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Step 1.

Consult with EVP/approving designate to obtain approval in principle to proceed with Career
Ladder. Once verbal approval to proceed is received from EVP/approving designate,
complete Employee Eligibility Checklist for Vertical Career Ladders
If all responses to the Checklist are "yes," then work with employee to complete the Vertical
Career Ladder Initiation Form, including all necessary signatures, as indicated on the form.
If any of the responses to the Checklist are "no," contact your HR Consultant for assistance
in pursuing an alternative options for the employee.
Work with manager to develop the Vertical Career Ladder Action Plan.

Step 2. Employee

Step 3. Manager

Considerations: Ensure that all minimum qualifications will be met by the estimated time of
career ladder completion. Sign the required paperwork.
Forward both the Checklist and the Initiation Form, together with a letter of approval to
proceed from your EVP/Designate, to your Human Resources Consultant. Please ensure all
required signatures are obtained prior to submitting the package.
Review the request to verify compliance with all prerequisite criteria and documentation

Step 4.
Human Resources

If documentation complies with all program requirements, sign the Initiation Form as
approved, notify the department manager and employee via letter, and keep all original
documentation on file until completion of career ladder.
If the request does not comply with parameters for a Vertical Career Ladder, then return all
documents to the department manager for review/reconsideration.

Step 5. Manager

Step 6. Employee
Step 7. Manager

If the Initiation Form is not approved by HR, and if there are steps that can be taken to bring
the proposal into compliance with program requirements, then revise the Action Plan.
If HR has notified the department of approval, work with the employee to complete the action
items outlined in the Initiation Form and monitor the progress throughout the process to
ensure target completion date will be met.
Complete the Action Plan items outlined in the Initiation Form.
Upon the employees successful completion of the Vertical Career Ladder program, fill out
and obtain necessary signature approvals on a Vertical Career Ladder Completion Form.
Forward the above referenced forms along with any supporting documentation to your
Human Resources Consultant.
Verify successful completion of the program by comparing the original Initiation Form with
the submitted Completion Form.

Step 8.
Human Resources

If the Completion Form does not comply with documentation requirements, return to the
requesting department unapproved for review and revision.
If the Completion Form is in order, notify the department and employee of recognition and
approval via completion letter.
Consult with the department on the next steps for seating the employee in the position.

Step 9. Manager

Originate Internal Non-competitive Career Ladder Action in UNMJobs; submit to HR.

Step 10.
Human Resources

Notify the department via e-mail that the position is ready for employee to complete the
Application Profile in UNMJobs.

Step 11. Employee

Fill out the required information in the Application Profile.

Step 12. Manager

Step 13.
Human Resources

Complete the Hiring Proposal and route to HR.

Seat the employee in the position in UNMJobs using the Hiring Proposal.

Revised 10.01.2010

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