Hostel Managment System Report

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I wish to express my heartiest gratitude to Mr. rupinder singh for his proper guidance,
constant encouragement, constructive suggestions, thought provoking decisions and
giving me full opportunity to practically handle the system without whose supervision
this could not be possible.

I pay deep regards to other employees of MIMT,Morinda who helped me in seeking the
practical knowledge and expertise in my work.

I also take the privilege to pay my deepest appreciation and heartiest thanks to
Ms.Rupinder Kaur whose constant guidance is unbounded source of inspiration for me
and invaluable expert suggestions at crucial junctures set my thinking on right track.

Name: Preeti Bhardwaj

Roll NoMCA III year
Semester VI


During my MCA Programme, I joined MIMT,Morinda as a student in Ist Semester. My

assignment could be defined as development of "Hotel Management System.
Through this system it was proposed to computerize the various processes and
procedures involved in the railway system.
I used the interface provided by VB .Net 6 as the front end and Microsoft Access 2007
as a back end in this project compilation.
This report briefly describes the systematic approach adopted to develop the system by
efficiently using the latest facilities. The report follows the sequential actions of the
different phases in the system development life cycle.


Hotel management system

Hotel management system is a software application for the administration,
documentation, tracking, and provide facilities to customers and different
departments of hotel.
Hotel Management System range from systems for managing user needs and
department needs, to software for distributing information about the hotel
management system
HMSs cater to administrative, and deployment requirements. While an HMS for
corporate learning, for example, may share many characteristics with a VHE, or
virtual Hotel environment, used by Hotels, they each meet unique needs. The
virtual Hotel environment used by people, allow instructors to manage their
duties regarding Hotel department and exchange information with other Hotels
that in most cases will last several weeks and will meet several times during
those weeks.

The characteristics of HMSs include:

Manage users, roles, instructors, facilities, and generate reports

Hotel instructions

Allocating rooms

Payment Collection

Assessment and testing handling before and after testing

Display status of rooms

Characteristics more specific to corporate organization, which sometimes

includes franchisees or other business partners.
Auto enrollment
Integration with performance tracking and management systems
Planning tools to identify skill gaps at departmental and individual level

Technical aspects
HMSs are based on a VB.NET and usually employ the use of a database as back-end.
Some systems are commercially developed and have non-free software licenses or
restrict access to their source code, other systems are free and open-source and
frequently used. Other than the most simple, basic functionality, HMSs cater to, and
focus on, different administrative, and deployment requirements.

3-Tier architecture is a very well know buzz word in the world of software development
whether it web based or desktop based. In this article I am going to show how to design
a web application based on 3-tier architecture.
3-Tier architecture generally contains UI or Presentation Layer, Business Access Layer
(BAL) or Business Logic Layer and Data Access Layer (DAL).
Presentation Layer (UI)
Presentation layer cotains pages like .aspx or windows form where data is presented to
the user or input is taken from the user.
Business Access Layer (BAL) or Business Logic Layer
BAL contains business logic, validations or calculations related with the data, if needed.
I will call it Business Access Layer in my demo.

Data Access Layer (DAL)

DAL contains methods that helps business layer to connect the data and perform
required action, might be returning data or manipulating data (insert, update, delete etc).
For this demo application, I have taken a very simple example. I am assuming that I

have to play with record of persons (FirstName, LastName, Age) and I will refer only
these data through out this article.

In the present age, every business wants to have his business running in the proper
method. This is very essential because of the fact of slump in the market and other
factors which effects the business very badly, the success of the business depends
upon the well maintenance of every entity of the concern and for the better health of the
concern; all the entities must be integrated to get the maximum out of it.

Every business house is basically dependent upon various factors like:


Because of the modernization and computerization, all the manual work is being
replaces with the computerization. The term computerization means, the replacement of
the manual working with the computers. This not only helps in improving the efficiency
but also helps in the following:
Time reducing
Increasing efficiency
Effective utilization of the resources
Reducing the cost factor
Minimizing the chances of human errors

Objective of Project

Easy to store information and fast accessing of information.

Adequate reporting to each division.

Accurate and timely control program.

To make it easy for fast processing and modification.

Easy retrieval of information

Profile of the problem:One must know what the problem is before it can be solved. The basis for a system is
recognition of a need for improving an information system. This leads to a preliminary
survey or an initial investigation to determine whether an alternative system can solve
the problem.
The idea for change originate in the environment or from within the firm. Environment
based ideas originate from the customers, vendors, govt. sources, company employees,
and the like.
Ideas for the change may also come from within the organization-top management, the
user, and the analyst. As an organization changes its operations or face advances in

technology, someone within the organization may feel the need to update

existing applications.

Advantages of computerized system: In computerized system the data is stored on external storage (hard disk)
which eliminates the use of paper files.
The computer can retrieve and change data far faster than a human can.
This computerized system provides accurate, up-to-date information on
demand at any time.


System Analysis: -

System Analysis is the application of the system approach to the study and solution of
the problems using computer-based system. An activity encompasses most of the tasks
collectively called as Computer System Engineering.

Analysis is a detailed study of the various operation performed by a system and their
relationship within and outside of the system. This involves gathering information and
using structured tool for analysis such as DFD (data flow diagram), Decision Tree
,ERD(Entity Relationship Diagram) etc.

During analysis data are collected on the available files, decision points and
transactions handled by the present system. The fact finding and information gathering
for proposed system is the key part of system analysis. Information is gathered from
sources both internal and external to the organization. The external sources include
vendors, supplier professional journals and other similar systems. The primary internal
sources include the system users, system documentation existing programs, and

Analysis is the process of diagnosing situations, done with a defiant aim, with the
system kept in mind to produce a report based on the findings. Analysis is a fact of
finding technique where studies like the system requirement specifications; boundaries
of feasibility analysis and cost benefit analysis are carried out. The requirements of both
the system and the software are document and reviewed with the user.

Manual database has the following limitations:

1) Paper work is very bulky and has no symmetry.
2) Data retrieval is very slow and sometimes very tough.
3) It is very laborious.
4) Setting up queries is difficult and slow process.
5) It is not easy to get decision support data.
6) When database grows in size, it becomes unmanageable.
7) It doesnt support strongly the features like security and constraints.

8) Existing system is not reliable and user friendly.

9) Even if a single register is lost, it creates a big problem.
Objectives of proposed system

Following are some of the objectives, which I have considered in the proposed system:

1. The database should be totally exhaustive and redundancy should be avoided.

2. The system should be totally divided into modules, so that anyone can change
according to the requirement. The system has to be flexible enough to
accommodate a lot many changes.
3. Easy handling of information for employees.
4. New system is totally centralized due to the use of database administrator (DBA).
5. Long waiting queues can be shortened.
6. The new systems performance depends upon the security i.e. in this system,
security and privacy are given utmost importance during the development of


Feasibility Study:The feasibility study must be done before actually going on to the preparation of the
system. Feasibility of the system concerns with the constraints of the systems which
are as follows:
Economic Feasibility:-The above feasibility study deals with the actual cost
to be incurred on the project. The concern for which the project is to be made
is able to bear the charges and is financial sound enough to make the system
viable. The financial resources are checked and they are kept as a base to
the making of the system. Thus this feasibility is reduced and is under control
and we can go in for the project.
Technical Feasibility:-This feasibility deals with the technical know how of
the people who are going to work on the system. Normally there are always
chances of the strong opposition for the computerization, because people are
not interested in accepting the changes in their work culture so easily and
moreover they resist also. But in the concern, the people are having very
proper technical know and how and they are ready to accept the future
changes of their working. So if a person making manual transactions is ready
to accept the changes within the proposed system, then this feasibility is also


Hardware Requirements:The system will run on a Microsoft Windows XP with 32 bit RAM. The following are the
minimum requirement of the PC.

PC Pentium/Celeron, 333 MHZ


Software Requirements:1. Operating System: Windows XP/Window Vista

2. Application Softwares: Visual Studio.Net 2008, SQL Server 2005





VB.NET is a web/Window application framework developed and marketed by Microsoft
to allow programmers to build dynamic web sites, web/Windows applications and web
services. It was first released in January 2002 with version 1.0 of the .NET Framework,
is built on the Common Language Runtime (CLR), allowing programmers to write
VB.NET code using any supported .NET languages.

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
A RDBMS is a Database System that is used to store and manage data. Since all good
software at some point handle data given by users a RDBMS nowadays has become a
requirement for software-development. For this Project MS ACCESS 2007 is used.

.NET Framework:.NET framework is a set of classes, libraries, functions, reusable code to develop
applications for windows and web platform with the help of any language.

CLR (Common Languages Runtime):CLR is a common language runtime environment that provides the necessary
infrastructure to work with an application. It acts as a resource manager which
will manage your code for its smooth execution.

CTS (Common Type System):CTS is one of the important system which provides interoperability between two

CLS (Common Language Specification):CLS are going to be one of the base area which uses a minimum set of standard
for any language to work with .NET.
Base class Library:The Base Class Library (BCL) is a standard library available to all languages
using the .NET Framework. .NET includes the BCL in order to encapsulate a
large number of common functions, such as file reading and writing, graphic
rendering, database interaction, and XML document manipulation, which makes
the programmer's job easier. It is much larger in scope than standard libraries for
most other languages, including C++, and would be comparable in scope to

the standard libraries of Java. The BCL is sometimes incorrectly referred to as

the Framework Class Library (FCL), which is a superset including the Microsoft.*
Back End (MS Access 2007): Introduction to Microsoft Access 2007
Microsoft Access 2007 is a full-featured relational database management system
(RDBMS) that offers a variety of administrative tools to ease the burdens of database
development, maintenance and administration.
Enterprise Manager is the main administrative console for Access installations. It
provides you with a graphical "birds-eye" view of all of the Access installations on your
network. You can perform high-level administrative functions that affect one or more
servers, schedule common maintenance tasks or create and modify the structure of
individual databases.
Query Analyzer offers a quick and dirty method for performing queries against any of
your Access databases. It's a great way to quickly pull information out of a database in
response to a user request, test queries before implementing them in other applications,
create/modify stored procedures and execute administrative tasks.
Access Profiler provides a window into the inner workings of your database. You can
monitor many different event types and observe database performance in real time.
Access Profiler allows you to capture and replay system "traces" that log various
activities. It's a great tool for optimizing databases with performance issues or
troubleshooting particular problems.
Data Transformation Services (DTS) provide an extremely flexible method for importing
and exporting data between a Microsoft Access and a large variety of other formats.
The most commonly used DTS application is the "Import and Export Data" wizard found

E-R Diagrams

E-R Diagrams:The Entity relationship model allows the representation of explicit constraints as well as
relationship in the diagrammatically form. It is basically useful in the design and
communication of the logical model.
In this model, objects of similar structure are collected in the similar set represented by
a rectangle. The attributes which are shown as oval are connected to the entities by
lines which are labeled. The relationship among the entities is represented by diamond
The relationship among entity set is represented by mapping one entity set to another
which can be either 1:1 (one to one), 1:M (one to many), M: 1 (many to one).
The type of relationship existing between the entities is represented by giving the
cardinality of the relationship on the line joining the relationship to the entities.


Structures of Data Base:The various attributes of the tables that serve as the storehouse for the data that are
used for various processing and report generation are defined. The tables are designed
in Access and are as listed below:

Database Design for Backend:


Database Name: railway

Booking Table
Field Name

Field Type




Primary Key














Field Name














Field Name

Field Type




















Primary Key

Field Name

Field Type




primary Key, foreign Key(register(username))



Field Name

Field Type




Primary Key






Testing:Testing is the major quality control measure used during software development. The
basic function of testing is to detect errors in the software. After the coding phase,
computer programs are available that can be executed for testing purposes. Testing not
only has to uncover errors included during coding, but also errors introduced during the
previous phases. The goal of the testing is to uncover requirement, design and coding
errors in the programs. Moreover, all validations are also checked in the testing stage.
We perform the proper testing of each module
Through running the project at NIIT

NEED FOR TESTING:Testing is vital to the success of the system. Testing makes a logical assumption that if
all parts of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved. Inadequate
testing or non-testing may leads to errors. A small system error can conceivably explode
into a much larger problem. Second reason for testing is its utility as a user-oriented
vehicle before implementation.
Finally testing leads to software reliability. Identifying and removing faults during testing
can make the software more reliable. This increases users confidence in the system.
During the Project Development entitles "Hotel Management System" we tested each
form with a range of values to see whether it generates the correct output as required.
There are different levels of testing:
Unit Testing
Integration Testing
System Testing

Acceptance Testing

Unit Testing:
The first level of testing is unit testing. In unit testing, a module is tested separately and
is often performed by the coder himself simultaneously along with the coding of the
module. The purpose is to exercise the different parts of the module code to detect
coding errors. Unit testing is essential for verification of the code produced during the
coding phase and hence the goal is to test the internal logic of the modules. So, during
the development of the "Airtel Telecom Operator(Sales & Distribution Management
System)" we tested each Form to check whether it generates correct output as required
by inputting different values.
Integration Testing:
The next level of testing is often called Integration Testing. After unit testing, the
modules are gradually integrated into subsystems, which are then integrated to
eventually form the entire system.
During integration of modules, integration testing is performed to detect design errors by
focusing on testing the interconnection between modules. This activity can be
considered as testing the design, and hence the emphasis on testing module
System Testing:
The next level of testing is System Testing. After the system is put together, System
testing is performed. In system testing, the system is tested against the system
requirements to see if all the requirements are met and if the system performs as
specified by the requirements. This is essentially a validation exercise.
Acceptance Testing:
The last level of testing is the Acceptance Testing. Acceptance testing is performed to
demonstrate to the client, on the real life data of the client, the operation of the system.
Testing here focuses on the external behavior of the system.


For Testing to be successful, proper selection of test cases is essential. There are two
different approaches to select cases-Functional Testing and Structural Testing.
In Functional Testing, the software or the module to be tested is treated as a Black
Box and the test cases are decided based on the specifications of the system or the
module. For this reason, this type of testing is also called BLACK BOX TESTING . The
focus here is on testing the external behavior of the system.
In Structural Testing, the test cases are decided based on the logic of the module to
be tested. A common approach here is to achieve some type of coverage of the
statements in the code. One common coverage criteria is statement coverage, which
requires that test cases be selected so that together they execute each statement
exactly once.
Testing is an extremely critical and a time consuming activity. It requires proper planning
of the overall testing process. Testing process starts with a test plan. The test plan
specifies conditions that should be tested, different units to be tested and the manner in
which the modules will be integrated together.
In this project, we will perform two type of testing:
Unit Testing: Testing based on branch coverage criteria will be used. We
tested each form with a number of values.

System Testing: It is largely functional in nature. The focus is on the valid

and invalid cases. We examined the behavior of the Software entitled Airtel
Telecom Operator with the

invalid set of values.



General Description



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Implementation:The Implementation process for newly designed information system, involves variety of
acquisition, testing, documentation, installation and conversion activities. It also involves
the training of end users in the operation and use of the new information system. Thus,

implementation is a vital step in ensuring the success of new systems. Even a welldesigned system can fail if it is not properly implemented.
Top five reasons for success:
User involvement
Executive management support
Clear statement of requirements
Realistic expectations
Proper planning
Post-Implementation Review involves two subtasks:
Evaluate thee operational system Does it fulfill the goals and objectives set
out? Does it adequately support transaction processing, management
reporting? How do end users feel about the system? Should there be any
enhancements? When should they be implemented?
Evaluate the system development processes did system costs match
budgeted amounts? Was system completed on time? What was the
performance of each individual on the project? What problems did we


Maintenance:Once the Software is launched, it enters the maintenance phase. All systems need
maintenance. Maintenance is required because there are often some residual errors

remaining in the system that must be removed as they are discovered. Maintenance
involves understanding the effects of the change, making the changes to both the code
and the documents, testing the new parts and retesting the old parts that were not
changed. Maintenance is mainly of two types:
Corrective Maintenance
Adaptive Maintenance

Corrective Maintenance:
Almost all software that is developed has residual errors or bugs in them. Many of these
surfaces only after the system have been in operation, sometimes for a long time.
These errors once discovered need to be removed, leading to the software to be
changed. This is called Corrective Maintenance.

Adaptive Maintenance:
Even without bugs, software frequently undergoes change. The software often must be
upgraded and enhanced to include more features and provide more services. This
requires modification of the software. This type of maintenance is known as the
Adaptive Maintenance

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