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Marketing Plan
AQUAFINA Purity Guaranteed

Executive Summary:
Aquafina has made its way into the Pakistani Market in the year 2005, when the demand for the
bottled water was seeing a staggering growth of 27%. With the changing demographics and
preferences among the growing middle class in Pakistan has paved a way for a more decent life style
and water being one of the basic necessasity. Aquafina has been quite successful in creating and
emotional connect with their consumers which is quite evident from their tag line Purity
Aquafina has been quick in challenging the market leader Nestle Pure Life with their multifaceted
advertising approach coupled with the expansion in the production facilities. Aquafina is now the
second largest brand in this market with an increasing consumer base.

Situation Analysis:

Market Summary: Aquafina is poised to target the Upper and the Middle Class with a high
focus on the quality of the product.

SWOT Analysis: Aquafina looks in to both Internal (Strength and Weaknesses) and External
(Opportunities and Threats) to better understand what will help them in accomplishing their







5W Analysis: These are the five questions, which we need to answer before moving forward.


Why Marketing? What will we achieve by diverting our resources on marketing?

Who? Who are the people, we direct our message to?
What? What is it that we can offer to our target market to achieve our objectives.
Where? Identifying the best place.
When? Identifying the right time.

Products and Services: Water is available in five different SKUs and delivery service is being
provided for 3 gallon and 6 gallon.

Competition and Industry Analysis: Gathering information through primary and secondary
data and analyzing them to identifying trends.

Environmental Analysis

Macro environmental factors: Aquafina looks into the macro economic factors when they are
making long term capital investment in plant and equipment. They also look in to factors like
changing demographics, change in technology and changes in the legal and regulatory authority.

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Micro environmental factors: Aquafina builds a strong relationship with its suppliers,
channel members and the factors that impact the consumers.

Competitive strategy: This is at the core of Aquafinas strategy, which helps them in
identifying how they are planning to compete in the market.

Marketing Strategy

Mission: As people are moving towards a healthier and safer life style, so the Aquafinas
mission is to provide pure and healthy drinking water to its consumers.

Marketing objectives: Aquafinas objective is to create brand awareness and they set their
objectives using SMART Approach = Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time
specific objectives.

Unique Selling Proposition: Aquafina is pure, which is made possible after the water goes
through a seven step purification process called Hydro-7.

Financial objectives: Sales projections are made keeping in mind the companys operational

Target market: All age groups especially middle and upper class people.

Positioning: Pure and hygienic drinking water

Market Segmentation: Aquafina segments the market at different levels. i.e. Based on

( Pet Bottle), Liter bottle and Bulk (3 and 6 gallon), geographical segmentation, Social

class and Domestic tourists.

Marketing Mix

Product: When Aquafina says Purity Guaranteed they really mean it, during the purification
process the water goes through a seven step purification process called HydRo 7, which is one of
the advanced methods to purify water.

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Pricing: Aquafina is using the going rate pricing strategy i.e. pricing the products at par with
that of the competitors.

Promotion: Aquafina is using both above the line (ATL) i.e. Television, Radio, Print ads Bill
boards, social media and below the line (BTL) i.e. Organizing events like Aquafina Pure love
activation on Valentines day, World Water Day, Door to door sampling.

Channel: Aquafina uses the same distribution channel which Pepsi does, so they have a greater
reach throughout Pakistan.

Service: Aquafina provides home delivery service to its bulk buying customers.

Brand Value
We can easily get a sense of how Aquafina has created an emotion connect with its consumers. Purity
of relationships was juxtaposed with the purity of Aquafina as it is quite evident from their
advertisements featuring the leading characters from the popular drama Humsafar.

Marketing research
Market research plays a greater part at Aquafina in devising the whole Marketing strategy. Primary
(Questionnaires, Focus group etc) and Secondary research (Industry research reports) is being done in
order to make proper assessments.

The ultimate goal of any organization is to maximize their net profit, and that can only be achieved if
proper forecasts are being done, so at Aquafina the following measures are being used to assess the
feasibility of the whole Marketing activity.

Sales/revenue forecast.
Budgeted Marketing Expense.
Break-even analysis
Profit and loss analysis


Implementation: At Aquafina, the whole marketing plan is implemented within a proper

frame of time.

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Contingency planning: As the whole plan is based on estimates and projections, so there are
counter measures being taken in case anything goes wrong.

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