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2010-02-09, TUE

Romania on the spot


ROMANIA! Your destination and new departure, the starting line for any successful race to the finish, friendly and
challenging at the same time, but most of all overwhelming.


ROMANIA! Congeries of water and land, forests and fields, history and innovation, technology and tradition, business and pleasure.

ROMANIA! The “It” place.


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ARIS - Agentia Romana pentru Investitii Straine Page 2 of 2

Reasons to invest
Reasons to invest

In racing other countries in the region for attracting higher inflows of FDI, Romania enjoys certain competitive
advantages that encourage foreign investors to consider developing their business here.

Beginning with its strategic location and natural resources, continuing with its European membership and international relations network,
together with undeniable economic and social advantages, Romania represents the very hot-spot for FDI in the region.


news and events

Foreign direct investment attracted by Romania in the first 8 months 2009 continue to have a strong macroeconomic impact

Foreign direct investment attracted by Romania ...

Romanian British Expo - 4 and 5 November 2009

ROMANIAN BRITISH EXPO 2009 is delighted to ann ...

Foreign Direct Investment on the first 7 months 2009

Foreign Direct Investment attracted by Romania ...

UNCTAD launches World Investment Report 2009 -

On September 17th, UNIC Bucharest organized th ...

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