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Self Accountability

It was just another day at the hospitalDr. Juni and Dr. Huni were busy
with their daily errandsconducting ward rounds, tending to patient
problems and issuing relevant orders. As the routine activities neared
completion with all the doctors gathered at the nursing counter rounding up
the days discharge notes and follow up orders, a rather handsomely dressed
man with a baggage entered the ward. Preoccupied in their work, the doctors
and staff remained oblivious to is presence till the time the gentleman came
up quite close and began introducing himself.
Assalam o alaekum! I am Mr. Buni from ABC Pharma. I hope that you
are having a good day. You must all have heard about ABC Pharma, the
countrys leading Pharmaceutical Company that is quickly gaining popularity
and becoming doctors preferred and No. 1 brand.
We have just launched our new drug that we are supplying for
promotional reasons so that the medical personnel can themselves test and
rest assured of the quality medications that we manufacture and provide. Our
brand is not only more potent and effective than the local brands but also
comes in a competitive price.
These are introductory samples free-of-charge that you may prescribe
to your patients and take feedback for drug effects, and we are all-available
to become your personal drug supplier on a regular basis. Saying this he
pulled out a case of medications and handed over to Dr. Juni and Dr. Huni.
Have a nice day. I hope to see you soon, said the Pharmaceutical
representative and departed without any further conversation. What followed
suit was a mixed-opinion discussion about the legality of free-of-cost medical
samples and whether they should be accepted, should they be prescribed to
patients and so on. Everyone raved on their views on the topic and the
debate was finally silenced by Dr. Juni, the Senior Registrar of the ward who
very empathically stressed that the samples should only be used as a
gratuity to non-affording patients and no personal money must be charged
for their prescription. Handing over half of the samples to staff nurses, he
exhorted upon them to identify the needy and distribute the samples among
them, keeping the rest to apportion himself.
Fast forward to 6 p.m., it is time for Dr. Junis private clinic, where he
awaits his first patient musing to himself about the double-earning he is to
gain today from prescribing the free samples for money in addition to his own
fee. Then comes in the first patient, a middle aged man in obvious distress,

clutching his chest, desperate for pain relief: the ideal candidate for Dr. Juni
to swiftly sell the free samples and earn bonus money. In severe anguish, the
patient submissively complies to Dr. Junis prescription, willingly pays extra
money for the special medication proclaimed to cure-him-in-no-time and
makes his way out of the clinic.
Deep in his heart, Dr. Juni hears a squeak of conscience that blames
him for duplicity and dishonesty, which he very tactfully silences giving
himself excuses, This is a necessity if you really want to be successful. After
all you work so hard, you deserve to earn good money. With plans of how to
utilize this extra bounty, Dr. Juni continues seeing private patients till the time
for the clinic to end; whereby he counts the earnings of the day, merrily
whistling and dreaming of his new car.

Now I want you to sit back and analyze: can this doctor be called a
Messiah for the ailing humanity or wouldnt it be apt to label him a bloodsucking vampire that avails every opportunity to exploit the distressed and
the sick.
What happiness and satisfaction will this big-money bring that is
earned by deception and duplicity? Will such a doctor ever be able to able to
face himself in the mirror and confront his inner- self and conscience? Will he
ever be able to enjoy a good nights sleep after covetously looting the infirm
and frail? What blessings and bounty will he enjoy of cash earned through
sinful and illicit means?
To the one smugly satisfying himself that he will never be caught in a
country where the judicial system is slow and corrupt, here is a warning: You
may escape accountability and retribution in this world; but be wary that no
injustice will go unredeemed on the day the entire humanity will be made to
stand in front of their Lord, a day when all secrets shall be exposed, a day
when the exploiters shall not be asked about what they did wrong but their
own hands and feet will bear witness against them, a day when the scrolls
bearing every single persons deeds shall be disclosed, a day when the
miscreants will not be set loose, a day when even killer of the baby-girl buried
alive shall be served with justice, what to speak of the injustices done to the

And the measuring out on that Day will be just

(Quran 7:8)
So whoever does an atom's weight of good will see

And whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see

it. (Quran 99:8-9)
Let those with intellect take heed, for in integrity and self
accountability lies boon in this world and deliverance in the next. Let your
inner voice become your policeman that lashes you at every slightest
transgression and decadence, for this is the only guard that can set you right
and bring you success in both worlds. Let us all pledge today to question
ourselves on what we do, why we do and how we do for a day is near when
we will definitely be questioned and the one who holds himself accountable
today shall be dealt with clemency and compassion there.

Hold yourself accountable before they hold you

accountable, and in order for your accounting to be
easy tomorrow.
--Prophet Muhammad SAW--

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