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Needs Assessment

A survey was created for the teacher/administration stakeholder group at Mill Creek Elementary.
This survey included 10 questions about the current media center, services provided, the media
specialist, and what teachers would like to see more of in the media center. Twenty-Nine people
responded to the survey. Overall there is a common consensus that the media center is an
important part of the school, students enjoy the media center, and the media specialist offers to
collaborate with teachers.
While the teachers agreed that the media specialist offers to collaborate this was not selected as a
strength of the media center. An overwhelming response to the strength of the media center was a
friendly environment and a knowledgeable staff. Only 21.4 percent of the teachers selected
media specialist collaboration as a current strength. This shows that the media specialist does
collaborate, however, more collaboration is needed.
When asked what teachers would like to see more of in the media center the highest votes went
to e-books, the purchase of handheld devices, and a blog or wiki for students to post reviews
about books they have read. It is obvious when looking at this data that the teachers are aware of
the need for technology use and digital resources for their 21st century learners.
The last question in the survey consisted of an open ended question asking teachers to name
something (not asked previously) that they would like to see the media center offer that it
currently doesnt offer. There were a wide variety of responses. The most common responses
were more structured research times/lessons that are co-taught with the media specialist as well
as lessons with grades 3-5 in the media center.
Survey Questions
1. The Media Center is an important component when delving into curriculum and lesson
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
2. The Media Specialist offers to collaborate with me on lesson plans and technology
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
3. My students enjoy going to the media center.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

4. I am happy with the support that I get from the Media Specialist.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
5. What areas would you say are strengths of the media center as it is currently?
Friendly environment
Variety of resources
Knowledgeable staff
Co-teaching/planning with teachers
Other (please specify)
6. From a teacher/administrator side, what do you feel is our greatest weakness?
Student usage
Variety of resources
Co-teacher/planning with teachers
I cannot think of a weakness at this time.
Other (please specify)
7. What type of resources would you like to see more of?
Print Materials
Online Databases
Mobile Carts
Other (please specify)
8. Which of the following would you like the media center to support? (pick one that is the
most important to you)
A media center blog or wiki where students could share responses to books they read.
Display student responses electronically or physically to promote the collection.
A workshop to teach teachers how to use various technology resources.
Other (please specify)
9. Which of the following would you like to see added to the media center? (pick one that is the
most important to you)
The purchase of more e-Book subscriptions.
The purchase of handheld devices for BYOD.
The purchase of new furniture for the media center.
10. Name something (not listed above) that you would like to see the media center have/offer
that it currently doesnt.


Question 10 Responses: Name something (not listed above) that you would like to see the media
center have/offer that it currently doesnt.

Easy access resources for centers/small groups

Student Magazines
More videos that can be used in the classroom!
Research lessons co-taught with media specialist
Teaching students in grades 3-5 that the media center is not just used for checking AR books in and
More technology training for teachers
More technology
Good to Go at this time
License to online educational videos- in addition to United Streaming
Structured research times for students
Time for the Media Specialist to collaborate with teachers and less focus on her being the tech
specialist. We need an on-site tech specialist or share one with another school.
Ipads for checkout
Parent resource night to inform parents of resources
I cannot think of anything at this time

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