.19 mm, 29309 mm², 111.6 mm
Bar group1:M1 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 492.2, -0.474, -400, -212.6, -45.2 9.6 kNm
Bar group2:M2 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 247.6, -0.064, -129, 32.0, -14.6 -0.5 kNm
Bar group3:M3 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 410.7, -0.337, -400, -131.0, -45.2 5.9 kNm
Bar group4:M4 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 329.2, -0.201, -400, -49.5, -45.2 2.2 kNm
Bar group5:M5 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 432.1, -0.373, -400, -152.4, -45.2 6.9 kNm
Bar group6:M6 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 371.9, -0.272, -400, -92.2, -45.2 4.2 kNm
Bar group7:M7 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 311.7, -0.172, -343, -32.0, -38.8 1.2 kNm
Bar group8:M8 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 67.1, 0.238, 400, 212.6, 45.2 9.6 kNm
Bar group9:M9 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 230.2, -0.035, -70, 49.5, -7.9 -0.4 kNm
Bar group10:M10 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 148.7, 0.101, 203, 131.0, 22.9 3.0 kNm
Bar group11:M11 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 187.5, 0.036, 73, 92.2, 8.2 0.8 kNm
Bar group12:M12 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 127.3, 0.137, 274, 152.4, 31.0 4.7 kNm
Concrete Fc=(Acnet• •fcd) (29309 x 0.90 x 18.1) 478.3 kN
F Equlibrum (Ft) + FC - Fapp= 0 -45-15-45-45-45-45-39+45-8+23+8+31+478
-298.2 0.0 kN OK
Concrete Mc=Fc•(H/2-Ybar) 478.3 x (559 / 2 - 111.6) 80.4 kNm
Mu =Mc + (M1+...+M12) 80.4 + (9.6+-0.5+5.9+2.2+6.9+4.2+1.2+9.6)
+ (-0.4+3.0+0.8+4.7) 127.7kNm OK
Max Moment/Mu 53.4 / 127.7 0.418 OK

Bi-Axial Moment Capacity: Y-Y Axis Dominant

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design Loads
Ned, Med y-y, Med x-x, Med res, Ang 298.2 kN, 48.7 kN.m, 25.8 kN.m, 55.1 kN.m, 28.0 deg
Design Data X/h, h, b, X, Ac, Ybar 0.361, 541 mm, 400 mm, 195.25 mm, 29448 mm², 104.1 mm
Bar group1:M1 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 476.0, -0.503, -400, -205.5, -45.2 9.3 kNm
Bar group2:M2 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 333.4, -0.248, -400, -62.9, -45.2 2.8 kNm
Bar group3:M3 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 428.5, -0.418, -400, -158.0, -45.2 7.1 kNm
Bar group4:M4 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 380.9, -0.333, -400, -110.5, -45.2 5.0 kNm
Bar group5:M5 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 386.5, -0.343, -400, -116.0, -45.2 5.2 kNm
Bar group6:M6 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 297.0, -0.182, -365, -26.6, -41.3 1.1 kNm
Bar group7:M7 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 207.5, -0.022, -44, 62.9, -5.0 -0.3 kNm
Bar group8:M8 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 64.9, 0.234, 400, 205.5, 45.2 9.3 kNm
Bar group9:M9 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 160.0, 0.063, 126, 110.5, 14.3 1.6 kNm
Bar group10:M10 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 112.4, 0.148, 297, 158.0, 33.6 5.3 kNm
Bar group11:M11 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 243.9, -0.087, -174, 26.6, -19.7 -0.5 kNm
Bar group12:M12 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 154.4, 0.073, 146, 116.0, 16.6 1.9 kNm
Concrete Fc=(Acnet• •fcd) (29448 x 0.90 x 18.1) 480.6 kN
F Equlibrum (Ft) + FC - Fapp= 0 -45-45-45-45-45-41-5+45+14+34-20+17
+481-298.2 0.0 kN OK
Concrete Mc=Fc•(H/2-Ybar) 480.6 x (541 / 2 - 104.1) 79.9 kNm
Mu =Mc + (M1+...+M12) 79.9 + (9.3+2.8+7.1+5.0+5.2+1.1+-0.3+9.3)
+ (1.6+5.3+-0.5+1.9) 127.8kNm OK
Max Moment/Mu 55.1 / 127.8 0.431 OK

Shear Check
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 15.1 / Max(65.4, 60.0) 0.23 no Links req

Column tie check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Maximum floor load in lift BS 8110 Pt 1: CL &
No Tie Force case found (1.05D+0.35/1.05L). Using ULS reduced by 1.28=1.35/1.05 conservative
Capacity = 0.87 • fy• Asc 0.87 • 460 • 1357 542.9 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 74 : (Level 1)
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X 400

Grade C40

Corners : 4-T12
Internal xx: 4-T12 2 EF

Internal yy: 4-T12 2 EF

Links : A12 x 100 c/c

X 30

Basic Data
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Grades fck, fyk, c, s, , C32/40, 460, 1.5, 1.15, 1.0, 0.8
fykv, vcrit 460, 0.1
Loading Case 6 : Dead plus Live + Notional @ 0�
Loading N Mx,Mx,My,My 165.1 kN, 0.0 kN.m, 59.5 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m, 19.2 kN.m
Slenderness Classification
X-X Slenderness: l, l0 , lim , 3.325m, 7.993m, 119.3, 69.2 <= lim Short
Y-Y Slenderness: l, l0 , lim , 3.325m, 7.216m, 119.3, 62.5 <= lim Short
Equ. 5.38a xx/ yy 69.2 / 62.5 >> Limit 0.5 to 2 1.108 OK

Axial Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Nuz= Fav•(B • H - Asc) + Asc • f yk/ s 18.1•(400•400-1357) + 1357.2 • 460 / 1.15 3419.6 kN OK
Design Moments x-x
Med0= Max(M, M) 0.0, 59.5 (no nominal moments) 59.5 kN.m
Med = Fn(M, M, Ned, eo, ei) 0.0, 59.5, 165.1, 20.0, 20.0 62.8 kN.m
Design Moments y-y
Med0= Max(M, M) 0.0, 19.2 (no nominal moments) 19.2 kN.m
Med = Fn(M, M, Ned, eo, ei) 0.0, 19.2, 165.1, 20.0, 18.0 22.1 kN.m
Data N, Mz, Mz0, My, My0, Beq, heq 165.1, 62.8, 59.5, 22.1, 19.2, 400, 400
Equ. 5.38b (ey0/ Heq) / (ez / Beq) (360.7/400) / (134.1/400) 2.690
Equ. 5.38b (ez0/ Beq) / (ey / Heq) (116.0/400) / (380.6/400) 0.305

Uni-Axial Moment Capacity: X-X

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design Loads
Ned, Med x-x, Med y-y, Med res, Ang 165.1 kN, 62.8 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m, 62.8 kN.m, 0.0 deg
Design Data X/h, h, b, X, Ac, Ybar 0.181, 400 mm, 400 mm, 72.42 mm, 23174 mm², 29.0 mm
Bar group1:M1 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 4 x 12, 352.0, -1.351, -400, -152.0, -181.0 27.5 kNm
Bar group2:M2 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 250.7, -0.861, -400, -50.7, -90.5 4.6 kNm
Bar group3:M3 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 149.3, -0.372, -400, 50.7, -90.5 -4.6 kNm
Bar group4:M4 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 4 x 12, 48.0, 0.118, 236, 152.0, 106.8 16.2 kNm
Concrete Fc=(Acnet• •fcd) (23174 x 1.00 x 18.1) 420.2 kN
F Equlibrum (Ft) + FC - Fapp= 0 -181 - 90 - 90 + 107 + 420 - 165.1 0.0 kN OK
Concrete Mc=Fc•(H/2-Ybar) 420.2 x (400 / 2 - 29.0) 71.9 kNm
Mu =Mc + (M1+...+M4) 71.9 + (27.5+4.6+-4.6+16.2) 115.6kNm OK
Max Moment/Mu 62.8 / 115.6 0.543 OK

Uni-Axial Moment Capacity: Y-Y

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design Loads
Ned, Med y-y, Med x-x, Med res, Ang 165.1 kN, 22.1 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m, 22.1 kN.m, 0.0 deg
Design Data X/h, h, b, X, Ac, Ybar 0.181, 400 mm, 400 mm, 72.42 mm, 23174 mm², 29.0 mm

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Bar group1:M1 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 4 x 12, 352.0, -1.351, -400, -152.0, -181.0 27.5 kNm
Bar group2:M2 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 250.7, -0.861, -400, -50.7, -90.5 4.6 kNm
Bar group3:M3 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 149.3, -0.372, -400, 50.7, -90.5 -4.6 kNm
Bar group4:M4 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 4 x 12, 48.0, 0.118, 236, 152.0, 106.8 16.2 kNm
Concrete Fc=(Acnet• •fcd) (23174 x 1.00 x 18.1) 420.2 kN
F Equlibrum (Ft) + FC - Fapp= 0 -181 - 90 - 90 + 107 + 420 - 165.1 0.0 kN OK
Concrete Mc=Fc•(H/2-Ybar) 420.2 x (400 / 2 - 29.0) 71.9 kNm
Mu =Mc + (M1+...+M4) 71.9 + (27.5+4.6+-4.6+16.2) 115.6kNm OK
Max Moment/Mu 22.1 / 115.6 0.191 OK

Bi-Axial Moment Capacity: X-X Axis Dominant

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design Loads
Ned, Med x-x, Med y-y, Med res, Ang 165.1 kN, 62.8 kN.m, 19.2 kN.m, 65.7 kN.m, 17.0 deg
Design Data X/h, h, b, X, Ac, Ybar 0.292, 499 mm, 400 mm, 145.91 mm, 24425 mm², 77.8 mm
Bar group1:M1 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 439.3, -0.704, -400, -189.7, -45.2 8.6 kNm
Bar group2:M2 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 350.7, -0.491, -400, -101.1, -45.2 4.6 kNm
Bar group3:M3 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 409.8, -0.633, -400, -160.2, -45.2 7.2 kNm
Bar group4:M4 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 380.2, -0.562, -400, -130.6, -45.2 5.9 kNm
Bar group5:M5 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 342.4, -0.471, -400, -92.8, -45.2 4.2 kNm
Bar group6:M6 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 245.5, -0.239, -400, 4.1, -45.2 -0.2 kNm
Bar group7:M7 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 148.5, -0.006, -13, 101.1, -1.4 -0.1 kNm
Bar group8:M8 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 59.9, 0.206, 400, 189.7, 45.2 8.6 kNm
Bar group9:M9 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 119.0, 0.065, 129, 130.6, 14.6 1.9 kNm
Bar group10:M10 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 89.5, 0.135, 271, 160.2, 30.6 4.9 kNm
Bar group11:M11 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 253.8, -0.259, -400, -4.1, -45.2 0.2 kNm
Bar group12:M12 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 156.8, -0.026, -52, 92.8, -5.9 -0.6 kNm
Concrete Fc=(Acnet• •fcd) (24425 x 0.90 x 18.1) 398.6 kN
F Equlibrum (Ft) + FC - Fapp= 0 -45-45-45-45-45-45-1+45+15+31-45-6+399
-165.1 0.0 kN OK
Concrete Mc=Fc•(H/2-Ybar) 398.6 x (499 / 2 - 77.8) 68.5 kNm
Mu =Mc + (M1+...+M12) 68.5 + (8.6+4.6+7.2+5.9+4.2+-0.2+-0.1+8.6)
+ (1.9+4.9+0.2+-0.6) 113.7kNm OK
Max Moment/Mu 65.7 / 113.7 0.578 OK

Bi-Axial Moment Capacity: Y-Y Axis Dominant

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design Loads
Ned, Med y-y, Med x-x, Med res, Ang 165.1 kN, 22.1 kN.m, 59.5 kN.m, 63.5 kN.m, 69.6 deg
Design Data X/h, h, b, X, Ac, Ybar 0.307, 514 mm, 400 mm, 157.72 mm, 24372 mm², 84.1 mm
Bar group1:M1 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 452.6, -0.654, -400, -195.4, -45.2 8.8 kNm
Bar group2:M2 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 167.6, -0.022, -44, 89.5, -5.0 -0.4 kNm
Bar group3:M3 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 357.6, -0.444, -400, -100.5, -45.2 4.5 kNm
Bar group4:M4 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 262.6, -0.233, -400, -5.5, -45.2 0.2 kNm
Bar group5:M5 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 417.3, -0.576, -400, -160.1, -45.2 7.2 kNm
Bar group6:M6 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 382.0, -0.498, -400, -124.8, -45.2 5.6 kNm
Bar group7:M7 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 346.7, -0.419, -400, -89.5, -45.2 4.0 kNm
Bar group8:M8 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 61.7, 0.213, 400, 195.4, 45.2 8.8 kNm
Bar group9:M9 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 251.7, -0.209, -400, 5.5, -45.2 -0.2 kNm
Bar group10:M10 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 156.7, 0.002, 5, 100.5, 0.5 0.1 kNm
Bar group11:M11 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 132.3, 0.056, 113, 124.8, 12.7 1.6 kNm
Bar group12:M12 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 97.0, 0.135, 269, 160.1, 30.5 4.9 kNm
Concrete Fc=(Acnet• •fcd) (24372 x 0.90 x 18.1) 397.7 kN
F Equlibrum (Ft) + FC - Fapp= 0 -45-5-45-45-45-45-45+45-45+1+13+30+398
-165.1 0.0 kN OK
Concrete Mc=Fc•(H/2-Ybar) 397.7 x (514 / 2 - 84.1) 68.8 kNm
Mu =Mc + (M1+...+M12) 68.8 + (8.8+-0.4+4.5+0.2+7.2+5.6+4.0+8.8)
+ (-0.2+0.1+1.6+4.9) 114.1kNm OK
Max Moment/Mu 63.5 / 114.1 0.557 OK

Shear Check
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 18.8 / Max(65.4, 60.0) 0.288 no Links req

Column tie check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Maximum floor load in lift BS 8110 Pt 1: CL &
No Tie Force case found (1.05D+0.35/1.05L). Using ULS reduced by 1.28=1.35/1.05 conservative
Capacity = 0.87 • fy• Asc 0.87 • 460 • 1357 542.9 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 79 : (Level 1)
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!

Grade C40

Bars : 6-T12 equally spaced

Links: A12 x 100 c/c


Basic Data
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Grades fck, fyk, c, s, , C32/40, 460, 1.5, 1.15, 1.0, 0.8
fykv, vcrit 460, 0.1
Loading Case 1 : Dead plus Live
Loading N Mx,Mx,My,My 226.6 kN, 0.0 kN.m, 52.6 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m
Slenderness Classification
X-X Slenderness: l, l0 , lim , 3.325m, 7.795m, 88.2, 78.0 <= lim Short
Y-Y Slenderness: l, l0 , lim , 3.325m, 6.953m, 36.3, 69.5 > lim Slender
Equ. 5.38a xx/ yy 78.0 / 69.5 >> Limit 0.5 to 2 1.121 OK

Axial Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Nuz= Fav•( /4 • H² -Asc) + Asc • f yk/ s 16.3•( /4•400/4 - 679) + 679 • 460 / 1.15 2311.2 kN OK
Design Moments x-x
Med0= Max(M, M) 0.0, 52.6 (no nominal moments) 52.6 kN.m
Med = Fn(M, M, Ned, eo, ei) 0.0, 52.6, 226.6, 20.0, 19.5 57.0 kN.m
Design Moments y-y
e2= Fn(Kr, K , eff , n, nu, nbal, d, ....) 1.00, 1.09, 2.0, 0.099, 1.119, 0.421, 0.119, 364 64.52 mm
Med0 = Fn(M, M, M2, M0ed, Ned, e2) 0, 0, 14.6, 0, 226.6, 64.5 (no nominal moments) 14.6 kN.m
Med = Fn(M, M, M2, M0ed, Ned, e0, ei, e2) 0, 0, 14.6, 4.5, 226.6, 20, 17.4, 64.5 19.2 kN.m
Resultant Design Moment
Med=max( (My²+Mz0²), ( Mz²+My0²)) Max( (57.0²+14.6²) , (19.2²+52.6²) ) 58.9 kN.m

Moment Capacity - Resultant Uni Axial

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design Loads Ned = 226.6 kN.m, Med = 58.9 kN.m
Design Data X/h, Dia, X, Ac, Ybar 0.281, 400 mm, 112.51 mm, 21165 mm², 53.2 mm
Bar group1:M1 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 68.4, 0.137, 275, 131.6, 62.1 8.2 kNm
Bar group2:M2 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 200.0, -0.272, -400, 0.0, -90.5 0.0 kNm
Bar group3:M3 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 331.6, -0.682, -400, -131.6, -90.5 11.9 kNm
Concrete Fc=(Acnet• •fcd) (21165 x 0.90 x 18.1) 345.4 kN
F Equlibrum (Ft) + FC - Fapp= 0 62 - 90 - 90 + 345 - 226.6 0.0 kN OK
Concrete Mc=Fc•(H/2-Ybar) 345.4 x (400 / 2 - 53.2) 50.7 kNm
Mu =Mc + (M1+...+M3) 50.7 + (8.2+0.0+11.9) 70.8kNm OK
Max Moment/Mu 58.9 / 70.8 0.832 OK

Shear Check
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 15.8 / Max(51.9, 60.0) 0.264 no Links req

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Column tie check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Maximum floor load in lift BS 8110 Pt 1: CL &
No Tie Force case found (1.05D+0.35/1.05L). Using ULS reduced by 1.28=1.35/1.05 conservative
Capacity = 0.87 • fy• Asc 0.87 • 460 • 679 271.4 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterKey Concrete : EC 2: 2004 - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 8
1100 800 3450 450 800 150

3-T20-01*TT 3-T12-04*TT 2-T16-06*TT

22 23
3-T16-02*T 1-T16-07*TT
04 01 07 06 04

40 02 40
34x2 A10 legs@190

05 03 08 05

200 200

3-T12-03* 2-T16-09*-225 1EF 3-T20-05* 3-T20-08* 1-T16-10*

250 575 4600 1075 250
4 4 4


5 5 5
30 30



368 377

Tension Force Envelope (EC2 Fig 9.2)

327 336


327 336
Shear Force Envelope
* Bar mark numbers are local and for guidence only. Do Not use with Bar Schedule
Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 8
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Basic Data
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
fck, fyk, c, s, , C25/30, 460, 1.5, 1.15, 1.0, 0.8
fykv, $v crit 460, 0.1

Minor Axis Moments

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
LHS My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 2.6<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 247.3 x 350 / 550) 2.6>1.6 kN.m Warning
Mid My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 3.4<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 165.4 x 350 / 550 3.4>1.1 kN.m Warning
RHS My <= Max(0 , 1%•Mx•B/D) 3.4<= Max(0 , 0.01 x 103.1 x 350 / 550 3.4>0.7 kN.m Warning

Torsional Design
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Main Rectangular Section assumed to resist Torsion
Ak = Fn(A, u, B, H, Cvrmax, t) 192500, 1800, 350, 550, 50, 100.00 112500 mm²
TRd.c= fctd• t • 2 • Ak 1.20 • 100.00 • 2 • 112500 26.9 kN.m
TRd.max= 2•v• cw•fcd•Ak•t•Sin •Cos 2•0.54•1.00•14.17•112500•100.0•0.89•0.45 68.9 kN.m
Unity TEd/ TRd.c + VEd/ VRd.c 1.32/26.93 + 219.33/81.16 2.75 Design
. Torsion
Asl= TEd/ Ak /2 • Cot • uk / (Fywk/ s) 1.32 / 112500 / 2 • 2.00 • 1400/(460 / 1.15) 41.1 mm²
As Per = Asl/ (No.Horz+ No.Vert) /2 41.1/ ( 2 + 1) /2 6.8 mm²
Asr deduction T+B = As• No.Horz 6.8 • 2 13.7 mm²
q = T / Ak / 2 1.3 / 112500/2 5.9 N/mm
As/Svreduction = (q • s)/( Cot •Fywk) • 2 (5.9 • 1.15) / (2.00 • 460) • 2 0.015 mm
Asprov min(1546, 339, 339, 942, 603, 942) 339 OK

Bending Moments
Left Support Steel Hogging
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1532, 460, 14, 350, 350, 486.7 0.32
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 350.0 • 0.8 • 154.5 612.8 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1532.0 ( s= 0.008) 612.8 kN
Mu = z • Fc 424.94 • 612.8 260.4 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 247.3 / 260.4 0.950 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 499, d' = 51 top 1410, bottom 14 mm²

In-Span Steel @ 3796 mm. Sagging

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 929, 460, 14, 350, 350, 500.0 0.19
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 350.0 • 0.8 • 93.7 371.5 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 928.8 ( s= 0.015) 371.5 kN
Mu = z • Fc 462.54 • 371.5 171.8 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 165.4 / 171.8 0.963 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 499, d' = 51 top 14, bottom 907 mm²

Right Support Steel Hogging

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 589, 460, 14, 350, 350, 502.0 0.12
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 350.0 • 0.8 • 59.4 235.8 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 589.5 ( s= 0.026) 235.8 kN
Mu = z • Fc 476.9 • 235.8 112.5 kN.m
Mapp/Mu 103.1 / 112.5 0.917 OK
AsRequired to EC2 Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 Assuming d = 499, d' = 51 top 554, bottom 14 mm²

Max Shear
VRd,max = 0.5 • Bw• d • v • fcd 0.5•350•500.0•0.54•14 669.4 kN
VEd,max 207 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Nominal Shear Zone at 201 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.641, 1532, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 350, 486.7 94.7 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.36 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 350.0 • 486.73 ) 62.0 kN (6.2.b)
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 207.6 / Max(94.7, 62.0) 2.192 Links Req
VRd,s = Asw/ S • Z • 0.8 • fywk• Cot 154 • 190.0 • 438.06 • 0.8 • 460.0 • 2.5 327.1 kN (6.8)
VRd,max = cw• bw•z•v 1•fcd/(cot +tan ) 1 • 350 • 438.06 • 0.54 • 14.2 / (2.5 + 0.4) 404.4 kN (6.9)
Vapp/ max(VRd,s, VRd,max) 207.6 / Min(327.1, 404.4) 0.635 OK

Nominal Shear Zone at 6549 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.632, 929, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 350, 500.0 81.2 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.36 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 350.0 • 500.0 ) 63.8 kN (6.2.b)
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 164.8 / Max(81.2, 63.8) 2.03 Links Req
VRd,s = Asw/ S • Z • 0.8 • fywk• Cot 154 • 190.0 • 450.0 • 0.8 • 460.0 • 2.5 336.0 kN (6.8)
VRd,max = cw• bw•z•v 1•fcd/(cot +tan ) 1 • 350 • 450.0 • 0.54 • 14.2 / (2.5 + 0.4) 415.5 kN (6.9)
Vapp/ max(VRd,s, VRd,max) 164.8 / Min(336.0, 415.5) 0.49 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 80 : (Level 1)
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!

Grade C40

Bars : 6-T32 equally spaced

Links: A12 x 200 c/c


Basic Data
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Grades fck, fyk, c, s, , C32/40, 460, 1.5, 1.15, 1.0, 0.8
fykv, vcrit 460, 0.1
Loading Case 6 : Dead plus Live + Notional @ 0�
Loading N Mx,Mx,My,My 324.1 kN, 0.0 kN.m, -10.2 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m
Slenderness Classification
X-X Slenderness: l, l0 , lim , 3.325m, 7.938m, 119.7, 79.4 <= lim Short
Y-Y Slenderness: l, l0 , lim , 3.325m, 9.794m, 49.3, 97.9 > lim Slender
Equ. 5.38a xx/ yy 79.4 / 97.9 >> Limit 0.5 to 2 0.811 OK

Axial Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Nuz= Fav•( /4 • H² -Asc) + Asc • f yk/ s 16.3•( /4•400/4 - 4825) + 4825 • 460 / 1.15 3902.3 kN OK
Design Moments x-x
Med0= Max(M, M) 0.0, -10.2 (no nominal moments) 10.2 kN.m
Med = Fn(M, M, Ned, eo, ei) 0.0, -10.2, 324.1, 20.0, 19.8 16.7 kN.m
Design Moments y-y
e2= Fn(Kr, K , eff , n, nu, nbal, d, ....) 1.00, 1.00, 2.0, 0.142, 1.847, 0.281, 0.847, 354 120.43 mm
Med0 = Fn(M, M, M2, M0ed, Ned, e2) 0, 0, 39, 0, 324.1, 120.4 (no nominal moments) 39.0 kN.m
Med = Fn(M, M, M2, M0ed, Ned, e0, ei, e2) 0, 0, 39, 7.9, 324.1, 20, 24.5, 120.4 47.0 kN.m
Resultant Design Moment
Med=max( (My²+Mz0²), ( Mz²+My0²)) Max( (16.7²+39.0²) , (47.0²+10.2²) ) 48.1 kN.m

Moment Capacity - Resultant Uni Axial

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design Loads Ned = 324.1 kN.m, Med = 48.1 kN.m
Design Data X/h, Dia, X, Ac, Ybar 0.415, 400 mm, 165.97 mm, 36458 mm², 77.8 mm
Bar group1:M1 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 32, 77.0, 0.188, 375, 123.0, 603.4 74.2 kNm
Bar group2:M2 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 32, 200.0, -0.072, -144, 0.0, -230.8 0.0 kNm
Bar group3:M3 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 32, 323.0, -0.331, -400, -123.0, -643.4 79.1 kNm
Concrete Fc=(Acnet• •fcd) (36458 x 0.90 x 18.1) 595.0 kN
F Equlibrum (Ft) + FC - Fapp= 0 603 - 231 - 643 + 595 - 324.1 0.0 kN OK
Concrete Mc=Fc•(H/2-Ybar) 595.0 x (400 / 2 - 77.8) 72.7 kNm
Mu =Mc + (M1+...+M3) 72.7 + (74.2+0.0+79.1) 226.0kNm OK
Max Moment/Mu 48.1 / 226.0 0.213 OK

Shear Check
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 3.1 / Max(98.6, 58.5) 0.031 no Links req

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Column tie check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Maximum floor load in lift BS 8110 Pt 1: CL &
No Tie Force case found (1.05D+0.35/1.05L). Using ULS reduced by 1.28=1.35/1.05 conservative
Capacity = 0.87 • fy• Asc 0.87 • 460 • 4825 1930.2 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 81 : (Level 1)
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X 400

Grade C40

Corners : 4-T12
Internal xx: 6-T12 3 EF

Internal yy: 6-T12 3 EF

Links : A12 x 100 c/c

X 30

Basic Data
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Grades fck, fyk, c, s, , C32/40, 460, 1.5, 1.15, 1.0, 0.8
fykv, vcrit 460, 0.1
Loading Case 1 : Dead plus Live
Loading N Mx,Mx,My,My 465.2 kN, 0.0 kN.m, -42.2 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m, -21.1 kN.m
Slenderness Classification
X-X Slenderness: l, l0 , lim , 3.325m, 7.693m, 74.6, 66.6 <= lim Short
Y-Y Slenderness: l, l0 , lim , 3.325m, 8.056m, 74.6, 69.8 <= lim Short
Equ. 5.38a xx/ yy 66.6 / 69.8 >> Limit 0.5 to 2 0.955 OK

Axial Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Nuz= Fav•(B • H - Asc) + Asc • f yk/ s 18.1•(400•400-1810) + 1809.6 • 460 / 1.15 3592.3 kN OK
Design Moments x-x
Med0= Max(M, M) 0.0, -42.2 (no nominal moments) 42.2 kN.m
Med = Fn(M, M, Ned, eo, ei) 0.0, -42.2, 465.2, 20.0, 19.2 51.1 kN.m
Design Moments y-y
Med0= Max(M, M) 0.0, -21.1 (no nominal moments) 21.1 kN.m
Med = Fn(M, M, Ned, eo, ei) 0.0, -21.1, 465.2, 20.0, 20.1 30.4 kN.m
Data N, Mz, Mz0, My, My0, Beq, heq 465.2, 51.1, 42.2, 30.4, 21.1, 400, 400
Equ. 5.38b (ey0/ Heq) / (ez / Beq) (90.7/400) / (65.5/400) 1.385
Equ. 5.38b (ez0/ Beq) / (ey / Heq) (45.3/400) / (109.9/400) 0.412

Uni-Axial Moment Capacity: X-X

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design Loads
Ned, Med x-x, Med y-y, Med res, Ang 465.2 kN, 51.1 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m, 51.1 kN.m, 0.0 deg
Design Data X/h, h, b, X, Ac, Ybar 0.284, 400 mm, 400 mm, 113.80 mm, 36416 mm², 45.5 mm
Bar group1:M1 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 5 x 12, 352.0, -0.733, -400, -152.0, -226.2 34.4 kNm
Bar group2:M2 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 276.0, -0.499, -400, -76.0, -90.5 6.9 kNm
Bar group3:M3 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 200.0, -0.265, -400, 0.0, -90.5 0.0 kNm
Bar group4:M4 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 124.0, -0.031, -63, 76.0, -14.2 -1.1 kNm
Bar group5:M5 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 5 x 12, 48.0, 0.202, 400, 152.0, 226.2 34.4 kNm
Concrete Fc=(Acnet• •fcd) (36416 x 1.00 x 18.1) 660.3 kN
F Equlibrum (Ft) + FC - Fapp= 0 -226 - 90 - 90 - 14 + 226 + 660 - 465.2 0.0 kN OK
Concrete Mc=Fc•(H/2-Ybar) 660.3 x (400 / 2 - 45.5) 102.0 kNm
Mu =Mc + (M1+...+M5) 102.0 + (34.4+6.9+0.0+-1.1+34.4) 176.6kNm OK
Max Moment/Mu 51.1 / 176.6 0.290 OK

Uni-Axial Moment Capacity: Y-Y

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design Loads
Ned, Med y-y, Med x-x, Med res, Ang 465.2 kN, 30.4 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m, 30.4 kN.m, 0.0 deg

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Design Data X/h, h, b, X, Ac, Ybar 0.284, 400 mm, 400 mm, 113.80 mm, 36416 mm², 45.5 mm
Bar group1:M1 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 5 x 12, 352.0, -0.733, -400, -152.0, -226.2 34.4 kNm
Bar group2:M2 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 276.0, -0.499, -400, -76.0, -90.5 6.9 kNm
Bar group3:M3 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 200.0, -0.265, -400, 0.0, -90.5 0.0 kNm
Bar group4:M4 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 124.0, -0.031, -63, 76.0, -14.2 -1.1 kNm
Bar group5:M5 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 5 x 12, 48.0, 0.202, 400, 152.0, 226.2 34.4 kNm
Concrete Fc=(Acnet• •fcd) (36416 x 1.00 x 18.1) 660.3 kN
F Equlibrum (Ft) + FC - Fapp= 0 -226 - 90 - 90 - 14 + 226 + 660 - 465.2 0.0 kN OK
Concrete Mc=Fc•(H/2-Ybar) 660.3 x (400 / 2 - 45.5) 102.0 kNm
Mu =Mc + (M1+...+M5) 102.0 + (34.4+6.9+0.0+-1.1+34.4) 176.6kNm OK
Max Moment/Mu 30.4 / 176.6 0.172 OK

Bi-Axial Moment Capacity: X-X Axis Dominant

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design Loads
Ned, Med x-x, Med y-y, Med res, Ang 465.2 kN, 51.1 kN.m, 21.1 kN.m, 55.3 kN.m, 22.4 deg
Design Data X/h, h, b, X, Ac, Ybar 0.397, 522 mm, 400 mm, 207.56 mm, 38857 mm², 110.4 mm
Bar group1:M1 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 459.6, -0.425, -400, -198.5, -45.2 9.0 kNm
Bar group2:M2 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 343.7, -0.230, -400, -82.6, -45.2 3.7 kNm
Bar group3:M3 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 430.6, -0.376, -400, -169.5, -45.2 7.7 kNm
Bar group4:M4 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 401.7, -0.327, -400, -140.5, -45.2 6.4 kNm
Bar group5:M5 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 372.7, -0.278, -400, -111.5, -45.2 5.0 kNm
Bar group6:M6 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 389.3, -0.307, -400, -128.2, -45.2 5.8 kNm
Bar group7:M7 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 319.1, -0.188, -376, -57.9, -42.5 2.5 kNm
Bar group8:M8 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 248.8, -0.070, -139, 12.3, -15.7 -0.2 kNm
Bar group9:M9 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 178.6, 0.049, 98, 82.6, 11.1 0.9 kNm
Bar group10:M10 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 62.7, 0.244, 400, 198.5, 45.2 9.0 kNm
Bar group11:M11 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 149.6, 0.098, 196, 111.5, 22.1 2.5 kNm
Bar group12:M12 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 120.6, 0.147, 293, 140.5, 33.2 4.7 kNm
Bar group13:M13 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 91.6, 0.195, 391, 169.5, 44.2 7.5 kNm
Bar group14:M14 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 273.5, -0.111, -222, -12.3, -25.1 0.3 kNm
Bar group15:M15 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 203.2, 0.007, 15, 57.9, 1.7 0.1 kNm
Bar group16:M16 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 132.9, 0.126, 252, 128.2, 28.5 3.6 kNm
Concrete Fc=(Acnet• •fcd) (38857 x 0.90 x 18.1) 634.1 kN
F Equlibrum (Ft) + FC - Fapp= 0 -45-45-45-45-45-45-43-16+11+45+22+33
+44-25+2+28+634-465.2 0.0 kN OK
Concrete Mc=Fc•(H/2-Ybar) 634.1 x (522 / 2 - 110.4) 95.6 kNm
Mu =Mc + (M1+...+M16) 95.6 + (9.0+3.7+7.7+6.4+5.0+5.8+2.5+-0.2)
+ (0.9+9.0+2.5+4.7+7.5+0.3+0.1+3.6) 164.0kNm OK
Max Moment/Mu 55.3 / 164.0 0.337 OK

Bi-Axial Moment Capacity: Y-Y Axis Dominant

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design Loads
Ned, Med y-y, Med x-x, Med res, Ang 465.2 kN, 30.4 kN.m, 42.2 kN.m, 52.0 kN.m, 54.2 deg
Design Data X/h, h, b, X, Ac, Ybar 0.422, 558 mm, 400 mm, 235.93 mm, 37531 mm², 125.8 mm
Bar group1:M1 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 491.4, -0.379, -400, -212.2, -45.2 9.6 kNm
Bar group2:M2 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 245.0, -0.013, -27, 34.3, -3.0 -0.1 kNm
Bar group3:M3 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 429.8, -0.288, -400, -150.6, -45.2 6.8 kNm
Bar group4:M4 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 368.2, -0.196, -392, -89.0, -44.4 3.9 kNm
Bar group5:M5 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 306.6, -0.105, -210, -27.4, -23.7 0.6 kNm
Bar group6:M6 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 447.0, -0.313, -400, -167.7, -45.2 7.6 kNm
Bar group7:M7 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 402.5, -0.247, -400, -123.2, -45.2 5.6 kNm
Bar group8:M8 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 358.0, -0.181, -362, -78.7, -41.0 3.2 kNm
Bar group9:M9 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 313.5, -0.115, -230, -34.3, -26.0 0.9 kNm
Bar group10:M10 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 67.0, 0.251, 400, 212.2, 45.2 9.6 kNm
Bar group11:M11 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 251.9, -0.024, -47, 27.4, -5.3 -0.1 kNm
Bar group12:M12 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 190.3, 0.068, 136, 89.0, 15.3 1.4 kNm
Bar group13:M13 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 128.6, 0.159, 318, 150.6, 36.0 5.4 kNm
Bar group14:M14 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 200.5, 0.053, 105, 78.7, 11.9 0.9 kNm
Bar group15:M15 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 156.0, 0.119, 237, 123.2, 26.8 3.3 kNm
Bar group16:M16 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 1 x 12, 111.5, 0.185, 369, 167.7, 41.8 7.0 kNm
Concrete Fc=(Acnet• •fcd) (37531 x 0.90 x 18.1) 612.5 kN
F Equlibrum (Ft) + FC - Fapp= 0 -45-3-45-44-24-45-45-41-26+45-5+15+36

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

+12+27+42+613-465.2 0.0 kN OK
Concrete Mc=Fc•(H/2-Ybar) 612.5 x (558 / 2 - 125.8) 94.0 kNm
Mu =Mc + (M1+...+M16) 94.0 + (9.6+-0.1+6.8+3.9+0.6+7.6+5.6+3.2)
+ (0.9+9.6+-0.1+1.4+5.4+0.9+3.3+7.0) 159.6kNm OK
Max Moment/Mu 52.0 / 159.6 0.326 OK

Shear Check
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 14.2 / Max(70.5, 60.1) 0.201 no Links req

Column tie check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Maximum floor load in lift BS 8110 Pt 1: CL &
No Tie Force case found (1.05D+0.35/1.05L). Using ULS reduced by 1.28=1.35/1.05 conservative
Capacity = 0.87 • fy• Asc 0.87 • 460 • 1810 723.8 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Member 82 : (Level 1)
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
X 400

Grade C40

Corners : 4-T12
Internal xx: 4-T12 2 EF

Internal yy: 4-T12 2 EF

Links : A12 x 100 c/c

X 30

Basic Data
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Grades fck, fyk, c, s, , C32/40, 460, 1.5, 1.15, 1.0, 0.8
fykv, vcrit 460, 0.1
Loading Case 6 : Dead plus Live + Notional @ 0�
Loading N Mx,Mx,My,My 304.7 kN, 0.0 kN.m, 99.7 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m, -7.7 kN.m
Slenderness Classification
X-X Slenderness: l, l0 , lim , 3.325m, 7.918m, 87.8, 68.6 <= lim Short
Y-Y Slenderness: l, l0 , lim , 3.325m, 9.508m, 87.8, 82.3 <= lim Short
Equ. 5.38a xx/ yy 68.6 / 82.3 >> Limit 0.5 to 2 0.833 OK

Axial Capacity
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Nuz= Fav•(B • H - Asc) + Asc • f yk/ s 18.1•(400•400-1357) + 1357.2 • 460 / 1.15 3419.6 kN OK
Design Moments x-x
Med0= Max(M, M) 0.0, 99.7 (no nominal moments) 99.7 kN.m
Med = Fn(M, M, Ned, eo, ei) 0.0, 99.7, 304.7, 20.0, 19.8 105.7 kN.m
Design Moments y-y
Med0= Max(M, M) 0.0, -7.7 (no nominal moments) 7.7 kN.m
Med = Fn(M, M, Ned, eo, ei) 0.0, -7.7, 304.7, 20.0, 23.8 15.0 kN.m
Data N, Mz, Mz0, My, My0, Beq, heq 304.7, 105.7, 99.7, 15.0, 7.7, 400, 400
Equ. 5.38b (ey0/ Heq) / (ez / Beq) (327.1/400) / (49.2/400) 6.652
Equ. 5.38b (ez0/ Beq) / (ey / Heq) (25.4/400) / (346.9/400) 0.073 <= 0.2
Bi-Axial Design Not required as Equ. 5.38a & 5.38b satisfied

Uni-Axial Moment Capacity: X-X

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design Loads
Ned, Med x-x, Med y-y, Med res, Ang 304.7 kN, 105.7 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m, 105.7 kN.m, 0.0 deg
Design Data X/h, h, b, X, Ac, Ybar 0.224, 400 mm, 400 mm, 89.56 mm, 28658 mm², 35.8 mm
Bar group1:M1 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 4 x 12, 352.0, -1.026, -400, -152.0, -181.0 27.5 kNm
Bar group2:M2 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 250.7, -0.630, -400, -50.7, -90.5 4.6 kNm
Bar group3:M3 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 149.3, -0.234, -400, 50.7, -90.5 -4.6 kNm
Bar group4:M4 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 4 x 12, 48.0, 0.162, 325, 152.0, 146.9 22.3 kNm
Concrete Fc=(Acnet• •fcd) (28658 x 1.00 x 18.1) 519.7 kN
F Equlibrum (Ft) + FC - Fapp= 0 -181 - 90 - 90 + 147 + 520 - 304.7 0.0 kN OK
Concrete Mc=Fc•(H/2-Ybar) 519.7 x (400 / 2 - 35.8) 85.3 kNm
Mu =Mc + (M1+...+M4) 85.3 + (27.5+4.6+-4.6+22.3) 135.2kNm OK
Max Moment/Mu 105.7 / 135.2 0.782 OK

Uni-Axial Moment Capacity: Y-Y

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design Loads
Ned, Med y-y, Med x-x, Med res, Ang 304.7 kN, 15.0 kN.m, 0.0 kN.m, 15.0 kN.m, 0.0 deg

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Design Data X/h, h, b, X, Ac, Ybar 0.224, 400 mm, 400 mm, 89.56 mm, 28658 mm², 35.8 mm
Bar group1:M1 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 4 x 12, 352.0, -1.026, -400, -152.0, -181.0 27.5 kNm
Bar group2:M2 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 250.7, -0.630, -400, -50.7, -90.5 4.6 kNm
Bar group3:M3 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 2 x 12, 149.3, -0.234, -400, 50.7, -90.5 -4.6 kNm
Bar group4:M4 fn(bars,d, %, ,la,F) 4 x 12, 48.0, 0.162, 325, 152.0, 146.9 22.3 kNm
Concrete Fc=(Acnet• •fcd) (28658 x 1.00 x 18.1) 519.7 kN
F Equlibrum (Ft) + FC - Fapp= 0 -181 - 90 - 90 + 147 + 520 - 304.7 0.0 kN OK
Concrete Mc=Fc•(H/2-Ybar) 519.7 x (400 / 2 - 35.8) 85.3 kNm
Mu =Mc + (M1+...+M4) 85.3 + (27.5+4.6+-4.6+22.3) 135.2kNm OK
Max Moment/Mu 15.0 / 135.2 0.111 OK

Shear Check
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Vapp/ max(VRd,c.a, VRd,c.b) 30.1 / Max(65.4, 60.1) 0.46 no Links req

Column tie check

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Maximum floor load in lift BS 8110 Pt 1: CL &
No Tie Force case found (1.05D+0.35/1.05L). Using ULS reduced by 1.28=1.35/1.05 conservative
Capacity = 0.87 • fy• Asc 0.87 • 460 • 1357 542.9 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Pad 1 @ Node 1
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
P4 P1

- -Z +Mz 5-T16@300-B 5-T12-100-Hoop-links

6-T12-(pitched on circle)
+X X- 1050 400

+Z + 450

P3 525 P2

Basic Properties
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Fy, Fcu, Covers T, B, S 460 N/mm², 30 N/mm², 50 mm, 50 mm, 50 mm
Gross: Area, Area1, Z zz, Z xx 1.103, 0.16, 0.193, 0.193
Conc Den, Surcharge, LFsrv , LFult, SWP
23.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100

Z-Z Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 5-T16@300 1005 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1005, 460, 14, 1050, 1050, 392.0 0.09
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1050.0 • 0.8 • 33.8 402.1 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1005.3 ( s= 0.037) 402.1 kN
Mu = z • Fc 372.4 • 402.1 149.8 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.714, 1005, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1050, 392.0 154.8 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.39 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1050.0 • 392.0 ) 161.7 kN (6.2.b)

X-X Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 5-T16@300 1005 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1005, 460, 14, 1050, 1050, 376.0 0.09
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1050.0 • 0.8 • 33.8 402.1 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1005.3 ( s= 0.035) 402.1 kN
Mu = z • Fc 357.2 • 402.1 143.6 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.729, 1005, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1050, 376.0 151.8 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.4 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1050.0 • 376.0 ) 157.1 kN (6.2.b)

Critical Serviceability : 2 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Approx.)

No Service Case defined Calculating approximate values based on
an Average ULS load Factor of 1.17
Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 1.103 x 1.00 11.6 kN
Fcol = F 56.0 + 56.0 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 56.0 + 11.6 67.6 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (-4.8 x 0.45) + (56.0 x 0.0) -2.2 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (-2.8 x 0.45) + (56.0 x 0.0) -1.3 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) -2.2, 67.6, 1050 1050 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) -1.3, 67.6, 1050 1050 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Pmax = Fn(Pa, Pzz, Pxx, p1-4) 61.3, ±11.3, ±6.5, 43.5, 56.5, 79.1, 66.1 79.1 kN/m² OK
Check for up-lift Le 1050 >=1050 Be 1050 >=1050 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (56) x 0.525 + ( 12) x 0.525 36 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 36 / 2 16.29 > 1.5 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (56) x 0.525 + ( 12) x 0.525 36 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 36 / 1 28.32 > 1.5 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(-4.84² + -3²) 5.59 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 68) / 6 3.63 > 1.5 OK

Combined Axial & Horizontal loads

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
F/P v+ Fv/Ph<1 (BS 8004: ) 67.6 / 110.3 + 5.6 / 20.3 = 0.61 + 0.28 0.89 OK

Critical Ultimate : 1 : Dead plus Live

Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 1.103 x 1.00 11.6 kN
Fcol = F 77.0 + 77.0 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 77.0 + 11.6 88.6 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (-4.9 x 0.45) + (77.0 x 0.0) -2.2 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (-2.8 x 0.45) + (77.0 x 0.0) -1.3 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) -2.2, 88.6, 1050 1050 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) -1.3, 88.6, 1050 1050 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
eccx= Mzz/F -2.2 / 88.6 about centre of base -24.9 mm
eccz= Mxx/F -1.3 / 88.6 about centre of base -14.3 mm
Area = Lx eff • Lzeff 1000.1 • 1021.3 1.0 m²
Pressure = F / Area 88.6 / 1.0 86.7 kN/m²
Pressures P 1to P9 P4=0.0 , P8=0.0 , P1=0.0
P7=86.7 , P9=86.7 , P5=0.0
P3=86.7 , P6=86.7 , P2=0.0 86.7 kN/m² Max

Moments and Shears

Static load reduction w=(Sur + Den•D)•LF
(0.0 + 23.4 x 0.45) x 1.00 10.5kN/m²
Check for up-lift (ULS)

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (77) x 0.525 + ( 12) x 0.525 46 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 46 / 2 21.04 > 1.0 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (77) x 0.525 + ( 12) x 0.525 46 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 46 / 1 36.64 > 1.0 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(-4.91² + -3²) 5.66 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 89) / 6 4.69 > 1.0 OK

Moments at Column Face

X-X Moment LowerM - w•B•la²/2 4.6 - 10.5 • 1.1 • 0.3² / 2 4.0 kN.m OK
X-X Moment UpperM - w•B•la²/2 3.8 - 10.5 • 1.1 • 0.3² / 2 3.2 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Left UpperM - w•B•la²/2 4.7 - 10.5 • 1.1 • 0.3² / 2 4.1 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Right UpperM - w•B•la²/2 3.4 - 10.5 • 1.1 • 0.3² / 2 2.8 kN.m OK

'Beam' Shear at d from Column Face

X-X Lower Vd- w•B•la -5.8 - 10.5 • 1.1 • -0.1 -5.1 kN OK
X-X Upper Vd- w•B•la 0 - 10.5 • 1.1 • -0.1 0.7 kN OK
Z-Z Left Vd- w•B•la -4.5 - 10.5 • 1.1 • -0.1 -4.0 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Z-Z Right Vd- w•B•la 0 - 10.5 • 1.1 • -0.1 0.6 kN OK

Punching Shear at Column Head

vRd,max (stress) 3.825 N/mm²
Zone 0: Column Head
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.16 • (86.709 - 10.53) 12.2 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (76.96 - 12.189) / 1600 / 384 0.105 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 1 d
Projections from Column face 2 opposite Projections are less than 1 d => Not Applicable

Punching Shear at 2 d
Projections from Column face 2 opposite Projections are less than 2 d => Not Applicable

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Pad 2 @ Node 2
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
P4 P1

- -Z +Mz 5-T16@300-B

6-T12-(pitched on circle)
+X X- 1250 400

+Z +

P3 625 P2

Basic Properties
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Fy, Fcu, Covers T, B, S 460 N/mm², 30 N/mm², 50 mm, 50 mm, 50 mm
Gross: Area, Area1, Z zz, Z xx 1.563, 0.16, 0.326, 0.326
Conc Den, Surcharge, LFsrv , LFult, SWP
23.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100

Z-Z Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 5-T16@300 1005 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1005, 460, 14, 1250, 1250, 392.0 0.07
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1250.0 • 0.8 • 28.4 402.1 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1005.3 ( s= 0.045) 402.1 kN
Mu = z • Fc 372.4 • 402.1 149.8 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.714, 1005, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1250, 392.0 173.8 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.39 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1250.0 • 392.0 ) 192.5 kN (6.2.b)

X-X Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 5-T16@300 1005 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1005, 460, 14, 1250, 1250, 376.0 0.08
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1250.0 • 0.8 • 28.4 402.1 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1005.3 ( s= 0.043) 402.1 kN
Mu = z • Fc 357.2 • 402.1 143.6 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.729, 1005, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1250, 376.0 170.6 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.4 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1250.0 • 376.0 ) 187.0 kN (6.2.b)

Critical Serviceability : 2 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Approx.)

No Service Case defined Calculating approximate values based on
an Average ULS load Factor of 1.17
Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 1.563 x 1.00 16.5 kN
Fcol = F 110.7 + 110.7 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 110.7 + 16.5 127.1 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (-5.7 x 0.45) + (110.7 x 0.0) -2.6 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (-0.4 x 0.45) + (110.7 x 0.0) -0.2 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) -2.6, 127.1, 1250 1250 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) -0.2, 127.1, 1250 1250 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Pmax = Fn(Pa, Pzz, Pxx, p1-4) 81.4, ±7.9, ±0.5, 73.0, 74.0, 89.8, 88.7 89.8 kN/m² OK
Check for up-lift Le 1250 >=1250 Be 1250 >=1250 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (111) x 0.625 + ( 16) x 0.625 79 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 79 / 3 31.02 > 1.5 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (111) x 0.625 + ( 16) x 0.625 79 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 79 / 0 457.73 > 1.5 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(-5.69² + 0²) 5.70 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 127) / 6 6.69 > 1.5 OK

Combined Axial & Horizontal loads

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
F/P v+ Fv/Ph<1 (BS 8004: ) 127.1 / 156.3 + 5.7 / 38.1 = 0.81 + 0.15 0.96 OK

Critical Ultimate : 2 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side

Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 1.563 x 1.00 16.5 kN
Fcol = F 129.1 + 129.1 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 129.1 + 16.5 145.6 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (-6.6 x 0.45) + (129.1 x 0.0) -3.0 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (-0.5 x 0.45) + (129.1 x 0.0) -0.2 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) -3.0, 145.6, 1250 1250 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) -0.2, 145.6, 1250 1250 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
eccx= Mzz/F -3.0 / 145.6 about centre of base -20.5 mm
eccz= Mxx/F -0.2 / 145.6 about centre of base -1.4 mm
Area = Lx eff • Lzeff 1208.9 • 1247.2 1.5 m²
Pressure = F / Area 145.6 / 1.5 96.5 kN/m²
Pressures P 1to P9 P4=0.0 , P8=0.0 , P1=0.0
P7=96.5 , P9=96.5 , P5=0.0
P3=96.5 , P6=96.5 , P2=0.0 96.5 kN/m² Max

Moments and Shears

Static load reduction w=(Sur + Den•D)•LF
(0.0 + 23.4 x 0.45) x 1.00 10.5kN/m²
Check for up-lift (ULS)

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (129) x 0.625 + ( 16) x 0.625 91 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 91 / 3 30.45 > 1.0 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (129) x 0.625 + ( 16) x 0.625 91 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 91 / 0 449.27 > 1.0 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(-6.64² + 0²) 6.66 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 146) / 7 6.56 > 1.0 OK

Moments at Column Face

X-X Moment LowerM - w•B•la²/2 10.5 - 10.5 • 1.3 • 0.4² / 2 9.4 kN.m OK
X-X Moment UpperM - w•B•la²/2 10.4 - 10.5 • 1.3 • 0.4² / 2 9.2 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Left UpperM - w•B•la²/2 10.9 - 10.5 • 1.3 • 0.4² / 2 9.7 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Right UpperM - w•B•la²/2 8.9 - 10.5 • 1.3 • 0.4² / 2 7.7 kN.m OK

'Beam' Shear at d from Column Face

X-X Lower Vd- w•B•la 3.9 - 10.5 • 1.3 • 0 3.4 kN OK
X-X Upper Vd- w•B•la 3.5 - 10.5 • 1.3 • 0 3.1 kN OK
Z-Z Left Vd- w•B•la 5.9 - 10.5 • 1.3 • 0 5.3 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Z-Z Right Vd- w•B•la 1 - 10.5 • 1.3 • 0 0.3 kN OK

Punching Shear at Column Head

vRd,max (stress) 3.825 N/mm²
Zone 0: Column Head
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.16 • (96.539 - 10.53) 13.8 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (129.11 - 13.761) / 1600 / 384 0.188 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 1 d
vRd,c (stress) • 2 av = d thus = av/2d >>> x 2 (cl 0.791 N/mm²
Zone 1: Full Punching
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 1.226 • (96.539 - 10.53) 105.4 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (129.11 - 105.43) / 4012.743 / 384 0.015 N/mm² OK
Zone 2: Left Side Free (129.11 - 115.5) / 3256.372 / 384 0.011 N/mm² OK
Zone 3: Right Side Free (129.11 - 110.874) / 3256.372 / 384 0.015 N/mm² OK
Zone 4: Top Side Free (129.11 - 115.184) / 3256.372 / 384 0.011 N/mm² OK
Zone 5: Bottom Side Free (129.11 - 115.498) / 3256.372 / 384 0.011 N/mm² OK
Zone 6: Left & Bottom Sides Free (129.11 - 122.737) / 2253.186 / 384 0.007 N/mm² OK
Zone 7: Left & Top Sides Free (129.11 - 122.412) / 2253.186 / 384 0.008 N/mm² OK
Zone 8: Right & Top Sides Free (129.11 - 117.636) / 2253.186 / 384 0.013 N/mm² OK
Zone 9: Right & Bottom Sides Free (129.11 - 117.95) / 2253.186 / 384 0.013 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 2 d
Projections from Column face 2 opposite Projections are less than 2 d => Not Applicable

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Pad 3 @ Node 3
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
P4 P1

- -Z +Mz

+X X- 1850 400
+Mx 4-T12-(cor)
8-T12- 2EF
+Z +

P3 925 P2

Basic Properties
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Fy, Fcu, Covers T, B, S 460 N/mm², 30 N/mm², 50 mm, 50 mm, 50 mm
Gross: Area, Area1, Z zz, Z xx 3.423, 0.16, 1.055, 1.055
Conc Den, Surcharge, LFsrv , LFult, SWP
23.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100

Z-Z Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 7-T16@300 1407 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1407, 460, 14, 1850, 1850, 392.0 0.07
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1850.0 • 0.8 • 26.9 563.0 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1407.4 ( s= 0.048) 563.0 kN
Mu = z • Fc 372.4 • 563.0 209.7 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.714, 1407, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1850, 392.0 252.6 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.39 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1850.0 • 392.0 ) 284.9 kN (6.2.b)

X-X Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 7-T16@300 1407 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1407, 460, 14, 1850, 1850, 376.0 0.07
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1850.0 • 0.8 • 26.9 563.0 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1407.4 ( s= 0.046) 563.0 kN
Mu = z • Fc 357.2 • 563.0 201.1 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.729, 1407, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1850, 376.0 247.8 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.4 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1850.0 • 376.0 ) 276.8 kN (6.2.b)

Critical Serviceability : 2 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Approx.)

No Service Case defined Calculating approximate values based on
an Average ULS load Factor of 1.17
Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 3.423 x 1.00 36.0 kN
Fcol = F 226.7 + 226.7 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 226.7 + 36.0 262.8 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (-9.1 x 0.45) + (226.7 x 0.0) -4.1 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (10.6 x 0.45) + (226.7 x 0.0) 4.8 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) -4.1, 262.8, 1850 1850 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) 4.8, 262.8, 1850 1850 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Pmax = Fn(Pa, Pzz, Pxx, p1-4) 76.8, ±3.9, ±4.5, 77.4, 68.4, 76.1, 85.2 85.2 kN/m² OK
Check for up-lift Le 1850 >=1850 Be 1850 >=1850 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (227) x 0.925 + ( 36) x 0.925 243 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 243 / 4 59.17 > 1.5 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (227) x 0.925 + ( 36) x 0.925 243 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 243 / 5 50.78 > 1.5 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(-9.13² + 11²) 14.02 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 263) / 14 5.62 > 1.5 OK

Combined Axial & Horizontal loads

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
F/P v+ Fv/Ph<1 (BS 8004: ) 262.8 / 342.3 + 14.0 / 78.8 = 0.77 + 0.18 0.95 OK

Critical Ultimate : 1 : Dead plus Live

Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 3.423 x 1.00 36.0 kN
Fcol = F 298.2 + 298.2 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 298.2 + 36.0 334.2 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (-7.8 x 0.45) + (298.2 x 0.0) -3.5 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (12.9 x 0.45) + (298.2 x 0.0) 5.8 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) -3.5, 334.2, 1850 1850 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) 5.8, 334.2, 1850 1850 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
eccx= Mzz/F -3.5 / 334.2 about centre of base -10.4 mm
eccz= Mxx/F 5.8 / 334.2 about centre of base 17.3 mm
Area = Lx eff • Lzeff 1829.1 • 1815.4 3.3 m²
Pressure = F / Area 334.2 / 3.3 100.7 kN/m²
Pressures P 1to P9 P4=100.7 , P8=100.7 , P 1=0.0
P7=100.7 , P9=100.7 , P 5=0.0
P3=0.0 , P6=0.0 , P2=0.0 100.7 kN/m² Max

Moments and Shears

Static load reduction w=(Sur + Den•D)•LF
(0.0 + 23.4 x 0.45) x 1.00 10.5kN/m²
Check for up-lift (ULS)

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (298) x 0.925 + ( 36) x 0.925 309 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 309 / 3 88.53 > 1.0 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (298) x 0.925 + ( 36) x 0.925 309 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 309 / 6 53.42 > 1.0 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(-7.76² + 13²) 15.02 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 334) / 15 6.68 > 1.0 OK

Moments at Column Face

X-X Moment LowerM - w•B•la²/2 43.9 - 10.5 • 1.9 • 0.7² / 2 38.8 kN.m OK
X-X Moment UpperM - w•B•la²/2 48.4 - 10.5 • 1.9 • 0.7² / 2 43.3 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Left UpperM - w•B•la²/2 48 - 10.5 • 1.9 • 0.7² / 2 42.9 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Right UpperM - w•B•la²/2 45.3 - 10.5 • 1.9 • 0.7² / 2 40.2 kN.m OK

'Beam' Shear at d from Column Face

X-X Lower Vd- w•B•la 54.9 - 10.5 • 1.9 • 0.3 48.4 kN OK
X-X Upper Vd- w•B•la 61.3 - 10.5 • 1.9 • 0.3 54.8 kN OK
Z-Z Left Vd- w•B•la 63.8 - 10.5 • 1.9 • 0.3 57.0 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Z-Z Right Vd- w•B•la 60 - 10.5 • 1.9 • 0.3 53.2 kN OK

Punching Shear at Column Head

vRd,max (stress) 3.825 N/mm²
Zone 0: Column Head
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.16 • (100.653 - 10.53) 14.4 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (298.18 - 14.42) / 1600 / 384 0.462 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 1 d
vRd,c (stress) • 2 av = d thus = av/2d >>> x 2 (cl 0.791 N/mm²
Zone 1: Full Punching
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 1.226 • (100.653 - 10.53) 110.5 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (298.18 - 110.476) / 4012.743 / 384 0.122 N/mm² OK
Zone 2: Left Side Free (298.18 - 152.607) / 3856.372 / 384 0.098 N/mm² OK
Zone 3: Right Side Free (298.18 - 150.15) / 3856.372 / 384 0.1 N/mm² OK
Zone 4: Top Side Free (298.18 - 152.607) / 3856.372 / 384 0.098 N/mm² OK
Zone 5: Bottom Side Free (298.18 - 148.536) / 3856.372 / 384 0.101 N/mm² OK
Zone 6: Left & Bottom Sides Free (298.18 - 196.84) / 2853.186 / 384 0.092 N/mm² OK
Zone 7: Left & Top Sides Free (298.18 - 202.1) / 2853.186 / 384 0.088 N/mm² OK
Zone 8: Right & Top Sides Free (298.18 - 198.926) / 2853.186 / 384 0.091 N/mm² OK
Zone 9: Right & Bottom Sides Free (298.18 - 193.739) / 2853.186 / 384 0.095 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 2 d
Projections from Column face 2 opposite Projections are less than 2 d => Not Applicable

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Pad 4 @ Node 4
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
P4 P1

- -Z +Mz 6-T16@300-B

+X X- 1550 400 4-T12-(cor)

+Mx 8-T12- 2EF

+Z +

P3 775 P2

Basic Properties
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Fy, Fcu, Covers T, B, S 460 N/mm², 30 N/mm², 50 mm, 50 mm, 50 mm
Gross: Area, Area1, Z zz, Z xx 2.403, 0.16, 0.621, 0.621
Conc Den, Surcharge, LFsrv , LFult, SWP
23.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100

Z-Z Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 6-T16@300 1206 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1206, 460, 14, 1550, 1550, 392.0 0.07
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1550.0 • 0.8 • 27.5 482.5 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1206.4 ( s= 0.046) 482.5 kN
Mu = z • Fc 372.4 • 482.5 179.7 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.714, 1206, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1550, 392.0 213.2 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.39 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1550.0 • 392.0 ) 238.7 kN (6.2.b)

X-X Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 6-T16@300 1206 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1206, 460, 14, 1550, 1550, 376.0 0.07
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1550.0 • 0.8 • 27.5 482.5 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1206.4 ( s= 0.044) 482.5 kN
Mu = z • Fc 357.2 • 482.5 172.4 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.729, 1206, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1550, 376.0 209.2 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.4 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1550.0 • 376.0 ) 231.9 kN (6.2.b)

Critical Serviceability : 2 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Approx.)

No Service Case defined Calculating approximate values based on
an Average ULS load Factor of 1.17
Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 2.403 x 1.00 25.3 kN
Fcol = F 137.4 + 137.4 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 137.4 + 25.3 162.7 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (-12.1 x 0.45) + (137.4 x 0.0) -5.4 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (6.4 x 0.45) + (137.4 x 0.0) 2.9 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) -5.4, 162.7, 1550 1550 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) 2.9, 162.7, 1550 1550 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Pmax = Fn(Pa, Pzz, Pxx, p1-4) 67.7, ±8.8, ±4.6, 63.6, 54.3, 71.9, 81.1 81.1 kN/m² OK
Check for up-lift Le 1550 >=1550 Be 1550 >=1550 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (137) x 0.775 + ( 25) x 0.775 126 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 126 / 5 23.15 > 1.5 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (137) x 0.775 + ( 25) x 0.775 126 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 126 / 3 43.87 > 1.5 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(-12.10² + 6²) 13.68 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 163) / 14 3.57 > 1.5 OK

Combined Axial & Horizontal loads

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
F/P v+ Fv/Ph<1 (BS 8004: ) 162.7 / 240.3 + 13.7 / 48.8 = 0.68 + 0.28 0.96 OK

Critical Ultimate : 6 : Dead plus Live + Notional @ 0�

Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 2.403 x 1.00 25.3 kN
Fcol = F 165.1 + 165.1 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 165.1 + 25.3 190.4 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (-18.0 x 0.45) + (165.1 x 0.0) -8.1 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (5.7 x 0.45) + (165.1 x 0.0) 2.6 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) -8.1, 190.4, 1550 1550 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) 2.6, 190.4, 1550 1550 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
eccx= Mzz/F -8.1 / 190.4 about centre of base -42.4 mm
eccz= Mxx/F 2.6 / 190.4 about centre of base 13.5 mm
Area = Lx eff • Lzeff 1465.1 • 1522.9 2.2 m²
Pressure = F / Area 190.4 / 2.2 85.3 kN/m²
Pressures P 1to P9 P4=85.3 , P8=85.3 , P1=0.0
P7=85.3 , P9=85.3 , P5=0.0
P3=0.0 , P6=0.0 , P2=0.0 85.3 kN/m² Max

Moments and Shears

Static load reduction w=(Sur + Den•D)•LF
(0.0 + 23.4 x 0.45) x 1.00 10.5kN/m²
Check for up-lift (ULS)

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (165) x 0.775 + ( 25) x 0.775 148 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 148 / 8 18.26 > 1.0 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (165) x 0.775 + ( 25) x 0.775 148 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 148 / 3 57.22 > 1.0 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(-17.95² + 6²) 18.84 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 190) / 19 3.03 > 1.0 OK

Moments at Column Face

X-X Moment LowerM - w•B•la²/2 18.8 - 10.5 • 1.6 • 0.6² / 2 16.1 kN.m OK
X-X Moment UpperM - w•B•la²/2 20.7 - 10.5 • 1.6 • 0.6² / 2 18.0 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Left UpperM - w•B•la²/2 21.5 - 10.5 • 1.6 • 0.6² / 2 18.8 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Right UpperM - w•B•la²/2 15.6 - 10.5 • 1.6 • 0.6² / 2 12.9 kN.m OK

'Beam' Shear at d from Column Face

X-X Lower Vd- w•B•la 19.5 - 10.5 • 1.6 • 0.2 16.5 kN OK
X-X Upper Vd- w•B•la 22.9 - 10.5 • 1.6 • 0.2 19.9 kN OK
Z-Z Left Vd- w•B•la 25.9 - 10.5 • 1.6 • 0.2 22.6 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Z-Z Right Vd- w•B•la 14.8 - 10.5 • 1.6 • 0.2 11.6 kN OK

Punching Shear at Column Head

vRd,max (stress) 3.825 N/mm²
Zone 0: Column Head
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.16 • (85.318 - 10.53) 12 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (165.07 - 11.966) / 1600 / 384 0.249 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 1 d
vRd,c (stress) • 2 av = d thus = av/2d >>> x 2 (cl 0.791 N/mm²
Zone 1: Full Punching
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 1.226 • (85.318 - 10.53) 91.7 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (165.07 - 91.678) / 4012.743 / 384 0.048 N/mm² OK
Zone 2: Left Side Free (165.07 - 113.537) / 3556.372 / 384 0.038 N/mm² OK
Zone 3: Right Side Free (165.07 - 105.081) / 3556.372 / 384 0.044 N/mm² OK
Zone 4: Top Side Free (165.07 - 113.537) / 3556.372 / 384 0.038 N/mm² OK
Zone 5: Bottom Side Free (165.07 - 110.838) / 3556.372 / 384 0.04 N/mm² OK
Zone 6: Left & Bottom Sides Free (165.07 - 132.396) / 2553.186 / 384 0.033 N/mm² OK
Zone 7: Left & Top Sides Free (165.07 - 135.537) / 2553.186 / 384 0.03 N/mm² OK
Zone 8: Right & Top Sides Free (165.07 - 125.698) / 2553.186 / 384 0.04 N/mm² OK
Zone 9: Right & Bottom Sides Free (165.07 - 122.753) / 2553.186 / 384 0.043 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 2 d
Projections from Column face 2 opposite Projections are less than 2 d => Not Applicable

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Pad 5 @ Node 14
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
P4 P1

- -Z +Mz 7-T16@300-B

+X X- 1750 400
+Mx 6-T12-(pitched on circle)

+Z +

P3 875 P2

Basic Properties
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Fy, Fcu, Covers T, B, S 460 N/mm², 30 N/mm², 50 mm, 50 mm, 50 mm
Gross: Area, Area1, Z zz, Z xx 3.063, 0.16, 0.893, 0.893
Conc Den, Surcharge, LFsrv , LFult, SWP
23.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100

Z-Z Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 7-T16@300 1407 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1407, 460, 14, 1750, 1750, 392.0 0.07
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1750.0 • 0.8 • 28.4 563.0 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1407.4 ( s= 0.045) 563.0 kN
Mu = z • Fc 372.4 • 563.0 209.7 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.714, 1407, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1750, 392.0 243.4 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.39 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1750.0 • 392.0 ) 269.5 kN (6.2.b)

X-X Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 7-T16@300 1407 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1407, 460, 14, 1750, 1750, 376.0 0.08
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1750.0 • 0.8 • 28.4 563.0 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1407.4 ( s= 0.043) 563.0 kN
Mu = z • Fc 357.2 • 563.0 201.1 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.729, 1407, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1750, 376.0 238.8 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.4 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1750.0 • 376.0 ) 261.9 kN (6.2.b)

Critical Serviceability : 2 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Approx.)

No Service Case defined Calculating approximate values based on
an Average ULS load Factor of 1.17
Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 3.063 x 1.00 32.2 kN
Fcol = F 181.6 + 181.6 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 181.6 + 32.2 213.9 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (-15.2 x 0.45) + (181.6 x 0.0) -6.9 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (-4.1 x 0.45) + (181.6 x 0.0) -1.8 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) -6.9, 213.9, 1750 1750 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) -1.8, 213.9, 1750 1750 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Pmax = Fn(Pa, Pzz, Pxx, p1-4) 69.8, ±7.7, ±2.1, 60.1, 64.2, 79.6, 75.5 79.6 kN/m² OK
Check for up-lift Le 1750 >=1750 Be 1750 >=1750 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (182) x 0.875 + ( 32) x 0.875 187 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 187 / 7 27.29 > 1.5 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (182) x 0.875 + ( 32) x 0.875 187 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 187 / 2 101.51 > 1.5 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(-15.24² + -4²) 15.78 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 214) / 16 4.07 > 1.5 OK

Combined Axial & Horizontal loads

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
F/P v+ Fv/Ph<1 (BS 8004: ) 213.9 / 306.3 + 15.8 / 64.2 = 0.70 + 0.25 0.94 OK

Critical Ultimate : 1 : Dead plus Live

Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 3.063 x 1.00 32.2 kN
Fcol = F 226.6 + 226.6 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 226.6 + 32.2 258.8 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (-15.2 x 0.45) + (226.6 x 0.0) -6.8 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (-4.4 x 0.45) + (226.6 x 0.0) -2.0 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) -6.8, 258.8, 1750 1750 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) -2.0, 258.8, 1750 1750 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
eccx= Mzz/F -6.8 / 258.8 about centre of base -26.3 mm
eccz= Mxx/F -2.0 / 258.8 about centre of base -7.6 mm
Area = Lx eff • Lzeff 1697.3 • 1734.9 2.9 m²
Pressure = F / Area 258.8 / 2.9 87.9 kN/m²
Pressures P 1to P9 P4=0.0 , P8=0.0 , P1=0.0
P7=87.9 , P9=87.9 , P5=0.0
P3=87.9 , P6=87.9 , P2=0.0 87.9 kN/m² Max

Moments and Shears

Static load reduction w=(Sur + Den•D)•LF
(0.0 + 23.4 x 0.45) x 1.00 10.5kN/m²
Check for up-lift (ULS)

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (227) x 0.875 + ( 32) x 0.875 226 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 226 / 7 33.22 > 1.0 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (227) x 0.875 + ( 32) x 0.875 226 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 226 / 2 115.70 > 1.0 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(-15.15² + -4²) 15.76 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 259) / 16 4.93 > 1.0 OK

Moments at Column Face

X-X Moment LowerM - w•B•la²/2 34 - 10.5 • 1.8 • 0.7² / 2 29.8 kN.m OK
X-X Moment UpperM - w•B•la²/2 32.5 - 10.5 • 1.8 • 0.7² / 2 28.3 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Left UpperM - w•B•la²/2 34.7 - 10.5 • 1.8 • 0.7² / 2 30.5 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Right UpperM - w•B•la²/2 29.5 - 10.5 • 1.8 • 0.7² / 2 25.3 kN.m OK

'Beam' Shear at d from Column Face

X-X Lower Vd- w•B•la 42.2 - 10.5 • 1.8 • 0.3 37.0 kN OK
X-X Upper Vd- w•B•la 40 - 10.5 • 1.8 • 0.3 34.8 kN OK
Z-Z Left Vd- w•B•la 45.6 - 10.5 • 1.8 • 0.3 40.1 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Z-Z Right Vd- w•B•la 37.6 - 10.5 • 1.8 • 0.3 32.1 kN OK

Punching Shear at Column Head

vRd,max (stress) 3.825 N/mm²
Zone 0: Column Head
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.16 • (87.905 - 10.53) 12.4 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (226.6 - 12.38) / 1600 / 384 0.349 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 1 d
vRd,c (stress) • 2 av = d thus = av/2d >>> x 2 (cl 0.791 N/mm²
Zone 1: Full Punching
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 1.226 • (87.905 - 10.53) 94.8 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (226.6 - 94.848) / 4012.743 / 384 0.086 N/mm² OK
Zone 2: Left Side Free (226.6 - 126.501) / 3756.372 / 384 0.069 N/mm² OK
Zone 3: Right Side Free (226.6 - 121.093) / 3756.372 / 384 0.073 N/mm² OK
Zone 4: Top Side Free (226.6 - 124.948) / 3756.372 / 384 0.07 N/mm² OK
Zone 5: Bottom Side Free (226.6 - 126.501) / 3756.372 / 384 0.069 N/mm² OK
Zone 6: Left & Bottom Sides Free (226.6 - 162.029) / 2753.186 / 384 0.061 N/mm² OK
Zone 7: Left & Top Sides Free (226.6 - 160.089) / 2753.186 / 384 0.063 N/mm² OK
Zone 8: Right & Top Sides Free (226.6 - 153.404) / 2753.186 / 384 0.069 N/mm² OK
Zone 9: Right & Bottom Sides Free (226.6 - 155.273) / 2753.186 / 384 0.067 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 2 d
Projections from Column face 2 opposite Projections are less than 2 d => Not Applicable

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Pad 6 @ Node 15
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
P4 P1

- -Z +Mz

+X X- 2250 400
+Mx 6-T32-(pitched on circle)

+Z +

P3 1125 P2

Basic Properties
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Fy, Fcu, Covers T, B, S 460 N/mm², 30 N/mm², 50 mm, 50 mm, 50 mm
Gross: Area, Area1, Z zz, Z xx 5.063, 0.16, 1.898, 1.898
Conc Den, Surcharge, LFsrv , LFult, SWP
23.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100

Z-Z Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 9-T16@300 1810 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1810, 460, 14, 2250, 2250, 392.0 0.07
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 2250.0 • 0.8 • 28.4 723.8 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1809.6 ( s= 0.045) 723.8 kN
Mu = z • Fc 372.4 • 723.8 269.6 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.714, 1810, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 2250, 392.0 312.9 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.39 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 2250.0 • 392.0 ) 346.4 kN (6.2.b)

X-X Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 9-T16@300 1810 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1810, 460, 14, 2250, 2250, 376.0 0.08
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 2250.0 • 0.8 • 28.4 723.8 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1809.6 ( s= 0.043) 723.8 kN
Mu = z • Fc 357.2 • 723.8 258.5 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.729, 1810, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 2250, 376.0 307.0 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.4 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 2250.0 • 376.0 ) 336.7 kN (6.2.b)

Critical Serviceability : 2 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Approx.)

No Service Case defined Calculating approximate values based on
an Average ULS load Factor of 1.17
Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 5.063 x 1.00 53.3 kN
Fcol = F 277.6 + 277.6 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 277.6 + 53.3 330.9 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (-0.2 x 0.45) + (277.6 x 0.0) -0.1 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (-0.8 x 0.45) + (277.6 x 0.0) -0.4 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) -0.1, 330.9, 2250 2250 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) -0.4, 330.9, 2250 2250 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Pmax = Fn(Pa, Pzz, Pxx, p1-4) 65.4, ±0.1, ±0.2, 65.1, 65.5, 65.6, 65.2 65.6 kN/m² OK
Check for up-lift Le 2250 >=2250 Be 2250 >=2250 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (278) x 1.125 + ( 53) x 1.125 372 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 372 / 0 3712.34 > 1.5 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (278) x 1.125 + ( 53) x 1.125 372 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 372 / 0 1005.42 > 1.5 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(-0.22² + -1²) 0.85 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 331) / 1 116.46 > 1.5 OK

Combined Axial & Horizontal loads

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
F/P v+ Fv/Ph<1 (BS 8004: ) 330.9 / 506.3 + 0.9 / 99.3 = 0.65 + 0.01 0.66 OK

Critical Ultimate : 6 : Dead plus Live + Notional @ 0�

Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 5.063 x 1.00 53.3 kN
Fcol = F 324.1 + 324.1 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 324.1 + 53.3 377.4 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (-2.9 x 0.45) + (324.1 x 0.0) -1.3 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (1.0 x 0.45) + (324.1 x 0.0) 0.4 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) -1.3, 377.4, 2250 2250 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) 0.4, 377.4, 2250 2250 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
eccx= Mzz/F -1.3 / 377.4 about centre of base -3.5 mm
eccz= Mxx/F 0.4 / 377.4 about centre of base 1.2 mm
Area = Lx eff • Lzeff 2243.1 • 2247.7 5.0 m²
Pressure = F / Area 377.4 / 5.0 74.9 kN/m²
Pressures P 1to P9 P4=74.9 , P8=74.9 , P1=0.0
P7=74.9 , P9=74.9 , P5=0.0
P3=0.0 , P6=0.0 , P2=0.0 74.9 kN/m² Max

Moments and Shears

Static load reduction w=(Sur + Den•D)•LF
(0.0 + 23.4 x 0.45) x 1.00 10.5kN/m²
Check for up-lift (ULS)

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (324) x 1.125 + ( 53) x 1.125 425 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 425 / 1 325.39 > 1.0 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (324) x 1.125 + ( 53) x 1.125 425 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 425 / 0 962.88 > 1.0 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(-2.90² + 1²) 3.06 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 377) / 3 36.99 > 1.0 OK

Moments at Column Face

X-X Moment LowerM - w•B•la²/2 71.5 - 10.5 • 2.3 • 0.9² / 2 61.3 kN.m OK
X-X Moment UpperM - w•B•la²/2 71.8 - 10.5 • 2.3 • 0.9² / 2 61.7 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Left UpperM - w•B•la²/2 72 - 10.5 • 2.3 • 0.9² / 2 61.9 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Right UpperM - w•B•la²/2 70.9 - 10.5 • 2.3 • 0.9² / 2 60.8 kN.m OK

'Beam' Shear at d from Column Face

X-X Lower Vd- w•B•la 89.1 - 10.5 • 2.3 • 0.5 76.5 kN OK
X-X Upper Vd- w•B•la 89.5 - 10.5 • 2.3 • 0.5 76.9 kN OK
Z-Z Left Vd- w•B•la 92.4 - 10.5 • 2.3 • 0.5 79.4 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Z-Z Right Vd- w•B•la 91.2 - 10.5 • 2.3 • 0.5 78.2 kN OK

Punching Shear at Column Head

vRd,max (stress) 3.825 N/mm²
Zone 0: Column Head
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.16 • (74.865 - 10.53) 10.3 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (324.14 - 10.294) / 1600 / 384 0.511 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 1 d
vRd,c (stress) • 2 av = d thus = av/2d >>> x 2 (cl 0.791 N/mm²
Zone 1: Full Punching
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 1.226 • (74.865 - 10.53) 78.9 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (324.14 - 78.864) / 4012.743 / 384 0.159 N/mm² OK
Zone 2: Left Side Free (324.14 - 123.969) / 4256.372 / 384 0.122 N/mm² OK
Zone 3: Right Side Free (324.14 - 123.364) / 4256.372 / 384 0.123 N/mm² OK
Zone 4: Top Side Free (324.14 - 123.969) / 4256.372 / 384 0.122 N/mm² OK
Zone 5: Bottom Side Free (324.14 - 123.764) / 4256.372 / 384 0.123 N/mm² OK
Zone 6: Left & Bottom Sides Free (324.14 - 185.378) / 3253.186 / 384 0.111 N/mm² OK
Zone 7: Left & Top Sides Free (324.14 - 185.677) / 3253.186 / 384 0.111 N/mm² OK
Zone 8: Right & Top Sides Free (324.14 - 184.792) / 3253.186 / 384 0.112 N/mm² OK
Zone 9: Right & Bottom Sides Free (324.14 - 184.494) / 3253.186 / 384 0.112 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 2 d
vRd,c (stress) av = 2d = 1 (cl 0.395 N/mm²
Zone 1: Full Punching
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 3.195 • (74.865 - 10.53) 205.5 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (324.14 - 205.521) / 6425.486 / 384 0.048 N/mm² OK
Zone 2: Left Side Free (324.14 - 242.883) / 5462.743 / 384 0.039 N/mm² OK
Zone 3: Right Side Free (324.14 - 241.88) / 5462.743 / 384 0.039 N/mm² OK
Zone 4: Top Side Free (324.14 - 242.883) / 5462.743 / 384 0.039 N/mm² OK
Zone 5: Bottom Side Free (324.14 - 242.544) / 5462.743 / 384 0.039 N/mm² OK
Zone 6: Left & Bottom Sides Free (324.14 - 272.561) / 3856.372 / 384 0.035 N/mm² OK
Zone 7: Left & Top Sides Free (324.14 - 272.927) / 3856.372 / 384 0.035 N/mm² OK
Zone 8: Right & Top Sides Free (324.14 - 271.843) / 3856.372 / 384 0.035 N/mm² OK
Zone 9: Right & Bottom Sides Free (324.14 - 271.478) / 3856.372 / 384 0.036 N/mm² OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Pad 7 @ Node 16
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
P4 P1

- -Z +Mz

+X X- 2250 400
+Mx 4-T12-(cor)
12-T12- 3EF
+Z +

P3 1125 P2

Basic Properties
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Fy, Fcu, Covers T, B, S 460 N/mm², 30 N/mm², 50 mm, 50 mm, 50 mm
Gross: Area, Area1, Z zz, Z xx 5.063, 0.16, 1.898, 1.898
Conc Den, Surcharge, LFsrv , LFult, SWP
23.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100

Z-Z Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 9-T16@300 1810 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1810, 460, 14, 2250, 2250, 392.0 0.07
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 2250.0 • 0.8 • 28.4 723.8 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1809.6 ( s= 0.045) 723.8 kN
Mu = z • Fc 372.4 • 723.8 269.6 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.714, 1810, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 2250, 392.0 312.9 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.39 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 2250.0 • 392.0 ) 346.4 kN (6.2.b)

X-X Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 9-T16@300 1810 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1810, 460, 14, 2250, 2250, 376.0 0.08
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 2250.0 • 0.8 • 28.4 723.8 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1809.6 ( s= 0.043) 723.8 kN
Mu = z • Fc 357.2 • 723.8 258.5 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.729, 1810, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 2250, 376.0 307.0 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.4 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 2250.0 • 376.0 ) 336.7 kN (6.2.b)

Critical Serviceability : 2 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Approx.)

No Service Case defined Calculating approximate values based on
an Average ULS load Factor of 1.17
Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 5.063 x 1.00 53.3 kN
Fcol = F 397.7 + 397.7 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 397.7 + 53.3 451.0 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (12.5 x 0.45) + (397.7 x 0.0) 5.6 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (-4.2 x 0.45) + (397.7 x 0.0) -1.9 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) 5.6, 451.0, 2250 2250 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) -1.9, 451.0, 2250 2250 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Pmax = Fn(Pa, Pzz, Pxx, p1-4) 89.1, ±3.0, ±1.0, 91.0, 93.0, 87.1, 85.1 93.0 kN/m² OK
Check for up-lift Le 2250 >=2250 Be 2250 >=2250 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (398) x 1.125 + ( 53) x 1.125 507 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 507 / 6 90.15 > 1.5 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (398) x 1.125 + ( 53) x 1.125 507 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 507 / 2 266.81 > 1.5 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(12.51² + -4²) 13.20 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 451) / 13 10.25 > 1.5 OK

Combined Axial & Horizontal loads

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
F/P v+ Fv/Ph<1 (BS 8004: ) 451.0 / 506.3 + 13.2 / 135.3 = 0.89 + 0.10 0.99 OK

Critical Ultimate : 1 : Dead plus Live

Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 5.063 x 1.00 53.3 kN
Fcol = F 465.2 + 465.2 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 465.2 + 53.3 518.5 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (12.6 x 0.45) + (465.2 x 0.0) 5.7 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (-6.4 x 0.45) + (465.2 x 0.0) -2.9 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) 5.7, 518.5, 2250 2250 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) -2.9, 518.5, 2250 2250 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
eccx= Mzz/F 5.7 / 518.5 about centre of base 10.9 mm
eccz= Mxx/F -2.9 / 518.5 about centre of base -5.5 mm
Area = Lx eff • Lzeff 2228.1 • 2239.0 5.0 m²
Pressure = F / Area 518.5 / 5.0 103.9 kN/m²
Pressures P 1to P9 P4=0.0 , P8=0.0 , P1=0.0
P7=0.0 , P9=103.9 , P 5=103.9
P3=0.0 , P6=103.9 , P 2=103.9 103.9 kN/m² Max

Moments and Shears

Static load reduction w=(Sur + Den•D)•LF
(0.0 + 23.4 x 0.45) x 1.00 10.5kN/m²
Check for up-lift (ULS)

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (465) x 1.125 + ( 53) x 1.125 583 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 583 / 6 102.79 > 1.0 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (465) x 1.125 + ( 53) x 1.125 583 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 583 / 3 203.81 > 1.0 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(12.61² + -6²) 14.12 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 518) / 14 11.01 > 1.0 OK

Moments at Column Face

X-X Moment LowerM - w•B•la²/2 99.1 - 10.5 • 2.3 • 0.9² / 2 88.9 kN.m OK
X-X Moment UpperM - w•B•la²/2 96.7 - 10.5 • 2.3 • 0.9² / 2 86.6 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Left UpperM - w•B•la²/2 94.9 - 10.5 • 2.3 • 0.9² / 2 84.8 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Right UpperM - w•B•la²/2 99.6 - 10.5 • 2.3 • 0.9² / 2 89.4 kN.m OK

'Beam' Shear at d from Column Face

X-X Lower Vd- w•B•la 123.4 - 10.5 • 2.3 • 0.5 110.8 kN OK
X-X Upper Vd- w•B•la 120.9 - 10.5 • 2.3 • 0.5 108.2 kN OK
Z-Z Left Vd- w•B•la 122.7 - 10.5 • 2.3 • 0.5 109.7 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Z-Z Right Vd- w•B•la 127.8 - 10.5 • 2.3 • 0.5 114.7 kN OK

Punching Shear at Column Head

vRd,max (stress) 3.825 N/mm²
Zone 0: Column Head
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.16 • (103.934 - 10.53) 14.9 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (465.18 - 14.945) / 1600 / 384 0.733 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 1 d
vRd,c (stress) • 2 av = d thus = av/2d >>> x 2 (cl 0.791 N/mm²
Zone 1: Full Punching
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 1.226 • (103.934 - 10.53) 114.5 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (465.18 - 114.497) / 4012.743 / 384 0.228 N/mm² OK
Zone 2: Left Side Free (465.18 - 177.324) / 4256.372 / 384 0.176 N/mm² OK
Zone 3: Right Side Free (465.18 - 179.981) / 4256.372 / 384 0.174 N/mm² OK
Zone 4: Top Side Free (465.18 - 178.641) / 4256.372 / 384 0.175 N/mm² OK
Zone 5: Bottom Side Free (465.18 - 179.981) / 4256.372 / 384 0.174 N/mm² OK
Zone 6: Left & Bottom Sides Free (465.18 - 265.682) / 3253.186 / 384 0.16 N/mm² OK
Zone 7: Left & Top Sides Free (465.18 - 263.747) / 3253.186 / 384 0.161 N/mm² OK
Zone 8: Right & Top Sides Free (465.18 - 267.609) / 3253.186 / 384 0.158 N/mm² OK
Zone 9: Right & Bottom Sides Free (465.18 - 269.57) / 3253.186 / 384 0.157 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 2 d
vRd,c (stress) av = 2d = 1 (cl 0.395 N/mm²
Zone 1: Full Punching
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 3.195 • (103.934 - 10.53) 298.4 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (465.18 - 298.38) / 6425.486 / 384 0.068 N/mm² OK
Zone 2: Left Side Free (465.18 - 348.219) / 5462.743 / 384 0.056 N/mm² OK
Zone 3: Right Side Free (465.18 - 352.623) / 5462.743 / 384 0.054 N/mm² OK
Zone 4: Top Side Free (465.18 - 350.401) / 5462.743 / 384 0.055 N/mm² OK
Zone 5: Bottom Side Free (465.18 - 352.623) / 5462.743 / 384 0.054 N/mm² OK
Zone 6: Left & Bottom Sides Free (465.18 - 391.48) / 3856.372 / 384 0.05 N/mm² OK
Zone 7: Left & Top Sides Free (465.18 - 389.104) / 3856.372 / 384 0.051 N/mm² OK
Zone 8: Right & Top Sides Free (465.18 - 393.84) / 3856.372 / 384 0.048 N/mm² OK
Zone 9: Right & Bottom Sides Free (465.18 - 396.242) / 3856.372 / 384 0.047 N/mm² OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Pad 8 @ Node 17
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
P4 P1

- -Z +Mz

+X X- 1950 400
+Mx 4-T12-(cor)
8-T12- 2EF
+Z +

P3 975 P2

Basic Properties
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Fy, Fcu, Covers T, B, S 460 N/mm², 30 N/mm², 50 mm, 50 mm, 50 mm
Gross: Area, Area1, Z zz, Z xx 3.803, 0.16, 1.236, 1.236
Conc Den, Surcharge, LFsrv , LFult, SWP
23.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100

Z-Z Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 8-T16@300 1608 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1608, 460, 14, 1950, 1950, 392.0 0.07
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1950.0 • 0.8 • 29.1 643.4 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1608.5 ( s= 0.044) 643.4 kN
Mu = z • Fc 372.4 • 643.4 239.6 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.714, 1608, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1950, 392.0 273.5 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.39 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1950.0 • 392.0 ) 300.3 kN (6.2.b)

X-X Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 8-T16@300 1608 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1608, 460, 14, 1950, 1950, 376.0 0.08
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1950.0 • 0.8 • 29.1 643.4 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1608.5 ( s= 0.042) 643.4 kN
Mu = z • Fc 357.2 • 643.4 229.8 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.729, 1608, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1950, 376.0 268.3 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.4 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1950.0 • 376.0 ) 291.8 kN (6.2.b)

Critical Serviceability : 6 : Dead plus Live + Notional @ 0� (Approx.)

No Service Case defined Calculating approximate values based on
an Average ULS load Factor of 1.38
Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 3.803 x 1.00 40.0 kN
Fcol = F 221.6 + 221.6 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 221.6 + 40.0 261.7 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (-21.8 x 0.45) + (221.6 x 0.0) -9.8 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (-1.7 x 0.45) + (221.6 x 0.0) -0.8 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) -9.8, 261.7, 1950 1950 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) -0.8, 261.7, 1950 1950 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Pmax = Fn(Pa, Pzz, Pxx, p1-4) 68.8, ±7.9, ±0.6, 60.2, 61.5, 77.4, 76.1 77.4 kN/m² OK
Check for up-lift Le 1950 >=1950 Be 1950 >=1950 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (222) x 0.975 + ( 40) x 0.975 255 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 255 / 10 25.98 > 1.5 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (222) x 0.975 + ( 40) x 0.975 255 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 255 / 1 326.17 > 1.5 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(-21.83² + -2²) 21.89 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 262) / 22 3.59 > 1.5 OK

Combined Axial & Horizontal loads

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
F/P v+ Fv/Ph<1 (BS 8004: ) 261.7 / 380.3 + 21.9 / 78.5 = 0.69 + 0.28 0.97 OK

Critical Ultimate : 6 : Dead plus Live + Notional @ 0�

Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 3.803 x 1.00 40.0 kN
Fcol = F 304.7 + 304.7 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 304.7 + 40.0 344.8 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (-30.0 x 0.45) + (304.7 x 0.0) -13.5 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (-2.4 x 0.45) + (304.7 x 0.0) -1.1 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) -13.5, 344.8, 1950 1950 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) -1.1, 344.8, 1950 1950 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
eccx= Mzz/F -13.5 / 344.8 about centre of base -39.2 mm
eccz= Mxx/F -1.1 / 344.8 about centre of base -3.1 mm
Area = Lx eff • Lzeff 1871.7 • 1943.8 3.6 m²
Pressure = F / Area 344.8 / 3.6 94.8 kN/m²
Pressures P 1to P9 P4=0.0 , P8=0.0 , P1=0.0
P7=94.8 , P9=94.8 , P5=0.0
P3=94.8 , P6=94.8 , P2=0.0 94.8 kN/m² Max

Moments and Shears

Static load reduction w=(Sur + Den•D)•LF
(0.0 + 23.4 x 0.45) x 1.00 10.5kN/m²
Check for up-lift (ULS)

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (305) x 0.975 + ( 40) x 0.975 336 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 336 / 14 24.89 > 1.0 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (305) x 0.975 + ( 40) x 0.975 336 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 336 / 1 312.56 > 1.0 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(-30.01² + -2²) 30.11 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 345) / 30 3.44 > 1.0 OK

Moments at Column Face

X-X Moment LowerM - w•B•la²/2 53.3 - 10.5 • 2 • 0.8² / 2 47.1 kN.m OK
X-X Moment UpperM - w•B•la²/2 52.4 - 10.5 • 2 • 0.8² / 2 46.2 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Left UpperM - w•B•la²/2 55.3 - 10.5 • 2 • 0.8² / 2 49.2 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Right UpperM - w•B•la²/2 44.7 - 10.5 • 2 • 0.8² / 2 38.5 kN.m OK

'Beam' Shear at d from Column Face

X-X Lower Vd- w•B•la 67.9 - 10.5 • 2 • 0.4 60.1 kN OK
X-X Upper Vd- w•B•la 66.8 - 10.5 • 2 • 0.4 59.0 kN OK
Z-Z Left Vd- w•B•la 73.5 - 10.5 • 2 • 0.4 65.3 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Z-Z Right Vd- w•B•la 59.1 - 10.5 • 2 • 0.4 50.9 kN OK

Punching Shear at Column Head

vRd,max (stress) 3.825 N/mm²
Zone 0: Column Head
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.16 • (94.77 - 10.53) 13.5 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (304.74 - 13.478) / 1600 / 384 0.474 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 1 d
vRd,c (stress) • 2 av = d thus = av/2d >>> x 2 (cl 0.791 N/mm²
Zone 1: Full Punching
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 1.226 • (94.77 - 10.53) 103.3 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (304.74 - 103.264) / 4012.743 / 384 0.131 N/mm² OK
Zone 2: Left Side Free (304.74 - 147.565) / 3956.372 / 384 0.103 N/mm² OK
Zone 3: Right Side Free (304.74 - 138.894) / 3956.372 / 384 0.109 N/mm² OK
Zone 4: Top Side Free (304.74 - 146.874) / 3956.372 / 384 0.104 N/mm² OK
Zone 5: Bottom Side Free (304.74 - 147.565) / 3956.372 / 384 0.103 N/mm² OK
Zone 6: Left & Bottom Sides Free (304.74 - 201.83) / 2953.186 / 384 0.091 N/mm² OK
Zone 7: Left & Top Sides Free (304.74 - 200.908) / 2953.186 / 384 0.092 N/mm² OK
Zone 8: Right & Top Sides Free (304.74 - 189.38) / 2953.186 / 384 0.102 N/mm² OK
Zone 9: Right & Bottom Sides Free (304.74 - 190.256) / 2953.186 / 384 0.101 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 2 d
vRd,c (stress) av = 2d = 1 (cl 0.395 N/mm²
Zone 1: Full Punching
Inner Load Fin= Area • Pmax- Area • P static 3.138 • 94.77 - 3.195 • 10.53 263.8 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (304.74 - 263.754) / 6425.486 / 384 0.017 N/mm² OK
Zone 2: Left Side Free (304.74 - 288.212) / 5162.743 / 384 0.008 N/mm² OK
Zone 3: Right Side Free (304.74 - 279.193) / 5162.743 / 384 0.013 N/mm² OK
Zone 4: Top Side Free (304.74 - 283.195) / 5162.743 / 384 0.011 N/mm² OK
Zone 5: Bottom Side Free (304.74 - 284.297) / 5162.743 / 384 0.01 N/mm² OK
Zone 6: Left & Bottom Sides Free (304.74 - 297.101) / 3556.372 / 384 0.006 N/mm² OK
Zone 7: Left & Top Sides Free (304.74 - 295.994) / 3556.372 / 384 0.006 N/mm² OK
Zone 8: Right & Top Sides Free (304.74 - 290.842) / 3556.372 / 384 0.01 N/mm² OK
Zone 9: Right & Bottom Sides Free (304.74 - 291.945) / 3556.372 / 384 0.009 N/mm² OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Pad 9 @ Node 31
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
P4 P1

- -Z +Mz

+X X- 1050 178

+Z + 450

P3 525 P2

Basic Properties
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Fy, Fcu, Covers T, B, S 460 N/mm², 30 N/mm², 50 mm, 50 mm, 50 mm
Gross: Area, Area1, Z zz, Z xx 1.103, 0.072, 0.193, 0.193
Conc Den, Surcharge, LFsrv , LFult, SWP
23.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100

Z-Z Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 5-T16@300 1005 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1005, 460, 14, 1050, 1050, 392.0 0.09
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1050.0 • 0.8 • 33.8 402.1 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1005.3 ( s= 0.037) 402.1 kN
Mu = z • Fc 372.4 • 402.1 149.8 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.714, 1005, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1050, 392.0 154.8 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.39 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1050.0 • 392.0 ) 161.7 kN (6.2.b)

X-X Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 5-T16@300 1005 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1005, 460, 14, 1050, 1050, 376.0 0.09
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1050.0 • 0.8 • 33.8 402.1 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1005.3 ( s= 0.035) 402.1 kN
Mu = z • Fc 357.2 • 402.1 143.6 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.729, 1005, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1050, 376.0 151.8 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.4 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1050.0 • 376.0 ) 157.1 kN (6.2.b)

Critical Serviceability : 2 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Approx.)

No Service Case defined Calculating approximate values based on
an Average ULS load Factor of 1.17
Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 1.103 x 1.00 11.6 kN
Fcol = F 215.8 + 215.8 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 215.8 + 11.6 227.4 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (6.7 x 0.45) + (215.8 x 0.0) 3.0 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (-0.7 x 0.45) + (215.8 x 0.0) -0.3 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) 3.0, 227.4, 1050 1050 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) -0.3, 227.4, 1050 1050 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Pmax = Fn(Pa, Pzz, Pxx, p1-4) 206.2, ±15.6, ±1.5, 220.4, 223.4, 192.1, 189.1 223.4 kN/m² Warning
Check for up-lift Le 1050 >=1050 Be 1050 >=1050 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (216) x 0.525 + ( 12) x 0.525 119 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 119 / 3 39.58 > 1.5 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (216) x 0.525 + ( 12) x 0.525 119 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 119 / 0 407.22 > 1.5 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(6.70² + -1²) 6.73 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 227) / 7 10.13 > 1.5 OK

Combined Axial & Horizontal loads

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
F/P v+ Fv/Ph<1 (BS 8004: ) 227.4 / 110.3 + 6.7 / 68.2 = 2.06 + 0.10 2.16 Warning

Critical Ultimate : 1 : Dead plus Live

Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 1.103 x 1.00 11.6 kN
Fcol = F 267.8 + 267.8 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 267.8 + 11.6 279.4 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (15.9 x 0.45) + (267.8 x 0.0) 7.1 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (-0.8 x 0.45) + (267.8 x 0.0) -0.3 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) 7.1, 279.4, 1050 1050 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) -0.3, 279.4, 1050 1050 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
eccx= Mzz/F 7.1 / 279.4 about centre of base 25.5 mm
eccz= Mxx/F -0.3 / 279.4 about centre of base -1.2 mm
Area = Lx eff • Lzeff 998.9 • 1047.6 1.0 m²
Pressure = F / Area 279.4 / 1.0 267.0 kN/m²
Pressures P 1to P9 P4=0.0 , P8=0.0 , P1=0.0
P7=0.0 , P9=267.0 , P 5=267.0
P3=0.0 , P6=267.0 , P 2=267.0 267.0 kN/m² Max

Moments and Shears

Static load reduction w=(Sur + Den•D)•LF
(0.0 + 23.4 x 0.45) x 1.00 10.5kN/m²
Check for up-lift (ULS)

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (268) x 0.525 + ( 12) x 0.525 147 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 147 / 7 20.56 > 1.0 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (268) x 0.525 + ( 12) x 0.525 147 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 147 / 0 434.61 > 1.0 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(15.85² + -1²) 15.87 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 279) / 16 5.28 > 1.0 OK

Moments at Column Face

X-X Moment LowerM - w•B•la²/2 25.3 - 10.5 • 1.1 • 0.4² / 2 24.3 kN.m OK
X-X Moment UpperM - w•B•la²/2 25.1 - 10.5 • 1.1 • 0.4² / 2 24.0 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Left UpperM - w•B•la²/2 10.4 - 10.5 • 1.1 • 0.3² / 2 9.8 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Right UpperM - w•B•la²/2 14.6 - 10.5 • 1.1 • 0.3² / 2 14.1 kN.m OK

'Beam' Shear at d from Column Face

X-X Lower Vd- w•B•la 11.7 - 10.5 • 1.1 • 0 11.2 kN OK
X-X Upper Vd- w•B•la 11.1 - 10.5 • 1.1 • 0 10.6 kN OK
Z-Z Left Vd- w•B•la 0 - 10.5 • 1.1 • -0.1 0.6 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Z-Z Right Vd- w•B•la -14.7 - 10.5 • 1.1 • -0.1 -14.1 kN OK

Punching Shear at Column Head

vRd,max (stress) 3.825 N/mm²
Zone 0: Column Head
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.072 • (266.981 - 10.53) 18.4 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (267.78 - 18.396) / 1162 / 384 0.559 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 1 d
Projections from Column face 2 opposite Projections are less than 1 d => Not Applicable

Punching Shear at 2 d
Projections from Column face 2 opposite Projections are less than 2 d => Not Applicable

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Pad 10 @ Node 32
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
P4 P1

- -Z +Mz

+X X- 1150 154

+Z + 450

P3 575 P2

Basic Properties
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Fy, Fcu, Covers T, B, S 460 N/mm², 30 N/mm², 50 mm, 50 mm, 50 mm
Gross: Area, Area1, Z zz, Z xx 1.323, 0.024, 0.253, 0.253
Conc Den, Surcharge, LFsrv , LFult, SWP
23.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100

Z-Z Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 5-T16@300 1005 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1005, 460, 14, 1150, 1150, 392.0 0.08
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1150.0 • 0.8 • 30.9 402.1 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1005.3 ( s= 0.041) 402.1 kN
Mu = z • Fc 372.4 • 402.1 149.8 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.714, 1005, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1150, 392.0 164.4 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.39 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1150.0 • 392.0 ) 177.1 kN (6.2.b)

X-X Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 5-T16@300 1005 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1005, 460, 14, 1150, 1150, 376.0 0.08
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1150.0 • 0.8 • 30.9 402.1 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1005.3 ( s= 0.039) 402.1 kN
Mu = z • Fc 357.2 • 402.1 143.6 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.729, 1005, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1150, 376.0 161.3 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.4 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1150.0 • 376.0 ) 172.1 kN (6.2.b)

Critical Serviceability : 2 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Approx.)

No Service Case defined Calculating approximate values based on
an Average ULS load Factor of 1.17
Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 1.323 x 1.00 13.9 kN
Fcol = F 300.8 + 300.8 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 300.8 + 13.9 314.7 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (2.8 x 0.45) + (300.8 x 0.0) 1.3 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (2.0 x 0.45) + (300.8 x 0.0) 0.9 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) 1.3, 314.7, 1150 1150 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) 0.9, 314.7, 1150 1150 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Pmax = Fn(Pa, Pzz, Pxx, p1-4) 238.0, ±5.0, ±3.5, 246.5, 239.5, 229.5, 236.5 246.5 kN/m² Warning
Check for up-lift Le 1150 >=1150 Be 1150 >=1150 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (301) x 0.575 + ( 14) x 0.575 181 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 181 / 1 141.75 > 1.5 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (301) x 0.575 + ( 14) x 0.575 181 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 181 / 1 204.00 > 1.5 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(2.84² + 2²) 3.45 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 315) / 3 27.33 > 1.5 OK

Combined Axial & Horizontal loads

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
F/P v+ Fv/Ph<1 (BS 8004: ) 314.7 / 132.3 + 3.5 / 94.4 = 2.38 + 0.04 2.42 Warning

Critical Ultimate : 1 : Dead plus Live

Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 1.323 x 1.00 13.9 kN
Fcol = F 352.5 + 352.5 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 352.5 + 13.9 366.4 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (5.1 x 0.45) + (352.5 x 0.0) 2.3 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (2.3 x 0.45) + (352.5 x 0.0) 1.0 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) 2.3, 366.4, 1150 1150 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) 1.0, 366.4, 1150 1150 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
eccx= Mzz/F 2.3 / 366.4 about centre of base 6.3 mm
eccz= Mxx/F 1.0 / 366.4 about centre of base 2.8 mm
Area = Lx eff • Lzeff 1137.4 • 1144.4 1.3 m²
Pressure = F / Area 366.4 / 1.3 281.5 kN/m²
Pressures P 1to P9 P4=0.0 , P8=281.5 , P 1=281.5
P7=0.0 , P9=281.5 , P 5=281.5
P3=0.0 , P6=0.0 , P2=0.0 281.5 kN/m² Max

Moments and Shears

Static load reduction w=(Sur + Den•D)•LF
(0.0 + 23.4 x 0.45) x 1.00 10.5kN/m²
Check for up-lift (ULS)

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (353) x 0.575 + ( 14) x 0.575 211 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 211 / 2 91.27 > 1.0 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (353) x 0.575 + ( 14) x 0.575 211 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 211 / 1 204.46 > 1.0 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(5.13² + 2²) 5.62 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 366) / 6 19.57 > 1.0 OK

Moments at Column Face

X-X Moment LowerM - w•B•la²/2 38.9 - 10.5 • 1.2 • 0.5² / 2 37.4 kN.m OK
X-X Moment UpperM - w•B•la²/2 39.8 - 10.5 • 1.2 • 0.5² / 2 38.3 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Left UpperM - w•B•la²/2 37.6 - 10.5 • 1.2 • 0.5² / 2 36.2 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Right UpperM - w•B•la²/2 39.6 - 10.5 • 1.2 • 0.5² / 2 38.1 kN.m OK

'Beam' Shear at d from Column Face

X-X Lower Vd- w•B•la 32.3 - 10.5 • 1.2 • 0.1 31.0 kN OK
X-X Upper Vd- w•B•la 34.1 - 10.5 • 1.2 • 0.1 32.8 kN OK
Z-Z Left Vd- w•B•la 34.6 - 10.5 • 1.2 • 0.1 33.1 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Z-Z Right Vd- w•B•la 38.7 - 10.5 • 1.2 • 0.1 37.2 kN OK

Punching Shear at Column Head

vRd,max (stress) 3.825 N/mm²
Zone 0: Column Head
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.024 • (281.517 - 10.53) 6.6 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (352.5 - 6.551) / 622 / 384 1.448 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 1 d
vRd,c (stress) • 2 av = d thus = av/2d >>> x 2 (cl 0.791 N/mm²
Zone 1: Full Punching
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.714 • (281.517 - 10.53) 193.6 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (352.5 - 193.608) / 3034.743 / 384 0.136 N/mm² OK
Zone 2: Left Side Free (352.5 - 237.045) / 2667.372 / 384 0.113 N/mm² OK
Zone 3: Right Side Free (352.5 - 240.312) / 2667.372 / 384 0.11 N/mm² OK
Zone 4: Top Side Free (352.5 - 241.091) / 2667.372 / 384 0.109 N/mm² OK
Zone 5: Bottom Side Free (352.5 - 239.625) / 2667.372 / 384 0.11 N/mm² OK
Zone 6: Left & Bottom Sides Free (352.5 - 276.598) / 1908.686 / 384 0.104 N/mm² OK
Zone 7: Left & Top Sides Free (352.5 - 278.221) / 1908.686 / 384 0.101 N/mm² OK
Zone 8: Right & Top Sides Free (352.5 - 281.894) / 1908.686 / 384 0.096 N/mm² OK
Zone 9: Right & Bottom Sides Free (352.5 - 280.251) / 1908.686 / 384 0.099 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 2 d
Projections from Column face 2 opposite Projections are less than 2 d => Not Applicable

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Pad 11 @ Node 33
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
P4 P1

- -Z +Mz

+X X- 1250 204

+Z +

P3 625 P2

Basic Properties
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Fy, Fcu, Covers T, B, S 460 N/mm², 30 N/mm², 50 mm, 50 mm, 50 mm
Gross: Area, Area1, Z zz, Z xx 1.563, 0.041, 0.326, 0.326
Conc Den, Surcharge, LFsrv , LFult, SWP
23.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100

Z-Z Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 5-T16@300 1005 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1005, 460, 14, 1250, 1250, 392.0 0.07
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1250.0 • 0.8 • 28.4 402.1 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1005.3 ( s= 0.045) 402.1 kN
Mu = z • Fc 372.4 • 402.1 149.8 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.714, 1005, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1250, 392.0 173.8 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.39 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1250.0 • 392.0 ) 192.5 kN (6.2.b)

X-X Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 5-T16@300 1005 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1005, 460, 14, 1250, 1250, 376.0 0.08
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1250.0 • 0.8 • 28.4 402.1 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1005.3 ( s= 0.043) 402.1 kN
Mu = z • Fc 357.2 • 402.1 143.6 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.729, 1005, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1250, 376.0 170.6 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.4 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1250.0 • 376.0 ) 187.0 kN (6.2.b)

Critical Serviceability : 2 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Approx.)

No Service Case defined Calculating approximate values based on
an Average ULS load Factor of 1.17
Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 1.563 x 1.00 16.5 kN
Fcol = F 305.6 + 305.6 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 305.6 + 16.5 322.0 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (4.3 x 0.45) + (305.6 x 0.0) 1.9 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) 1.9, 322.0, 1250 1250 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Pmax = Fn(Pa, Pzz, Pxx, p1-4) 206.1, ±5.9, ±0.1, 211.9, 212.1, 200.3, 200.1 212.1 kN/m² Warning
Check for up-lift Le 1250 >=1250 Be 1250 >=1250 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (306) x 0.625 + ( 16) x 0.625 201 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 201 / 2 104.57 > 1.5 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(4.28² + 0²) 4.28 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 322) / 4 22.58 > 1.5 OK

Combined Axial & Horizontal loads

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
F/P v+ Fv/Ph<1 (BS 8004: ) 322.0 / 156.3 + 4.3 / 96.6 = 2.06 + 0.04 2.11 Warning

Critical Ultimate : 6 : Dead plus Live + Notional @ 0�

Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 1.563 x 1.00 16.5 kN
Fcol = F 358.0 + 358.0 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 358.0 + 16.5 374.4 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (6.7 x 0.45) + (358.0 x 0.0) 3.0 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) 3.0, 374.4, 1250 1250 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
eccx= Mzz/F 3.0 / 374.4 about centre of base 8.0 mm
eccz= Mxx/F 0.0 / 374.4 about centre of base -0.1 mm
Area = Lx eff • Lzeff 1234.0 • 1249.8 1.5 m²
Pressure = F / Area 374.4 / 1.5 242.8 kN/m²
Pressures P 1to P9 P4=0.0 , P8=0.0 , P1=0.0
P7=0.0 , P9=242.8 , P 5=242.8
P3=0.0 , P6=242.8 , P 2=242.8 242.8 kN/m² Max

Moments and Shears

Static load reduction w=(Sur + Den•D)•LF
(0.0 + 23.4 x 0.45) x 1.00 10.5kN/m²
Check for up-lift (ULS)

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (358) x 0.625 + ( 16) x 0.625 234 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 234 / 3 78.20 > 1.0 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(6.65² + 0²) 6.65 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 374) / 7 16.89 > 1.0 OK

Moments at Column Face

X-X Moment LowerM - w•B•la²/2 41 - 10.5 • 1.3 • 0.5² / 2 39.2 kN.m OK
X-X Moment UpperM - w•B•la²/2 40.9 - 10.5 • 1.3 • 0.5² / 2 39.1 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Left UpperM - w•B•la²/2 39.1 - 10.5 • 1.3 • 0.5² / 2 37.3 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Right UpperM - w•B•la²/2 41.6 - 10.5 • 1.3 • 0.5² / 2 39.8 kN.m OK

'Beam' Shear at d from Column Face

X-X Lower Vd- w•B•la 39.2 - 10.5 • 1.3 • 0.1 37.5 kN OK
X-X Upper Vd- w•B•la 39.2 - 10.5 • 1.3 • 0.1 37.5 kN OK
Z-Z Left Vd- w•B•la 39.9 - 10.5 • 1.3 • 0.1 38.0 kN OK
Z-Z Right Vd- w•B•la 44.8 - 10.5 • 1.3 • 0.1 42.8 kN OK

Punching Shear at Column Head

vRd,max (stress) 3.825 N/mm²
Zone 0: Column Head
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.041 • (242.78 - 10.53) 9.6 kN

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (357.99 - 9.618) / 814 / 384 1.115 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 1 d
vRd,c (stress) • 2 av = d thus = av/2d >>> x 2 (cl 0.791 N/mm²
Zone 1: Full Punching
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.805 • (242.78 - 10.53) 187.1 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (357.99 - 187.059) / 3226.743 / 384 0.138 N/mm² OK
Zone 2: Left Side Free (357.99 - 230.85) / 2863.372 / 384 0.116 N/mm² OK
Zone 3: Right Side Free (357.99 - 234.622) / 2863.372 / 384 0.112 N/mm² OK
Zone 4: Top Side Free (357.99 - 234.437) / 2863.372 / 384 0.112 N/mm² OK
Zone 5: Bottom Side Free (357.99 - 234.476) / 2863.372 / 384 0.112 N/mm² OK
Zone 6: Left & Bottom Sides Free (357.99 - 274.196) / 2056.686 / 384 0.106 N/mm² OK
Zone 7: Left & Top Sides Free (357.99 - 274.151) / 2056.686 / 384 0.106 N/mm² OK
Zone 8: Right & Top Sides Free (357.99 - 278.462) / 2056.686 / 384 0.101 N/mm² OK
Zone 9: Right & Bottom Sides Free (357.99 - 278.507) / 2056.686 / 384 0.101 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 2 d
Projections from Column face 2 opposite Projections are less than 2 d => Not Applicable

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Pad 12 @ Node 34
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
P4 P1

- -Z +Mz

+X X- 1850 178

+Z +

P3 925 P2

Basic Properties
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Fy, Fcu, Covers T, B, S 460 N/mm², 30 N/mm², 50 mm, 50 mm, 50 mm
Gross: Area, Area1, Z zz, Z xx 3.423, 0.072, 1.055, 1.055
Conc Den, Surcharge, LFsrv , LFult, SWP
23.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100

Z-Z Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 7-T16@300 1407 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1407, 460, 14, 1850, 1850, 392.0 0.07
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1850.0 • 0.8 • 26.9 563.0 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1407.4 ( s= 0.048) 563.0 kN
Mu = z • Fc 372.4 • 563.0 209.7 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.714, 1407, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1850, 392.0 252.6 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.39 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1850.0 • 392.0 ) 284.9 kN (6.2.b)

X-X Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 7-T16@300 1407 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1407, 460, 14, 1850, 1850, 376.0 0.07
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1850.0 • 0.8 • 26.9 563.0 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1407.4 ( s= 0.046) 563.0 kN
Mu = z • Fc 357.2 • 563.0 201.1 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.729, 1407, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1850, 376.0 247.8 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.4 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1850.0 • 376.0 ) 276.8 kN (6.2.b)

Critical Serviceability : 3 : Dead Plus Wind On Side (Approx.)

No Service Case defined Calculating approximate values based on
an Average ULS load Factor of 1.25
Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 3.423 x 1.00 36.0 kN
Fcol = F 27.3 + 27.3 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 27.3 + 36.0 63.4 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (12.2 x 0.45) + (27.3 x 0.0) 5.5 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) 5.5, 63.4, 1850 1850 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Pmax = Fn(Pa, Pzz, Pxx, p1-4) 18.5, ±5.2, ±0.0, 23.7, 23.7, 13.3, 13.3 23.7 kN/m² OK
Check for up-lift Le 1850 >=1850 Be 1850 >=1850 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (27) x 0.925 + ( 36) x 0.925 59 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 59 / 6 10.65 > 1.5 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 63) / 12 1.55 > 1.5 OK

Combined Axial & Horizontal loads

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
F/P v+ Fv/Ph<1 (BS 8004: ) 63.4 / 342.3 + 12.2 / 19.0 = 0.19 + 0.64 0.83 OK

Critical Ultimate : 6 : Dead plus Live + Notional @ 0�

Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 3.423 x 1.00 36.0 kN
Fcol = F 289.7 + 289.7 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 289.7 + 36.0 325.8 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (8.4 x 0.45) + (289.7 x 0.0) 3.8 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (-0.1 x 0.45) + (289.7 x 0.0) -0.1 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) 3.8, 325.8, 1850 1850 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) -0.1, 325.8, 1850 1850 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
eccx= Mzz/F 3.8 / 325.8 about centre of base 11.6 mm
eccz= Mxx/F -0.1 / 325.8 about centre of base -0.2 mm
Area = Lx eff • Lzeff 1826.8 • 1849.6 3.4 m²
Pressure = F / Area 325.8 / 3.4 96.4 kN/m²
Pressures P 1to P9 P4=0.0 , P8=0.0 , P1=0.0
P7=0.0 , P9=96.4 , P5=96.4
P3=0.0 , P6=96.4 , P2=96.4 96.4 kN/m² Max

Moments and Shears

Static load reduction w=(Sur + Den•D)•LF
(0.0 + 23.4 x 0.45) x 1.00 10.5kN/m²
Check for up-lift (ULS)

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (290) x 0.925 + ( 36) x 0.925 301 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 301 / 4 79.72 > 1.0 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (290) x 0.925 + ( 36) x 0.925 301 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 301 / 0 5151.05 > 1.0 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(8.40² + 0²) 8.40 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 326) / 8 11.63 > 1.0 OK

Moments at Column Face

X-X Moment LowerM - w•B•la²/2 61.5 - 10.5 • 1.9 • 0.8² / 2 54.7 kN.m OK
X-X Moment UpperM - w•B•la²/2 61.5 - 10.5 • 1.9 • 0.8² / 2 54.7 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Left UpperM - w•B•la²/2 43.7 - 10.5 • 1.9 • 0.7² / 2 38.6 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Right UpperM - w•B•la²/2 46.7 - 10.5 • 1.9 • 0.7² / 2 41.6 kN.m OK

'Beam' Shear at d from Column Face

X-X Lower Vd- w•B•la 78.2 - 10.5 • 1.9 • 0.4 69.6 kN OK
X-X Upper Vd- w•B•la 78.1 - 10.5 • 1.9 • 0.4 69.5 kN OK
Z-Z Left Vd- w•B•la 57.8 - 10.5 • 1.9 • 0.3 51.1 kN OK
Z-Z Right Vd- w•B•la 62 - 10.5 • 1.9 • 0.3 55.2 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Punching Shear at Column Head

vRd,max (stress) 3.825 N/mm²
Zone 0: Column Head
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.072 • (96.412 - 10.53) 6.2 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (289.73 - 6.161) / 1162 / 384 0.636 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 1 d
vRd,c (stress) • 2 av = d thus = av/2d >>> x 2 (cl 0.791 N/mm²
Zone 1: Full Punching
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.969 • (96.412 - 10.53) 83.3 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (289.73 - 83.252) / 3574.743 / 384 0.15 N/mm² OK
Zone 2: Left Side Free (289.73 - 114.661) / 3637.372 / 384 0.125 N/mm² OK
Zone 3: Right Side Free (289.73 - 116.777) / 3637.372 / 384 0.124 N/mm² OK
Zone 4: Top Side Free (289.73 - 134.611) / 3637.372 / 384 0.111 N/mm² OK
Zone 5: Bottom Side Free (289.73 - 134.652) / 3637.372 / 384 0.111 N/mm² OK
Zone 6: Left & Bottom Sides Free (289.73 - 175.257) / 2743.686 / 384 0.109 N/mm² OK
Zone 7: Left & Top Sides Free (289.73 - 175.205) / 2743.686 / 384 0.109 N/mm² OK
Zone 8: Right & Top Sides Free (289.73 - 178.332) / 2743.686 / 384 0.106 N/mm² OK
Zone 9: Right & Bottom Sides Free (289.73 - 178.385) / 2743.686 / 384 0.106 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 2 d
Projections from Column face 2 opposite Projections are less than 2 d => Not Applicable

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Pad 13 @ Node 44
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
P4 P1

- -Z +Mz

+X X- 1350 178

+Z +

P3 675 P2

Basic Properties
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Fy, Fcu, Covers T, B, S 460 N/mm², 30 N/mm², 50 mm, 50 mm, 50 mm
Gross: Area, Area1, Z zz, Z xx 1.823, 0.072, 0.41, 0.41
Conc Den, Surcharge, LFsrv , LFult, SWP
23.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100

Z-Z Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 6-T16@300 1206 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1206, 460, 14, 1350, 1350, 392.0 0.08
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1350.0 • 0.8 • 31.5 482.5 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1206.4 ( s= 0.04) 482.5 kN
Mu = z • Fc 372.4 • 482.5 179.7 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.714, 1206, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1350, 392.0 194.5 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.39 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1350.0 • 392.0 ) 207.9 kN (6.2.b)

X-X Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 6-T16@300 1206 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1206, 460, 14, 1350, 1350, 376.0 0.08
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1350.0 • 0.8 • 31.5 482.5 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1206.4 ( s= 0.038) 482.5 kN
Mu = z • Fc 357.2 • 482.5 172.4 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.729, 1206, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1350, 376.0 190.8 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.4 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1350.0 • 376.0 ) 202.0 kN (6.2.b)

Critical Serviceability : 3 : Dead Plus Wind On Side (Approx.)

No Service Case defined Calculating approximate values based on
an Average ULS load Factor of 1.25
Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 1.823 x 1.00 19.2 kN
Fcol = F 20.5 + 20.5 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 20.5 + 19.2 39.7 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (7.5 x 0.45) + (20.5 x 0.0) 3.4 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (-2.0 x 0.45) + (20.5 x 0.0) -0.9 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) 3.4, 39.7, 1350 1350 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) -0.9, 39.7, 1350 1350 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Pmax = Fn(Pa, Pzz, Pxx, p1-4) 21.8, ±8.2, ±2.2, 27.8, 32.2, 15.8, 11.4 32.2 kN/m² OK
Check for up-lift Le 1350 >=1350 Be 1350 >=1350 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (21) x 0.675 + ( 19) x 0.675 27 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 27 / 3 7.96 > 1.5 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (21) x 0.675 + ( 19) x 0.675 27 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 27 / 1 29.68 > 1.5 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(7.49² + -2²) 7.75 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 40) / 8 1.54 > 1.5 OK

Combined Axial & Horizontal loads

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
F/P v+ Fv/Ph<1 (BS 8004: ) 39.7 / 182.3 + 7.8 / 11.9 = 0.22 + 0.65 0.87 OK

Critical Ultimate : 6 : Dead plus Live + Notional @ 0�

Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 1.823 x 1.00 19.2 kN
Fcol = F 137.1 + 137.1 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 137.1 + 19.2 156.3 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (-3.2 x 0.45) + (137.1 x 0.0) -1.4 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) -1.4, 156.3, 1350 1350 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
eccx= Mzz/F -1.4 / 156.3 about centre of base -9.1 mm
eccz= Mxx/F 0.0 / 156.3 about centre of base 0.3 mm
Area = Lx eff • Lzeff 1331.8 • 1349.4 1.8 m²
Pressure = F / Area 156.3 / 1.8 87.0 kN/m²
Pressures P 1to P9 P4=87.0 , P8=87.0 , P1=0.0
P7=87.0 , P9=87.0 , P5=0.0
P3=0.0 , P6=0.0 , P2=0.0 87.0 kN/m² Max

Moments and Shears

Static load reduction w=(Sur + Den•D)•LF
(0.0 + 23.4 x 0.45) x 1.00 10.5kN/m²
Check for up-lift (ULS)

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (137) x 0.675 + ( 19) x 0.675 106 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 106 / 1 74.19 > 1.0 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(-3.16² + 0²) 3.16 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 156) / 3 14.83 > 1.0 OK

Moments at Column Face

X-X Moment LowerM - w•B•la²/2 19.8 - 10.5 • 1.4 • 0.6² / 2 17.4 kN.m OK
X-X Moment UpperM - w•B•la²/2 19.9 - 10.5 • 1.4 • 0.6² / 2 17.4 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Left UpperM - w•B•la²/2 13.2 - 10.5 • 1.4 • 0.5² / 2 11.6 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Right UpperM - w•B•la²/2 12.2 - 10.5 • 1.4 • 0.5² / 2 10.6 kN.m OK

'Beam' Shear at d from Column Face

X-X Lower Vd- w•B•la 22.4 - 10.5 • 1.4 • 0.2 19.6 kN OK
X-X Upper Vd- w•B•la 22.5 - 10.5 • 1.4 • 0.2 19.7 kN OK
Z-Z Left Vd- w•B•la 11.4 - 10.5 • 1.4 • 0.1 10.1 kN OK
Z-Z Right Vd- w•B•la 9.3 - 10.5 • 1.4 • 0.1 7.9 kN OK

Punching Shear at Column Head

vRd,max (stress) 3.825 N/mm²

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Zone 0: Column Head

Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.072 • (86.971 - 10.53) 5.5 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (137.11 - 5.483) / 1162 / 384 0.295 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 1 d
vRd,c (stress) • 2 av = d thus = av/2d >>> x 2 (cl 0.791 N/mm²
Zone 1: Full Punching
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.969 • (86.971 - 10.53) 74.1 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (137.11 - 74.1) / 3574.743 / 384 0.046 N/mm² OK
Zone 2: Left Side Free (137.11 - 85.861) / 3137.372 / 384 0.043 N/mm² OK
Zone 3: Right Side Free (137.11 - 84.364) / 3137.372 / 384 0.044 N/mm² OK
Zone 4: Top Side Free (137.11 - 97.47) / 3137.372 / 384 0.033 N/mm² OK
Zone 5: Bottom Side Free (137.11 - 97.412) / 3137.372 / 384 0.033 N/mm² OK
Zone 6: Left & Bottom Sides Free (137.11 - 107.906) / 2243.686 / 384 0.034 N/mm² OK
Zone 7: Left & Top Sides Free (137.11 - 107.969) / 2243.686 / 384 0.034 N/mm² OK
Zone 8: Right & Top Sides Free (137.11 - 106.152) / 2243.686 / 384 0.036 N/mm² OK
Zone 9: Right & Bottom Sides Free (137.11 - 106.09) / 2243.686 / 384 0.036 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 2 d
Projections from Column face 2 opposite Projections are less than 2 d => Not Applicable

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Pad 14 @ Node 47
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
P4 P1

- -Z +Mz

+X X- 950 166

475 450
+Z +

P3 475 P2

Basic Properties
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Fy, Fcu, Covers T, B, S 460 N/mm², 30 N/mm², 50 mm, 50 mm, 50 mm
Gross: Area, Area1, Z zz, Z xx 0.903, 0.05, 0.143, 0.143
Conc Den, Surcharge, LFsrv , LFult, SWP
23.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100

Z-Z Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 4-T16@300 804 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 804, 460, 14, 950, 950, 392.0 0.08
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 950.0 • 0.8 • 29.9 321.7 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 804.2 ( s= 0.042) 321.7 kN
Mu = z • Fc 372.4 • 321.7 119.8 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.714, 804, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 950, 392.0 134.4 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.39 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 950.0 • 392.0 ) 146.3 kN (6.2.b)

X-X Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 4-T16@300 804 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 804, 460, 14, 950, 950, 376.0 0.08
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 950.0 • 0.8 • 29.9 321.7 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 804.2 ( s= 0.041) 321.7 kN
Mu = z • Fc 357.2 • 321.7 114.9 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.729, 804, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 950, 376.0 131.9 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.4 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 950.0 • 376.0 ) 142.2 kN (6.2.b)

Critical Serviceability : 2 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Approx.)

No Service Case defined Calculating approximate values based on
an Average ULS load Factor of 1.17
Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 0.903 x 1.00 9.5 kN
Fcol = F 183.9 + 183.9 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 183.9 + 9.5 193.4 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (5.2 x 0.45) + (183.9 x 0.0) 2.3 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (2.2 x 0.45) + (183.9 x 0.0) 1.0 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) 2.3, 193.4, 950 950 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) 1.0, 193.4, 950 950 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Pmax = Fn(Pa, Pzz, Pxx, p1-4) 214.3, ±16.3, ±6.8, 237.4, 223.7, 191.1, 204.8 237.4 kN/m² Warning
Check for up-lift Le 950 >=950 Be 950 >=950 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (184) x 0.475 + ( 10) x 0.475 92 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 92 / 2 39.43 > 1.5 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (184) x 0.475 + ( 10) x 0.475 92 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 92 / 1 94.12 > 1.5 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(5.18² + 2²) 5.61 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 193) / 6 10.34 > 1.5 OK

Combined Axial & Horizontal loads

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
F/P v+ Fv/Ph<1 (BS 8004: ) 193.4 / 90.3 + 5.6 / 58.0 = 2.14 + 0.10 2.24 Warning

Critical Ultimate : 1 : Dead plus Live

Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 0.903 x 1.00 9.5 kN
Fcol = F 246.6 + 246.6 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 246.6 + 9.5 256.1 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (3.7 x 0.45) + (246.6 x 0.0) 1.6 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (1.9 x 0.45) + (246.6 x 0.0) 0.9 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) 1.6, 256.1, 950 950 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) 0.9, 256.1, 950 950 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
eccx= Mzz/F 1.6 / 256.1 about centre of base 6.4 mm
eccz= Mxx/F 0.9 / 256.1 about centre of base 3.3 mm
Area = Lx eff • Lzeff 937.2 • 943.4 0.9 m²
Pressure = F / Area 256.1 / 0.9 289.7 kN/m²
Pressures P 1to P9 P4=0.0 , P8=289.7 , P 1=289.7
P7=0.0 , P9=289.7 , P 5=289.7
P3=0.0 , P6=0.0 , P2=0.0 289.7 kN/m² Max

Moments and Shears

Static load reduction w=(Sur + Den•D)•LF
(0.0 + 23.4 x 0.45) x 1.00 10.5kN/m²
Check for up-lift (ULS)

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (247) x 0.475 + ( 10) x 0.475 122 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 122 / 2 74.07 > 1.0 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (247) x 0.475 + ( 10) x 0.475 122 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 122 / 1 143.04 > 1.0 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(3.65² + 2²) 4.11 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 256) / 4 18.69 > 1.0 OK

Moments at Column Face

X-X Moment LowerM - w•B•la²/2 20.2 - 10.5 • 1 • 0.4² / 2 19.4 kN.m OK
X-X Moment UpperM - w•B•la²/2 20.9 - 10.5 • 1 • 0.4² / 2 20.1 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Left UpperM - w•B•la²/2 13.2 - 10.5 • 1 • 0.3² / 2 12.7 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Right UpperM - w•B•la²/2 14.3 - 10.5 • 1 • 0.3² / 2 13.8 kN.m OK

'Beam' Shear at d from Column Face

X-X Lower Vd- w•B•la 0 - 10.5 • 1 • 0 0.0 kN OK
X-X Upper Vd- w•B•la 0.1 - 10.5 • 1 • 0 0.1 kN OK
Z-Z Left Vd- w•B•la 0 - 10.5 • 1 • -0.1 0.5 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Z-Z Right Vd- w•B•la -14.3 - 10.5 • 1 • -0.1 -13.8 kN OK

Punching Shear at Column Head

vRd,max (stress) 3.825 N/mm²
Zone 0: Column Head
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.05 • (289.702 - 10.53) 14 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (246.62 - 13.957) / 936 / 384 0.647 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 1 d
Projections from Column face 2 opposite Projections are less than 1 d => Not Applicable

Punching Shear at 2 d
Projections from Column face 2 opposite Projections are less than 2 d => Not Applicable

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Pad 15 @ Node 52
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
P4 P1

- -Z +Mz

+X X- 1150 166

+Z + 450

P3 575 P2

Basic Properties
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Fy, Fcu, Covers T, B, S 460 N/mm², 30 N/mm², 50 mm, 50 mm, 50 mm
Gross: Area, Area1, Z zz, Z xx 1.323, 0.05, 0.253, 0.253
Conc Den, Surcharge, LFsrv , LFult, SWP
23.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100

Z-Z Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 5-T16@300 1005 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1005, 460, 14, 1150, 1150, 392.0 0.08
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1150.0 • 0.8 • 30.9 402.1 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1005.3 ( s= 0.041) 402.1 kN
Mu = z • Fc 372.4 • 402.1 149.8 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.714, 1005, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1150, 392.0 164.4 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.39 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1150.0 • 392.0 ) 177.1 kN (6.2.b)

X-X Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 5-T16@300 1005 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 1005, 460, 14, 1150, 1150, 376.0 0.08
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 1150.0 • 0.8 • 30.9 402.1 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 1005.3 ( s= 0.039) 402.1 kN
Mu = z • Fc 357.2 • 402.1 143.6 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.729, 1005, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 1150, 376.0 161.3 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.4 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 1150.0 • 376.0 ) 172.1 kN (6.2.b)

Critical Serviceability : 2 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Approx.)

No Service Case defined Calculating approximate values based on
an Average ULS load Factor of 1.17
Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 1.323 x 1.00 13.9 kN
Fcol = F 242.9 + 242.9 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 242.9 + 13.9 256.9 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (12.4 x 0.45) + (242.9 x 0.0) 5.6 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (2.2 x 0.45) + (242.9 x 0.0) 1.0 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) 5.6, 256.9, 1150 1150 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) 1.0, 256.9, 1150 1150 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Pmax = Fn(Pa, Pzz, Pxx, p1-4) 194.2, ±22.0, ±3.9, 220.2, 212.3, 168.3, 176.1 220.2 kN/m² Warning
Check for up-lift Le 1150 >=1150 Be 1150 >=1150 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (243) x 0.575 + ( 14) x 0.575 148 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 148 / 6 26.48 > 1.5 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (243) x 0.575 + ( 14) x 0.575 148 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 148 / 1 148.41 > 1.5 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(12.39² + 2²) 12.59 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 257) / 13 6.12 > 1.5 OK

Combined Axial & Horizontal loads

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
F/P v+ Fv/Ph<1 (BS 8004: ) 256.9 / 132.3 + 12.6 / 77.1 = 1.94 + 0.16 2.11 Warning

Critical Ultimate : 6 : Dead plus Live + Notional @ 0�

Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 1.323 x 1.00 13.9 kN
Fcol = F 284.7 + 284.7 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 284.7 + 13.9 298.6 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (9.9 x 0.45) + (284.7 x 0.0) 4.5 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (2.0 x 0.45) + (284.7 x 0.0) 0.9 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) 4.5, 298.6, 1150 1150 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) 0.9, 298.6, 1150 1150 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
eccx= Mzz/F 4.5 / 298.6 about centre of base 15.0 mm
eccz= Mxx/F 0.9 / 298.6 about centre of base 3.1 mm
Area = Lx eff • Lzeff 1120.1 • 1143.9 1.3 m²
Pressure = F / Area 298.6 / 1.3 233.1 kN/m²
Pressures P 1to P9 P4=0.0 , P8=233.1 , P 1=233.1
P7=0.0 , P9=233.1 , P 5=233.1
P3=0.0 , P6=0.0 , P2=0.0 233.1 kN/m² Max

Moments and Shears

Static load reduction w=(Sur + Den•D)•LF
(0.0 + 23.4 x 0.45) x 1.00 10.5kN/m²
Check for up-lift (ULS)

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (285) x 0.575 + ( 14) x 0.575 172 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 172 / 4 38.42 > 1.0 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (285) x 0.575 + ( 14) x 0.575 172 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 172 / 1 187.96 > 1.0 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(9.93² + 2²) 10.14 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 299) / 10 8.84 > 1.0 OK

Moments at Column Face

X-X Moment LowerM - w•B•la²/2 30.9 - 10.5 • 1.2 • 0.5² / 2 29.4 kN.m OK
X-X Moment UpperM - w•B•la²/2 31.7 - 10.5 • 1.2 • 0.5² / 2 30.2 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Left UpperM - w•B•la²/2 20.6 - 10.5 • 1.2 • 0.4² / 2 19.6 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Right UpperM - w•B•la²/2 23.9 - 10.5 • 1.2 • 0.4² / 2 22.8 kN.m OK

'Beam' Shear at d from Column Face

X-X Lower Vd- w•B•la 24.6 - 10.5 • 1.2 • 0.1 23.4 kN OK
X-X Upper Vd- w•B•la 26.2 - 10.5 • 1.2 • 0.1 25.0 kN OK
Z-Z Left Vd- w•B•la 4.7 - 10.5 • 1.2 • 0 4.1 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Z-Z Right Vd- w•B•la 12.7 - 10.5 • 1.2 • 0 12.1 kN OK

Punching Shear at Column Head

vRd,max (stress) 3.825 N/mm²
Zone 0: Column Head
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.05 • (233.062 - 10.53) 11.1 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (284.68 - 11.126) / 936 / 384 0.761 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 1 d
vRd,c (stress) • 2 av = d thus = av/2d >>> x 2 (cl 0.791 N/mm²
Zone 1: Full Punching
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.861 • (233.062 - 10.53) 191.6 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (284.68 - 191.567) / 3348.743 / 384 0.072 N/mm² OK
Zone 2: Left Side Free (284.68 - 208.659) / 2824.372 / 384 0.07 N/mm² OK
Zone 3: Right Side Free (284.68 - 215.167) / 2824.372 / 384 0.064 N/mm² OK
Zone 4: Top Side Free (284.68 - 232.824) / 2824.372 / 384 0.048 N/mm² OK
Zone 5: Bottom Side Free (284.68 - 231.297) / 2824.372 / 384 0.049 N/mm² OK
Zone 6: Left & Bottom Sides Free (284.68 - 240.873) / 1987.186 / 384 0.057 N/mm² OK
Zone 7: Left & Top Sides Free (284.68 - 242.414) / 1987.186 / 384 0.055 N/mm² OK
Zone 8: Right & Top Sides Free (284.68 - 249.678) / 1987.186 / 384 0.046 N/mm² OK
Zone 9: Right & Bottom Sides Free (284.68 - 248.095) / 1987.186 / 384 0.048 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 2 d
Projections from Column face 2 opposite Projections are less than 2 d => Not Applicable

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Pad 16 @ Node 56
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
P4 P1

- -Z +Mz 4-T16@300-B

+X X- 750 178
+Z +

P3 375 P2

Basic Properties
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Design to EC 2: 2004 - Using UK values
Fy, Fcu, Covers T, B, S 460 N/mm², 30 N/mm², 50 mm, 50 mm, 50 mm
Gross: Area, Area1, Z zz, Z xx 0.563, 0.072, 0.07, 0.07
Conc Den, Surcharge, LFsrv , LFult, SWP
23.4, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100

Z-Z Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 4-T16@300 804 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 804, 460, 14, 750, 750, 392.0 0.1
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 750.0 • 0.8 • 37.8 321.7 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 804.2 ( s= 0.033) 321.7 kN
Mu = z • Fc 372.4 • 321.7 119.8 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.714, 804, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 750, 392.0 114.8 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.39 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 750.0 • 392.0 ) 115.5 kN (6.2.b)

X-X Axis Section Capacities

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
As Bottom bars 4-T16@300 804 mm²
X/d=Fn(data, As1, fcd, B, Bweb, d ) 804, 460, 14, 750, 750, 376.0 0.1
Fc = • Fcd• Beff• • X 1.0 • 14.17 • 750.0 • 0.8 • 37.8 321.7 kN
Fst = Fyd/ s• As1 460.0 / 1.15 • 804.2 ( s= 0.031) 321.7 kN
Mu = z • Fc 357.2 • 321.7 114.9 kN.m
VRd,c.a=Fn(Crdc,K, Asl,fck,K1, cp,Bw,d) 0.12, 1.729, 804, 25, 0.15, 0.0, 750, 376.0 112.6 kN (6.2.a)
VRd,c.b=(Vmin + K1• cp) • Bw• d (0.4 + 0.15 • 0.0) • 750.0 • 376.0 ) 112.2 kN (6.2.b)

Critical Serviceability : 2 : Dead Plus Live Plus Wind On Side (Approx.)

No Service Case defined Calculating approximate values based on
an Average ULS load Factor of 1.17
Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 0.563 x 1.00 5.9 kN
Fcol = F 102.2 + 102.2 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 102.2 + 5.9 108.1 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (2.5 x 0.45) + (102.2 x 0.0) 1.1 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (3.9 x 0.45) + (102.2 x 0.0) 1.7 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) 1.1, 108.1, 750 750 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) 1.7, 108.1, 750 750 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Pmax = Fn(Pa, Pzz, Pxx, p1-4) 192.2, ±15.9, ±24.7, 232.7, 183.4, 151.6, 200.9 232.7 kN/m² Warning
Check for up-lift Le 750 >=750 Be 750 >=750 OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (102) x 0.375 + ( 6) x 0.375 41 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 41 / 1 36.24 > 1.5 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (102) x 0.375 + ( 6) x 0.375 41 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 41 / 2 23.35 > 1.5 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(2.49² + 4²) 4.59 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 108) / 5 7.07 > 1.5 OK

Combined Axial & Horizontal loads

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
F/P v+ Fv/Ph<1 (BS 8004: ) 108.1 / 56.3 + 4.6 / 32.4 = 1.92 + 0.14 2.06 Warning

Critical Ultimate : 1 : Dead plus Live

Fpad = Den•d•Area•LF 23.4 x 0.45 x 0.563 x 1.00 5.9 kN
Fcol = F 127.8 + 127.8 kN
Fres = F + Fpad 127.8 + 5.9 133.8 kN
Mzz = Mzz + Vx•D + Fcol•ezz 0.0 + (4.5 x 0.45) + (127.8 x 0.0) 2.0 kN.m
Mxx res = Mxx + Vz•D + Fcol•exx 0.0 + (3.3 x 0.45) + (127.8 x 0.0) 1.5 kN.m
Effective L (Le) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,L) 2.0, 133.8, 750 750 mm
Effective B (Be) = Fn(Mzz,Fres,B) 1.5, 133.8, 750 750 mm

Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
eccx= Mzz/F 2.0 / 133.8 about centre of base 15.0 mm
eccz= Mxx/F 1.5 / 133.8 about centre of base 11.1 mm
Area = Lx eff • Lzeff 720.0 • 727.9 0.5 m²
Pressure = F / Area 133.8 / 0.5 255.2 kN/m²
Pressures P 1to P9 P4=0.0 , P8=255.2 , P 1=255.2
P7=0.0 , P9=255.2 , P 5=255.2
P3=0.0 , P6=0.0 , P2=0.0 255.2 kN/m² Max

Moments and Shears

Static load reduction w=(Sur + Den•D)•LF
(0.0 + 23.4 x 0.45) x 1.00 10.5kN/m²
Check for up-lift (ULS)

FOS Overturning
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Mzz Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (128) x 0.375 + ( 6) x 0.375 50 kN.m
FOS OT zz = Mzz Rest / Mzz ot 50 / 2 24.99 > 1.0 OK
Mxx Rest = (F)•e+(pad)•L/2 (128) x 0.375 + ( 6) x 0.375 50 kN.m
FOS OT xx = Mxx Rest / Mxx ot 50 / 1 33.88 > 1.0 OK

FOS Sliding
Educational Version: Student Use Only Not for commercial use!
Resultant Shear = Sqr(Fvxx²+Fvzz²) Sqr(4.46² + 3²) 5.54 kN
FOS Sliding = 0.30 • F / Fv (0.30 x 134) / 6 7.24 > 1.0 OK

Moments at Column Face

X-X Moment LowerM - w•B•la²/2 6.4 - 10.5 • 0.8 • 0.3² / 2 6.1 kN.m OK
X-X Moment UpperM - w•B•la²/2 7.5 - 10.5 • 0.8 • 0.3² / 2 7.2 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Left UpperM - w•B•la²/2 1.9 - 10.5 • 0.8 • 0.2² / 2 1.8 kN.m OK
Z-Z Moment Right UpperM - w•B•la²/2 2.8 - 10.5 • 0.8 • 0.2² / 2 2.7 kN.m OK

'Beam' Shear at d from Column Face

X-X Lower Vd- w•B•la 0 - 10.5 • 0.8 • -0.1 0.8 kN OK
X-X Upper Vd- w•B•la -19.5 - 10.5 • 0.8 • -0.1 -18.6 kN OK
Z-Z Left Vd- w•B•la 0 - 10.5 • 0.8 • -0.2 1.6 kN OK

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use
© MasterFrame - Project title : ...... C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterSeries\Demo Org\PowerPad\09 - 3D Steel and Concrete Frame-org
Trial Version
MasterSeries Educational Version Job Ref : Quality Assurance
Sheet : Quality Assurance /
Not to be used commercially
Made by : A.T. White
For Student use only by Date : 31 October 2013 / Ver. 2013.10
John Smith - Checked : I.G. Snounou
© Approved :

Z-Z Right Vd- w•B•la -37.6 - 10.5 • 0.8 • -0.2 -36.0 kN OK

Punching Shear at Column Head

vRd,max (stress) 3.825 N/mm²
Zone 0: Column Head
Inner Load Fin= Area • (Pmax- P static) 0.072 • (255.228 - 10.53) 17.6 kN
Shear stress (Fnet- Fin) / Perim / d (127.83 - 17.553) / 1162 / 384 0.247 N/mm² OK

Punching Shear at 1 d
Projections from Column face 2 opposite Projections are less than 1 d => Not Applicable

Punching Shear at 2 d
Projections from Column face 2 opposite Projections are less than 2 d => Not Applicable

Educational Version - Software produced by © Civil and Structural Computer Services Limited.- Not for commercial use

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