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Although, Nepal is considered to be rich in the water resources, but in present we are facing up to sixteen hours
of power cuts during dry season. This is the present scenario of my country. Nepal does not lack natural
resources but what is missing is the qualified and trained person to utilize and harvest these resources. I want to
pursue M.Sc in Hydro Science and Engineering and return to my country to work in government and academic.
My objective for graduate studies in Hydro Science and Engineering is to prepare myself for the long term goal of
pursuing career in hydro engineering, management and research. My desire to study post-graduate in Germany
is due to unavailability of research based graduate study in Hydro Science and Engineering in Nepal and learned
the policy and technology used there ,so it can be implemented in the context of Nepal.
My interest towards the subject of Hydroscience and Engineering began during my undergraduate study. I
participated in numerous field visits and tours that were incorporated during the course of study . Due to my merit
scores and keen interest in these topics, I was provided a golden opportunity to pursue my project on Pre feasibility study
of Dordi Khola (stream) Hydropower project as my final year project under the direct supervision of Er. Manohar
Shrestha, Director General Manager of Butwal Power Company Pvt Ltd. (Hydro Consult).
The significance of this Master in Science in Hydro Science and Engineering course is very much important & highly
needed to country like Nepal. Nepal is the country which is considered as second largest country in water resources after
Brazil. There are numerous and enormous potentials of water related projects in this country.. There are about six
thousands big and small rivers in Nepal hurling from mighty Himalayas and high mountains toward the plain of Terai. The
enormous hydropower potential of those rapid rivers is estimated to be 83,000 MW. It has been assumed that up to 42,000
MW can be exploited economically in the present context. The challenging topography and varying geology of Nepal has
created a diverse behaviour of water that hurls from higher himalayas to plain terai. This incorporates with numerous
examples of water related issues such as disasters, sedimentation, scouring, and washouts annually throughout the nation.
Numerous provisions are made in order to treat the water bodies according to the civil engineering needs that include
small scale investments to large scale investments. For this the nation has to deal with higher level of technicians and
equipments that are rarely available in the country. As per the topic hydro science, it deals in detail with the behaviour of
water in stagnant as well as in dynamic form, the pursue of masters degree in this discipline will nurture the knowledge
in furthermore research regarding the topics and issues related to hydro science.
This developing nation is seeking its economical boom and hope from white dollars (income from hydroelectricity). Due
to this fact, adequate technical manpower who can deal with this sort of topics is to be available within the nation. To the
present fact, Nepal is not having adequate manpowers who can address these topics. So I would like to receive the higher
level of education in hydro science and engineering through which I can present myself as one of the capable manpower
who can address these issues and flourish my career in the field of hydro science and engineering.
The increasing population of Nepal has badly disturbed its naturally balanced geography. Although water resources can be
considered as the benison gifted by nature to Nepal for its development, due to natural conditions and administrative
anomalies or clear vision of the planners and resource manager has been quite challenging. Nepal receives both positive
and negative influence due to water every year. The positive facts such as hydroelectricity, irrigation provision, water
supply and sanitation, recreational and adventurous activities are blooming the economy of nation whereas negative
impacts such as floods and water induced disasters are causing damage to the environment as well as economy of the
nation. The mighty river known as sapta koshi which is considered as one of the largest river for carrying sediment is
creating a terror among the people who lives in eastern Terai region as well as some parts of India. To tackle the problems
caused by these mighty rivers there are numerous alternatives such as construction of high dams, water channels etc. In

order to perform these projects, nation has to invest a lot of money to hire professionals from outside the nation. We
believe in the fact that nation should be built with national resources. So its my sheer impassion to hold the degree on
hydro science. I believe that TU Dresden is the golden platform for me to earn this degree.
Currently I am working as Lecturer in National College of Engineering affiliated to Tribhuvan University, Nepal. During
my professional period, I have been teaching water related subjects like Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics and Water supply
Engineering. During this period, I have been in frequent interaction with water resource professionals. The ideas and
experience they shared with me added an additional motivation to pursue my masters in hydro science and engineering.
Since my economic status is of general Nepalese people, I cannot afford my study in self finance . I hope my future

dreams will come to a reality if I will be awarded with DAAD scholarship to pursue my masters degree on the
concerned subject in your institution.

Suman Mishra

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