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Policy Design Worksheet

Policy topic: Concealed Handguns

Circle or highlight your position. (Keep in mind that you cannot be pro or con for all three topics)
I am Pro

I am Con

Summary of most important points for your side of the issue. This must include 5 distinct points stated in
complete sentences:

Simple confrontations can turn lethal when a person is carrying a concealed handgun.
Allowing people to carry concealed handguns increases the chance of a gun related crime occurring.
People can end up hurting themselves with their own handguns.
Trained professional law enforcements should be the ones allowed to carry guns and protect the public.
Irresponsible gun owners can increase the likelihood of guns getting in the wrong hands.

Summary of most important points for the opposition and your related rebuttal. This must include 2 distinct
ideas stated in complete sentences:

Opposition 1: The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives citizens the right to bear arms for
the purpose of self-defense.
o Rebuttal 1: The Second Amendment rights have limits and do not clearly state that citizens can
carry a concealed handgun in public.
Opposition 2: Concealed handguns provide the ability for people to protect themselves in public.
o Rebuttal 2: By carrying a concealed handgun in public, the chances of gun related incidents
would increase because people will be more tempted to use it to resolve simple confrontations.

Actual policy: Conduct a little research on existing policies regarding the assigned topic. Choose one policy
uncovered in your research and summarize it here. What is the policy? In what setting and where does the
policy occur? Who must follow it? How do people adhere to it? Be sure to describe it in sufficient detail:

In the state of Florida, it is illegal to openly carry any firearm or carry a concealed firearm without a
license. A license must be obtained before an individual is allowed to own a gun. An application for a
license to carry a concealed handgun must be made to the Department of Agriculture. The license is
valid is for seven years and is honored throughout the state. The license shall be issued if the applicant
fits all of the requirements. A license does not authorize an individual to carry a concealed weapon to
any place that prohibits the carrying of firearms by federal law. The license must be accompanied by a
valid identification whenever a concealed weapon is carried on the body of the individual.

Proposed policy recommendation: Based on your pro or con stance and your summary points above, what do
you recommend be changed or implemented? Do you want there to be a law put in place where will the law
occur? Do you want to start a new tax who or what will be taxed? Do you want an educational program to be
created in what setting will the education be conducted? You should be clear and specific about what the
policy is, who or what its directed to, and what the implications are. In addition, you should answer some of
these questions here: What is your policy? In what setting and where should your policy occur? Who needs to
follow it? How will people adhere to your policy? Include at least 2 plausible ideas that are described in
sufficient detail. (You will receive detailed feedback on these and will advocate for one of them in the final
paragraph of your policy paper)

1. A federal law should be instated to allow only individuals with professions that require the use of a
concealed handgun to carry them. Such individuals include law enforcement officers and certain
government officials who are professionally trained in handling guns. All American citizens would need
to adhere to this law. This means that only individuals with the qualifying profession will be allowed to
obtain a license that permits the carrying of concealed handguns. With the help of this law, guns will be
less likely to get in the wrong hands and be used for irresponsible purposes. In the end, the public will be
more safe because there is a limited amount of people carrying concealed handguns.
2. There should be an educational program on the safekeeping of handguns in the house. This educational
program would be available to all gun owners. As an incentive for gun owners to participate in the
program, a tax credit would be given to the owner after they have completed the program. The program
can be completed online at no cost to the gun owners. This program will help gun owners know the
importance of keeping a gun safely in a house so that no other person, except the gun owner, can use it.
This will help to prevent gun related accidents that occur from having guns in the house.
Please keep in mind that the purpose of the worksheet is to help develop your policy recommendation. It is expected that
many substantive modifications are made to your policy prior to policy paper submission.
How confident are you in the ability to describe this policy recommendation?

Not confident
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instructor an
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Feeling great!
Start working
on your policy

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