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eTravel Services

Volume 1 – Technical Approach


A.1 eTS Functional Work Breakdown Structure



1.0 3.0 4.0


5.0 7.0




1.1 Program Management Integration Plan E.
1.2 Scope Management
1.2.1 eTS Deliverables C.10
1.3 Time/Schedule Management C.8
1.4 Cost Management
1.5 Human Resources Management
1.5.1 Organization Chart
1.6 Procurement/Contract Admin Management
1.7 Quality Management
1.71 Performance Management (SLAs) C.7
1.8 Communications/Change management
1.8.1 Change Management communications for
1.9 Risk Management
2.1 System Administration C.6.3.16
2.1.1 User Roles, Permissions, Access C.
2.1.2 Traveler Profiles C.6.3.3
2.1.3 Workflow, Routings, Notifications, C.6.3.15
System messages

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2.2 Travel Planning & Authorization C.6.3.4
2.2.1 Travel Types C.3.2 TDY (Foreign & Domestic) Local Long Term TDY & Local Invitational Non-Federally Sponsored
2.2.2 Travel Advance C.6.3.8
2.3 Travel Voucher C.6.3.9 CLINs 0003AA, 0003AB
2.3.1 Local C.6.3.10
2.3.2 Travel Receipts C.6.3.11
2.4 Financial Accounting C.3.14
2.4.1 Reimbursement Computation
2.4.2 Funds Availability & Obligation
2.4.3 Split Disbursement
2.4.4 Travel Card Integration
2.4.5 Audit
3.1 Self Service (On-Line Booking) C.6.3.6 CLINs 0002AA, 0002AB,
0002AF, 0002AG
3.2 Non-Self Service CLINs 0002AC, 0002AD,
3.3 Fulfillment/Ticket Delivery C.6.3.7 CLINs 0004AA, 0004AB,
3.4 On-Site Service 0007
3.5 eTS-TMC Integration C.6.3.7
4.1 Standard Implementation Services C.6.8.1 CLINs 0006AA, 0006AB,
0006AC, 0006AD; Mgmt
Eval Factor 2
4.2 Customer Support (Help Desk) C.6.9 Mgmt Eval Factor 2
4.2.1 Supplemental Services CLIN 0009
4.3 Training C.6.10 Mgmt Eval Factor 2
4.3.1 Supplemental Services CLIN 0010
5.1 eTravel Portal C.6.3.2
5.2 eAuthentication C.6.5.2
5.3 Web Browser C.6.5.3
5.4 Use Accessibility C.6.6
5.5 Data Architecture
5.6 Application Architecture
5.7 Technology Architecture
6.0 SECURITY Tech Eval Factor 4
6.1 General C.6.5.1
6.2 eAuthentication C.6.5.2
6.3 Digital Signature C.6.5.2
6.4 Web Browser C.6.5.3
6.5 Data C.6.5.4

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6.6 Personal & Physical C.6.5.5
6.7 Supplemental Services C.6.5.6 CLIN 0011
6.8 Subcontractor C.6.5.8
6.9 Security Management, Plan, Certification E.6.1
6.10 Security Plan/Certification E.6.1
7.1 Data Warehouse C.6.7.1 CLIN 0005
7.2 Data Exchange C.6.7.2
7.3 Integration Support C.6.7.3
7.3.1 Standard Input/Output Files C.6.9.2
7.4 Queries & Reports C.6.7.4
7.4.1 Custom C. CLIN 0012
7.5 Business Intelligence C.6.7.5
7.6 Record Retention & Archiving C.6.7.6

A.2 eTS Post Contract Award Work Breakdown Structure

The attached Microsoft Project Gantt Chart provides a high-level work breakdown of tasks pending contract award towards
achieving the IOC and FOC milestones.
A.2 1 General Approach
Carlson will establish IOC by October 28th, 2003. During the period leading to the IOC milestone, Carlson will demonstrate
the end-to-end operational capability of the eTS solution. IOC includes processing 800 voucher transactions in the July-
November 2003 timeframe (with a 40% online booking engine reservations target). During IOC, we will meet system con-
figuration requirements, establish all operational support capabilities, and data exchange infrastructure.
Carlson will establish FOC by December 22nd 2003. This will be accomplished by meeting all mandatory requirements in the
SOO and performance measures stated in the Performance Based Work Statement (PBWS). To achieve FOC status, Carlson
will pass IV&V testing (including remediation and retest) and obtain ATO from the DAA. At this point the system will be
available for Government-wide adoption.
Carlson is committed to meet and exceed transaction and voucher targets in RFP Section C.6.8. Carlson’s approach to a suc-
cessful IOC/FOC will be characterized by the following approach:
¾ Detailed, proactive planning with the eTravel PMO and Federal Agency for success
¾ Partner with existing TMC for seamless integration of services
¾ Focus on effective training for all users involved
¾ Robust customer support for rapid user acceptance and agency adoption
¾ Efficient loading of agency data
¾ A fully configured travel management environment that is ready to roll
Carlson will employ several teams, working in parallel to meet the challenge of achieving IOC in less than 105 days from
contract award and FOC by the end of December. For our effort, we will have 5 teams as described below. The first team is
the Project Management Team which will consist of the Project Manager, the Chief Architect/Engineer, and the leads for the
other teams. It will be responsible for managing the entire effort, ensuring that all are working towards the same goal. The
next team, the Document Preparation Team, will develop the documentation to guide the program throughout its life (e.g.
Program Management Plan, Operational Architecture, User Support and Training Plan, etc.). The Implementation Team will
be responsible for fielding the eTS application in its production configuration, gathering the necessary data to correctly con-
figure the system for the test group, and implementing any changes necessary to get to FOC. The Customer Support Team

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will implement a help desk, develop training, and act as a customer advocate when dealing with the other teams. Finally, the
Security Team will ensure that the documents produced are consistent with government security policy and will support the
implementation including facilitating the IATO and ATO.
IOC will include the implementation of the eTS data exchange and integration capability. An Interim Authority to Operate
will be established during IOC to permit web-based delivery of eTS services. An IOC Report will be delivered within 15
calendar days after completion of IOC. The report will describe results of the IOC implementation including functional,
technology, and organizational problems encountered; how the problems were resolved or whether resolution is still pending;
implementation lessons learned; any proposed changes in the delivery of services; and configuration documentation for the
ordering agency.
During IOC, Carlson will deliver training and customer support services as specified in the proposal. Traveler profiles will
be created for all users involved and appropriate user role accounts and permissions will be established. For the agency par-
ticipating the in the IOC, organization configuration including basic business rules and exception procedures, approval and
routing chains, agency-specific supplier designations, and agency-specific messages and warnings will be established. IOC
will also include the incorporation of existing TMC services for the agency
During this period, Carlson will additionally deliver the following as required in the SOO. Due dates for these deliverables
are identified in the Gantt chart.
1. Kickoff meeting within 10 calendar days after contract award
2. Monthly Status Report and eTS Metrics
3. Quarterly Program Reviews (QPRs)
4. Semi-annual Performance Incentive Reviews
5. eTS Implementation Report
6. Redacted eTS Proposal
7. Program Management Plan
8. Implementation Plan
9. eTS Operational Architecture
10. Configuration Management Plan
11. User Support and Training Plan
12. Data Management Plan
13. Data Exchange Specification
14. Continuity of Operations and Contingency Plan
15. Security Plan
16. XML Schema
Leading up to FOC, Carlson will work with the Government designee to successfully complete all IV&V testing. This in-
cludes all remediation and retest as required to meet the mandatory requirements in the eTS SOO and the Performance Based
Work Statement.
During this period, Carlson will seek and obtain customer feedback at regular intervals and input towards improving the end-
to-end process for service delivery. Examples of questions that will be used are listed later in this section. This feedback will
include, but is not limited to the eTS user interface, process flows, quality of overall user experience, time taken to complete
an online travel transaction, and effectiveness of the training program.
Carlson’s report on monthly metrics will include measures on customer support such as first call resolution rate, call wait
time, and average time between user contact with customer support agent and resolution of problem. Technology platform
measures will provide actual system availability and reliability metrics.
If awarded, Carlson will establish the data warehouse by gathering requirements and developing information models that best
represent the needs of the government for reporting and business intelligence.

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A.2.2 Assumptions
To understand the context in which this WBS was created the following assumptions are documented.
1. The Microsoft Project Gantt Chart is developed based on an assumed contract award date of July 15th 2003.
2. In order to process 800 voucher transactions during IOC and 2500 voucher transactions by 1 Dec 2003, Carlson
assumes that there will be a significant number of travelers who will use the eTS system. The government will
provide more than 400 initial travelers; at least 1000 travelers would be optimal. This increase will allow a
broader basis for assessment by the government and more transactions on the eTS system in a shorter period of
3. The initial travelers will be heavy users of the system, familiar with the agency's travel policies and experienced
in using the current system. The initial travelers will process 800 transactions in just over one month even
though it is end of the fiscal year. The initial travelers will process 1700 transactions in the month of Novem-
ber. The eTS Program will receive government agency support at the highest levels. Without top level support,
this aggressive schedule can not succeed.
4. The Federal Agency will provide dedicated technical and functional experts for five days immediately follow-
ing the kickoff meeting to support information gathering and issue resolution.
5. The agency will facilitate our efforts to build traveler support through coordinated advertising of the positive
elements of our system.
6. The agency trainers will be available for our train-the-trainer classes approximately one month after the Kick-
7. The DAA can support this aggressive schedule (one month for IATO, two months for ATO).

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A.2.3 Gantt Chart

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In this appendix, Carlson describes its Performance Based Work Statement. The basis for the PBWS is the WBS that was
described in Appendix A.

B.1 Program Management

This element of the WBS (WBS #1.0) and the PBWS is described fully in Volume 2 – Management Approach. Carlson will
use the Project Management Institute (PMI) methodology to facilitate expedient decision-making and centralize control of
risk, change and quality management and coordination of projects and resources to manage the eTS throughout its lifecycle.
The program management objectives will focus on working closely with GSA and agencies to maximize the user acceptance
and benefits of the Carlson eTS Solution.

B.2. Travel Authorization and Voucher System (TAVS)

(RFP Reference C.6.3.4, C.6.3.8, C.6.3.9, C.6.3.10, C.6.3.11)

WBS # 2.0


B.2.1 System Administration (RFP Reference, C.6.3.16)

By using the System Administration module, the Carlson eTS Solution provides a high degree of customization at multiple
levels. Agencies will be able to configure business rules by departments, agencies and subordinate organizations. Travel
functions are customizable down to the traveler level (i.e. allowing First Class travel for handicapped personnel).
Specific users are granted system administration roles at the Government-wide, department, agency, organization, major cus-
tomer and minor customer levels. This administration level will determine the hierarchy accessible within the application.
System Administrator(s) have the capability to manage user roles, permissions, access controls, and security levels (including
eAuthentication Gateway assurance level). User accounts are established during the initial setup of the agency and allows
continuing modification of user roles as needed. Department, Agency and organizational requirements can be met by sched-
uling specific requirement updates on a recurring basis to maintain accurate data.
The Carlson eTS Solution supports and offers customizable agency driven system messages and announcements which can
be created or updated by System Administrators. In the “Customer Settings” screen, the system administrators are given
access to the system message / bulletin area.
Maintenance of routing lists and workflow are accomplished by the selection of the different types of approvers within the
User profile application. During the initial customer implementation, the Agency/organization defines numbers and levels of
approval and provides a list of designated users defined by user roles.
Digital Signature capabilities are met by integration the Carlson eTS Solution security architecture with the eAuthentication
Gateway. When the System Administrator establishes a profile for a user with a client certificate, the new user will then be
able to digitally sign any Carlson eTS Solution document to which they have access.

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Our system administration process provides a comprehensive solution for backup and recovery of all travel transaction data.
Offsite storage, hot backups and point in time recovery are a standard part of our backup and recovery process.
Statistical analysis on travel data and system usage will be provided through specialized reports which are available to users
based on their user roles.
The Carlson eTS Solution updates per diem information by locality each night based upon information in the perdiem tables
released by the Perdiem Committee. The system also allows for the manual addition, modification, and deletion of perdiem
The Carlson eTS Solution has a system administration tool that allows for the addition/modification and deletion of air carri-
ers, destinations and airfares. Additionally, agency-designated travel coordinators or travel administrators
The Carlson eTS Solution online booking engine module provides accurate Government rates in a real-time environment for
FPLP or other Government preferred lodging suppliers. Lodging destinations and suppliers associated with the government
lodging programs can be updated in the Carlson eTS Solution real time through system administration.
The Carlson eTS Solution on-line booking engine flags the MTMC negotiated contract numbers and vendors. Government
preferred car rentals are displayed at or below the Government-ceiling rate. System administration features provide the abil-
ity to add/modify/delete rental car suppliers, types and rates.
The Carlson eTS Solution allows the capability to update and archive mileage rates for Private Owned Vehicles, Private
Owned Planes, and Private Owned Motorcycles based upon regulatory changes via system administration access.
The ability to add/modify/delete agency and subordinate organization information is embodied within the system administra-
tion application. Information that can be added/modified or deleted includes standard funding citations, delegation of
approving officials, travel policy and others/
The Carlson eTS Solution is a fully web-based application, which provides the user ability to access all eTS functionality
from any web enabled location.
The ability to create reservation records for rail, ship and/or bus carriers is available on some suppliers from within the online
booking engine. Through system administration, these suppliers can be added, modified and deleted.
B.2.2. User Roles, Permissions, Access (RFP Reference
The Carlson eTS Solution fully implements all identified user roles, use cases, and account access in a highly secure and
highly customizable application architecture. Using the Notional eTravel Service Use Cases identified in the solicitation,
Carlson eGov Solutions Team performed an analysis of the eTS User Roles and Actors. Section 1.2.5 of the technical pro-
posal provides a detailed discussion if users roles, permissions and use case documentation.
B.2.3 Traveler Profiles (RFP Reference C.6.3.3)
Profile management is one of the critical data integration points of the system. Profiles within the eTS are managed both
through batch uploads or online through the eTS application.
The Carlson eTS Solution allows for the capture, retention, deletion and update of traveler profile data. Profile data may be
updated by the traveler as well as designated travel arrangers.
The Carlson eTS Solution supports batch eTS database loads of traveler profiles from agency business systems and other
data sources. Using the solution’s EAI environment, Carlson eTS Solution integrates with external data sources and imports
data directly by using Carlson eTS Solution provided formats or indirectly by using Carlson eTS Solution data transforma-
tion services.
The Carlson eTS Solution allows for the entry of traveler profile data online by all users via compatible web browsers.
The Carlson eTS Solution will provide and pass all pertinent traveler profile data to the appropriate TMC(s) for the purposes
of ticketing and fulfillment. The Carlson eTS Solution will keep the eTS traveler profile synchronized with the GDS traveler
profile in order to allow the TMC to have access to the most up to date and accurate information. In addition, the Carlson
eTS Solution will provide adequate safeguarding of user data in compliance with Privacy Act and other provisions protecting
sensitive data.

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The Carlson eTS Solution provides the capability to capture all data elements identified in the SOO. This is accomplished
during initial implementation by downloading traveler profile data from agency business systems and can be updated thereaf-
ter by the traveler or system administrators
Traveler profile data is used to pre-populate applicable data to the maximum extent possible within travel actions of all types
(e.g., travel authorizations, reservation records, etc.); and provide for entry and retention of the traveler’s default transporta-
tion and accommodation requirements and preferences (e.g., rental car class, seating preferences, ticketing preferences, etc.)
and travel program affiliations.
B.2.4. Workflow, Routings, Notifications, System Messages (RFP Reference C.6.3.15)
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution maintains the order of precedence during the travel process, assuring an authorization exists
supporting each reimbursement voucher.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution provides electronic routing and workflow supporting the travel process from initiation of au-
thorization, online booking, submission for approval(s), voucher preparation, and online pre-payment audit capabilities.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution supports the need for verbal authorizations and the ability to issue an authorization after travel
commences supported by TMC initiated reservations.
¾ The eTS workflow is customizable based upon Agency/Organization requirements. During the implementation process
the eTS customer identifies number and levels of approval required for both travel authorizations and travel vouchers.
The eTS enforces user compliance with Agency/Organization defined workflow.
¾ Notifications provide URL for immediate access to application submitted compliant with various e-mail systems.
¾ Notifications of status, pending actions, revisions, rejections, etc., are provided to Carlson eTS Solution users along with
text explanations and configurable codes.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution provides notifications to multiple user roles dependent on action required including, pending
approvals for authorizations and vouchers, approval actions completed for authorizations and vouchers, confirmations of
reservations, confirmation of ticketing, and disbursement payments processed for traveler and charge card vendor.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution provides system generated messages to all users of the application identifying changes to the
application plus any changes to the regulations governing the application.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution enforces policies and ensures compliance with Government travel regulations, flagging excep-
tion data and displaying it to the travel approvers during the approval process.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution generates reminders to travelers and travel approvers of action required/pending.
¾ During the initiation of travel authorizations and travel vouchers, Carlson eTS Solution provides dialog boxes/messages
guiding the user through proper steps.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution validates choices made by the traveler during the authorization process in relation to regula-
tory/policy guidance, prompting traveler for justifications, i.e., use of non-contract carrier, use of non-standard car types,
selection of lodging outside perdiem, etc. and displays the justifications to the travel approvers during the authorization
approval process.
B.2.5 Travel Planning and Authorization (RFP Reference C.6.3.4)
B.2.5.1 TRAVEL TYPES (RFP REFERENCE 6.3.2; C.6.3.12; C.6.3.13)
Types of travel are discussed in detail in Section 1.2.1 of the technical proposal.


The Carlson eTS Solution:

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¾ Allows the traveler to create authorizations and detailed travel itineraries. Additionally the Carlson eTS Solution will
provide estimated costs where applicable. The detailed itineraries and related cost estimates may be retained separately
or included in the travel authorization.
¾ Supports all applicable travel types including trip-by-trip, limited open, unlimited open, local TDY, Non-Federal Spon-
sored and Invitational travel defined by FTR and JFMIP policies.
¾ Requires the traveler to select Travel Purpose Identifier codes in accordance with applicable regulations for reporting
¾ Supports both specific authorization and prior approved travel in compliance with FTR 301-2.
¾ Provides a sophisticated and flexible workflow engine that enables custom approval routing, approval levels, and order
of precedence. Custom routing and multiple approval levels are configured without programming based on agency or
multiple agency requirements. Has an integrated workflow engine that allows and controls the capability to correct,
amend and cancel authorizations based upon user roles. Corrections, amendments and cancellations require both text
and code explanation fields and will be routed for appropriate review and approval, consistent with the agency’s poli-
cies. The system will generate email notifications to both traveler and approvers where appropriate. The workflow
mechanism maintains the agency defined order of precedence ensuring that all vouchers have been approved and that
proper funds exist prior to travel booking
¾ Identifies and verifies whether a traveler holds a Government travel charge card through the use of the Traveler Profile
component of the system. Federal agencies can provide us a data file of government travel charge card information in a
variety of formats. This data is then loaded into the user’s Traveler Profile.
¾ Has a built in checkbook to track and report funds availability. Carlson eTS Solution transfers accounting data to and
from agency business systems in near real-time. Funds validation is accomplished by providing data based upon output
file from the Agency business system. Allows the user to identify applicable authorization funding to include multiple
fund cites and split year funding. Upon displaying funds availability, the travel approver may be provided an option to
override insufficient funds if the customer setup allows this option.
¾ Financial management components enable flexible financing methods including multiple sources of funding and split
fiscal year financing. The availability and configuration of these capabilities will be determined during implementation
with contracting Agencies.
¾ Provides a sophisticated expense estimation tool based on Government negotiated rates and published Per Diem rates.
The calculation is integrated into the system workflow and presented to Travel Approvers for aid in decision making and
travel approval.
¾ Offers a message and approval (including digital signature capability) mechanism, by which Government, Agency, and
custom defined Acceptance statements are presented and recorded within the system. This capability is integrated
within the system workflow. Messaging feature displays required statements to include Privacy Act, receipt retention,
and justifications for non-standard selections, i.e., non-standard car types, non-use of city-pairs, hotel outside per diem,
¾ Is TMC neutral and implements standard data interfaces with contracted TMCs. By using the Carlson eTS Solutions
data exchange environment, all required travel data can be exchanged with the TMC of choice.
¾ Communicates with the TMC supporting data exchange identifying traveler requirements, and provides notification
upon approval in order to proceed with ticketing.
The Carlson eTS Solution travel advance and expense module tracks the issuance processing approval, payment and liquida-
tion of Government funds using agency debt management procedures. The module provides reporting of outstanding
advances, by traveler, date of issue, and amount.
¾ Allows an agency to set, change and apply limitations on travel advances based upon travel regulations and agency poli-
¾ Advance payment limitations are applied based upon the traveler’s possession of a Government issued travel charge
card. Expense items, such as mode of travel, subsistence rate and miscellaneous expenses are utilized to calculate ad-
vance allowances.

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¾ A direct relation between an advance payment and a travel authorization record exists in the Carlson eTS Solution.
During the post travel final voucher- processing step, the prior payment field is pre-populated in a non-editable field re-
flects the total of advance payments processed.
¾ Support integrated issuance and control of travel advances with the travel voucher payment process to ensure that the
advance is liquidated or collected prior to the issuance of a payment to the traveler. If a traveler is in a continuous travel
status supported by a limited open or unlimited open authorization, the Carlson eTS Solution allows the traveler to re-
quest a retained advance, and submit for approval. During the voucher processing steps, the Carlson eTS Solution will
not liquidate the outstanding advance until the final voucher is submitted.
¾ Automatically tracks outstanding travel advances based upon the projected travel return date. If the travel voucher has
not been submitted timely, the Carlson eTS Solution forwards an email notification to the traveler identifying action re-
quired. If the traveler does not respond to the notification, an additional email notification is forwarded to the travel
approver reflecting action required and forthcoming.
¾ Supports the reporting of delinquent travel advance as taxable income to the traveler IAW the JFMIP. Appropriate data
elements will be provided in the standard data output.
¾ The traveler has the ability to prepare and request an emergency travel advance. The travel authorization module will
automatically forward the request for appropriate approval.
¾ Passes the pertinent travel advance information to the financial systems on an agency agreed schedule using the data
exchange and application integration capabilities. (i.e., near real-time or nightly batched processes)
¾ Provides automatic debt management notifications to the traveler and approver and provides the ability to notify payroll
of collection actions required. If delinquent advances exist at the end of the calendar year, Carlson eTS Solution sup-
ports reporting unliquidated amount as taxable income.

B.2.6 Travel Voucher (RFP Reference C.6.3.9)

¾ The Carlson eTS Solution provides the Federal traveler a tool for use in preparing and submitting TDY travel vouchers
for reimbursement.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution workflow engine provides for the preparation, submission, and routing of travel vouchers.
The Carlson eTS Solution has the flexibility to accommodate multiple levels of approval, including cross organizational.
The application also allows for special routing and approval levels for specified customer travel conditions.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution status is available to all user roles based upon permission levels, tracking the travel record
from creation of the authorization through final payment. The travel history provides an audit trail of all actions associ-
ated with a particular trip identification number.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution pre-populates fields with previously entered data eliminating user keystrokes while allowing
for editing. The prior payment data field is pre-populated reflecting travel advances and partial payments.
¾ During the approval process the travel approver has an option to approve expenses or revise a voucher back to the trav-
eler and provide reason for revision. After approval, the voucher may be routed for pre-payment audit or forward
directly for payment processing depending on established audit parameters.
¾ The departure from and return to location is pre-populated based official duty station contained in the traveler’s profile.
The traveler may change to an alternate departure/return point if the customer setup allows these changes. Calculations
for reimbursement are made based upon actual TDY sites selected.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution meets the requirement of supporting all modes of transportation by providing a drop-down
menu of the types/modes of travel (i.e. CP - Commercial Plane, PA - Private Auto, GP - Government Plane, CB - com-
mercial bus, GV - government vessel), and generating an electronic and hard copy authorization/voucher to support
claims for reimbursement.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution calculates authorized per diem based upon dates of travel, reason for stop (including leave and
non-work days), reduced per diem rates, regular per diem rates, actual expenses and TDY locations. The Carlson eTS
Solution provides and calculates the personal vehicle (POV) mileage rate in effect on the dates of travel in accordance
with the FTR and other applicable regulations. The solution downloads the per diem rates, to include meals and inci-
dental expenses on a daily basis and updates the mileage rate when an FTR amendment is issued.

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¾ The Carlson eTS Solution computes the M&IE allowance rates based on travel completed and meals provided in accor-
dance with FTR 301-11. The M&IE are based on the rates listed below for the first and last days of travel and any full
days in between.
♦ The Carlson eTS Solution: calculates 75% of M&IE rate for travel of more than 12 hours but less than 24 hours
(unless lodging is required).; calculates proper allowances for travel greater than 24 hours in accordance with the
FTR; calculates 75% of the applicable M&IE rate on the day of departure IAW the FTR; calculates 75% of the ap-
plicable M&IE rate on the last day of travel, in accordance with the FTR; calculates 100% of the M&IE for full
days of travel
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution allows the user to select a trip ID number and generate amended and reclaim vouchers and
submit to appropriate approval official. Once the amended or reclaim voucher is approved, the approval generates a re-
cord in the standard output file for either an obligation or de-obligation to update the financial records.
Special/conditional routing is available for certain types of travel or certain conditions, such as international travel or
travel claims over a certain dollar amount.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution meets this requirement and allows multiple vouchers to be submitted against a limited open or
unlimited open authorization. The final voucher associated with an open authorization is annotated accordingly. For
TDY greater than 45 days the solution allows the processing of partial payments in accordance with travel regulations
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution displays defined messages to the user as stated. The Carlson eTS Solution displays the follow-
ing message regarding required receipts: “The Government requires retention of ALL receipts for Lodging and ALL
expenses over $75.00. Travelers are advised to keep all receipts for Tax/Other purposes - until the claim is paid”. The
Carlson eTS Solution messaging displays required statements to include Privacy Act, receipt retention, and required jus-
tifications supporting non-standard selections, i.e., non-standard car types, non-use of city pairs, hotel outside per diem,
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution prompts the user with a question, during the voucher submittal process, to indicate any un-
used, partially used or exchanged tickets or refunds. The Solution also provides directions to the user for the surrender
of said documents.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution automatically generates notices to the user when vouchers have not been filed 5 business days
after the projected return date. An additional message is generated to both the traveler and the approving official if the
voucher has not been filed after an additional 10 business days. System generated notices are easily configurable based
upon suspense dates, client requirements, policies and procedures.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution allows processing of split disbursements and supports the debt management process generat-
ing notifications of indebtedness, suspensing for future actions and coordination of collection via multiple means
including payroll deduction, salary offset, and retirement credit. The data exchange and application integration capabili-
ties, including the standard data output, support all of these requirements.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution maintains the order of precedence matching travel authorizations and travel vouchers. Based
on the paying activities specific audit parameters, such as random sampling of, total trip cost ceiling, actual expense.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution allows agencies to set multiple sampling parameters for their travel vouchers for audit and any
informational requirements that they may designate. The system’s flexibility allows for multiple parameters and other
user definable content and may include random sampling, cost thresholds, travel type, traveler identity, etc.
The Carlson eTS Solution:
¾ Provides the capability to prepare and submit local travel vouchers including expenses for mileage, fares, tolls, tips, reg-
istration/conference fees, phone/fax and other. Upon completion of the local travel voucher, the document is routed for
approval and payment based upon agency/organization requirements.
¾ Provides for local mileage reimbursement, automatically computed based upon the user inputting dates of travel and
number of miles. Carlson eTS Solution calculates allowances using applicable mileage rates.
¾ Supports funds validation, commitments/obligation, and payment of local travel claims in accordance with established
EDI procedures. Each agency may provide us with a nightly download of funds availability and can provide a/the stan-
dard data output file on a near real time or nightly batch schedule.

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Round 2, Volume 1, Page 73
eTravel Services
Volume 1 – Technical Approach

¾ Provides for electronic notification to travelers of payments made by disbursing offices or for disallowance of a claim
for an expense and allow/permit flexibility in defining agency message content.
The Carlson eTS Solution provides the user with the ability to print out a cover sheet to attach to hard copy travel receipts.
This cover sheet contains information such as unique Carlson eTS Solution trip number, travel authorization data, etc. to en-
able the user to associate the receipts with the specific trip. By attaching this cover sheet to the hard copy travel receipts
prior to forwarding them on to the appropriate person, the receiving individual is able to quickly identify which trip within
Carlson eTS Solution is associated with the receipts.
An optional service offered by the Carlson eTS Solution is our hosted, integrated digital receipt-imaging module. These op-
tional services are priced under CLINs 0008AB, 0025AB, 0045AB and 0065AB. The Carlson eTS Solution has established a
relationship with ImageTag and leverages their KwikTag solution. KwikTag is on GSA schedule 70 listed under SIN 132-
33. KwikTag provides imaging solutions for the Office of the National Drug Control Policy, Air Force, Navy, and the Navy
& Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI). Our integrated receipt-imaging component allows users to submit electronic images of
receipts that comply with applicable Internal Revenue Service electronic receipt requirements.
The Carlson eTS Solution’s electronic receipt imaging module allows Agencies to leverage existing office resources such as
browsers, fax machines and scanners to move paper travel receipts into a digital image. Users print out a “cover page” for
each travel voucher requiring receipts. The Carlson eTS Solution includes a bar code on each cover page that allows the
system to index the receipts and associate it with the appropriate Carlson eTS Solution voucher. Users can scan their cover
page and receipts for e-mailing to the system or fax them straight from the office fax machine. KwikTag receives the image
via fax or e-mail, converts it to a TIF or PDF file, indexes to the appropriate Carlson eTS Solution voucher and stores it for
future retrieval within Carlson eTS Solution. The process of receiving, converting and indexing the image is accomplished
within minutes of receiving the fax or e-mail. KwikTag sends notification to Carlson eTS Solution to advise that receipts
have been received. By invoking a “view receipts” button within Carlson eTS Solution, users know whether the receipts
have been received or not. All users who have access to the trip authorization will be able to view the receipts. KwikTag
functionality includes automatic image clean up, versioning and a self-test facility.
The Carlson eTS Solution supports Agency-specific policy regarding receipt retention and is able to provide guidance about
that policy to the traveler when preparing a voucher, whether the Agency is using hard copy travel receipt or our optional
electronic receipt module. Agencies are responsible for providing Carlson eTS Solution with appropriate policy verbiage
and keeping it updated. Digital archiving of receipt imaging is available, consistent with Agency specific policies.


During the implementation process, applicable financial data (i.e., funding data, travel card data, accounting codes) will be
downloaded from Agency business systems using a standard input file. This will be accomplished by the execution of an
Agency Integration Agreement (AIA).This data will be used to pre-populate an Agency’s eTS database. Agency default
funding may be defined as applied to portions of expenses, i.e., airfare, applicable to individually billed accounts (IBA) or
centrally billed accounts (CBA) using Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
During the Pre-Trip Travel Planning & Authorization process Carlson eTS Solutions calculates estimated trip costs, based
upon official TDY location applicable perdiem rates, modes of travel, etc. Supports a real-time certification of funds avail-
ability and agency/organization financial obligations once a travel authorization is approved.
During the Post Travel initiation of a Travel Voucher, Carlson eTS Solutions computes reimbursement based upon FTR
regulations, applicable perdiem and mileage rates, and actual expenses incurred during travel. Allows the traveler to identify
split disbursement payment mechanisms, supports multiple fund cites, supports enforcement of debt management as related
to delinquent advances and overpayments, tracking outstanding advances during submission of final travel voucher. Pay-
ment records are generated using a standard data output.
¾ eTS Travel Voucher Audits
♦ The Carlson eTS Solution provides online pre-payment and post-payment audit capability based upon configurable
audit parameters.
♦ During the implementation process, the eTS agency/organization may define specific audit criteria/parameters ap-
plicable to pre-payment audits, i.e., random samplings, cost thresholds, travel type, traveler identity, etc.

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eTravel Services
Volume 1 – Technical Approach

¾ Upon completion of a travel voucher, and customer defined travel voucher approval(s), the Carlson eTS Solution may or
may not route the voucher to a Financial Agency/Organization Auditor (FAA) or review and/or approval based upon the
pre-defined audit parameters.
¾ In order to expedite the audit process, eTS identifies and displays the reason selected for audit to the FAA. After review
the FAA has the option to revise a travel voucher back to the federal traveler providing specific reason for return or ap-
prove for reimbursement.
¾ In addition to the pre-payment process, Carlson eTS Solution provides the capability to generate a report based upon
Agency defined criteria/parameters for post-payment audits. In the event of an investigation related to a specific trav-
eler, organization, etc., eTS provides the capability for online post-payment audits, viewing the original authorization,
the travel voucher and supporting receipts.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution supports split disbursements allowing the traveler to designate applicable expenses to be paid
directly to individually billed accounts or are reimbursed to the traveler.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution tracks authorized travel advances, assures collection during the final voucher processing, and
in the event of an overpayment issues letters of indebtedness to the traveler while issuing a suspension for further ac-
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution supports the ability to identify reimbursements as taxable income, furnishing information to
the agency payroll system for inclusion on the employee’s W-2, Wage and Tax Statement
¾ Upon completion of a travel voucher and travel voucher approvals, the Carlson eTS Solution produces a standard output
file to update the Agency/Organization financial system with obligation/commitment/disbursement data.

B.3 Reservations/Fulfillment (RFP Reference C.6.3.5, C.6.3.7)

WBS #3.0



B.3.1 Self-Service Online Booking (RFP Reference C.6.3.6)

The Carlson eGov Solutions Team has to provide self-service transaction functionality through the use of either FedTrip or
GetThere integrated with E2 Solutions. Both booking engines incorporate full government functionality and meet the re-
quirements of the solicitation. FedTrip will be offered as our “preferred” online booking engine.
Both FedTrip and GetThere automatically enforce and monitor compliance to the appropriate Federal and Agency-
configured travel policies during the reservation process. Policy settings within the booking tool allow for easy customiza-
tion to the Agency, sub-organization and even traveler levels. Access to all Government negotiated travel rates are
controlled via the policy settings. Users can override policy settings, but are required to provide the reason for the exception,
along with the appropriate exception coding. Text fields are provided for the user to explain the need for deviation from
Government designated TMCs are provided the ability to use both FedTrip and GetThere. Travel reservations made within
the booking engine are immediately available to the TMC for retrieval. PNRs are automatically dropped in the GDS queues
of the TMC. Additionally, PNRs can be dropped in multiple queues for special processing.

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Round 2, Volume 1, Page 75
eTravel Services
Volume 1 – Technical Approach

Both booking engines allow travelers to obtain estimates of travel costs prior to making an actual reservation.
The Carlson eTS Solution’s online booking engines provide published and Government negotiated airfares, lodging rates and
car rental rates. Preferred and mandatory travel suppliers are clearly identified through the use of both color and icons.
Government contracted and preferred suppliers are displayed first in descending rate order and non-compliant choices can be
filtered out based on Agency level travel policies. Out of policy reservations require the user to choose the applicable rate
exception code and provide a justification for booking outside of policy. Text boxes are available for users to write explana-
tions. The Carlson eTS Solution will incorporate and use those reason/exception codes listed in Attachment 7 for reporting
on non-compliance with Federal requirements to use negotiated airfares. Proposed rate/exception codes for cars and hotels
are included in sections below.
The Carlson eTS Solution’s online booking engine includes all global commercial airport destinations and available airfares
for both domestic and international travel is displayed. Alternate airports for selected destinations are configurable. If agen-
cies require that users compare the airfare to all airports in a multiple airport location, the online booking engines(s) can be
easily configured to automatically perform such comparisons. All Government rates, including Government contract city-
pair fares, non-contract Government fares and other published discount fares are displayed in a real-time environment. There
is no limit to the number of Government city-pair fares contained within the booking engine. All pertinent flight information
is displayed, including schedules, destination information, fares, flight on-time performance (if published by the airline) and
seat availability. Airline fare rules for available fares are available. All airlines available in the GDS are displayed in a real-
time 24/7/365 environment. Pre-reserved seating functionality is available for all airlines that allow the selection of pre-
reserved seats. By using frequent flyer numbers stored in the passenger profile, preferred seating can be obtained where
available. Out of policy reservations require the user to choose the applicable rate exception code and provide a justification
for booking outside of policy. Text boxes are available for users to write explanations. The Carlson eTS Solution will incor-
porate and use those reason/exception codes listed in Attachment 7 of the RFP for reporting on non-compliance with Federal
requirements to use negotiated airfares.
Our online booking engines provide appropriate and accurate Government rates in a real-time environment for FPLP or other
Government preferred lodging suppliers. FEMA properties are designated and displayed prior to non-FEMA approved
properties. At each Agency’s option, non-FEMA approved properties can be filtered out. Lodging accommodations are re-
served in a real-time 24/7/365 environment. Justification is required (with both exception code and text capabilities in
accordance with Pub L. 5 USC 5707a and resulting FTR requirements for failure to use FEMA approved properties. Addi-
tionally, reference points can be loaded into the online booking engines to make it easier for users to locate a hotel property
near their destination. Federal Agencies have the ability to provide addresses of their locations or other frequent travel desti-
nations to load in as reference points, making it easier for their travelers to locate nearby hotels. The reason/exception codes
used for non-compliance with hotel policy are configurable at the agency level. The Carlson eTS Solution proposes use of
the following exception codes for non-compliance with regulation or policy:
¾ H0 – No FEMA Approved property available
¾ H1 – No FEMA Approved property available within perdiem
¾ H2 – Used non-FEMA Approved property for personal preference
The Carlson eTS Solution’s booking engine provides appropriate and accurate rates for both domestic and international car
rentals in a real-time environment. All MTMC or other Government preferred cal rental Agencies are displayed at or below
the applicable Government-ceiling rate. Negotiated rates and preferred suppliers can be highlighted in the display of avail-
able options. Rental car accommodations are reserved in a real-time 24/7/365 environment. Failure to use Government-
negotiated rates requires the use of appropriate justification with both exception code and text capabilities. Rates or dis-
counts negotiated by individual Agencies can be loaded into the system for booking. Policy settings allow each Agency to
designate the maximum car size travelers are allowed to book without the use of additional justification. The rea-
son/exception codes used for non-compliance with car policy are configurable at the agency level. The Carlson eTS Solution
proposes use of the following exception codes for non-compliance with regulation or policy:
¾ R0 – No MTMC negotiated car rentals available
¾ R1 – No MTMC rate available for requested car size
¾ R2 – Booked larger car due to multiple passengers
¾ R2 – Booked larger car due to excess luggage

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Round 2, Volume 1, Page 76
eTravel Services
Volume 1 – Technical Approach

Users of the online booking engines can book one-way, round-trip and multiple destination itineraries. The online booking
engine controls the reservation process to ensure date and time sequencing, validity of connections and logical itinerary se-
lections. All travel segments for an itinerary are consolidated within a single record in Carlson eTS Solution. If allowed by
the airline carriers and travel suppliers, a single PNR will be created in the GDS. For those itineraries that require more than
one PNR (due to carrier requirements), the PNRs will be cross-referenced using the Carlson eTS Solution trip ID, to enable
the TMC to identify the appropriate eTS Trip Authorization. The Carlson eTS Solution creates all necessary fields in the
PNR in formats required by applicable TMC reporting systems.
The Carlson eTS Solution’s online booking engines allow users to modify and/or cancel reservations prior to ticket issuance.
Government will not incur a transaction fee for transactions canceled prior to ticket issuance. Users may re-price an itinerary
after initial creation and when modifications are made. The Carlson eTS Solution routes the re-priced itinerary for notifica-
tions or resubmits the revised authorization for re-approval.
The Carlson eTS Solution’s online booking engines compare carrier fares for airline reservations to allow the user to select
the lowest rate within Agency policy. Itineraries that have lower airfares available are presented to the user in ascending rate
order and Government contract-fare itineraries are highlighted. Alternate airport can be included within the display and pol-
icy can be set to require the user to provide justification for not selecting the lowest cost itinerary. Both rental car and
lodging rates are displayed to the user in ascending rate order, allowing the user to quickly select the lowest cost option
within Agency policy.
The Carlson eTS Solution’s online booking engines allow the retrieval and viewing PNRs created by the TMC. We offer
optional file finishing services to the TMCs. Additionally, if Agency policy allows, Carlson eTS Solution allows for online
cancellation or modification of an itinerary after ticket issuance.
The Carlson eTS Solution’s online booking engine encodes and decodes airline and city/airport codes for the traveler. Both
booking engines allow the user to input the destination in plain English that is then converted to an airport code. If multiple
cities exist with the same name, the user is presented with a list of options.
Graphical seat maps and the ability to pre-reserve seats is included for all carriers that allow this capability. By using infor-
mation such as frequent flyer numbers, stored in passenger profiles, the online booking engine will allow users to select
premier seating arrangements where available. The Carlson eTS Solution’s online booking engines provide users the ability
to make online international air travel reservations that comply with all applicable regulations. If an itinerary is booked out-
side of policy, (i.e., non-US flag carrier), a justification code and text explanation is required. Users are given the capability
to easily create, store and share standard trip templates. The Carlson eTS Solution’s online booking engines are currently
developing the ability to view and book appropriate Government rates for domestic rail accommodations. This capability
should be available through eTS by 4th Quarter, 2003.
The Carlson eTS Solution automatically captures exceptions to policy and communicates these exceptions to all users view-
ing the trip record (traveler, approver, auditor, etc.). Both exception codes and user entered text explanations for policy
deviations are shared with users needing to view the trip record. The Carlson eTS Solution allows users access to previously
traveled trips that were booked online for a period of one year. The Carlson eTS Solution’s online booking engines use the
traveler profiles stored in the system to communicate frequent flyer numbers and membership numbers to appropriate travel
suppliers and to the TMC.
B.3.2 Non Self Service
The Carlson eTS Solution is fully capable of accommodating and incorporating the services of existing TMCs under contract
or task order to Federal Agencies for the purpose of making travel reservations as authorized under that contract/task order.
The Carlson eTS Solution will be responsible for delivering the reservation services detailed in the solicitation, whether pro-
vided through eTS, FedTripTM and/or the TMC under contract to the Federal agency. The Carlson eTS Solution has
automated interfaces to both FedTripTM and GetThere for self-service reservations. Travelers making reservations through
traditional means with a TMC Travel Counselor will be able to input the data into both the travel authorization and voucher
modules of the Carlson eTS Solution for submission to their approving official. Additionally, based on the needs of the
agency, eTS has the ability to accept a reservation booked via a TMC Travel Counselor, through our automated interface to
the GDS, automatically pull the reservation information and cost data into eTS for forwarding to the appropriate approving
officials. The Carlson eGov Solutions Team will work with each ordering agency to determine the best method to use for
accommodating the use of a TMC under contract with them.

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Round 2, Volume 1, Page 77
eTravel Services
Volume 1 – Technical Approach

The Carlson eTS Solution has access to all domestic and international common carrier flights, including all GSA city-pair
contract carriers and “me-too” fares. For those few carriers who do not participate in the GDS, reservation requests can be
electronically sent to the servicing fulfillment Agency for processing by an agent. The Carlson eTS Solution is fully custom-
izable to allow each Agency to define the type of fares available to be booked by their travelers, including contract city-pair
fares, “me-too” fares and other discount fares that are advantageous to the Government.
The Carlson eTS Solution allows booking of domestic and international car rental reservations with all MTMC or other Gov-
ernment preferred sources at or below the applicable ceiling rate. Policy settings can be set to determine the type of car rates
and sizes available to each Agency’s travelers, including any preferred discounts negotiated outside of the MTMC program.
Preferred car rental suppliers can be highlighted for each Agency.
The Carlson eTS Solution allows booking of domestic and international lodging suppliers who participate in the Federal
Premier Lodging Program or other Government preferred programs. FEMA approved lodging properties are highlighted and
the use of these properties can be tracked.
Reservations for common carrier rail and bus will be secured through Carlson eTS Solution. For those carriers not available
to be booked via the online booking engine, a PNR will be automatically built requesting the reservations and the PNR will
be provided to the fulfillment Agency for processing by an agent. Once the reservation is booked and passed back to Carl-
son eTS Solution from the TMC, the information is forwarded on for approval.
The Carlson eTS Solution handles all other types of common carrier travel such as ship transportation in the same method as
noted in section (d) above for common rail and bus reservations.
The Carlson eTS Solution has built interfaces to both the FedTripTM and GetThere online booking engines to provide the
capability to book airline, rental car and hotel reservations online. Both FedTripTM and GetThere meet or exceed the manda-
tory requirements of Section C.
The Carlson eTS Solution will accommodate the use of the FedTripTM online booking engine through an automatic integra-
tion with the booking engine and eTS. Users of the Carlson eTS Solution will be able to process an entire trip,
(authorization, reservation and voucher), through a single integrated system. The integration with FedTripTM will include the
ability to book travel with FedTripTM via the Carlson eTS Solution and passing of data back and forth between eTS and the
GDS through FedTripTM. Additionally, based on the needs of the agency, eTS has the ability to automatically accept a reser-
vation booked via a TMC Travel Counselor through our automated interface to the GDS, and automatically pull the
reservation information and cost data into eTS for forwarding to the appropriate approving officials. The Carlson eGov So-
lutions Team will work with each ordering agency to determine the best method to use for accommodating the use of a TMC
under contract with them.
The Carlson eTS Solution is capable of booking reservations with and controlling access to Government-preferred suppliers
and rates for transportation, lodging, and rental cars. Agency specific requirements for booking travel can be configured in
the Carlson eTS Solution. The Carlson eTS Solution works with all major GDS for access to flights, lodging and rental cars.
Access to Government-only rates is restricted to Federal employees and other authorized users of those rates by including a
designator in each user profile. This designator is used to direct the system to display the appropriate rate categories within
the booking engine(s), whether government or non-government. For reservations through traditional methods the designator
in the user profile within the GDS is displayed to the agent to ensure that those personnel not authorized to use Government-
only rates are offered non-Government rates.
When plans change or are canceled, Carlson eTS Solution allows users to modify or cancel all reservations prior to ticket
issuance without transaction fee being incurred by the Government. Any fees incurred due to applicable carrier or supplier
cancellation policies will be noted and the user advised.
The Carlson eTS Solution requires the user to identify the appropriate FTR exception code and provide justification for the
use of all non-preferred or non-contracted providers. Additionally, Carlson eTS Solution requires the user to select the ex-
ception code and provide justification for the use of a non-US flag carrier.
The Carlson eTS Solution offers both an automated and non-automated method for accommodating the services of TMCs
under contract to federal agencies. We will work with each agency and their corresponding TMC to ensure that we employ
the method that best meets the needs of the agency and its users. To expedite the adoption rate of the Carlson eTS Solution,
we strongly recommend that representatives of the TMC be allowed to participate in some of the implementation planning

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Round 2, Volume 1, Page 78
eTravel Services
Volume 1 – Technical Approach

meetings to understand the system and their role. We will provide a detailed PNR mapping scheme to the TMC to allow for
automated integration if so desired by the Federal Agency.
The Carlson eTS Solution provides access to multiple domestic and international Government rate and non-Government rate
lodging sources as possible. These include any discounted rates provided through the TMC and any rates negotiated by in-
dividual Federal Agencies. Hotel rate displays include any special promotional rates offered by the lodging source, to include
amenities such as parking, included meals, etc.
Through the use of our online booking engine, Carlson eTS Solution will take advantage of promotional and spot discount
lodging rates to the maximum extent possible.
The Carlson eTS Solution supports the passing of pertinent reservation data from the TMCs, FedTrip and GetThere, to the
travel authorizations, vouchers, etc. through an interface with the major GDS. We are fully integrated with both FedTrip and
GetThere and the data is seamlessly passed from the booking engines to Carlson eTS Solution and vice versa. The Carlson
eTS Solution also passes data from Carlson eTS Solution to the TMCs such as authorization numbers, accounting citations,
B.3.3 Fulfillment/Ticket Delivery (RFP Reference C.6.3.7)
The Carlson eGov Solutions Team and Carlson eTS Solution meets and exceeds the fulfillment and support requirements for
GSA-approved TMCs under the current or follow-on contracts. We currently provide services to multiple Federal Agencies
under the current Travel Services Master Contracts. We have been providing exceptional travel service to Federal Agencies
since 1988. We have extensive experience in providing both traditional and online travel services in the Government market-
place. We currently ticket over 3,000 transactions per month for Federal travelers that have been booked via our online
booking engine. The Carlson eTS Solutions will be responsible for delivering the fulfillment services described in the ful-
fillment section of the solicitation to Federal Agencies utilizing the eTS, whether provided by the Carlson eTS Solution or in
conjunction with a TMC under contract with a Federal Agency.
The Carlson eTS Solution will provide fulfillment services and associated customer support services for Federal Agencies.
These services shall include issuance and delivery of tickets, complete itineraries and associated customer support services.
Unless an approval has been given to do so, tickets will not be issued more than 2 business days prior to travel. Customer
support services will be available through our Help Desk.
The Carlson eTS Solution is capable of fulfilling and supporting self service reservations made through both FedTrip and
GetThere. Once proper approval has been received, the Carlson eTS Solution is capable of issuing and delivering tickets and
all associated travel itinerary information. Additionally, reservations made via the online booking engine(s) may be fulfilled
by a TMC under contract to a Federal Agency. To accommodate this, once approval to ticket has been received, the associ-
ated PNR will be placed on a designated ticketing queue at the fulfilling TMCs pseudo city in the appropriate GDS.
The Carlson eTS Solution accommodates and incorporates the services of TMCs under contract/task order to Federal Agen-
cies for the purposes of ticketing and fulfillment as authorized under that contract/task order. Reservations booked through
the online booking engine of Carlson eTS Solution will be automatically queued to the Agency’s GDS pseudo city code in
For all common carriers that support electronic ticket issuance, Carlson eTS Solution will be the default ticketing option.
The Carlson eTS Solution will ensure that the corresponding travel authorization has been approved prior to ticket issuance.
For reservations booked online, Carlson eTS Solution will electronically share the authorization data with the TMC to advise
the TMC that ticket issuance has been approved.
The Carlson eTS Solution is capable of processing and crediting canceled or unused tickets and partial fare refunds subject to
applicable carrier or supplier cancellation provisions with attendant expense and accounting adjustments. Where Carlson
eGov Solutions Group provides the fulfillment services, the Carlson eTS Solution will automatically track the use of elec-
tronic tickets issued through our TMC service and ensure that unused electronic tickets are refunded where appropriate. The
Carlson eTS Solution will reflect all allowable credits from electronic or paper tickets whether for a full refund or partial
refund within 1 day from the fulfillment TMCs processing of the refund. Where Carlson is the TMC we will process refunds
with 1 day of receipt of the paper ticket or notification of non-use of electronic ticket. All credits will be accountable to the
individual travel authorization number and associated billing accounts within all applicable functionalities of the system and
in the standard data output provided to the agency business systems.

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Round 2, Volume 1, Page 79
eTravel Services
Volume 1 – Technical Approach

The Carlson eTS Solution allows the traveler to make enroute changes to an authorized itinerary. Travel arrangement
changes can be made with a TMC via phone or via the online booking tool. Changes to actual travel are then reflected in an
amendment to the original travel authorization.

B.4 Deployment

WBS #4.0



B.4.1 Implementation (RFP Reference;

Carlson eGov Solutions Team has extensive experience in implementing both large and small scale contracts, which includes
implementing over 300 Federal Agency and DoD travel centers. Over the past two years, implementation experience with
our Federal Agency and DoD clients includes establishing onsite and offsite travel management centers, rollout and deploy-
ment of our proprietary credit card reconciliation product (ReconPlus) and the online selfbooking tool. Additionally, we
developed and are maintaining customized websites for Federal Agencies and DoD using Carlson's travel services. The
Carlson eGov Solutions Team will use standard Enterprise Project Management (EPM) methodology, Six Sigma, and
GreatWorkTM processes and methodologies to implement each account. By clearly defining a dedicated Implementation
Team, trained and experienced in these proven philosophies and methodologies, the Carlson eTS Solution Team will meet or
exceed the requirements and objectives stated in the implementation requirements section of the RFP.
In addition, Carlson has deployed a selfbooking travel management system to over 100 corporate clients, and is currently
processing over 50,000 transactions per month. Carlson's web-based travel and event management service will manage over
150 events and fulfill ticket orders for an additional 100,000 travelers this year.
On the following pages we address the resources and processes employed against the main implementation areas identified in
the solicitation:
¾ Implementation Support Services ¾ Implementation Team
¾ Kickoff/Planning Meetings ¾ Data Exchange Processes
¾ Establishment of Billing Procedures ¾ Training Needs Assessment
¾ Dedicated Support Teams ¾ Integration Agreements
¾ Dedicated Rollout Support ¾ eTS Implementation Report
¾ Meeting and Exceeding the Objectives
Based on the combined experience of the Carlson eGov Solutions Team, we have developed a streamlined and efficient ap-
proach to ensure eTS services begin on schedule and more importantly, exceed customer expectations. The Carlson standard
implementation approach for all agencies placing orders for the eTS is defined in greater detail in Volume 2, Section 2.2 Im-
plementation Approach.


The Carlson eGov Solutions Team will provide implementation support services necessary to establish agency specific con-
figuration and operational readiness. The core team of implementation specialists will consist of an Implementation Project

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Manager (IPM), an Implementation Training Manager (ITM), an Implementation Finance Manager (IFM), an Implementa-
tion Operations Manager (IOM) and a Security Manager. In addition, the Account Manager will serve on the team and will
remain associated with the individual agency throughout the life cycle of implementation and service delivery. The IPM
serves as the primary point of contact for the client agency throughout the implementation period, and the Account Manager
will assume this responsibility following successful implementation and provide continuing account management for the
agency. We understand that a successful implementation requires a full understanding of each agency’s workflow and poli-
cies. To ensure that we gain the necessary understanding, we maintain very detailed implementation project plans (based on
Project Management Institute Standards) and customization questionnaires that allow us to work with each agency to cus-
tomize the Carlson eTS Solution to meet their individual requirements. Items covered in the implementation plan and
questionnaires include, but are not limited to:
¾ Agency policy on use of non-contract city-pair fares ¾ Audit parameters needed for voucher payment
¾ Integration requirements ¾ Agency policy on the use of non-refundable or penalty
¾ Incorporation of existing TMC services fares
¾ Approval levels for processing both travel authorization ¾ Agency policy on cash advances
and voucher payment ¾ Network infrastructure and operating systems in use by
¾ Standard routing procedures and what conditional rout- agency personnel
ing is required
For agencies electing to have the Carlson provide reservation and fulfillment services, a questionnaire will be provided that
includes, but is not limited to:
¾ Emergency ticketing procedures ¾ Emergency after-hours procedures
¾ Are travelers authorized use of non-refundable or pen- ¾ Policy for use of lowest fare when multiple airports exist
alty fares? at destination
¾ International travel patterns ¾ Special services for VIPs
¾ Setting up ticketing timelines to both meet agency needs ¾ Procedures to be used for leisure travel in conjunction
and minimize the number of transactions canceled after with official travel
ticketing, thereby reducing fees.
Carlson will provide a dedicated implementation team for each adopting/ordering agency that will include subject matter
experts in the areas of system requirements, integration services, finance, application functionality and customization, reser-
vations and fulfillment (including online booking), training and account management. The following table describes these
implementation roles.
eTS Implementation Roles and Responsibilities
Title Role
Implementation Project Manager The IPM will schedule initial agency meeting, explain and demonstrate the Carlson
(IPM) eTS Solution, provide detailed, agency specific integration plans, conduct weekly
conference calls with the GSA eTravel PMO and agency to discuss and mitigate roll-
out issues and maintain/execute against a detailed milestone-based project plan.
Implementation Operations Man- Implementation operations also include the requisite technical support. The IOM
ager (IOM) serves as the primary point of contact for all agency data integration. Documents ex-
ception rules and procedures, ensure configuration of agency specific supplier
designations, and establish file formats and the building of profiles within the fulfill-
ment agency’s Global Distribution System.
Implementation Training Manager Conducts training needs assessments, agency specific training sessions for Training
(ITM) Administrators and any required supplemental training. In addition, the ITM will
oversee the development of all training curriculum.
Implementation Finance Manager Responsible for all agency billing and payment set-up processes.

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eTS Implementation Roles and Responsibilities

Title Role
Security Manager Responsible for determining unique security requirements and provide layered (low,
medium, high sensitivity) security approach with respect to agency data
Account Manager Works with the IPM throughout implementation and then transitions to the primary
point of contact post implementation.

The implementation team will be responsible for ensuring that agency specific requirements and operational readiness re-
quirements are determined and implemented within the required time period. As noted the Account Manager will participate
on the implementation team to ensure that the eTS will provide both initial and ongoing account management for each
agency. Subject matter experts from throughout the Carlson Companies will be available for ongoing consultation.


The Carlson eGov Solutions Team will host an agency kickoff meeting for each adopting/ordering agency. Upon award of a
Task Order, the IPM will contact the agency to setup the initial schedule of meetings and agendas. Each agency will identify
the key travel management personnel and others to attend the meeting. Our Team will explain eTS Solution configuration
options, assignment of user roles and permissions, the implementation process and key implementation and integration issues
that the agency may face. The IPM will demonstrate the Carlson eTS Solution and will provide an introductory packet cov-
ering the items mentioned above. Implementation team members will be present to answer questions and become familiar
with agency personnel.


During implementation, the IOM will load all agency specific data provided by each agency that can be imported by auto-
mated means. Data that can be imported by automated means include traveler profiles, funding citations, reference points
and addresses for booking online hotels, and negotiated rates with travel suppliers such as car and hotel companies. The
Carlson eTS Solution has the ability to accept files in a variety of formats as long as the data is delimited and identified.


The Carlson eGov Solutions Team will work with each agency to establish specific billing parameters and procedures. The
IFM will work with agency personnel to determine:
¾ Who to bill ¾ Where to bill
¾ When to bill (at time of ticketing, weekly, monthly) ¾ Detail data required in bill
¾ Contact name and phone numbers for resolution of billing ¾ Form of payment to be used (IBA, CBA, EFT)
After successful implementation, the Account Manager will remain the POC for all billing issues throughout the life of the
contract and/or task order.


The eTS system has been designed with the end user in mind and it is extremely intuitive in order to increase adoption rates
and minimize training requirements. However to ensure the most successful launch possible, the Carlson eGov Solutions
Team will provide at least one instructor-lead role-based training for each role identified in Volume 1,User Roles, Account
Accesses, and Use Cases of this Proposal for each agency. These training classes may be conducted at a Government-
specified or Carlson-specified facility including a virtual classroom option depending upon the preference of the ordering
agency. A minimum of twenty-five seats, per class will be made available. Carlson will provide computer and Internet ac-
cess for these classes if conducted at a Carlson specified facilities. The agency may select either Computer-Based Training
or Instructor-Led Training, each using state of the art web-based media. In addition, a Train-the-Trainer Administrator (T3)
format will be available to allow for internal cascading of training support by designated agency personnel. This will en-
courage a more active transition to the online format by creating a group of internal "expert ambassadors" who can champion
the new travel processes.

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To account for the diversity of users and training requirements, the Carlson eGov Solutions Team will assign an ITM who
will conduct training site needs assessments to gather agency specific information. The ITM will collect the training site
needs assessment information through a variety of means (e.g., site visits, web-based surveys). The ITM will use this infor-
mation to develop user-focused and agency-oriented training designed to meet their specific needs, as well as supplemental
training. Training will be conducted within thirty days of implementation and use of the Carlson eTS Solution.
Based on the needs assessment, the Carlson eGov Solutions Team will analyze and design a comprehensive training curricu-
lum and plan of instruction with measurable training objectives. The process of specifying how the training objectives are to
be learned will also be identified and a basic instructional strategy will be developed. Once the training is finalized, we will
ensure all logistics and delivery requirements are met. The Carlson eGov Solutions Team will submit a Training Schedule
electronically and it will be posted on the Web. Our training strategy requires close coordination with each agency prior to
the initial training date in order to finalize training plans and schedules.
Carlson has the experience, knowledge, and methodology to train large numbers of students throughout our network. On
average, we train over 37,500 customers and employees annually.


The Carlson eGov Solutions Team will provide each Agency on-site dedicated implementation support, working under the
direction of and coordination with the Agency’s eTS Migration Team to include but not limited to the eTS Migration Man-
ager(s), Travel Manager(s), Travel Coordinator(s) and/or Travel administrator(s). We understand that travel expenses
incurred will be paid in accordance with Chapter 301 of the FTR on a cost reimbursable basis and will be submitted under
CLINs 0008, 0025, 0045 and 0065
On the following table, Carlson ensures that our Standard Implementation Services for all levels meet the minimum require-
ments as outlined in the solicitation.

Standard Implementation Service Levels

Services Level A Level B Level C Large Scale

Load Max. Number of User Profile 500 2,000 5,000 120,000


Instructor Led Class per User Role 1 3 6 15

Min. of Number of trainees 150 450 900 2,700

Min. Number of Classes 6 18 36 108

Option to Repeat User Role Classes

(should no. of classes exceed the 1 3 6 12
no. of user roles by):

Dedicated Implementation Team

Min. Number of Dedicated Work-

480 960 1,440 3520

Min. Number of Consultants 3 6 9 22

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Standard Implementation Service Levels

Services Level A Level B Level C Large Scale

Max. Period of Performance (cal-

60 90 120 180
endar days)

Understanding that each ordering agency’s amount of Users Roles may be disproportional, Carlson remains flexible with
substituting classes as needed by each agency. Additionally, User Role classes may be substituted with T3 classes when
equal to a total of eight hours.
For large-scale agency implementations, we will provide a dedicated trainer for a minimum of six months at each agency.
Additional trainers will be supplemented as needed. Our training experience supports this approach and will provide each
agency with a one hundred percent focused trainer who will understand and present training based upon the needs of that
specific agency. The method of training delivery will be a blend of train the trainer curriculum and pre-recorded virtual
symposiums of previous agency sessions. The pre-recorded symposiums will be downloadable from the eTS portal. This
will allow the Train the Trainers to decide the best method to train each user. In order to provide users with access to training
and functional materials 365/7/24, Carlson will provide the following downloadable materials on the eTS Portal.
Profiles for large-scale agency implementations can be processed using direct web access to profile format. The completed
profile is then uploaded automatically into the Carlson eTS Solution. Carlson currently employees this technology with a
nationwide large Federal agency account serving over 1.4 million travelers annually. The significant advantage of the web
enabled profile process allows a large scale agency to complete profiles on any schedule in advance of implementation. The
entire process from opening the web site to automatic upload in the GDS takes the traveler less than 10 minutes. To capture
existing profile data within the agency and if desired, avoid creating a new profile, Carlson will use our proprietary interface
tool that automatically reads existing TMC profiles and uploads into the new eTS Solution. We recently used this interface
tool to replace over 20,000 profiles automatically.
Timing for implementation activities for large-scale agencies will be mutually agreed upon between Carlson, the agency issu-
ing the task order and the existing TMC. Based upon our experience of implementing large nationwide and/or large regional
accounts, we will make the recommendation to begin with the Agency headquarters or functions within the headquarters and
then expand of a measured approach to sub-agencies and regions. The benefit of this metered approach is that it establishes
leadership “buy in” at the agency headquarters and allows for adjustment of agency unique requirements to the standard im-
plementation approach. Our experience suggests that if the “field” sees leadership acceptance and use, then the user
acceptance rate in subordinate agencies is drastically increased.


Carlson eGov Solutions Team will provide technical support personnel who will work with each agency to develop Integra-
tion Agreements. These agreements will establish the agency’s use of Carlson eTS Solution's data exchange capabilities to
interface with the agency’s internal business systems. The Integration Agreement will include requirements for data format,
translation, security, scheduling, access, and all other items as defined in the Solicitation under Definitions. The IPM will
provide a detailed integration plan to each agency, specific to the agency’s needs. We will support the establishment and
testing of agency interfaces to Carlson eTS Solution's EAI platform.


Following the initial dedicated implementation support period described above, we will provide continuing priority imple-
mentation support during the subsequent two months of an agency’s Carlson eTS Solution rollout. At a minimum, this
priority implementation support will include both technical and functional support for a weekly conference call between the
IPM, the GSA eTravel PMO, and the agency to discuss and mitigate rollout issues. More frequent calls may take place if
deemed necessary by the agency and the Carlson eGov Solutions Team. For the following four months, this call will occur at
a minimum of once monthly. Additional subject matter experts will be included on these conference calls as needed to re-
solve issues and provide support. The IPM will maintain a detailed project plan and share it with agency personnel to track
resolution of issues, adoption rates and customization requirements.

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Volume 1 – Technical Approach


The IPM will provide a detailed configuration document to each agency along with a Carlson eTS Solution Implementation
Report. The configuration document will contain all agency specific configuration requirements and will be maintained and
updated throughout the life of the contract.

The Carlson eGov Solutions Team will work with each agency to establish basic business rules and exception procedures.
The IPM will document business rules and exception procedures in the configuration document provided along with the Im-
plementation Report. Subject matter experts from Carlson eGov Solutions Team will work with each agency in the areas of
finance, travel booking, fulfillment, integration and others to ensure successful integration with agency business systems,
maximum use of preferred vendors and compliance with agency policy. Each agency’s approval and routing chains will be
established, documented and configured within the Carlson eTS Solution system. Approval and routing chains may differ
between travel authorization and voucher reimbursement and may include both standard routings and conditional routings.
The Carlson eGov Solutions Team will assign an IOM to work with each agency to ensure that their agency specific supplier
designations are configured within the Carlson eTS Solution online booking engine and used to the maximum extent possi-
The Carlson eTS Solution provides the ability to display messages regarding changes to the system or to travel regulations
that have taken place since the user’s last session in the Carlson eTS Solution.
We currently have the ability to perform an electronic upload of all traveler profile information provided by each agency to
include the establishment of permission levels and user accounts for each traveler. On a recent implementation, we used our
proprietary interface tool to replace over 20,000 profiles automatically. The Carlson eGov Solutions Team will assign the
Implementation Operations Manager to work with each agency to establish file formats and can also provide the building of
profiles within the fulfillment agency’s GDS system.
We will work with each agency and their existing TMC to incorporate the TMC services into the Carlson eTS Solution.
These services can include, but are not limited to, use of the online booking engine, exchange of data and update of user pro-
B.4.2 Customer Support (RFP Reference 6.9.1; 6.9.2)
Please refer to Volume 2, Section 2.4.1 Customer Support.
B.4.3 Training (RFP Reference 6.10.1)
The Carlson eGov Solutions Team has comprehensive experience of providing training solutions of all sizes for many busi-
nesses and organizations. Past solutions have included instructor-led new product training for 10,000 salespeople, the
implementation of a certification program for a professional organization and the design of an entire curriculum using web-
based technologies. The common thread through all of these is that they are created to utilize a mixture of training media
and methodologies that are specifically focused on meeting the needs of the audience, in our case the T3 (Train the trainer)
Administrators and various end users.
Our goal of this initiative is to create proficiency in using new technology; the primary training media used will be Computer
Based Training (CBT) accessible through the eTravel portal via the Internet (Internet Based Training - IBT). For those or-
ganizations that would benefit from a more hands-on approach, an alternative strategy using a virtual classroom will also be
available. This will be an Instructor-led session that can be delivered using "Webinar" technology (i.e., participants experi-
ence the training through a combination of online course material and facilitator guidance through a phone bridge…all while
sitting at ones own desk.) We will also provide the support needed to use this technology with agency instructors. A cur-
riculum manual will be provided, based upon the course development.
With the implementation of eTS, each federal agency will undergo changes relative to the introduction of new travel business
processes, the adoption of a web based application and changes in user roles and responsibilities. The complete offerings of
training will make these varied transitions a smooth and efficient process for all that are involved.

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Volume 1 – Technical Approach


Our method calls for the delivery of customized curriculum for all user roles with computer-based tutorials, instructor-led
classes, and T3 curriculum accessible via the eTravel portal with a compatible web browser. Our training approach allows
for maximum flexibility in Federal Agency customization to our curriculum to best suit the audience.
Content will be presented in three "stages" that will support not just the ability of end users to be efficient in making travel
arrangements immediately, but also address their transition to the new travel environment. "Stage 1" will include: Invitation
to Participate, Orientation to eTS and Getting Started with eTS. It will be important that this phase of learning be positive
and successful, as failure will push end users away from the technology and make future attempts to convert them even more
challenging. The primary means to deliver this information will be the Internet and through a paper-based “job aid.” "Stage
2" will be the core of the training and will be focused on eTS functionality and will be less concerned with the intuitive navi-
gation and more directed toward offering tips and strategies for making the most of the software. This is where we’ll
leverage CBT and instructor-led versions online, as described in more detail in the next two sections. “Stage 3” will be fo-
cused on the post training support and maintenance. This will enable graduates to keep abreast of updates and enhancements
to the system and training delivery options.
The remaining user audiences, including the Travel Approvers, Administrators and Coordinators plus the T3 candidates will
have a more intensive, small group experience conducted by either the Account Manager or an Implementation Team Train-
ing Manager. The materials developed for end-user application will be leveraged with supplemental instruction on unique
topics as needed.
As previously noted, the T3 candidates play an important role in a smooth implementation. To support T3, these sessions
will be coordinated to take place no earlier than thirty days prior to implementation of eTS. This coordination effort will in-
clude introductory information/briefings to the command and will be accomplished through a variety of means (visits,
tele/video conference, Internet). This material will provide an overview of eTS CUI and document preparation software and
provide time for training preparation. In addition, identifying the T3 attendees, scheduling, and coordinating training facili-
ties, and making equipment decisions takes place at this time. T3 attendees will be encouraged to preview training materials
and formulate questions prior to attending formal training sessions. To keep communication lines open throughout deploy-
ment, our team will maintain a T3 database, which will allow training, updates and materials to communicated effectively.


CBT, focusing on eTS user roles, will be accessible on Carlson’s eTS portal through the Internet 24/7/365 and will be pre-
sented via a compatible web browser. A dedicated training email address and instant messaging will be accessible for
questions and comments from students. This online training will be self-paced and focused on demonstrating key functions
of the software. In addition to presenting key information, students will play an active role by practicing techniques and an-
swering questions designed to reinforce knowledge. This material will also be designed to be user friendly so that
participants are drawn through the process as they study the material.
Student surveys will be included to measure participant reaction and level of learning. This feedback will enable us to, if
necessary, re-structure modules that would best accommodate the majority of the users that it pertains. We will track indi-
vidual IBT usage to provide training information to the T3s. Downloadable materials will also be available for all students.
This will be useful for quick reference purposes and to begin the "Getting Started with eTS" process as end users gain com-
fort with the navigation and menus.


The Carlson eGov Solutions Team will develop a comprehensive Instructor-led training curriculum to support all eTS user
roles for implementation and deployment of an eTS and the web-based application. In addition, this material can be de-
ployed using selected agency personnel. Agency personnel selected as T3 Administrators and attending the classes will be
provided comprehensive hands-on eTS instruction on its operation, use, and functionality. Agency trainers will also learn
how to use our training media, methodologies, and materials to conduct follow-on training classes for users in their respec-
tive organizations. Trainers will be provided instructor planning guides, instructor training guides, and instructor training
The Instructor-led T3 training program will be designed to provide cost-effective, timely, and value-added training. A hall-
mark for accomplishing this will be through the use of web-based virtual classroom experiences. Using our trainers or

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Volume 1 – Technical Approach

agency Administrators, these classes can be taught at the convenience of the end users, who never have to leave their desks
to participate. Cost-effective training will also be realized through an experienced training management and instructional
staff, development of configuration managed materials, and reduced travel and training time. Training will be timely through
coordination with the appropriate federal agency officials and scheduled for delivery to complement agency eTS implemen-
tation and deployment schedules. We will provide T3s with robust materials and tools for easily administering and the
delivering training content and assessments to a dispersed group of end users. Value-added training will result from the use
of state-of-the art instructional training technologies and user-focused training methodologies. The Carlson eGov Solutions
Team world class training experience will provide attendees the training knowledge and tools to help them accomplish their
training goals. We recently provided approximately 100 T3 courses to Government agencies.
¾ Deployment through state-of-the-art web-based virtual classrooms
¾ User Guides accessible and downloadable through the Carlson eGov Solutions eTravel portal via the Internet
¾ User-friendly training applications
¾ Flexible, modular in design, and Use Case architecture which can be adapted in any environment
¾ On-Line Tutorials and Learning Centers
¾ Help Desk assistance (dedicated telephone number, instant messaging via the Web, and a dedicated e-mail address)
¾ T3 database for e-distribution of updates and news.
Our Carlson eGov Solutions Team will conduct agency T3 training as well as training for an agency’s TMC contractor when
and where appropriate in order to further ensure efficient and effective operation of eTS. We will provide details on the train-
ing to agency TMC contractors.


Realistic user roles training materials have been developed with the students and T3 Administrators in mind. This material
will include a subject matter index, application screen captures, practice exercises, and review questions for each user role(s).
Each section was designed to complement the other and provide a synergistic training program including realistic interactive
and robotic exercises. CD-ROMs for CBT manuals/workbooks, user manuals will be produced and provided to all partici-


A separate training class/session will be focused on the system administration functional roles. This class/session will incor-
porate real world setup scenarios that a particular user will encounter with account/client setup issues. The section will
provide useful tips and interactive walkthrough screen shots. This training and downloadable instructions will also be avail-
able via the eTravel portal and accessible via the Internet. Effective training requires the fan-out of common system usage
Subject matter experts who understand the intricacies of the administration system will also be available to this group. This
will ensure that expert resources are always on hand to address questions or concerns. In addition, the Account Manager will
offer ongoing support, either by responding immediately to questions or by conducting the research needed to respond to

Specific on-line, printed, and classroom Business Intelligence and Reporting training is offered to users with associated eTS
user roles. Business Intelligence training focuses on accessing, creating, and using the batch, on-demand, ad-hoc, and OLAP
reporting and querying capabilities of the system including the creation of data extracts and the usage of the Actuate and
Cognos web reporting and data analysis tools. Reporting training focuses on accessing and using the standard Oracle reports
generated by the Carlson eTS Solution to support travel and expense management. The step-by step printed and on-line in-
structional material leads users through accessing the Business Intelligence and Reporting portal modules, using the systems,
and understanding the information contained within generated reports. To promote effective Data Warehouse usage, real-
world custom decision support queries and reports are used.

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Volume 1 – Technical Approach


Supplemental training workshops will also be available for CONUS and OCONUS locations for an additional cost. We will
coordinate these training sessions within thirty days of the implementation of eTS at these facilities unless otherwise speci-
fied by the ordering agency. A minimum of 25 students will be required for this training. The format of these sessions may
be altered to accommodate the needs of the local audience and local equipment at these training facilities.
The quantity and type of personnel selected for the T3 Administrator program and System Administrator training will be
based upon each agency’s desires and user population. The qualifications of personnel selected for this program will have a
direct impact on the successful and timely implementation of the eTS program. Personnel selected for T3 training must pos-
sess the requisite qualifications needed for instructors/trainers if they are to effectively train others. Formal training for T3
personnel will be coordinated with the agency and completed before implementation at any given location as eTS is de-
ployed, completed, the Carlson eGov Solutions Team will collect feedback/training evaluation forms.


WBS #5.0





The Carlson eGov Solutions Team proposes an ASP modeled solution, an approach that minimizes Government investment
in costly infrastructure and application customization while providing a timely and cost effective solution to meet Agency
travel and expense management needs. The business logic is designed according to the Government travel regulations speci-
fications; however, contracting Agencies may still want to implement different business rules within the regulation
guidelines. To accomplish this, the Carlson eTS Solution is designed to enable business rules to be altered using configura-
tion mechanisms that do not require custom development efforts. The Carlson eTS Solution will fully align with and
leverage the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) framework (in accordance with the Federal Enterprise Architecture Pro-
gram Management Office (FEAPMO) and Federal Chief Information Officer (CIO) Council guidance) throughout the
service life.
The following diagram provides a high level view of all major system components as follows:
¾ Users include all Government and Agency personnel that interact with the system. All Government and Agency users
access the application through the Carlson eTS Solution portal via a web browser. Interaction with all other subsystems
is transparent to the user.
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution manages all application content, workflow, business logic, and portal functionality. A com-
mon Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) implementation layer is used to communicate with all external partners,
Government Agency systems, and secondary eTS Solution systems.

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Volume 1 – Technical Approach

¾ Other Government Entities include Government services with which the Carlson eTS Solution interfaces including Per
Diem data, the eAuthentication Gateway, Agency messaging systems, financial systems, and human resources systems.
¾ The Data Warehouse provides business analysis, multi-dimensional reporting, and data mining capabilities against eTS
Solution system data; this system is accessed via the Carlson eTS Solution portal.
¾ Data Archives hold relevant eTS Solution data and documents for 75 months and include all submitted receipt images
and all digitally signed documents.
¾ The Travel Management Center provides fulfillment services to the Carlson eTS Solution application and interfaces with
the Carlson eTS Solution application to perform all necessary operational activities.
¾ The Help Desk provides phone, fax, email, and instant messaging support to Carlson eTS Solution users and manages
the day-to-day eTS operations.
¾ Other External Entities include partners and service providers such as credit card companies, financial institutions, and
solution partners (hosting, fulfillment, security, etc.).
¾ The GDS and booking tool interface provides online booking services into the end-to-end travel and expense manage-
ment solution.
Figure B.5 – 1 presents a high-level conceptual view of the Carlson eTS Solution.
Carlson eTS Solution Overview

Users Government Business Systems Other

y Human Resource Systems Internal
y Finance Systems Resources
y Other Government Systems

EAI Help Desk

eTS Application
y Portal (
FSTA FFTA y Travel & Expense Management Use Cases
y Workflow
y Reporting Security
y Booking
y Content


FAA FAPC GDS External Data
Entities Archives

Figure B.5 – 1

As an ASP, Carlson eGov Solutions Team’s Solution delivers full application functionality to all Government users with
very low technical administration requirements. As such, Government employees can perform all end-to-end travel func-
tions without requiring specialized client software and extensive Agency development, operations, and management teams.
Furthermore, Government travel expenditures are minimized by realizing the cost and operational efficiencies created by
leveraging a centralized common system and infrastructure.

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Volume 1 – Technical Approach

The Carlson eTS Solution first and foremost presents Federal travelers with a complete end-to-end travel and expense man-
agement solution. To accomplish the end-to-end processing of all travel related activities, the eTS provides a workflow
engine that manages all required steps. These workflow activities are presented to users in a straightforward manner via a
front-end portal where users can easily view and manage eTS activities. The security model integrates with both the work-
flow engine and the portal to provide single sign-on capabilities and to ensure that only “need to know” type information is
available to all system users. All core eTS functionality is implemented using J2EE and standard COTS products that im-
plement the J2EE specification.
B.5.1 eTravel Portal (RFP Reference C.6.3.2, C.11)
The Carlson eTS Solution travel portal is seamlessly integrated into the required application functionality and
security model of the Carlson eTS Solution. As such, contracting agencies will have the option to configure the portal func-
tionality, look, and feel to their liking; users will only have access to eTS functional portlets as their security role permits.
No special browser requirements inhibit portal functionality; the eTS application implements the portal based on a standard
Java-based portal framework. Other features include:
¾ The Carlson eTS Solution Federal Travel Management Environment is completely integrated with an eTravel portal that
serves as a gateway to the Carlson eTS Solution application well as providing on-line help, on-line training, and access
to the Business Intelligence. Additional reference modules are also provided for search capability, message posting, and
common document posting.
¾ The portal provides a user and agency configurable portal engine. Users can configure the portal for look and feel and
add optional modules. Agencies can require certain modules, messages, and agency links and policies to be displayed.
¾ The portal includes a search module that indexes content, documents, and regulations. Within the Carlson eTS Solution
application module a traveler’s active authorizations and vouchers are automatically displayed; the user can search for
completed records and other historical activity.
¾ All required Privacy Act notifications and user assent of use and data protection responsibilities are displayed prior to
the user’s authentication to the portal and application functionality.
¾ The portal is enabled with a module that provides message (bulletin) board capabilities. Access to topic specific bulletin
boards, such as contract administration, will be enabled by the user’s role(s) and permissions.
¾ User traveler profile management is integrated into the portal functionality as exposed by the application functionality.
Since the entire portal capability is integrated into the security solution, a user is only able to see and alter the profile
elements assigned to his or her user roles.
¾ A single sign-on is used to access all eTS functionality (utilizing the eAuthentication Gateway as subsequently described
below and in Section 1.4. Security Approach.
¾ Users can proactively interface with the eTravel portal. Our goal is limit drill down capability to “three clicks” for users
to access information.
¾ The eTravel portal accommodates the establishment of links to Governmentwide, GSA, and agency-specific travel-
related web sites, documents, and resources; as well as to pertinent Federal travel policy and information resources (e.g.,
the FTR, per diem information, etc.).
¾ Non-Government travelers will be able to register on the system and route their registration to the appropriate Govern-
ment representative for account approval to support invitational travel in accordance with individual federal agency
B.5.2 eAuthentication (RFP Reference C.6.5.2)
A detailed description of eAuthentication is contained in the Section 1.4 Security Approach.
B.5.3 Web Browser/Client Platform (RFP Reference C.6.5.3)
The client platform is implemented on any standard workstation that can operate Internet Explorer 5.5 and higher or Net-
scape 6.0 and higher. The Carlson eGov Solutions Team will certify alternative browser technologies to meet global usage
requirements if requested by contracting Agencies. Browsers for certification may include Opera, Mozilla, earlier versions
of Netscape and Internet Explorer, and, if necessary, AOL and other ISP customized browsers. The Carlson eTS Solution is
designed to enable the wireless content delivery. Upon Agency requirement, Carlson eGov Solutions Team will build wire-

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less client access through WAP enabled solutions and certify their delivery. Further discussion is contained Section 1.4 Secu-
rity Approach
B.5.4 User Accessibility (RFP Reference C.6.6)
A detailed description of User Accessibility is contained in Section 1.3 Final CONOPS/Use Cases and the VPAT template
located in Appendix C.
B.5.5 Data Architecture
The Carlson eTS Solution has been created using the collective travel experience of Carlson to create a standard set of data
elements necessary to support the travel and financial management needs of Government travelers and business systems.
The common data architecture has been derived through sound business analysis based on Government travel regulations and
processes and the travel industry. Since the data incorporated into the eTS will be used by numerous third-party systems,
Carlson has been very diligent in ensuring that data elements follow industry standards, syntaxes, and vocabularies whenever
The use of common data syntaxes ensures that both the eTS databases and data inputs and outputs maintain data consistency
whenever possible. Ultimately, a common lexicon of Government travel and expense management data elements represents
an evolving standard. To mitigate the risk of this evolving lexicon, the Carlson eTS development team has included Gov-
ernment and Travel industry subject matter experts to ensure that the eTS implements a common data architecture that
provides a common context for the integration of all data.
The preferred format for all data inputs and outputs (data in transit) to the eTS is XML. The Data Management section of
this document further describes the eTS use of XML and other data input and output formats. To drive and adhere to travel
industry standards (Carlson is a member of the Open Travel Alliance (OTA)), the eTS travel elements have been derived
from the OTA and then extended and modified as necessary to create a dictionary of data elements that provides complete
coverage of the Federal Travel Regulations (FTR, JFMIP, and JTR). Carlson will define a common documentation method-
ology for XML schemas and interface formats as part of its Data Management plan. This documentation methodology and
the XML creation process will follow the standards set forth in the Draft Federal XML Developer’s Guide and standards
bodies that govern XML and XML related standards for data semantics, transport, service description, service discovery,
service orchestration, and business processes.
While creation and usage of common data architecture across all interfaces represents a utopian state, Carlson also provides a
complete EAI implementation to aid in the transformation and brokering of all data to all external partners, suppliers, and
consumers. Presentation of the EAI capabilities is provided later in this document.
Defining and refining common data architecture, its contents, and its uses will be a continuous process and one that is incor-
porated into the evolution of the eTS through the technology refresh process. Furthermore, as existing standards bodies and
evolving business-to-business integration mechanisms such as web services and ebXML evolve, the Carlson eTS Solution
will continuously examine the benefits to utilizing these standards.
B.5.6 Application Architecture
The Carlson eTS Solution uses a standard n-tier architecture that separates the following application functions:
¾ Presentation (HTML and JavaScript on the client)
¾ Presentation Logic (JSP/Servlet APIs of J2EE)
¾ Business Logic (EJB (session beans, entity beans, message beans) and native Java APIs of J2EE)
¾ Data Access Logic (JMS, JDBC, & JAXP APIs of J2EE)
¾ Data Storage
Figure B.5 – 2 presents the functions developed and integrated to deliver the complete Carlson eTS Solution (descriptions
follow the diagram):

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eTS Application Architecture

Business Functions

Application Finance & Funds

Travel Authorization Auditing
Administration Management

Travel Authorization Credit Card Account

Travel Booking
Approval Maintenance Maintenance

Travel Voucher Expense Processing Profile Management Travel Fulfillment

Common Functions

Scheduling Supplier Business

Notification Engine Notification Engine
Engine Rules Engine

Customer Business
Workflow Engine Reporting Engine
Rules Engine

Core Functions

Backup & Archival Security Portal Business Intelligence

EAI Data Warehouse Content Management Receipt Imaging

Figure B.5 – 2

Business Functions implement the business logic that is central and unique to all eTS requirements. These functions, derived
from the eTS use cases, are custom built by extending reusable J2EE component frameworks that implement the Common
Functions. These common functions are not unique to the eTS but are reused based on industry standards, reference archi-
tectures, and J2EE design patterns.
Both Business Functions and Common Functions are implemented solely within the Carlson eTS Solution application using a
portal, workflow, and application framework. Common Functions are implemented across Core Functions that provide stan-
dard services such as Enterprise Application Integration, Portal, Content Management, etc. These solutions are delivered via
the usage COTS software packages or custom development solutions depending on requirements.
All functions are built using solutions and standards accepted by Government and industry alike. All technologies used to
implement the eTS are approved “eGov Voluntary Industry Standards” as identified in the eGov Enterprise Architecture
Guidance CRM.
Model TRM Service Industry eTS Implementation
Component Standard
Browser Human Computer HTML Used for all visual presentation of core application func-
Interface tionality including administration and Help Desk
Browser Human Computer DHTML May be used to create any rich content

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Model TRM Service Industry eTS Implementation

Component Standard
Browser on Wireless Human Computer WAP Used to deliver wireless content to mobile devices (e.g.,
Mobile Computing Interface Palm, Pocket PC, Blackberry)
Portal Data Interchange Ser- J2EE Servlet & Portlet - Used to implement Portal components
Requester Applica- Data Interchange Ser- J2EE JSP - Used to dynamically create eTS content
tion vices
Transaction Services Data Interchange Ser- J2EE EJB, Java API’s – Core Business Logic
Content Management Data Management J2EE or WebDAV Depending on content management requirements, a dedi-
cated content management solution using WebDAV will be
Collaboration Network Services SMTP and MIME SMTP will be used for email transmission and MIME for
standard web messaging integration
Business Intelligence Data Management OLAP OLAP is used for the creation of data warehouse data and
metadata used for business intelligence
Analytic and Opera- Data Management JDBC JDBC will be used for all direct application connectivity to
tional Databases operational databases
Common Services Network Services NTP, SNMP, LDAP, NTP will be used for the implementation of synchronized
X.500, XML, XSLT, system clocks used by the eTS security subsystem
SOAP, & WSDL SNMP will be used for device monitoring, alerting, and
system management
LDAP & X.500 will be used for the implementation of
directory services used by eTS security subsystem
XML and XSLT will be used for messaging and configura-
tion formats and to enable enterprise application integration
SOAP and WSDL will be used to implement and define
web services
Common Services Data Interchange Ser- Java WSDP WSDP (Java Web Services Development Pack) will be
vices used for creation of web services
Security Security Services X.509, FIPS 140-1/2, All security standard protocols will be used extensively
FIPS 186, OCSP, throughout the application to ensure broad security compli-
X.509 will be used for the implementation of Federal
Bridge compatible PKI digital certificates
FIPS 140-1 and 140-2 will be used for implementation of
all cryptographic modules used for encryption / decryption
FIPS 186 will be used for implementation of all crypto-
graphic modules used for digital signature
OCSP will be used if an alternative to CRL/CKL checking
is implemented for digital certificate operations
SSL/TLS will be used for Web-based encryption of infor-
mation in transit. TLS will be the preferred protocol, with
SSL used where TLS is not available
SAML will be used to maintain interoperability / enable
data interchange between the eTS authentication solution
and external solutions such as the Government’s e-
Authentication Gateway

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Model TRM Service Industry eTS Implementation

Component Standard
Privacy Human Computer FIPS 140-1, FIPs 140- Privacy protection will be enabled through the standards
Interface / Security 2, SSL/TLS, SAML compliant security mechanisms. Access controls will be
enforced by Operating System security features, LDAP
lookups, and Web Server, Database and individual Applica-
tion controls
FIPS 140-1 and 140-2 will be used to provide NIST-
compliant confidentiality protection through encryption
SSL/TLS will be used to provide confidentiality protection
through Web-based encryption for information in transit.
TLS will be the preferred protocol, with SSL used where
TLS is not available
SAML will be used to maintain exchange identification and
authentication information between external solutions such
as the Government’s e-Authentication Gateway and the
eTS system for access control decisions
Accessibility Human Computer Section 508 Section 508 compliance is included within the application
Records Management Data Management DoD 5015.2 & ISO Data archival standards and procedures
The solution will use emerging standards as requested, necessary, or desired as part of the Carlson eTS Solution systems on-
going development, technology refreshment, and service enhancements. Evaluation of emerging standards, functionality,
and capabilities are an ongoing effort of the technology refresh process.
The Carlson eTS Solution is designed to only require industry standard browser technology. To manage travel sessions and
ensure application performance (the use of JavaScript minimizes internet round trips, thus ensuring usability with minimal
bandwidth requirements and minimal system latency), client-side JavaScript will be used for client-side web form validation.
Session cookies will be used to store session data but will not remain resident on a user’s workstation. Other industry stan-
dard signed plug-ins such as Flash may be used in online training programs or for real-time online user help capabilities.
Implementing Agencies will be provided full disclosure of available technology solutions and will be given the option to use
the technologies as desired.
Implementation of digital signature technology will require the usage of client browser plug-ins in order to sign the data and
presentation as provided to the user. Client certificates must also be used to enable digital signature functionality and must be
managed by the Government’s eAuthentication Gateway or the contracting Agency’s security department.
The Carlson eTS Solution is based on an architecture that provides complete horizontal and vertical scalability within the
solution. As such, capacity will be reviewed and added as necessary to support more than 10,000 concurrent users. All sys-
tem components scale horizontally allowing capacity to be easily added without any downtime to remaining system
components. As volumes increase, the system will be scaled across geographic data centers to ensure complete redundancy
and fail-over capabilities across every system component. The Carlson eTS Solution provides end-to-end network, hardware,
and software monitoring. Ongoing alerting and reporting solutions enable real-time, near real-time and historical under-
standing of system performance characteristics and associated capacity management requirements. All network connectivity
and capacity is monitored by operations staff and managed according to Agency and Government requirements.
Since the eTS is designed with an ASP business model in mind, the system supports all concurrent user requirements even
though those concurrent users could be from different Agencies and could be using different business rules to meet an
Agency’s specific needs.
The Carlson eTS Solution (including the enterprise application interfaces, business logic, portal, and workflow components)
are all J2EE developed and compliant using standard EAI, portal and workflow Java frameworks. The J2EE solution is im-
plemented using standard Java design patterns such as the model-view-controller. Development of the J2EE solution has
been enhanced by using a set of tools that build upon previously deployed Java Frameworks from Carlson’s development

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partner ClearNova. ClearNova has provided a broad tool set for application, portal, security and workflow development;
content management; and instant publishing. The solution is platform agnostic and can be deployed on different J2EE appli-
cation servers. The tool implements many reusable components that enable the Carlson eGov Solutions Team to create new
features and functionality in a rapid application development (RAD) environment.
Our deployment view includes:
¾ Web servers provide thin client access to all relevant user system components including application servers, security
servers, and business intelligence servers. Web servers also provide the web services interface to external partners and
¾ Messaging servers provide email, secure email, and messaging services; the messaging servers interact with the applica-
tion servers and the security servers. The default messaging and configuration format for all files within the system is
¾ Application servers provide all core application, portal, and workflow functionality. The application servers interact
with the web, messaging, security, and Carlson eTS Solution database servers. Custom configuration mechanisms reside
in both application server XML configuration files and database tables.
¾ Security servers provide LDAP, application security, and digital signature services to the entire Carlson eTS Solution
enabling single sign-on for all system functions.
¾ Business Intelligence servers provide data filtering, scrubbing, and transformation services to input data into the data
warehouse and standard reports, extract files, and OLAP cubes for business data mining.
¾ EAI servers provide message oriented middleware, message brokering, and limited process management (process man-
agement is not a limitation of the tool or implementation; the current eTS solution provides process management within
the core application. As integration with contracting agencies begins asynchronous near real-time messaging capabili-
ties may enable further usage of the of the business process management engine).
The Carlson eTS Solution archive stores all required data for 75 months. Figure B.5 – 3 depicts a high-level deployment
view of the Carlson eTS Solution:

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eTS High-Level Deployment View

Web Servers Messaging Servers

(HTTP/S) (SMTP, Secure FTP, S-MIME, etc.)

Application Servers Security Servers

eTS eTS Portal, eTS Application,
Security Policy, Directory, & Digital Security
Operational eTS Reporting, etc.
Signature Database
Database (HTTP/S, J2EE, S/MIME, (LDAP)
(LDAP, X.500, X.509, SAML, etc.)


Business Intelligence
Servers Data
EAI Servers
(Cognos, Actuate) (Oracle, OLAP)

Figure B.5 – 3

The following table defines the hardware and software vendors used to create the Carlson eTS Solution. These components
are deployed within the constructs of the deployment view above.
Device Ven- Technology Configuration
Web Servers Sun Hardened Solaris 8 Load Balanced for scalability and availability. Benefits include:
Sun ONE No experienced downtime for system maintenance or upgrades
Strong security model properly hardened in accordance with US Gov-
ernment (NIS & DISA) guidelines
Application Sun Hardened Solaris 8 Application Clustering for scalability and availability. Benefits include:
Servers Oracle Application Server No experienced downtime for system maintenance or upgrades
9i Stateful fail-over (i.e., if an application server fails, user session informa-
ClearNova ThinkCAP tion is available on another server without any disruption of service or
Framework loss of session data to the user). The user is unaware and unaffected by
ClearNova ThinkCAP Por- any single application server failure.
Tibco Portal

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Device Ven- Technology Configuration

Database Serv- Sun Hardened Solaris 8 Oracle Real Application Clusters for scalability and availability. Benefits
ers Oracle 9i Database include:
Multiple database engines provide scalable performance
Synchronization of database record utilization across multiple server en-
sures data integrity
Strong database security controls permitting access control at the table or
filed level provide the essential capability to secure ad-hoc queries
Security Servers Sun Hardened Solaris 8 Sun ONE Security Server, Netegrity SiteMinder Oblix NetPoint, Gradkell
Sun ONE LDAP Server DBStore
Netegrity SiteMinder Multiple security servers provide reliable, fault-tolerant security services
Oblix NetPoint to include authentication, system-wide single sign-on, directory, and
Gradkell DBStore forms-based digital signature services
EAI Servers Sun Hardened Solaris 8 The Tibco solution includes these products: Business Works, J2EE Server,
Tibco Business Works & and a variety of enterprise adapters and custom adapter software devel-
Add-on Components opment kits.
Business Intel- Sun Hardened Solaris 8 Cognos provides real-time data analytic tools to analyze data warehouse
ligence Servers Actuate & Cognos data and cubes.
Reporting Serv- Sun Hardened Solaris 8 Standard system reports are generated using Oracle Reports.
ers Oracle Reports
ClearNova ThinkCAP
Data Warehouse Sun Hardened Solaris 8 All data warehouse data and metadata is stored in an Oracle 9i Database;
Servers Oracle 9i Database Informatica is used for data scrubbing, transformation, and formatting to
Informatica insert data into the data warehouse in a meaningful format.
Imaging Solu- HP Hardened Windows 2000 The ImageTag solution provides a mechanism through which faxed and
tion ImageTag KwikTag emailed images of receipts can be stored and referenced by the Carlson
eTS Solution system.
The Carlson eTS Solution incorporates the following deployment and architectural principles:
¾ Availability – All technology layers of the solution are designed with high availability in mind by including fully redun-
dant capabilities deployed in robust fail-over configurations that eliminate single points of failure. This includes
redundant telecommunications/networking capabilities supplied by different commercial providers to ensure WAN
availability. All application servers within the Carlson eTS Solution are either load-balanced or clustered to ensure high
¾ Scalability – Quick turnaround for the scaling of any system or application component is designed into the system. The
application is designed and built using J2EE design patterns for the creation of highly scalable solutions. As such, addi-
tional servers can be added to the web tier via load-balancers, the application tier via clustering, and the database tier via
clustering. Using a horizontal scaling model also supports availability by allowing application upgrades to only “down”
portions of the overall system. Consequently, a release migration moves sequentially through each server ensuring that
throughout an upgrade the system is still available to all users.
¾ Reliability – The hosting environment is designed to guarantee reliable operations throughout the system. For example,
by clustering application servers a user’s session state information is stored on two or more servers to ensure that the
loss of one server does not lose the user’s session information.
¾ Security – Security is embedded throughout the system architecture and implementation, beginning with a robust de-
fense in depth design relying on proven technologies and culminating in the incorporation of FIPS-compliant security
mechanisms at the application level to provide specialized security services such as digital signature and encryption. Se-
curity is addressed in further detail in the Security sections of the RFP response.
¾ Monitoring, Alerting, Logging, & Reporting – The hosting environment provides complete coverage of all components
to ensure real-time, near real-time, and historical understanding of all system states.
B.5.7 Technology Architecture
As the application and hosting provider of eTS, the Carlson eGov Solutions Team has assembled a team of partners to pro-
vide hosting services that meet and exceed Government eTS Solution requirements. As depicted in Figure B.5 – 4, hosting

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addresses the operations and capabilities of the data center; the network; the operating platform including servers, operating
system, and foundation software (backup, anti-virus, security, monitoring, etc.); and application server software including
web, application, database, and security software. On top of all these components resides the Carlson eTS Solution applica-
Supporting each layer within the stack, are operational disciplines and competencies to address all current and future applica-
tion hosting needs. For example, security management is relevant to the data center for building access, to the network for
administration access, to the operating system for administration access, and to the application for user role access and man-
agement. The hosting life cycle represents the methods through which customers are integrated into the system, maintained
on the system, and delivered meaningful information regarding the state of their system. Using the life cycle model, the
Carlson eTS Solution can rapidly integrate new customers and continuously service their needs.
eTS Hosting Stack

The Carlson developed eTravel Services

application utlizing all stack components below.

Application server software including web servers
(Sun ONE, Apache, etc.), application servers
(WebLogic, etc.), messaging servers, security
Software Infrastructure servers, EAI servers, etc.

UNIX & Windows 2000 server hardware, operating

system, & foundation software and services
Platform Infrastructure
(monitoring, backup, security, installation &
configuration procedures, etc.)

Network Infrastructure
Extranet, Intranet, and Internet hosting
infrastructures, campus backbone, server farms,
IVR's, call center, ACD, etc.
Data Center Infrastructure

Electricity, HVAC, Building Maintenance, Physical

Security, UPS, Racking & Cabling, etc.

Figure B.5 – 4

Figure B.5 – 5 presents the operations life cycle through which the Carlson eGov Solutions Team works with customers and
application developers. The life cycle constitutes a complete point-in-time view of activities that impact the customer appli-
cation at any given time.

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eTS Operational Life Cycle

Customer Management Program Management Operations Management

GSA Program Management Program Management Operations Management

y Project Management (PMI Based) (ITIL Based)
y Change Management y Project Management y Security Management
y Risk Management y Change Management y Availability Management
y Implementation Management y Risk Management y Change Management
y Program Integration y Asset Procurement
y Quality Management y Capacity Management
y Procurement Management y Configuration Management
y Human Resource Management y Contingency Management
y Cost Management y Financial Management
y Time & Schedule Management y Technical Help Desk
y Scope Management y Problem Management
y Release Management
Program y Service Level Management
Management y Service Request Process

Agency Program Management Program Changes

y Project Management
y Change Management
y Risk Management

Program eTS
Management Operations
Office 24x7x365
Program Customer Deliverables

Program Management provides dedicated Program Management provides dedicated Operations Management provides disciplined
customer and product services to meeting customer and product services to meeting management of all hosted components to
existing and future customer and application existing and future customer and application ensure complete operational coverage of the
needs. Program Management is covered in- needs. Program Management is covered in- entire system. By utilizing the above
depth in the Management Approach. depth in the Management Approach. operational disciplines based on ITIL and
creating appropriate processes and
procedures using Six Sigma, Carlson offers a
highly efficient and effective hosting

Figure B.5 – 5


The Carlson eTS Solution is hosted at two geographically distinct data centers with two separate hosting providers. All data
center facilities provide industry leading services including 24/7/365 on-site management of a physically secure data center
with restricted access control points and card key access systems. The facility is provisioned with redundant power feeds;
dual backup generators; redundant and load balanced power distribution units; fire protection and suppression systems; and
redundant HVAC systems. The Carlson eTS Solution resides in two geographically separate data centers providing geo-
graphic fail-over capabilities to ensure uninterrupted operation should a catastrophic event occur at one data center. Please

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note that all security elements concerning the Carlson eTS Solution system are addressed in the security section of the re-
The network implements a fully redundant configuration with no single points of failure. To do so, the Carlson eTS Solution
data centers employ two distinct telecommunications vendors who provision Internet and frame access on opposite ends of
each facility. Within the network, a self-healing network service ring is implemented on two separate fiber rings. All net-
work appliance devices are configured in redundant configurations including the switching fabric, firewalls, SSL
accelerators, and load balancers.
All software product releases, including the operating system, foundation software (backup, anti-virus, monitoring, etc.), and
application server engines (databases, web servers, application servers, security software, etc.) are certified to ensure stabil-
ity, interoperability, and security. Consequently, all servers using a software component have the same certified image of
that software installed.
All hardware products are certified using a similar method as software including the recertification of all software products
that operate on the hardware device. These procedures ensure the ongoing stability, security, and manageability of the over-
all eTS.
Foundation services provided within the hardware and software management layer include disk backups, tape backups, and
cross data center log shipping; enterprise anti-virus protection; and complete support of monitoring, alerting, logging, and
reporting systems. Foundation services are built on industry standard products from BMC, HP, Veritas, Remedy, Symantec,
Microsoft, Sun, and Oracle.
Application server products adhere to the same certification procedures as any platform software components. However,
since application server components may require customization to meet application needs, the software is managed using
standard operations procedures. For example, a database group provides on going design, development, administration, and
support capabilities to database application software.
The Operations and Support staffs provide support for Operations, Systems Management, Scheduling Management, Software
Distribution and environmental monitoring. Each member of the support staff attends more than 40 hours of on-going train-
ing per year. They also have completed training on the ITIL processes, and many of the staff are certified green belts in Six
Sigma process improvements.
For example, change management procedures enforce a rigorous implementation standard ensuring that production changes
have been thoroughly tested, reviewed and approved by multiple operational and managerial personnel. These procedures
include disciplined code version construction and the maintenance of isolated development, quality assurance, user accep-
tance, and production environments.
The eTS hosting solution maintains customer relationship, account management, engineering, development, and architecture
staff to manage and chart future application and technology direction. Engineering and architecture personnel work with
customers and vendors to chart technology refreshment requirements, future software releases, configuration management,
and technology solution development. Please refer to Volume 2 Management Approach of this Proposal for additional man-
agement roles that fall under business operations.
The capabilities listed in the Operations Management box of the diagram represent the operational disciplines as defined by
the ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library). These processes are used throughout the world for establishing
ongoing operational excellence in a hosted environment.


Diagram # presents a proposed hosting architecture/topology for the fully deployed eTS Solution. As demonstrated in the
diagram, the eTS is architected to enable horizontal scaling at all application tiers and for all system components. Features of
the hosted environment include:
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¾ Full component and data center redundancy for all critical on-line components.
¾ Both data centers are designed with fully redundant network server farm architecture.
¾ Both hosting centers store all tape backup’s offsite.
¾ Data Center systems are isolated in cipher locked caged physical barriers.
¾ All internal IP addresses are NATed across external networks
¾ Data Interfaces accomplished over public networks use VPN to secure transmission
Note: The initial implementation of the eTS will make efficient use of common sets of hardware and infrastructure. Figure
B.5 – 6 is used to denote the scalability and reliability capabilities of a fully operational and used system.

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Carlson eTS - Production Physical Architecture & Topology

Data Center - Minneapolis, Minnesota Data Center - Phoenix, Arizona
QA & Production Environments LDAP Production Environment

Log Shipping

Operations Data Operations Reporting &

Data Archive Data
RAC Cluster


Database Database Data Warehouse LDAP Database EAI Receipt Images LDAP
RAC Cluster
Server Server Server

Cluster Cluster

Database Database Database Database Database Database

Server Server Server Server Server Server

cluster cluster cluster cluster cluster

Application Application Application Application Application Security Application Application Application Application Application Security
Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server

Load Balancers Internet Firewalls Internet Firewalls Load Balancers

Load Balancers Load Balancers

Web Server Web Server Web Server Web Server


Load Balancers Web Server Web Server Agency eTS Web Server Web Server Load Balancers

Extranet Firewalls Load Balancers Load Balancers Extranet Firewalls


Routers Routers Internet Firewalls Routers Routers Internet Firewalls Routers Routers

Carlson eTS
Global Network

Frame Relay
Carlson Help Desk Centers
3rd Party TMC
Agency 1

Carlson eTS Contracting Agency
Huntsville, Alabama Business Systems
Booking Engine

Agency eTS Booking Engine

Carlson eTS Users
Help Desk

Agency 2

Carlson GDS
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Technology Contracting Agency
Help Desk Business Systems


Carlson Travel
Help Desk San Antonio, Texas Agency eTS eAuthentication
Users Gateway

Figure B.5 – 6
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B.6 Security Approach (RFP Reference E., Item 4; E.6.1 Factor 4)

WBS # 6.0




Please refer to Section 1.4 Security Approach for a complete description of how Carlson proposes to protect and maintain the
integrity of Government data in the eTS.

B.7 Data Management Approach (RFP Reference E., Item 5; E.6.1 Factor 5)

WBS #7.0




Please refer to Section 1.5 Data Management Approach for a complete description of how Carlson’s approach to data, inte-
gration, and information management.

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Note: Italic text was provided by Government

Summary Table
Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

Criteria Supporting Features Remarks and Explanations

Section 1194.21 Supported; please refer to attached All criteria apply for elements of the
VPAT. eTS that are non-web browser based,
SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS AND including, but not limited to: plug-
OPERATING SYSTEMS ins, Java applets, downloaded con-
tent, and administrative and
management software.
The contractor shall either build all
accessibility features in, or develop a
solution that is compatible with assis-
tive technology.

Section 1194.22 Supported; please refer to attached All criteria shall apply for web-based
VPAT. elements of the eTS. Criteria (d)
WEB-BASED INTERNET means that pages that refer to style
INFORMATION AND APPLICATIONS sheets should “degrade gracefully” if
the user chooses to disable style sheet
support, although eTS users are re-
quired to use a modern browser that
supports CSS (Cascading Style

Section 1194.23 Supported; please refer to attached Criteria (a), (b), (c), and (d) apply
VPAT. for phone based support elements of
TELECOMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS the eTS. If the vendor’s solution in-
cludes special telephone equipment
for the hearing impaired, criteria (f)
and (g) shall also apply.

Section 1194.24 Supported; please refer to attached Criteria (c), (d), and (e) shall apply
VPAT. for multi-media training products
VIDEO AND MULTI-MEDIA provided as part of the eTS.

Section 1194.25 Not applicable. If kiosks or other self-contained,

closed products are proposed as part
SELF-CONTAINED, CLOSED of the eTS, then all criteria listed in
PRODUCTS Section 1194.25 shall apply to those

Section 1194.26 Not applicable. Contract requirements for the eTS do

not include Desktop and Portable
DESKTOP AND PORTABLE Computers, so these criteria are not
COMPUTERS applicable.

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Summary Table
Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

Section 1194.31 Supported; please refer to attached All criteria in Section 1194.31 shall
VPAT. apply for technologies that are not
FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE included in any of the above Sections
CRITERIA (1194.21-1194.26) or where eTS
meets a particular criterion in those
Sections through equivalent facilita-
tion (as defined in Section 1194.5).

Section 1194.21 Software Applications and Operating Systems - Detail

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

Criteria Supporting Features Remarks and explanations

Fully Supported The Carlson eTS application

(a) When software is designed to run on a system enables complete navigation
that has a keyboard, product functions shall be ex- A signed plug-in or applet may
of application components
ecutable from a keyboard where the function itself be required for digital signa-
via the keyboard.
or the result of performing a function can be dis- tures, business intelligence
cerned textually. features, receipt imaging, and
training functionality.

(b) Applications shall not disrupt or disable acti- Fully Supported The Carlson eTS does not
vated features of other products that are identified adversely impact or alter any
as accessibility features, where those features are accessibility features of the
developed and documented according to industry operating system or other in-
standards. Applications also shall not disrupt or stalled software.
disable activated features of any operating system
that are identified as accessibility features where
the application programming interface for those
accessibility features has been documented by the
manufacturer of the operating system and is avail-
able to the product developer.

Fully Supported The Carlson eTS plug-ins

provide a well-defined on-
(c) A well-defined on-screen indication of the cur-
screen indication of item fo-
rent focus shall be provided that moves among
cus as provided by standard
interactive interface elements as the input focus
browser interfaces. Assistive
changes. The focus shall be programmatically ex-
Technologies can track focus
posed so that Assistive Technology can track focus
and focus changes as they
and focus changes.
move through screen compo-

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Section 1194.21 Software Applications and Operating Systems - Detail

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

Fully Supported The Carlson eTS provides all

necessary information for as-
(d) Sufficient information about a user interface
sistive technology to verify
element including the identity, operation and state
the identity, operation, and
of the element shall be available to Assistive
state of a plug-in interface
Technology. When an image represents a program
component. The eTS pro-
element, the information conveyed by the image
vides alternate text where
must also be available in text.
images are presented wher-
ever applicable.
(e) When bitmap images are used to identify con- Fully Supported The Carlson eTS uses a con-
trols, status indicators, or other programmatic sistent set of bitmap images
elements, the meaning assigned to those images across component and web
shall be consistent throughout an application's per- application navigation.

(f) Textual information shall be provided through Fully Supported

operating system functions for displaying text. The
minimum information that shall be made available
is text content, text input caret location, and text

(g) Applications shall not override user selected Fully Supported

contrast and color selections and other individual
display attributes.

Supported with Minor Ex- The Carlson eTS CBT train-

ceptions ing provides an animated
(h) When animation is displayed, the information
training option; training is
shall be displayable in at least one non-animated
also presented in an alternate
presentation mode at the option of the user.
non-animated format using
static images.

(i) Color coding shall not be used as the only Fully Supported
means of conveying information, indicating an ac-
tion, prompting a response, or distinguishing a
visual element.

(j) When a product permits a user to adjust color Not Applicable

and contrast settings, a variety of color selections
capable of producing a range of contrast levels
shall be provided.

(k) Software shall not use flashing or blinking text, Not Applicable
objects, or other elements having a flash or blink
frequency greater than 2 Hz and lower than 55 Hz.

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Section 1194.21 Software Applications and Operating Systems - Detail

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

(l) When electronic forms are used, the form shall Fully Supported
allow people using Assistive Technology to access
the information, field elements, and functionality
required for completion and submission of the
form, including all directions and cues.

Section 1194.22 Web-based Internet information and applications - Detail

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

Criteria Supporting Features Remarks and explanations

(a) A text equivalent for every Fully Supported A text equivalent is provided for
non-text element shall be pro- all non-text elements (e.g. graph-
vided (e.g., via "alt", "longdesc", ics).
or in element content).

(b) Equivalent alternatives for any Fully Supported Any multimedia presentations
multimedia presentation shall be (e.g. training presentations) will
synchronized with the presenta- be offered in a fully equivalent
tion. presentation.

(c) Web pages shall be designed Fully Supported Color is used to enhance the user
so that all information conveyed experience in the eTS; not having
The Carlson eTS web application
with color is also available with- color does not take away from the
presentation is independent of
out color, for example from functionality or usability of the
color context and/or markup.
context or markup. eTS.

(d) Documents shall be organized Fully Supported Style sheets are used to enhance
so they are readable without re- the user experience in E2; not
The design of the Carlson eTS
quiring an associated style sheet. having a style sheet does not take
uses Cascading Style Sheets
away from the functionality or
(CSS) that have been designed to
usability of E2.
degrade gracefully if a user
chooses not use the included style

(e) Redundant text links shall be Not Applicable

provided for each active region of
a server-side image map.

(f) Client-side image maps shall Not Applicable

be provided instead of server-side
image maps except where the re-
gions cannot be defined with an
available geometric shape.

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Section 1194.22 Web-based Internet information and applications - Detail

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

(g) Row and column headers shall Fully Supported The Carlson eTS provides row
be identified for data tables. and column headers on all data

(h) Markup shall be used to asso- Fully Supported

ciate data cells and header cells
The Carlson eTS uses the “scope”
for data tables that have two or
tag to mark data cells belonging
more logical levels of row or col-
to column or row headers.
umn headers.

(i) Frames shall be titled with text Not Applicable

that facilitates frame identifica-
tion and navigation

(j) Pages shall be designed to Fully Supported The current E2 does not manipu-
avoid causing the screen to flicker late the screen to flicker a
with a frequency greater than 2 frequency greater than 2 Hz and
Hz and lower than 55 Hz. lower than 55 Hz.

(k) A text-only page, with equiva- Supported with Minor Excep- If a situation arises where a text-
lent information or functionality, tions only page is necessary, the Carl-
shall be provided to make a web son eTS can be easily updated to
site comply with the provisions of provide a text-only alternative.
this part, when compliance cannot
be accomplished in any other
way. The content of the text-only
page shall be updated whenever
the primary page changes.

(l) When pages utilize scripting Fully Supported All interface elements in the Carl-
languages to display content, or son eTS can be read by all current
to create interface elements, the Assistive Technologies.
information provided by the script
shall be identified with functional
text that can be read by Assistive

(m) When a web page requires Fully Supported

that an applet, plug-in or other
application be present on the cli-
ent system to interpret page
content, the page must provide a
link to a plug-in or applet that
complies with §1194.21(a)
through (l).

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Section 1194.22 Web-based Internet information and applications - Detail

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

(n) When electronic forms are Fully Supported All forms in the Carlson eTS use
designed to be completed on-line, the “label” tag to identify the
the form shall allow people using names of form elements.
Assistive Technology to access
the information, field elements,
and functionality required for
completion and submission of the
form, including all directions and

(o) A method shall be provided Fully Supported

that permits users to skip repeti-
The design of the Carlson eTS
tive navigation links.
allows users to skip repetitive
navigation links.

(p) When a timed response is re- Fully Supported

quired, the user shall be alerted
The current implementation of the
and given sufficient time to indi-
Carlson eTS notifies the user of a
cate more time is required.
session time-out after 15 minutes
of inactivity.

Note to 1194.22: The Board interprets paragraphs (a) through (k) of this section as consistent with the following priority 1
Checkpoints of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (WCAG 1.0) (May 5 1999) published by the Web Accessibil-
ity Initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium: Paragraph (a) - 1.1, (b) - 1.4, (c) - 2.1, (d) - 6.1, (e) - 1.2, (f) - 9.1, (g) -
5.1, (h) - 5.2, (i) - 12.1, (j) - 7.1, (k) - 11.4.

Section 1194.23 Telecommunications Products - Detail

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

Criteria Supporting Features Remarks and explanations

(a) Telecommunications products or Fully Supported The Carlson eTS use of Avaya
systems which provide a function CALLMASTER® IV terminals en-
All Carlson eTS call centers (te-
allowing voice communication and sure compliance for TTY and
lephony enabled points of contact)
which do not themselves provide a intermix use through a variety of
support industry standard TTY ca-
TTY functionality shall provide a available configurations including
standard non-acoustic connection analog line use, carbon-microphone
point for TTYs. Microphones shall headsets, and system muting capa-
be capable of being turned on and bilities.
off to allow the user to intermix
speech with TTY use.

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Section 1194.23 Telecommunications Products - Detail

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

(b) Telecommunications products Fully Supported The Carlson eTS use of Avaya
which include voice communication CALLMASTER® IV terminals
All Carlson eTS call centers (te-
functionality shall support all com- conform to this standard by support-
lephony enabled points of contact)
monly used cross-manufacturer ing the U.S. standard Baudot TTY
support industry standard TTY sig-
non-proprietary standard TTY sig- signaling protocol.
naling protocols (Baudot).
nal protocols.

(c) Voice mail, auto-attendant, and Fully Supported The Carlson eTS IVRU (Interactive
interactive voice response telecom- Voice Response Unit) enables TTY
munications systems shall be usable usage.
by TTY users with their TTYs.

(d) Voice mail, messaging, auto- Fully Supported The Carlson eTS IVRU (Interactive
attendant, and interactive voice re- Voice Response Unit) scripts pro-
sponse telecommunications systems vide warning and extension options
that require a response from a user to all users. If a user provides no
within a time interval, shall give an input to the IVRU, the caller will
alert when the time interval is about automatically be transferred to an
to run out, and shall provide suffi- agent for assistance.
cient time for the user to indicate
more time is required.

(e) Where provided, caller identifi- Not Applicable

cation and similar
telecommunications functions shall
also be available for users of TTYs,
and for users who cannot see dis-

(f) For transmitted voice signals, Fully Supported The Avaya terminals themselves
telecommunications products shall provide a user-adjustable amplitude
Avaya CALLMASTER® IV termi-
provide a gain adjustable up to a range of 21 dB. (Specifically, with
nals conform to this standard when
minimum of 20 dB. For incre- reference to the typical “normal”
used in conjunction with the headset
mental volume control, at least one setting, users may increase the am-
adapter described below.
intermediate step of 12 dB of gain plitude by up to 12 dB, or decrease
shall be provided. it by up to 9 dB.) When the
CALLMASTER IV is used with
headsets, the headset adapter rec-
ommended by Avaya (shown in the
Avaya catalog as a “Prong Base
Unit”) provides its own amplitude
adjustment mechanism and auto-
matic gain control. When used in
conjunction with the Prong Base
Unit headset adapter,
CALLMASTER IV terminals con-
form to all components of this

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Section 1194.23 Telecommunications Products - Detail

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

(g) If the telecommunications prod- Fully Supported When administering Avaya

uct allows a user to adjust the DEFINITY® PBX’s for use with
Avaya CALLMASTER® IV termi-
receive volume, a function shall be CALLMASTER® IV terminals, one
nals conform to this standard when
provided to automatically reset the of three volume reset behaviors may
administered appropriately on the
volume to the default level after be specified: do nothing, return to
associated Avaya DEFINITY®
every use. “nominal” at the end of each call, or
return to “nominal” when the agent
disconnects his or her headset from
the terminal.

(h) Where a telecommunications

product delivers output by an audio
transducer which is normally held
Not Applicable
up to the ear, a means for effective
magnetic wireless coupling to hear-
ing technologies shall be provided.

(i) Interference to hearing technolo-

gies (including hearing aids,
cochlear implants, and assistive lis-
tening devices) shall be reduced to
Not Applicable
the lowest possible level that allows
a user of hearing technologies to
utilize the telecommunications

(j) Products that transmit or conduct Not Applicable

information or communication, shall
pass through cross-manufacturer,
non-proprietary, industry-standard
codes, translation protocols, formats
or other information necessary to
provide the information or commu-
nication in a usable format.
Technologies which use encoding,
signal compression, format trans-
formation, or similar techniques
shall not remove information
needed for access or shall restore it
upon delivery.

(k)(1) Products which have me- Not Applicable

chanically operated controls or keys
shall comply with the following:
Controls and Keys shall be tactilely
discernible without activating the
controls or keys.

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Section 1194.23 Telecommunications Products - Detail

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

(k)(2) Products which have me- Not Applicable

chanically operated controls or keys
shall comply with the following:
Controls and Keys shall be operable
with one hand and shall not require
tight grasping, pinching, twisting of
the wrist. The force required to acti-
vate controls and keys shall be 5 lbs.
(22.2N) maximum.

(k)(3) Products which have me- Not Applicable

chanically operated controls or keys
shall comply with the following: If
key repeat is supported, the delay
before repeat shall be adjustable to
at least 2 seconds. Key repeat rate
shall be adjustable to 2 seconds per

(k)(4) Products which have me- Not Applicable

chanically operated controls or keys
shall comply with the following:
The status of all locking or toggle
controls or keys shall be visually
discernible, and discernible either
through touch or sound.

Section 1194.24 Video and Multi-media Products - Detail

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

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Section 1194.24 Video and Multi-media Products - Detail

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template
Criteria Supporting Features Remarks and explanations

a) All analog television displays 13 Not Applicable

inches and larger, and computer
equipment that includes analog
television receiver or display cir-
cuitry, shall be equipped with
caption decoder circuitry which ap-
propriately receives, decodes, and
displays closed captions from
broadcast, cable, videotape, and
DVD signals. As soon as practica-
ble, but not later than July 1, 2002,
widescreen digital television (DTV)
displays measuring at least 7.8
inches vertically, DTV sets with
conventional displays measuring at
least 13 inches vertically, and stand-
alone DTV tuners, whether or not
they are marketed with display
screens, and computer equipment
that includes DTV receiver or dis-
play circuitry, shall be equipped
with caption decoder circuitry
which appropriately receives, de-
codes, and displays closed captions
from broadcast, cable, videotape,
and DVD signals.

(b) Television tuners, including Not Applicable

tuner cards for use in computers,
shall be equipped with secondary
audio program playback circuitry.

(c) All training and informational Fully Supported Video oriented training material will
video and multimedia productions include support for open and closed
The Carlson eTS training technolo-
which support the agency's mission, captioning.
gies (e.g. Centra & Flash) and
regardless of format, that contain
productions support a variety of
speech or other audio information
ways to present both visual and au-
necessary for the comprehension of
dio information.
the content, shall be open or closed

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Section 1194.24 Video and Multi-media Products - Detail

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

(d) All training and informational Fully Supported All visual information contained in
video and multimedia productions training material will be audio de-
The Carlson eTS training technolo-
which support the agency's mission, scribed.
gies and productions support
regardless of format, that contain
provide audio described visual con-
visual information necessary for the
comprehension of the content, shall
be audio described.
Fully Supported
(e) Display or presentation of alter-
eTS trainers or productions can de-
nate text presentation or audio
scribe slides or use text chat to write
descriptions shall be user-selectable
descriptions as needed to support par-
unless permanent.
ticipants with special needs

Section 1194.31 Functional Performance Criteria - Detail

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

CRITERIA Supporting Features Remarks and explanations

(a) At least one mode of operation Supported with Minor Exceptions Carlson does not provide any assis-
and information retrieval that does tive software necessary to provide
The Carlson eTS inherently supports
not require user vision shall be pro- audio translation of the eTS web ap-
information retrieval with no vision
vided, or support for Assistive plication; however, the eTS is
requirements through IVRU and
Technology used by people who are designed to be fully compliant with
agent assisted transactions.
blind or visually impaired shall be third-party assistive technologies that
provided. can enable information retrieval from
the application (e.g. screen readers
that present information through au-

(b) At least one mode of operation Supported with Minor Exceptions No assistive technologies are deliv-
and information retrieval that does ered with the eTS; however, third
The Carlson eTS inherently supports
not require visual acuity greater than party assistive technologies will
information retrieval with low vision
20/70 shall be provided in audio and work with the eTS to provide the re-
requirements via screen magnifying
enlarged print output working to- quired capabilities.
and screen reading assistive tech-
gether or independently, or support
for Assistive Technology used by
people who are visually impaired
shall be provided.

(c) At least one mode of operation Fully Supported Usage of the standard Carlson eTS
and information retrieval that does enables this capability.
not require user hearing shall be
provided, or support for Assistive
Technology used by people who are
deaf or hard of hearing shall be pro-

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Section 1194.31 Functional Performance Criteria - Detail

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

(d) Where audio information is im- Supported with Minor Exceptions Carlson will provide assistive hear-
portant for the use of a product, at ing devices for classroom training
For training type scenarios where
least one mode of operation and in- but is unable to provide assistive
audio content is critical, audio en-
formation retrieval shall be provided auditory technologies for audio con-
hanced solutions will be provided
in an enhanced auditory fashion, or tent delivered via the internet. The
through assistive hearing devices.
support for assistive hearing devices eTS will support third party assistive
shall be provided. technologies resident on a user’s ma-

(e) At least one mode of operation Fully Supported

and information retrieval that does
not require user speech shall be pro-
vided, or support for Assistive
Technology used by people with
disabilities shall be provided.

(f) At least one mode of operation Supported with Minor Exceptions The capability to use the application
and information retrieval that does in this capacity is enabled through
The Carlson eTS implements a stan-
not require fine motor control or si- the user’s access to the appropriate
dard web application architecture
multaneous actions and that is assistive technology product(s).
that enables users equipped with the
operable with limited reach and
appropriate assistive technologies to
strength shall be provided.
use the application as delivered.

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Please note: Proposal references to A, B, C, D, E, and F refer to Appendices A through F in Volume 1, Technical Approach.

RFP Reference Proposal Reference

C.3.2.1 Types of Travel – Requirements
1. Temporary duty (TDY) travel (including foreign and domestic); 1.2.1
2. Local travel; 1.2.1
3. Long term TDY and long term local travel (including foreign and do-
4. Invitational travel; and 1.2.1
5. Non-Federally sponsored travel. 1.2.1
C.3.3.1 Services – Requirements
1. The Contractor shall supply all services and support capabilities re-
quired to host and deploy the eTS solution to Federal agencies.
2. The Contractor shall deliver the eTS via a web-based, self-service en-
vironment supplemented with phone, fax, person-to-person, and other 1.2.2
customer support modalities as applicable.
3. The Contractor shall be responsible to determine detailed specifica-
tions necessary to meet or exceed the mandatory requirements and 1.2.2
objectives described herein;
4. Contractor services, resources, and capabilities required under this
SOO shall include, but may not be limited to:
a) Information technology services and support capabilities; 1.2.2
b) Federal travel process and Federal travel management ex-
c) Web-based reservation service (online booking engine); 1.2.2
d) Implementation planning and support for Federal agencies; 1.2.2
e) Training for all eTS user roles; and 1.2.2
f) Customer support (including eTS functional support, techni-
cal support for related IT problems, and assistance with travel 1.2.2
C.6.1.1 Basic Capabilities and Characteristics – Requirements
1. The eTS shall provide a web-based, end-to-end travel management
environment to plan, authorize, arrange, process, and manage official 1.2.3
Federal travel;
2. The eTS shall support all Federal travel processes including, but not
limited to, travel planning and cost estimating, travel authorization,
booking of travel reservations and travel arrangements, fil- 1.2.3
ing/processing/approval of official travel claims, travel reporting and
business intelligence; travel-related data exchange, etc.;
3. The eTS shall present all services, functionality, and user support
through a single World Wide Web (WWW) Uniform Resource Loca-
tor (URL) portal. At its discretion, the Government will provide an
appropriate “.gov” URL for the Contractor’s eTravel portal, or estab-
lish a link from another “.gov” website to the Contractor’s eTravel

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RFP Reference Proposal Reference

4. The eTS shall provide web-based delivery of services and data ex-
change with access and input possible by all users and approving 1.2.3
officials at their official station and remote locations;
5. The eTS shall provide the capability to centrally manage the Federal
travel procedures through a common, configurable, customer-centric, 1.2.3
self-service, web-based environment;
6. The eTS shall allow policy updates to be made in real-time, and allow
travel policy to be administered with or without exceptions at the Fed- 1.2.3
eral agencies’ option;
7. The eTS shall provide access to and control of all Government pre-
ferred travel suppliers and negotiated rates for booking travel 1.2.3
8. The eTS shall maintain the order of precedence for executing travel
steps (i.e., authorization must precede a voucher, etc.) and adequate
separation of duties (e.g., for trip approval, travel voucher approval,
and travel voucher payment);
9. The eTS shall provide controls to prevent the creation of duplicate
travel documents;
10. The eTS shall provide for an audit trail on historical data that identi-
fies input, correction, amendment, cancellation and approval;
11. The eTS shall provide a standard data input/output to support the ex-
change of data with agency business systems (e.g., financial, human
resources, etc.), including the capability for near real-time travel- 1.2.3
related transactions (e.g., funds availability checking, traveler profile
creation or updates, etc.); and
12. The eTS Contractor shall be required to work and coordinate with
Government subject matter experts and other travel partners (e.g., the
vendor for the FedTrip online reservation system; TMCs; etc.) to in-
tegrate and deploy the eTS.
13. The Government shall own all federal data generated by and/or stored
in the eTS.
14. The eTS shall allow Government policies, business rules, vendor con-
tract parameters, permissions, and profiles to be updated without the 1.2.3
need for programming.
C.6.1.2 Basic Capabilities and Characteristics – Objectives (listed in
order of descending importance)
1. The eTS should provide a common, streamlined travel management
service available Governmentwide that automates and fully integrates 1.2.3
Federal travel management functions;
2. The eTS should provide a common, consolidated travel process at a
Governmentwide level with configurability at the department, agency,
and subordinate organization levels within the limits allowed by the
applicable travel regulations;
3. The eTS should provide a consistent, web-based, self-service envi-
ronment with an intuitive graphical user interface and sufficient
system prompts, clearly understandable dialog boxes, and informative 1.2.3
messages to guide users through logical, sequential processes and col-
lect all necessary information within all functionalities and modules;

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4. The eTS should provide web-based administration of travel policy
with configurable business rules (e.g., Governmentwide, agency level,
executive employee policy, staff employee policy, etc.) for all appli-
cable functionalities;
5. The eTS should utilize automated routing, workflow, messaging, and
6. The eTS should provide comment fields and local fields within all
functionalities to support organization- and agency-specific business 1.2.3
processes and audit requirements;
7. The eTS should support the use of personal charge/credit cards where
8. Offerors should take advantage of and use appropriate commercial
standards wherever possible to streamline the acquisition, enhance in-
teroperability, and reduce costs provided that all mandatory
requirements stated herein are met or exceeded;
9. Offerors should support establishment of Federal eTravel standards,
incorporating appropriate commercial and government best practices 1.2.3
into their eTS solutions; and
10. The eTS should provide support for wireless and personal digital as-
sistant (PDA) devices.
C.6.2.1 Policy Compliance – Requirements
1. Comply with the FTR and other applicable Federal travel regulations
in effect on the date of contract award and any subsequent amend-
ments thereto on their effective date unless otherwise specified by the
2. Comply with 6 FAM Volume 100 regulations in effect on the date of
contract award for TDY travel of Foreign Service and other applicable
classes of Federal travelers, and comply with any subsequent amend-
ments thereto on their effective date unless otherwise specified by the
3. Meet the accessibility requirements of 36 CFR 1194 specified herein
to the maximum extent possible with supplies, services, techniques, or
assistive technologies that are available in the commercial market-
place in time to meet the delivery requirements of this solicitation; and
4. Comply with the mandatory JFMIP Travel System Requirements in
effect on the date of contract award and as may be modified herein,
and comply with any subsequent revisions thereto on their effective
date unless otherwise specified by the Government.
C. User Roles, Use Cases and Account Access – Requirements
1. Offerors shall use Attachment 6, Notional eTravel Service Use Cases,
as the foundation from which user roles, detailed use cases, and the, B.2.2
eTS Concept of Operations (CONOPS) is developed;
2. Offerors shall determine and analyze Federal travel requirements in
order to establish the eTS Concept of Operations (CONOPS), user, B.2.2
roles, and use cases;
3. Offerors shall ensure that the eTS supports establishment of user ac-, B.2.2
counts with specific permissions and access rights; and

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4. Offerors shall ensure that the eTS prevents intentional or inadvertent
access to data and functionality not specifically associated with par-, B.2.2
ticular user roles, accounts, and related permissions.
5. Offerors shall define data element access for all user roles to meet
role-specific functionality, Privacy Act, and other security capabilities, B.2.2
and characteristics defined herein.
C. User Roles, Use Cases and Account Access – Objectives
(listed in order of descending importance)
1. Offerors should address all business travel processes outlined in the
eTravel Business Process Flow Diagram (Attachment 1) and Notional 1.2.6,
eTS Operational Architecture (Attachment 2);
2. The eTS should provide the ability to add user accounts and traveler
profiles limited only by the concurrent user mandatory requirement;
3. Offerors should describe use cases in simple text to facilitate commu-
nication among Government travel subject matter experts who may 1.2.6,
not have specialized IT training; and
4. Offerors may propose additional or alternative user roles and use
cases that provide the most effective standardized eTS model and
functionality across Federal agencies. The Government may limit the
number of distinct Federal user roles to six at its discretion; offerors
should provide sound justification if more than six Federal user roles
are proposed.
C. eTravel Portal – Requirements
1. The Contractor shall establish an eTravel web portal that serves as the
B.2.5.1, B.5.1
gateway to the eTS Federal travel management environment;
2. The eTS portal shall provide a configurable environment that can be
used by all eligible users and provides access to all services and sys- B.2.5.1, B.5.1
tems used within the eTS;
3. The eTS portal shall provide a search capability for travel documents
and information (e.g., authorizations, vouchers, regulatory informa- B.2.5.1, B.5.1
tion, etc.);
4. The eTS portal shall display terms of use and Privacy Act notifica-
tions upon access and require user assent to the terms of use and data
B.2.5.1, B.5.1
protection responsibilities at time of login in accordance with Section
C.; and
5. The eTS portal shall provide a contract administration workspace in-
cluding a bulletin board for posting eTS contract documents and
messages to and from the Contractor, GSA, and Federal agencies. B.2.5.1, B.5.1
Purposes envisioned include the posting of messages by Federal
agencies interested in pooling their task order requirements.
6. The eTS portal shall provide the ability for users to create and main-
tain their traveler profiles online (subject to specific data element B.2.5.1, B.5.1
C. eTravel Portal – Objectives (of equal importance)
1. The eTS should provide a single sign-on to access all eTS functional-
B.2.5.1, B.5.1
ity (utilizing the eAuthentication Gateway as subsequently described);
2. The eTS should deliver functionality proactively, presenting it to the
user as needed and limiting the need to “drill down” to access eTS ca- B.2.5.1, B.5.1

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3. The eTS should provide the capability to establish links to Govern-
mentwide, GSA, and agency-specific travel-related web sites,
documents, and resources. The eTS should provide links from the eT-
ravel portal to pertinent Federal travel policy and information B.2.5.1, B.5.1
resources (e.g., the FTR, per diem information, etc.). The eTS should
be capable of linking to services and data from other Government por-
tals and web-based systems; and
4. The eTS should provide the ability for non-Government travelers who
are authorized by a Government sponsor to register on the system and
B.2.5.1, B.5.1
route their registration to the appropriate Government representative
for account approval to support invitational travel.
C. Traveler Profiles – Requirements
1. The eTS shall provide for entry, retention, updating and deletion of
traveler profiles associated with and subject to the permissions of B.2.3
Federal or invitational travelers’ eTS accounts.
2. The eTS shall be capable of importing traveler profiles from agency
business systems or other external data sources in a standard data
format specified by the Contractor (e.g., comma delimited, etc.). Fed-
eral agencies will be responsible for the quality assurance of traveler
profile data provided for import to the eTS. The eTS vendor will only
be responsible to assure the fidelity of traveler profile data imported
into the eTS with the corresponding data provided by the Federal
3. The eTS shall support the entry of traveler profile data online by all
users (including non-Federal invitational travelers) via the compatible
web browsers. Federal agencies will be responsible for the quality as- B.2.3
surance of traveler profile data entered by the traveler via the web
browser; and
4. The eTS shall provide access to a Federal agency’s pertinent traveler
profile data elements required for ticketing and fulfillment purposes to
the TMC(s) under contract to that agency. Access to specific data
shall be subject to Privacy Act and applicable System of Records pro-
tections. The eTS shall send a notification to the Federal traveler’s
affiliated TMC(s) when his or her profile is modified; and
5. The eTS traveler profile shall be capable of entry and retention of the
following discrete data elements:
a) Traveler’s name, Social Security Number (SSN) and/or
other employee identification number;
b) Agency/organization, position title, and permanent duty sta-
c) Office phone, mobile phone, mailing address, e-mail ad-
dress, and payment address;
d) Possession of a Government Contractor-issued Individually
Billed Charge Card
e) Applicable accounting data such as default funding cita-
tions, individual billing account number(s), central billing
account numbers(s), third party payment account numbers,
bank account numbers, and corresponding Electronic Funds
Transfer (EFT) routing data (all of which must be able to be
manually overridden within any particular travel action); and
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f) User role designation(s) and system permission level(s) (as
established by appropriate agency travel administrator, ap- B.2.3
prover, or coordinator).
C. Traveler Profiles – Objectives (listed in order of descending
1. Traveler profile data within the eTS should be used to pre-populate
applicable data to the maximum extent possible within travel actions B.2.3
of all types (e.g., travel authorizations, reservation records, etc.); and
2. The eTS traveler profile should provide for entry and retention of the
traveler’s default transportation and accommodation requirements and
preferences (e.g., rental car class, seating preferences, ticketing pref-
erences, etc.) and travel program affiliations.
C. Travel Planning and Authorization – Requirements
1. The travel planning and authorization function of the eTS shall pro-
vide the capability to create travel plans and authorizations, including
B.2, B.2.5, B.2.5.2
detailed itineraries and related cost estimates that may be retained
separately or included in the travel authorization;
2. The eTS shall support the processing of various types of travel au-
B.2, B.2.5, B.2.5.2
thorizations including unlimited open, limited open, and trip-by-trip;
3. The eTS shall require the traveler to state the purpose of their trip in
B.2, B.2.5, B.2.5.2
accordance with Appendix C, FTR 301, "Travel Purpose Identifier".
4. The eTS shall allow for the option of specific authorization or prior
B.2, B.2.5, B.2.5.2
approved travel arrangements as required by FTR 301-2;
5. The eTS shall support the routing and approval of travel and transpor-
tation authorization documents. It shall provide Federal agencies
B.2, B.2.5, B.2.5.2
flexibility with regard to the number and levels of approval required
for travel authorizations, including cross-organizational travel
6. The eTS shall allow rejection, correction, amendment, and cancella-
tion of the travel authorization with appropriate review and approval
controls, including text and code explanation fields. The eTS shall
B.2, B.2.5, B.2.5.2
provide notification of rejection, correction, amendment, and cancel-
lation to the traveler, travel arranger, supervisory approver, and
financial approver as appropriate;
7. The eTS shall support the capability to identify whether the traveler
holds a Government travel charge card based upon data provided by
the employee’s agency. (Note: This requirement shall not be con-
B.2, B.2.5, B.2.5.2
strued to affect the GSA SmartPay® contract or require GSA
SmartPay® contractors to exchange data with or permit linkage to
8. The eTS shall support automation of near real-time funds availability
checks, funds commitment/obligation, and the ability to transfer ac-
counting data with agency business systems within the standard data
B.2, B.2.5, B.2.5.2
input/output content. It shall provide the capability to report funds
availability when appropriate (e.g., for specific TDY trip authoriza-
9. The eTS shall provide verification that authorization for travel exists
B.2, B.2.5, B.2.5.2
and that funds are available;
10. The eTS shall provide the capability to process travel authorizations
B.2, B.2.5, B.2.5.2
with split fiscal year funding and with multiple lines of funding;

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11. The eTS shall calculate estimated authorized per diem (factoring in
leave and non-work days, interrupted travel, reduced per diem rates,
and actual expenses) as well as meals and incidental expenses
(M&IE) based on the TDY location(s) and the dates of travel. The B.2, B.2.5, B.2.5.2
eTS shall recalculate “should cost” amounts and perform revised
funds availability checks as applicable for travel plan or itinerary
12. The eTS shall provide the capability to display to the user and capture
within the travel authorization defined notes and messages regarding
certification statements, Privacy Act Statement, standard clauses for B.2, B.2.5, B.2.5.2
required receipts, supporting documentation requirements, justifica-
tion statements for use of special travel arrangements, etc.; and
13. The eTS shall provide the capability to accommodate and incorporate
the services of the TMC(s) under contract to Federal agencies and B.2, B.2.5, B.2.5.2
their appropriate Commercial Reservation System(s) (CRS).
C. Travel Planning and Authorization – Objectives (of equal
1. The eTS should provide the capability to authorize travel for multiple
B.2, B.2.5, B.2.5.2
travelers on the same authorization;
2. The eTS should allow for processing an annual unlimited open travel
authorization without recording an estimated obligation amount for B.2, B.2.5, B.2.5.2
each trip prior to travel;
3. The eTS should support the identification and documentation of all
modes of transportation (including rail, bus, ship, etc.) authorized by B.2, B.2.5, B.2.5.2
the FTR and other applicable travel regulations;
4. The eTS should clearly identify trip legs or segments in the travel
plan, itinerary, and on-screen, and identify “no cost” trip segments B.2, B.2.5, B.2.5.2
(i.e., where personal leave is taken during TDY travel); and
5. The eTS should support the capability to associate eTS travel authori-
zation with the activation and deactivation of Government Contractor-
issued Individually Billed Travel Charge Cards (Note: Activa-
tion/deactivation of the travel charge cards will be the responsibility
B.2, B.2.5, B.2.5.2
of the Federal agencies. Furthermore, this objective shall not be con-
strued to affect the GSA SmartPay® contract or require GSA
SmartPay® contractors to exchange data with or permit linkage to
C. Reservations – Requirements
1. The eTS shall provide the capability to make both self service and
non-self service reservations for the following transportation and B.3
travel arrangements, at a minimum:
a) Air travel on domestic and international common carrier
flights, including all GSA City-Pair contract carriers and
flights as well as published non-contract Government (“me B.3
too”) fares and other discount fares which are advantageous to
the Government;
b) Domestic and international car rental reservations with all
Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC) or other
Government preferred sources at or below the applicable ceil-
ing rate;

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c) Domestic and international lodging suppliers participating
in the Federal Premier Lodging Program (FPLP) or other Gov-
ernment preferred sources, including designation and tracking B.3
of the use of Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) approved lodging properties;
d) Domestic common carrier rail and bus travel; and B.3
e) Other common carrier travel, e.g., ship transportation; B.3
2. The eTS self service reservation capability shall include: B.3
a) An online booking engine (web-based reservation service)
of the Contractor’s choice that meets or exceeds the manda- B.3
tory requirements of Section C.;
b) The capability to accommodate the FedTrip online book-
ing engine on an interim basis through September 30, 2004.
Accommodation of FedTrip is defined as supporting its use
by Federal travelers and TMCs under contract to Federal
agencies as an online booking engine for the eTS. There is no
mandatory requirement (or objective) for the automated inte- B.3
gration of FedTrip with other eTS functionalities.
Accommodation may be limited to travelers reserving travel
through FedTrip and then manually entering travel ar-
rangement information into eTS travel planning,
authorization, and voucher functions;
3. The eTS shall be capable of accommodating the services of TMCs
under contract to Federal agencies for non-self services reservations.
4. The eTS shall provide access to all Government preferred suppliers
and rates for transportation, lodging, and rental car reservations. The
eTS shall restrict access to Government-only rates to Federal employ-
ees and other authorized users of those rates;
5. The eTS shall be capable of modifying and canceling all such reserva-
tions prior to ticket issuance without Government incurrence of a
transaction fee (as defined in Section B of this solicitation) and sub-
ject to applicable carrier or supplier cancellation provisions;
6. The eTS shall require the user to identify the appropriate FTR excep-
tion and provide justification for the use of all non-preferred or non-
contracted providers, and/or non-U.S. flag air carriers when booking
such reservations.
C. Reservations – Objectives (listed in order of descending im-
1. Offerors should propose expedited agency TMC accommodation
schemes to facilitate adoption of the eTS and speed eTS transaction B.3
volume growth;

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2. The eTS Contractor is not required to provide traditional TMC reser-
vation services. In order to achieve the eTravel vision of a unified
travel management service, and to permit Federal agencies to obtain
complete end-to-end travel management services from an eTS vendor,
the eTS offering should provide non-self service reservation capabili-
ties that meet the requirements for Travel Agent Services/Travel B.3
Management Center Services for reservations specified in the GSA
Travel Services Solutions solicitation (Solicitation No. FBGT-VH-
030001-B available at
3. The eTS should provide access to as many domestic and international
lodging sources as possible;
4. The eTS should take advantage of promotional and spot discount
lodging rates to the maximum extent possible; and
5. The eTS should support the integration and passing of pertinent reser-
vation data from the TMCs under contract to Federal agencies and
from the eTS online booking engine to associated travel actions (e.g.,
travel authorizations, vouchers, etc.) within the eTS.

C6.3.6.1 eTS Online Booking Engine – Requirements

1. The eTS online booking engine shall automatically enforce and moni-
tor compliance to the appropriate Federal and agency-configured
travel policies during the reservation process. and shall control access
to all Government negotiated travel rates (e.g., City-Pair airfares, B.3.1
etc.). It shall allow users to override travel policy by providing the
reason for the exception and provide exception coding and text expla-
nation capabilities;
2. The Contractor shall provide the ability for Government designated
TMC(s) to use the eTS online booking engine and permit travel reser-
vations made within the booking engine to be retrieved in real time by
agencies’ TMCs;
3. The eTS online booking engine shall provide estimates of travel costs
prior to making an actual reservation;
4. The eTS online booking engine shall provide published and Govern-
ment negotiated airfares, lodging rates, and car rental rates. It shall
clearly identify preferred and mandatory travel suppliers wherever
applicable. It shall display Government contracted and Government
preferred travel suppliers first in ascending rate order and filter out
non-compliant choices based on agency/organizational policy rules
(e.g., preferred suppliers only). Failure to use Government-negotiated
rates shall require appropriate justification (with reason/exception
code and text capabilities). The Offeror shall utilize the rea-
son/exception codes in Attachment 7 for negotiated airfares and shall
propose configurable reason/exception codes for all other travel sup-

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5. The eTS online booking engine shall include all global commercial
airport destinations and display available airfares for domestic and in-
ternational air travel. It shall display alternate airport/city options for
a specific destination. It shall provide appropriate and accurate Gov-
ernment rates under the GSA City-Pair Program, published non-
contract Government fares (fare code DG or “me too” fares), and
other discount fares in a real-time environment. It shall support an
unlimited number of City-Pair fares. It shall display all applicable
flights, destination information, flight schedules, and other pertinent B.3.1
flight information for all flights listed. It shall clearly display the
availability of appropriate class seating and the airfare rules for all
available fares. It shall reserve airline travel accommodations for air-
lines listed in GDSs in a real-time 24/7/365 environment Failure to
use Government-negotiated rates shall require appropriate justifica-
tion (with reason/exception code and text capabilities). The Offeror
shall utilize the reason/exception codes in Attachment 7 for negotiated
6. The eTS online booking engine shall provide appropriate and accurate
Government rates in a real-time environment for FPLP or other Gov-
ernment preferred lodging suppliers and shall designate FEMA
approved lodging properties. It shall display FEMA approved lodging
properties ahead of those which are not FEMA approved. It shall re-
serve lodging accommodations in a real-time 24/7/365 environment. B.3.1
It shall require appropriate justification (with reason/exception code
and text capabilities) in accordance with Pub. L. 5 USC 5707a and re-
sulting FTR requirements for failure to use FEMA approved lodging.
The Offeror shall propose configurable reason/exception codes for
lodging suppliers;
7. The eTS online booking engine shall provide appropriate and accurate
rates for domestic and international car rentals in a real-time environ-
ment for all MTMC or other Government preferred car rental agencies
at or below the applicable Government ceiling rate. It shall reserve
rental car accommodations in a real-time 24/7/365 environment Fail- B.3.1
ure to use Government-negotiated rates shall require appropriate
justification (with reason/exception code and text capabilities). The
Offeror shall propose configurable reason/exception codes for all car
rentals suppliers;
8. The eTS online booking engine shall support one-way, round-trip, and
multiple destination itineraries. It shall verify segment date/time se-
quence during the reservation process to ensure logical itineraries and
permissible connections. It shall consolidate all travel segments for B.3.1
an itinerary into a single record, and shall creates all necessary fields
in the Passenger Name Record (PNR) within the GDS(s) and applica-
ble TMC reporting systems;
9. The eTS online booking engine shall allow users to modify and/or
cancel reservations prior to ticket issuance without Government incur-
rence of a transaction fee (as defined in Section B of this solicitation).
It shall allow the user to re-price an itinerary after initial creation
when modifications are made, and route the re-priced itinerary for no-
tification or resubmit the revised authorization for re-approval;

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C. eTS Booking Engine – Objectives (listed in order of descend-
ing importance)
1. The eTS online booking engine should provide the ability to compare
carrier fares as well as rental car and lodging rates to support selection
of the itinerary, carrier, and/or vendor(s) most advantageous to the
Government. This should include the capability to display fare com-
parisons from multiple fare sources (i.e., City Pair fares vs. other
fares), alternate airports, etc;
2. The eTS online booking engine should be capable of reserving airline
travel accommodations for airlines not listed in GDSs in a real-time B.3.1
24/7/365 environment;
3. The Contractor should allow TMC reporting systems and TMC cre-
ated PNRs to be retrieved and/or viewed through the eTS online
booking engine. It should work with any TMC mid-office system(s)
to meet file finishing requirements;
4. The eTS should provide the ability to change the traveler’s itinerary
and reservations online after ticket issuance;
5. The eTS online booking engine should encode and decode airline and
city/airport codes for the traveler;
6. The eTS online booking engine should provide graphical seat maps
and the capability to reserve seat assignments where commercially B.3.1
7. The eTS should provide the ability to make self service international
air travel reservations that comply with all applicable regulations;
8. The eTS should support the creation, storage, and shared use of stan-
dard individual and shared trip templates;
9. The eTS online booking engine should provide appropriate and accu-
rate Government rates for domestic rail travel and reservation of rail
travel accommodations in a real-time 24/7/365 environment. It should
provide domestic rail schedules with published and negotiated fares,
seats, and destination information. Rail travel should be based upon
departure and destination cities rather than airport codes;
10. The eTS should provide the ability to automatically identify and
communicate exceptions to travel policy to multiple recipients (e.g., B.3.1
traveler, approvers, etc.);
11. The eTS should provide the traveler or travel arranger with access to
the traveler’s previous trip itineraries;
12. The eTS should have the ability to reserve ship and bus transportation
if commercially available;
13. The eTS should have the ability to book shuttle services to and from
airports; and
14. The eTS should have the ability to designate frequent or loyal traveler
program account number(s) in reservations.
C. Fulfillment – Requirements
1. The eTS shall provide fulfillment services and associated customer support
capabilities for Federal travel; B.3, B.3.3

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2. The eTS shall be capable of fulfilling and supporting self service reserva-
tions made through the eTS online booking engine and/or the FedTrip
online booking engine. Alternately, these self service reservations may be
B.3, B.3.3
fulfilled by TMCs under contract to Federal agencies, subject to the terms
of those contracts;

3. The eTS shall be capable of accommodating the fulfillment services of

B.3, B.3.3
TMCs under contract to Federal agencies;
4. The eTS shall provide electronic ticketing as the default option for all
B.3, B.3.3
common carriers that support electronic ticket issuance;
5. The eTS shall ensure that the corresponding travel authorization has
been approved prior to ticket issuance with the ability to override this B.3, B.3.3
business rule by allowable exceptions (e.g., emergency travel);
6. The eTS shall be capable of processing and crediting cancelled or un-
used tickets and partial fare refunds subject to applicable carrier or
B.3, B.3.3
supplier cancellation provisions with attendant expense and account-
ing adjustments; and
7. The eTS shall process allowable credits resulting from the cancella-
tion of electronic tickets, the turn-in of unused paper tickets, or partial
fare refund transactions promptly and within the time limit generally
accepted as industry best practice. The eTS shall ensure that credits
B.3, B.3.3
and cancellations are accountable to the applicable travel authoriza-
tion number and billing account. The eTS shall reflect those credits
within all applicable functionalities as well as in the standard data
output provided to interfacing agency business systems.
C. Fulfillment – Objectives (listed in order of descending im-
1. Offerors should propose expedited agency TMC incorporation schemes to
speed agency adoption of the eTS and eTS transaction volume growth; B.3, B.3.3
2. The eTS Contractor is not required to provide traditional TMC fulfill-
ment services. In order to achieve the eTravel vision of a unified travel
management service, and to permit Federal agencies to obtain complete
end-to-end travel management services from an eTS vendor, the eTS
offering should provide fulfillment capabilities that meet requirements
B.3, B.3.3
for Travel Agent Services/Travel Management Center Services for res-
ervations specified in the GSA Travel Services Solutions solicitation
(Solicitation No. FBGT-VH-030001-B available at
C. Travel Advance – Requirements
1. If the Government issues a travel advance, the eTS shall support en-
try, processing, approval, as well as the payment and liquidation of
B.2, B.2.5.3
Government funds. This function must support the tracking, aging,
and control of advances;
2. The eTS shall provide the capability to set, change, and apply estab-
lished limits on travel advances in accordance with the FTR, other B.2, B.2.5.3
applicable travel regulations, and agency policies;

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3. The eTS shall provide for limiting the allowed advance based upon
transportation method, subsistence rates, miscellaneous expenses, and
B.2, B.2.5.3
the traveler’s possession of a Government Contractor-issued travel
charge card;
4. The eTS shall make travel advance information for a particular travel
B.2, B.2.5.3
authorization accessible in travel voucher preparation;
5. The eTS shall support integrated issuance and control of travel ad-
vances with the travel voucher payment process to ensure that the
advance is liquidated or collected prior to the issuance of a payment to
B.2, B.2.5.3
the traveler. The eTS shall also provide the capability not to liquidate
the advance when the traveler has been authorized a “retained” travel
advance in accordance with FTR Part 301-51;
6. The eTS shall provide for automatic aging of outstanding travel ad-
vances based on the authorized end of trip date and generate follow-
B.2, B.2.5.3
up notices to the travelers and approvers concerning delinquent ad-
vances that may affect payroll offsets or other means of collection;
7. The eTS shall support the reporting of delinquent travel advances as
taxable income through the inclusion of appropriate data elements in B.2, B.2.5.3
the standard data output;
8. The eTS shall allow for and support the preparation and authorization
B.2, B.2.5.3
of emergency travel advances; and
9. With regard to payment and liquidation functionalities for travel ad-
vances, the eTS shall only be responsible for making pertinent
information available to agency business systems (e.g., financial and B.2, B.2.5.3
payroll systems) within its data exchange and application integration
C. Travel Vouchers – Requirements
1. The eTS shall provide for the preparation, submission, and routing of
TDY travel vouchers to claim reimbursable expenses for official
travel. The eTS shall provide Federal agencies flexibility with regard
to the number and levels of approval required for travel vouchers, in- B.2, B.2.6
cluding cross-organizational travel. It shall allow for special routing
and approval levels for vouchers for certain classes/conditions of
travel as required by FTR 301-2;
2. The eTS shall provide a tracking system that will allow travelers, ap-
provers, payment offices, etc., to determine the status of any B.2, B.2.6
voucher/claim in process within the permissions granted to the user;
3. The eTS shall pre-populate appropriate data fields of the voucher
based on information contained within eTS from sources such as the
travel authorization (including any cash advance provided to the trav-
B.2, B.2.6
eler when applicable), traveler profile, etc. The eTS shall permit the
user to manually override and edit any accounting data passed auto-
matically to the voucher;
4. The eTS shall provide the capability to create and modify travel
vouchers before final approval. It shall provide routing of vouchers to
the approving official upon submission by the traveler. It shall permit
the approving official to deny and remand the voucher back to the B.2, B.2.6
traveler, or approve it and forward it for payment. It shall require the
approving official to specify a reason for denial (by means of config-
urable codes and text) for all vouchers denied;

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5. The eTS shall allow for entry of the date of departure from, and return
to, the official duty station or any other place when travel begins,
B.2, B.2.6
ends, or requires overnight lodging in order to calculate reimbursable
expenses and allowances;
6. The eTS shall support identification, documentation, and claims for
reimbursement of all modes of transportation (including bus, ship, B.2, B.2.6
etc.) authorized by the FTR and other applicable travel regulations;
7. The eTS shall calculate authorized per diem amounts adjusting for
leave and non-work days, interrupted travel, reduced per diem rates,
and actual expenses using appropriate per diem rates in effect for the
TDY location(s) and date(s) of travel. The eTS shall provide the per-
B.2, B.2.6
sonal vehicle mileage rate in effect on the date(s) and calculate
mileage allowance. The eTS shall allow the manual entry of approved
or official subsistence rates, mileage allowance, etc., if not available
within the eTS;
8. The eTS shall compute the M&IE allowance rates based on travel
completed and meals provided in accordance with FTR 301-11. The
M&IE shall be based on the rates below for the first and last days of
travel and any full days in between::
a) More than 12 hours but less than 24: 75% of the applicable
B.2, B.2.6
M&IE rate
b) 24 hours or more, on:
i) Day of departure: 75% of the applicable M&IE rate; B.2, B.2.6
ii) Full days of travel: 100% of the applicable M&IE rate; B.2, B.2.6
iii) Last day of travel: 75% of the applicable M&IE rate; B.2, B.2.6
9. The eTS shall process amended and reclaim vouchers with appropri-
ate review and approval controls, and provide the capability to update
related functionalities within eTS. It shall allow for special routing B.2, B.2.6
and approval levels for certain classes/conditions of travel as required
by FTR Chapter 301;
10. The eTS shall permit multiple vouchers submitted against a single au-
thorization for appropriate travel types (e.g., open travel
authorizations). It shall process partial/interim vouchers against a
travel authorization to expedite liquidation related to travel obliga- B.2, B.2.6
tions. It shall provide a clear and unambiguous final voucher
indicator for the final claim submitted against an open travel authori-
11. The eTS shall provide the capability to display defined messages to
the user regarding:
a) Required receipts for lodging and authorized expenses in-
B.2, B.2.6
curred over $75; and
b) Requirements for supporting documentation, justifications,
and certification statements in accordance with the FTR and B.2, B.2.6
other applicable travel regulations.
12. The Contractor shall provide the capability and procedures with ap-
propriate messages to guide the user through the process for the
B.2, B.2.6
surrender and handling of unused, partially used, or down-
graded/exchanged tickets; refund certificates, etc;

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13. The eTS shall provide for configurable system-generated notices
when claims and supporting information have not been submitted in
B.2, B.2.6
accordance with suspense dates, internal policies, and procedures es-
tablished by the agencies;
14. The eTS shall support payment of travel claims by means of its data
exchange and application integration capability. It shall support
within the standard data output a split disbursement mechanism that
allows the traveler to designate applicable amounts to be paid directly
to a Government travel charge card vendor and/or reimbursed to the B.2, B.2.6
traveler. It shall support within the standard data output recovery of
funds owed to the Government as a result of travel through offset of
the traveler’s salary, retirement credit, or other payment owed to the
15. The eTS shall provide for matching of travel vouchers with the travel
authorizations and provide for audit of the claim in accordance with
B.2, B.2.6
the FTR and 6 FAM Volume 100 for temporary duty travel of all ci-
vilian agency government travelers as applicable;
16. The eTS shall provide agencies and subordinate organizations the ca-
pability to set sampling parameters for their travel vouchers for audits,
information requirements, or other purposes based on criteria deter-
mined by the agency. These parameters may include random
B.2, B.2.6
sampling, cost thresholds, travel type, traveler identity, etc. (Statisti-
cal sampling requirements are contained in the GAO Policy and
Procedures Manual for Guidance of Federal Agencies, Title 7, Fiscal
C. Travel Vouchers – Objectives (of equal importance)
1. The eTS should provide for electronic notification to travelers of
payments made by disbursing offices or for disallowance of a claim
B.2, B.2.6
for an expense. It should allow for agency flexibility in defining such
message content;
2. The eTS should provide the capability to enter the “Direct Billed”
amount for costs such as Online Payment and Collection (OPAC) bill-
ings by the Department of State for employees stationed overseas, and
B.2, B.2.6
for lodging, airline, and car rentals that are billed directly to the
agency for payment, but not included in the calculation of payment to
the traveler;
3. The eTS should provide the capability to accept and post Government
travel charge card transactions to a Federal traveler’s eTS account to
support voucher processing. It should allow travelers to assign posted
travel card charges to the appropriate voucher(s). (Note: This shall
not be construed to affect the GSA SmartPay® contract or require
GSA SmartPay® contractors to exchange data with or permit linkage
to the eTS. Federal agencies may post charge card transactions to the B.2, B.2.6
eTS directly or may authorize their charge card contractors to share
those transactions with the eTS if that service is supported without
additional cost to the Government and without adverse impact to the
GSA SmartPay® contract.) The eTS should support the designation
of personal expense amounts included in posted transactions to pre-
vent Government reimbursement for those expenses;

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4. The eTS should generate, retain, and attach cost estimates and com-
parisons to the appropriate travel voucher to support constructive cost B.2, B.2.6
travel claims;
5. The eTS should provide for matching of centrally issued passenger
B.2, B.2.6
tickets with the appropriate travel authorizations and/or vouchers.
C. Local Travel Vouchers – Requirements
1. The eTS shall provide the capability for users to prepare, submit, and
B.2, B.2.6.1
route a local travel voucher for approval and payment;
2. The eTS shall compute local mileage allowances using the approved
B.2, B.2.6.1
mileage rate in effect on the date(s) of travel; and
3. The eTS shall support funds availability checks, commit-
ment/obligation, and payment of local travel claims within its data B.2, B.2.6.1
exchange and application integration capabilities.
C. Local Travel Vouchers – Objectives (of equal importance)
1. The eTS should provide for electronic notification to travelers of
payments made by disbursing offices or for disallowance of a claim
B.2, B.2.6.1
for an expense. It should allow for agency flexibility in defining such
message content;
2. The eTS should provide the capability to accept and post Government
travel charge card transactions to a Federal traveler’s eTS account to
support voucher processing. It should allow travelers to assign posted
travel card charges to the appropriate voucher(s). (Note: This shall
not be construed to affect the GSA SmartPay® contract or require
GSA SmartPay® contractors to exchange data with or permit linkage
to the eTS. Federal agencies may post charge card transactions to the B.2, B.2.6.1
eTS directly or may authorize their charge card contractors to share
those transactions with the eTS if that service is supported without
additional cost to the Government and without adverse impact to the
GSA SmartPay® contract.) The eTS should support the designation
of personal expense amounts included in posted transactions to pre-
vent Government reimbursement for those expenses.
C. Travel Receipts – Requirements
1. The eTS shall provide a means to associate hard copy travel receipts
(and/or travel receipt images if that capability is provided) with the B.2, B.2.6.2
corresponding travel voucher submitted for reimbursement.
C. Travel Receipts – Objectives (of equal importance)
1. The eTS should support submittal and storage of electronic images of
receipts that comply with applicable Internal Revenue Service (IRS) B.2, B.2.6.2
electronic receipt requirements;
2. The eTS electronic image support should include the capability to
submit electronic images of Federal travelers’ expense receipts by up-
load via browser-based functionality and by facsimile for electronic B.2, B.2.6.2
attachment to the appropriate travel voucher. Receipt images should
be stored, indexed to, or associated with the applicable voucher; and
3. The eTS should support agency-specific policy regarding receipt re-
tention and provide guidance about that policy to the traveler when B.2, B.2.6.2
preparing a voucher.
C. Non-Federally Sponsored Travel – Requirements

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1. The eTS shall provide the capability to authorize and report the accep-
tance of payment or payment in-kind from non-federal sources to, B.2.5.1
defray in whole or in part the cost of travel or related expenses of
Federal employees in accordance with FTR Chapter 304;
2. The eTS shall provide a mechanism to assure that non-federally spon-
sored travel is administratively approved by the agency designated, B.2.5.1
official(s) prior to final approval of the travel authorization;
3. The eTS shall provide the capability to indicate the amounts and enti-
tlements to be paid by the Government and those to be paid by the
sponsoring organization. For example, if the Government authorizes
payment of the traveler’s meals and incidental expenses and the spon-, B.2.5.1
soring organization is paying for the hotel and airfare (services in-
kind), then this arrangement must be clearly identified on the travel
authorization; and
4. The eTS shall display estimated amounts where actual amounts are, B.2.5.1
not known.
C. Non-Federally Sponsored Travel – Objectives
1. The eTS should support special authorizations and the capture of eth-, B.2.5.1
ics documentation that may be required by Federal agencies.
C. Leisure Travel (If Functionality Is Provided) – Require-
1. The Contractor shall ensure that the leisure travel functionality is pro-
vided at no cost to the Government as reflected in per-transaction, B.2.5.1
fees, separately priced line items, etc., including any related costs for
development, maintenance, operation, customer support, etc.;
2. The eTS shall ensure that travelers cannot book City-Pair or other
Government-negotiated fares not authorized for personal use when, B.2.5.1
making leisure travel reservations; and
3. The eTS shall ensure that leisure travel expenses are not claimed for
Government reimbursement, and that a method for direct payment by, B.2.5.1
the traveler for leisure travel expenses is provided.
C. Accounting Capabilities – Requirements
1. Accuracy of eTS computations shall be in strict accordance with
Chapter 301 of the FTR and Sections 920 and 925 of the DSSR. The
eTS shall by default use official per diem rates and mileage rates in
effect on the date(s) of travel for the appropriate TDY location(s) and
type(s) of travel. Per diem rates shall be based upon TDY location as
opposed to airport codes. The eTS shall allow the use of actual ex-
penses and conference rates in lieu of or in combination with per diem
rates, when authorized.
2. The eTS shall support near real-time funds certification and commit-
ment/obligation within its standard data exchange and application B.2.6.3
integration capabilities;
3. The eTS shall generate, record, store, and report financial accounting
data related to travel authorizations, travel advances, and travel B.2.6.3
vouchers in the standard data output;
4. The eTS shall support split disbursements, i.e., allow the agency
and/or traveler to designate applicable expenses to be paid directly to B.2.6.3
individually billed accounts or be reimbursed to the traveler;

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5. The eTS shall provide the ability to cite multiple funding sources in
travel authorizations and vouchers. It shall allow agencies to establish
default funding citations and payment modalities for various travel
services such as airfare, lodging, or rental car;
6. The eTS shall support the reporting of expenses for same day trips of
more than 12 hours but less than 24 hours with no lodging in the stan-
dard data output for interfaces to agency payroll systems for inclusion
in the employee’s Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement;
7. The eTS shall track travel advances authorized against reimbursable
expenses after final voucher submittal and report the amount due to or B.2.6.3
owed by the traveler within the standard data output; and
8. The eTS shall accommodate non-Federally sponsored travel including
acceptance of payment and payment in-kind from non-Federal sources B.2.6.3
with appropriate authorization requirements.
C. Accounting Capabilities – Objectives (of equal importance)
1. The eTS should provide the capability to accept and post Government
travel charge card transactions to a Federal traveler’s eTS account to
support voucher processing. (Note: This objective shall not be con-
strued to affect the GSA SmartPay® contract or require GSA
SmartPay® contractors to exchange data with or permit linkage to the
eTS. Federal agencies may post charge card transactions to the eTS
directly or may authorize their charge card contractors to share those
transactions with the eTS if that service is supported without addi-
tional cost to the Government and without adverse impact to the GSA
SmartPay® contract.);
2. The eTS should be Government fiscal year compliant (October 1
through the following September 30) for dating, indexing, and track- B.2.6.3
ing of accounting functions; and
3. The eTS should have the ability to perform foreign currency conver-
sions at Government-approved conversion rates on the effective
date(s) of conversion, and should be able to account for foreign cur-
rency fluctuations. Examples of Government approved conversion
rates are those identified on Government travel charge card invoices
or other exchange rate publications to be determined prior to award.
C. Routing, Workflow, Notifications and System Messages –
1. The eTS shall provide the capability to maintain the order of prece-
dence for executing each travel step (i.e., authorization must precede a
voucher, etc.), and the capability to override and change the order of
precedence of the processing steps to handle unusual travel demands.
C. Routing, Workflow, Notifications, and System Messages –
Objectives (of equal importance)
1. The eTS should provide electronic routing and workflow of travel ac-
tions and notifications to the desktops of eTS users for information,
coordination, review, and approval/rejection based on agency or sub-
ordinate organization policy and criteria. All rejection actions should B.2.4
require the documentation of the reason for rejection in text and/or
configurable code, and the reason for rejection should be included in
notifications of rejection provided to eTS users;

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2. The eTS should create and forward messages to the traveler and/or
other designated recipients for information or action via SMTP,
MIME, or SMIME compliant E-Mail systems. Messages should con-
tain hyperlinks to permit the user to access the related eTS travel
action directly from the message (with appropriate user authentication
3. The eTS should support cross-organizational travel and provide cross-
agency routing and workflow, leveraging existing (compatible)
agency E-Mail systems and the eTS application integration capabili-
ties to the greatest extent possible;
4. The eTS should support conditional routing and notifications as con-
figured by agencies and subordinate organizations. This includes the
ability to manually or automatically (according to configurable agency
business rules) delegate approval actions to other users in the event of
absence or routing delays. It also includes the ability to route travel
actions for approvals based on specific characteristics such as interna-
tional travel, conferences, request for actual expenses, specific
funding citations, etc;
5. The eTS should provide the capability to post messages within spe-
cific travel action functionalities and display Governmentwide,
agency-specific, and organization-specific messages to users regard-
ing general information; and
6. eTS notifications and messages should include, but may not be limited to,
the following:
a) Pending travel action approvals;
b) Travel authorization or voucher approved or rejected;
c) Confirmation of reservations (made by traveler or travel ar-
ranger in traveler’s name);
d) Confirmation of ticket issuance;
e) Timed reminders for overdue voucher;
f) Timed reminders for approval actions; B.2.4
g) Travel reimbursement made to account;
h) Travel advance deposited to account;
i) Split disbursement payments credited to account(s);
j) Defined messages regarding statements, justifications, certi-
fications, reasons codes, etc.; and
k) Informative messages, warnings, and dialog boxes to guide
users in the proper use of eTS functionalities.

C. System Administration – Requirements

1. The eTS system administration capability shall permit and provide for
centralized control of Governmentwide features and business rules as
well as support the management of configurable business rules and B.2.1
travel functions by departments, agencies, or subordinate organiza-
2. The eTS shall provide the following system administration capabili-
ties at the Governmentwide and department/agency/subordinate B.2.1
organization levels, as applicable:

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a) User account administration including user roles, permis-
sions, access controls, and security (including eAuthentication B.2.1
Gateway assurance level);
b) Traveler profile administration including the ability to
add/modify/delete user profiles and add agency-specific data B.2.1
c) Scheduling of actions, events, and requirements on a recur-
ring basis, including, but not necessarily limited to, daily, B.2.1
weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual schedules;
d) Creation and maintenance of messages to be displayed to
users regarding general system information (including access B.2.1
and Privacy Act statements), announcements, etc.;
e) Creation and maintenance of routing lists and workflows
including the designation of approving officials;
f) Capability to establish and secure application of digital sig-
g) Ability to backup and recover travel transactions; B.2.1
h) Provide for gathering and analyzing usage statistics; B.2.1
i) Ability to add/modify/delete per diem rates (M&IE allow-
ances and lodging rates) by locality in accordance with B.2.1
applicable Federal regulations;
j) Ability to add/modify/delete air carriers, destinations, and
k) Ability to add/modify/delete lodging suppliers, properties,
FEMA approval designations, and rates;
l) Ability to add/modify/delete rental car suppliers, types, and
m) Ability to change POV mileage rates; B.2.1
n) Ability to add/modify/delete agency and subordinate or-
ganization information including standard funding citations, B.2.1
delegation of approving officials, etc.;
o) Remote system administration capability; and B.2.1
p) Ability to add/modify/delete rail, ship, and/or bus carriers,
destinations, and rates (if online reservation capabilities for B.2.1
those common carriers are provided).
C. System Administration – Objectives (of equal importance)
1. The eTS should provide the capability to add or modify “HELP” files,
“HELP” screens, and other “HELP” facilities to meet specific re- B.2.1
quirements of Federal agencies; and
2. The eTS should provide the ability to add/modify/delete agency- and
organization-specific data fields related to particular travel functional- B.2.1
ities within the eTS.
C.6.4.1 Technology Capabilities and Characteristics – Requirements
1. The Contractor shall monitor the site (with
principal concentration on the BRM and DRM) to remain aware of
and incorporate applicable standards established for the FEA as a part
of ongoing technology refreshment.

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2. The eTS shall provide a browser-based user interface and Federal
travel management environment accessible via a single Uniform Re-
source Locator (URL) portal on the World Wide Web. The portal
shall be capable of interoperating with the FirstGov Portal;
3. The eTS shall be client platform and operating system independent,
and shall be compatible with the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser
(version 5.5 or later) and with the Netscape Navigator browser (ver-
sion 7.x or later);
4. The eTS shall not require any client-side application software other
than one of the specified web browsers and associated signed plug-ins
that are downloadable-on-demand and meet the mobile code require- 1.2.4
ments of this SOO. The eTS shall not require cookies, other than
session cookies, to deliver full client functionality;
5. At full utilization, the eTS shall support at least 5,000 concurrent us-
ers. The concurrent user capability during agency adoption and
implementation shall be proportionate to this number based on the
adoption targets cited herein;
6. The eTS shall provide data exchange and application integration ca-
pabilities and infrastructure to permit integration with Government
business systems, other E-Gov solutions, and external partners (e.g., 1.2.4
state and local governments or industry). The data exchange and ap-
plication integration capabilities shall support:
a) Near-real-time, event-based integration leveraging industry
standard XML vocabularies to maximize interoperability and
minimize the time for business events to be reflected in all re-
lated systems; and
b) Batch integration and data translation capabilities for mini-
mally intrusive integration with existing legacy applications
that are currently limited to existing data formats and file
transfer or other batch interface mechanisms.
C.6.4.2 Technology Capabilities and Characteristics – Objectives (of
equal importance)
1. The eTS should provide a solution with minimum bandwidth and la-
tency requirements for optimal web-based performance and response 1.2.4
times across Federal agencies and networks;
2. Offerors should describe their strategy and capability to scale from
5,000 to 10,000 concurrent eTS users;
3. The eTS application integration capabilities should include flexible
transport, routing, scheduling, and data translation services based on 1.2.4
message/integration brokering and XML Web Services architectures;
4. The application server, web server, and portal components of the eT-
ravel solution should be based on J2EE or .Net architectures;
5. The application server, web server, and portal components of the eT-
ravel solution should be deployed on a UNIX or Windows 2000 or 1.2.4
later operating system platform;

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6. The operational database platform(s) for the eTS should be based on
either Oracle version 7 or later, or Microsoft SQL Server version 7 or
later. Also any database and application server components should be 1.2.4
deployed using either a UNIX or Windows 2000 or later operating
system platform;
7. Existing department, agency, and subordinate organization configura-
tions should not be deleted or adversely impacted by new version
releases, upgrades, or other changes to the eTS except where those 1.2.4
changes directly affect specific functionalities or features in the exist-
ing eTS configuration;
8. The technology infrastructure supporting the eTS should be refreshed
in accordance with best commercial practices over the life of the con-
tract as a part of routine operations and maintenance. Technology
refreshment should maintain robust eTS performance and improve
eTS performance when possible by leveraging cost-effective technol-
ogy advances as they become available. Other technology
refreshment targets include, but may not be limited to, accessibility
features, web form functionality, standardized XML Schema related
to eTravel, etc. Offerors should describe their eTS technology re-
freshment strategy in the technical volume of their proposals. The
Contractor should document its eTS technology refreshment policy
within the deliverable Program Management Plan; and
9. The eTS should support handling and viewing of electronic receipt
images in TIFF, PDF, other common image formats used on the Inter-
net, and the IRS-compliant electronic receipt image format used if that
capability is supported (see Section C.6.3.11). Support for proprietary 1.2.4
image formats which are not viewable by means of native capability
of the specified web browsers or commonly available signed “free-
ware” plug-ins is not required.
C. General Security Standards – Requirements
1. The eTS shall protect data (in all aspects enumerated in Section C.6.5)
as Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information at the “Medium”
sensitivity level (as defined in GSA IT Security Policy CIO HB
2100.1A and in NIST Special Publication 800-26) and as Privacy Act
data. The GSA will publish the notice to establish the eTS as a Gov-
ernmentwide system of records in accordance with the Privacy Act.
At a minimum the Contractor shall:
a) Establish an eTS that is physically secure; 1.4.1
b) Ensure that the eTS protects the integrity of the travel
process and the data contained within eTS systems;
c) Ensure that all traveler and travel-related information is
treated and protected as SBU information at the "Medium" 1.4.1
sensitivity level;
d) Ensure that all eTS data is treated and protected in accor-
dance with the Privacy Act.
2. The Contractor shall explicitly describe how the security standards of
this SOO will be met, or how the risk associated with these standards
will be mitigated if there is a reason that the requirement cannot be

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3. The Contractor shall be responsible for information technology secu-
rity for all systems supporting the eTS that are connected to a Federal
Government network or operated by the Contractor for the Federal
Government, regardless of physical location. This requirement shall
apply to all information technology resources or services in which the
Contractor has physical or electronic access to the Federal Govern-
ment’s sensitive information that may be contained within the eTS.
The term “information technology” as used in this section means any
equipment or interconnected system or subsystem that is used in the
acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control,
display, switching, interchange, transmission, translation, transforma-
tion, or reception of data or information. This includes both major
applications and general support systems as defined by OMB Circular
4. For the purposes of implementing security controls, the eTS is classi-
fied as a Government-accessed major application being hosted on
another organization’s general support system. Security guidelines
pertaining to major applications and general support systems as de-
scribed herein shall apply in accordance with Section 2.3.1 of NIST
Special Publication 800-18. The Contractor shall provide adequate
security for both the major application (i.e., the eTS) and the general
support system that hosts it to ensure protection for both the applica-
tions used and the information contained therein. The Contractor 1.4.1
shall be the designated Custodian for the eTS with responsibilities in
accordance with GSA security policy documented in CIO HB
2100.1A. The eTS shall comply with all pertinent requirements of
OMB Circular No. A-130, Appendix III, NIST Special Publication
800-26, and other indentured NIST guidance as applicable to SBU
major applications and general support systems. Incorporation of
classified data into the eTS, which is not a requirement of this SOO,
shall require a new and comprehensive security risk assessment; and
5. The Contractor shall complete the certification and accreditation proc-
ess to obtain Authority To Operate (ATO) in accordance with GSA
Security Order, CIO HB 2100.1A and GSA CIO-IT Security 01-09,
IT Security and Procedural Guide -- Certification and Accreditation.
The Contractor shall coordinate with the designated eTS Information
System Security Manager (ISSM) to prepare and submit all documen-
tation necessary to support certification and accreditation of the eTS 1.4.1
by the GSA DAA. The Contractor shall complete the certification
and accreditation process for each location that is identified as a po-
tential eTS contingency location in the Continuity of Operations and
Contingency Plan so that eTS is granted either Interim Authority to
Operate (IATO) or Authority to Operate (ATO) at each contingency
6. The Contractor shall establish the following minimum controls in ac-
cordance with OMB A-130, Appendix III, as modified herein:
a) For general support systems (the physical location(s) from
where the service is run):
i) Assign responsibility for security; 1.4.1

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ii) Develop a security plan that addresses the system rules;
training; personnel controls; incidence response capabil-
ity; continuity of support; technical security; and system
iii) Provide for a review of the security controls and up-
dates to the Security Plan and Continuity of Operations
and Contingency Plan whenever significant modifications
are made (but at least every 3 years);
b) For major applications (the eTS components regardless of
their physical location):
i) Assign responsibility for security; 1.4.1
ii) Develop an application security plan that addresses ap-
plication rules; specialized training; personnel security;
contingency planning; technical controls; information
sharing; and public access controls; and
iii) Provide for a review of the security controls and up-
dates to the Security Plan and Continuity of Operations
and Contingency Plan whenever significant modifications
are made (but at least every 3 years).
C. General Security Standards – Objectives
1. Data stored within the eTS may vary among low, medium, and
high sensitivity levels across agencies, within agencies, and even
within individual travel actions as seen from different agency per-
spectives. Agency-specific and possibly data-specific
configurable security is desirable, but is anticipated to be cost-
prohibitive. Offerors may propose a configurable security scheme
that is more configurable and scalable if it can be demonstrated to
be of greater benefit or cost-effectiveness to the Government.
C. Access and Authentication – Requirements
1. The eTS shall by default provide access to data only on a role-related
“need to know” basis. The eTS shall restrict personnel access to those
with a need-to-know in strict accordance with their roles and permis-
sions (e.g., system administrator, travel approvers, financial analyst,
etc.). Agencies will determine who within their organizations has the 1.4.2, 1.4.3, B.5.2
need to know specific information about the travelers and travel
within their agency and how that data should be accessed based on the
results of a sensitivity assessment, and will assign user roles accord-

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2. The eTS shall interface with and authenticate eTS user credentials via
the eAuthentication Initial Operating Capability (IOC) Gateway by
the time of eTS IOC task order completion. The Contractor shall re-
fresh technology as necessary to integrate with and authenticate eTS
user credentials via the Full Operating Capability (FOC) Gateway ten-
tatively scheduled for deployment by April 2004. A default
authentication level and associated requirements for the eTS will be
identified by the GSA Contracting Officer at the time of the contract
award based on the results of a Government Risk Assessment. The
Government will provide one of the following Policy Enforcement
Point (PEP) software modules as Government Furnished Equipment
so that the Contractor can integrate its eTS solution with the eAuthen-
tication IOC Gateway. The IOC PEP vendors approved by
eAuthentication PMO are: Netgrity, Entrust, and Entegrity. Offerors
shall identify which of the approved PEP software modules are com-
patible with their eTS offering within their proposal. The Contractor
may issue eAuthentication PMO-approved credentials which meet or
exceed the eTS default authentication level and associated require-
ments to eTS users from any Agency which has not otherwise
1.4.2, 1.4.3, B.5.2
obtained credentials for its users. If eTS vendor(s) issue such creden-
tials, they shall be required to register and integrate their credential
repository with the eAuthentication Gateway in accordance with the
e-Authentication Gateway Interface Specifications (available at before issuing credentials to eTS
users. The eTS vendor(s) shall be required to administer any creden-
tials they have issued for the duration of their eTS contract. If an
agency chooses to procure credentials from an eTS vendor, such cre-
dentials shall be proposed and charged as an additional sub-CLIN
under CLINs 0008, 0025, 0045, and 0065, as applicable, to the
agency’s Task Order. In the event that an agency requires a higher
authentication level than the default eTS level, the agency will iden-
tify the required authentication level to which eTS must be
configured. Any costs associated with a higher level of eTS user au-
thentication will be proposed and charged to the agency’s task order
under Supplemental Security Services CLINs 0011, 0028, 0048, and
0068, as applicable. In this case, agencies will be responsible to en-
sure that their users obtain the necessary credentials from an
eAuthentication PMO-approved credential provider.
3. The eTS shall provide digital signature capability for the traveler, and
reviewing and approving officials that satisfies requirements in the
1.4.2, 1.4.3, B.5.2
Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 186, Digital
Signature Standard, issued by the NIST;
4. The eTS shall display the following banner at time of login on all eTS
systems (both public and private) operated by the Contractor prior to
allowing anyone access to the system:

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This is a U.S. Federal Government information system that is “FOR
OFFICIAL USE ONLY”. Unauthorized access is a violation of U.S. Law
and may result in criminal or administrative penalties. Users shall not ac-
cess other users’ or system files without proper authority. Absence of
access controls IS NOT authorization for access! Information systems and
equipment related to the eTravel Service are intended for communication,
1.4.2, 1.4.3, B.5.2
transmission, processing, and storage of U.S. Government information.
These systems and equipment are subject to monitoring by law enforcement
and authorized officials. Monitoring may result in the acquisition, re-
cording, and analysis of all data being communicated, transmitted,
processed, or stored in this system by law enforcement and authorized offi-
cials. Use of this system constitutes consent to such monitoring.
5. The eTS shall display the following banner at time of login on all eTS
systems that contain Privacy Act information operated by the Contrac-
tor prior to allowing anyone access to the system. Routine uses
language to be appended to the Privacy Act banner will be provided at
the time of contract award:
This system contains information protected under the provisions of the pri-
vacy act of 1974 (Public Law 93-579). Any privacy information displayed
on the screen or printed must be protected from unauthorized disclosure. 1.4.2, 1.4.3, B.5.2
Employees who violate privacy safeguards may be subject to disciplinary
actions, a fine of up to $5,000, or both.
6. The eTS shall include adequate safeguards to restrict data access by
1.4.2, 1.4.3, B.5.2
department, agency, subordinate organization, and user.
C. Access and Authentication – Objectives (of equal impor-
1. Prior to availability of the final eAuthentication Gateway, the Con-
tractor should use the interim eAuthentication Gateway and
credentials from supported Federal credential providers. Alternately,
and with the approval of the GSA Contracting Officer, the Contractor
may fulfill the role of credential provider for eTS at the User ID and
1.4.2, 1.4.3, B.5.2
Password authentication level if the interim eAuthentication Gateway
and Federal credential providers are not used. A minimum assurance
level for the eTS will be specified by the eTravel PMO promptly after
the final eAuthentication Gateway assurance levels have been defined
and prior to contract award;
2. The eTS should display contact information for the eTS Information
System Security Officer (ISSO) (to be provided at the time of contract 1.4.2, 1.4.3, B.5.2
award) in the initial portal screen and in all help screens; and

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3. The eTS should have an agency configurable session timeout feature
(configurable only by an agency eTS administrator) to prevent inap-
propriate access and viewing of any material during user absence.
The default timeout shall be 15 minutes of inactivity such that if the
1.4.2, 1.4.3, B.5.2
user has no interaction with eTS for that time, the user will be re-
quired to re-authenticate in order to resume use of the system.
Session state and data entered at the moment of timeout shall be saved
to the maximum extent possible.
C. Web Browser Security – Requirements
1. The eTS shall not employ mobile code within its web content that
may harbor malicious content and therefore be blocked by Federal
firewalls, consequently denying functionality to users. Mobile code
technology explicitly prohibited in delivering eTS functionality in- 1.4.4, B.5.3
cludes, but may not be limited to, ActiveX, UNIX Shell Scripts, Disk
Operating System (DOS) Batch Scripts, unsigned Java applets, or
other unsigned Java mobile code.
C. Web Browser Security – Objectives
1. Where necessary to provide eTS functionality, certain mobile code
technology may be employed, such as signed Java applets, signed
Java JAR files, JavaScript, JScript, and ECMA-Script. These tech-
1.4.4, B.5.3
nologies are considered a limited risk and, if employed, shall be
addressed in the eTS Security Plan including compensating controls
which mitigate that risk.
C. Data Security – Requirements
1. The eTS shall protect data (in all aspects enumerated in Section C.6.5)
at the “Medium” level for Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) data in 1.4.5
accordance with the security standards cited herein;
2. All financial, privacy, and other sensitive data transmitted by eTS via
the Internet shall employ a minimum of 128-bit encryption that has
been validated by the Cryptographic Module Validation Program
against NIST Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-
2. Refer to NIST Special Publication 800-21, Guideline for Imple-
menting Cryptography in the Federal Government, and the NIST 1.4.5
Cryptographic Toolkit for detailed information. (Agency require-
ments that exceed these standards will be handled on a case-by-case
basis.); and

3. The eTS shall protect Federal travel-related information against dis-

ruption, theft, exploitation, and inadvertent disclosure.

C. Personnel and Physical Security – Requirements

1. The Contractor shall restrict personnel access to the eTS to those with
a need-to-know.
2. Based on the Privacy Act and guidelines in Suitability and Personnel
Security Handbook, GSA ADM P 9732.1C, the physical site where
the hardware resides shall be secured as a General Support System in
accordance with NIST 800-18 and the CIO HBA 2100.1A, and shall 1.4.6
be staffed by an appropriate mix of Level 5 staff and Level 6 supervi-
sory personnel. The Contractor shall be responsible for the cost of
personnel background checks.

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C. Personnel and Physical Security – Objectives (of equal im-
1. The Contractor should accommodate agency-specific personnel secu-
rity requirements, including but not limited to ensuring that all
contractor personnel meet applicable agency security and/or clearance
requirements. The Contractor may propose staff with other security
clearances as long as their clearances meet or exceed the levels stated
herein; and
2. The Contractor should ensure that its employees performing under
this contract receive annual IT security training in accordance with
OMB Circular A-130, the Federal Information Security Management 1.4.6
Act of 2002 (FISMA), and NIST requirements, with a specific em-
phasis on rules of behavior.
C. Supplemental Security Services – Requirements
1. Offerors shall propose separately priced supplemental security ser-
vices to address agency-specific security requirements that augment
eTS security standards without cost or impact to the basic eTS ser-
vices and transactions. These services shall include security risk
analysis, enhanced security for access and transmission, etc. Certain 1.4.7
agency-specific security requirements, however, (e.g., the handling of
classified data) may have to be implemented downstream as potential
enhancements or changes to the eTS due to overall cost and service
C. Government Access – Requirements
1. The Contractor shall afford the Government and duly designated
Government support contractors access to the Contractor’s and sub-
contractors’ facilities, installations, operations, documentation,
databases and personnel used in performance of the eTS contract.
Access shall be provided to the extent required to carry out a program
of security inspection (to include vulnerability testing, risk analysis, 1.4.8
etc.), investigation, and audit. Such access and activities are required
in order to safeguard against threats and hazards to the integrity,
availability and confidentiality of eTS data, to the function of infor-
mation technology systems operated on behalf of the GSA, and in
order to preserve evidence of computer crime if committed.
C. Subcontractor Security – Requirements
1. The Contractor shall incorporate the substance of security require-
ments of the contract (Section C.6.5) in all subcontracts that support 1.4.9
the eTS.
C.6.6.1 Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility – Re-
1. The eTS shall meet applicable accessibility standards of 36 CFR 1194
that can be met with supplies, services, or assistive technologies that 1.1,, B.5.4,
are available in the commercial marketplace in time to meet the deliv- Appendix C
ery requirements of this SOO;

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2. Offerors shall complete and submit a Voluntary Product Accessibility
Template (VPAT) with their proposals to permit the Government to
assess the accessibility of their eTS solution, and to evaluate its de-
gree of compliance with 36 CFR 1194. The VPAT is intended to
capture the degree of accessibility of EIT resources afforded by means
of commercially available products, services, and technologies. A
VPAT tailored for the eTS is included as Attachment 5. Offerors 1.1,, B.5.4,
shall respond fully to any accessibility requirement for which there is Appendix C
no Government language modifying the requirement in the “Remarks
and Explanations” column of the VPAT. Offerors shall provide addi-
tional contact information to facilitate more detailed inquiries by the
Government if necessary. Offerors shall take into account the consid-
erations identified in the summary table in Section C.6.6.2 below in
completing the VPAT.
C.6.6.2 Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility – Objec-
tives (of equal importance)
1. Accessibility objectives for the eTS are summarized as follows:
All criteria apply for elements of the eTS that are non-web browser- based, including, but
not limited to: plug-ins, Java applets, downloaded content, and administrative and man-
agement software.
1.1,, B.5.4,
The contractor shall either build all accessibility features in, or de- Appendix C
velop a solution that is compatible with assistive technology.
See Section 1194.21 - Software Applications and Operating Systems.
All criteria shall apply for web-based elements of the eTS. Criteria (d)
means that pages that refer to style sheets should “degrade gracefully”
if the user chooses to disable style sheet support, although eTS users
1.1,, B.5.4,
are required to use a modern browser that supports CSS (Cascading
Style Sheets). Appendix C
See Section 1194.22 - Web-based internet information and applica-
Criteria (a), (b), (c), and (d) apply for phone-based support elements
of the eTS. If the vendor’s solution includes special telephone equip- 1.1,, B.5.4,
ment for the hearing impaired, criteria (f) and (g) shall also apply. Appendix C
See Section 1194.23 - Telecommunications Products.
Criteria (c), (d), and (e) shall apply for multi-media training products
1.1,, B.5.4,
provided as part of the eTS.
Appendix C
See Section 1194.24 - Video and Multi-media Products.
If kiosks or other self-contained, closed products are proposed as part
of the eTS, then all criteria listed in Section 1194.25 shall apply to 1.1,, B.5.4,
those products. Appendix C
Section 1194.25 - Self-Contained, Closed Products.
Contract requirements for the eTS do not include Desktop and Port-
1.1,, B.5.4,
able Computers, so these criteria are not applicable.
Appendix C
See Section 1194.26 - Desktop and Portable Computers.

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All criteria in Section 1194.31 shall apply for technologies that are not
included in any of the above Sections (1194.21-1194.26) or where
1.1,, B.5.4,
eTS meets a particular criterion in those sections through equivalent
facilitation (as defined in Section 1194.5). Appendix C
Section 1194.31 - Functional Performance Criteria.
All criteria for end-user support documentation and services shall ap-
1.1,, B.5.4,
Appendix C
Section 1194.41 - Information, Documentation, and Support.
2. During the course of the eTS contract, the Contractor should be pre-
pared to provide improved or additional accessibility through the 1.1,, B.5.4,
continued application of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, Appendix C
evolving commercial assistive technologies, etc.
C. Business Data Warehouse – Requirements
1. The Contractor shall establish an eTS business data warehouse to
support aggregated and consolidated Federal travel information stor- 1.5.4
age, management, reporting, and business intelligence;
2. The Contractor shall develop all appropriate information models and
conduct the analyses and studies required to define detailed data
warehouse requirements. This information shall be documented in the
Contractor’s eTS Data Management Plan;
3. The data model and all data contained within the eTS business data
warehouse will be owned by the Government. The Contractor shall
be responsible for managing and protecting the data in accordance
with this solicitation and resultant security provisions of the contract. 1.5.4
All eTS data will be protected under the Privacy Act, and the Contrac-
tor shall not use any eTS data for any purpose other than that
specified herein.
4. The business data warehouse shall be capable of importing and ex-
porting Federal travel data within the scope of this SOO which may
be provided from/to external data sources, e.g., agency business sys-
tems, other Federal travel partner and supplier systems, etc. The
Government reserves the right to award the CLIN 0005 Business Data
Warehouse to a single vendor or not to award CLIN 0005 under this
contract. Offerors shall include in their proposals their approach for
the collection and export of travel data elements to an eTS Business
Data Warehouse operated by another entity. (Refer to Section C.10
(13) for additional information.)
5. In addition to the requirements of the continuity of services clause in-
cluded in this solicitation and any resulting contract, the Contractor
shall meet the following data transition requirements for the eTS:

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a) When the Contractor becomes aware of the upcoming expi-
ration or termination of a task order from a Federal agency that
includes eTS Authorization and Voucher Services (CLINs
0003, 0021, 0041, and 0061) which will not be immediately
succeeded by another such task order from that agency, the
Contractor shall prepare for the transition of that agency’s data
in accordance with the Contractor’s eTS Data Management
Plan. Upon expiration or termination of the task order, the
Contractor shall not permit further transactions and shall trans-
fer all applicable transactional eTS data for that agency within
operational databases to the business data warehouse. This
shall be accomplished within five business days after expira-
tion or termination of the task order. For all transactions that
have not been completed by that time (in-process transac-
tions), the Contractor shall ensure that all information needed
to resume the transaction is provided. Once the transactional
data has been transferred to the business data warehouse, the
Contractor shall electronically transfer and/or provide on du-
rable electronic media (e.g., CD-ROM) all traveler profiles, 1.5.4
reportable configuration records, travel records, associated
files, and other data identified or referenced in this SOO that
are associated with that agency and contained in the Contrac-
tor’s business data warehouse to the Government within ten
business days after expiration or termination. Data shall be
provided in accordance with the Contractor’s eTS Data Man-
agement Transition Plan as well as the indexing requirements
of Sections C.6.5.3 and C.6.5.4. All in-process transactions
shall be specifically identified to facilitate eTS transition and
travel management by the Government. The Contracting Offi-
cer’s Representative (COR) will provide details regarding
transfer of data and/or delivery of media to the Government.
Upon confirmation from the COR that the Government has re-
ceived, reviewed, and found the transferred data to be
acceptable, the Contractor shall delete said data from its trans-
actional databases, business data warehouse, and any
backup/archival systems or media in a manner that renders the
data irretrievable in whole or in part;

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b) When the Contractor becomes aware of the upcoming ex-
piration or termination of any ordering period under the
master contract that is not immediately succeeded by the exe-
cution of an optional ordering period, the Contractor shall
prepare for the transition of Government eTS data in accor-
dance with the Contractor’s eTS Data Management Plan.
Upon expiration or termination of the ordering period, the
Contractor shall not permit further transactions and shall
transfer all applicable transactional eTS data to the business
data warehouse. This shall be accomplished within ten busi-
ness days after contract expiration or termination. For all
transactions that have not been completed by that time (in-
process transactions), the Contractor shall ensure that all in-
formation needed to resume the transaction is provided. Once
all transactional data has been transferred to the business data
warehouse, the Contractor shall electronically transfer and/or
provide on durable electronic media (e.g., CD-ROM) all trav-
eler profiles, reportable configuration records, travel records, 1.5.4
associated files, and other data identified or referenced in this
SOO and contained within the Contractor’s business data
warehouse to the Government within 20 business days after
expiration or termination. Data shall be provided in accor-
dance with the Contractor’s Data Management Plan as well as
the indexing requirements of Sections C. (if applica-
ble), C., and C. All in-process transactions
shall be specifically identified by agency to facilitate eTS
transition and travel management by the Government. The
Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) will provide de-
tails regarding transfer of data and/or delivery of media to the
Government. Upon confirmation from the COR that the Gov-
ernment has received, reviewed, and found the transferred
data to be acceptable, the Contractor shall delete said data
from its transactional databases, business data warehouse, and
any backup/archival systems or media in a manner that ren-
ders the data irretrievable.

C. Business Data Warehouse – Objectives (of equal importance)

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1. The business data warehouse should capture and contain all travel transac-
tion data elements from eTS systems associated with or required to fulfill
the traveler profile (see Section C.6.3.3), travel receipt images if included
in eTS capabilities (see Section C.6.3.11), query and reporting (see Sec-
tion C.6.7.4), business intelligence (see Section C.6.7.5), and data
exchange requirements (see Section C.6.7.2) of this SOO. Travel data
should be indexed in accordance with the requirements of Sections
C. (if applicable), C., and C. Data captured and
stored should also include, but may not be limited to, detailed travel itin-
erary and voucher information such as: 1.5.4
a) Purpose of travel;
b) Exception codes and justifications for not using mandatory
and/or preferred travel suppliers; and
c) Flight information (carrier, fare basis codes, class of service,
etc.); and
d) Travel cost information for transportation, lodging, and
rental cars, with taxes and fees paid and tax and fee types
separately identified.
2. The eTS business data warehouse should be physically and logically
separated from operational databases used in support of the eTS.
C. Data Exchange – Requirements
1. The eTS shall support two-way exchange of Federal travel data with
agency business systems in both near real time and batch modes as
described within this section. The eTS shall be capable of two-way 1.5.1, 1.5.2
transactional data exchange with external systems to support business
requirements such as funds availability checks, payment actions, etc.;
2. Data exchange shall support EDI, UDF, and XML formats as well as
other industry standard methods, and the capability to translate be- 1.5.1, 1.5.2
tween these formats;
3. The eTS shall provide an Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
capability and infrastructure to support near real time and batch inte-
1.5.1, 1.5.2
gration with the business systems of Federal agencies, as well as with
commercial systems as may be required;
4. The eTS EAI platform shall perform all necessary format translations
for inbound and outbound data exchange. Costs associated with es-
tablishing, operating, and maintaining the eTS EAI capability shall be 1.5.1, 1.5.2
included in and spread across the Authorization and Voucher Services
fees (CLINs 0003, 0021, 0041, and 0061);
5. The Contractor shall establish a standard data input for the eTS. The
standard data input shall be capable of accepting transactional data
(e.g., accounting data, charge card postings, funds availability check-
ing, funds certification, etc.) and “static” data (e.g., traveler profiles, 1.5.1, 1.5.2
lines of accounting, etc.) from agency business systems and/or other
external commercial data sources in a format defined by the Contrac-
tor in the eTS Data Exchange Specification;
6. The Contractor shall establish a standard data output for the eTS with
the following capabilities and characteristics:

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a) The eTS shall capture and make available in its standard
data output the data elements identified in Chapter 301, Ap-
1.5.1, 1.5.2
pendix C, of the FTR as well as additional financial and
accounting data elements specified herein;
b) The standard data output shall draw upon the entire dic-
tionary of data elements that are exportable from the eTS and
the business data warehouse for exchange between its EAI
platform and the agencies’ business systems. Data elements
include traveler identification, commercial transportation in-
formation, travel expense information, and accounting and
certification data. These data elements vary in form and for-
mat and are integral to both travel and accounting transactions. 1.5.1, 1.5.2
The Contractor shall define the data schema and format(s) for
the standard data output. Data formats shall be flexible
enough to facilitate exchange of key travel and financial in-
formation without requiring costly modification to existing
systems. Examples of Government systems with which eTS
shall interface include financial, payroll, and human resources
c) The Contractor shall provide the capability to modify or
expand the data elements contained within the standard data 1.5.1, 1.5.2
output over the life of the contract;
d) The eTS standard data output shall contain the data neces-
sary to support the functionalities listed below:
i) Funds availability checking (see Sections C.6.1,
1.5.1, 1.5.2
C.6.3.4, and C.6.3.10);
ii) Credits resulting from cancellation, unused tickets, and
1.5.1, 1.5.2
other refunds (see Section C.6.3.7);
iii) Payment, tax reporting, and liquidation of travel ad-
1.5.1, 1.5.2
vances (see Sections C.6.3.8 and C.6.3.14);
iv) Reporting amount due to or owed by the traveler after
final voucher submittal (see Section C.6.3.14) and repay-
1.5.1, 1.5.2
ment of funds to offset traveler indebtedness (see Section
v) Maintaining standard data elements specified in the
FTR to generate standard and ad hoc reports (see Section 1.5.1, 1.5.2
vi) Transactional interfaces between the eTS and agen-
cies’ business systems, including the generation of
accounting transactions as needed, update of funds control
1.5.1, 1.5.2
and the standard general ledger, and generation of dis-
bursement actions by electronic funds transfer (EFT) or
other means;
vii) GSA reports which require the data elements identi-
1.5.1, 1.5.2
fied in Attachment 7.

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7. Attachment 14A provides an explanation of Standard
data elements. At a minimum, the Contractor shall
make the data elements with Sequence numbers 1
through 279 identified in Attachment 14B (those identi-
fied as Standard Data Elements for Exchange) available
for input and output to and from the eTS respectively
via the eTS EAI capability subject to the following con-
ditions: 1.5.1, 1.5.2
a) Standard data elements related to mandatory re-
quirements for the eTS must be included in the
standard data input or output; and
b) Standard data elements related to objectives
which are a part of your proposed eTS solution
must be included in the standard data input or out-
C. Data Exchange – Objectives (of equal importance)
1. The eTS should have the capability to accommodate legacy systems
based on older technologies as well as the latest emerging data stan-
dards (e.g., XML Schema, Web Services involving Simple Object 1.5.1, 1.5.2
Access Protocol (SOAP) messages for remote procedure calls, mes-
sage brokers, etc.);
2. The Contractor should establish a standardized data exchange
mechanism that is “loosely coupled” to accommodate sharing of data
with legacy systems while leveraging new standards to improve in-
1.5.1, 1.5.2
formation usability over time. Offerors should note if they will be
transmitting/storing standard XML within their proposed eTS envi-
3. XML Schema and XML instance documents created and transmitted
by the eTS should comply with Federal XML guidelines as described 1.5.1, 1.5.2
in the Draft Federal XML Developer’s Guide; and
4. The eTS should support the capability to associate eTS travel authori-
zation to activation and deactivation of Government Contractor-issued
Individually Billed Travel Charge Cards (see Section C. This
will be accomplished by including appropriate data elements in the
eTS standard data output to enable agencies to associate eTS travel
authorizations to travel charge card management through the elec-
tronic access systems associated with their respective travel charge 1.5.1, 1.5.2
cards. Activation/deactivation of the travel charge cards will be the
responsibility of the agency. (Note: Activation/deactivation of the
travel charge cards will be the responsibility of the Federal agencies.
Furthermore, this objective shall not be construed to affect the GSA
SmartPay® contract or require GSA SmartPay® contractors to ex-
change data with or permit linkage to eTS.)

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5. Attachment 14A provides an explanation of Standard data elements. Stan-
dard data elements for eTS data exchange should adhere to the names and
characteristics identified in Attachment 14B with the following considera-
a) Data element naming should follow the guidelines of the
CIO Council’s XML Working Group draft XML Developer’s
Guide, which strongly recommends the use of either business
terms or names that comply with ISO/IEC 11179, Information
Technology - Specification and Standardization of Data Ele-
ments. (See links related to ISO/IEC 11179 at http://metadata- and
for additional information.) General conventions include, but
are not limited to, the use of upper camel case (e.g., “Upper-
CamelCase”) and lower camel case (e.g., “lowerCamelCase”)
names, minimal use of acronyms (unless universally known
across the government travel community), avoidance of ab-
breviations, etc.;
b) Standard data element names provided in Attachment 14B
should be used unless alternate names conforming to ISO 1.5.1, 1.5.2
11179 are proposed. These data element names are based on
travel management (business) terms and reflect consensus
among a number of Federal agencies. Business terms improve
readability, whereas ISO 11179 conventions facilitate auto-
mated analysis of schema components for harmonization
efforts. If different business terms are proposed for element
names and types, they should represent a consensus among
members of the government travel community.
c) Specific data elements to support invitational travel were
not captured in the list provided as Attachment 14B. Offerors
should propose invitational travel data elements for the eTS
data exchange capability if relevant for exchange with agency
business systems.
d) Specific data elements to support invitational travel were
not captured in the list provided as Attachment 14A. Offerors
should propose invitational travel data elements for the eTS
data exchange capability if relevant for exchange with agency
business systems.
6. Standard data elements with Sequence numbers 280
through 385 in Attachment 14B (those labeled as Standard
Data Elements for Business Data Warehouse and/or Travel
Management) have been identified as important to Federal
1.5.1, 1.5.2
travel management, although not necessarily required for
exchange with agency business systems. Offerors should
incorporate these data elements as they relate to the pro-
posed objectives included in their respective eTS solution.
C. Integration Support – Requirements

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1. The Contractor shall develop and deliver a specification that defines
requirements for data exchange with the eTS, including standard data
input and standard data output. The specification shall include all in-
formation necessary for Federal agencies to establish Integration
Agreements and interfaces with the eTS using the eTS EAI platform. 1.5.2
The specification shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, eTS
data exchange requirements and procedures, standard data input and
output data elements, functional data element descriptions, field char-
acteristics, data types, data schema, etc.;
2. The Contractor shall establish and maintain the EAI platform and in-
frastructure including flexible scheduling, transport, routing, and
format translation services (inbound and outbound) and provide li-
censes for Federal agency access and use (if required);
3. The Contractor shall coordinate with Federal and GSA-authorized
commercial external system owners to facilitate the establishment of
Integration Agreements and interfaces that facilitate data exchange,
mapping, translation, transport, and scheduling requirements to sup-
port Federal travel management functions within the scope of the eTS;
4. The Contractor shall execute data exchange and translation between
the eTS and external systems in accordance with established Integra- 1.5.2
tion Agreements.
C. Queries and Reports – Requirements
1. The eTS shall provide the capability to generate all reports required
by the FTR Section 300-70 and Chapter 304 for travel management 1.5.3
and agency reporting:
2. The eTS shall make travel data available to the GSA for oversight in
accordance with FTR 300-70, Agency Reporting Requirements, and
any other specific information GSA may require for a reporting pe-
3. The eTS shall provide query and reporting capability through the web
browser and be capable of executing queries on all travel data ele-
ments within the eTS. Provide for ad hoc and standing/stored queries.
Provide the capability to drill down from summary data to detail data,
and have the capability to drill from the Governmentwide level to de-
partment, agency, subordinate organization, and individual traveler
levels according to user roles and permissions. Allow information
within eTS to be queried by field and viewed online to present spe-
cific data as requested by the user subject to user roles and
permissions. Index travel actions by travel authorization number,
traveler name, traveler SSN or other employee identification number,
travel destination, and dates of travel;
4. The eTS shall support the creation, formatting, generation, printing,
storage, and electronic transmittal of custom reports to meet agency
requirements, and make both standard and agency-defined custom re-
ports available through the web browser;
5. The eTS shall maintain transaction data and standard data elements
identified in FTR Chapter 301, Appendix C, to generate standard and 1.5.3
ad hoc reports and capture activity in future time frames;

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6. The eTS shall track and report travel obligation and liquidation infor-
mation based on OMB and GSA defined travel purposes;
7. The eTS shall provide the capability to run on-demand analysis re-
ports and download data to spreadsheets or other analytical tools; and
8. The eTS shall provide the specific GSA Travel Management Reports
defined in Attachment 7.
C. Queries and Reports – Objectives (of equal importance)
1. The eTS should provide robust query and analysis tools, such as
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP); and
2. In addition to the required reports specified above, the eTS should provide
the following standard reports:
a) Total spend for travel and transportation of employees and
invitational travelers;
b) Average costs and duration of trips;
c) Amount of official travel by purpose(s);
d) All instances in which the agency authorized/approved the 1.5.3
use of first-class transportation accommodations as well as
utilization of first class travel and accommodations; and
e) Exception reports documenting all instances and the rele-
vant details when travel was authorized, accomplished,
and/or vouchered with exception(s) to applicable travel
regulations and policies.
C. Custom Report Development – Requirements
1. The Contractor shall provide separately priced services for the devel-
opment of custom reports to support agency-specific travel 1.5.3
management reporting requirements.
C. Business Intelligence – Requirements
1. The Contractor shall establish a robust business intelligence capabil-
ity for the eTS to enable and drive effective Federal travel policy, 1.5.5
management, and procurement.
C. Business Intelligence – Objectives (of equal importance)
1. To the extent possible with commercially available tools, the business intel-
ligence capabilities of the eTS should directly support the business
analysis and management functions listed below at the Governmentwide,
department, agency, and subordinate organization levels (as applicable):
a) Budget management;
b) Real-time spend analysis; 1.5.5
c) Preferred supplier utilization and spend;
d) Federal travel trend analysis;
e) Regulatory compliance and regulatory exception analysis
and reporting; and
f) eTS Contractor performance.
2. Business intelligence functionalities should be accessible via the eT-
ravel portal.
C. Records Retention and Archiving – Requirements

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1. The eTS shall comply with records retention requirements established
by the National Archives and Records Act and Internal Revenue Ser- 1.5.6
vice regulations as applicable;
2. The eTS shall prevent the purging of historical records prior to the
proper retention period, and permit purging only of those records au-
thorized for disposal by the National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA) per 36 CFR 1228 and 1234. NARA General
Records Schedule 9 for Travel and Transportation Records and Gen-
eral Records Schedule 20 for Electronic Records shall apply;
3. The eTS shall be Government fiscal year compliant (October 1
through the following September 30) for dating and retention of re- 1.5.6
4. The Contractor shall develop and implement a records retention and
archiving scheme to meet these requirements. The records retention
and archiving scheme shall be documented in the Contractor’s eTS
Data Management Plan.
C. Records Retention and Archiving – Objectives (of equal im-
1. The eTS should provide online access to detailed transaction informa-
tion for a minimum period of 36 months, and permit access to
archived detailed transaction information for a period of 6 years and 3
2. The eTS should archive all data to durable media (e.g., CD-ROM)
prior to purging from the eTS and/or the business data warehouse; and
3. The eTS should provide a means for departments, agencies, and sub-
ordinate organizations to archive their travel records by download.
Alternately, the Contractor may supply archived records on durable
media (e.g., CD-ROM). Archived records should be indexed by
travel authorization number, traveler name, traveler SSN or other em-
ployee identification number, travel destination, and dates of travel.
C. Standard Implementation Services – Requirements
1. The Contractor shall provide implementation support services re-
quired to establish agency-standard configuration and operational
readiness in coordination with each agency placing a task order for B.4.1.1
eTS Reservation and Fulfillment Services and/or eTS Authorization
and Voucher Services under this contract;
2. The Contractor shall identify and provide an implementation team for
each adopting/ordering agency, and provide initial and ongoing ac- B.4.1.2
count management for each agency;
3. The Contractor shall host an agency kickoff or planning meeting for
key travel management personnel to explain eTS configuration op-
tions, assignment of user roles and permissions, the implementation B.4.1.3
process, and key implementation and integration issues that the
agency may face;
4. The Contractor shall load all agency-specific data (e.g., traveler pro-
files, funding citations, etc.) provided by the agency which may be
imported by automated means. The Contractor shall specify data
formats for the upload of agency data;

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5. The Contractor shall establish agency specific billing parameters and
6. The Contractor shall identify online, role-based training and training
curricula available to the agency for each of the agency’s user roles.
Instructor-led courses shall accommodate at least twenty-five students
per class, and shall be scheduled at the ordering agency’s convenience
and shall be conducted no more than 30 days prior to implementation
and use of eTS by the users trained. Training classes may be con-
ducted at a Government-specified or Contractor-specified facility,
depending upon the preference of the ordering agency. The Contrac-
tor shall be responsible for providing computers and Internet access
for classes conducted at Contractor-specified facilities;

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7. The Contractor shall provide dedicated implementation support to the
agency eTS migration manager(s), travel manager, travel coordina-
tor(s), and/or travel administrator(s) as defined for implementation
service levels described below. Support may include on-site support
as determined by the needs of the agency. (Travel expenses incurred
will be paid in accordance with Chapter 301 of the FTR on a cost re-
imbursable basis, and should be submitted under CLINs 0008, 0025,
0045, and 0065:
a) Standard Implementation Service Level A:
i) Load up to 500 user profiles;
ii) Conduct at least one instructor-led training class for
each user role identified in the eTS, providing training
opportunities for at least 150 users in a minimum of six
classes. Agencies shall have the option of selecting the
specific user role classes to be repeated if the number of
classes offered exceeds the number of eTS user roles
employed by the agency. Offeror’s shall propose how
train-the-trainer classes may be substituted for specific
individual user role classes at the agency’s discretion;
iii) Provide at least 480 work-hours of dedicated implemen- B.4.1.7
tation support with up to three implementation
consultants in a period not to exceed 60 calendar days
from task order award.
b) Standard Implementation Service Level B:
i) Load up to 2,000 user profiles;
ii) Conduct at least three instructor-led training classes for
each user role identified in the eTS, providing training
opportunities for at least 450 users in a minimum of 18
classes. Agencies shall have the option of selecting the
specific user role classes to be repeated if the number of
classes offered exceeds three times the number of eTS
user roles employed by the agency. Offeror’s shall pro-
pose how train-the-trainer classes may be substituted for
specific individual user role classes at the agency’s dis-
iii) Provide at least 960 work-hours of dedicated implemen-
tation support with up to six implementation consultants
in a period not to exceed 90 calendar days from task or-
der award.

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c) Standard Implementation Service Level C:
i) Load up to 5,000 user profiles;
ii) Conduct at least six instructor-led training classes for
each user role identified in the eTS, providing training
opportunities for at least 900 users in a minimum of 36
classes. Agencies shall have the option of selecting the
specific user role classes to be repeated if the number of
classes offered exceeds six times the number of eTS
user roles employed by the agency. Offeror’s shall pro-
pose how train-the-trainer classes may be substituted for
specific individual user role classes at the agency’s dis-
iii) Provide at least 1,440 work-hours of dedicated imple-
mentation support with up to nine implementation
consultants in a period not to exceed 120 calendar days
from task order award.
d) Large scale implementations:
i) Offerors shall propose their method and pricing for B.4.1.7
large scale standard implementation services for up to
120,000 users at large agencies that may wish to procure
agency-wide implementation on single task order. The
description of large scale standard implementation shall
address the loading of user profiles; training for all user
roles and the appropriate combination of computer-
based, instructor-led, and train-the-trainer courses; dedi-
cated implementation support; timing of implementation
activities; and any other implementation support which
in the experience of the offeror is vital to successful im-
plementation and adoption of web-based services.
Proposed pricing for large scale implementations shall
indicate how it is scaled based on the number of users,
and is expected to reflect appropriate volume discounts.
e) Alternative implementation services:
Offerors may propose and price an alternative and/or additional per-
formance-based standard implementation service scheme as part of
any alternate price proposal submitted.
8. The Contractor shall provide technical support to coordinate with
agency personnel to develop Integration Agreements that establish the
agency’s use of the eTS data exchange capabilities to interface with B.4.1.8
its internal business systems. The Contractor shall support the estab-
lishment and testing of agency interfaces to the eTS EAI platform;
9. Following the dedicated implementation support period described
above, the Contractor shall provide continuing priority implementa-
tion support during the subsequent two months of an agency’s eTS
roll-out. This shall consist of technical and functional support for a
weekly conference call between the Contractor, the eTravel PMO, and
the agency to discuss and mitigate roll-out issues. The Contractor
shall also support a monthly conference call with agency and eTravel
PMO through the agency’s sixth month of deployment; and

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10. The Contractor shall document the agency standard configuration
(e.g., standard process and work flows, business rules, audits, etc.) es-
tablished for the eTS during implementation activities at that agency
in an eTS Implementation Report.
C. Standard Implementation Services – Objectives (of equal
1. Basic business rules and exception procedures; B.4.1.11
2. Approval and routing chains; B.4.1.11
3. Agency-specific supplier designations; B.4.1.11
4. Agency-specific messages and warnings; B.4.1.11
5. Electronic upload of all traveler profile information provided by the
agency with establishment of user accounts and permission levels for B.4.1.11
the travelers;
6. Incorporation of existing TMC services; and B.4.1.11
7. Establishment of an eTS Integration Agreement for the agency. B.4.1.11
C.6.9.1 Customer Support – Requirements
1. The Contractor shall provide basic customer support (i.e., a help desk)
for all user roles established in the eTS from 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.
Eastern Time, Monday through Friday (excluding Federal holidays).
Customer support shall meet all requirements specified herein for
functional and technical support, the price for which shall be included
in the applicable transaction fees. The Contractor shall expand cus-
tomer support as the eTS is implemented by government agencies that 2.4.1
are located OCONUS, in U.S. territories, and in foreign countries.
Offerors shall describe their plan and ability to provide this expanded
customer support, and identify a pricing strategy for the expanded
hours of support if not included in the price for basic customer sup-
port. Pricing for expanded customer support hours will be negotiated
in accordance with the changes clause of the contract;
2. Basic customer support shall consist of on-line and phone-in Help
Desk support with single “focal points” that direct users to the appro-
priate type of support (e.g., technical, software, travel arrangements,
etc.) required to resolve their questions, issues, problems, or needs.
For online customer support, this means a single e-mail address, in-
stant messaging address, portal hyperlink, etc. For phone-in support,
this means a single, domestic toll free customer service phone number
and a single, toll free domestic facsimile number. Phone-in support
shall accommodate collect calls for overseas customers. The Contrac-
tor shall route online and phone-in support requests quickly and
efficiently to the appropriate eTS functional, technical, and travel ar-
rangement assistance;
3. The Contractor shall provide travel arrangement support for travelers
and travel arrangers. Provide system administration support to travel
administrators and travel coordinators. The Contractor shall provide
toll free 24/7/365 emergency travel arrangement support via telephone
with voice and facsimile service. Collect calls shall be accepted in
order to support international travelers;

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4. Technical support shall consist of user role specific technical support
for all user roles identified. Technical support provided shall help us-
ers quickly determine if technical problems encountered are due to
eTS or local agency network/IT issues. (The Contractor shall not be 2.4.1
responsible for resolving local agency network/IT issues.) The Con-
tractor shall also provide system administration support to travel
administrators and travel coordinators;
5. The eTS shall support the submittal of online and phone-in trouble
tickets. Provide trouble ticket tracking identifiers that enable the user 2.4.1
to track problem resolution online or by phone;
6. The Contractor shall offer multi-tiered customer support options with
increasing levels of customer service for agencies’ selection appropri-
ate to their specific needs and in accordance with task orders that they
establish. The Contractor shall offer the following user support tiers,
and may offer additional tiers of customer support consistent with
commercial best practices:
a) Basic customer support services that meet all requirements
specified in paragraphs 1) through 5) above for functional and
technical support, and the price for which is included in the
applicable transaction fees;
b) Separately priced on-site reservation and fulfillment ser-
c) Separately priced customer support services above and be-
yond those provided under subparagraph a) above.
Supplemental customer support services may be performed
remotely or on-site at Federal agencies. This tier of customer
support is not intended to include the on-site reservation and
fulfillment services described in subparagraph b) above
(CLINs 0007, 0024, 0044, 0064), or services provided under
non-self service reservation and fulfillment (CLINs 0002AC,
AD, AE; 0020AC, AD, AE; 0040AC, AD, AE; and 0060AC,
AD, AE).
C.6.9.2 Customer Support – Objectives
1. The Contractor should provide concise context sensitive online
“help” files to assist users in basic eTS functionalities and trouble-
shooting. In addition to menu entries, the eTS should consistently 2.4.1
display a Help button or link on every screen to access context sen-
sitive help files and additional user support resources.
C.6.10.1 Training – Requirements
1. The Contractor shall provide eTS training in a variety of forms (e.g.,
computer-based tutorials via the eTravel portal, instructor-led classes, B.4.3.1
train-the-trainer curriculum, etc.) for each user role;
2. The Contractor shall provide online computer-based training for all
eTS user roles available via the eTravel portal and presented via a B.4.3.2
compatible web browser;
3. The Contractor shall develop, conduct, and provide instructor-led and
train-the-trainer course curriculum which may be used by the Contrac-
tor or the Government for all eTS user roles. The Contractor shall
incorporate hands-on eTS interaction within instructor-led classes;

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4. The Contractor shall provide eTS training environments for all user
roles that provide a realistic experience;
5. The Contractor shall establish training scenarios that include walk-
throughs of travel and administration functions and actions that
Federal employees will encounter within the eTS applicable to the
user role(s) being trained;
6. The Contractor shall provide training on eTS business intelligence,
business data warehouse, and reporting capabilities for federal man- B.4.3.6
agers; and
7. The Contractor shall offer separately priced supplemental training
services as specified below:
a) The Contractor shall offer supplemental instructor-led train-
ing for all user roles at CONUS and OCONUS locations;
b) Supplemental training classes shall accommodate at least
25 students per class and may be conducted at Government-
specified or Contractor-specified facilities, depending upon the
preference of the ordering agency. The Contractor shall be re-
sponsible for providing computers and Internet access for
classes conducted at Contractor-specified facilities; and
c) Unless otherwise specified by the ordering agency, sup-
plemental training shall not be conducted more than 30 days B.4.3.7
prior to implementation and use of eTS by the users trained.
C.7.2 Performance Measures – Objectives
1. The eTS should, to the maximum extent possible, meet or exceed the
desired outcomes summarized in a table on page C-50 of the Solicita- 1.3.2
tion. These objectives are of equal importance to the Government.

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Objectives Script Government Use Only
C.6.1 Basic Capabilities and Characteristics 3
1. The eTS should provide a common, streamlined 3.1
travel management service available Govern-
mentwide that automates and fully integrates Federal
travel management functions;
2. The eTS should provide a common, consolidated 3.2
travel process at a Governmentwide level with con-
figurability at the department, agency, and
subordinate organization levels within the limits al-
lowed by the applicable travel regulations;
3. The eTS should provide a consistent, web-based, 3.3
self-service environment with an intuitive graphical
user interface and sufficient system prompts, clearly
understandable dialog boxes, and informative mes-
sages to guide users through logical, sequential
processes and collect all necessary information within
all functionalities and modules;
4. The eTS should provide web-based administration of 3.4
travel policy with configurable business rules (e.g.,
Governmentwide, agency level, executive employee
policy, staff employee policy, etc.) for all applicable
5. The eTS should utilize automated routing, workflow, 3.5
messaging, and notifications;
6. The eTS should provide comment fields and local 3.6
fields within all functionalities to support organiza-
tion- and agency-specific business processes and
audit requirements;
7. The eTS should support the use of personal 3.7
charge/credit cards where authorized;

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Objectives Script Government Use Only
8. Offerors should take advantage of and use appropri- 3.8
ate commercial standards wherever possible to
streamline the acquisition, enhance interoperability,
and reduce costs provided that all mandatory re-
quirements stated herein are met or exceeded;
9. Offerors should support establishment of Federal eT- 3.9
ravel standards, incorporating appropriate
commercial and government best practices into their
eTS solutions; and
10. The eTS should provide support for wireless and per- ND
sonal digital assistant (PDA) devices.

C.6.3.1 User Roles, Use Cases, and Account Access 5

1. Offerors should address all business travel processes 5.1
outlined in the eTravel Business Process Flow Dia-
gram (Attachment 1) and Notional eTS Operational
Architecture (Attachment 2);
2. The eTS should provide the ability to add user ac- 5.3
counts and traveler profiles limited only by the
concurrent user mandatory requirement;
3. Offerors should describe use cases in simple text to 5.2
facilitate communication among Government travel
subject matter experts who may not have specialized
IT training; and
4. Offerors may propose additional or alternative user 5.4
roles and use cases that provide the most effective
standardized eTS model and functionality across
Federal agencies. The Government may limit the
number of distinct Federal user roles to six at its dis-
cretion; offerors should provide sound justification if
more than six Federal user roles are proposed.

C.6.3.2 eTravel Portal 1

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Objectives Script Government Use Only
1. The eTS should provide a single sign-on to access all ND
eTS functionality (utilizing the eAuthentication
Gateway as subsequently described);
2. The eTS should deliver functionality proactively, 1.1
presenting it to the user as needed and limiting the
need to “drill down” to access eTS capabilities;
3. The eTS should provide the capability to establish 1.2
links to Governmentwide, GSA, and agency-specific
travel-related web sites, documents, and resources.
The eTS should provide links from the eTravel portal
to pertinent Federal travel policy and information re-
sources (e.g., the FTR, per diem information, etc.).
The eTS should be capable of linking to services and
data from other Government portals and web-based
systems; and
4. The eTS should provide the ability for non- ND
Government who are authorized by a Government
sponsor travelers to register on the system and route
their registration to the appropriate Government rep-
resentative for account approval to support
invitational travel.

C.6.3.3 Traveler Profiles 9

1. Traveler profile data within the eTS should be used to 9.8
pre-populate applicable data to the maximum extent
possible within travel actions of all types (e.g., travel
authorizations, reservation records, etc.); and
2. The eTS traveler profile should provide for entry and 9.9
retention of the traveler’s default transportation and
accommodation requirements and preferences (e.g.,
rental car class, seating preferences, ticketing prefer-
ences, etc.) and travel program affiliations.

C.6.3.4 Travel Planning and Authorization 7

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Objectives Script Government Use Only
1. The eTS should provide the capability to authorize ND
travel for multiple travelers on the same authoriza-
2. The eTS should allow for processing an annual ND
unlimited open travel authorization without recording
an estimated obligation amount for each trip prior to
3. The eTS should support the identification and docu- ND
mentation of all modes of transportation (including
rail, bus, ship, etc.) authorized by the FTR and other
applicable travel regulations;
4. The eTS should clearly identify trip legs or segments ND
in the travel plan, itinerary, and on-screen, and iden-
tify “no cost” trip segments (i.e., where personal
leave is taken during TDY travel); and
5. The eTS should support the capability to associate 7.1
eTS travel authorization with the activation and deac-
tivation of Government Contractor-issued
Individually Billed Travel Charge Cards (Note: Ac-
tivation/deactivation of the travel charge cards will be
the responsibility of the Federal agencies. Further-
more, this objective shall not be construed to affect
the GSA SmartPay® contract or require GSA Smart-
Pay® contractors to exchange data with or permit
linkage to eTS.).

C.6.3.5 Reservations 10
1. Offerors should propose expedited agency TMC ac- 10.1
commodation schemes to facilitate adoption of the
eTS and speed eTS transaction volume growth;

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Objectives Script Government Use Only
2. The eTS Contractor is not required to provide tradi- 10.2
tional TMC reservation services. In order to achieve
the eTravel vision of a unified travel management
service, and to permit Federal agencies to obtain
complete end-to-end travel management services
from an eTS vendor, the eTS offering should provide
non-self service reservation capabilities that meet the
requirements for Travel Agent Services/Travel Man-
agement Center Services for reservations specified in
the GSA Travel Services Solutions solicitation (So-
licitation No. FBGT-VH-030001-B available at
3. The eTS should provide access to as many domestic 10.3
and international lodging sources as possible;
4. The eTS should take advantage of promotional and 10.4
spot discount lodging rates to the maximum extent
possible; and
5. The eTS should support the integration and passing 10.5
of pertinent reservation data from the TMCs under
contract to Federal agencies and from the eTS online
booking engine to associated travel actions (e.g.,
travel authorizations, vouchers, etc.) within the eTS.

C.6.3.6 eTS Booking Engine 9

1. The eTS online booking engine should provide the 9.4
ability to compare carrier fares as well as rental car
and lodging rates to support selection of the itinerary,
carrier, and/or vendor(s) most advantageous to the
Government. This should include the capability to
display fare comparisons from multiple fare sources
(i.e., City Pair fares vs. other fares), alternate airports,

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Objectives Script Government Use Only
2. The eTS online booking engine should be capable of ND
reserving airline travel accommodations for airlines
not listed in GDSs in a real-time 24/7/365 environ-
3. The Contractor should allow TMC reporting systems 9.11
and TMC created PNRs to be retrieved and/or viewed
through the eTS online booking engine. It should
work with any TMC mid-office system(s) to meet
file finishing requirements;
4. The eTS should provide the ability to change the ND
traveler’s itinerary and reservations online after ticket
5. The eTS online booking engine should encode and 9.3
decode airline and city/airport codes for the traveler;
6. The eTS online booking engine should provide 9.5
graphical seat maps and the capability to reserve seat
assignments where commercially available;
7. The eTS should provide the ability to make self ser- 9.10
vice international air travel reservations that comply
with all applicable regulations;
8. The eTS should support the creation, storage, and 9.2
shared use of standard individual and shared trip
9. The eTS online booking engine should provide ap- ND
propriate and accurate Government rates for domestic
rail travel and reservation of rail travel accommoda-
tions in a real-time 24/7/365 environment. It should
provide domestic rail schedules with published and
negotiated fares, seats, and destination information.
Rail travel should be based upon departure and desti-
nation cities rather than airport codes;
10. The eTS should provide the ability to automatically 9.6
identify and communicate exceptions to travel policy
to multiple recipients (e.g., traveler, approvers, etc.);

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11. The eTS should provide the traveler or travel ar- 9.1
ranger with access to the traveler’s previous trip
12. The eTS should have the ability to reserve ship and ND
bus transportation if commercially available;
13. The eTS should have the ability to book shuttle ser- ND
vices to and from airports; and
14. The eTS should have the ability to designate frequent 9.7
or loyal traveler program account number(s) in reser-

C.6.3.7 Fulfillment 10
1. Offerors should propose expedited agency TMC incorpora- 10.1
tion schemes to speed agency adoption of the eTS and eTS
transaction volume growth; and
2. The eTS Contractor is not required to provide traditional 10.2
TMC fulfillment services. In order to achieve the eTravel
vision of a unified travel management service, and to per-
mit Federal agencies to obtain complete end-to-end travel
management services from an eTS vendor, the eTS offering
should provide fulfillment capabilities that meet require-
ments for Travel Agent Services/Travel Management
Center Services for reservations specified in the GSA
Travel Services Solutions solicitation (Solicitation No.
FBGT-VH-030001-B available at

C.6.3.9 Travel Vouchers ND

1. The eTS should provide for electronic notification to ND
travelers of payments made by disbursing offices or
for disallowance of a claim for an expense. It should
allow for agency flexibility in defining such message

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Objectives Script Government Use Only
2. The eTS should provide the capability to enter the ND
“Direct Billed” amount for costs such as Online
Payment and Collection (OPAC) billings by the De-
partment of State for employees stationed overseas,
and for lodging, airline, and car rentals that are billed
directly to the agency for payment, but not included
in the calculation of payment to the traveler;
3. The eTS should provide the capability to accept and ND
post Government travel charge card transactions to a
Federal traveler’s eTS account to support voucher
processing. It should allow travelers to assign posted
travel card charges to the appropriate voucher(s).
(Note: This shall not be construed to affect the GSA
SmartPay® contract or require GSA SmartPay® con-
tractors to exchange data with or permit linkage to
the eTS. Federal agencies may post charge card
transactions to the eTS directly or may authorize their
charge card contractors to share those transactions
with the eTS if that service is supported without addi-
tional cost to the Government and without adverse
impact to the GSA SmartPay® contract.) The eTS
should support the designation of personal expense
amounts included in posted transactions to prevent
Government reimbursement for those expenses;
4. The eTS should generate, retain, and attach cost esti- ND
mates and comparisons to the appropriate travel
voucher to support constructive cost travel claims;
5. The eTS should provide for matching of centrally is- ND
sued passenger tickets with the appropriate travel
authorizations and/or vouchers.

C.6.3.10 Local Travel Vouchers ND

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Objectives Script Government Use Only
1. The eTS should provide for electronic notification to ND
travelers of payments made by disbursing offices or
for disallowance of a claim for an expense. It should
allow for agency flexibility in defining such message
2. The eTS should provide the capability to accept and ND
post Government travel charge card transactions to a
Federal traveler’s eTS account to support voucher
processing. It should allow travelers to assign posted
travel card charges to the appropriate voucher(s).
(Note: This shall not be construed to affect the GSA
SmartPay® contract or require GSA SmartPay® con-
tractors to exchange data with or permit linkage to
the eTS. Federal agencies may post charge card
transactions to the eTS directly or may authorize their
charge card contractors to share those transactions
with the eTS if that service is supported without addi-
tional cost to the Government and without adverse
impact to the GSA SmartPay® contract.) The eTS
should support the designation of personal expense
amounts included in posted transactions to prevent
Government reimbursement for those expenses.

C.6.3.11 Travel Receipts 11

1. The eTS should support submittal and storage of 11.1
electronic images of receipts that comply with appli-
cable Internal Revenue Service (IRS) electronic
receipt requirements;

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Objectives Script Government Use Only
2. The eTS electronic image support should include the 11.2
capability to submit electronic images of Federal
travelers’ expense receipts by upload via browser-
based functionality and by facsimile for electronic at-
tachment to the appropriate travel voucher. Receipt
images should be stored, indexed to, or associated
with the applicable voucher; and
3. The eTS should support agency-specific policy re- 11.3
garding receipt retention and provide guidance about
that policy to the traveler when preparing a voucher.

C.6.3.12 Non-Federally Sponsored Travel ND

1. The eTS should support special authorizations and ND
the capture of ethics documentation that may be re-
quired by Federal agencies.

C.6.3.14 Accounting Capabilities ND

1. The eTS should provide the capability to accept and ND
post Government travel charge card transactions to a
Federal traveler’s eTS account to support voucher
processing. (Note: This objective shall not be con-
strued to affect the GSA SmartPay® contract or
require GSA SmartPay® contractors to exchange
data with or permit linkage to the eTS. Federal agen-
cies may post charge card transactions to the eTS
directly or may authorize their charge card contrac-
tors to share those transactions with the eTS if that
service is supported without additional cost to the
Government and without adverse impact to the GSA
SmartPay® contract.);
2. The eTS should be Government fiscal year compliant ND
(October 1 through the following September 30) for
dating, indexing, and tracking of accounting func-
tions; and

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3. The eTS should have the ability to perform foreign ND
currency conversions at Government-approved con-
version rates on the effective date(s) of conversion,
and should be able to account for foreign currency
fluctuations. Examples of Government approved
conversion rates are those identified on Government
travel charge card invoices or other exchange rate
publications to be determined prior to award.

C.6.3.15 Routing, Workflow, Notifications, and System 6

1. The eTS should provide electronic routing and work- 6.2
flow of travel actions and notifications to the
desktops of eTS users for information, coordination,
review, and approval/rejection based on agency or
subordinate organization policy and criteria. All re-
jection actions should require the documentation of
the reason for rejection in text and/or configurable
code, and the reason for rejection should be included
in notifications of rejection provided to eTS users;
2. The eTS should create and forward messages to the 6.1
traveler and/or other designated recipients for infor-
mation or action via SMTP, MIME, or SMIME
compliant E-Mail systems. Messages should contain
hyperlinks to permit the user to access the related
eTS travel action directly from the message (with ap-
propriate user authentication required);
3. The eTS should support cross-organizational travel 6.3
and provide cross-agency routing and workflow, lev-
eraging existing (compatible) agency E-Mail systems
and the eTS application integration capabilities to the
greatest extent possible;

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4. The eTS should support conditional routing and noti- ND
fications as configured by agencies and subordinate
organizations. This includes the ability to manually
or automatically (according to configurable agency
business rules) delegate approval actions to other us-
ers in the event of absence or routing delays. It also
includes the ability to route travel actions for approv-
als based on specific characteristics such as
international travel, conferences, request for actual
expenses, specific funding citations, etc;
5. The eTS should provide the capability to post mes- 6.4
sages within specific travel action functionalities and
display Governmentwide, agency-specific, and or-
ganization-specific messages to users regarding
general information; and

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6. 6.5
eTS notifications and messages should include, but may not
be limited to, the following:
l) Pending travel action approvals;
m) Travel authorization or voucher approved
or rejected;
n) Confirmation of reservations (made by
traveler or travel arranger in traveler’s
o) Confirmation of ticket issuance;
p) Timed reminders for overdue voucher;
q) Timed reminders for approval actions;
r) Travel reimbursement made to account; ND
s) Travel advance deposited to account; ND
t) Split disbursement payments credited to ND
u) Defined messages regarding statements,
justifications, certifications, reasons codes,
etc.; and
v) Informative messages, warnings, and dia-
log boxes to guide users in the proper use
of eTS functionalities.

C.6.3.16 System Administration ND

1. The eTS should provide the capability to add or mod- ND
ify “HELP” files, “HELP” screens, and other
“HELP” facilities to meet specific requirements of
Federal agencies; and

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2. The eTS should provide the ability to ND
add/modify/delete agency- and organization-specific
data fields related to particular travel functionalities
within the eTS.

C.6.4 Technology Capabilities and Characteristics 15

1. The eTS should provide a solution with minimum 15.1
bandwidth and latency requirements for optimal web-
based performance and response times across Federal
agencies and networks;
2. Offerors should describe their strategy and capability 15.2
to scale from 5,000 to 10,000 concurrent eTS users;
3. The eTS application integration capabilities should 15.3
include flexible transport, routing, scheduling, and
data translation services based on mes-
sage/integration brokering and XML Web Services
4. The application server, web server, and portal com- 15.4
ponents component of the eTravel solution should be
based on J2EE or .Net architectures;
5. The application server, web server, and portal com- 15.5
ponents of the eTravel solution should be deployed
on a UNIX or Windows 2000 or later operating sys-
tem platform;
6. The operational database platform(s) for the eTS 15.6
should be based on either Oracle version 7 or later, or
Microsoft SQL Server version 7 or later. Also any
database and application server components should
be deployed using either a UNIX or Windows 2000
or later operating system platform;

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7. Existing department, agency, and subordinate organi- 15.7
zation configurations should not be deleted or
adversely impacted by new version releases, up-
grades, or other changes to the eTS except where
those changes directly affect specific functionalities
or features in the existing eTS configuration;
8. The technology infrastructure supporting the eTS 15.8
should be refreshed in accordance with best commer-
cial practices over the life of the contract as a part of
routine operations and maintenance. Technology re-
freshment should maintain robust eTS performance
and improve eTS performance when possible by lev-
eraging cost-effective technology advances as they
become available. Other technology refreshment tar-
gets include, but may not be limited to, accessibility
features, web form functionality, standardized XML
Schema related to eTravel, etc. Offerors should de-
scribe their eTS technology refreshment strategy in
the technical volume of their proposals. The Con-
tractor should document its eTS technology
refreshment policy within the deliverable Program
Management Plan; and
9. The eTS should support handling and viewing of 11.4
electronic receipt images in TIFF, PDF, other com-
mon image formats used on the Internet, and the IRS-
compliant electronic receipt image format used if that
capability is supported (see Section C.6.3.11). Sup-
port for proprietary image formats which are not
viewable by means of native capability of the speci-
fied web browsers or commonly available signed
“freeware” plug-ins is not required.

C.6.5.1 General Security Standards 16

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1. Data stored within the eTS may vary among low, 16.1
medium, and high sensitivity levels across agencies,
within agencies, and even within individual travel ac-
tions as seen from different agency perspectives.
Agency-specific and possibly data-specific configur-
able security is desirable, but is anticipated to be cost-
prohibitive. Offerors may propose a configurable se-
curity scheme that is more configurable and scalable
if it can be demonstrated to be of greater benefit or
cost-effectiveness to the Government.

C.6.5.2 Access and Authentication 17

1. Prior to availability of the final eAuthentication 17.1
Gateway, the Contractor should use the interim eAu-
thentication Gateway and credentials from supported
Federal credential providers. Alternately, and with
the approval of the GSA Contracting Officer, the
Contractor may fulfill the role of credential provider
for eTS at the User ID and Password authentication
level if the interim eAuthentication Gateway and
Federal credential providers are not used. A mini-
mum assurance level for the eTS will be specified by
the eTravel PMO promptly after the final eAuthenti-
cation Gateway assurance levels have been defined
and prior to contract award;
2. The eTS should display contact information for the 2.1
eTS Information System Security Officer (ISSO) (to
be provided at the time of contract award) in the ini-
tial portal screen and in all help screens; and

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3. The eTS should have an agency configurable session ND
timeout feature (configurable only by an agency eTS
administrator) to prevent inappropriate access and
viewing of any material during user absence. The de-
fault timeout shall be 15 minutes of inactivity such
that if the user has no interaction with eTS for that
time, the user will be required to re-authenticate in
order to resume use of the system. Session state and
data entered at the moment of timeout shall be saved
to the maximum extent possible.

C.6.5.3 Web Browser Security 18

1. Where necessary to provide eTS functionality, certain 18.1

mobile code technology may be employed, such as
signed Java applets, signed Java JAR files,
JavaScript, JScript, and ECMA-Script. These tech-
nologies are considered a limited risk and, if
employed, shall be addressed in the eTS Security
Plan including compensating controls which mitigate
that risk.

C.6.5.5 Personnel and Physical Security 19

1. The Contractor should accommodate agency-specific 19.1
personnel security requirements, including but not
limited to ensuring that all contractor personnel meet
applicable agency security and/or clearance require-
ments. The Contractor may propose staff with other
security clearances as long as their clearances meet or
exceed the levels stated herein; and

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2. The Contractor should ensure that its employees per- 19.2
forming under this contract receive annual IT security
training in accordance with OMB Circular A-130, the
Federal Information Security Management Act of
2002 (FISMA), and NIST requirements, with a spe-
cific emphasis on rules of behavior.

C.6.6 Electronic and Information Technology Accessi- 8

1. All criteria apply for elements of the eTS that are non- 8.1
web browser- based, including, but not limited to:
plug-ins, Java applets, downloaded content, and ad-
ministrative and management software.
The contractor shall either build all accessibility fea-
tures in, or develop a solution that is compatible with
assistive technology.
See Section 1194.21 - Software Applications and
Operating Systems.
All criteria shall apply for web-based elements of the 8.2
2. eTS. Criteria (d) means that pages that refer to style
sheets should “degrade gracefully” if the user
chooses to disable style sheet support, although eTS
users are required to use a modern browser that sup-
ports CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
See Section 1194.22 - Web-based internet informa-
tion and applications.
Criteria (a), (b), (c), and (d) apply for phone-based ND
3. support elements of the eTS. If the vendor’s solution
includes special telephone equipment for the hearing
impaired, criteria (f) and (g) shall also apply.
See Section 1194.23 - Telecommunications Products.

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Criteria (c), (d), and (e) shall apply for multi-media ND
training products provided as part of the eTS.

See Section 1194.24 - Video and Multi-media Prod-

If kiosks or other self-contained, closed products are ND
5. proposed as part of the eTS, then all criteria listed in
Section 1194.25 shall apply to those products.
Section 1194.25 - Self-Contained, Closed Products.
Contract requirements for the eTS do not include ND
6. Desktop and Portable Computers, so these criteria are
not applicable.
See Section 1194.26 - Desktop and Portable Com-
All criteria in Section 1194.31 shall apply for tech- ND
7. nologies that are not included in any of the above
Sections (1194.21-1194.26) or where eTS meets a
particular criterion in those sections through equiva-
lent facilitation (as defined in Section 1194.5).
Section 1194.31 - Functional Performance Criteria.
8. All criteria for end-user support documentation and ND

services shall apply.

Section 1194.41 - Information, Documentation, and

9. During the course of the eTS contract, the Contractor ND
should be prepared to provide improved or additional
accessibility through the continued application of
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, evolving
commercial assistive technologies, etc.

C.6.7.1 Business Data Warehouse 12

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1. 12.1
The business data warehouse should capture and contain all
travel transaction data elements from eTS systems associ-
ated with or required to fulfill the traveler profile (see
Section C.6.3.3), travel receipt images if included in eTS
capabilities (see Section C.6.3.11), query and reporting
(see Section C.6.7.4), business intelligence (see Section
C.6.7.5), and data exchange requirements (see Section
C.6.7.2) of this SOO. Travel data should be indexed in
accordance with the requirements of Sections C.
(if applicable), C., and C. Data captured
and stored should also include, but may not be limited to,
detailed travel itinerary and voucher information such as:
e) Purpose of travel;
f) Exception codes and justifications for not ND
using mandatory and/or preferred travel
g) Flight information (carrier, fare basis
codes, class of service, etc.); and
h) Travel cost information for transportation,
lodging, and rental cars, with taxes and fees
paid and tax and fee types separately identi-

2. The eTS business data warehouse should be physi- 12.2

cally and logically separated from operational
databases used in support of the eTS.

C.6.7.2 Data Exchange 20

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Objectives Script Government Use Only
1. The eTS should have the capability to accommodate 20.2
legacy systems based on older technologies as well as
the latest emerging data standards (e.g., XML
Schema, Web Services involving Simple Object Ac-
cess Protocol (SOAP) messages for remote procedure
calls, message brokers, etc.);
2. The Contractor should establish a standardized data 20.1
exchange mechanism that is “loosely coupled” to ac-
commodate sharing of data with legacy systems while
leveraging new standards to improve information us-
ability over time. Offerors should note if they will be
transmitting/storing standard XML within their pro-
posed eTS environment;
3. XML Schema and XML instance documents created 20.3
and transmitted by the eTS should comply with Fed-
eral XML guidelines as described in the Draft
Federal XML Developer’s Guide; and
4. The eTS should support the capability to associate ND
eTS travel authorization to activation and deactiva-
tion of Government Contractor-issued Individually
Billed Travel Charge Cards (see Section C.
This will be accomplished by including appropriate
data elements in the eTS standard data output to en-
able agencies to associate eTS travel authorizations to
travel charge card management through the electronic
access systems associated with their respective travel
charge cards. Activation/deactivation of the travel
charge cards will be the responsibility of the agency.
(Note: Activation/deactivation of the travel charge
cards will be the responsibility of the Federal agen-
cies. Furthermore, this objective shall not be
construed to affect the GSA SmartPay® contract or
require GSA SmartPay® contractors to exchange
data with or permit linkage to eTS.)

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Objectives Script Government Use Only
5. Attachment 14A provides an explanation of Standard 20.4
data elements. Standard data elements for eTS data
exchange should adhere to the names and characteris-
tics identified in Attachment 14B with the following
b) Data element naming should follow the
guidelines of the CIO Council’s XML
Working Group draft XML Developer’s
Guide, which strongly recommends the
use of either business terms or names that
comply with ISO/IEC 11179, Information
Technology - Specification and Stan-
dardization of Data Elements. (See links
related to ISO/IEC 11179 at and
http://metadata- for addi-
tional information.) General conventions
include, but are not limited to, the use of
upper camel case (e.g., “UpperCamel-
Case”) and lower camel case (e.g.,
“lowerCamelCase”) names, minimal use
of acronyms (unless universally known
across the government travel commu-
nity), avoidance of abbreviations, etc.;
c) Standard data element names provided in
Attachment 14B should be used unless
alternate names conforming to ISO 11179
are proposed. These data element names
are based on travel management (busi-
ness) terms and reflect consensus among
a number of Federal agencies. Business
terms improve readability, whereas ISO
11179 conventions facilitate automated
analysis of schema components for har-

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monization efforts. If different business
terms are proposed for element names
and types, they should represent a con-
sensus among members of the
government travel community.
d) Specific data elements to support invita-
tional travel were not captured in the list
provided as Attachment 14B.
Offerors should propose invitational
travel data elements for the eTS data ex-
change capability if relevant for exchange
with agency business systems.
6. Standard data elements with Sequence numbers 280 20.5
through 385 in Attachment 14B (those labeled as
Standard Data Elements for Business Data Ware-
house and/or Travel Management) have been
identified as important to Federal travel management,
although not necessarily required for exchange with
agency business systems. Offerors should incorpo-
rate these data elements as they relate to the proposed
objectives included in their respective eTS solution.

C.6.7.4 Queries and Reports 13

1. The eTS should provide robust query and analysis 13.1
tools, such as Online Analytical Processing (OLAP);

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2. 13.2
In addition to the required reports specified above, the eTS
should provide the following standard reports:
f) Total spend for travel and transportation of
employees and invitational travelers;
g) Average costs and duration of trips;
h) Amount of official travel by purpose(s);
i) All instances in which the agency author-
ized/approved the use of first-class
transportation accommodations as well as
utilization of first class travel and accom-
modations; and
j) Exception reports documenting all in-
stances and the relevant details when travel
was authorized, accomplished, and/or
vouchered with exception(s) to applicable
travel regulations and policies.

C.6.7.5 Business Intelligence 14

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1. 14.1
To the extent possible with commercially available tools,
the business intelligence capabilities of the eTS should
directly support the business analysis and management
functions listed below at the Governmentwide, depart-
ment, agency, and subordinate organization levels (as
g) Budget management;
h) Real-time spend analysis;
i) Preferred supplier utilization and spend;
j) Federal travel trend analysis;
k) Regulatory compliance and regulatory ex-
ception analysis and reporting; and
l) eTS Contractor performance.

2. Business intelligence functionalities should be acces- ND

sible via the eTravel portal.

C.6.7.6 Records Retention and Archiving ND

1. The eTS should provide online access to detailed ND
transaction information for a minimum period of 36
months, and permit access to archived detailed trans-
action information for a period of 6 years and 3
2. The eTS should archive all data to durable media ND
(e.g., CD-ROM) prior to purging from the eTS and/or
the business data warehouse; and

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3. The eTS should provide a means for departments, ND
agencies, and subordinate organizations to archive
their travel records by download. Alternately, the
Contractor may supply archived records on durable
media (e.g., CD-ROM). Archived records should be
indexed by travel authorization number, traveler
name, traveler SSN or other employee identification
number, travel destination, and dates of travel.

C.6.8.1 Standard Implementation Services 4

1. Basic business rules and exception procedures; 4.1
2. Approval and routing chains; 4.2
3. Agency-specific supplier designations; 4.3
4. Agency-specific messages and warnings; 4.4
5. Electronic upload of all traveler profile information ND
provided by the agency with establishment of user
accounts and permission levels for the travelers;
6. Incorporation of existing TMC services; and 4.5
7. Establishment of an eTS Integration Agreement for ND
the agency.

C.6.9 Customer Support ND

1. The Contractor should provide concise context sensi- ND
tive online “help” files to assist users in basic eTS
functionalities and troubleshooting. In addition to
menu entries, the eTS should consistently display a
Help button or link on every screen to access context
sensitive help files and additional user support re-

C.7 Performance Measures ND

1. The eTS should, to the maximum extent possible, ND
meet or exceed the desired outcomes summarized in a
table on page C-50 of the Solicitation. These objec-
tives are of equal importance to the Government.
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ND – Not Demonstrated

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Number Number
1 C.6.3.2 eTravel Portal 6.3.2
1.1 The eTS should deliver functionality proactively, 6.3.2.(2)
presenting it to the user as needed and limiting the
need to “drill down” to access eTS capabilities;
1.2 The eTS should provide the capability to establish 6.3.2.(3)
links to Governmentwide, GSA, and agency-
specific travel-related web sites, documents, and re-
sources. The eTS should provide links from the
eTravel portal to pertinent Federal travel policy and
information resources (e.g., the FTR, per diem in-
formation, etc.). The eTS should be capable of
linking to services and data from other Government
portals and web-based systems; and
2 C.6.5.2 Access and Authentication 6.5.2
2 The eTS should display contact information for the 6.5.2.(2)
eTS Information System Security Officer (ISSO) (to
be provided at the time of contract award) in the ini-
tial portal screen and in all help screens; and
3 C.6.1 Basic Capabilities and Characteristics 6.1
3.1 The eTS should provide a common, streamlined 6.1.(1)
travel management service available Govern-
mentwide that automates and fully integrates
Federal travel management functions;
3.2 The eTS should provide a common, consolidated 6.1.(2)
travel process at a Governmentwide level with con-
figurability at the department, agency, and
subordinate organization levels within the limits al-
lowed by the applicable travel regulations;

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3.3 The eTS should provide a consistent, web-based, 6.1.(3)
self-service environment with an intuitive graphical
user interface and sufficient system prompts, clearly
understandable dialog boxes, and informative mes-
sages to guide users through logical, sequential
processes and collect all necessary information
within all functionalities and modules;
3.4 The eTS should provide web-based administration 6.1.(4)
of travel policy with configurable business rules
(e.g., Governmentwide, agency level, executive em-
ployee policy, staff employee policy, etc.) for all
applicable functionalities;
3.5 The eTS should utilize automated routing, work- 6.1.(5)
flow, messaging, and notifications;
3.6 The eTS should provide comment fields and local 6.1.(6)
fields within all functionalities to support organiza-
tion- and agency-specific business processes and
audit requirements;
3.7 The eTS should support the use of personal 6.1.(7)
charge/credit cards where authorized;
3.8 Offerors should take advantage of and use appropri- 6.1.(8)
ate commercial standards wherever possible to
streamline the acquisition, enhance interoperability,
and reduce costs provided that all mandatory re-
quirements stated herein are met or exceeded;
3.9 Offerors should support establishment of Federal 6.1.(9)
eTravel standards, incorporating appropriate com-
mercial and government best practices into their
eTS solutions; and
4 C.6.8.1 Standard Implementation Services 6.8.1
4.1 Basic business rules and exception procedures; 6.8.1.(1)
4.2 Approval and routing chains; 6.8.1.(2)
4.3 Agency-specific supplier designations; 6.8.1.(3)
4.4 Agency-specific messages and warnings; 6.8.1.(4)
4.5 Incorporation of existing TMC services; and 6.8.1.(6)

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5 C.6.3.1 User Roles, Use Cases, and Account Access 6.3.1
5.1 Offerors should address all business travel processes 6.3.1(1)
outlined in the eTravel Business Process Flow Dia-
gram (Attachment 1) and Notional eTS Operational
Architecture (Attachment 2);
5.2 Offerors should describe use cases in simple text to 6.3.1(3)
facilitate communication among Government travel
subject matter experts who may not have special-
ized IT training; and

5.3 The eTS should provide the ability to add user ac- 6.3.1(2)
counts and traveler profiles limited only by the
concurrent user mandatory requirement;
5.4 Offerors may propose additional or alternative user 6.3.1(4)
roles and use cases that provide the most effective
standardized eTS model and functionality across
Federal agencies. The Government may limit the
number of distinct Federal user roles to six at its
discretion; offerors should provide sound justifica-
tion if more than six Federal user roles are

6 C.6.3.15 Routing, Workflow, Notifications, and Sys- 6.3.15

tem Messages
6.1 The eTS should create and forward messages to the 6.3.15.(2)
traveler and/or other designated recipients for in-
formation or action via SMTP, MIME, or SMIME
compliant E-Mail systems. Messages should con-
tain hyperlinks to permit the user to access the
related eTS travel action directly from the message
(with appropriate user authentication required);

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6.2 The eTS should provide electronic routing and 6.3.15.(1)
workflow of travel actions and notifications to the
desktops of eTS users for information, coordination,
review, and approval/rejection based on agency or
subordinate organization policy and criteria. All re-
jection actions should require the documentation of
the reason for rejection in text and/or configurable
code, and the reason for rejection should be in-
cluded in notifications of rejection provided to eTS
6.3 The eTS should support cross-organizational travel 6.3.15.(3)
and provide cross-agency routing and workflow,
leveraging existing (compatible) agency E-Mail sys-
tems and the eTS application integration capabilities
to the greatest extent possible;
6.4 The eTS should provide the capability to post mes- 6.3.15.(5)
sages within specific travel action functionalities
and display Governmentwide, agency-specific, and
organization-specific messages to users regarding
general information; and

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6.5 eTS notifications and messages should include, but may
not be limited to, the following:
a) Pending travel action approvals;
b) Travel authorization or voucher approved
or rejected;
c) Confirmation of reservations (made by
traveler or travel arranger in traveler’s
d) Confirmation of ticket issuance;
e) Timed reminders for overdue voucher;
f) Timed reminders for approval actions;
j) Defined messages regarding statements,
justifications, certifications, reasons
codes, etc.; and
k) Informative messages, warnings, and dia-
log boxes to guide users in the proper use
of eTS functionalities.

7 C.6.3.4 Travel Planning and Authorization 6.3.4

7.1 The eTS should support the capability to associate 6.3.4.(5)
eTS travel authorization with the activation and deac-
tivation of Government Contractor-issued Individually
Billed Travel Charge Cards (Note: Activa-
tion/deactivation of the travel charge cards will be the
responsibility of the Federal agencies. Furthermore,
this objective shall not be construed to affect the GSA
SmartPay® contract or require GSA SmartPay® con-
tractors to exchange data with or permit linkage to

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8 C.6.6 Electronic and Information Technology Acces- 6.6
8.1 All criteria apply for elements of the eTS that are 6.6.(1)
non-web browser- based, including, but not limited
to: plug-ins, Java applets, downloaded content, and
administrative and management software.
The contractor shall either build all accessibility fea-
tures in, or develop a solution that is compatible
with assistive technology.
See Section 1194.21 - Software Applications and
Operating Systems.
8.2 All criteria shall apply for web-based elements of 6.6.(2)
the eTS. Criteria (d) means that pages that refer to
style sheets should “degrade gracefully” if the user
chooses to disable style sheet support, although eTS
users are required to use a modern browser that
supports CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
See Section 1194.22 - Web-based internet informa-
tion and applications.
9 C.6.3.6 eTS Booking Engine 6.3.6
9.1 The eTS should provide the traveler or travel ar- 6.3.6.(11)
ranger with access to the traveler’s previous trip
9.2 The eTS should support the creation, storage, and 6.3.6.(8)
shared use of standard individual and shared trip
9.3 The eTS online booking engine should encode and 6.3.6(5)
decode airline and city/airport codes for the traveler;

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9.4 The eTS online booking engine should provide the 6.3.6.(1)
ability to compare carrier fares as well as rental car
and lodging rates to support selection of the itiner-
ary, carrier, and/or vendor(s) most advantageous to
the Government. This should include the capability
to display fare comparisons from multiple fare
sources (i.e., City Pair fares vs. other fares), alter-
nate airports, etc;
9.5 The eTS online booking engine should provide 6.3.6(6)
graphical seat maps and the capability to reserve
seat assignments where commercially available;
9.6 The eTS should provide the ability to automatically 6.3.6.(10)
identify and communicate exceptions to travel pol-
icy to multiple recipients (e.g., traveler, approvers,
9.7 The eTS should have the ability to designate fre- 6.3.6.(14)
quent or loyal traveler program account number(s)
in reservations.
C.6.3.3 Traveler Profiles 6.3.3
9.8 Traveler profile data within the eTS should be used 6.3.3.(1)
to pre-populate applicable data to the maximum ex-
tent possible within travel actions of all types (e.g.,
travel authorizations, reservation records, etc.); and
9.9 The eTS traveler profile should provide for entry 6.3.3.(2)
and retention of the traveler’s default transportation
and accommodation requirements and preferences
(e.g., rental car class, seating preferences, ticketing
preferences, etc.) and travel program affiliations
9 C.6.3.6 eTS Booking Engine 6.3.6
9.10 The eTS should provide the ability to make self ser- 6.3.6.(7)
vice international air travel reservations that comply
with all applicable regulations;

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9.11 The Contractor should allow TMC reporting sys- 6.3.6.(3)
tems and TMC created PNRs to be retrieved and/or
viewed through the eTS online booking engine. It
should work with any TMC mid-office system(s) to
meet file finishing requirements;
10 C.6.3.7 Fulfillment 6.3.7
10.1 Offerors should propose expedited agency TMC incorpo-
ration schemes to speed agency adoption of the eTS and
eTS transaction volume growth; and
10.2 The eTS Contractor is not required to provide traditional 6.3.7.(2)
TMC fulfillment services. In order to achieve the eTravel
vision of a unified travel management service, and to per-
mit Federal agencies to obtain complete end-to-end travel
management services from an eTS vendor, the eTS offer-
ing should provide fulfillment capabilities that meet
requirements for Travel Agent Services/Travel Manage-
ment Center Services for reservations specified in the
GSA Travel Services Solutions solicitation (Solicitation
No. FBGT-VH-030001-B available at
10 C.6.3.5 Reservations 6.3.5
10.1 Offerors should propose expedited agency TMC ac- 6.3.5.(1)
commodation schemes to facilitate adoption of the
eTS and speed eTS transaction volume growth;

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10.2 The eTS Contractor is not required to provide tradi- 6.3.5.(2)
tional TMC reservation services. In order to
achieve the eTravel vision of a unified travel man-
agement service, and to permit Federal agencies to
obtain complete end-to-end travel management ser-
vices from an eTS vendor, the eTS offering should
provide non-self service reservation capabilities that
meet the requirements for Travel Agent Ser-
vices/Travel Management Center Services for
reservations specified in the GSA Travel Services
Solutions solicitation (Solicitation No. FBGT-VH-
030001-B available at
10.3 The eTS should provide access to as many domestic 6.3.5.(3)
and international lodging sources as possible;
10.4 The eTS should take advantage of promotional and 6.3.5.(4)
spot discount lodging rates to the maximum extent
possible; and
10.5 The eTS should support the integration and passing 6.3.5.(5)
of pertinent reservation data from the TMCs under
contract to Federal agencies and from the eTS
online booking engine to associated travel actions
(e.g., travel authorizations, vouchers, etc.) within
the eTS.
11 C.6.3.11 Travel Receipts 6.3.11
11.1 The eTS should support submittal and storage of 6.3.11.(1)
electronic images of receipts that comply with ap-
plicable Internal Revenue Service (IRS) electronic
receipt requirements;

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11.2 The eTS electronic image support should include 6.3.11.(2)
the capability to submit electronic images of Federal
travelers’ expense receipts by upload via browser-
based functionality and by facsimile for electronic
attachment to the appropriate travel voucher. Re-
ceipt images should be stored, indexed to, or
associated with the applicable voucher; and
11.3 The eTS should support agency-specific policy re- 6.3.11.(3)
garding receipt retention and provide guidance
about that policy to the traveler when preparing a
C.6.4 Technology Capabilities and
11.4 The eTS should support handling and viewing of 6.4.2.(9)
electronic receipt images in TIFF, PDF, other com-
mon image formats used on the Internet, and the
IRS-compliant electronic receipt image format used
if that capability is supported (see Section C.6.3.11).
Support for proprietary image formats which are not
viewable by means of native capability of the speci-
fied web browsers or commonly available signed
“freeware” plug-ins is not required.
12 C.6.7.1 Business Data Warehouse 6.7.1

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12.1 The business data warehouse should capture and contain
all travel transaction data elements from eTS systems
associated with or required to fulfill the traveler profile
(see Section C.6.3.3), travel receipt images if included
in eTS capabilities (see Section C.6.3.11), query and re-
porting (see Section C.6.7.4), business intelligence (see
Section C.6.7.5), and data exchange requirements (see
Section C.6.7.2) of this SOO. Travel data should be in-
dexed in accordance with the requirements of Sections
C. (if applicable), C., and C.
Data captured and stored should also include, but may
not be limited to, detailed travel itinerary and voucher
information such as:
b) Exception codes and justifications for not
using mandatory and/or preferred travel
c) Flight information (carrier, fare basis
codes, class of service, etc.); and

12.2 The eTS business data warehouse should be physi- 6.7.1.(2)

cally and logically separated from operational
databases used in support of the eTS.
13 C.6.7.4 Queries and Reports 6.7.4
13.1 The eTS should provide robust query and analysis 6.7.4.(1)
tools, such as Online Analytical Processing
(OLAP); and

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13.2 6.7.4.(2)
In addition to the required reports specified above, the
eTS should provide the following standard reports:
b) Average costs and duration of trips;
d) All instances in which the agency author-
ized/approved the use of first-class
transportation accommodations as well as
utilization of first class travel and accom-
modations; and

14 C.6.7.5 Business Intelligence 6.7.5

14.1 6.7.5.(1)
To the extent possible with commercially available tools,
the business intelligence capabilities of the eTS should
directly support the business analysis and management
functions listed below at the Governmentwide, depart-
ment, agency, and subordinate organization levels (as
a) Budget management;
c) Preferred supplier utilization and spend;
d) Federal travel trend analysis;
e) Regulatory compliance and regulatory ex-
ception analysis and reporting; and

15 C.6.4 Technology Capabilities and Characteristics 6.4

15.1 The eTS should provide a solution with minimum 6.4.2.(1)
bandwidth and latency requirements for optimal
web-based performance and response times across
Federal agencies and networks;
15.2 Offerors should describe their strategy and capabil- 6.4.2.(2)
ity to scale from 5,000 to 10,000 concurrent eTS

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15.3 The eTS application integration capabilities should 6.4.2.(3)
include flexible transport, routing, scheduling, and
data translation services based on mes-
sage/integration brokering and XML Web Services
15.4 The application server, web server, and portal com- 6.4.2.(4)
ponents component of the eTravel solution should
be based on J2EE or .Net architectures;
15.5 The application server, web server, and portal com- 6.4.2.(5)
ponents of the eTravel solution should be deployed
on a UNIX or Windows 2000 or later operating sys-
tem platform;
15.6 The operational database platform(s) for the eTS 6.4.2(6)
should be based on either Oracle version 7 or later,
or Microsoft SQL Server version 7 or later. Also
any database and application server components
should be deployed using either a UNIX or Win-
dows 2000 or later operating system platform;
15.7 Existing department, agency, and subordinate or- 6.4.2(7)
ganization configurations should not be deleted or
adversely impacted by new version releases, up-
grades, or other changes to the eTS except where
those changes directly affect specific functionalities
or features in the existing eTS configuration;

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15.8 The technology infrastructure supporting the eTS 6.4.(8)
should be refreshed in accordance with best com-
mercial practices over the life of the contract as a
part of routine operations and maintenance. Tech-
nology refreshment should maintain robust eTS
performance and improve eTS performance when
possible by leveraging cost-effective technology ad-
vances as they become available. Other technology
refreshment targets include, but may not be limited
to, accessibility features, web form functionality,
standardized XML Schema related to eTravel, etc.
Offerors should describe their eTS technology re-
freshment strategy in the technical volume of their
proposals. The Contractor should document its eTS
technology refreshment policy within the deliver-
able Program Management Plan; and
16 C.6.5.1 General Security Standards 6.5.1
16.1 Data stored within the eTS may vary among low, 6.5.1.(1)
medium, and high sensitivity levels across agencies,
within agencies, and even within individual travel
actions as seen from different agency perspectives.
Agency-specific and possibly data-specific config-
urable security is desirable, but is anticipated to be
cost-prohibitive. Offerors may propose a configur-
able security scheme that is more configurable and
scalable if it can be demonstrated to be of greater
benefit or cost-effectiveness to the Government.

17 C.6.5.2 Access and Authentication 6.5.2

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17.1 Prior to availability of the final eAuthentication 6.5.2.(1)
Gateway, the Contractor should use the interim
eAuthentication Gateway and credentials from sup-
ported Federal credential providers. Alternately,
and with the approval of the GSA Contracting Offi-
cer, the Contractor may fulfill the role of credential
provider for eTS at the User ID and Password au-
thentication level if the interim eAuthentication
Gateway and Federal credential providers are not
used. A minimum assurance level for the eTS will
be specified by the eTravel PMO promptly after the
final eAuthentication Gateway assurance levels
have been defined and prior to contract award;
18 C.6.5.3 Web Browser Security 6.5.3
18.1 Where necessary to provide eTS functionality, cer- 6.5.3.(1)
tain mobile code technology may be employed, such
as signed Java applets, signed Java JAR files,
JavaScript, JScript, and ECMA-Script. These tech-
nologies are considered a limited risk and, if
employed, shall be addressed in the eTS Security
Plan including compensating controls which miti-
gate that risk.
19 C.6.5.5 Personnel and Physical Security 6.5.5
19.1 The Contractor should accommodate agency- 6.5.5.(1)
specific personnel security requirements, including
but not limited to ensuring that all contractor per-
sonnel meet applicable agency security and/or
clearance requirements. The Contractor may pro-
pose staff with other security clearances as long as
their clearances meet or exceed the levels stated
herein; and

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19.2 The Contractor should ensure that its employees 6.5.5.(2)
performing under this contract receive annual IT se-
curity training in accordance with OMB Circular A-
130, the Federal Information Security Management
Act of 2002 (FISMA), and NIST requirements, with
a specific emphasis on rules of behavior.
20 C.6.7.2 Data Exchange
20.1 The Contractor should establish a standardized data
exchange mechanism that is “loosely coupled” to
accommodate sharing of data with legacy systems
while leveraging new standards to improve informa-
tion usability over time. Offerors should note if
they will be transmitting/storing standard XML
within their proposed eTS environment;
20.2 The eTS should have the capability to accommodate
legacy systems based on older technologies as well
as the latest emerging data standards (e.g., XML
Schema, Web Services involving Simple Object
Access Protocol (SOAP) messages for remote pro-
cedure calls, message brokers, etc.);
20.3 XML Schema and XML instance documents created
and transmitted by the eTS should comply with
Federal XML guidelines as described in the Draft
Federal XML Developer’s Guide; and
20.4 Attachment 14A provides an explanation of Stan-
dard data elements. Standard data elements for eTS
data exchange should adhere to the names and char-
acteristics identified in Attachment 14B with the
following considerations:
a) Data element naming should follow the
guidelines of the CIO Council’s XML
Working Group draft XML Developer’s
Guide, which strongly recommends the use
of either business terms or names that com-
ply with ISO/IEC 11179, Information
Technology - Specification and Standardi-
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zation of Data Elements. (See links related
to ISO/IEC 11179 at http://metadata- and http://metadata- for addi-
tional information.) General conventions
include, but are not limited to, the use of
upper camel case (e.g., “UpperCamelCase”)
and lower camel case (e.g., “lowerCamel-
Case”) names, minimal use of acronyms
(unless universally known across the gov-
ernment travel community), avoidance of
abbreviations, etc.;
b) Standard data element names provided in
Attachment 14B should be used unless al-
ternate names conforming to ISO 11179 are
proposed. These data element names are
based on travel management (business)
terms and reflect consensus among a num-
ber of Federal agencies. Business terms
improve readability, whereas ISO 11179
conventions facilitate automated analysis of
schema components for harmonization ef-
forts. If different business terms are
proposed for element names and types, they
should represent a consensus among mem-
bers of the government travel community.
c) Specific data elements to support invita-
tional travel were not captured in the list
provided as Attachment 14B.
Offerors should propose invitational travel
data elements for the eTS data exchange
capability if relevant for exchange with
agency business systems.

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20.5 Standard data elements with Sequence numbers 280
through 385 in Attachment 14B (those labeled as
Standard Data Elements for Business Data Ware-
house and/or Travel Management) have been
identified as important to Federal travel manage-
ment, although not necessarily required for
exchange with agency business systems. Offerors
should incorporate these data elements as they relate
to the proposed objectives included in their respec-
tive eTS solution.

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Service Solicitation Number FBGT-CD-030001-N
Round 2, Volume 1, Page 205

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