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MGC: MEVA Guided Climbing

MGS: MEVA Guided Screens

MGC and MGS are twin systems. MGC is the
guided climbing system comprising vertical
formwork and safety platforms while MGS is the
guided screens system with a full cladding for
worker protection. Both systems are assembled on
the ground for improved safety and speed. Once
assembled, they are attached to the building from
below. Throughout their use and during lifting,
they remain firmly and safely attached at the
building; wind loads do not affect the building
process. The systems are lifted by crane. As an
option, the MGS system can also be lifted with a
hydraulic system.


MGC: MEVA Guided Climbing

with formwork and safety platforms
The climbing system and the formwork on its
safety platforms are one single unit. Once the
unit is assembled and attached to the building,
bracket extensions, secondary platforms and
ladder extensions are also mounted from ground
level below under simple and safe assembly
conditions. Designed to meet the highest standards in efficiency and safety, the MGS system is
ideally suited for for highrise construction. It can
also be used to complement the MEVA climbing
scaffold KLK.

MGS: MEVA Guided Screens

with full cladding
With its cladding, the MGS system encloses complete floors protecting workers and equipment
against wind and weather when working in great
heights. The size of the units can be adapted
to the building geometry and to floor heights
ranging from 3 m to 4,25 m. The MGS system
encloses three or more floors und fully projects
over the top floor where work is in progress.

Guided Climbing/Screens

Climbing Process



Features and Benefits at a Glance



Modular system for climbing and screens

Simple logistics and disposition

Always anchored to building, also when climbing

Maximum safety requirements fulfilled

Completely surrounded by screens

Optimum work safety and labour performance

MGS: Level heights from 3,00 m to 4,25 m

Flexible planning for all highrise buildings

MGC: Secondary platforms can be attached to any

guiding profile

Easy application

MGC: Integrated ladder system for finishing work

No additional access system required

MGC: Assembly at ground level and in line with

building progress

Initial wall height of only 3,25 m

MGS: Lift also with hydraulic ram instead of a crane

Saves crane time

Free positioning of guiding profiles up to a width of


Flexible adaptation to layout and geometry of building

Simple to lift using guiding profiles

Reduces crane time

Safe work independent of any wind load

Minimised interruptions due to weather

The photo shows MGS units being lifted far over the slab edge of the top
floor of a high-rise building. The right unit is in its final position while the
left one is being lifted. The 3 cm gap between the units is necessary to
avoid friction between the units when lifting them. It is no safety hazard.

When lifting an MGS unit, its guiding profiles slide through the sliding
shoes that are attached at the slab edge and hold them tight. The safey
latches on the shoes and other safety features make sure that the strict
safety standards vaild in high-rise construction are fully met.


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