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Messages of Our Lady Queen of Peace,

given in Anguera, Bahia, Brazil, in the period of 1987 – 2010
through the visionary Pedro Regis

All messages are from the official website with their English translations as they are published there,
unless otherwise indicated.

These are topical extracts taken from the complete 1987-2010 series “YearXXXX- Our Lady Queen of Peace Anguera
Bahia Brazil”. See those articles for complete Message number text and context and source reference,
and associated article “SOURCES-Our Lady Queen of Peace Anguera Bahia Brazil”.

Note: If a Google Translate Portuguese to English, Source [3B] is the only available text source, a “GT”
will follow the message number, as XXXXGT. (The sometimes poorer quality of these GT texts was
discussed in “SOURCES”.)

The purpose of these READERS OF THE APOCALYPSE topical readers is to assist the reader in
making a faster and easier introduction into the very extensive Our Lady Queen of Peace Anguera Bahia
Brazil message texts, and to encourage further reading of the complete texts.


161 15 April, 1989

Dear Sons and Daughters, this is what I am beseeching for today.

Renounce smoking, and especially, programs on television.

My dear children, television has completely destroyed you.

After assisting the programs on television, you are no longer able to concentrate,
and so, no longer capable of praying.

Don´t waste your time watching television, thus stealing precious moments from
prayer and the hearing of My words.

Through television, the whole family is penetrated by a subtle and diabolical tactic
of division and corruption. The most defenseless are the children and young people,
whom I contemplate with the preoccupied tenderness of a Mother.

Television is one of the main ways used by satan to spread his reign.

Many in the production of television programs are spiritually dead because they
wholly dedicate themselves to satan.

Satan, with his deceitful tactics, takes My poor children on the road to perdition.

I ask you, dear children of My Immaculate Heart, to never participate in profane shows.

Close your eyes to the easy seductions of the world. Flee from all those places where
the sacred dignity of Christ is profaned. Put in practice what I say, and you will be true
imitators of My Son Jesus.

168 9 May, 1989,

Dear Sons and Daughters, … I ask you to stay far from television and movies.

Satan is loose in the world, seeking to carry many souls to spiritual death. Be careful.
Always be alert, pray and do penance.

189 15 July, 1989

I ask each one of you to renounce yourself.

Abandon all the things of this world which take you away from God.

425 13 July, 1991

Dear Sons and Daughters, I offer this invitation to all of you … : be converted without

Renounce cigarettes, alcohol, and especially, programs on television. ….

Know that television is the strongest and most dangerous instrument that My
adversary uses to take you to sin and impurity.

Today television has become an idol adored by all the nations on earth, coming
into your houses with a false message, prejudicial to you and your soul.

In this way television corrodes your life, leaving only evil. Don´t assist at
programs on television….

529 30 June, 1992, Paris, France

Dear Sons and Daughters, … Renounce the things of this world that don´t make
you grow spiritually, and cling to prayer.

587 16 January, 1993

Dear Sons and Daughters, change your lives, for this is the only way you can encounter

The moment has come in which you should seek Jesus through the Gospel, and faithfully
live its teachings. Don´t be unfaithful. Return, return, return.

Flee from immorality.

Renounce television if you will be great in the eyes of God.

Immorality increases daily through television and the wrath of God will strike without

I repeat to you: be converted.

600 16 February, 1993

Dear Sons and Daughters, … you should flee from all evil.

Close your eyes to the easy seductions of the world,

renounce television, flee from carnival, because carnival is a satanic festival

and as sons of God you should

stay far from these festivals that offend The Lord and call His wrath upon you,

and then He may abandon you. Be careful. Hear Me.

612 16 March, 1993

Dear Sons and Daughters, … Renounce everything that takes you away from God
and live My messages.

If there is no conversion, the wrath of God will come upon you, so be converted, be
converted, be converted.

All the means of communication that work to destroy the plans of God will be laid
waste by the wrath of God which will come as a great bolt of lightning and everything
will be destroyed.

Be converted. The destiny of … the world depends on your conversion.

629 – 23 April, 1993

Dear Sons and Daughters. … Humanity is near to a great abyss, and if you don´t
change your lives, you won´t be saved. So repent and return to God. …

Renounce the world in order to belong to God.

746 18 January, 1994

Dear Sons and Daughters, … Find time to pray. The world goes badly because there are
few who pray. A great chastisement is about to fall upon humanity. Pray and be
converted. Everything depends on your conversion….

Flee from places where the dignity of a Christian is profaned.

Renounce smoking, alcohol and television programs.

Television is destroying families.

Have the courage to renounce sin.

786 20 April, 1994

Dear Sons and Daughters, … Renounce sin and be reconciled with God.

790 30 April, 1994

Dear Sons and Daughters, … Renounce every kind of evil. Love the truth.

878 22 November, 1994

Dear Sons and Daughters, live simply and always seek to imitate My Jesus!…

Renounce smoking, alcohol, and television programs, for television contributes

to the destruction of many families.

The hour has come when you must be totally of Jesus. Refuse violence and accept

928 18 March, 1995

Dear Sons and Daughters, … Renounce everything that takes you away from My
Jesus. Say no to false ideologies and accept the proposal of My Lord!

933 30 March, 1995

Dear Sons and Daughters, … You live in a time worse than in the times of the flood. Be
careful! Don´t back away from The Lord! …

Go away from sin and every kind of immorality!


Renounce television, for television is completely destroying you!

944 24 April, 1995

Dear Sons and Daughters, …Say no to sin….

Get away from programs of television.

Television is destroying families.

Also renounce tobacco and alcohol in order to live in the Grace of The Lord. I am sad
for those who make themselves slaves of vice and every kind of sin.

1224 4 February, 1997

Dear Sons and Daughters, take care of your spiritual life and don’t let satan deceive

Renounce sin.

Flee from every place where your dignity is profaned. …

I ask you not to participate in the carnival.

If you truly love the Lord, don´t be disobedient.

Those who partake of the carnival offend The Lord Our God.

Courage. Renounce it for your own good.

… I am your Mother and tell you that God will ask you to give account of all that you
do in this world.

The devil destroys you completely, bringing you to a sad spiritual blindness. I repeat,
be careful.

Woe to those who don´t listen to My voice, for God will not spare their souls from

Pray. Belong only to God. You cannot serve God and the devil . Where do you
want to go to?

2259GT 11 September, 2003

Renounce sin and live in the joy of God's grace.


2939 5 January, 2008

Renounce sin and return to The Lord Who loves you and awaits you with open arms.

2816 25 March, 2007

Be strong and renounce all that takes you away from the grace of My Son Jesus .

2259GT 11 September, 2003

When you are away from the prayer (?you?) are not able to understand God's purposes. You live in time
of great spiritual battle and you can not live in sin. … Renounce sin and live in the joy of God's grace.

2226GT 26 June, 2003

Renounce on behalf of My Son Jesus to sin, because sin (takes) you away from God's love and …(?
removes?)… sanctifying grace.

2068GT 22 June, 2002

You are the chosen of the Lord and you can not stay in sin. (I) encourage you … to renounce everything
that offends the Lord. Everything in this life is (?temporary?), but the grace of God's love in you is
eternal. Examine your life and see where (?you want?) to head. (I) do not want to condemn you, but what
I say is to alert you and make you see that God is more important and precious to you….You are the
Lord’s and the things of the world are not for you.

1528 15 January, 1999

I am the Mother of God the Son and your Mother. I come from Heaven to call you to conversion and to tell
you that you are very important to Me. Tonight I invite you to sincere repentance of all your sins and to turn
to God Who awaits you with the immense love of The Father. The moment has come when you are
called to live the Gospel of Jesus and give testimony that all of you belong to The Lord. Humanity has
gotten away from God and goes towards self- destruction. Return, dear children, return. There still is time
for your return to The Lord. Be courageous and renounce all that takes you away from God and His
Grace. Know that I am in a hurry. The time is short.

1275 6 June, l997

Pray. The victory will come for all those who pray. Tell everyone that there is still a chance and all
can be saved. Try to be converted. Renounce sin which is still your great evil, and embrace the
sanctifying Grace of God. God is your only hope. Whoever confides in The Lord will not walk in darkness,
but will always have divine light.

1259 26 April, l997

Dear Sons and Daughters, keep away from evil and come back to The Lord for good. I invite you to open
your hearts to Him Who is your great friend and loves you very much. I am your Mother and want to
lead you on safe paths. Renounce sin. Belong only to The Lord. I want to help you, but listen to Me.
If you are converted, I will attend to all your requests. Pray. Only by praying will you be able to feel the
victory over sin. Forward. Open your hearts to Me.

1228 11 February, l997

Dear Sons and Daughters, be converted. Firmly believe in the Gospel of My Jesus. The Word of My Son
is the light that will shine on those who live in the darkness of sin. It is the font in which you can slake your
spiritual thirst. Pay attention to what I am saying. I ask you to pray the holy rosary every day. During Lent
renounce something and offer it as a sacrifice for your own conversion and the conversion of all
your brothers. Go to confession. Pray much before the cross, and be like Jesus in everything.

1224 4 February, 1997

Dear Sons and Daughters, take care of your spiritual life and don’t let satan deceive you. Renounce sin.
Flee from every place where your dignity is profaned. Tell everyone that God is saddened by so
many errors and sins that are being committed. I ask you not to participate in the carnival. If you truly
love the Lord, don´t be disobedient. Those who partake of the carnival offend The Lord Our God.

Courage. Renounce it for your own good. I don´t want to force you, but I am your Mother and tell you
that God will ask you to give account of all that you do in this world. The devil destroys you
completely, bringing you to a sad spiritual blindness. I repeat, be careful. Woe to those who don´t listen
to My voice, for God will not spare their souls from punishment. Pray. Belong only to God. You cannot
serve God and the devil. Where do you want to go to? You know that heaven is more important for
you. Listen to Me.

1205 21 December, 1996

Renounce everything that can harm your spiritual life. I want to lead you to a high peak of holiness. Open
your hearts to Me. I want to help you but what I can do depends on you. Pray. In prayer The Lord will say
what He desires from you.

1093 5 April, 1996

Dear Sons and Daughters, I… ask you to return to The Lord…. My Jesus is saddened because of so many
sons and daughters that go away from His Grace. Know, all of you, that the time is short. Don´t leave for
tomorrow what you have to do…. My Lord wants to save you. Renounce evil and return quickly.

944 24 April, 1995

Dear Sons and Daughters, …Say no to sin and accept the proposal for peace that My Son left for you. …
What I say is serious. Know, all of you, that the time is short, and there is no more time to lose. …Follow the
way I have indicated to you. Pray! Get away from programs of television. Television is destroying families.
Also renounce tobacco and alcohol in order to live in the Grace of The Lord. I am sad for those who make
themselves slaves of vice and every kind of sin. The hour of your yes has come. Don´t back out! I love
you and want to help you. Listen to Me!

933 30 March, 1995

Dear Sons and Daughters, I love you immensely and want to lead you to Him Who is your all. I want to tell
you that you are important to The Lord, and that He loves you and calls you to His Grace. Don´t back out!
You live in a time worse than in the times of the flood. Be careful! Don´t back away from The Lord! Pray, for
only by praying will you be able to accept what I am saying. …What I am saying is serious. Witness that
you are wholly of Christ. Work on your own conversion! Go away from sin and every kind of
immorality! Renounce television, for television is completely destroying you! I want to see you happy
here on earth and that each one of you be with Me in heaven. Repent! Be converted and take up your true role
as a Christian! Accompany Me on the path of prayer, obedience, gift of self into the hands of The Lord! Don´t
back away!

928 18 March, 1995

Dear Sons and Daughters, …I don´t want to obligate you, but what I say is serious. The opportune
moment for you to be converted has come. Don´t lose time! Begin to pray! Prayer brings you to The Lord.
Without prayer the Christian life loses its force and effect. Renounce everything that takes you away from
My Jesus. Say no to false ideologies and accept the proposal of My Lord! He wants what is good
for you. Don´t fall away! Be courageous! Have confidence! What I foretold to you in the past will
happen, but don´t be sad, for those who live for The Lord will come out better. From all your sorrow a great joy
will arise for you.

878 22 November, 1994

Dear Sons and Daughters, live simply and always seek to imitate My Jesus! Tonight I come from heaven
with a heart full of joy to ask you to return to The Lord as soon as possible. I invite you to pray, for without
prayer it is impossible to be a good Catholic. Pray every day and you will see how many graces The Lord
will give you. Renounce smoking, alcohol, and television programs, for television contributes to
the destruction of many families. The hour has come when you must be totally of Jesus. Refuse
violence and accept peace. Show that all of you are of Christ. May your actions speak of The Lord more
than your words. Have courage, faith and hope. I don´t want to obligate you, but what I say must be
taken seriously. Hear what I am saying!

824 19 July, 1994


Dear Sons and Daughters, I come from heaven to tell you: be converted, be converted, be converted. The
opportune moment for your conversion has come. Don´t cross your arms, but travel toward Him Who is
your all. … All of you are important to The Lord and He loves you. Go to meet Him, for He alone has the
words of eternal life. …I don´t want to obligate you, but what I say is serious. Read a passage of the
Gospel every day. Hear the Word of The Lord! He wants to speak to you. Pay attention. Renounce sin and
force yourself to remain faithful to your God. Courage. Fear not.

812 21 June, 1994

Dear Sons and Daughters, return to Him Who has words of eternal life. I don´t want to obligate you, but
know that you need to be more of The Lord. Pray with more fervor. Renounce sin. If you faithfully live My
messages, I promise to help you in all your necessities. Courage and forward with joy!

790 30 April, 1994

Dear Sons and Daughters, tonight I invite you to faithfully live the Gospel of My Jesus, for this is the
only way you can contribute to the victory of God with the triumph of My Immaculate Heart. Be confident, for
you are not alone. I am with you. Courage. Renounce every kind of evil. Love the truth. Witness that you
are of Christ and that the things of this world don´t fascinate you. God expects great things from you. Don´t
refuse. Pray! Love! Change your life and you will see how much you receive in return. The world daily
goes towards a great abyss. If you are not converted, the punishment will come. I am your Mother and I ask
you: return. God awaits you with open arms.

786 20 April, 1994

Dear Sons and Daughters, … Renounce sin and be reconciled with God. The Lord is calling you to a
sincere conversion, which is only possible if you open yourself to His Grace. Don´t back off. Attend to My
pleading appeals and you can contribute to the realization of My projects. This is the time The Lord offers
you to be converted. Don´t cross your arms. Pray. Joyfully live the Gospel of My Jesus. Men are
travelling towards a destruction prepared by their own hands. I suffer on account of what awaits you and as
Mother I say: return, return, return. Your time is short. See how sin is gaining ground and has become the
worst epidemic of humanity. Be careful, dear children. You are precious in the eyes of God. Hear Me with

759 17 February, 1994

Dear Sons and Daughters, be good, one with another. The Lord loves you, for He made you to His image
and likeness. Renounce everything that takes you away from the Grace of The Lord. Open your heart
and let yourself be guided by Me. I am the Queen of Peace and come from heaven to offer you true peace.
Don´t become instruments of the enemy. Be aware that without peace the world will not encounter The
Lord. I repeat: peace, peace, peace. Let your life speak of The Lord more than your words. Pray. The world
needs peace, and peace will come when you decide to pray. Be honest in your actions. The Lord awaits
your yes to His call. Go to encounter Him Who is your everything. I can´t obligate you, but let yourselves
be led with docility. I need you. Hear Me with attention.

746 18 January, 1994

Dear Sons and Daughters, … Find time to pray. The world goes badly because there are few who pray. A
great chastisement is about to fall upon humanity. Pray and be converted. Everything depends on your
conversion. It is not by chance that I come from heaven. I love you much and want to help you. Open your
hearts to Me. Give Me your very existence and don´t forget to pray the Holy Rosary. Flee from places
where the dignity of a Christian is profaned. Renounce smoking, alcohol and television programs.
Television is destroying families. Have the courage to renounce sin. Embrace the Grace of God. I
want you always at My side. Let Me guide you.

669 24 July, 1993

Dear Sons and Daughters, I love you and for this I come to lead you to My Son Jesus. Stay on the path
where I put you. Don´t stray. I am your Mother and want to help you. Rejoice. Continue to pray and live the
Gospel of My Son. I don´t come from heaven as a joke, and what I say should be taken seriously.
Renounce sin and return to the Grace of The Lord. I am the Queen of Peace. Make an effort for the

world to encounter true peace. Refuse violence and embrace peace. Heaven is waiting for you. Be
converted. Change your lives. Accept Me so I can help you.

667 20 July, 1993

Dear Sons and Daughters, … Renounce sin and return to The Lord Who loves you and calls you to His

629 – 23 April, 1993

Dear Sons and Daughters. I am the Queen of Peace. Tonight, by the mercy of God, I come from heaven to
bring you My message of love and conversion. I invite you (?to?) pray more and with fervor, and above all,
pray from your heart. Humanity is near to a great abyss, and if you don´t change your lives, you won´t be
saved. So repent and return to God. I love you and await your yes for an answer. Don´t be sad, nor
preoccupied. Put your confidence in My Immaculate Heart, and you will always be guarded and protected
by Me. Renounce the world in order to belong to God. Live the messages I give you with love. God
gives you this great opportunity. Don´t refuse it. Forward to victory with the triumph of My Immaculate Heart.

612 16 March, 1993

Dear Sons and Daughters, I am your Mother and come from heaven to show you the way to salvation. Don´t
cross your arms. Return to God as quickly as possible. Pray. Pray for yourselves and for others. Pray for
the conversion of everybody. Renounce everything that takes you away from God and live My
messages. If there is no conversion, the wrath of God will come upon you, so be converted, be
converted, be converted. All the means of communication that work to destroy the plans of God will be
laid waste by the wrath of God which will come as a great bolt of lightning and everything will be
destroyed. Be converted. The destiny of … the world depends on your conversion.

600 16 February, 1993

Dear Sons and Daughters, I am your Mother and come from heaven to tell you that you are the people of
God, and for this you should flee from all evil. Close your eyes to the easy seductions of the world, renounce
television, flee from carnival, because carnival is a satanic festival and as sons of God you should stay
far from these festivals that offend The Lord and call His wrath upon you, and then He may abandon you.
Be careful. Hear Me.

587 16 January, 1993

Dear Sons and Daughters, change your lives, for this is the only way you can encounter Jesus. I come
from heaven to help you on the long path of conversion and to give you joy. … The moment has come in
which you should seek Jesus through the Gospel, and faithfully live its teachings. Don´t be unfaithful. Return,
return, return. Flee from immorality. Renounce television if you will be great in the eyes of God. Immorality
increases daily through television and the wrath of God will strike without delay. I repeat to you: be

529 30 June, 1992, Paris, France

Dear Sons and Daughters, men forget God and no longer pray. Here in Paris sin has spread like the worst
epidemics, causing spiritual death in many souls. If you don´t convert, God will send a great punishment on
your city. Fire will fall from heaven and Paris will be destroyed. What I predicted in former times will happen
because the appeal I made here was not put in practice. I don´t say when this will happen, but from the
way you live, the wrath of God will be anticipated, and you will be taken by surprise. Now increase your
prayers, and ask the mercy of God, for He only can help you. Pray and do penance. Renounce the
things of this world that don´t make you grow spiritually, and cling to prayer. I weep because of
what awaits you, and ask you to change your lives in order to be saved.

425 13 July, 1991

Dear Sons and Daughters, I offer this invitation to all of you … : be converted without delay. Renounce
cigarettes, alcohol, and especially, programs on television. By these renunciations, you can open a
greater space in your lives for prayer and for hearing My messages. Know that television is the
strongest and most dangerous instrument that My adversary uses to take you to sin and impurity.
Today television has become an idol adored by all the nations on earth, coming into your houses

with a false message, prejudicial to you and your soul. In this way television corrodes your life,
leaving only evil. Don´t assist at programs on television, for this is the only way you will become great
in My eyes. I repeat, I don´t come to obligate you, but as your Mother, I want to sweetly lead you to

353 24 November, 1990

Dear Sons and Daughters, … Maintain peace in your families, even if you have to renounce what you
want most. … Whoever remains in peace and love, remains in God.

198 15 August, 1989

Dear Sons and Daughters, … I am your heavenly Mother. I am the woman clothed with the sun. I invite all
of you to take refuge in My immaculate mantle, to be protected and led to Jesus, your merciful Savior. I
am the refuge of sinners. Today, look to paradise, where your heavenly Mother was elevated body and soul,
and I will console you. At the moment when the fury of My adversary is loosed and manages to subvert so
many by the force of triumphant evil, I invite you, My poor children, to always remain in prayer. Be
instruments of the victory of Christ. Renounce everything, really everything, and in the hour of your
death you will be transported directly to heaven.

189 15 July, 1989

I come today as Mediator of all graces, because I truly desire to give very special graces to you. I ask each
one of you to renounce yourself. Abandon all the things of this world which take you away from
God. As Mother of Jesus, I can help you whenever you need it. But I can´t save you. Only God can do this.
I just intercede for each one of you before My Son Jesus. This is My task as mediator between God and
mankind. I am a Mother, and as a mother, I feel the need to help you, for I know you need help. And how
you need it.

168 9 May, 1989,

Dear Sons and Daughters, the film that many are striving to be exhibited in Feira de Santana (Brazil) (The Last
Temptation of Christ) is a work of satan. So it should not be shown in Feira, nor in any other part of the world.
Jesus is really saddened to be the victim of so many blasphemies. Many people, even though they say
they are Christian and catholic, are supporting the exhibition of this film. Things like this bring the wrath of
God upon you, and afterwards, abandonment. … In Feira, a great multitude walk in the darkness of
denial of God, lack of faith, in immorality and impiety. I ask you to stay far from television and movies.
Satan is loose in the world, seeking to carry many souls to spiritual death. Be careful. Always be alert, pray and
do penance. Pray the holy rosary. The rosary is My special prayer, so always pray it. Unless there is a
general return to God by conversion and penance, a great punishment may befall this nation (Brazil).

161 15 April, 1989

Dear Sons and Daughters, this is what I am beseeching for today. Renounce smoking, and especially,
programs on television. My dear children, television has completely destroyed you. After assisting
the programs on television, you are no longer able to concentrate, and so, no longer capable of
praying. Don´t waste your time watching television, thus stealing precious moments from prayer and
the hearing of My words. Through television, the whole family is penetrated by a subtle and diabolical
tactic of division and corruption. The most defenseless are the children and young people, whom I
contemplate with the preoccupied tenderness of a Mother. Television is one of the main ways used by
satan to spread his reign. Many in the production of television programs are spiritually dead because
they wholly dedicate themselves to satan. Satan, with his deceitful tactics, takes My poor children on the
road to perdition. I ask you, dear children of My Immaculate Heart, to never participate in profane shows.
Close your eyes to the easy seductions of the world. Flee from all those places where the sacred dignity
of Christ is profaned. Put in practice what I say, and you will be true imitators of My Son Jesus.

============================================================================== May 4, 2010 USA

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