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(these are some suggestions, but we hope they

help you)
Greeting people, asking them how they
are. Reacting to what they say
A: Hi! How are you?
B: I'm fine, thanks. And you?
A: How are you getting on? B: I´m excellent / I’m great!
How’s it going? I’m OK. How about you?
How are you feeling? Not too bad, thanks.

C: I’m feeling (relaxed / happy / sad / tired...)

Not too well, I have a headache.

  Oh! Really? I'm sorry to hear that 

Offering & accepting apologies 

A: I'm sorry ... I broke your vase

I’m terribly sorry
I’m really sorry

B: That's OK
Never mind
No problem
Don’t worry
Buying something and asking/telling the price
A: I’d like to buy this jacket. How much is it?/How much
does it cost?  
B: It's 14 euros, please / It costs 12 pounds.

A: Can I pay by credit card?

B: I´m sorry, we don´t take credit cards, you’ll have to pay in
cash, but don’t worry, there's a bank near the shop.
A: Excuse me. I really like this sweater. Do you have it in a
medium? / What size is this sweater?
B: Yes, of course. This is a medium
A: Do you take American Express? or May I
pay with American Express?
B: Yes, madam/sir.
Expressing likes & dislikes
I like playing tennis
I hate onions!
I love English, but I would like to know it
I like travelling, knowing other places and
meeting new people.
I dislike getting up early in the morning.
I don't mind doing my homework
Do you like driving?

I would like to buy a scooter

Inviting someone
Accepting & refusing invitations
A: I would like to invite you to our next meeting.
B: That sounds good, but ... I’m afraid I’m already busy / I’ve already got

A: Fancy going to the cinema next Saturday?

B: OK, that's a great idea! Let’s watch ...a comedy!

A: I'm doing a party in my house next Saturday,would you like to come?

B: Sure! I’d love to!
A: Why don’t we... have dinner tonight?
B: That sounds good/fantastic. Where shall we go?
A: How about going shopping tomorrow?
B: I'm (really) sorry, but I have to study for an exam.
Asking for & giving basic information
What’s your name/surname? My (sur)name is ...
Where is she from? She’s Spanish. She’s from Spain
What’s your mobile / phone number / email? It’s ...
How old are you? I’m twenty-five (years old)
What do you do? I’m an engineer
Where do you live/work? I work for a company called DRV

What do you like doing in your free time?

I like doing sport. I usually go to the gym twice a week  
Do you speak any foreign languages? Which ones?
Yes, I do. I speak a little French.
Basic structures

Are there any children in the picture? Yes, there’s a child

Can you type? Yes, I can, but not very fast.
Does he smoke? No, I don’t / Yes, I do.
What sports do you practise? I play tennis once a week
Where were they yesterday morning? They were at home
Why did you run away? Because I saw a ghost!
What is she doing? She’s doing her hair
Where are they going to stay?
They’re going to stay in a hotel
How long have you lived here?
I’ve lived here since May/for a month
Will you come with us? I may/might go, I’m not sure yet
Asking for & giving directions
Excuse me, where is the museum? Sorry, I don't know
is there a bank near here? Yes, but I don't know where
exactly. Sorry
is Queen Street near here? I’m afraid I don’t know.
Yes, it’s near the square
can you tell me the way to Queen Street?
Certainly. Go straight on, then go past the
church and turn right at the traffic lights.
I think it´s the second on the left.
The bank is on the corner, opposite the church
Could you tell me where the nearest shopping centre is, please?
Of course. Go straight ahead and turn second left.
How far is it? It’s (only) 5 minutes away.
Sorry, could you say that again, please?
Thank you very much / Thanks a lot
Asking for simple information about 
a trip, a course...
How much does the course cost?
When do the courses start and finish?
How many students are there in a class?
Are there Business English classes?
Where can I stay?
Where are the teachers from?
What time does the train/flight leave?
There are single and double rooms.
It depends, there are two different levels: the low level for
beginners costs 60 euros and the high level for
professionals is 90 euros
I’d like to book ... the (morning) flight.
Asking & answering about work & free time
Where do you work?   I work in an office
What time do you go to work? At about eight o
How many hours do you work? (It depends) I usually work
about eight hours a day, from 9.00 to 4.00
Do you earn a lot of money? I earn about 900 euros.
And I don't have paid holidays

What kind of music do you listen to?

I like all types of music but l prefer listening to Irish folk music

Do you play a musical instrument? Which one?

No, I don't play a musical instrument.
Can you play any sport? Yes, tennis
How well? Very well / quite well / not well
Making arrangements & plans (what to
do, where to go, when/where to meet...)
A. What are your holiday plans for next week?
B: I´m going to fly / I'm flying to New York with two friends.
A: Really? Where are you going to stay?
B: We’re going to stay / we’re staying in a hotel in Manhattan.
A: And what are you going to do in New York?
B: We're going to go shopping - the shops in New York are
fantastic - and in the evening we’ll go clubbing.
A: Are you going to see the sights too?
B: Oh yes, we want to see the Empire State Building, the
statue of Liberty, Central Park...

We could meet in my house at 8, what do you think?

All right / That’s fine for me / Let’s do that!

I'm Helen and I'm a typist.

As you can see, in the
picture I'm using a PC.
I work in an office in a
building near home. I work
five days a week.
Describing yourself
What does she look like?
She’s tall and thin. She’s got long brown hair and big
black eyes. Her skin is white/tanned and she wears
She’s wearing a nice blue dress.

What is she like?

She’s a sensitive/quiet/shy person
She’s intelligent but lazy.
She’s quite nice, hard-working and adventurous.

I’m fit and I sometimes go hiking.

You can trust me.
Describing the place where you live

I live in Arucas, which is a town on the coast in the north of

Gran Canaria. It’s only 15 minutes from the capital.

It is a beautiful place and it’s great for walking around.

There is a famous church of neogothic style.

There are also some museums that you can visit. They open
every day.

The weather here is wonderful in summer;

it’s usually sunny and warm.
Speaking about your hobbies
& interests
I love music and I like writing songs.
I love listening to all kinds of music.
I am also crazy about computers, and I enjoy looking for
song lyrics on the Internet.

I can play the guitar very well.

I want to sing in a music group
I would like to study German next year.

He goes to the cinema once a month.

Describing your educational background,job...

I did science at school.

I studied abroad when I was at university.
He has a degree in Economics.
She can speak English and French.

I'm a nurse, I take the blood presure, glicemia,I give

advice healthy,... On Thursday I'm in the emergency ward.
I work as a doctor
She works for the CIA.
I have worked in many different companies
Describing past activities / experiences
Last summer we flew to Rome with British Airways.
We stayed for a week in a small hotel near the Coliseum.
The hotel was nice and quite cheap.

During the day we walked around the city. We saw

all the famous places and we took a lot of photos. At night
we went to popular restaurants and had fantastic pasta
and red wine. We had a great time.

Rome is full of history, (it) has a special atmosphere

and Italian food is wonderful. We only had two problems: it
was very hot and it was very difficult to cross the road.
SITUATION: you have to organise a party. Think of different
ways of expressing the same idea (inviting everybody)

• different tenses & suggestions

Last time we made a barbecue, why don’t we go to a disco this time?
We have organised a party for Saturday, do you want to come?
We’re going to make a party, would you like to come?
• conditionals
If people wanted, we could go to a restaurant.
We can have dinner in a restaurant, if you like.
• modals
We could invite everybody in the class
We may/might go to a restaurant, what do you think?
We should have dinner in this restaurant, people will love it!
• Other new structures:
I used to come to this restaurant, how about having the party here?
Everybody was invited to the party. 
    Great job! 


(The students of NB2 

from EOI Arucas 
hope our presentation 
helps you!)

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