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Data & Calculations for Photolysis Lab

Step 1: Calculating concentration from absorbance values

Include only data after most of eoisin y has been converted to excited state,
~500 nm should not have a peak
Abs = bC, = 3840 M-1cm-1, b = 1 cm
Concentration = Absorbance/[(3840 M-1cm-1 )(1 cm)]
Step 2: Plot of [NADH] vs time
Linear fit line, show equation & R2 value
Slope of line = average rate of NADH formation, ex: 5 x10 -6 M/min = 5
Step 3: Percent Yield calculation
Theoretical moles of NADH calculated from initial concentration of NAD+
o 0.5 mM *(10 mL/1000mL) NAD+ = 5 x 10-6 moles NADH theoretical
Experimental moles of NADH formed calculated from average rate of NADH
o (Avg rate) * (14 min) * (10 mL/1000 mL) = moles of NADH
o Ex: (5 x 10-6 M/min)(14 min)(10 mL/1000 mL) = 7 x 10-7 moles NADH
Yield calculation (Experimental moles NADH/Theoretical moles
o Ex: (7 x10-7 moles NADH/ 5 x 10-6 moles NAD+ ) x 100 = 14 %
Step 4: Calculating Error of Average Reaction Rate and Average Percent Yield
Standard Error calculation: [(Theoretical Experimental)/Theoretical] x
Literature Rate: 30 microM/hr = 3 x 10-5 M/hr * (1 hr/60 min)
o 5 x 10-7 M/min or .5 M/min
Literature Yield: 24%
Sample Calculations:
o Rate: [(5 x 10-7 M/min -5 x 10-6 M/min)/5 x 10-7 M/min] x 100 = 900%

DO NOT BE ALARMED BY HIGH ERROR, their reaction was

run over 4 hours, if you ran your reaction 4 hours it would have a
much lower average rate
o Yield: [(24 -14)/24] x 100 =41.67% error
Data & Calculations for Photolysis Lab
Step 1: Calculating concentration from absorbance values
Include only data after most of eoisin y has been converted to excited state,
~500 nm should not have a peak
Abs = bC, = 3840 M-1cm-1, b = 1 cm
Concentration = Absorbance/[(3840 M-1cm-1 )(1 cm)]
Step 2: Plot of [NADH] vs time
Linear fit line, show equation & R2 value
Slope of line = average rate of NADH formation, ex: 5 x10 -6 M/min = 5
Step 3: Percent Yield calculation
Theoretical moles of NADH calculated from initial concentration of NAD+
o 0.5 mM *(10 mL/1000mL) NAD+ = 5 x 10-6 moles NADH theoretical
Experimental moles of NADH formed calculated from average rate of NADH
o (Avg rate) * (14 min) * (10 mL/1000 mL) = moles of NADH
o Ex: (5 x 10-6 M/min)(14 min)(10 mL/1000 mL) = 7 x 10-7 moles NADH
Yield calculation (Experimental moles NADH/Theoretical moles
o Ex: (7 x10-7 moles NADH/ 5 x 10-6 moles NAD+ ) x 100 = 14 %
Step 4: Calculating Error of Average Reaction Rate and Average Percent Yield
Standard Error calculation: [(Theoretical Experimental)/Theoretical] x
Literature Rate: 30 microM/hr = 3 x 10-5 M/hr * (1 hr/60 min)
o 5 x 10-7 M/min or .5 M/min
Literature Yield: 24%

Sample Calculations:
o Rate: [(5 x 10-7 M/min -5 x 10-6 M/min)/5 x 10-7 M/min] x 100 = 900%
DO NOT BE ALARMED BY HIGH ERROR, their reaction was
run over 4 hours, if you ran your reaction 4 hours it would have a
much lower average rate
o Yield: [(24 -14)/24] x 100 =41.67% error
Data & Calculations for Photolysis Lab
Step 1: Calculating concentration from absorbance values
Include only data after most of eoisin y has been converted to excited state,
~500 nm should not have a peak
Abs = bC, = 3840 M-1cm-1, b = 1 cm
Concentration = Absorbance/[(3840 M-1cm-1 )(1 cm)]
Step 2: Plot of [NADH] vs time
Linear fit line, show equation & R2 value
Slope of line = average rate of NADH formation, ex: 5 x10 -6 M/min = 5
Step 3: Percent Yield calculation
Theoretical moles of NADH calculated from initial concentration of NAD+
o 0.5 mM *(10 mL/1000mL) NAD+ = 5 x 10-6 moles NADH theoretical
Experimental moles of NADH formed calculated from average rate of NADH
o (Avg rate) * (14 min) * (10 mL/1000 mL) = moles of NADH
o Ex: (5 x 10-6 M/min)(14 min)(10 mL/1000 mL) = 7 x 10-7 moles NADH
Yield calculation (Experimental moles NADH/Theoretical moles
o Ex: (7 x10-7 moles NADH/ 5 x 10-6 moles NAD+ ) x 100 = 14 %
Step 4: Calculating Error of Average Reaction Rate and Average Percent Yield
Standard Error calculation: [(Theoretical Experimental)/Theoretical] x

Literature Rate: 30 microM/hr = 3 x 10-5 M/hr * (1 hr/60 min)

o 5 x 10-7 M/min or .5 M/min
Literature Yield: 24%
Sample Calculations:
o Rate: [(5 x 10-7 M/min -5 x 10-6 M/min)/5 x 10-7 M/min] x 100 = 900%
DO NOT BE ALARMED BY HIGH ERROR, their reaction was
run over 4 hours, if you ran your reaction 4 hours it would have a
much lower average rate
o Yield: [(24 -14)/24] x 100 =41.67% error
Data & Calculations for Photolysis Lab
Step 1: Calculating concentration from absorbance values
Include only data after most of eoisin y has been converted to excited state,
~500 nm should not have a peak
Abs = bC, = 3840 M-1cm-1, b = 1 cm
Concentration = Absorbance/[(3840 M-1cm-1 )(1 cm)]
Step 2: Plot of [NADH] vs time
Linear fit line, show equation & R2 value
Slope of line = average rate of NADH formation, ex: 5 x10 -6 M/min = 5
Step 3: Percent Yield calculation
Theoretical moles of NADH calculated from initial concentration of NAD+
o 0.5 mM *(10 mL/1000mL) NAD+ = 5 x 10-6 moles NADH theoretical
Experimental moles of NADH formed calculated from average rate of NADH
o (Avg rate) * (14 min) * (10 mL/1000 mL) = moles of NADH
o Ex: (5 x 10-6 M/min)(14 min)(10 mL/1000 mL) = 7 x 10-7 moles NADH
Yield calculation (Experimental moles NADH/Theoretical moles
o Ex: (7 x10-7 moles NADH/ 5 x 10-6 moles NAD+ ) x 100 = 14 %
Step 4: Calculating Error of Average Reaction Rate and Average Percent Yield

Standard Error calculation: [(Theoretical Experimental)/Theoretical] x

Literature Rate: 30 microM/hr = 3 x 10-5 M/hr * (1 hr/60 min)
o 5 x 10-7 M/min or .5 M/min
Literature Yield: 24%
Sample Calculations:
o Rate: [(5 x 10-7 M/min -5 x 10-6 M/min)/5 x 10-7 M/min] x 100 = 900%
DO NOT BE ALARMED BY HIGH ERROR, their reaction was
run over 4 hours, if you ran your reaction 4 hours it would have a
much lower average rate
o Yield: [(24 -14)/24] x 100 =41.67% error

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