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BDOI Record of Key Enterprise and Risk System

Product Line Maintenance

User Guide

Document History

December 1,


Document creation

Reviewed By

Approved By

Beth Tradel

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1. Introduction..........................................................................................................4
1.1 Purpose........................................................................................................4
1.2 Audience.......................................................................................................4
2. Product Lines........................................................................................................5
2.1 Create Product Lines......................................................................................5
2.2 View Product Lines.........................................................................................7
2.3 Edit Product Lines..........................................................................................8

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1. Introduction
This document provides the users with the detailed instructions on how to operate and use the
1.1 Purpose
The user guide document presents the functions and features that are available for the
PRODUCT LINE MAINTENANCE module. This document also captures the user interface
screens based on the functionalities and features of the module. However, future changes
may still be possible based on the additional change requests that will be submitted by the
concerned units. This document has three (3) sections. These are the Creation, Viewing
and Editing of Product Lines. The section on the Creation section will provide the procedure
on how to create and indicate information pertaining to Product Lines. In the Viewing
section, user will be guided on how to search and view records that have been maintained
in the system. The Editing section will explain the procedure on how to edit or modify
information pertaining to records that have been maintained.

1.2 Audience
The documents intended audiences are the users and system administrator of the
BROKER system Product Line Maintenance

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2. Product Lines
2.1 Create Product Lines
1. In the system menu screen, go to MAINTENANCE > PRODUCT LINES.

NOTE: The system menu that will be available to the user will be based on the user
group/s where the user was included and the rights defined in each group.
2. In the Product Line List screen, click Add Product Line.

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3. In the Product Line screen, indicate the following: Product Line Code, Product Line
Name. Click Save to keep record. Otherwise, click Cancel.

NOTE: Data fields with asterisk (*) are required. By default, record is set as active.
4. In the New Product Line Confirmation screen, click Yes to confirm changes.
Otherwise, click No.

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5. In the Save Confirmation screen, click Yes to close the message.

2.2 View Product Lines

1. From the Product Line List (section 2 above) screen, the system will
display records that have been created in the system. Click on the record
description. User may filter records based on Product Code or Product
Description. User may also indicate records to be searched on the Search entry field.

NOTE: The following data columns will be displayed to the user: Code, Description,
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Status, Created By, Created Date, Updated By and Updated Date.

2. In the View Product Line screen, information regarding the Product Line will be
show. Click Back to List to go back to the Product Line List screen.

2.3 Edit Product Lines

1. From the View Product Line screen (section above) screen, click Edit.

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2. In the Edit Product Line screen, edit information. Click Save to effect changes.
Otherwise, click Cancel

3. In the Edit Product Line Confirmation screen, click Yes. Otherwise, click No

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4. In the Save Confirmation screen, click OK to close the message.

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