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Tutorial Preparation Assignment 07

Nor Athirah Mohd Zaradi


INFO 101

1.0 Introduction
In chapter 7, we learned about the business process management (BPM). The main key
objectives of this chapter are the importance of BPM, methods used to change business
processes, the common used functional application and last but not least, the main features of
ERP. We will discuss each key objectives in section 2.0-5.0.
2.0 Business Process Management (BPM)
Business Process Management or frequently abbreviate as BPM is being polished by millions
firms and associations around the globe to process and request crosses departmental limits. It is
essentially the association between an IT division of an organization to their line-of-business
(LOB). It is utilized as an institutionalized framework for building, assessing and changing
business forms. Keeping in mind the end goal to accomplish these capacities, BPM made four
strides which are building plan of action procedures, making segments either automated (without
technique and human) or completely manual (without equipment and programming) or mixing
both automated and manual (equipment, programming, information, methodology and human).
Next, procedures will be actualized by business and the result will be assessed to guarantee its
adequacy. After being assessed, organizations usually enhance the BPM up to their standard until
they are satisfied and this cycle proceeds (Kroenke & Hooper,2013). By doing these, the
business work process is more inclined to be proficient and versatile to environment evolving.
On the other hand, in each business BPM, there is still BPMN which is Business Process
Management Notation to be comprehended by the workers and clients. BPMN adheres to the
major regulations of programming, with the goal that procedures planned in the dialect help
engineers interpret into hard code easily. To sum it up, BPM is vital to all organizations and firms
however they may choose whether to create and conform business utilizing BPM or simply sit
tight for the change to happen by itself (Rouse,2011).


Figure 1 : BPM 4 Steps


Nor Athirah Mohd Zaradi

1081 Words

Tutorial Preparation Assignment 07

Nor Athirah Mohd Zaradi

INFO 101

3.0 How to change business process?

A change is acquired when there is an issue happens where two organizations or two departments
with two distinct software language must cooperate for a documentation. In a report process, the
group must have a standardized document process that they all concur on to archive a procedure
and the groups needs to concede to both what is and what should be. A business procedure is a
system of activities, resources, facilities, and information that communicate to accomplish a
purpose or goal (Kroenke & Hooper, 2013). With a specific end goal to tackle business issue or
change business process, firstly, outlines are attracted out to delineate the way that procedures
will be completed, by who, how, and how the whole framework associate. Object Management
Group will likewise make a standard term set of terms and graphical documentations for
reporting business procedures called BPMN (refer to 2.0). There are three methods for changing
business forms which are:
Changing a process by adding or removing resources without changing its structure for
instance, adding an authority or specialist to every movement in the process.
Changing a process by altering process structure such as Equipment and Tracking
Logistics manager an incorporated picking rundown to minimize travel time and pace up
picking equipment.
Do both. It has more noteworthy potential but on the other hand is quite complicated,
ough to bring turmoil in organizations and hard to implement.
All in all, BPM helps organizations streamline their exercises by making more proficient
procedures to increase the margins.
4.0 Common Functional Application
A functional application is a PC program that backings or perhaps automates or mechanizes the
major activities in a functional process. Some organizations create their own particular
applications or license functional application software from a vendor to reduce the cost and then
adapt it. There are five classifications of most known functional applications which are sales and
marketing, operations, manufacturing, customer services, human resources (HR), and
accounting. Sales and marketing is utilized to discover prospects and changing them into clients
or customers by making them buy a product (Kroenke & Hooper, 2013). Operations applications
are particularly prominent for non-manufacturers, for example, merchants, wholesalers, and
retailers as they are utilized for administration of inventory stock and movement of products.
Manufacturing applications are used for assigning stock and equipment while customer services
depends on accomplishing a clear visibility and comprehension of your processes as well as the
and also the capacity to quickly adjust them to changing client needs and business demands. On
the other hand, human resources application oversees vacation requests, training requests,
recruitment or enrollment, termination, certification management and employee appraisals
reviews. By fusing BPM into HR activities, the related business procedures can be directed all
the more rapidly, proficiently and reliably whereas, in order for a company to do accounting
activities, it is proven that BPM is extremely compelling in managing purchases, tracking
expenses, and monitoring subcontractors and suppliers. An effective BPM framework makes it
easy to arrange and manage critical business activities such as purchase requisitions, billing and


Nor Athirah Mohd Zaradi

1081 Words

Tutorial Preparation Assignment 07

Nor Athirah Mohd Zaradi

INFO 101

invoicing, travel requests and reimbursements, budget approvals and collection of payments, and
etc (University of Sans Fransisco, n.d.).
5.0 What is ERP?
ERP which stands for Enterprise Resource Planning is one of business management software
with a set of applications; modules, database, and a module of intrinsic processes to fuse
business operations into a single and dependable computing platform. ERP applications offer
more integration compared to CRM (Customer Relation Management) thus, allowing better
communication internally. Primary value chain activities with accounting and human resources
are integrated through ERP. Manufacturing companies are example of primary users through the
SAP software. Main features of ERP are that it is cross-functional, has a formal approach based
on formal business models, upholds information in a centralized database, offers vast advantages
yet is difficult to adapt & can be slow to implement, and it is usually quite expensive. When
actualizing new enterprise IS, a couple of challenges will be met with joint management,
necessity gaps, transition issues, and resistance from employees. There is no team leader in
charge, therefore departments will directly report to the CEO. Requirement gaps exist in an
organization prerequisite and the capabilities of application. People tend to resist to change so a
ton of research is required if an organization decided to change. ERP advantages comprised of
thriving business processes, inventory cutback, lead-time reduction, enhanced customer service,
and higher profitability. Lastly, to enable a slow shift to ERP and interact and share information
through connecting islands, Enterprise application integration (EAI) system is used (Kroenke &
Hooper, 2013)
6.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, BPM is an essential to every businesses and organizations across the globe to
ensure a smooth workflow between higher ups and the employees under them. A business
process can be altered in three ways as stated in section 3.0. In 4.0, we have discussed the
common functional application used by most companies and lastly, we have identified the
features of ERP.

7.0 References

Nor Athirah Mohd Zaradi

1081 Words

Tutorial Preparation Assignment 07

Nor Athirah Mohd Zaradi

INFO 101

Kroenke, D.M., & Hooper, T. (2013). Using MIS. New Zealand: Pearson Education New
University of Sans Fransisco. (n.d.). Examples of BPM in Different Sectors. Retrieved 31 August
2015, from
Rouse, M. (2011). What is business process management (BPM)? Retrieved 31 August 2015,

Citations, Quotes & Annotations

Kroenke, D.M., & Hooper, T. (2013). Using MIS. New Zealand: Pearson Education New
(Kroenke & Hooper, 2013)
University of Sans Fransisco. (n.d.). Examples of BPM in Different Sectors. Retrieved 31 August
2015, from
(University of Fransisco, n.d.)
Rouse, M. (2011). What is business process management (BPM)? Retrieved 31 August 2015,
(Rouse, 2011)


Nor Athirah Mohd Zaradi

1081 Words

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