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Acknowledgements. This story was inspired by According to you Orianthi and Waiting for yesterday David Archuleta.

a. I want to specially thank my cousin Jace for giving me an insight into a guys mind without him knowing. I have never written a short story before, this is my first attempt so be nice! Hope you like this =) Written by Skyler Jayne.

I quickly got off the bus and ran into the gourmet restaurant. George was waiting for me. I entered the restaurant and searched for him. I spotted George and let out a huge sigh of relief. At least he didnt ditch me! George had deep black eyes and dirty blonde hair. Hes extremely good-looking.

Hey, I said and kissed his cheek. Scarlett Webber, youre late, he said, again. I know. Im so sorry, I apologized. As long as you never repeat the mistake again, he sighed and looked at his menu.

George was the kind of guy who was spoiled by his parents even though they were poor. It was so weird that he was single because of he was so good looking. But he had huge demands from me. On our first date he asked me to straighten my hair because he didnt like my wavy hair! You should go to the ladys room and freshen up, he told me. Im good, I said. He gave me a commanding or disgusted look. I sighed and walked towards the washroom.

I stared at myself in the mirror. Im here on a date with George Maine, the 19-year-old hottie and I looked so boring. I didnt actually prepare myself. I didnt feel the need to. I ran my fingers through my brunette hair and splashed water onto my pale face. Yeah, I probably had the most common body. I was 54. Ive never had a boyfriend. George is my first. Im happy with him I guess.

I walked back to my table. So what are we eating? I asked him. I ordered a Chicken salad for you and a grilled meal for me, he said.

So that for starters and what for dinner? I asked. That is your dinner, he said as if he was stating the obvious. Oh, I said and drank my coke. Im low on cash, he said. Okay, I said nonchalantly. They give the food really fast so thats good, he smiled. Didnt guys always want the dinner to be late so that they can get to know the girl more? Great, I said slowly. So hows Rachel? he asked. Shes good, I said. Tell her thanks for setting us up, he said. Sure, I sighed and drank my coke. I was bored. Were dates supposed to be this boring? So what other plans do you have tonight? I asked in an attempt to get the conversation going. Not much. Im gonna sleep at 9pm because I have to go somewhere tomorrow, he said. I looked at my watch. Its 8pm now, I said. Yeah, so we need to finish this in 20 minutes, he said urgently. Fine with me, I said actually relieved.

We ate and he dropped me till the bus stop so that I could go home. We kissed amazingly and then I entered the bus.

I opened the house door with my key. I live with my brother Samuel. He had his own house because he was 25. Since there is no-one looking after me, Sam decided to take me in. Dads a high class lawyer who has no time for me or Sam. Mom re-married and I dont like the guy. He keeps mom away from Sam and I.

I took a shower and went to the living room where Sam usually was, playing some game on his Xbox. I entered the room and noticed that he was playing it with someone else. Sam? I said. Here, he yelled over the noise. I went and stood near the sofa and saw David. Oh my Gosh, David, youre here! I said and hugged him. Hey, Scarr, he said, using his special nickname for me, and hugged back. His hug was nice and warm. It felt good. You just got back? I asked. Yeah, he said while playing the game. Awesome! I said. Would youll talk later? Im trying to win here! Sam said. Youre just scared that she may distract you and Ill win again, David smirked.

I sat on the couch. David Furtado was Sams best friend. He was 24. I also had a tiny thing for him. I guess I would have to get over him because I was seeing George.

The game got over I guess because David said Victory is mine in his British accent. How was California? I asked.

David had just returned from California. He had gone there for a month to look for a job. It was good. I met a couple of my friends. No luck with the job though, he said. Maybe you could try again, I said with hope for him. Planning to get rid of me? he smirked. No, thats not what I meant! I said trying to justify myself. Ill miss this place way too much, he smiled. Aww! Im getting something to eat, I said and got up. You didnt eat on your date? Sam asked. He had to go somewhere so we didnt eat much, I said. Ill come with, David said. No, you wont, Sam said almost protectively. Dude, what? Ill make me a sandwich, David said almost confused and gave Sam a look while Sam sent him a tiny glare. Weird. She can make you one, Sam said. Ill make you one, I said still confused. David got up and said, Lets go. Okay, I said and we walked to the kitchen.

What happened to Sam? I asked. Forget it, David said. I removed the ingredients for a sandwich from the shelves. So how was California? I asked.

It was good, he asked, youre dating? I know! Some guy actually went out with me! I said in mock-disbelief. What? Tonnes of people would go out with you, David said I rolled my eyes. Tell me about your boyfriend, He asked. Well his name is George Maine. Hes 19 too. Weve been going out for two weeks. Yeah thats it basically, I said. It was difficult describing our relationship. Anything else? He must have that great something. Youve been going out with him for two weeks! he said. Umm, I hesitated, Well, hes hot and a great kisser. Thats it? Great kisser? he asked somewhat angry. Angry with the choice I made? Well yeah. What else is needed? I asked even though I know just a great kisser isnt good enough. You need more! he said, How did youll meet anyway? Well, umm, Rachel set me up with him because she didnt want me to feel lonely because she was dating and I wasnt, I said in one breath. So youre going out with him because hes a great kisser? Thats very shallow, he said in a fake disapproving tone. I poked him with my elbow. He picked up the knife from the counter and said, Dont poke me, I have a knife! You just lifted it! I exclaimed. Hey, dont underestimate the power of the knife. I can kill you! My brother would kill you then! Err, Ill kill him first! I picked up the knife before he did. I laughed. This was just like old times. My dads a lawyer. He can sue your ass! I said.

Ill just destroy the evidence and change my look, he said then ran his fingers through his hair, I could get a Mohawk. I bursted out laughing at the thought of him having a Mohawk. Youre hair is fine the way it is! Its the perfect shade of brown to complement your gray eyes. Your short tousled hair compliments your face so well, I said, not realizing that I actually gave him an analysis of his face and hair. He seemed star-strucked. He later smiled and said Thanks. I smiled back. So you dont like your boyfriend? he asked. Why couldnt he drop the subject? Its weird talking to your crush about your boyfriend. Wait, I had to get over David somehow. I dont know. Whats not good about him? he asked. Umm, well he asked me to straighten my hair, I said. Seriously? That guy is blind! he said. Why? I asked confused. He came closer to me and ran his fingers through my hair, almost unconsciously. You have great hair, he said. Soft he murmured.

You done? I heard Sam yell from the other room. David quickly came out of his trance and said, One minute, Im making you one too. Youre making him one? I asked. Yeah, he muttered and quickly put together three small sandwiches and we went back to the living room. What took youll so long? Sam asked almost suspiciously. We were talking, I said. About? Sam asked.

Stuff. Stop being so paranoid, David said and sat down next to Sam and I sat down next to David.

We were watching the football match. Well actually they were watching and I was staring at my nails. I think it was half-time or something so Sam went to the washroom. I dont think you should go out with that guy, David said. Why not? I asked. You dont even like him! Why are you wasting your time? he asked. Im trying not to be too picky. Hes my first boyfriend, I said. You should go out with someone who you like and can spend the rest of your life with. Not with someone who you cant stand, he said in a controlled voice. Controlling his anger? Doesnt matter, I shrugged, I know your only saying that in an older brother way. He chuckled and said, No, Im not. Then he added suggestively, Dump him and date a guy that actually cares about you. I kept thinking but I had no-one in mind. Who? I asked confused. He slowly put his hands over mine and said, Me. You? Why would you wanna go out with me? I asked confused and a little disappointed. Why wouldnt I? he asked. Because Im boring, I said, You like exciting women. I like you, he said. We cant be together, Im already dating someone else, I said, disappointment dripping in each and every word. You know Im better than him. I can treat you better than he can, he said and entwined his hands with mine. He was right.

Sam wont like it, I said. I know, I already told him that I liked you and his response was Dont you dare go out with her. Unless you dont like me, he ended disappointed. I sighed and said, I like you. Another sigh. I dont know. The door opened and Sam came walking in. David quickly removed his hands from mine. David, get your stuff. Its getting late, Sam told David. Yeah sure, David said and got up, Ill be back in 20 minutes. Where are you going? I asked. Im spending the night, David smiled.

David left our house. Sam sat next to me and watched TV. How was your date? he asked me. Good, I guess. Why? I asked. Cant I just ask you? he asked. I guess, I shrugged. Do you like David? he asked slowly. I stayed quite. I didnt want to do something that Sam disapproved off. Scarlett, tell me! he said a bit louder. Why do you want to know? I asked. He sighed, obviously knowing that I liked him. Because Scarlett, I dont want you to get hurt. I love you, but dont fall for him. So now youre telling me what to do? I asked slowly. No, just dont go out with my best friend, alright? he said and tried pulling me into a hug.

I got up and said Im going to sleep. Tell David I said goodnight. Scarlett, just promise me you wont go out with him. He used to be a player. I dont know if hes changed, he said. I could feel that he wanted to protect me. But I couldnt promise that I would stay away from him. Now that I know he likes me back. Im sorry, Sam, I whispered and went to my room.

I was so confused. I couldnt turn my back on George either. I know that hes a bit insensitive towards me, and he doesnt treat me like Im the centre of his universe, but I just couldnt. I heard a knock on my door. I walked towards the door and opened it. David, I whispered. Can I come in? he asked. Sure, I said and let him in. I know you need to choose, David started, between me and Gorgy Porgy. Gorgy Porgy? I asked and bursted out laughing. Yes, he smiled and sat on my bed. I just came to say why you need to choose me and not the other person. Alright, I said unsure. First, I would never leave you hungry after a date, he said. I went and sat next to him. I still dont get it, I said confused. Get what? he asked. Why now? Why would you tell me now? What do you even like about me? Im just a kid in your eyes, I said. I didnt look him in the eye out of embarrassment. Because, I recently realized that I felt this way about you. Youre in no way a kid in my eyes, he said and brushed my hair, I respect you in a way. Youre wiser than most girls Ive met.

I would have called George now, but hes sleeping, I said trying to get off the subject. Call him then, Id pick up your call at any time of the day, he smiled. Now youre being cheesy and weird, I said and dialled George. The time was 9:30 right now. His phone rang. Maybe I shouldnt call him. What do I tell him anyway? I was about to disconnect the phone when he lifted it. Or at least I think he did. Hello? the receiver asked, a female receiver. Umm yes, whos this? I asked. Well this is Georges phone, but this is his girlfriend, Annabel, speaking she said. Girlfriend? Youre his girlfriend? I asked almost heart-broken. David gave me a confused look. I sure am. Who is this? she asked. Scarlett. Are you like going out and kissing and stuff? I asked. David kept looking at me. Umm honey, we do more than that, she said in a smiling voice Can I just speak to him? I asked in a controlled voice. I was controlling my anger and sadness. Sure, she said. Hello? he asked. Hey, this is Scarlett, I said. Crap! he whispered and then said Hey, Scarlett. Hows it going? he tried to stay calm. Who is she? I asked. Just a friend, he said.

I thought you were going to sleep, I said with tears finally escaping my eyes. David looked helpless. I am, babe, just that my neighbour came by, and we were talking and And you decide to get naked with her? I cut him off. Babe, its not like that he said. His voice didnt seem regretful though. He was just sorry he got caught. Dont call me that! I yelled. Im sorry, he said, Ill make it up to you. No, George, you wont. Were through. I never want to see your face again! I yelled. Can we talk about this? he asked. No. J-just stay out of my life, I said and hung up the phone. I threw my phone across the room in anger. The first boyfriend that Ive ever had cheated on me. This is so bad. I was probably just some worthless piece of meat to him. I grabbed a pillow and buried my head in it. I let my tears escape. Your screen got cracked, I heard David say. I dont care, I mumbled. I felt the bed move. You wanna talk about it? he asked. Whats there to talk about? I said between sobs, My boyfriend cheated on me. Im obviously not worth anything to him or anyone. Youre worth a lot, Scarr, David said and combed my hair with his fingers. Please, dont touch me, I trembled. Im not going to hurt you, he said in a soothing voice. Leave me alone! I tried to scream, but it only came out as a whisper. Can I just say something before I go? he asked softly.

What? I asked. Could you just sit up first? he asked. I sat up. He looked at me and his face fell. Did I really look that ugly? I want you to know something, he said and lifted my chin with his finger. What? I asked, my voice shaky. I want you to know youre beautiful, incredible and I cant ever get you out of my head, he said. I scoffed. Just stop with the whole trying to get in my pants thing, I said and wiped my tears. Scarr, listen. Im not lying when I say those things, he said, Im not gonna keep chasing you forever. Im gonna be here for you if you want me but I wont be here for long, okay? I nodded. And one more thing, he said and kissed me. Whoa! We moved in perfect synchronization. Damn he was a better kisser than George. There was no groping involved here, it was simply innocent. Innocent yet perfect. He pulled away unfortunately- and said, Remember that. He let go of me and left my room. Remember what? The door closed and I hid my head in my pillow. Damn him, George! For cheating on me! Damn David for kissing me in the best way possible. David may turn out to be a jerk too.

I heard the door opening. Go away, I said. Its my house, I heard Sam say. And then I could tell that he was sleeping next to me. Can I sleep here tonight? he asked. Why? You have your own room, I said quietly. Im gonna let David sleep in it alone. Food poisoning, he explained.

He was fine before, I said. Must have been something else, hes throwing up like a new born baby in my room, Sam said. Oh. So, your boyfriend cheated on you, huh? he asked. Yeah, he did, I whispered. And your cell phone screen got cracked too, he said. So what? I asked. Ill buy you a new one, he said. A new screen? I asked. I was thinking a new phone, but a new screen works too, Sam said and I playfully punched his shoulder. Thank you, I said. On one condition. I sighed and said, What is it? You give me the name and address of that guy who cheated on you, he said. Why? I asked. Well, Im gonna make sure he never cheats on anyone ever again, he said in an almost dangerous voice. Ill tell you later, Im sleepy now, I said. All right, he said and then chuckled, Maybe it would have been better if you went out with David. It doesnt matter now, I said sadly, he wont like me now. And why not, Scar? Sam asked, imitating the nickname only David had for me.

You think he still likes me? I asked hopefully. Of course he does, Scarlet. You should have heard the way he described you. And you should have seen how he felt when he found out that you were being cheated on. I cant believe Im saying this, but hes actually a good guy, Sam said. So Im allowed to date him? I asked. Yeah sure, I think he may be good for you but if he ever hurts you, I know where he lives. I can beat him up easily. But you cant keep him away from me. I need someone to play my Xbox360 with, he said and kissed my forehead. Good night, I whispered and closed my eyes.

I woke up to someone applying pressure on my back. Wait, someone was massaging me? Get off, I grumbled. The massager stopped and said Damn! I thought youd get up happy after a massage. I turned around and saw David smiling. Then he turned serious and asked, How are you? Im sleepy, I said. Well George sent you a message telling you to meet him at Starbucks. Are you going? he asked. I thought about it for some time and said, Ill go, but do you mind dropping me there? Youre going to go? he asked in a sad tone. Im gonna formally break up with him, I told him. Thats good, he said. I brushed my teeth and changed my clothes and we were in Davids car.

While I go talk to George, I told David, You buy us something to eat. Fine with me, David said and parked into the Starbucks lot. Did I mention the Starbucks here was HUGE? They actually host tiny parties here. I saw George sitting with a strawberry head girl. I walked up to him. Why did he call me here in the first place? What do you want? I asked. I was still sad that he cheated on me. Well, I hated the fact that he used me to cheat on his girlfriend. I hated him. I just called you to say that were through, George said, It wasnt worth risking my relationship with Anna to date you. He said you like a disgusting thing. I stared at him. Thats what you called me here for? You didnt even tell me you had a girlfriend! I called you to tell you to stay away from me, George said, his eyes however didnt say the same, You know, youre stupid and useless. And you never show up on time, thats the worst quality in a girl. So you just called me to insult me? I asked. He somehow made me want to cry. How could he say those things? I bit my lips to stop myself from crying. Basically, he said and kissed the strawberry head girls cheek. I turned around frustrated and banged into someone. I was going to apologize but the person put their arms around me. I looked up and saw David. What did he say? David asked concerned. Can we go? I asked, my voice did sound like I was going to cry. What did he say? he asked, now a bit angry. He insulted me, I whispered, he s-said that I was stupid. He removed his arms and said, You wait outside. Ill take care of him. How? I asked. By then he had already walked over to George and punched his jaw, definitely breaking it.

I ran over there. David, lets go, I said and pulled him. David said, That was for treating Scarlett that way. Stay away from her and stop cheating on your girlfriend. He then turned to the other girl and said, Hes probably cheated on you more than once, you shouldnt go out with guys like him. More than once? the girl asked George. George had no answer. The girl slapped him and walked away.

David put his hand on my shoulder and we walked towards the car. He handed me a donut and asked Are you gonna be okay? Yeah, I sighed, Im fine. Good, he smiled.

Maybe I should ask him out now. I mean, he still wants to go out with me right? Well thats what Sam said. What if Sams wrong? Maybe David was just joking about the whole liking thing. April fools day is next week after all. What are you thinking about? he asked. Huh? I asked when I snapped out of my daze. You were concentrating, he said. Yeah, well umm nothing, I said uncoolly. Damn it! No, theres something, he smiled. Okay, maybe theres something, I said. What? he asked. I was wondering, I started. Hmm? Are you still interested in me? I asked.

Of course I am, he said. Then you dont mind being my boyfriend? I asked in one breath. There was silence. I mean, like if you want. No pressure. I mean, you probably dont like me that much anyway I started rambling, I mean, its okay really. Ill be your boyfriend, he cut me off. Really? I asked excited. Yeah, why should I miss out on a beautiful and incredible girl, he said, youre funny, irresistible and everything that Ill ever want. Im not gonna lose anything by going out with you. I probably had the biggest most embarrassing smile on my face right now. I heard him chuckling.

He pulled into the driveway and I got out. He threw out the empty coffee cups in the trash and we walked towards the front door. Thanks for asking me out, he said and held my hand. Anytime, I said and smiled. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me. I put my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. I still tried to keep the kiss innocent.

I heard a cough. I pulled away and saw Sam with a bag of groceries. Hey, Sam, I said and ran my fingers through my hair nervously. I take it you are going out now? Sam asked almost sarcastically. We are, David said and put his arm around my shoulder. You both know what you can and cant do right? Sam asked. Do what? I asked innocently.

You cant make out with each other in front of me, David groaned, which made me chuckle, You cant ever disrespect her and you cant stop playing the Xbox360 with me. Got it? Sam said. Sure I said amused and entered our house.

2010 Skyler Jayne

About The Author

Skye started writing at the age of 16. She started off writing on a website called where 3 of her creative works have been featured by the website. She loves writing short stories and poems. She sometimes dabbles with writing full length stories too. She has written stories under the names of Skyler Jayne, Skye Jayne and Skye J Cardoz. She also sometimes refers to herself in third person!

~Writing Tales of Love and Heartbreak~ Xo Skyler Jayne

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