ATA - Spec2200 - Method of Presentation - p346-349

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ATA iSpec 2200 - This material was created to be used in the electronic environment.

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Method of Presentation

1. Text and Material - Style

1.1. Text Content
Text shall be brief and concise. The sentence structure shall be simple and direct, avoiding the obvious and the elementary, and omitting
discussions of theory except where essential for practical understanding and application. All related data shall be grouped in a logical
Writing rules and vocabulary shall be in accordance with ASD Simplified Technical English [ASD No. ASD-STE100].
Instructions shall be covered adequately by text or tabular data and presented so that conversion to equivalent equipment may be

1.2. Paragraphing and Outlining

Information shall be prepared in modified block style. Subdivisions of text shall be identified and each breakdown shall be indented two
spaces as shown by the following example:

Major Breakdown (with caption and underlined)

A. Major Subdivision (with caption)

(1) Steps of Procedure (no caption)
(a) Any necessary further breakdown of the steps

Any necessary further breakdown


Any necessary further breakdown

1.3. Person and Voice

The second person imperative active voice shall be used only for operational procedures; for example, "Break casing bead loose from
wheel flange". The second person imperative shall not be used for major breakdowns or subdivisions (Ref. [Figure 3-1-6.1]). Avoid the
passive voice. The third person shall be used for descriptive discussion; for example, "The torsion link assembly transmits torsional loads
from the axle to the shock strut."

1.4. Nomenclature and Abbreviations

Nomenclature and abbreviations shall be consistent throughout all technical data for all components, parts, etc., for which maintenance
practices and/or operational procedures are provided. They shall also be consistent with all placards, notices, etc., displayed on the
aircraft. The nomenclature and abbreviations used shall be well understood, be in common use, and have only one meaning.
If for unavoidable reasons, the nomenclature and abbreviations cannot be consistent with that used in the Illustrated Parts Catalog and/or
the Wiring Manual, then use the glossary in each manual for interchangeable designations.
Abbreviations shall conform to a recognized standard. Nonstandard abbreviations that spell simple words shall not be used.
Where materials, processes and techniques have a common/generic name and a MIL/FED or other National Standard specification
designation, both shall be given.
Units of weight and measure shall be clearly defined, consistent, and correspond to those appearing on the aircraft to which the Weight
and Balance manual is assigned.
Copyright 2005 Air Transport Association of America, Inc. All rights reserved.

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ATA iSpec 2200 - This material was created to be used in the electronic environment.
ATA accepts no responsibility or liability for the printed document.

1.5. Titles
The lead title of major subdivisions shall indicate in a brief descriptive phrase the subject to be covered and the function to be performed.
The title within Service Bulletins shall be located immediately below the Manufacturers masthead and Service Bulletin heading.
Planning Information, Material Information, Accomplishment Instructions and optional Appendices shall be separated within the
publication by title headings.
The full name of the unit shall be shown in the lead title of the material. If the full name is susceptible to abbreviation for common usage,
the abbreviation shall also be included in parenthesis in the title. Future reference to the unit within the write-up may be by abbreviation.
Descriptive titles of structural elements must be consistent throughout all technical manuals.

1.6. Outlining Form

Procedural material shall be written in outline form showing the operations required in step-by-step sequence with special attention
directed to key points of the job. Following is an example of the text material for a typical maintenance manual page in desired form (Ref.
[Figure 3-1-6.1]).

Copyright 2005 Air Transport Association of America, Inc. All rights reserved.

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ATA iSpec 2200 - This material was created to be used in the electronic environment.
ATA accepts no responsibility or liability for the printed document.

1.7. Warnings, Cautions, and Notes

These adjuncts to the text shall be used to highlight or emphasize important points when necessary. Warnings call attention to use of
materials, processes, methods, procedures, or limits which must be followed precisely to avoid injury to persons. Cautions call attention to
methods and procedures which must be followed to avoid damage to equipment. Notes call attention to methods which make the job
easier. Warnings and cautions shall be located directly above the text to which they relate and vertically in line with the numerical or
alphabetical breakdown of the steps to which they apply. Notes shall follow the text to which they relate and be located directly under and
vertically in line with the text to which they apply (Ref. [Figure 3-1-6.1]). Warnings, cautions and notes shall always be on the same page
as the text to which they apply.
Figure 3-1-6.1. Sample Page - Paragraphing & Outlining

All notes shall be in upper and lower case letters and preceded by the word NOTE in caps and underlined.
NOTE: It is not necessary to relieve pressure.

Copyright 2005 Air Transport Association of America, Inc. All rights reserved.

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ATA iSpec 2200 - This material was created to be used in the electronic environment.
ATA accepts no responsibility or liability for the printed document.
All cautions shall be printed in capital letters throughout and is preceded with the word CAUTION in capital letters and underlined.

All warnings shall be printed in capital letters and boldface throughout and is preceded with the word WARNING in bold capital letters
and underlined.

1.8. Model or Type Reference

A means shall be provided so that the operator may determine easily and with certainty whether a procedure applies to his type or model
of the aircraft. Any reference of this type shall be expressed in definite terms such as model or type designation, serial number range, or
by a similar method.

1.9. Figure Reference

All references to illustrations shall be by figure number only. When reference is made to a figure in the same subject only the figure
number needs to be referenced. When reference is made to a figure in another subject, the full chapter/section/subject number shall be
shown, such as: "Ref. 27-31-02, Fig. 4."
Figure references within paragraphs or steps of a procedure that begin with limited effectivity statements shall include the specific alpha
variant applicable to that paragraph or step.
Example 1:
On aircraft 301 - 306, (Ref. Fig. 201).
On aircraft 307 - 999, (Ref. Fig. 201A).
Example 2:
UAL 301 - 306;
Refer to (Fig. 201).
UAL 307 - 999;
Refer to (Fig. 201A).
Pre Service Bulletin XX-XXX----(Ref. Fig. 1).
Service Bulletin XX-XXXX-------(Ref. Fig. 1A).

1.10. Standard Practices

Standard industry practices such as procedures for magnafluxing, riveting, plating, terminal swaging, or dye penetrant inspection normally
shall not be covered. Information of this type need be included only when it incorporates new concepts or is applicable only to the
manufacturer's product; even in these cases coverage shall be limited to the new or unique. When manufacturer policy requires inclusion
of standard practice material and to prevent duplication, it shall be placed in the appropriate standard practice chapter.
Standard practices, general procedures, and typical repairs applicable to more than one chapter shall be included in [Chapter (System) 51].
[Chapter (System) 51] may be used for typical repairs suitable for use on components covered in more than one chapter. Section -00 may
be used in a chapter for typical repairs suitable for use in more than one section within that chapter.
Practices or processes which are new, unique or manufacturer-specified for a particular application shall not be placed in the standard
practices chapter but shall be included within the appropriate subject write-up.

Copyright 2005 Air Transport Association of America, Inc. All rights reserved.

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