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Education Policy Center Newsletter

From The Independence Institute
January 27, 2010
In this issue
-- February 11 Event: Randy DeHoff Takes On 21st Century Learning
-- DeGrow Pushes for Greater School Spending Transparency
-- Benigno Touts School Choice Website on Radio Waves
-- Eddie Celebrates Badge of Honor, Spies Hopes for Merit Pay

Dear Friends,

We hope you enjoy our latest update from the Education Policy Center.

Pamela Benigno, Director

Ben DeGrow, Policy Analyst
Marya DeGrow, Research Associate
Raaki Garcia-Ulam, School Choice Website Outreach Coordinator

February 11 Event: Randy DeHoff Takes On 21st Century Learning

You are invited to join us at our offices on Thursday, February 11, as State Board of
Education vice chairman Randy DeHoff discusses: Is 21st century learning the wave of the
future or just the latest education fad? Reception starts at 5:30 PM, followed by the formal
program at 6:15. Teachers are invited to come to a 5:00 PM special private meeting with the
guest speaker. Admission to the event is free. Donations to the Independence Institute are
welcomed. RSVP on our website or by calling Nancy at 303-279-6536.

DeGrow Pushes for Greater School Spending Transparency

Following last year’s intense but failed effort to enact school spending transparency, two
new transparency bills have been introduced in the Colorado General Assembly. Last
Thursday our policy analyst Ben DeGrow testified before the House Education Committee
how HB 1036 could more fully embody the criteria of effective transparency. As outlined in
his new issue backgrounder “What Should School District Financial Transparency Look
Like?”, he also commended Jefferson County Schools—the state’s largest school district—for
its exceptional new, user-friendly online database.

For more:
Ed Is Watching, With Jeffco in Front, Colorado Can Lead on School Financial Transparency
Benigno Touts School Choice Website on Radio Waves
On January 14, Pam Benigno’s interview with Robbyn Hart about our School Choice for
Kids website was featured during a segment of Colorado’s Morning News on 850 KOA.
You can go here to listen to the 2-minute segment. This Tuesday, Pam also appeared on the
Amy Oliver Show (1310 KFKA) in northern Colorado to tout the website during the
important open enrollment season.

For more:
Ed Is Watching, On 850 KOA, Pam Benigno Directs Parents to School Choice for Kids Site
Ed Is Watching, Families Leaving Private Schools Can Make Strong Choice Advocates
Ed Is Watching, Male Teacher? Female Teachers? Boys Really Need School Choice

Eddie Celebrates Badge of Honor, Spies Hopes for Merit Pay

Since returning from Christmas break, our young blogging prodigy Eddie has kept busy. He
was very excited to bring attention to Colorado’s badge of honor received from the nation’s
largest teachers union. He also highlighted two serious breakthroughs for teacher merit pay
– one in Georgia and one in our own backyard of Colorado Springs (Harrison School
District). Finally, Eddie was disappointed by Colorado’s Race to the Top grant application,
but pleased to learn more about Teach for America’s secrets of quality instruction.

Contact Information
phone: 303-279-6536

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