Nationals Caselist

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NCFCA Team Policy Nationals Caselist

Team State, Club Case

Anderson/Macwan [IL, CHARGE] Buoy Energy
Hypoxic Dead Zone Prevention (Ban Nitrogen Fertilizer???)
Baisden/Carson [FL, LOGOS] Ban the Pesticide Atrazine
CO2 Deregulation
Baker/Birdsong [FL, Apolojax] Fast Neutron Reactors
Bast/Cullen [KY, Truth Ads] Enact National Bottle Bill (Mirroring CA)
Cuba Embargo on Environmental Issues (???)
Baumgardner/Nelson [CO, Resolved] Ban E-Waste Exports
Remove Superfund Liability
Enact National "Pay-As-You-Throw" Law
Behne/Sivils [TX, iCom] Ban Lead Wheel Weights
Ban Asbestos
**NOTE: This Team Will Have A New Case At Nationals**
Bell/Jones [WA, Verve] Regulate Waste Water from Coal Plant Scrubbers
Enact National RoHS Standards
Black/Byrd [NC, PSDC] Sustainable Agriculture
Bode/Voell [VA, Vector] Environmental Regulatory Transparency
Environmental Federalism
**NOTE: Not Sure if They'll Use Federalism at Nats or not…**
Bradley/Reavley [OR, Rainmakers] CO2 Deregulation
Brake/Thomas [NC, HSDC] Abolish Farm Subsidies
Abandon Cap-and-Trade
Brawner/Carter [WA, Verve] Legalize DDT
Supercritical (???)
Brown/Gardiner [HI, HEAT] ESA Reform
Burbage/Hughes [HI, KFC] CO2 Deregulation
Caiello/Martin [SC, Arx Axiom] Nuclear Loan Guarantees
Caiello/Schirmer [SC, Arx Axiom] Nuclear Loan Guarantees
Childs/Clark [???, ???] Thermal Depolymerization
Ban FGD Gypsum in Agriculture
Cancel Federal Wind Subsidies
Creed/Min [NJ, Arete] Abolish Ethanol Subsidies
Comery/McElwee [???, ???] ???
Cools/Hangartner [???, ???] CO2 Deregulation
Cooper/Nelson [SC, Arx Axiom] Amend the Alien Tort Claims Act to Allow Environmental Cases
Cooper/South [WA, Verve] ANWR Drilling
Dean/Rutherford [FL, LOGOS] Legalize DDT
Phase in a Ban on Lead Bullets
Dhanie/Kim [???, ???] Repeal CAFÉ Standards
Dunphy/Lee [GA, ???] Environmental Federalism
Enos/Griffith [CO, Resolved] ESA Reform
Ertle/Sears [MI, METAL] Abolish Superfund
Finke/Reid [MD, Impact] Abolish Ethanol Subsidies
Frye/Lind [MA, KGB] ???
Gelwicks/Lockman [IN, Rejoice] NEPA Environmental Impact Statements (???)
Merge NEPA Council w/ the EPA to Advise Obama (???)
Groenevelt/Liddiard [CO, SALT] Free Market Alternative Energy
Harding/Pinero [TX, SONT] Abolish Climate Change Aid
Heady/Lockman [IN, Rejoice] NEPA Environmental Impact Statements (???)
Hearn/Rentschler [SC, Arx Axiom] Coal-to-Liquids
Hoisington/Lorence [VA, Vector] Unban Offshore Drilling
Ingoldsby/Russell [FL, Apolojax] Nuclear Loan Guarantees
Repeal CAFÉ Standards
Kapke/Scheidler [IL, CHARGE] Pass TESRA
Kent/Sanders [SC, Arx Axiom] Purex Model Nuclear Waste Reprocessing
Kruse/Whitcomb [CO, Resolved] Regulate Coal Ash/Turn it into Zeolites
Kumbera/Payne [CO, Resolved] Refund Yucca Mountain
Control Light Pollution
McPeak/Shipsey [MD/CA, Vector] Remove the Coal Power Plant Grandfathering Clause
McNair/Parker [SC/GA, Emmissaries] Complex Ballast Water Regulations to Prevent Aquatic Invasive Species
Remove the Four Lower Snake River Dams to Save Endangered Salmon
**NOTE: The Ballast Water Case is Likely the Only One they Will Use at Nats**
Noman/Rogers [TX, LOGOS] Devolve Superfund to the States
Paul/Wolkenhauer [WA/ID, Salt and Light] Remove the Coal Power Plant Grandfathering Clause
Abolish Environmental Foreign Aid
Enact National RoHS Standards
**NOTE: This Team Uses Decoy Cases**
Pugh/Snyder [VA, Vector] Ban GMOs
Riegg/Wolcott [OR, Rainmakers] Audit the EPA
CO2 Deregulation
Scheie/Snowden [OH, SOAR] Abolish Ethanol Subsidies & Amend the RFS
Schow/Schow [SC, UADC] Clean List Invasive Species Regulations
Smith/Smith [???, ???] ???
White/White [MA, TACT] Free Market Alternative Energy
Louisiana Wetlands (???)
NCFCA Team Policy Nationals Cases
Case Number of Teams Running it
CO2 Deregulation 5
Abolish Ethanol Subsidies 3
ESA Reform 3
Nuclear Loan Guarantees 3
Abolish Climate Change Aid 2
Devolve Superfund to the States 2
Environmental Federalism 2
Free Market Alternative Energy 2
Legalize DDT 2
National RoHS Standards 2
NEPA Environmental Impact Statements 2
Remove the Coal Power Plant Grandfathering Clause 2
Repeal CAFÉ Standards 2
Abandon Cap-and-Trade 1
Abolish Farm Subsidies 1
Amend ATCA to Allow Environmental Cases 1
ANWR Drilling 1
Audit the EPA 1
Ban Asbestos 1
Ban E-Waste Exports 1
Ban FGD Gypsum in Agriculture 1
Ban Genetically Modified Organisms 1
Ban Lead Wheel Weights 1
Ban Nitrogen Fertilizer to Prevent Hypoxic Dead Zones 1
Ban the Pesticide Atrazine to Protect Humans and Frogs 1
Buoy Energy 1
Cancel Federal Wind Subsidies 1
Clean List Invasive Species Regulations 1
Coal Ash to Zeolites 1
Coal-to-Liquids 1
Complex Ballast Water Regulations to Prevent Aquatic Invasive Species 1
Control Light Pollution 1
Cuba Embargo on Environmental Issues 1
Environmental Regulatory Transparency 1
Louisiana Wetlands??? 1
Merge NEPA Council w/ EPA to Advise Obama 1
Nuclear Fast/Fast Neutron/Fast Breeder Reactors 1
Nationwide Bottle Bill 1
Pay-As-You-Throw Law 1
Phase in a Ban on Lead Bullets 1
Purex Model Nuclear Waste Reprocessing 1
Refund Yucca Mountain 1
Regulate Waste Water from Coal Plant Scrubbers 1
Remove Superfund Liability 1
Remove the Four Lower Snake River Dams to Save Endangered Salmon 1
Supercritical??? 1
Sustainable Agriculture 1
Thermal Depolymerization 1
Unban Offshore Drilling 1

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