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Gate Mitra Mock Test 2

Conducted on 24 and 25 Jan 2016

GateMitra Mock Test 2

Aptitude and General English
Questions 1-5 carry one Mark Each
Question 1

A progressive sequence is as shown. The first number of the sequence is 1. The

160th number of the sequence is
1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, ................
Question 2

Let and be two non-negative integers such that + + = 6. Then the

number of ordered solutions (a, b) to the above equation is
(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 0

Question 3

The bottle was full ____ fruit juice so they filled their glasses ___ it.
(A) of and with
(B) with and from
(C) with and with
(D) with and of
Question 4

Choose the most suitable one word substitute for the following:
The state or property of being near in space or time
(A) Fallible
(B) Reverence
(C) Proximity

(D) Perturb

Question 5

The word which means the opposite of DEBUNK is

(A) Promise

(B) Uphold

(C) Simplify

(D) Expose

Questions 6-10 carry two marks each

Question 6

Let be any odd positive integer. Ram writes the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 , 2 on the
blackboard. Then he randomly picks any two numbers , from the list erases them

Gate Mitra Mock Test 2

Conducted on 24 and 25 Jan 2016

and writes | | in place of either or . He continues this procedure until a

single number remains. The last number will be
(A) Odd

(B) Even

(C) Depends on value of

(D) Multiple of 3

Question 7

In a certain laboratory, chemicals are identified by a color-coding system. There are

20 different chemicals. Each one is coded with either a single color or a unique twocolor pair. If the order of colors in the pairs doesn't matter, what is the minimum
number of different colors needed to code all 20 chemicals with either a single color
or a unique pair of colors?
(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 7
(D) 20
Question 8

In the figure shown below the value of a (in cm) is _______

3 cm
3 cm

Question 9

A brochure for City X highlights the reasons why residents should move there rather
than to other cities in the state. One reason that the brochure mentions is the
relative ease of finding a job in City X, where the unemployment rate is 4.7%.
Which of the following statements, if true, casts the most doubt on the validity of
the reason to move to City X mentioned above?
(A) Most of the jobs in City X are hourly rather than salary jobs.
(B) The state where City X is located has an average unemployment rate of 3.9%.
(C) Other reasons to move to City X include the school system and easy access to
recreational activities.
(D) City Y, located in the same state as City X, recently built a new factory that will
employ 5,000 workers.

Gate Mitra Mock Test 2

Conducted on 24 and 25 Jan 2016

Question 10

In the sentence below choose an option which corrects the underlined portion of
the sentence. Option (D) is the original choice and represents no change in the
In the past few months, there has been extensive dispute over if fare hikes should
be a first or last recourse in improving the transit system.
(A) about if fare hikes is a first or last recourse
(B) about hiking fares being first or last recourses
(C) over whether fare hikes should be a first or last recourse
(D) over if fare hikes should be a first or last Recourse

Gate Mitra Mock Test 2

Conducted on 24 and 25 Jan 2016

Technical Questions
Questions 1-25 carry one Mark Each
Question 1

The result of convolving sin(t) /t with itself is

(A) sin(t) /t

(B) cos(t) /t

(C) sin()/t 2
(D) sin() /t 2 + cos() /t 2
Where M and N are constants.
Question 2

The convolution of () and ()(1 ) is

(A) ( 1)()
(B) (1 )[() ( 1)] + ( 1) ( 1)
(C) ( 1) ()
(D) None of the above
Question 3

In the circuit shown below the network inside the box consists of R, L, and/or C.
The network is excited by = sin() and current is measured to be =
sin( + ) where 0 < < /2 . On the basis of given data which of these
following statements regarding the RLC network is/are true?

RLC network can be series RL

RLC network can be series RC
RLC network can be series RLC with >
RLC network can be series RLC with <

(A) 3 only

(B) 4 only

(C) 1 and 3 only

(D) 2 and 4 only

Gate Mitra Mock Test 2

Conducted on 24 and 25 Jan 2016

Question 4

The number of non-zero components in the Discrete Fourier transform of


cos (

) is ______

Question 5

In the circuit shown below, the turns ratio 2 : 1 of the transformer for maximum
power to be transferred to the load 400 + 400 is _____________

Question 6

The box consists of only independent sources (voltage and current) and resistive
network. It is known that at = 0 current through the capacitor is 1 while at
steady state the Voltage across it is 10. The time constant of the given network
in is ______

Question 7

The minimum value of I0 that ensures transistor goes out of saturation region is

Gate Mitra Mock Test 2

Conducted on 24 and 25 Jan 2016

(A) 50

(B) 70

(C) 100

(D) 90

Question 8

Among the following process steps, which of the following is not a high
temperature process
(A) Diffusion

(B) Oxidation

(C) Lithography

(D) Ion Implantation

Question 9

The energy band diagram could represent a:

(A) p+n reverse biased diode

(B) pn+ reverse biased diode

(C) pn+ forward biased diode

(D) p+n forward biased diode

Question 10

Assuming tends to infinity and VT to be 25mV, the value of

below is

for the circuit shown

Gate Mitra Mock Test 2

Conducted on 24 and 25 Jan 2016

Question 11

What type of feedback does the circuit represent?

(A) Shunt-Shunt

(B) Shunt-Series

(C) Series-Shunt

(D) Series-Series

Question 12

A rectangular waveguide filled with air has dimensions a=2 cm, b= 1cm. The ratio
of velocity of energy flow in the fundamental mode to the velocity of light is____
Question 13

Consider an infinite length transmission line with characteristic impedance 50 ohms

and propagation constant ( = 2 + 1) excited with source = 5 cos(1010 )
volts. The voltage on the line at = 1 and = 1 is _____ V
Question 14

The number of input combinations which differentiates F(A,B,C) and G(A,B,C) are

Gate Mitra Mock Test 2

Conducted on 24 and 25 Jan 2016


(A) 3

(B) 4

(C) 2

(D) 5

Question 15

Which of the following input combinations to 4X1 MUX can implement Boolean

(A) X= C , Y=C, W=0, Z=1

(B) X= C, Y=C, W=1, Z=0
(C) X= C, Y=C, W=A, Z=A
(D) X= C, Y=C, W=A, Z=C
Question 16

The minimum number of 2 input NAND gates required to implement half adder
Question 17

Consider a system with characteristic equation 3 + 1040 2 + 48500 +

400000 = 0. The frequency at which sustained oscillations occur is ___________
Question 18

If a control system has a pole at s = -a and zero at s = -b (a>b), then it is a

(A) PD controller (B) Lead compensator (C) Lag compensator (D) Lead lag

Gate Mitra Mock Test 2

Conducted on 24 and 25 Jan 2016

Question 19

In a superheterodyne receiver mixer translates the carrier frequency fc to fixed

frequency IF of 455 kHz by using local oscillator of frequency fLO. The broadcast band
frequencies range from 540 to 1600kKz. Determine the range of tuning that must
be provided in the local oscillator.
(A) 85-1145 kHz

(B) 995-2055 kHz (C) 85-2055 kHz

(D) none

Question 20

Number of encirclements of a closed loop stable system with minimum phase

transfer function L(s) around the (-1, j0) point in L(s) plane is
(A) Infinite (B) 1 (C) 0

(D) Depends on transfer function of the system

Question 21

A carrier is simultaneously modulated by two sine waves with modulation indices

of 0.3 and 0.4, the total modulation index is ______
Question 22

If A is an m x n matrix and B is an n x m matrix and n < m, then AB is

(A) always invertible
(B) always not invertible
(C) depends on entries of A and B
(D) has rank n
Question 23

If A is an m x n matrix and B is an n x m matrix and n < m, then AB is

(A) always invertible
(B) always not invertible
(C) depends on entries of A and B
(D) has rank n
Question 24

() = __________

Gate Mitra Mock Test 2

Conducted on 24 and 25 Jan 2016




(D) 1


Question 25

In the circuit shown below the turns ratio 2 : 1 of the transformer is 1: 2. The
power supplied by the source of 1000 to 60 resistor is _________ W


Question 26

The Fourier transform of a signal () is given by

() = 2 (/)
Where (/) = 1 for /2 < < /2
= 0 otherwise
The value of (0) is _______
Question 27

The vector = [ ] is left multiplied by the matrix

= [

Let denote the product of R and . DFT of is

(A) ( ) ( [ ])
(B)( ) ( )
(C) ( ) + ( [ ])
(D) None
Question 28

Identify the bode plot of the voltage gain of the following circuit:

Gate Mitra Mock Test 2

Conducted on 24 and 25 Jan 2016





Question 29

In the given circuit 1 = 2 = 3 = 4, and 4 = 2. The voltage across the

nonlinear device follows the square law. Given = 1, the power dissipated by the
resistor 4 is _______W.

Gate Mitra Mock Test 2

Conducted on 24 and 25 Jan 2016

Question 30

A real and casual signal () has Fourier transform () that satisfies

{()} = 2|| ||

The value of (1) is _______

Question 31

In the circuit shown below the resistance = 1 and inductor = 1. The

ratio of total energy delivered by the load to the energy stored by the inductor at
time = 10 is _______ 106


Question 32

The DC current required for the circuit to have a 3dB Bandwidth of 10 from
to is ______ . (Given =25 mV)

Gate Mitra Mock Test 2

Conducted on 24 and 25 Jan 2016

Question 33

In the new Op-amp configuration shown, the value of V0 is ____Volts

Question 34

The of a n-p-n transistor is estimated to be 200 considering only the effect of

and assuming = 1. On the other hand considering only the effect of and
assuming = 1, the of the same transistor is found to be 100. What is the actual
of the transistor if both and are taken into account?
( is the base transport factor and is the emitter injection efficiency)
Question 35

An Aluminum gate MOS Capacitor with gate length of 5 and

= 4 is made on

p type silicon substrate with = 1016 /3 and 2 thickness is 30 nm.

Calculate =_______ fF

Gate Mitra Mock Test 2

Conducted on 24 and 25 Jan 2016

Question 36

The RMS Value of current I0 ______mA. The cut in voltage of the diode is 0.7 Volts.

Question 37

Find the value of I0 .. mA. (Given Vth=25mV)

Question 38

The Electric field variation with distance of a silicon p-n diode is as shown.

The magnitude of peak electric field is 200 kV/cm. The value of Xn is 0.07 A and
Xp is 0.01 A. (Given: for silicon is 12)
The value of log10 is .. ( is in cm-3)

Gate Mitra Mock Test 2

Conducted on 24 and 25 Jan 2016

Question 39

A capacitor is designed with five regions with relative permittivities as shown. The
electric field (V/m) in region B and charge density (C/2 ) on plate above region C
are ____
(Calculate the above in the regions far away from the interface of A,B and C,D,E)

(A) 5/6, 4 o

(B) 6/5, 2 o

(C) 1/3, 9 o

(D)3, 6 o

Question 40

A circularly conducting loop of radius 1cm and internal resistance 50 ohm is kept in
a time varying magnetic field as shown. The current in the circuit at t=1sec is ____A
(Given = 5 /2 )



Question 41

Consider an EM wave with = 5cos( ) V/m normally incident on a

perfect conductor as shown in the given figure. The impedance of the wave at z= /2 is ..ohms

Gate Mitra Mock Test 2

Conducted on 24 and 25 Jan 2016

Question 42

The counter shown is a 3 bit shift register initialized to 000. The state(s) which
counter doesnt go through is/are
(A) 111 and 010

(B) 111 only

(C) 001 only

(D) 010 and 001

Question 43

The above circuit is implemented with TTL gates. If the input C is left floating then
the function F is
(A) 0

(B) AB

(C) AB

(D) cant say

Gate Mitra Mock Test 2

Conducted on 24 and 25 Jan 2016

Question 44

The Unit Step response first peaks at 1.57seconds after a certain time for the unity
feedback system with open loop transfer function () =


The value of K is _________________

Question 45

Let the transfer function of a system be



. Then the system is

2 +2+1

(A) Both Controllable and Observable

(B) Controllable and Unobservable
(C) Either Controllable or Observable
(D) Neither Controllable nor Observable
Question 46

Break away point of root locus equation 1+

(A) -0.423

(B) -1.577


(C) both A and B

=0 is at s = _________.
(D) 0.423

Question 47

Executing the following code in 8085 microprocessor, the content of AL register is



(A) 83H
(C) 82H

MVI A, 70H
MVI B, 02H
JP Next
JNZ Start
(B) 81H
(D) AL keeps on changing as program doesnt terminate

Question 48

DSB modulated signal () = 0.1()(4000) is multiplied with () =

(4000 + 4)and is passed through a LPF with bandwidth equal to
message bandwidth. Message has a power of 2mW. What is the power of the
signal at the output of the LPF _________ W

Gate Mitra Mock Test 2

Conducted on 24 and 25 Jan 2016

Question 49

S(t) is a rectangular pulse of width 5sec and amplitude 1V. Find the maximum
amplitude of the output from matched filter in ______ V
Question 50

Six cups and saucers come in pairs: there are two cups and saucers which are red,
two which are white and two black. If cups are placed randomly onto the saucers
(one each), what is the probability that no cup is upon a saucer of same color _____
Question 51

If = log( 3 + 3 + 3 3) then

+ ) = ___________
( +

at = 3, = 2, and = 1
Question 52

The experimental setup for hall-effect is shown below

Given Width=0.1mm, thickness=10 and length=5mm, = 1015 /3, =

1016 /3 .
For B=104 Wb/cm2 and a current of 1 mA Find the value of ____Volts
Question 53

A binary receiver system receives bit rate of 1Mbps. The waveform amplitude is
5mV and noise power spectral density is 0.5*10-11 W/Hz. The average bit error
probability if the modulation schemes ASK and BPSK.

Gate Mitra Mock Test 2

Conducted on 24 and 25 Jan 2016


Q(2.24), Q(2.24)
Q(2.24), Q(1.58)
Q(1.58), Q(2.24)
Q(1.58), Q(1.58)

Question 54

The electric field in lossy medium is given by = 5 0.2 cos( ) V/m where
intrinsic impedance of the medium is 2 30o ohms. The average power density of
the wave at = 1 is.W/m2
Question 55

Residue of () = (1)4(2)(3) at it's pole z=1 is _______

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