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The Multiaxis Roughing tab contains the following parameters. For all of the
Roughing options, you must select the
check box to turn the option on, and
then click the button to open the corresponding dialog box with the parameters
that are explained in this help topic.

Stock Definition
The Stock Definition parameters are in addition to the part stock that is created
in the Stock Wizard.

Shrink - shrinks the stock size in all three dimensions by the

specified value.

Expand - expands the stock size in all three dimensions by the

specified value.

Check Tool Shaft for Collision

Select this check box to have the tool shaft checked for collisions
with the stock.
Clear this check box to not have the tool shaft checked for collision
with the stock.

Check Tool Arbor for Collision

Select this check box to have the tool arbor checked for collisions
with the stock.
Clear this check box to not have the tool arbor checked for collision
with the stock.

Check Tool Holder for Collision

Select this check box to have the tool holder checked for collisions
with the stock.
Clear this check box to not have the tool holder checked for collision
with the stock.

Avoid Trimming in Case Gap Size is Smaller Than - avoids

trimming the toolpath to the stock size for small gaps.
When this check box is selected, the toolpath is not trimmed to the
stock size for gaps smaller than the specified value.
When this check box is cleared, this option is turned off.

% of Tool Diameter - is a percentage of the tool diameter

which determines the Gap Size threshold.

As Value - determines the Gap Size threshold using the

specified value.

Trim Contours Shorter Than - trims any contours shorter than the
specified value.
Select this check box to trim contours shorter than the specified
When this check box is cleared, this option is turned off.

Multi Passes
With Multi Passes the current toolpath is extended to multiple layers on the same
geometry. The shape of the toolpath doesn't change. The step-over direction from
one slice to the other, or from one pass to the other, is always in the direction of
the surface normal independent from the tool axis orientation.
Roughing Passes
Number - is the number of passes.
Spacing - is the distance between passes.
Finishing Passes
Number - is the number of passes.
Spacing - is the distance between passes.
Sort By
Passes - sorts the machining in layers.
Slices - sorts the machining in slices.


The following example shows a part Sorted by Passes. There are three
roughing passes and one finishing pass.

The following example shows a part Sorted by Slices. There are three
roughing passes and one finishing pass.

The Plunge options control how the tool plunges into the machining surface.

Step Length - is the step-over distance between plunge moves. It controls

the step on the surface and the angle step as shown in the next image.

Slide Length - is the retraction distance back along the Step length. For
example, in the following image, the toolpath is plunging from left to right.
When a tight step length is used the material to the left of the tool has
already been removed without leaving any cusps. When you know that
there is no material to gouge, you can set a slide length so that the tool
can slide back into this cleared area before retracting the tool. If you were
using a large step length, which results in cusps or large amounts of
remaining material around the previous plunge, you would not use a slide
length in order to avoid gouging.

Plunge Height - is the distance the tool plunges, measured from the tool
position on the surface.


Morph Pocket
Morph Pocket is used to machine simple pockets. You must select a set of closed
geometric surfaces. You can't select only a flat surface for morph pocketing.

Move - controls the machining direction for the pocket. There are
two options as follows.

Inside to Outside - starts in the center of the pocket and

cuts outward.
Outside to Inside - starts on the outside of the pocket and
cuts inward.
Stepover Value - is the step-over distance between toolpath

Pocket area - defines how the pocket is cut. There are two options
as follows.
Full - machines the entire pocket.
By Number of Cuts - creates the specified Number of Cuts.
Number of Cuts - is the number of toolpath cuts used
for the pocket.

Spiral Machining
Select this check box to create a spiral toolpath.
Clear this check box to machine the pocket by slices.

Depth Cuts

Similar to Multi Passes, Depth Cuts is used to create multiple depth cuts in passes
or slices. With Depth Cuts the tool axis orientation remains the same for each
pass or slice.
Roughing Passes
Number - is the number of roughing passes.
Spacing - is the distance between passes (step-over).
Finishing Passes
Number - is the number of finishing passes.
Spacing - is the distance between passes (step-over).
Apply Depth To
Whole Toolpath - applies the depth to the entire toolpath.
First Slice Only - applies the depth only to the first toolpath slice.
First Pass Only - applies the depth only to the first toolpath pass.
Sort By
Slices - sorts the machining in slices.
Passes - sorts the machining in layers.
Use Ramp
Select this check box to create a ramped/spiral toolpath
Clear this check box to create a standard stepped toolpath.

Area Roughing

Area Roughing is used to create roughing and finishing toolpaths for impellers
with or without splitters. The parameters used for Area Roughing are explained
next. After the descriptions, a link is provided to a topic that further explains the
process. This process includes creating a proper base toolpath to which the area
roughing is then applied.
Calculation Applied
Before Tilting - the toolpath is calculated (morphed across the
floor surface, between the blades) before collision control is applied.
After Collision Control - the toolpath is calculated using collision
control before it is applied (morphed) to the floor surface.
Rotary Axis Around
X axis - uses the X-axis as the rotary axis.
Y axis - uses the Y-axis as the rotary axis.
Z axis - uses the Z-axis as the rotary axis.
User Defined - use this option to define another rotary axis
direction. Once this option is selected, click
to open the Rotary
Axis Direction dialog box. You can type coordinates, or click
select geometry.
Rotary Axis Base Point
Select Point - opens the Point dialog box. You can type coordinate
values, or click Pick to select geometry as the rotary axis base point.
You only need to update the base point values when the rotary axis
of the part is shifted away from the part zero.
Select one of the following options.
Maximum Step Over - is the maximum step-over applied to the
toolpath. This value is not exceeded.
Number of Cuts Per Section - allows you to specify an exact
number of cuts for a given section, instead of using a step-over.
Cutting Method
One Way (Along Rotary Axis) - cuts along the rotary axis (from
the top of the part down).
One Way (Along Reverse Rotary Axis) - cuts along the rotary
axis-reversed (from the bottom of the part up).
Zig Zag - cuts in both directions between blades.
Zig Zag (Climb Only) - cuts using climb milling.
Alternate Direction to Reduce Path Length - is only available
when Number of Cuts Per Section and Zig Zag (Climb Only) are both
Select this check box to have each toolpath layer alternate direction to
create a shorter link between them.
Clear this check box to use the same direction for each toolpath layer.

Complete - cuts the entire area between two main impeller blades.
Left side - cuts from the (left) main impeller blade to the splitter.
Right side - cuts from the splitter to the (right) main impeller blade.

Trim cuts
Select this check box to trim cuts by the selected options.
Clear this check box to not trim any cuts.
By % of Cut Length - trims the cuts by a percentage of the cut
length entered.
When Curvature Exceeds Tool Diameter - trims cuts at the top
of the blade when the curvature exceeds the tool diameter.
NOTE: All of the following options are only available when Calculation
Applied-After Collision Control is selected.
At Start - adds an extension to the start of each toolpath segment.
At End - adds an extension to the end each toolpath segment.
Depth Cuts
Select this check box to turn on Depth cuts making Number, Spacing, and
Start Height available.
Clear this check box to turn off Depth cuts.
Number - is the number of depth cuts to be performed.
Spacing - is the depth of each depth cut.
Start Height - is the starting height of the depth cuts.
Smoothing Above Splitter
Select this check box to create a finishing toolpath in the area above the
impeller splitter.
Clear this check box to turn off this option.
View How it Works - Area Roughing for Impellers

Transform/Rotate is used to rotate and copy a toolpath around a part with a
rotary axis. You can also transform and copy a toolpath along a direction. The
purpose is to create toolpaths for symmetrical operations around an axis
(impeller machining), and apply toolpath patterns multiple times on a part.
Axis Direction - sets the rotation axis of the part to which the
toolpath is applied. Select either X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis, or User
Defined Axis. When User Defined is selected, click
to open
the Rotary Axis Direction dialog box allowing you to type coordinates
to define a rotary axis. To select geometry, click
in the Rotary
Axis Direction dialog box.
Base point - click
to open the Rotary Axis Base Point dialog box
allowing you to type coordinates to define the rotary axis base point.
To select geometry, click
in the Rotary Axis Base point dialog box.

Number of Steps - sets how many times the toolpath is repeated

on the part. If this value is set to one, the existing toolpath is simply


Start Angle - is the angle value for the part's starting position from
which the first toolpath is applied.
Rotation Angle - is the angle value to control how far the part
rotates before the next toolpath is applied.

Start Distance - determines the first position of the toolpath to be
Stepover Distance - determines the distance between transformed
Sorting - the following options control how the Transform or Rotate
toolpaths are handled.
Sort By - the toolpath can be sorted in one of four ways.
Complete Toolpath - the entire toolpath is applied to the
part and cut in order.
Passes - is sorted and cut by the order of passes.
Slices - is sorted and cut by the order of slices.
Partial Toolpath - only a percentage of the toolpath is
transformed or rotated as specified in Percentage of Whole
Percentage of Whole Toolpath - is only available
when Partial Toolpath is selected. Type the percentage
value of the toolpath to transform or rotate.
Apply Linking
Before Rotation - when linking is applied before rotation,
the linking of the initial toolpath is used for each following
transformed/rotated toolpath.
After Rotation - to be used only with gouge checking turned
on, linking after rotation checks the links for gouging.
NOTE: The following option is only available when stock is defined
using the Stock Definition. When Apply Stock-After Rotation is
selected, Apply Linking is unavailable.

Apply Stock
Before Rotation - when stock is applied before rotation,the
stock definition of the initial toolpath is used for each
following transformed/rotated toolpath.
After Rotation - when the stock is applied after rotation,
then the stock definition is checked for each following
transformed/rotated toolpath.

Sorting Options

The Sorting Options provide additional control over the way toolpaths are

Reverse Order Of
Select this check box to reverse the machining order of the selected
Clear this check box to turn off the option.
Passes - reverses the order of passes or slices (the first cut
becomes the last cut).
Complete toolpath - reverses the cutting order of the entire
toolpath (the starting point becomes the end point).

Connect Slices by Shortest Distance

Select this check box to have the system optimize the cutting
method for a toolpath. For example, slice cutting is changed from OneWay to Zig-Zag, as in the next image.
Clear this check box to turn off the option.

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