WSDE Responsibilities

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WSDE Tasks

Create new one every morning by changing the report number and every other
detail about dates etc changes automatically. Highlight everything in red so
you know to change it later in the day.
Update and finalise report with NDSV by 6am
Email in to the distribution list when finalised
NDSV and DSV will play around with this and when given the go ahead,
email it in to the distribution list and upload to the hub.
Mud Report
Check through it when it comes through at about 1am.
Sense check it mainly (Annular velocities are usually fictitious so use your
formula book and work out your own)
Email in when any errors corrected to distribution list and upload onto hub.
(Along with Mud Loggers report)
There is no non costed report so dont worry about it!
Store electronic file in folder and print off copy for folder.
File shaker screen inventory and mud reports separately!!!
Mud Logger Report
Sense check and only use there Max, Min and Ave values as rough guide as
usually made up by the girl on nights.
Instead of using there figures religiously on DDR, use target
parameters/drillers records.
Email in when all errors corrected to distribution list and upload onto hub.
(Along with Mud report)
Store electronic file in folder and print off copy for folder.
Directional Drilling
Get DD to email in survey data each day and file electronic copy and print off
paper copy and file away.
Upload directional data at end of each section or whenever doing directional
work (Basically when people will be interested)
Sorts himself on this rig and uploads his own stuff so leave him to it.
NPT Register
Update from DDR as and when any comes up. Keep on top of it as its a
nightmare otherwise.

Emailed in by Radio Op each day. Store electronic copy in file.

Barge Reports
Enter details on DDR and then file away.
Ditch Magnet values
Should be checked by each drill crew and end of tour (12pm and 12am) and
weighed in at loggers shack.
Daily cumulative figure is then featured on loggers report.
Enter figure on daily value on DDR and also track on excel spreadsheet to see
cumulative totals of section.
Bit / BHA
Update with circulating and drilling hours taken from loggers report,

Update as often as possible

You only need to write a summary of operations if everything goes well
and to plan.
Make sure you enter problems experienced (and solutions) and any
changes to plan and the reasons for them. Remember whoever reads the
EOWR will also have the DDRs and so they dont need to know
parameters etc!

Lessons Learnt
Update as and when they occur! Use the excel type file rather than word!
Kick Tolerance sheet
When drilling with a BOP on (e.g not top hole) update the kick tolerance
spreadsheet and enter latest depth (TVD). List KT on DDR.
Drilling Trend Sheets
Whenever we are drilling try to update the drilling trends sheet next to the
loggers screen on DSVs desk every hour and file away at end of section or
when sheet is full.
Driller brings his trend sheet in with him at midnight/midday and so get a
photocopy off him and file away as that tends to be a lot more accurate
than the one we do in the office.

At start of section
BHA drawings
Create Excel drawing based on ADs BHA sheet. (see clipboard if unsure)
Print off copy for clipboard and copy to get filed away.
BHA Hours
Enter all BHA components including serial numbers onto inventory sheet.
Change colour/pattern of all components in use on both the drilling and
circulating sheets (to represent that they are being used and not finished
with ) Youll figure it out!
Update this everyday when drilling
Bit Photos
Take photos before and after being run.
BHA info
Get as much info as you can on a clipboard for quick reference such as
copy of bit data (spud book) and motor specs etc (get these off the DD) .
Just put anything that you think will be useful.

Throughout section
Casing Tally
Strap all casing as soon as its onboard and create tally.
Work out shoe depth as this will indicate section TD.
Find out position of centralisers from programme and get them fitted in
good time.
Cement Calcs
Complete your own set as early as possible and compare to DSVs and

End of section
Cement Job
Have checklist printed off ready to go.
Type up report as soon as possible
Do the same with the casing report.
Use formula book to calculate test pressure expected during FIT and test
volume expected to pump.
Photos of bit

Take photos of used bit whilst dull grading it.

Send photos with grading into town. Check your dull grading matches
DDs to save you looking like a nob.
Update Bit Record after any bit run. If you go to the loggers, give them the
formation tops when you have them confirmed and you can get them to
tell you how long the bit was on bottom and the Krevs it did through each
formation and put these on the bit record form.

Update BHA hours

Update this at the end of each section and change the colours on the
Drilling/circulating sheets to show the parts are used and no longer in use.
Also update the location from downhole to deck, and then backloaded
when they go.

Any reports that come in, store electronic copy in matching computer file.
Update clipboards with latest information as required.
Print off Lookahead once finalised by DSV (latest 7am) and photocopy 12 times to
hand out at 7am meeting.

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