2-1 TD (Nov 2009 Regular)

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Code No: X0324/R07 Set No.

II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What is meant by thermodynamic equilibrium? How does it differ from ther-
mal equilibrium?
(b) A mass of gas is compressed in a quasi static process from 80 KPa 0.1 m 3 To
0.4 MPa, 0.03 m3 . Assuming that the pressure and volume are related by PV n
= Constant, find the work done by the gas system. [8+8]

2. (a) What is a perpetual motion machine of the first kind? Is it possible?

(b) The work output and heat input involved by a system in process A are 20 kJ
and 15 kJ respectively. Another process B between the same end conditions
involves a heat input of 10kJ. Determine the change in internal energy involved
and also the work done in process B. Show that if a cycle is formed using
processes A and B, the given data is consistent with the first law. [4+12]
3. (a) Define entropy and show that for an irreversible process ds > δQ/T
(b) In a certain heat exchanger, 50 Kg of water is heated per minute from 50 0 C to
1100 C by hot gases which enter the heat exchanger at 250 0 C. If the flow rate
of gases is 100 Kg/min, estimate the net change of entropy. Take C p (water)
= 4.186 KJ/Kg-K and Cp (gas) = 1.0 KJ/Kg-K. [8+8]

4. In a closed vessel the 100 kg of steam at 100 KPa, 0.5 dry is to be brought to a
pressure of 1000KPa inside the vessel. Determine the mass of dry saturated steam
admitted at 2000 KPa for raising pressure. Also determine the final quality. [16]

5. (a) Define
i. Compressibility factor Z
ii. Isothermal compressibility.
(b) 1- kg of mole of O2 undergoes a reversible non-flow isothermal compression
and volume decreases from 0.2m3 /kgto0.08m3 /kg and the initial temperature
is 600 C. The gas obeys Vander waal’s equation during the compression. Find
i. The work done during the process
ii. The final pressure.
T akea = 139250N m4 /(kg−mole)2 ; b = 0.0314m3 /kg−mole; R = 8314n−
m/kgmoleK [7+9]

6. A mixture of ideal gases consists of 3 kg of Nitrogen and 5 kg of carbon dioxide at

a pressure of 4 bar and temperature of 25 0 C .Find

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Code No: X0324/R07 Set No. 1
(a) mole fraction of each constituent
(b) equivalent molecular weight of the mixture
(c) Equivalent gas constant of the mixture
(d) Partial pressure and partial volumes
(e) volume and density of the mixture
(f) Cp &Cv of the mixture. [16]

7. (a) Discuss the use of air standard cycle analysis for the study of internal com-
bustion engines.
(b) An engine of 250 mm bore and 375 mm stroke works on Otto cycle. The
clearance volume is 0.00263m3 . The initial pressure is limited to 25 bar, find
the following: (i) The air standard efficiency of the cycle. (ii) The mean
effective pressure for the cycle. [6+10]

8. In an ammonia vapour compression system, the pressure in the evaporator is 2

bar. Ammonia at exit is 0.85 dry and at entry its dryness fraction id 0.19. During
comptression, the work done per kg of ammonia is 150kJ. Calculate the C.O.P
and volume of vapour entering the compressor per minute, if the rate of ammonia
circulation is 4.5kg/min. the latent heat and specific volume at 2 bar are 1325kJ/kg
and 0.58m3 /kg respectively. [16]


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Code No: X0324/R07 Set No. 2
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Define the term property. State the differences between extensive, intensive
and specific properties of a thermodynamic system. Give few example for
(b) A mass of 2.5 kg of air is compressed in a quasi static process from 0.1 MPa to
0.7 MPa for which PV = constant. The initial specific volume is 0.80 m 3 /kg.
Find the work done by the piston to compress the air. [8+8]

2. (a) What are the practical difficulties associated with the use of ideal gas ther-
(b) A new temperature scale in Degree N is desired with freezing point at 100 0
N and the boiling point at 4000 N. Establish a correlation between degrees
Centigrade and degrees N. What will be the absolute temperature at 0 0 N?

3. (a) State the limitations of first law of thermodynamics.

(b) What is a thermal energy reservoir?
(c) An engine operating on a Carnot cycle works with in temperature limits of
600 K and 300 K. If the engine receives 2000 KJ of heat, evaluate the work
done and thermal efficiency of the engine. [6+2+8]

4. (a) Define and explain the concept of triple point.? [6]

(b) Two boilers one with super heater and other without super heater are de-
livering equal quantities of steam into a common main. The pressure in the
boilers and main is 20 bar. The temperature of steam from a boilers with
a super heater is 3500 C and temperature of the steam in the main is 250 0 C.
Determine the quality of steam supplied by the other boiler. Take Cp(steam)
= 2.25 KJ/Kg.K [10]

5. (a) What is compressibility factor. Sketch and discuss the salient features of the
generalized compressibility chart.
(b) 1 kg of air is initially at temperature of 10 0 C. If goes through the following
processes to complete a cycle.
i. Reversible adiabatic compression until the pressure is increased to 2.5
ii. Reversible heat addition at constant pressure. The addition of heat is to
controlled that initial volume is reached.
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Code No: X0324/R07 Set No. 2
iii. Constant volume process which returns the system to initial. Represent
P=V and T-S plots and calculate foe each process the work done and heat
exchange. What would be the efficiency of the cycle? [7+9]

6. Dry bulb and wet bulb temperature of moist air are found as 29 0 C and 200 C
respectively. From the psychometric chart obtain:

(a) Humidity ratio

(b) Specific enthalpy
(c) Dew point temperature
(d) Specific volume of the mixture. [16]

7. (a) With the help of P-V diagram and T-s diagram explain Otto cycle clearly
showing the pressure during which the heat is supplied and rejected.
(b) The minimum pressure and temperature in a Otto cycle are 100 kPa and
27o C. The amount of heat added to the air per cycle is 1500 kJ/kg. (i).
Determine the pressure and temperatures at all points of air standard Otto
cycle. (ii). Calculate the specific work and thermal efficiency of the cycle for
a compression ratio of 8:1. [6+10]

8. The pressure limits of an air refrigeration system working on bell coleman cycle
is 4.3 bar aznd 1 bar. The temperature of air entering in to the compressor and
expander are −10 C. and 270 C. respectively. find

(a) COP of the cycle if the compression and expansion are isentropic.
(b) the ice making capacity in tones of ice for the air circulation through the
system is 13 kg/min and water is supplied at 0 C and ice formed at 0 0 and,
(c) piston displacement per minute for the compression and expansion [16]


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Code No: X0324/R07 Set No. 3
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Write the differences between system and control volume.

(b) A gas undergoes a reversible non-flow process according to the relation P =
(-3V+15)where V is the volume in m3 and P is the pressure in bar. Determine
the work done when the volume changes from 3 to 6 m 3 . [6+10]

2. A fluid is contained in a cylinder by a spring loaded, frictionless piston so that

the pressure in the fluid is linear function of volume (p = a+bv). The internal
energy of the fluid in kJ is given by the expression u = 32 + 3pv, where p is in kPa
and v is in m3 . The initial and final pressures are 150 KPa and 350 KPa and the
corresponding volumes are 0.02m3 and 0.05m3 . Make calculations for the direction
and magnitude of work and heat interactions. [16]

3. (a) What is the difference between the Gibbs function and the availability func-
tion? When these two functions are numerically equal?
(b) A mass of 0.25 Kg of air in a closed system expands from 2 bar and 60 0 C to 1
bar and 400 C, while receiving 1.05 KJ of heat from a reservoir at 100 0 C. The
surrounding atmosphere is at 0.95 bar and 27 0 C. Determine the maximum
useful work. [8+8]

4. (a) Describe the process of formation of steam and give its graphical representation
(b) Steam enters an engine at a pressure 10 bar absolute and 250 0 C. It is exhausted
at 0.2 bar. The steam at exhaust is 0.9 dry. Find
i. Drop in enthalpy
ii. Change in enthalpy. [7+9]

5. (a) Derive an expression for heat transfer in a non-flow constant volume process.
(b) A spherical shaped of 14 M diameter contain ’H2 ’ at 330 C and 1.3 bar. Find
the mass of ’H2 ’ in the balloon using real gas equation. [9]

6. (a) write short notes on

i. Dry bulb temperature
ii. Wet bulb temperature
iii. Dew bulb temperature
(b) A vessel contains at 1 bar and 200 C a mixture of 1 mole of CO2 and 4 moles
of air. Calculate for the mixture
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i. The mosses of CO2 , O2 andN2 and the total mass
ii. The percentage carbon content by mass
iii. Apparent molecular weight and gas constant for the mixture

7. (a) What is the simplest way by which an IC engine cycle can be analyzed? Do IC
engines operate on a thermodynamic cycle? What is the use of air standard
cycle analysis?
(b) In an working on the Diesel cycle the ratio of the weights of air and fuel sup-
plied is 50:1. The temperature of the air at the beginning of the compression
is 600 Cand the Compression ratio used is 15:1. What is the ideal efficiency of
the engine? Calorific value of fuel used is 42000kJ/kg. Assume C p = 1.004
kJ/kg K and Cv = 0.717 kJ/kg K for air. [6+10]

8. A refrigeratiojn machine using R-12 as refrigerant operates between the pressures

2.5 bar and 9 bars. The compression is isentropic and there is no under cooling
in the condenser. The vapour is in dry saturated condition at the beginning of
the compression. Estimate the theoretical co-efficient of performance. If the actual
co-efficient of performance is 0.65 of theoretical value, calculate the net cooling pro-
duced per hour. The refrigerant flow id 5kg/min. take cp for superheated vapour at
9 bar as 0.64kJ/kg K

Properties of refrigerant are: [16]

Pressure, bar Saturation Enthalpy,kJ/kg Entropy of
Temperature,0 C saturated vapour
Liquid Vapour
9.0 36 70.55 201.88 0.6836
2.5 -7 29.62 184.5 0.7001


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Code No: X0324/R07 Set No. 4
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What are different forms of work energy? Explain each briefly.
(b) Why does free expansion have zero work transfer? [10+6]

2. (a) Make an energy analysis of the steam nozzle and heat exchanger.
(b) Refrigerant vapour enters the condenser of a refrigeration plant with enthalpy
223.75 KJ/kg and leaves with enthalpy 64.6 KJ/kg. Cooling water enters at
150 C and leaves at 200 C. Calculate the mass flow rate of water per unit flow
rate of refrigerant. Take for water Cp = 4.186 KJ/Kg-K. [8+8]

3. (a) State the limitations of first law of thermodynamics.

(b) What is a thermal energy reservoir?
(c) An engine operating on a Carnot cycle works with in temperature limits of
600 K and 300 K. If the engine receives 2000 KJ of heat, evaluate the work
done and thermal efficiency of the engine. [6+2+8]

4. (a) Feed water pump is used for pumping water from 30 0 C to a pressure of 200
Kpa determine the change in enthalpy assuming water to be incompressible
and pumping to be isentropic process? [8M]
(b) A rigid vessel contains liquid vapour mixture in the ratio of 3:2 by volume
determine quality of water vapour mixture and total mass of fluid in the vessel
if the volume of vessel is 2m3 and initial temperature is150 0 C. [8M]

5. (a) 1- kg of mole of 02 undergoes a reversible non-flow isothermal compression and

volume decreases from 0.25m3 /kgto0.07m3 /kg and the initial temperature is
700 C. The gas obeys Vander waal’s equation during the compression. Find
i. The work done during the process
ii. The final pressure.
T akea = 139250N m4 /(kg−mole)2 ; b = 0.0314m3 /kg−mole; R = 8314J/kg
mole K
(b) Explain perfect gas laws. [10+6]

6. (a) The gravimetric analysis of a gaseous mixture follows C02 is15%, O2 is8%andN2 is77%.
i. The volumetric analysis
ii. Molecular weight.
iii. The gas constant for the mixture.
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(b) Air has dry bulb temperature 270 C and wet bulb temperature of 20 0 C .The
barometer reads 1 bar, calculate
i. The humidity ratio
ii. The relative humidity
iii. Dew point temperature
iv. The enthalpy of the mixture per kg of dry air. [8+8]

7. (a) Discuss the use of air standard cycle analysis for the study of internal com-
bustion engines.
(b) An engine of 250 mm bore and 375 mm stroke works on Otto cycle. The
clearance volume is 0.00263m3 . The initial pressure is limited to 25 bar, find
the following: (i) The air standard efficiency of the cycle. (ii) The mean
effective pressure for the cycle. [6+10]

8. (a) Write the differences between refrigerator and heat pump? Deribe the COP
for both of them?
(b) The capacity of refrigerator is 280 tons. Determine the quantity of icec pro-
duced at 00 C with in 24 hours when water is supplied at a temperature of
200 C. [8+8]


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