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[It took just seven days for

Steve Armstrong to sharpen

up his brain to Mensa level]
“Turn your paper over .You may begin”
Q. Nasa receives three messages from a distant Planet.
The scientists discovers that “Necor Buldon Slock” means
“Danger Rocket Explosion”,”Edwan Mynor Necor” means
“Danger Spaceship Fire” and “Buldon Gimilzor Gondor”
means “Bad Gas Explosion”. What Does “Slock” mean? *(Ans-Rocket)


seats, the sheaves of paper, the “People with high IQ generally learn
sun shining outside. So why was I faster and take fewer risks,”
racking my rains at a supervised explains Dr James Thompson, a senior
desk of my own will ? A one-word lecturer in psychology at University
answer:Mensa. College, London. “They even have
quicker reaction time, reducing the
Founded by Lancelot Ware and Chances of accidents.”
Roland Berrill, an academic and
an eccentric barrister who met by chance Thompson divides the population into
in 1945,it’s an organization seven IQ groups: the bottom five
open to anyone who can score in top two Percent, with a high risk of not
per cent for standardized functioning in society”; the next 20
IQ tests. When iwas rowing up in the percent,
1980s, it had fascinated “slow learners”; the middle 50 percent,
Me. There was a rumour that Mensa “hands-on type they learn better on
member all had access to a the job than in the classroom”; the next
Nuclear bunker that would keep them 20 percent, “potential leaders”.
safe in event of war. Then they’d
Emerge to rebuild the country. Then there’s the top “successful” five
percent, including the top two percent;
Mensa currently has over 100,000 “the best brains you’ll meet in everyday
members worldwide, although many life”; and the top one percent. “I’ve
More have an IQ High enough to join. met some of them”, says Thompson, and
Recent research found that people with they’re different thinkers altogether”.
High IQ score live longer, have better But which one was I? And did I have it
health and, bizarrely, tend to be taller in me to secure my place in the merit
Then those with lower scores. list?

Thompson arranged for me to try an And logic, but fell apart Math’s and
intelligence test.I did OK on vocabulary spatial perception. My score overall
Was 130,top of the “normal” range, but affects our brain structure just as much
not enough. Come Doomsday, I’m as it affects our muscles and bones.”
Going to fry.
When Mensa told me I could sit a test
If I wanted to get into Mensa, I’d in seven days’ time, Lythgoe helped
have to find some way to improve my Me device a “Get smarter in a Week”
score. program. I had to do daily hour of
I called Dr Mark Lythgoe, director of the brain exercises, but he suggested I split
Biomedical imaging Centre at them into chunks rather than sit at a desk
University College London (UCL). A for an hour--- on my way into work, for
neurophysiologist, with expertise in instance, or at the gym.
blood flow to the brains, he believes you
can get smarter through mental On Saturday I had to brush my teeth
exercise. “When I started as a with the “Wrong” hand and take a
neurophysiologist, it was widely Shower with my eyes closed. On Sunday
believed I did a Sudoku puzzle and took
that the brain was unchanging, like A brisk walk. On Monday, I had oily
bone,” he explains. “But a recent UCL fish for dinner and walked to work.
study showed that the London cab On Tuesday I had to select unfamiliar
drivers doing a tough training program words from dictionary and work
increased the neurons in the area of their Them into conversations. On Wednesday
minds to do with memory--- I was to go to yoga, Pilates or a
basically their brain grew.” Meditation class and talk to someone I
don’t know. Thursday was easy:
Lythoe believes the brain can start Take a new route to work and watch
creating new neurons in as little as Countdown, a word and numbers
A week through a combination of mental game on television. Friday, the day
exercises. He also insists that before my exam, I had to avoid caffeine
Diet and exercise have a pert to play: and alcohol and memorize my shopping
“Studies have shown that what we eat list.

I also discovered a drug called

modafinil, described as a “wakefulness Modafinil is often prescribed by
promoters.” At the University of doctors to treat narcolepsy. I obtained
Cambridge, researcher Danielle Turner Enough for 100-milligram dose per day,
uses a computerized intelligence test that everyday for a week.
involves imagining moving
coloured balls from one configuration to Exam day arrived. The two
another in five moves. The more tests I was to take consisted of the
moves volunteers need to hold in their Cattell IIIB,
head, the more mistake they make, but Being a classic mix of words, numbers
when she gives them a dose of modafinil and logic, and Culture Fair, designed
they find it easier. “You see for non-English speaker and thus heavy
a dramatic improvement I performance,” on shapes. I’d been drinking
she says.
plenty of water, eating healthful food, I’d made it!
drinking less than three units of alcohol
a day. I felt ready. Lythgoe was triumphant: “In a way
doing IQ test only proves how good
First was the Culture Fair test. Many you are at doing IQ tests,” he said. “The
of the questions were about program we devised helped you
choosing the next shape in a sequence, practice with numbers, increase your
or defining the relationship between memory and think more creatively.
shapes. Daunting, but I felt on top of it. When you went into that second test,
The Cattell IIIB, on the other hand, you were better prepared.
was a stinker. The question grew harder
and I knew I’D messed up at least When I phoned Mensa to tell them I
one in every category. I scribbled was keen to join, I innocently enquired
random answers and hope for the best As to the whereabouts of the nuclear
on more occasions than I would have bunker. “Bunker?” asked a confused
liked. I also thanked the modafinil for Caroline Garbett, Mensa’s
my newfound concentration stamina. communication manager, “We don’t
have any
The results took just over a week to Bunker .Or if we do,they haven’t told the
come through. My marks of 151 on the staff.” An illusion shattered.
Cattell IIIB scale and 133 on the Culture
Fair, constituted a top two percent score.
1.Improve your Pay; divide up bills
memory The next day come up when they come in;
with a new list and estimate quantities of
Learn by heart a “to-do”
increase the number of things you
list of ten or more jobs
items to 20. Pass; such as people in a
for the day that
group or trees in a
incorporates a route---
garden. Keeping your
It could be your stroll to
work, say, or the walk to 2.Boost your mind nimble
spatial awareness And always on the move
the gym---and try to
with numerical easers
mentally link each job Navigate your way
will improve your
with one location: around the house
mathematical acuity.
buying a newspaper at blindfold (best not done
the shops, dropping off alone!).
dry-cleaning Then sit in a chair and 4.Widen your
On the main road, mentally walk round word power
calling home outside the your house, visualizing Go for as many of these
café, etc. Your every move. Or as possible: play word
Then ask yourself the put 12 objects on a tray, games with friends
following questions: memorize their location, And relatives: learn a
• What task Look away, then get new word everyday and
follows buying someone to move a few use it often: make up
the newspaper? about. Guess which Anagrams of words;
• What job Have moved. spend a day playing
precedes phoning devil’s advocate in every
home? 3.Crunch more situation
• The second job numbers You come across. These
on the listis? will improve your
Do these exercise
• Where on the list understanding of the true
everyday: add up your
is the dry- meaning of
shopping in the queue
cleaner’s? Words.
before you

To take a Mensa test, contact your local branch at

There is a half-hour Mensa workout practice quiz of 30questions at

Football star David Beckham’s quotes tell us a few things about him.

I definitely want [my son] Brooklyn christened, but I don’t know into what religion yet.

My parents have been there for me, ever since I was about seven.

Alex Ferguson is the best manager I’ve ever had at this level. Well, he’s the only
manager I’ve actually had at this level. But he’s the best manager I’ve ever had.

Readers digest, Jan 2008

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