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Keysight Technologies

Solutions and Measurement Tools for Use

in Average Power and Envelope Tracking Design

Application Note

With the advent of LTE, the transmission system in a cellular smartphone must process
signals with both a very wide range of average power, to suit the users location in the cell,
and a high (8 dB) short term peak to average power ratio due to the nature of the LTE signal.
Depending on the ampliier technology, the device may have to operate several dB below the
level it would be capable of providing with a W-CDMA waveform. This comes at a time when
battery capacity is already at a premium, heat dissipation within the handset is based on a
budget and frequency coverage of multiple spectrum bands is required.
The RF power ampliiers account for a signiicant portion of both the energy consumed and
heat generated by the RF front end. Individual ampliiers may be required for each band. Fortunately, combining a multi-phase switched mode power supply with a high frequency linear
ampliier enables an on demand approach to the supply voltage that can be used to deliver
a useful reduction in both energy used and heat generated.
With ampliier technologies having a soft AM/AM compression characteristic, supply
modulation may also be used to signiicantly improve linearity. This reduces in-band and
out-of-band intermodulation signals at higher powers. The use of boost mode in the SMPS
to give transient increases in supply voltage enables further linearity improvements.
This document provides an outline of the techniques involved and the solutions Keysight
Technologies, Inc. provides for RF, baseband and system developers.


PA supply


PA input

RF signal


A high level view of envelope tracking operation and the benefits


Digital signal

Analog signal


Baseband I

ET (Open loop)
ET (Closed loop)
RF PA (adapted)






Level control


In a practical system, the envelope signal may be generated in the RFIC.

Average Power and

Envelope Tracking

Unlike EER or polar modulation, envelope

tracking does not apply a level limiter or
operate with a fixed amplitude PA input
signal. It may use a mixture of open and
closed loop feedback, with delays introduced
Major components
in average
to the IQ or and
RF path
to match
in the
Control of the power amplifier supply
considvoltage as a function of the signal amplitude
is not new. For example, in 1988 Su and
and amplifier performance, but the PA has to
McFarland of HP Labs published a descripbe treated as a 3 terminal active device.
tion of a single chip CMOS lineariser using
closed loop envelope elimination and
restoration, EER, for use with NADC signals.
Today, a number of PAs and PA modules
offer switched high and low power operation. Average power tracking, APT, and
envelope tracking, ET, are mechanisms to get
further improvements in PA performance and
efficiency by matching the operating point
of the transistors in the PA to the RF signal
amplitude. Both use a control signal derived
from the magnitude of the live signal
required, but there are several ways this may
be implemented.
As the name suggests, APT works on a
slower timescale than ET. Using data from
the radios MAC layer, an APT system adjusts
the bias conditions of the amplifier with a
time resolution in the order of 1-10ms. This
means many RF design techniques stay the
same, although device characterisation and
modeling has to be performed at multiple
operating points.

A low noise, high bandwidth power supply

is also needed. Usually this will operate in a
combination of switched and linear modes.
The envelope signal is derived from the
baseband IQ signal, or the RF it produces.
In an open loop system, a shaping curve is
applied to the envelope signal to match the
supply voltage versus RF gain in the PA.
Pre-distortion may also be used.
Increased efficiency is likely to mean the PA
is operating in compression with a lower
gain, resulting in principle in an increase in
carrier frequency harmonics. In the frequency
banded world of cellular transmitters, these
are filtered out, having given suitable consideration to harmonic impedance matching
and biasing within the PA circuitry.

As might be expected, the task of implementing ET systems involves a number of

modelling and measurement techniques,
many of which can be done using the
equipment described below.

Task and Solution Summary

ET component and System simulation


Design examples are available. Used widely

and as the basis for the OpenET Alliance ET
system simulation

PA characterisation

N6705B + N6781B

X parameter measurement and extraction

Pulsed power supply with network analyzer
or triggered RF source / analyzer
Synchronous RF and baseband arbitrary
waveform generation

MXG with 3522B

ETPS and RFPA performance

Signal Studio for LTE

MXG-A with 33522B

Option K for envelope tracking generation &

hardware control
Synchronous envelope and RF generation

ET system evaluation

MXA or PXA with wide-band analysis

9000 Ininiium scope
89600 VSA v17

ACP, EVM. Noise loor extension in PXA for

RX band noise
Mixed RF and baseband measurement
Multi-measurement, mixed based baseband
and RF analysis

System debugging


Low capacitance probing

System Simulation
Conventional amplifier design involves tight
integration between device characterisation,
modeling and system simulation. This process
becomes more important when using multiple
operating points. The removal of larger bypass
capacitors and use of active devices for supply
modulation introduces new noise paths which
must be understood within the overall design.
In an FDD radio, there will be an impact on
coupled receive band noise.
Performance trade-offs need to be made
between the baseband and RF performance.
SystemVue Electronic System-Level Design
Software is suited to this task. An example
application is analysis of the impact of DAC
quantisation noise and other baseband
distortions on the control input of an ET power
supply and resultant broadband RF noise.

W1461 SystemVue communications architect core platform

Full ET system simulation is dependent on the

availability of models with the appropriate
supply voltage dependencies.

Device Simulation
Like SystemVue, ADS plays an important role
in letting designers develop and share customized models before performing simulations to
understand performance and the impact of
device spread.
ADS includes a number of Design Guides that
can be used as the starting point for power
and envelope tracking simulations, to assess
the variations in a broad range of parameters
affected by supply and/or bias modulation.
Both SystemVue and ADS include links to the
measurement hardware compatible signal
generation and signal analysis applications,
Signal Studio and 89600 VSA.

The diagram shows an example using a Symbolically Defined Device which allows you to
very quickly and easily implement non-linear models without having to write code.

Electro-thermal modeling is also possible using

the W2349EP

Power Ampliier
RF Design
Swept frequency measurements are needed
to evaluate inter-stage impedance matching
at different operating points, while pulsed
power measurements avoid thermal effects
affecting device operation. Non-linear analysis
is needed to model the amplifier as a function
of supply and bias voltages.
The PNA-X N5242A microwave network
analyzer enables high speed, high dynamic
range active and passive component measurement. X-parameter analysis coupled with ADS
enables active device characterisation.

ADS Amplifier Design guide based envelope tracking example with 1 tone non-linear

PNA-X N5242A microwave network analyzer

N6705B DC Power Analyzer with N6781A Source/Measurement Unit

SMU operates in fixed
and dynamic modes


Fixed supply
for ETPS
Dynamic for RFPA

Battery voltage Bias voltages

Trigger for RF signal
and measurements



MXG RF signal generator

MXA RF signal analyzer

and 89600 VSA software

Use of the N6781A SMU in pulsed mode operation for PA characterisation

Smart Power Supplies

Bench supplies can be used in two ways,
fixed or time-varying. In an operational ET
system, the PA supply modulation can have
more than 20 MHz bandwidth. It is typically
1-3x the RF bandwidth. This means most
decoupling capacitors have to be removed. To
maintain low power supply impedance, the
supply has to be placed physically very close
to the PA. In practise the ETPS is a separate
component, using a mix of switched mode and
linear operation. In this configuration a bench
supply can be used to feed the ETPS itself, and
provide the other supply voltages needed to
bias the RF PA.
Pulsed PA characterisation can be carried
out using the dynamic capability of a suitable
bench supply. Triggered current & voltage
measurement allow PAE measurements to be
made, and enable PA gain characterisation
(using lower frequency test signals). For APT,
where the bandwidths are inherently lower,
a bench mounted supply or source measurement unit is also a natural choice. An SMU,
such as the N6705B, integrates a low noise
power supply with precision current and
voltage control & measurement.

The N6705B DC power analyzer, with

N6781A 2-quadrant SMU module and
14585A application software gives voltage &
current control with logging. Measurement
bandwidths are up to 10 or 60 kHz depending
on the amount of capacitive loading. User
defined triggering enables correlation of
external measurements.

Wideband voltage and

current sensing
Measuring the instantaneous current allows
in-depth analysis of the PA operating point and
the power added efficiency, PAE. A high-side,
wideband current monitor may be integrated
with the ET supply using a differential probe
such as the 200 MHz 1153A. A low noise
amplifier allows the use of a low value current
sense resistor. Alternatively, with a suitable
PCB layout, it may be possible to use a
current sensor.

The 1153A differential oscilloscope probe

The N2783B current sensor has 100 MHz

bandwidth, and 100mV/A sensitivity

Low capacitance

Worlds fastest USB power sensors

with the peak and average power
measurement capability of a power meter

Line impedances in an active system often use

high impedances to minimize the associated
current drain. Active probes generally present
the lowest capacitive loading when probing.
The N2795A (single ended) and N2793A
(differential) are examples with an input
capacitance of 1pF or less.

RF power
Accurate absolute power measurements are
an essential part of amplifier performance and
efficiency testing. The RF performance and
high speed USB 2.0 interface of the U2000
series fit the needs for device characterisation.
The new U2020A X-series of sensors allow
power modulation measurements.

Internal zeroing and calibration

eliminates external calibration

Works with any PC and

many Keysight instruments
80 Ms/s, 3500 rdg/s,
wide 50 dB peak dynamic
range (-30 dBm to + 20 dBm)
Built-in external trigger in and
internal trigger/video out ports
USB allows remote
measurements beyond
cable length

The 2020 series of USB power sensors gives flexibility in the combinations of instruments used
for ET evaluation

Modulated power
Comparison of swept RF power at the input
and output of the PA allows fast assessment
of compression. Applying user math to RF and
supply based waveforms gives simultaneous
displays of power and power added
efficiency, PAE.
The 8990B Peak Power Analyzer combines
a dual input peak power RF analyzer and a
2 channel oscilloscope function. This allows
accurate time aligned measurement of RF
power with voltage and current flow. The
N1923/N1924A wideband sensors have a
150 MHz video bandwidth for
repetitive signals.
8990B peak power analyzer with combined power sensor and oscilloscope functions

Synchronous baseband
and envelope
Oscilloscopes provide the measurement speed,
ease of use, and performance needed for both
envelope voltage and current measurements.
USB provides a high speed data transfer path
for post processing.
Combined with 89600 VSA software, the
Infiniium family of oscilloscopes are the
most integrated RF and baseband analysis
tool available.

Adjacent channel
power and wideband
spurious signal

The 9000 series of oscilloscopes can be used standalone or in conjunction with the 89600 VSA
for mixed RF and envelope measurements.

Adjacent channel power is one of the most

sensitive measurements for testing timing
and amplitude misalignment when applying
envelope tracking. An imbalance between the
ACP components either side of the wanted
signal is evidence of a timing error.
The EVM of the modulated RF signal also
needs to be evaluated before and after the PA,
or RF up-converter, as an IQ signal. The PXA
incorporates these measurements.
Wideband swept analysis is needed to
measure the impact on receive band noise
from the ET power supply itself, or the signal
used as the envelope tracking input. The noise
floor extension function in the PXA maximises
dynamic range without using external filtering.

16 bit resolution baseband and high performance RF inputs make the N9030A PXA signal
analyzer an ideal tool for all RF PA evaluation tests.

The PXA N9030A with baseband inputs gives

up to 80 MHz IQ measurement bandwidth,
with 2 independent 40 MHz channels. The
differential inputs are compatible with Keysight
oscilloscope probes.

Combined RF,
baseband and
envelope analysis
Time aligned envelope and RF modulation measurements provide the deepest
understanding of system operation. A shared
external trigger allows measurements from
different instruments to be combined. Where
needed, an RF pulse or modulated signal can
be used for cross domain time calibration.
The multi-measurement function in the
89600 VSA software allows overall performance testing of key parameters such as
ACP and EVM.
Measurements from multiple inputs can be
viewed together, making it straightforward to
see any impairments occurring dynamically.

The combination of the 89600 VSA with ADS

or SystemVue and measurement hardware,
such as an X-Series analyzer or an Infiniium
oscilloscope, is a uniquely integrated way to
compare modeled and real device results with
a single user interface.
89600 VSA software enables multi-instrument,
mixed domain measurements. This example
shows envelope, spectrum and demodulation
using an MXA and DSO.
New built-in time alignment algorithms and
trace functions allow XY plotting of both RF-RF
and RF-BB signals.
Distortion measurements can be made without
regard to a specific technology. A differential,
or additive, EVM readout gives a quantified
measurement of the amplifier performance.

Analyze both RF and envelope signals using the 89600 VSA software

In the figure below, the 89600 VSA software

screen shows how the software may be used
to analyze the ETPS, the RF PA in ET mode, or
the ET system as a whole.
Top left of 89600 VSA screen: The envelope
spectrum, showing how the signal bandwidth
extends considerably beyond that of the
RF signal.
Middle left of 89600 VSA screen: RF spectrum
with ACPl.
Bottom right of 89600 VSA screen: XY
plot showing the shaping applied to the IQ
magnitude signal before being used to drive
the ET power. Measurement readouts include
sub nanosecond timing between RF and
baseband signals.

Synchronous envelope and RF signal generation

Synchronous RF and
envelope waveform
When using envelope tracking, timing
misalignment of the envelope and RF signals
of more than 1 ns can have an adverse
impact on the quality of a 20 MHz bandwidth
transmitted signal. Both ACP and EVM
are affected.
Timing alignment to this level can be achieved
either using a pair of RF signal sources with
shared baseband clock, or with a combination
of one RF and one baseband source. The
10 MHz reference is shared between the two
sources, along with a trigger signal. The key
to alignment is to ensure the sources are in a
consistent trigger state when the waveform
play-out begins.
The Envelope Tracking option for Signal Studio
for LTE/LTE-Advanced (N7624B/25B-KFP)
provides an easy way to generate the IQ (RF)
and envelope signals required for evaluation
and performance test of the ET system. The
addition of the envelope tracking control
window gives access to shaping table
management and hardware control functions
for both RF and envelope signals.

Signal Studio downloads the RF waveform

directly to the 1st generation MXG (N5182A)
and the X-Series signal generators, and it
can download the envelope waveform to
the 33500A/B Series waveform generators,
while 2ch 33522A/B models are capable
of differential output operation. Note that
for optimum timing repeatability, use of 1st
generation MXG and 33500A/B series
is recommended.
Once waveforms are downloaded, Signal
Studios Envelope Tracking Control function
allows for dynamic timing alignment of RF
and envelope signals giving 1ps resolution,
without the need to regenerate waveforms.
This enables fine tuning of envelope timing by
monitoring ACP or EVM measurement of the
ETPA output.

Average power tracking techniques are
becoming more widely adopted, while
envelope tracking is attracting increasingly
visible industry interest as it progresses
through development. The Keysight equipment
shown in this guide will give the combination
of measurement performance and flexibility of
application to ensure you have the tools you
need to design and implement these
systems successfully.

Envelope waveforms can be downloaded to

the 33522B or N8241A using other software
applications including SystemVue, ADS,
Benchlink Pro and Matlab.

Base band


depth (sa)


To 80 MHz

Up to 1 G


30* MHz

Up to 16 M


500 MHz

Up to 16 M

*Useable to 50 MHz


Func. Gen

11 | Keysight | Solutions and Measurement Tools for Use in Average Power and Envelope Tracking Design - Application Note

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Keysight Technologies, 2012-2014
Published in USA, August 2, 2014

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