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A Deformable-Template Approach to Lane Detection

Karl Kluge Sridhar Lakshmanan

University of Michigan AI Lab Dept. of Elec. Eng. and Comp. Sci.
1101 Beal Avenue University of Michigan -- Dearborn
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2110 (USA) Dearborn, MI 48128-1491 (USA) lakshman @

Abstract typical scene of a divided road with a double yellow

line marking the left lane edge and a white line
Vision-based algorithms for locating lane boundaries marking the right lane edge. The bottom image shows
without a prior model of the road being viewed need the intensity gradient magnitude for this image as
to be able to operate robustly under a wide variety of computed by the Prewitt edge detector [ 5 ] , with
conditions, including cases where there are large darker pixels corresponding to larger intensity
amounts of clutter in the image. This clutter can be gradients. The edges of the double yellow line near
due to shadows, puddles, oil stains, tire skid marks, the top of the image are much weaker than the shadow
etc. This poses a challenge for edge-based lane detec- edges in the same area.
tion schemes, as it is often impossible to select a gra-
dient magnitude threshold which doesn’t either
remove edges of interest corresponding to road mark-
ings and edges or include edges corresponding to
irrelevant cluttel: The approach taken in this work is
to use a deformable template model of lane structure
to locate lane boundaries without thresholding the
intensity gradient information. The Metropolis algo-
rithm is used to maximize a function which evaluates
how well the image gradient data supports a given set
of template deformation parameters. The result, the
LOIS lane detection algorithm (Likelihood Of Image
Shape), is able to detect lane markings in situations
with strong mottled shadows and broken or inter-
rupted lane markings which would pose problems for
algorithms which use local, thresholded edge infor-

1 Introduction
Vision-based location of lane boundaries can
be divided into two tasks: lane detection and lane
tracking. Lane detection is the problem of locating
lane boundaries without prior knowledge of the road
geometry. Lane tracking is the problem of tracking the
lane edges from frame to frame given an existing
model of road geometry. Lane tracking is an easier
problem than lane detection, as prior knowledge of
the road geometry permits lane tracking algorithms to
put fairly strong constraints on the likely location and
orientation of the lane edges in a new image. Lane
detection algorithms, on the other hand, have to locate Figure 1: Typical road image (top) and intensity
the lane edges without a strong model of the road gradient magnitude (bottom).
geometry, and do so in situations where there may be Section 2 describes prior approaches to
a great deal of clutter in the image. dealing with the problems posed by noise edges.
Most lane detection algorithms are edge-based Section 3 details the LOIS lane detection system,
(see the review of related work in [4]).In many road which uses a deformable template approach to permit
scenes it isn’t possible to select a threshold which lane detection using very simple image processing
eliminates noise edges without also eliminating many even in cases where there are incomplete lane
of the lane edge points of interest. This problem is markings and significant numbers of noise edges.
illustrated by Figure 1. The top image shows a fairly


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Section 4 shows representative results of applying described in [4]and a likelihood function based on
LOIS to various road types and environments. road appearance in visible wavelengths. The result of
this work is the LOIS lane detection system, described
2 Related work in detail below.
The approach used by Behringer [l] to deal 3 The LOIS lane detection system
with the problem of noise edges looks for the lane
edges near the bottom of the image, where the spatial The LOIS lane detection algorithm
resolution is best, using non-orientation-sensitive (Likelihood Of Image Shape) uses a deformable
edge detection. Once the lane edges are found and template approach to the lane detection problem in
their orientation estimated, they can be tracked order to handle situations where the lane edges in an
upwards in the image using direction-sensitive filters image have relatively weak local contrast, or where
in order to reduce the possibility of being misled by there are strong distracting edges due to shadows,
distracting edges dues to shadows, etc. This approach puddles, pavement cracks, etc. It formulates the lane
suffers from two problems. First, the contrast of one detection problem in the form of finding the set of
or both of the lane edges may not be high enough to lane edge parameters which is most likely given a
detect near the bottom of the image. Second, in the (possibly very cluttered) image of a road scene. There
case of a broken lane marking the lane marking may are three main components to the LOIS algorithm:
not extend all the way to the bottom of the image.
An alternative approach embodied in the the shape model describing the lane edges,
ARCADE system [4] uses robust estimation to which defines a set of shape parameters;
determine road curvature and orientation from edge
point positions and orientations without prior the likelihood function, which provides a rela-
grouping of the edge points into lane edges. Once the tive measure of how well a given set of shape
road curvature and orientation have been found parameters match the data in a particular image
ARCADE uses them to reduce the problem of of a road scene; and
locating the lane edge offsets with respect to the
vehicle to the problem of segmenting a one-dimen- the optimization algorithm used to determine
sional signal. This signal is constructed by averaging the best set of lane shape parameters for a
together all images pixels with the same offset given image by maximizing the likelihood
relative to the road center in order to smooth out function (currently the Metropolis algorithm).
variations due to shadows, texture, etc. The use of
robust estimation allows ARCADE to work in cases Each of these components is described in
where up to 50% of the input edge points are noise, detail below. The use of a deformable template model
but the algorithm fails if the fraction of noise edges permits the algorithm to achieve good performance
rises above that point. using very simple image processing, even in the
An approach based on morphological filtering presence of distracting shadows, texture, pavement
has been used by Beucher, et al. [2][7]. This technique cracks, etc.
uses the morphological "watershed" transformation to
locate the lane edges in the intensity gradient
3.1 The model of lane shape
magnitude image. While this technique has the A common shape model used in lane detection
advantage of not requiring any thresholding of the and tracking algorithms assumes that pavement edges
gradient magnitudes, it has the disadvantage of not and lane markings are defined by concentric circular
imposing any global constraints on the lane edge arcs on a flat ground plane. Under perspective
shapes. projection these circular arcs on the ground plane
Grimmer and Lakshmanan [3], working in the project to curves in the image plane which can be
domain of locating pavement edges in millimeter closely approximated by curves of the form
wave radar imagery, used a deformable template column = k ' / ( r o w - h z ) + b ' x ( r o w - h z ) + v p
approach to finding the best fit of a straight road
model with unknown width and orientation to the The hz parameter is the row in the image plane
radar data. The likelihood function used to judge how corresponding to the horizon of the ground plane. The
well a given template shape matched the radar data k' parameter is linearly proportional to the curvature
combined geometric constraints with a model of the of the arc on the ground plane. The vp parameter is a
physics of the radar image formation. The Metropolis
function of the tangential orientation of the arc on the
algorithm was used to identify the optimal set of
ground plane, with some coupling to the arc curvature
template deformation parameters. Based on the
as well (the amount of this coupling depends on the
success of this work, it was decided to try to extend camera tilt). The b' parameter is a function of the
this approach into the domain of lane detection in
intensity images, using the more general shape model offset of the arc from the camera on the ground plane,
with couplings to arc curvature and tangential orien-


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tation (again, the relative contributions of these
couplings depends on the camera tilt) [4].While the
radius of curvature and tangent orientation of the left
and right lane edges will differ slightly, constraining
the left and right lane edges to have the same k’ and
v p parameters closely approximates the actual lane
edge shapes for all but very small radii of curvature.
3.2 The likelihood model d
cos (gd(r,c ) - atan ( z E R ( 4 )1) )
The initial likelihood function which was
chosen has proven to be fairly robust on marked In other words, the contribution made by a
roads. It encodes the knowledge that the edges of the pixel to the likelihood is the gradient magnitude at
lane should be near intensity gradients whose orien- that pixel, multiplied by a function whose value
tation should be perpendicular to the lane edge. More decreases as the pixel column gets further from the
formally: lane edge and a function whose value decreases as the
. Define the function Aa, x ) = I / ( 1+a x 2 )
gradient direction at the pixel moves farther away

. Let g n ( r ,c) be the gradient magnitude at

from perpendicular to the tangent to the lane edge.
The parameters defining the rate of likelihood fall-off
with distance from the lane edges (a,,,,,) and with
pixel ( r , C) , with gd ( r , c) being the corre-
sponding gradient direction. In the current orientation error (aorienr) are set at 0.01 and 1.13
implementation of LOIS, the gradient magni- respectively.
tude and orientation at each pixel are computed Figure 2 shows one dimensional sections
using the Prewitt operator [5].Other methods, through the likelihood function centered on the shape
such as the Canny edge detector, could be used parameters draw on the image at top. While the
if desired. likelihood function tends to be fairly smooth and
convex, there can still be local maxima such as the
0 Define the edges of the lane in the image by the shallow plateau to the left of the large peak in the plot
curves for variable s3. As a result, a simple hill-climbing
E,(s) = s,/ ( r o w - hz) + s2 x ( r o w - h z ) + s3 approach is inappropriate. The current implemen-
and tation of LOIS uses the Metropolis algorithm to
E&) = SI/ (row - hz) + s4 x (row - hz) + s3 perform this optimization.
where hz is the row in the image plane corre-
sponding to the horizon under a flat earth
3.3 Optimizing the likelihood using the
assumption. Metropolis algorithm
The Metropolis algorithm is a stochastic
0 Define the prior likelihood function optimization procedure. LOIS uses the Metropolis
2 algorithm with a geometric annealing schedule [6],
P(s) = -
x. x atan ( awidrh
x (s4 - s2) ) ‘
which operates as follows:
This embodies two prior constraints on the lane Let L(s,) be the likelihood value correspond-
geometry. The first constraint is the trivial one ing to the shape parameters s, in iteration N of
that the left edge of the lane is to the left of the
the algorithm;
right edge of the lane. This constraint is
enforced by the negative weighting the prior In iteration N + 1 :
function gives shape parameters which violate
it. The second constraint is that the lane is Pick a random point in the shape parame-
unlikely to be very narrow. This constraint is ter space in the neighborhood of sN,
enforced by the increasing weight given to
wider lanes, which asymptotically approaches
1.0 at a rate which depends on awidih. The Calculate the “temperature” for iteration
results illustrated in this paper all use N + 1,
= 10.0.
( ( N + l)/maxirer)

Given these definitions, the likelihood function

for a given image and a given parameter set s is
defined as


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All the results shown in this paper were
generated by running the Metropolis algorithm for 40
iterations. In each iteration a small step away from the
current value is tested for each of the lane shape
parameters. The initial temperature is 10.0, and the
final temperature is 0.01.
Figure 3 illustrates the process of convergence
of the Metropolis algorithm on the image show in
Figure 1. The initial shape parameters specify a
somewhat wide straight lane centered in the image.
As the iterations of the algorithm improve the value of
the likelihood function the shape parameters deform
to match the lane markings in the image. It is able to
do this despite the presence of shadow edges with
much larger contrast than the edges of the double
yellow stripe defining the left edge of the lane.

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l m

0 s ! o ) , s m o )

shown below each image).

Figure 3: Selected Metropolis iterations showing
convergence to the lane edges (likelihood value

While the Metropolis algorithm does a better

job of .finding global maxima than hill-climbing, it
Figure 2: Plot of likelihood function for the does not always succeed. An example is shown in
image shown, varying one parameter around Figure 4. The six boxes show the output of LOIS on a
the lane shape indicated. single image using three different initial seeds for the
(Y'N;;+-ly) random number generator and either 40 iterations (left
column) or 90 iterations (right column). The dashed
Evaluate p(N+ 1) = e lines show the actual inside edges of the lane
markings in the image LOIS is working on. The solid
Select s N + , according to the following lines show LOIS' final result.
rule: The result returned by LOIS shown in the top
s ~ =+s N~+ A i f p ( N + l ) l l box of the left column has a good fit to the outside of
the lane marking on the left edge of the lane, but the
- s N +I = sN+ A with probability right lane edge is in the middle of the actual lane.
Figure 5 shows a plot of the likelihood (vertical axis)
p ( N + 1) if p ( N + 1) I 1
vs. the parameter defining the right edge location (the
s4 deformation parameter as defined in section
s N + , = sN otherwise


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parameters were varied while the others remained
fixed. The output of these tests were plots like that
shown in Figure 4,showing a comparison of the LOIS
result with the actual lane edges for each of the
combinations of the pair of variables being tested.
The tests used a set of 30 images which repre-
sented challenging situations. The results of those
tests were used to select the parameters given in this
+4.0246913E+ll Seed +4.0246913E+ll Seed paper. Figure 7 shows 10 of the images with the LOIS
+4.0000000E+01 Niter +9.0000000E+01 Nlter result overlaid, illustrating the range of conditions
covered by the test set.
5 Futurework
Having identified what appear to be a fairly
robust set of parameters, our current major priority is
testing LOIS on a substantially larger data set. We
will be using a modified HMMWV as a platform for
data collection and testing (Figure 6). The HMMWV
+5.9753084E+I 1 Seed +5.9753084E+ll Seed has four forward-looking cameras to provide a wide
+4.0000000E+01 Niter +9.0000000E+01 Nlter total field of view, and a SPARC 10 processor on
+1.034215 L d L i +1.235077 Lm/Li board for running image processing algorithms.

+7.9259258E+ll Seed +7.9259258E+ll Seed

+4.0000000E+01 Niter +9.0000000E+01 Nlter
+1.023836 Lm/Li +1 .OX215 Lm/Li
Figure 4: LOIS results using different RNG
seeds and either 40 (left column) or 90 (right
column) Metropolis iterations. Figure 6: HMMWV testbed vehicle.
3.2)(horizontal axis). The Metropolis algorithm will While the Metropolis algorithm generally
sometimes fail to escape the local maximum at the performs well as a method of finding an optimal or
center of the plot and move to the correct value, corre- close to optimal value of the likelihood function, we
sponding to the higher peak on the right. plan to explore alternative methods of finding the best
shape parameters. In particular, we plan to explore the
use of branch-and-bound algorithms for optimization.
m The deformable template approach used in
LOIS is easy to extend to fuse information from
multiple sensor modalities. This can be done by
formulating a likelihood model which uses registered
data from the different sensors to evaluate the relative
fit of a given set of shape parameters. We intend to
extend the work described here and in [3] to create
CLARK (Combined Likelihood Adding Radar
Knowledge), a system which uses both black and
white images and millimeter wave radar data to locate
lane and road boundaries. Millimeter wave radar is
able to penetrate fog, rain, and dust due to the long
wavelength used. It is our expectation that fusing
visual and millimeter wave data will produce a system
which is more robust in the presence of poor visibility
than either sensor modality by itself.


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gradient information, but without the need to set a
threshold and classify pixels as edge or non-edge. A
simple likelihood function permits the algorithm to
locate lane edges even when contrast is poor or there
are many noise edges. A set of algorithm parameters
has Ibeen found which appears to work in a variety of
road enivironments. The deformable template formu-
lation easily extends to multisensor systems, and work
is in progress to add millimeter wave radar data to the
intensity data already used in LOIS.
~ ~~

complex shadows

curved roads [13 Behringer, Reinhold. “Road Recognition from

Multifocal Vision.” In Proceedings of the Intelligent
Vehicles ‘94 Symposium, pages 302-307, October
[2] Beucher, Serge; and Bilodeau, Michel. “Road
Segmentation and Obstacle Detection by a Fast
Watershed Transform.” In Proceedings of the
Intelligent Vehicles ‘94 Symposium, pages 296-301,
October 1994.
broken lane markings
[3] 6rimmer, David; and Lakshmanan, Sridhar.
“Finding Straight Edges in Radar Images Using
Deformable Templates.” In Proceedings of the 27th
Conference on Information Sciences and Systems,
[4] Kluge, Karl. “Extracting Road Curvature and
Orientation From Image Edge Points Without
Perceptual Grouping Into Features.” In Proceedings
unmarked asphalt path of the Intelligent Vehicles ‘94 Symposium, pages 109-

wet pavement and broken lane markings 6~3461-366,

Figure 7: Sample LOIIS results. [7] Mu, Xuan; Beucher, Serge; and Bilodeau, Michel.
“Road Tracking, Lane Segmentation and Obstacle
6 Conclusion Recognition by Mathematical Morphology.” In
Use of a deformable template approach allows Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles ‘92
LOIS to perform lane detection using intensity Symposium, pages 166-170.


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