Space Sirens 2, Megababes From Ajia

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"Space Sirens 2: Megababes from Ajia" is sort of a sequel to "Space

Sirens" (see file for it elsewhere on this site). "SS2", like "SS" and
"Virtual Vixens", was part of a wave of adult interactive CD-ROM games
using QuickTime movies that were stopped at will or cued to different
points as needed. Unfortunately, the performance even on a
"recommended" system was often poor when these were first released.
Even after several years of technological advancement (these games
were first released in 1995 or so), there are still some problems with
current computers. Most of them can be attributed to age; these were
written for Windows 3.x or early releases of 95, and a lot has
happened since then in producing games that don't mess up your system
or should work more often on strange hardware.
Strangely enough, the biggest problem is that the current version of
QuickTime for a PC (I have 4.0.3) will play the movies in the standalone movie player, but won't show anything while inside another
program like a demo or the game. So you have to wrestle with
uninstalling this year's QuickTime to play a 5-year-old game, then
putting it all back to normal so you can use this year's software.
Also, be aware that "Ajia" in the title means that you'll see
several Asian, or Asian-looking girls. And the "Advanced TFUI" is
only a few extra actions you can do; the interface is basically the
same as SS and VV.
Even though this is an old game, I'm not going to help pirate it.
You can still buy it from Pixis. My copy came from a private vendor
selling adult games at an anime convention, and since it was
shrink-wrapped, he was either selling me a used copy or a legal one
that he'd kept all these years.
1. I wasn't able to get any of the QuickTime stuff to work under
QuickTime 4.0.3, but it all worked fine on another computer which
had never had QuickTime on it when I installed the 2.0.1 that came
with the SS game. So, be aware that you may have to de-install the
latest version of QuickTime, install an old one to play the game, and
then re-install the current QuickTime when you're done with Space
Sirens 2. Note that SS2 had the installer on it, but I got
no crashes with 2.0.1 installed.
2. Press the Escape key to quit the Demo application, or it will
continuously repeat. This also exits any movies playing in the
Sampler3 application, and the entire sampler application as well!
There's nothing left on the Pixis website to help you play this game
now, several years after it was released, so here's what I figured
out. Carefully read the help screens inside the game for both Xia and
Mimi before trying to play all 3 girls in the complete game. They
took out the separations between the lights on the OrgasMeters and ran
them together, so you'll have to pay attention to the exact position
of the OrgasMeters when doing any penis action. Other than that, it's
much like the previous 2 games.
You should get one new light on the girl's OrgasMeter each time you do
a "Hand Open" move and let it run to completion. The Penis moves have
to be stopped a few seconds after the 6th light on the right side (the
guy's OrgasMeter) lights up, or you'll soon hit "the point of no
return" and literally blow your wad. Players of "Virtual Vixens" and
"Space Sirens" will recognize the system immediately. If you're doing
the "right" move with the Penis, the girl will increment her
OrgasMeter before her Pleasure Meter reaches the top. As soon as
that happens, click on the Stop (looks like a "0") button!
You may run into the problem that if you click the Stop button too
early, the game will only show a white screen if you try that move

again. Just start something with the Hand, hit Stop, then try the
Penis move again, and it should work this time. Also try the move
several times.
Even when the girl's OrgasMeter is completely full, the game may not
realize it. Try repeating the last Penis move, and it should give you
her "good ending." You can let this one run to completion...
There is an arcade element to SS2. But you can skip it by turning off
the arcade sequences in the game options (main menu "O" button).
In this game, you can titfuck, rub her back, pinch her tits or butt
and even pull hair. But you still get "slow down" messages if you
try to do certain illegal things like Penis Up + Butt (which I guess
is anal sex).
There are sequences in the movies showing the girls putting their
clothes back on. Don't know how you get these to occur.
If you wait longer than about 15 seconds before doing another move,
the girls will start complaining. Let them complain too long, and
they'll kill you.
Notice that 2 out of the 3 girls have a condom on the penis during
pussy entry sequences.
While you can test your skill with Xia or Mimi without really playing
the game, the "real" game goes with Mimi first.
To quickly end the alien shooting game in the hallway, just click on
the alien face in the lower right corner several times.
MIMI - 2 long ponytails, black blouse and skirt, shoots you if you
fail to please, pretty obvious breast implants.
Hand Open + Face
Hand Open + Chest
[if you try skirt in front or back now, it shows blouse off!]
Hand Closed + Blouse (front or back) (removes blouse)
Hand Open + Breasts (+1 to guy's too, first time)
Hand Open + Skirt (front)
[should have 4 yellow and 1 green lights at this point]
Hand Closed + Skirt (front or back) (removes skirt)
Hand Open + Pussy (+1 to guy's too, first time)
Penis Up + Mouth *
Penis Out + Pussy (can run to completion)
Ditto for bypassing the second alien shooting game. I only had to
click once in the lower right corner to get Xia to shoot me.
XIA - 2 short ponytails, black satin bra and panties, shoots you if
you fail to please, those mosquito bites sure aren't breast implants!
The guy in her sequences is different from who was used for the other
2 girls. He's got a piece of jewelry in his navel, and she lets him
enter without a condom. She also says something that sounds like
"Keena" when she first talks to you. Maybe that was an early version
of Mimi's name.
She has a hint/cheat provided for her in the Help screens. But this is
only good for "Normal" mode (not Random), and you'll need it written
down because it's a pain to access it during play.
Hand Open + Face

Hand Open + Upper Back

Hand Closed + Bra (front or back) (removes bra)
Hand Open + Butt (+1 to guy's too, first time)
Hand Open + Panties (front)
Hand Closed + Panties (front or back) (removes panties)
[should have 4 yellow and 1 green lights at this point]
Hand Open + Pussy (+1 to guy's too, first time)
Penis Out + Butt * [rather bad lighting on this one]
Penis Up + Pussy (can run to completion)
Now a third alien shooting game. This one, I couldn't find an obvious
cheat, so I ended up starting over and turning off the arcade
sequences in the game options (main menu "O" button).
KIA - long black hair with topknot, black shiny bra and panties,
morphs into an alien and eats you if you fail to please, rather
obvious breast implants.
Hand Open + Face
Hand Open + Upper Back
Hand Open + Bra
Hand Closed + Bra (front or back) (removes bra)
Hand Open + Breasts (+1 to guy's too, first time)
Hand Open + Panties (front) (+1 to guy's too, first time)
Hand Closed + Panties (front or back) (removes panties)
Penis Up + Mouth * (yes, there's a morph cut in the middle)
Penis Out + Butt (can run to completion)
If you reach the good ending with each of the 3 girls, you get to see
a short movie with the small spaceship leaving. Then you're dumped
back to the game's main menu. You might as well just exit then.
You can play the movie files with a Windows Media Player that has
QuickTime for Windows drivers, or the QuickTime Movie Player.
V2_TFUI.MOV reveals that the real names of the girls in VV are
Katrina, Aria, Crystal and Yve (not Eve).
The other .MOV files should be available from the DEMO.EXE application
as items shown for specific products. But most of them are more fun if
you just play them directly, as the players give you more control.
Try watching the BLOOP.MOV movie to see some bloopers from the
making of the SS2 game.
The sampler on the Space Sirens 2 (and Space Sirens) discs claims that
Neurodancer, "The Red Chair" and possibly other adult-oriented titles
were released for the 3DO game console; this is confirmed by the
developer (A. Gomez of Spooey Games). An improved version with MPEG
(requiring an MPEG card or add-on in many cases) was supposed to be
available for PCs, the Phillips CD-I, the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer,
and the Atari Jaguar! I still haven't confirmed anything about the
porno flick with no game elements called "Sex & Money", or a non-game
sequel to Neurodancer called "Tales from the Neuronet: Passion Files"
with the same target platforms. The sampler also mentions "Space
Sirens 2: Megababes from Ajia", "Diva-X 101" and "Max the Naughty Dog"
as upcoming products. SS2 was released but they never fixed the
sampler! Diva-X became a live-action series rather than pure computer
graphics. Max became a video rather than a game.
Mini-review: Noticeably better than Virtual Vixens and Space Sirens,
but still just a vehicle for sex scenes rather than a real game. At
least this time they warn you to stop the penis actions early if you

want to get the good endings. But there are only 3 girls this time
(Space Sirens and Virtual Vixens both had 4). A little replay value
was added with the arcade (alien shooting) portion of the game, and
the "random" mode, but there's still no real story. All in all, this
game was worth only a few hours of my time, and I had a better time
watching the movies outside of the game rather than in it. Definitely
not worth it these days.
Pete Karsanow - bishoujo.helper[AT}sbcglobal{DOT)net

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