TTBS Supplement

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Puran Bridgemohan
Chairman, TTBS

Chairmans Message
This year is of special signicance to this
nation as Trinidad & Tobago celebrates its 50th
Anniversary of Independence, while the
Trinidad & Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS)
commemorates its 38th Anniversary.
Trinidad & Tobago emerged as an independent nation on
August 31st, 1962, after overcoming the challenges of
slavery, indentureship and colonialism. Since then
Trinidad and Tobago has made steady and remarkable
social and economic progress. This is evident by the
improved standard of living most citizens enjoy. We at
the TTBS take pleasure in joining with the rest of the
nation in congratulating Trinidad & Tobago on its 50th
Anniversary. We also take the opportunity to wish our
beloved country continued growth, peace and prosperity.
Happy 50th Anniversary T&T.
TTBS was established as the government agency to
promote the development and application of standards
as well as conformity assessment processes. Over the
years TTBS has been serving the nation through its
services by safeguarding public health and safety,
ensuring acceptable quality in goods imported into the
country, enhancing the competitiveness of the industrial
sector and protecting the environment. TTBS reports to
the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Investment.
On July 8th, the Trinidad & Tobago Bureau of Standards
celebrated its 38th Anniversary with a number of
activities that took place during the month of July. These
included distribution of tokens of appreciation and
awards to staff. Today, we also take pleasure in paying
tribute to all the past and current Boards, Executive
Directors and former staff for their invaluable

contributions towards establishing and developing TTBS

into a key institution dedicated to serving the needs of
our nation over the years. In accordance with its
mandate, TTBS is committed to promoting the
socio-economic and industrial development of Trinidad
and Tobago through its services.

This supplement celebrates TTBS

38th Anniversary of service to the
people of Trinidad & Tobago
and the 50th Anniversary of our Nation.

Given the economic and social challenges Trinidad &

Tobago faces, it is important for TTBS to increase both its
relevance and visibility over the coming years. My new
Board therefore has committed itself to positioning TTBS
more effectively and with a sense of urgency to achieve
its mandate by Advancing Quality throughout Trinidad
and Tobago.
TTBS Executive Director Mr. Deryck Omar presents an award to
Mr. Anslem Simon from the Implementation Division, TTBS.

APPRECIATION: Dr. Puran Bridgemohan, Chairman, TTBS (left)

presents a token of appreciation to one of TTBS longest serving
member who retired after 32 years of service
- Mrs. Bernadette Holder-Ming, Accountant (right)

Mr. Theodore Reddock Head Metrology Division, TTBS presents an

award to Doodnath Singh Laboratory Services Division, TTBS
(Electrical Unit)

Greetings from TTBS Director

TTBS welcomes new

Minister of Trade and bids
farewell to the former Minister
TTBS takes this opportunity to extend a warm welcome
to our new Minister of Trade ,Industry and Investment,
Senator the Honourable Vasant Bharath who was a
former member of the TTBS Board of Directors. We look
forward to working with the Minister as we continue to
strive to make TTBS more relevant and visible by
advancing quality in Trinidad and Tobago.
To our recently outgoing Minister of Trade and Industry,
the Honourable Stephen Cadiz, we also thank you for
all your support while our Minister, bid you farewell and
wish you all success for the future in your new portfolio
as the Minister of Tourism.

Former Minister of Trade & Industry

Stephen Cadiz


On July 8th, 1974 with a staff of twelve

persons, the Trinidad & Tobago Bureau of
Standards (TTBS) commenced operations
under the Standards Act of No. 38 of 1972.
This Act was replaced with the Standards Act of No. 18
of 1997 to support TTBS expanded role in promoting
quality consciousness. TTBS was established to facilitate
the social and economic development of Trinidad and
Tobago by developing and encouraging the application
of standards in order to improve the quality of goods
produced locally or imported, to enhance industrial
efciency and competitiveness, to safeguard public
health and safety and to protect the environment. Its rst
ofce was located in Salvatori Building, Port-of-Spain,
where it occupied rooms 206, 208, 309, and 318. The
rst Chairman of TTBS Board of Directors was Professor
George Sammy and Dr. Michael Lines was the rst
Executive Director.
In 1982, TTBS relocated to the Trincity Industrial Estate,
Macoya , Tunapuna from where it expanded its services
to meet the growing and developmental needs of the
nation. Its services expanded from standards writing in
1974 to include Inspection and Certication in 1984,
Laboratory Testing in 1986 in the areas of agricultural,
chemical, electrical, bre products and materials.
Metrology and Laboratory Accreditation followed later. To
encourage widespread use of standards, TTBS
established its Reference Library in 1975 and in 1977 it
received its rst full volume of standards from the British
Standards Institute (BSI) and the Australian Standards
Bureau. These standards formed the nucleus of the
librarys standards collection in the early years. In 1993,
the library was upgraded and renamed the Standards
Information Centre. The Centre now has the largest
collection of national, regional and international
standards in CARICOM. It also provides range of services

Senator the Honourable Vasant Bharath

Minister of Trade, Industry and Investment &
Minister in the Ministry of Finance and the Economy

Greetings from Minister Bharath

It is a pleasure for me to extend congratulations to the
Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) on its
38th Anniversary especially as it coincides with the
golden anniversary, 50 years of independence in Trinidad
and Tobago. My ministry respects the technical support
provided by the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards
(TTBS) in areas related to Technical Barriers to Trade,
particularly important given the development of new
trade agreements such as the Economic Partnership
Agreement (EPA) with the European Union. As part of our
trade facilitation and investment promotion focus, my
Ministry is committed to providing the Trinidad and
Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) with the support it
requires to enable it to continue its invaluable contribution
to sustainable development in Trinidad and Tobago.

to enhance the competitiveness of the manufacturing

sector as well as to facilitate trade between Trinidad and
Tobago and other countries.
In 1999, TTBS established its subsidiary company,
Premier Quality Services Limited (PQSL) to carry out its
training and consulting functions in a more concentrated
manner. PQSL currently provides its services to industry
in health, safety, environmental and quality management

I am delighted to extend congratulations to the Trinidad

and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) on its 38th
anniversary. TTBS has contributed signicantly to the
development of our country by promoting the social and
economic welfare of our citizens through standards. I
would like to pay tribute to our stakeholders, clients and
especially the voluntary participants on our technical and
advisory committees. As we look to the future, TTBS
remains committed to promoting sustainable
development in Trinidad and Tobago for the benet of all
and will continue to pursue this with even greater vigor
and zeal.

Mr. Deryck Omar - Executive Director, TTBS

Chairmen of the TTBS

Board of Directors from 1973 present
Dr. Puran Bridgemohan
Dr. George M. Sammy
Dr. Lenny Saith
Professor Harry Phelps
Dr. Krishna M Persad
Professor Clement Sankat
Mr. Anthony Chan Tack

Dec 2011 Present

Apr 1973 Jul 1976
Nov 1976 Mar 1987
May 1987 Jul 1992
Aug 1992 Sept 1996
Oct 1996 Jun 2003
Nov 2003 Nov 2011

TTBS Executive Directors from 1973- Present

Oct 2007 Present
Mr. Deryck Omar
Dr. Michael Lines
Jul 1973 Jan 1988
Mr. Gene Hutchinson
Jan 1988 Jul 1998
Ms. Parbatee Narine-Chang Jul 1998 Feb 2000
Mr. Lawford Dupres
Jun 2000 Oct 2004
Mr. Prem Nandlal
Oct 2004 Oct 2007
TTBS New Board of Directors

Verication of Diameter of Lottery Balls

Dr. Puran Bridgemohan (Chairman)

Ms. Allanna Rivas (Vice Chairman)
Mr. Surendra Solomon
Mr. Valmiki Balbirsingh
Ms. Nalini Lalla
Mr. Rashif Duncombe
Mr. Avinash Seegobin
Ms. Sareeta Artee Bridgelal
Mr. Dexter Daniel
Ms. Attala Maharaj
Mr. Teddy Stapleton
Mr. Hadyn Bassarath
Mr. Lennox Smith
Ms. Cheryl Scott-Alvarez

First standards declared in 1976

TTS 21 40 300 Part 1 Methods for the Quantitative
Anaysis of bre mixture-binary mixtures containing
Mass Calibration

TTS 21 40 000 Glossary of Terms relating to the

conditioning and testing of textiles
TTS 21 10 500 Part 1 Requirements for Labelling
General Principles
TTS 21 10 500 Part 2 Requirements for Labelling
Labelling of Pre-packaged goods
TTS 21 10 500 Part 3 Requirements for Labelling
Labelling of Garments

Strengthening Trinidad & Tobagos

Capability for Export-Led Capacity
The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) has
embarked on a project entitled Building capability for
Export-Led Growth in Trinidad and Tobago by
Strengthening the Trade Institutional Infrastructure
related to Technical Barriers to Trade. This project is
aimed at improving the capability of local exporters to
successfully compete in foreign markets. The project will
also assist local exporters in conforming to the
requirements in targeted export markets, making it
easier to enter these markets and resulting in a positive
impact on the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) .
The overall goal of this project is to address Non-tariff
Barriers as well as improve Trinidad and Tobagos
competitiveness by enhancing regulatory co-operation
among Ministries, regulators and the private sector
through the establishment of the National Coordination
Mechanism to Trade by 2015. This Coordinating

New National Standard

on Social Responsibility
Recognizing the key role that Social Responsibility can
play in promoting sustainable development in Trinidad &
Tobago, the Trinidad & Tobago Bureau of Standards
(TTBS) adopted the international standard on Social
Responsibility as a National Standard TTS/ISO 26000,
Guidance on social responsibility in June 2011. The
standard was developed by the International
Organization for Standardization and is intended to
assist organizations in enhancing their competitive edge,
improving their reputation, boosting staff morale and
productivity and improving their relationships with all
their stakeholders. The Standard is consistent with and
complements relevant declarations and conventions by
the United Nations and its constituents, and other
international agencies.
The Standard provides best practice guidelines for all
types of organizations in both the private and public
sectors, regardless of their size or location on how to
ensure social equity, healthy eco-systems and good
governance: It provides guidance on concepts, terms
and denitions, background, trends and characteristics,
principles and practices, core subjects and issues,
integrating, implementing and promoting socially
responsible behaviour throughout the organization and

Standards Information
for National Development
Through the Standards Information
Centre, TTBS provides information on
standards, technical regulations and in
specialized areas of standardization
namely Metrology, Standards, Testing,
Inspection and Quality Systems. The
Centre possesses the largest collection
of standards in Trinidad and Tobago. It
also houses a complete collection of
National Standards, ISO Standards, other
Regional and International collections in
both print and electronic formats. To
encourage greater use of standards and
related services, the Standards Information
Centre provides a range of services benecial
to public and private sector organizations as
well as individuals. These services are Sale of Standards,
Membership Programme, Standards Updating,
Reference Facility, World Trade Organization/Technical
Barrier to Trade (WTO/TBT) Enquiry Point and Export
Alert. The Sale of Standards involves sourcing and

Mechanism will be facilitated by a National Consultative

Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) which is
a proposed forum for collaboration and cooperation on
trade related matters.
The activities of this National Consultative Committee
will foster development by bringing the knowledge of
International Standards, Conformity Assessment
Systems and Procedures and Good Regulatory Practice
(GRP) to Ministries, Regulatory Agencies, already
established manufacturing sectors and to sectors
identied for diversication. The medium and long term
results will be more focused and relevant
standardization activities towards increased and
enhanced market access and reduced costs of trade,
particularly for small and medium enterprises. It is
anticipated that the TBT Project will deliver the following
key outcomes: decrease the cost of regulatory
compliance for businesses, provide a sustainable base
for sectoral diversication initiatives and increase the
share of non-energy trade with trading partners.

National Building Code

On April 14th 2012, Minister of the then Ministry of

Housing and the Environment the Honourable Dr Roodal
Moonilal, ofcially established a Cabinet-appointed
committee to oversee the formulation of a National
Building Code for Trinidad and Tobago. The Committee
comprises representatives of the major stakeholder
organisations associated with the construction industry.
TTBS holds the position of vice-chair and provides the
secretariat services for the committee.
The scope of the committees work includes;
The development of the National Building Code;
Revision of the Small Building Guide
(TTS 5999:2006) into a Small Building Code and
The development of the legal and regulatory
framework required for the enforcement of the
National and Small Building Codes.
This project is expected to take about one year.

through its policies and practices within its sphere of

inuence, identifying and engaging with stakeholders
and communicating commitments, performance and
other related information.
The ultimate goal of this Standard is sustainable
development based on the following seven principles:
Accountability, Transparency, Ethical Behaviour, Respect
for Stakeholder interests, Respect for the rule of law,
Respect for international norms and behaviour and
Respect for human rights.

Staff of Trinidad & Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS)

who organized the function

The TTBS National Mirror Committee on Social

Responsibility (NMC-SR) launched the National Standard
on 20th November 2011. This event was held at the
Auditorium of the School of Education (UWI, St.
Augustine) to inform organizations that the standard is
now available as a National Standard and the benets to
be derived.
The TTBS in collaboration with the Trinidad and Tobago
Chamber of Commerce, Tobago Section hosted a
seminar in Tobago on 26th June 2012 to heighten the
awareness of the newly adopted standard and to
encourage its national application. In attendance were
representatives from the Ministry of Works and
Environment Departments ,Tobago House of Assembly.

providing National, Regional

and International Standards
to private and public
organizations as well as
individuals upon request for
a nominal fee. Regarding
Programme, this provides
members with special
information resources
on National, Regional
Standards, Technology,
Quality Management
a n d

Ms Melanie Richards, SR Consultant & Chairman, National Mirror

Committee on SR addressing audience, Mr. Wade Inglesbirth,
Technical Secretary, National Mirror Committee, SR & Standards
Ofcer, TTBS (seated at right, Head table)

other related technical issues. The Standards Updating

Service provides members with up-to-date information
to keep their existing standards and related documents
current. This service is provided to non-members upon
request. With respect to the Reference Facility, private
and public sector organizations as well as individuals are
allowed access to the Centres vast information
resources to conduct research on standards and quality
and issues. Through the WTO/TBT Enquiry Point Service
TTBS facilitates trade between Trinidad and Tobago and
other countries. This is involves TTBS notifying WTO and
foreign countries of National Compulsory Standards
declared, existing conformity assessment procedures
a n d technical regulations. TTBS also obtains
similar information from WTO and foreign
countries and noties local private and
public sector organizations involved in
exporting. Export Alert is a web-based
service that provides information to
local exporters on relevant standards,
technical regulations and conformity
assessment procedures in targeted
export markets.

Inspection of imported goods

National Measurement Institute

The Trinidad & Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS)

through its Implementation, Laboratory Services and
Certication Divisions inspect, test and certify locally
produced and imported goods covered by National
Compulsory Standards. These inspection services also
include the monitoring of practices, processes, services
and seizures of unsafe goods. Surveillance and surveys
of products are also conducted as well as tests are
carried out on some domestic electrical appliances in its
TTBS Electrical Laboratory to ensure that they are safe
for use. The services are aimed at safeguarding public
health and safety, ensuring acceptable quality of goods
imported into the country, enhancing the
competitiveness of the industrial sector and protecting
the environment.

TTBS is the sole national body responsible for the

implementation of the Metrology Act No. 18 of 2004.
This Act is expected to be proclaimed shortly and as
such TTBS is proceeding with plans to develop a National
Measurement Institute (NMI).

The inspection of imported goods is conducted at the

following ports of entry: PLIDPECO Warehouse (Pt. Lisas)
Piarco Air Services (El Socorro)
Custom & Excise Container Examination Station
(Pt. Lisas)
Custom & Excise Container Examination Station
VMCOTT (North & South)
Piarco Bonds
- Amerijet Bond
- Caribbean Airlines Bond
- General Aviation Services/Serisair Bond
Goods are also imported at importers warehouses, and
at retail outlets throughout Trinidad & Tobago.
In accordance with National Compulsory Standards, the
following categories of goods are inspected:
Automotive Products
Passenger and Commercial Tyres
(exclusive of agricultural and industrial tyres)
Household electrical appliances and Tools
Footwear, Garments and Textiles
Prepackaged and Construction Goods

Metrology is the science of measurement and the

purpose of the NMI is to ensure accuracy and fairness in
commercial transactions and to protect the health and
well being of members of society and the environment
while supporting the worldwide acceptance of the
quality of our goods and services. To accomplish this,
the NMI will;
1. maintain the national measurement standards in the
2. establish and maintain metrological traceability to
the units of the International System of Units (SI);
3. establish equivalence to internationally accepted
measurement standards;
4. disseminate measurement traceability within the
country and the region
5. examine and approve weighing and measuring
devices to be used for trade.
Operationally, the NMI will be made up of three
functional areas:
- Scientic Metrology Conducted through the
National Standards Laboratory
- Industrial Metrology Conducted through the
National Calibration Service and
- Legal Metrology Conducted through the Legal
Metrology Inspectorate
At present the careful planning for the subsequent
design of the structure to house the NMI facilities has
already begun.

TTBS hosts a Regional Workshop

on measuring Economic & Social
Benets of Standards
The economic and social benets of standards are well
known and enjoyed in every aspect of life. However, the
lack of a methodology to measure and quantity these
benets has been a persistent challenge. This absence
has adversely affected the promotion and usage of
standards worldwide. To address this issue, the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
developed the "ISO Methodology Guide" to measure and
quantify the benets of standards. The Trinidad & Tobago
Bureau of Standards (TTBS) recently hosted a workshop
in collaboration with ISO and CARICOM Regional
Organization for Standards & Quality (CROSQ) to raise
awareness among the participants about the" ISO
Methodology Guide" and how it can be used to measure
economic, social and environmental benets. The ISO
Methodology Guide explains how to identify, assess,
quantify and communicate economic, social and
environmental benets to key stakeholders such as
Government, Business and Consumers. Representatives
from National Standards Bodies, Government
Ministries/Agencies and Business organizations in the
private sector within CARICOM attended the workshop
Some of the economic benets of standards include cost
savings, improved product quality, enhanced customer
satisfaction, increased market share, improved access
to export markets, technology transfer, interoperability,
increased competitiveness and increase productivity.
Standards also provide several social benets such as
improved public health, safety, protection of the
environment and enhanced efciency by public sector
organizations in delivering goods and services.

Public Educational
Outreach Programme
In-keeping with its mandate, TTBS conducted a public
education programme targeting students at Primary
School, Secondary School, Technical/Vocational and
Tertiary levels throughout Trinidad & Tobago.
The programme was aimed at raising their awareness
and understanding of the students about the importance
of standards in every- day life as well as TTBS services.
Ofcers of TTBS visited these educational institutions
and delivered presentations focussing specically on
TTBS mandate, benets of standards and inspection
services. TTBS also accommodated visiting students
from these educational institutions upon request and
used the opportunity to educate them about standards
and TTBS.

Laboratory Accreditation
Seminar on safe food and
clean drinking water
On Tuesday 12th June, 2012 the Trinidad and Tobago
Laboratory Accreditation Service (TTLABS) celebrated
World Accreditation Day with a seminar, workshop and
cocktail reception. This years theme for World
Accreditation Day, which is recognised on June 9th, was
Accreditation Supporting Safe Food and Clean
Drinking Water. The main objectives of this workshop
To present an overview of the current situation
pertaining to the challenges associated with the
provision of safe food and clean drinking water in
Trinidad and Tobago
Create opportunities for stakeholders to network
with each other for the purpose of improvement of
the quality of food and water produced/imported in
Trinidad and Tobago
Orient participants to the establishment of policies
regarding the use of accredited conformity
assessment activities to ensure the provision of safe
food and clean drinking water
Participants from stakeholder organizations such as
Ministry of Food Production, Land and Marine Affairs,
Water and Sewerage Authority, National Agricultural,
Marketing & Development Corporation, Food & Beverage
Industry Development Company, Ministry of Tourism,
Public Health Inspectorate, Chemistry, Food and Drugs
Division, Angostura Limited and Arawak & Company
Limited were in attendance.
Dr. Puran Bridgemohan, Chairman of the Trinidad and
Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) Board of Directors
and Mr. Deryck Omar, Executive Director of TTBS, joined
Ms Karlene Lewis, Manager of TTLABS in welcoming the
participants. Dr Bridgemohans feature address
presented startling facts from studies published by the
WHO, the US Centers for Disease Control and CAREC on
the prevalence of food borne illnesses experienced by
populations in Africa, the US and Trinidad and Tobago.
He mentioned the importance of the application of
HACCP principles and testing of food products to ensure
safe food is presented. He urged the need to have
testing facilities accredited to ensure the condence in
the safety of food and clean drinking water.
Dr Bridgemohan expressed his support of furthering
these discussions as TTBS works with its stakeholders to
foster a national food safety mechanism.

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