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This training is all about the different races that are around in Hyborea, and how they interact with
humanity and each other. The two main areas of focus for each species are their social structures, and their
biology where it relates to society. This is mainly diet and lifespan, but may include other significant features
of the races involved.

Mortal Races
The mortal races make up the bulk of the population of Hyborea, and therefore have to be
considered. For the most part their social structures are the standard of civilisation that the other races are
compared to, unless noted in their descriptions.
Biologically they are pure humans.
They have mid brown skin tones, facial features that are more arabic than negro, hair that is black
and straight, and eyes that are normally brown, although green is possible.
They are native to northern Hyborea and the lands to the north east.
Biologically they are pure humans.
They have dark brown skin tones, negro facial features, hair that is thick, tightly curled and black,
and dark brown eyes.
Native to central Hyborea, but can be found everywhere.
Biologically they are pure humans.
They have blue black skin, negro facial features, hair that is thick, tightly curled and black, and very
dark brown eyes.
Native to southern Hyborea.
Biologically they have been altered from pure humans, giving them enhanced capabilities.
They have pale and freckled skin, lantian facial features with red, blond or white hair, blue or green
eyes and they tend to be slight of build, but tall and athletic.
Native to the Lan empire, they are relatively rare in Hyborea.
Biologically they are a mix of pure human, Rondahl and Khantori, although the pure human is the
dominant strain within them.
Caucasian skin and facial features, blond or brown hair, blue, green or hazel eyes and they are
generally large of build.
Native to the frozen north, they have entered Hyborea in very limited numbers.
Biologically they are a mix of pure human and Rondahl.
They have lighter skin than the hybanos but still have the negro features and hair, but tend to be
larger and more muscular than Hybanos.
They are native to central Hyborea, especially the areas around the dreamlands.
Socially they are very rarely involved in society, and are much more likely to be living in the bone

Biologically they are pure Rondahl, an ancient offshoot of humanity that separated tens or hundreds
of millennia ago.
Lighter skinned than the Paladi, brown hair and either green or hazel eyes. They are also of
impressive build, larger and stronger than pure human stock.
Will be handled separately with the other forms of giant.

Vampyr are perhaps the most well suited of all races to modern life in Hyborea, given that they can
rise to the top in almost every society, as well as in the bone lands.
Don't tend to form separate societies but are often dominant force within civilized nations. It is rare
for vampyr to have to live in secret, for the most part they are able to live openly and are highly regarded,
especially by the mortal population. They are commonly known and understood and most people will have
encountered them.
It is vampyr who are responsible for blood becoming one of the common forms of finance, as it
gives them easy access to blood and slaves, the down side of this is that they must consume their wealth,
but then everyone has to eat one way or another.
One of the most interesting aspects of vampyr biology is their ability, or rather lack of it, to become
wizards even when warm. Many vampyr have tried to master the secrets of wizardry but for some reason it
is impossible for them.
The exception to this is the daughters of Nivrotar bloodline, who are able to master both wizard and
necromancer in the appropriate state. This is tied to the bloodline and not upbringing. A daughter of
Nivrotar raised in isolation can still learn wizardry, while a fledgling of another bloodline raised entirely
among the daughters cannot.
In general the age and power of a vampyr is going to make them significant within whatever circles
they are living in. As they grow older and grow in physical power, they will also rise within society although
this may be limited by their life choices. Even so, an ancient vampyr who chooses to live on the streets as a
begger will skill be respected by the inhabitants of the city, even if she just wants to be left alone.
Rebirth doesn't have to be a voluntary process for the mortal, but this will depend on the laws in use
in that nation. To the threefold path forced rebirth is not acceptable behaviour, but to the rainbow court
temples it is an entirely natural expression of the strong dominating the weak.

The Were
In general most species of were live openly in society and are part of it. There are a few species
which by their nature do not live within society.
Were in Society
As powerful meta the were tend to be in positions of authority and power within society, as well as
within the military.
Like vampyr they are able to live openly, and it is not uncommon to see were wandering the cities of
Hyborea in their animal form. They normally wear some sort of jewellery to show that they are people and
not pets. Even races that later become secretive, like the spider were, live openly in most Hyborea societies.
All were have powerful predatory instincts to deal with. While this doesn't give them a free hand to
commit crimes, more enlightened legal systems will at least take this into account. In any armed
confrontation the instincts of the were involved must be taken into account.
Were can be found in all religions, but only have a special place in the temples of the rainbow court
that are specific to the god that is closely associated with the species. Within these temples were of the
preferred species rival vampyr among the priesthood.
Were Biology
Most were live longer than normal mortals, which means that they have more complex relationships
and family dynamics, especially if of a species or tribe that is only around in limited numbers. The also have
more time to amass wealth and power over their lifetimes, so were families tend to be wealthy and have
power in their locality.
Were need a lot of food, which tends to limit the amount of were that a town or city can support.
This makes purely were towns very rare, and the few that exist are small or dependant on massive amounts
of infrastructure to support them. Food requirements generally limits the urban were population to 5-10%
of the total population. With good infrastructure this can rise to as much as 20%, but this tends to be more
for a specific species where the whole town is geared to supporting them.

Were species in Civilisation

The following species of were are commonly found within civilisation. In no particular order.
Spider were
Familiar to you from Sanarepti. Not secretive, but still very alien in mindset and behaviour.
Don't tend to use their animal form in urban areas as it tends to freak out the mortals.
Widely respected for their abilities with technology that only they and the tunnellers understand.
Have their own slave warrior were of unknown but presumably insectoid species. Rumours to be at
least two species, possibly as many as ten. These slave warriors are very dangerous.
Don't live in large family groups, each tends to want their own private compound including living
space and workshops. However these compounds tend to group together in a particular part of a city.
Unlikely to be the leader of any group, however their understanding of the composition of the social
group that they are in is likely to be good. They will tend to be proactive, and often manipulative, acting on
their knowledge of others.
Generally assumed to have very poor social skills, this isn't normally the case. However their alien
attitude to people will generally mean that they come across as lacking in any kind of social understanding.
They do understand how normal people behave, they just don't bother with it without good reason.
The women of the spider were totally dominate their culture, and the men are rarely seen, and
when they are they are totally subservient to the women.
Bear were
Familiar to you from Sanarepti. Not native to Hyborea, most have come from the frozen north but
some come from the Lan empire.
Rare for the most part in Hyborea, although there is a bear were led nation to the north west of Tu
Tan. Very few places have enough bears for them to form their own communities, so for the most part they
are living among the human population.
Respected and feared by most Hyboreans, sometimes seen as barbaric, but few will say that to their
Their relatively easy going nature generally makes them popular in any social group, often seen as
reliable and affable. However they also have a solitary streak so are happy to leave the social group to go
and do their own thing when they have to.
Wolf were
Never encountered in person. One tribe is native to Hyborea, rest come from the frozen north or
the Lan empire.
Uncommon, but not as rare as bear were. Live in large family groups/packs for the most part.
Not especially well thought of as warriors, even cheetah are more respected on the battlefield.
Wolf were from the Lan empire are often warlocks, and these are a different class of wolf entirely.
Highly educated, intelligent, and powerful mages armed with highly destructive weapons, Lan wolf were
make up a good percentage of the Lan skyraft air force.
Very much orientated towards the group, they tend to become more violent if they are forced to live
a solitary existence. Within any social group they appreciate strong leadership, whether it's from one of
their own or not. Without strong leadership they will tend to become disruptive as each of them struggles to
rise within the social group.
Dolphin were
Familiar with from Sanarepti, although he wasn't the best example of his species.
Several tribes are native to the waters around Hyborea, and one of them is very closely tied to the
Lan empire. Dolphin were in general are associated with the Lan empire due to their connections to it's
Not as common as lion were, but common enough in coastal areas and ports.
Tend to have a much looser attitude to family, lovers and friends and live in relatively open
communities rather than family enclaves, where they have the space to do so.
Strong associations with the Zuull and Solda temples due to their life loving attitudes, and of course
with the rainbow god temple whose goddess is associated with dolphin were.
Dolphin were will often be the life and soul of the social group. Their attitudes will often be a
binding force within a group helping to hold it together. They can, however, lack the ability to get serious
when the situation demands it.

Lion were
Familiar with from Sanarepti, both with normal lions and Chosen. Dominant were species across
Hyborea, they are the nobility and power in many nations, and rule some.
Among the most common were in Hyborea they are found in every large town and city.
Normal lion were set the standard for warrior were, and that's a fairly high standard, however both
Chosen lions and Lanlian rise above that standard.
Large family groups, typically with a nominal male head and a body of lionesses that actually make
the family work. These family groups have typically risen to be among the nobility over the centuries, or are
in the process of doing so.
Male lion were are always looking to be number one, and don't tend to work well in social groups
that they don't control. It takes a special bond for one male lion were to work under the leadership of
another. There are exceptions, the chosen lion were of Kligos work together like a well oiled machine.
Female lion were work well within any social group, adding a strong sense of cohesion to the group
due to their natural cooperative nature.
All lion were have a strong, possibly even inflated, sense of their own value that can easily stray into
arrogance. They are the natural nobility of Hyborea, and have risen to those heights in mortal society.
Shark were
Not known personally. Common around the coasts of Hyborea, and from the Lan empire.
Generally associated with the navies of various nations, from the Lan empire down to the pirate
fleets of eastern and southern pirate kingdoms. Naval warfare relies on shark were for some basic elements,
making them essential.
Generally respected as potent and controlled killers, their prowess as warriors is certainly recognised
and they are at least as respected as normal lion were.
Shark were from the Lan empire are particularly feared, being very potent, well trained and armed
with the best technology/magic that the lan empire can provide.
Certainly not victims to their own emotions, and many perceive them as emotionless. This isn't true,
they are just as emotional as any were, it is just their innate self control rarely lets any sign of this break the
surface. This also means that they rarely act on impulse or emotion, although their killer instinct can
sometimes get the better of them.
Solid and reliable within a social group, assuming that they have reason to value it. When they are
behind a project they will be pretty focused on it, to the exclusion of all distractions.
Cheetah were
Not encountered personally. Common in Hyborea, most urban sprawls will have a population of
cheetah were.
Two tribes, the cave runners and the storm runners.
Storm runners are your typical cheetah were, fast and dangerous, but lacking in spine.
Cave runners have been assassins for generations and have connections to the tunnellers and the
Cheetah families tend to be smaller than lion families and for the most part have been less
successful. However cheetah were have risen to rule nations in places.
Timid when faced with more powerful were or other meta, they can become bullies when dealing
with weak meta and mortals as they are still predators and killers.
Leopard Were
Not encountered personally. More common in the south of Hyborea, but can be found everywhere
and one of the dominant species of were in society.
While their instincts are solitary, they are very adaptable and have integrated into human society
very well, to the point where leopard were dominate one of the great empires.
Their social life is relatively solitary, children do not stay with their parents for long, and will move
out to start their own life as early as they are able to. This doesn't mean that leopard were parents are
uncaring, just that leopards like to live their lives under their own power.
If not in a leadership role within a social group they will tend to be in positions where they can act
independently of the rest of the group, where they have to rely on themselves rather than work as part of
the larger group. They are capable of working together or alongside others, but do look for the chance to
improve their own social position.
Leopards tend to seek out more stable and enduring relationships within a social group, rather than
casual sexual encounters.

Jackal Were
Not encountered personally, and they are relatively rare in Hyborea due to very low breeding rates.
They are massively intelligent as a race, far smarter than common humanity and virtually every
other form of were. This is coupled with a natural affinity for Yang chi based magic. This means that those
Jackals living within society are likely to be wizards of some power and significance in their local area.
Not physically powerful compared to almost any other form of were, but still stronger and faster
than common mortals, they are not known for bravery, but are less associated with cowardice than the
cheetah were.
Very rare, only the one nation that is ruled by them has any significant population of them.
Jackal were are naturally drawn together in long term relationships, far more so than most were.
This may be connected to their poor rates of reproduction or a natural trait of the species.
Generally well regarded for their intelligence and ability with magic, but not as warriors. This is seen
as weakness in many Hyborean cultures.
Monkey Were
Known personally from Sanarepti. They are found all over Hyborea.
Split into three very different tribes, who can interbreed but generally don't.
The chosen are the largest, the most aggressive and the most likely to rise to positions of power. All
chosen social groups tend to be relatively small, and rather violent with constant challenges for leadership
unless led by a particularly powerful figure.
The painted form very large, matriarchal communities. These are highly organised with complex
social structures. These social structures are the most stable in monkey society and tend to make up the
backbone of major monkey were communities. Painted monkey were tend to become agitated if they don't
know where they fit into things.
The spider pygmy monkey were are tiny compared to most were, but are incredibly agile and fierce
beyond all reason. Pygmy monkey were social groups tend to be very small, typically a small family group is
as large as they grow on their own. Among mixed monkey were communities they tend to be the trouble
makers and comedians of the group. However their sense of humour can easily get out of hand, and their
aggression can then kick in.
In general monkey were enjoy violence, partying and playing, and will try to avoid honest work
whenever possible. Rising to lead non-monkey were groups tends to be rare, as it normally involves far to
much work. However they are also among the most intelligent of were species, rivalling fox and dolphin
were for intelligence.
Monkey were are believed to suffer from much more mental instability than most species of were.
This can range from simple manic behaviour to psychotic violence.
Rat Were
Not encountered personally.
Found all over Hyborea, infesting the cities and even out in the wilderness. While they are not really
one of the civilised species, they do live under and around civilisation.
Still totally the were underclass despite efforts by the Lan empire to integrate them into society. For
the most part they live as vermin in and around civilisation but not as part of it. However they are very
successful and can be found in every city and town in Hyborea.
Considered by many species as natural prey, especially for the dead races who need to kill to feed on
a regular basis, it is only in the most enlightened nations that they are recognised as people. Even relatively
enlightened nations may turn a blind eye to their vampyr or necromorph troops hunting rat were for food,
given the relative value of those concerned.
Rats are also known for showing no loyalty. They will betray those that protect them without
hesitation, which reduces the willingness of others to protect them.
The smarter rat were also tend to gravitate towards the criminal professions, so you will find many
rat were criminals around. Many ex-criminal rat were also end up as slaves, where their blood is valuable,
more so than they are for the most part.

Wild Were
These species do not naturally live within civilisation, although there may be exceptional individuals
who have adapted to human civilisation. Some of them have their own societies, but these are entirely
separate and independent of human civilisation.
Honey Badger Were
Not encountered personally. They are rare, but could potentially be encountered anywhere in
Psychotically violent, impossible to intimidate, they react to any kind of challenge with lethal force,
even a bar fight will only end with their death, or the death of everybody else in the bar. Not short
tempered, they are not victims to rage, just psychotic.
Normally live solitary lives in the wilderness, well away from any human civilisation. They don't have
any form of society themselves and don't develop any technology of their own, but are able to learn how to
use the technology of others.
They are not stupid, they are probably smarter than common humanity, it is just their innate attitude
that limits what they can achieve.
They may appear to be the perfect warrior, however they are unsuited in the extreme for this role
because they are entirely incapable of taking orders from others in any way, shape or form. Try and order a
honey badger were into combat, and he'll rip your face off with his teeth.
Hyena Were
Not personally encountered, thankfully. They are common across most of Hyborea, but are rarely
found in civilisation.
They do have highly developed social abilities but they are focused on dominance and intimidation
within the social group, and they don't adapt to human society very well. Matriarchal with the women being
larger and stronger than the men, and they dominate the social groups.
Intelligent and highly adaptable when hunting and killing, which makes them strong warriors but is
also the main factor that limits their integration within mortal society. It involves too many compromises to
how they wish to live, and they just don't see this as a problem.
This intelligence is rarely seen by outsiders, who tend to regard the Hyena were as brutal, stupid
savages incapable of intelligence, social skills or creativity.

Tusanari (Lantian) Forest Spirits

Found in small enclaves all over Hyborea, they are only the dominant force in the fairy kingdoms of
eastern Hyborea. Elsewhere their enclaves are just isolated parts of the wilderness within larger countries.
Tusanari society tends to keep well away from human society, and there is little cross over between
the two. They defend their territories, large or small, and will generally avoid contact where possible. This
is mainly due to the millennia of hostility that human society has shown to the Tusanari.
Because of their natural abilities to mess with the minds of human and meta alike few Tusanari are
seen in human society.
Tusanari Lar cause chaos and destruction wherever they go, as men and women alike fall for their
exotic charms. They make up some of the leadership of Tusanari enclaves, and most of it's population.
Tusanari Goga are powerful warriors, and the fear their appearance causes makes them unwelcome
in most towns and cities. That they can control the fear that they cause does little to temper human
attitudes towards them.
The biggest cause of the friction between human and Tusanari is the fact that human slavers have
been the driving force of hostilities over the centuries. Tusandari Lar sex slaves are very valuable, and that
makes them a choice target.

Elementals (Hybos)
There are seven different types of elemental in Hyborea, each being a separate but related race of
beings. They are beings of great power, and are generally regarded with a degree of fear mainly because
many believe that the skygods of the empire are actually elementals.
Water Elementals; generally associated with intelligence.
Fire Elementals; generally associated with speed of thought and action.
Ice Elenentals; generally associated with strength of will and self control.
Stone Elementals; generally associated with warrior strength and size.
Soil Elementals; generally associated with love, empathy and compassion.
Blood Elementals; generally associated with beauty and lust.
Air Elementals; generally associated with fortune.
Will tend to be in positions of authority within whatever social group they are part of, simply because
of their innate power.
Fall into three camps in terms of their attitude to human society; civilised, rulers and barbarians.
The civilised are those elementals who have adapted to life within human society. They still consider
themselves superior to most they do at least accept that they are still just people, just particularly powerful
and beautiful people. Most civilised elementals work within society for the good of the community, and
some of these can be found in the Lan empire. There are also at least three Amanasuna elemetals within
the threefold path.
The rulers are those elementals who see themselves as the ultimate beings, and their rightful place
as being the masters of the world. The biggest example and concentration of ruler elementals are the
skygods, but they can be found in other places as well. They are not anti-civilisation as such, just see their
rightful place to be at the head of it.
The barbarians are those who don't accept the idea of civilisation at all. They can be found in the
bone lands of Hyborea, and while they tend not to form armies, they are each followed by a group of
disciples who will follow their orders without question. Barbarian elementals are thought to be the most
numerous, however given their scattered nature and that they live in the bone lands, where accurate
information is difficult to come by, this is only a guess.
All elementals, where ever they are living and whichever political camp they may be in, will have a
close circle of friends and lovers, which can include other elementals and other forms of meta-natural.
Very little is actually known for certain about elemental biology.
They are thought not to need food and water, although they can consume them.
They are powerful yang chi beings, and are thought to feed directly from Yang chi.
They are very powerful physically, and are superior to most other forms of meta natural. Generally
considered to be of a similar level as ancient vampyr, dragons, the most powerful djinn or spirits, they are
physically superior to most both physically and mentally and not to be underestimated.

Torlacul Suvana (Lantian),

Dromunoon (Tunneller) or
Tunnellers (Hybos)
One of the most powerful non human races in Hyborea, mainly through their complex interactions
with human society while retaining a definite racial identity.
Torlacul Suvana society is incredibly cohesive. They naturally work together, do not suffer from
leadership disputes at all, and are able to trust each other completely.
While they take pride in their creations, their pride is not hurt by bowing to the superior skills of
another, and they have the ability to honestly assess themselves and each other in terms of their usefulness
to society in any given role.
This is backed up by their military strength, which is based on two factors. Firstly there are their
physical capabilities and limitations that have shaped how they fight. Secondly there is the quality of the
weapons and armour that they make for themselves. While an individual Torlacul Suvana is a respectable
warrior but is likely to fall to most meta warriors, they tend to fight in larger blocks of infantry, larger than
most armies will risk, which makes them unstoppable. This is most evident when fighting in the tunnels of
the underverse.
On the one hand the Torlacul Suvana are considered very enlightened by the threefold path, as
communities they work together beautifully for the benefit of all. On the other hand they created gold
based currency and fuel greed based economy in the mortal population, something the threefold path is less
than happy about. Overall their attitude to their own kind is good, they just need to work on their relations
with other species to be less destructive.
The fighting between the tunnellers and brutes has been going on in the underverse for tens of
millinnia at least. Both races are unapologetically hostile to each other, and cooperation or even truce
between them is almost impossible. The Torlacul Suvana have the advantage in combat, but the brutes
easily out breed them. This ancient hatred has spread to the surface with both races.
Tunnellers are long lived compared to mortal humans and most species of were. They normally hit
old age after five or six centuries but remain fit and active till then. Age can be decieving as they can enter
their own version of the long sleep, and survive for millennia in it.
Torlacul Suvana are functional hermaphrodites capable of fathering or carrying children. This means
that they have no real understanding of gender and have no bias towards either gender in their society.
They have a strong drive to build and create, the source of the underverse. They can reach
obsession levels with any Torlacul Suvana, as they become obsessed with a particular project for weeks,
months or even years until it's finished.
Tunnellers eat as much as a large were at a single sitting but only eat once a day. They are skilled
cooks and produce a wide range of dishes that are unknown to the rest of Hyborea. Being invited to eat
with a group of tunnellers is a major honour, as it represents a degree of acceptance into their world or
All Torlacul Suvana can be considered runesmiths to some degree, and their runemasters are the
best runesmiths in Hyborea. They also excel as Chidliandra and alchemists, although both of these are rare.
Shaman, Druids and Blood mages are rare among the Tunnellers, but not impossible. However
tunnellers are not particularly suited to these forms of magic.
Necromancer tunnellers are incredibly rare due to rebirth being almost impossible for them. The
text books can give no definite examples of a tunneller necromancer, however they don't rule out the
Outside of the crucible mages, Warlocks and Wizards are the most commonly known forms of magic
for Tunnellers to take up, and they are very capable in both.

Salmonelis (Lantian), Nymphs (Hybos)

Fresh water humanoids, inhabitants of the wilderness and only rarely involved in human society,
while having little of their own.
Don't really have any of their own, mainly due to populations being too limited, and are only rarely
part of human society, and this takes a concerted effort by society to enable the Nymphs to be involved.
Only two societies have serious Nymph involvement; Gravos has an extensive river system as the
backbone of the nation, and Nymphs are an integral part of their society, to the point that they are
symbolically married into all of the powerful families. AMOS, the river city, has sheltered Nymphs from the
Carabos river for centuries, after Corboranos slaughtered it's own Nymph population during a war with
Gravos. AMOS took them in as refugees and gave them shelter, and now they work for the queen.
For the most part Nymphs lack the education or self discipline to become mages. It is not
impossible, but the life that would lead to a nymph mage would be very unusual. The only form of magic
that they have any natural affinity for is as Druids, where their own connection to nature gives them an
Nymphs typically regard most other people with fear and suspicion. This is in part because they
have been preyed upon by slavers for millennia. A Nymph makes for a beautiful and generally timid slave
girl, and their high maintenance nature just means they are more of a status symbol.
They are slightly aquatic modified humanoids, appearing as young men or women. They spend
most of their time underwater, but come to the surface to cook and eat their food. Need to stay moist as
dehydration will kill them very quickly.
Lifespan of nymphs is shorter than human, thirty to fifty years at best.
They are carnivores, eating mostly fish and some birds which they catch by hand, then cook and
eat. They have little need for plant matter in their diet.

Salmo Brolus (Lantian), Mer (Hybos)

The salt water intelligent species that try to dominate the seas around Hyborea.
Mer live in large communities in the seas and oceans of the world, large enough to maintain history
and tradition, and even some technology dating back to before the rise of civilisation.
Mer are naturally self centred for the most part, each sees himself or herself as the centre of the
universe. This means that they have no sense of betrayal and will stab each other in the back over trade or
profit. The only time that Mer society comes together is under direct physical threat, when they react as
one like a shoal of fish. If a community is threatened, by shark were, another Mer community or some
monster from the depths, then the whole community will gather to face the threat as one.
Mer come to the surface to trade with humanity, and many coastal ports have a permanent Mer
community in them. Mer trade the treasures of the sea with things made on land, and pearls (wich have
great value for wizard enchantment and alchemist potion making) are one of their biggest exports to the
However most human traders have learned not to trust Mer merchants at their word, as they will
cheat on the deal if they can as a matter of course. Always get your money up front and make sure that
you get paid.
Mer society is pretty violent. They fight against the shark and dolphin were. They fight against
other Mer communities, they fight against the Lan empire. They even claim to be fighting against an ancient
evil in the depths of the oceans, but nobody else knows anything about them.
Much of mer society is shaped by their early years, mer-fry being unintelligent and personality less
till they reach several years of age. Mer have no concept of liniage or motherhood, most female mer will
have some mer-fry following them to feed, whether the female has had fry of her own or not.
Mer lifespan isn't known, but isn't thought to be longer than mortal human, and possibly much less
given how quickly the mer-fry grow up.
Mer have shown no capability for modern magic. However they do have remnants of ancient
technology that they grow deep beneath the waves

Magahomis (Lantian), Khantori, Blood Giants (Hybos)

Smallest of the three giant species.
The Khantori really don't get on well in human society. They basically regard all other beings, even
their own kind, as being fundamentally unreal and therefore not worthy of rights or regard. The few that do
try and live among humans tend to be hard, dangerous and solitary. They have to be hard and dangerous
to survive, as they will offend a lot of people and end up in a lot of fights. They are solitary because very
few people have the thick skin to be around them.
They do form very small family groups on occasion which tend to be female dominated, or are on
their own in the world.
There is something within them that allows direct blood descendants to stay together, so a child can
stay with their mother or father, but the parents are very unlikely to be able to stand each other unless also
related, so this is almost always the mother. Siblings are able to work together as well. This bond seams to
extend two or three generations, but not more.
Khantori have a lifespan of a couple of centuries, assuming they don't get themselves killed along
the way. They are pretty much fit and healthy for their entire lives.
Their minds work very differently to normal people. They have an understanding of their bodies and
how life works far beyond the normal. They innately understand that the senses don't paint a true picture of
the world around them but the mind just takes the fragments that the senses provide and makes it's own
recreation of the world inside the head. This is why they regard other people as less than, because they
don't really exist beyond their own mind.

Magagoomis (Lantian), Mist Giants (Hybos)

Middle sized of the giant species.
Mist giants are a rare and dangerous form of were, much larger than human.
They don't live within human civilisation for the most part, but live in their own communities on the
mist shrouded lower slopes of select mountains, the natural habitat for their gorilla natures.
These communities are relatively small, thirty to fifty mist giants on average, and the largest known
is under a hundred. They don't welcome outsiders, who typically get one peaceful request to leave before
they get driven off with threats, or violence if necessary.
Most mist giants are actually encountered out in human society. Lone mist giants, both men and
women, appear as mercenaries all over Hyborea. Most give the impression that they don't enjoy the work,
but are dedicated to it and try to learn as much about warfare while mercenaries as they can.
When they first appear in human society they are normally uninterested in clothing. Only as they
learn about human society do they start to wear clothing.
Within human society they rarely take on any kind of leadership position. They don't seam to feel
any drive towards command, and don't feel threatened by taking orders from a human or meta commander.
The mist giants are fully functional were despite being 3-4m in height in human form, and larger in
gorilla form. This makes them the strongest of the were species, with the possible exception of dragon were
close to the limit of assuming human form.
Because the change takes them much longer they tend to live in one form or the other much of the
time rather than changing back and forth. They can communicate and use tools, or weapons, in either form
so they don't need to change back and forth that often.
Mist giants naturally seem to prefer the quiet life, preferring to stay out of the politics and violence
of the rest of the world. They live for many centuries, longer than most other were, but prefer to take the
centuries at a slow pace.
Mist giants can easily become druids and shaman, as they live their lives very close to nature. These
are the only forms of magic that are commonly found among mist giants, although a mist giant wizard would
be particularly potent.
As were, it is possible to get a Risen mist giant. This would be a very destructive being indeed,
having the size and strength of a mist giant combined with the innate unkillability of a risen. Fortunately
they are very, very rare.
Mist giants almost exclusively breed among themselves due to the size differences involved. It is
possible to give rebirth to a mortal however it is more likely to kill them than not.

Magagohomis (Lantian), Storm Giant (Hybos)

The largest of the giant species.
Almost entirely solitary beings, at least as far as their own kind goes. They treat all other beings as
inferior, with the exception of true dragons, ancient vampyr and necromorph, greater djinn and elements,
beings of extreme power in other words.
They share a similar world view and understanding to the Khantori, and have a similar
understanding of technology as well.
Unlike the Khantori they are mighty and powerful beings in their own right, so much so that the
assorted peoples living in the bone lands will naturally gravitate to them as followers. Most Magagohomis do
not seek out these followers, they just naturally gather around them. However they are intelligent enough
to make use of these tiny minions to aid in their own objectives, so these followers are used as, entirely
expendable, assets.
The Magagohomis are related to both the Khantori and the mist giants, and to an expert in the
minds eye they appear most similar to were, and are fully metanatural. However there is no evidence of
them shape shifting like a true were.
Magagohomis are real giants, standing 8-10m tall when fully grown. Their bodies appear relatively
human, although limbs and body are thicker to support their impressive mass.
Magagohomis are also long lived, but not immortal. Best estimates put their lifespan as somewhere
between eight and twenty centuries, although all of the really old storm giants were also mages capable of
extending their natural lifespan.
They are capable of any form of magic, but are most talented as crucible mages.
Storm giants are incapable of breeding with other races. However that doesn't stop the men from
raping to death any women they can get hold of, just for the sport of it.

Maladeni Ralarlios (Lantian), Explorers (Hybos)

or Uananoomol Oolunamuan (Tunneller)
This is a rare species, reborn from mortals like the vampyr.
Explorers are far to rare to have established their own societies. Instead they crop up in odd places
within human society.
Unlike many of the non-human races they were not created to be warriors, and while they are
stronger than mortals, they are not as strong as powerful were or old vampyr.
Their nature makes them natural wanderers, and they will rarely stay in one place for any length of
time. Their wanderings can make them well known in the right circles.
There are just too few to make much in the way of generalisations about them in society. Each will
have to be considered on their own merits.
That said the two drives that they all seam to share are the drive to see new things, and the drive to
tell others of what they have seen. This can lead to sexual experimentation, but not in every case. Their
ever growing experience can make them much smarter, growing with age.
Their rebirth gives them a greatly extended lifespan, but they are not immortal. They age at around
a year per century of life, meaning that they can easily live for millennia. This gives them a great deal of
time to learn magic and other skills, so any of real age are going to be pretty skilled individuals.
Preferred age for rebirth is somewhere in the teens, as this gives them the greatest possible
lifespan. Giving rebirth to children is normally avoided as they will mature mentally long before they mature
physically, however it is possible.
They are able to survive on much less food and water than mortals and also have a greater
resistance to hostile conditions, like heat or cold. However they are not immune to such conditions. They
are completely immune to all known forms of disease.
They are also healthy, brimming with vitality in a way that appears similar to druids. An explorer
druid is one of the most vital, healthy and lively individuals you are likely to meet.

Brutaliss (Lantian), Brutes (Hybos), or Uramanaloon (Tunneller)

Savage humanoid species that has existed in the underverse for uncounted centuries. With the
contact between the underverse and the surface they have spread to the bone lands of the surface.
Normally either living in tribal groups of brutes, or within mixed bone land communities with the
other barbaric races of the bone lands. Their own tribal groups are held together by their own religion,
while the mixed communities are almost always held together by a single powerful individual; elder vampyr
or necromorph, storm giant, dragon or the likes.
Brutaliss are unable to integrate into human society for one simple reason; they have a psychotic
hatred for humans built into their beings from the blood up. For a brute not to kill a human if it has the
chance takes a tremendous effort of will, which is beyond the capabilities of most brutes. Their reactions to
other meta races vary, depending on whether they see them as being human or not.
The exception to this is tunneller brute relations, which are always hostile. The tunnellers and
brutes have been fighting against each other in the underverse for thousands upon thousands of years.
Generations of both races have grown up fighting against each other to the death, and they have a cultural
hatred for each other.
Brutes are confused by vampyr for the most part, not being able to tell if they are human or
something more. If obviously vampyr they tend to like them, but will still try and kill a warm vampyr that
just appears human.
On the other hand they really love Necromorph, if you have to deal with brutes and have a
necromorph available, get them to lead the dealing as the brutes will be drawn to them like moths to flame.
Brutes still live underground normally, and their eyes are not well adjusted to the bright sun of
Hyborea, so they are mostly nocturnal. They also have good hearing, but dislike loud noises.
Brutes are fast breeding and short lived. This shapes much of their culture as they don't live long
enough for individuals to achieve much other than a glorious death in battle. Instead longer works are
passed on from one generation to another. Individual brutes don't live past twenty without life extending
They also mature quickly, reaching sexual maturity at six, and full physical maturity at eight or nine.
At around fourteen or fifteen they go through a second puberty and become infertile alphas, the leaders of
brute society.
The brutes in a tribe will follow the oldest alpha, male or female, almost without question. A tribe
with no alpha to command it will fragment and bicker among themselves, lacking the leadership to achieve
much. The easiest way of negating the threat of a brute tribe is to remove it's alphas.
Brutes cannot be reborn as were, but there are rumours that they can be reborn as vampyr or
Brutes and humans can have sex, but this doesn't produce children. It's also unlikely given the
brute reaction to humans. However human men have been known to rape brute women.
Trade and farming are almost unknown to the brutes, the only things that they make are weapons
and armour, anything else they steal from the tunnellers or humanity. They have developed their own metal,
black iron, which is comparable to the finest steel. However they are not artistic craftsmen and their
weapons and armour still appear crude compared to even human work.
Brutes are perfectly capable of magic in it's various forms but are more suited to some forms than
others. Brutes created the five ring school of magic, taking the spells from human wizards of different
schools and combining them into a single school. However brutes don't tend to have the lifespan to learn
any of the wizard skills at a high multiplier.
A brute vampyr or necromorph is very likely to study necromancy and will have the lifespan to
become good at it.
Brutes lack the natural talent to become Druids, Bloodmages or sensei, these mages are rare among
the brutes.
Brute shaman and runesmiths have different training to those of the human world, but are still
capable. For the most part they have to work hard and start training their successor almost before they
finish their own training, their limited lifespan at work again.
Brutes have never mastered Chidliandra or Alchemy as forms of magic, as far as anyone is aware.

Gigera Tyranni (Lantian) or Necromorph (Hybos)

Reborn armoured killing machines.
Necromorph have their own nations, the three necropolis, but are also found throughout Hyborea.
They are not as common as vampyr or were, but they are not in any way rare.
Their own societies are built on cold, hard logic, but supported by massive numbers of slaves. That
the necropolis require slaves in huge numbers to support the thirst of the Necromorph within is one of the
threefold paths biggest issues with the Necromorph as a race.
The necropolis are pretty strict when it comes to law and order, and treat offenders harshly, typically
just eating them. Few Necromorph turn to crime within the necropolis as the rewards are not generally
worth the risk. In mortal society they are more likely to become criminals.
Necromorph favour brutal meritocracy over other forms of government or organisation. They don't
care who or what you are as long as you can do the job required of you, and if you can't then you'll at least
provide someone a meal.
Like vampyr, Necromorph are as at home in the bone lands as they are in human civilisation.
Whether they just don't see a difference, or whether both environments appeal to different parts of their
psychology isn't known.
Necromorph are also far more cooperative among their own kind than most other forms of meta.
While they are not as unified as the tunnellers for example, they will avoid violence among themselves if at
all possible. Their logical mind set may be responsible for this.
Necromorph are not given to empty threats. If a necromorph makes a threat that means it has the
will and thinks it has the ability to do what it says. Not beings of bluff or bluster, but cold hearted logic.
Necromorph are mostly dead, but unlike the risen there are living componants to them as well,
allowing them to heal themselves and make more Necromorph easily.
Rebirth kills the mortal, and reshapes their body into something normally nightmarish and capable of
great violence. This is where their Hybos name comes from. However each necromorph is different, their
transformation being shaped by their dying mind.
They are theoretically immortal, and like vampyr they grow in power as they age. They are
generally more powerful, a necromorph is typically as potent as a vampyr of the next age group up.
All Necromorph are descended from just three Necromorph who survived the last fall and the
darkness that followed. In theory these three beyond ancient Necromorph could still be around today in
Hyborea. If they are, they are among the most dangerous people to walk the streets of Hyborea.

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