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Genius Hour | Lesson Ten | Teacher Sarah | 8th Grade | March 2016

Genius Hour Lesson Plan

Proactive Classroom Management



Goals & Objectives

Students Will Be Able To: present their TED Talk Genius Hour research presentations with clear evidence and strong
presentation skills like eye contact and clear speaking while using a visual display.
Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with relevant evidence, sound
valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
Come to discussions prepared, having read or researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by
referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion.
Integrate multimedia and visual displays into presentations to clarify information, strengthen claims and evidence, and
add interest.
Teacher Materials:
1. Google Slides Presentation
2. Genius Hour Note taking Graphic Organizer
3. Rubric for Genius Hour Presentations
4. Roster of Student Presentations (who is presenting and when)
5. Each students presentation loaded on my laptop at the front of class
6. Optional: Clipboards with graphic organizer for student presentation notes
Student Materials:
1. TED Talk Presentations
2. Laptops
3. Red Genius Hour Folders

o Students sit in stadium-style seating in an arc facing the front of the room and the presenter. Students will
each sit with a clipboard as they listen and take notes during each of the TED Talk presentations.
o Teacher will circulate throughout the classroom during presentations.

o Before the student presentations start, have a whole-class discussion about norms for student presentations:
what does it look like/sound like/feel like to be a respectful, attentive audience member? As students share,
record their answers at the front of the room.
o After students brainstorm norms, emphasize my non-negotiable for student presentations: emphasize how
students will have the opportunity to ask questions and give compliments after each presentation, but during
each presentation, they are to remain respectful, quiet and listen carefully. There is to be no talking while
students are presenting because we want to show respect for all the hard work the presenter has put into their
o Use silent signals to redirect students across the room without talking.
o Circulate around the room to answer student questions.
o Positive narration: recognize students for working hard, making insightful comments and presenting
o Written peer to peer recognition: students will also recognize eachother for working hard, making insightful
comments and presenting

Do Now
& Student Presentations
Plan: Wrap Up
Anticipating Student

Greeting & Launch (2 min.)

o Welcome to our final Genius Hour class! Today we will see each others TED Talk presentations.
o I have been very impressed by the topics you have been researching during this Genius Hour time and I look
forward to seeing your completed presentations. I also cant wait for your classmates to see your presentations
o Question: Why are we presenting? Why is this important? Answer: presenting/sharing knowledge is part of our
role as activists

Announcements (3 min.)
1. Set purpose for todays class: todays goal is to learn from our classmates about a social justice topic they are
passionate about
2. Review Norms (Model sitting up, taking notes, tracking the speaker, how we give feedback to one another)
3. Review Genius Hour Note taking Graphic Organizer
TED Talk Presentations (40 min.)
1. Student TED Talk Genius Hour Presentations
2. Students ask a question/give a compliment/describe an interesting connection after each Genius Hour Presentation
3. Congratulate all TED Talk Presenters

Wrap Up (15 min.)

1. Exit Ticket for Student Presenters: Genius Hour Rubric
2. Overall Genius Hour Feedback: What did you like about this process? What would have liked to do differently?
3. Celebration with Food & Drinks
4. Leave No Trace before bell rings (push in chairs, clean the area around your seat, pick up trash off the floor, etc.)
5. Transition to Tr. Lacey & Study Hall Period
Formative Assessment
o After class, I will go online through Google Drive and review the work each student did on their presentation and
then give personalized comments/feedback based on each students current level of work.

Students may have a difficult time watching several student presentations back to back
o Potential Solution: watch for students signs of getting antsy and give a stretch break if the need arises
Students may talk or be disruptive during the presentations
o Potential Solution: outline clear consequences at the start of the lesson, warning, take a break, delayed

Too Challenging?
o Support students by allowing students to use notes while presenting
o Support students by providing a graphic organizer for students to take notes while listening to the presentations
Too Easy?
o Challenge students to not use notes while presenting
o Challenge students to take notes while listening to the presentations with their own note-taking system

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